HW7: Comparing MNB & SVM with Kaggle Sentiment Data





Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB)
Support Vector Machines (SVM)


Unigrams, Bigrams
Min & Max df


Vadar + TextBlob


In [11]:
## =======================================================
## =======================================================
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize

## =======================================================
## =======================================================
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

unigram_bool_cv_v1 = CountVectorizer(encoding='latin-1', binary=True, min_df=5, stop_words='english')
unigram_bool_cv_v2 = CountVectorizer(encoding='latin-1', binary=True, min_df=5, stop_words='english', 
                                     token_pattern=r'(?u)\b[a-zA-Z]{2,}\b' )

unigram_cv = CountVectorizer(encoding='latin-1', binary=False, min_df=5, stop_words='english', 
                             token_pattern=r'(?u)\b[a-zA-Z]{2,}\b' )

bigram_cv = CountVectorizer(encoding='latin-1', ngram_range=(1,2), min_df=5, stop_words='english')
bigram_cv_v2 = CountVectorizer(encoding='latin-1', ngram_range=(1,2), min_df=5, stop_words='english', 

unigram_tv = TfidfVectorizer(encoding='latin-1', use_idf=True, min_df=5, stop_words='english')
unigram_tv_v2 = TfidfVectorizer(encoding='latin-1', use_idf=True, min_df=5, stop_words='english', 

bigram_tv = TfidfVectorizer(encoding='latin-1', use_idf=True, ngram_range=(1,2), min_df=5, stop_words='english')
bigram_tv_v2 = TfidfVectorizer(encoding='latin-1', use_idf=True, ngram_range=(1,2), min_df=5, stop_words='english', 

## =======================================================
## =======================================================
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn.naive_bayes import BernoulliNB, MultinomialNB

mnb = MultinomialNB()
svm = LinearSVC(C=1)

def get_test_train_vec(X,y,vectorizer):
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.4, random_state=0)
    X_train_vec = vectorizer.fit_transform(X_train)
    X_test_vec = vectorizer.transform(X_test)
    return X_train_vec, X_test_vec, y_train, y_test

def run_classifier(X_train_vec, X_test_vec, y_train, y_test, labels, target_names, classifier):
    clf = classifier
    y_pred = clf.predict(X_test_vec)
    report = classification_report(y_test, y_pred, target_names=target_names,output_dict=True)
    score = clf.score(X_test_vec,y_test)
    return clf, score, report
def get_model(X, y, labels, target_names, classifier, vec):
    X_train_vec, X_test_vec, y_train, y_test = get_test_train_vec(X,y,vec)
    model, score, report = run_classifier(X_train_vec, X_test_vec, y_train, y_test, labels, target_names, classifier)
    return model, score, report
## =======================================================
## =======================================================
from tabulate import tabulate
import pandas as pd

def return_features(vec, model):
    for i,feature_probability in enumerate(model.coef_):
        print('============ Sentiment Score: ', i)
        df1 = pd.DataFrame(sorted(zip(feature_probability, vec.get_feature_names()))[:10])
        df2 = pd.DataFrame(sorted(zip(feature_probability, vec.get_feature_names()))[-10:])
        df3 = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=1)
        print(tabulate(df3, tablefmt="fancy_grid", headers=["Most","Likely","Least","Likely"], floatfmt=".2f"))

def update_big_df(big_df, new_row):
    df = pd.DataFrame(big_df)
    df = df.drop_duplicates()
    return df


In [13]:
# import pandas as pd
# train=pd.read_csv("kaggle-sentiment/train.tsv", delimiter='\t')
# y=train['Sentiment'].values
# X=train['Phrase'].values

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('../death_row_discritized.csv')

def to_string(tokens):
        return " ".join(eval(tokens))
        return "error"
df['statement_string'] = df.apply(lambda x: to_string(x['last_statement']), axis=1)


TEST 1 -- MNB & SVM with Vectorizer 1

In [14]:
big_df = []
In [21]:
vec = unigram_bool_cv_v1
classifier = mnb

model, score, report = get_model(X,y,['yes', 'no'],['yes', 'no'], classifier, vec)
return_features(vec, model)

df = update_big_df(big_df,{ 'classifier': 'mnb', 'vectorizer': 'V1', 'score': score})
============ Sentiment Score:  0
│    │   Most │ Likely    │   Least │ Likely               │
│  0 │  -7.32 │ ahead     │   -4.49 │ yes                  │
│  1 │  -7.32 │ allowed   │   -4.43 │ god                  │
│  2 │  -7.32 │ anger     │   -4.43 │ warden               │
│  3 │  -7.32 │ asked     │   -4.38 │ lord                 │
│  4 │  -7.32 │ away      │   -4.38 │ want                 │
│  5 │  -7.32 │ big       │   -4.28 │ family               │
│  6 │  -7.32 │ chance    │   -4.28 │ know                 │
│  7 │  -7.32 │ committed │   -3.71 │ love                 │
│  8 │  -7.32 │ david     │   -3.47 │ pronoun              │
│  9 │  -7.32 │ gon       │   -3.43 │ first_person_pronoun │
classifier vectorizer score
0 mnb V1 0.775330
1 svm V1 0.731278
In [22]:
vec = unigram_bool_cv_v1
classifier = svm

model, score, report = get_model(X,y,['yes','no'],['yes','no'], classifier, vec)
return_features(vec, model)

df = update_big_df(big_df,{ 'classifier': 'svm', 'vectorizer': 'V1', 'score': score})
============ Sentiment Score:  0
│    │   Most │ Likely    │   Least │ Likely     │
│  0 │  -0.98 │ didnt     │    0.64 │ alright    │
│  1 │  -0.83 │ shown     │    0.66 │ ms         │
│  2 │  -0.80 │ kids      │    0.71 │ supporters │
│  3 │  -0.62 │ aint      │    0.78 │ long       │
│  4 │  -0.62 │ really    │    0.82 │ said       │
│  5 │  -0.61 │ tell      │    0.83 │ doing      │
│  6 │  -0.59 │ mr        │    0.85 │ sins       │
│  7 │  -0.57 │ goodbye   │    0.91 │ bad        │
│  8 │  -0.57 │ state     │    1.02 │ taken      │
│  9 │  -0.56 │ situation │    1.15 │ blessing   │
classifier vectorizer score
0 mnb V1 0.775330
1 svm V1 0.731278

NOTES: Very interesting!! MNB is very cluttered with numbers. SVM is not.

TEST 2 -- MNB & SVM with Vectorizer 2

In [23]:
vec = unigram_bool_cv_v2
classifier = mnb

model, score, report = get_model(X,y,['yes','no'],['yes','no'], classifier, vec)
return_features(vec, model)

df = update_big_df(big_df,{ 'classifier': 'mnb', 'vectorizer': 'V2', 'score': score})
============ Sentiment Score:  0
│    │   Most │ Likely    │   Least │ Likely   │
│  0 │  -7.29 │ ahead     │   -4.46 │ thank    │
│  1 │  -7.29 │ allowed   │   -4.46 │ yes      │
│  2 │  -7.29 │ anger     │   -4.40 │ god      │
│  3 │  -7.29 │ asked     │   -4.40 │ warden   │
│  4 │  -7.29 │ away      │   -4.35 │ lord     │
│  5 │  -7.29 │ big       │   -4.35 │ want     │
│  6 │  -7.29 │ chance    │   -4.25 │ family   │
│  7 │  -7.29 │ committed │   -4.25 │ know     │
│  8 │  -7.29 │ david     │   -3.68 │ love     │
│  9 │  -7.29 │ gon       │   -3.44 │ pronoun  │
classifier vectorizer score
0 mnb V1 0.775330
1 svm V1 0.731278
4 mnb V2 0.770925
In [24]:
vec = unigram_bool_cv_v2
classifier = svm

model, score, report = get_model(X,y,['yes','no'],['yes','no'], classifier, vec)
return_features(vec, model)

df = update_big_df(big_df,{ 'classifier': 'svm', 'vectorizer': 'V2', 'score': score})
============ Sentiment Score:  0
│    │   Most │ Likely   │   Least │ Likely     │
│  0 │  -0.99 │ didnt    │    0.66 │ ms         │
│  1 │  -0.84 │ shown    │    0.66 │ alright    │
│  2 │  -0.80 │ kids     │    0.71 │ long       │
│  3 │  -0.63 │ really   │    0.71 │ supporters │
│  4 │  -0.63 │ real     │    0.81 │ said       │
│  5 │  -0.61 │ tell     │    0.88 │ sins       │
│  6 │  -0.58 │ state    │    0.93 │ doing      │
│  7 │  -0.57 │ texas    │    0.94 │ bad        │
│  8 │  -0.57 │ aint     │    1.01 │ taken      │
│  9 │  -0.56 │ soon     │    1.14 │ blessing   │
classifier vectorizer score
0 mnb V1 0.775330
1 svm V1 0.731278
4 mnb V2 0.770925
5 svm V2 0.731278

TEST 3 -- MNB & SVM with Vectorizer 3

In [25]:
vec = unigram_cv
classifier = mnb

model, score, report = get_model(X,y,['yes','no'],['yes','no'], classifier, vec)
return_features(vec, model)

df = update_big_df(big_df,{ 'classifier': 'mnb', 'vectorizer': 'V3', 'score': score})
============ Sentiment Score:  0
│    │   Most │ Likely    │   Least │ Likely   │
│  0 │  -7.80 │ ahead     │   -4.43 │ god      │
│  1 │  -7.80 │ allowed   │   -4.43 │ like     │
│  2 │  -7.80 │ anger     │   -4.36 │ lord     │
│  3 │  -7.80 │ asked     │   -4.16 │ thank    │
│  4 │  -7.80 │ away      │   -4.11 │ family   │
│  5 │  -7.80 │ big       │   -4.06 │ sorry    │
│  6 │  -7.80 │ chance    │   -4.04 │ want     │
│  7 │  -7.80 │ committed │   -3.74 │ know     │
│  8 │  -7.80 │ david     │   -3.13 │ love     │
│  9 │  -7.80 │ gon       │   -1.75 │ pronoun  │
classifier vectorizer score
0 mnb V1 0.775330
1 svm V1 0.731278
4 mnb V2 0.770925
5 svm V2 0.731278
6 mnb V3 0.753304
In [26]:
vec = unigram_cv
classifier = svm

model, score, report = get_model(X,y,['yes','no'],['yes','no'], classifier, vec)
return_features(vec, model)

df = update_big_df(big_df,{ 'classifier': 'svm', 'vectorizer': 'V3', 'score': score})
============ Sentiment Score:  0
│    │   Most │ Likely   │   Least │ Likely     │
│  0 │  -0.77 │ didnt    │    0.63 │ happening  │
│  1 │  -0.77 │ state    │    0.64 │ said       │
│  2 │  -0.72 │ shown    │    0.65 │ especially │
│  3 │  -0.64 │ wanted   │    0.71 │ supporters │
│  4 │  -0.54 │ kids     │    0.72 │ comfort    │
│  5 │  -0.54 │ youre    │    0.75 │ killing    │
│  6 │  -0.53 │ need     │    0.85 │ taken      │
│  7 │  -0.52 │ thanks   │    0.97 │ sins       │
│  8 │  -0.52 │ looking  │    1.06 │ doing      │
│  9 │  -0.48 │ mercy    │    1.13 │ blessing   │
classifier vectorizer score
0 mnb V1 0.775330
1 svm V1 0.731278
4 mnb V2 0.770925
5 svm V2 0.731278
6 mnb V3 0.753304
7 svm V3 0.744493

TEST 4 -- MNB & SVM with Vectorizer 4

In [27]:
vec = bigram_cv
classifier = mnb

model, score, report = get_model(X,y,['yes','no'],['yes','no'], classifier, vec)
return_features(vec, model)
df = update_big_df(big_df,{ 'classifier': 'mnb', 'vectorizer': 'V4', 'score': score})

classifier = svm

model, score, report = get_model(X,y,['yes','no'],['yes','no'], classifier, vec)
return_features(vec, model)
df = update_big_df(big_df,{ 'classifier': 'svm', 'vectorizer': 'V4', 'score': score})
============ Sentiment Score:  0
│    │   Most │ Likely                  │   Least │ Likely                                    │
│  0 │  -8.51 │ ah first_person_pronoun │   -4.78 │ sorry                                     │
│  1 │  -8.51 │ ahead                   │   -4.75 │ want                                      │
│  2 │  -8.51 │ allowed                 │   -4.66 │ first_person_pronoun first_person_pronoun │
│  3 │  -8.51 │ anger                   │   -4.45 │ know                                      │
│  4 │  -8.51 │ asked                   │   -4.21 │ pronoun first_person_pronoun              │
│  5 │  -8.51 │ away                    │   -4.20 │ love pronoun                              │
│  6 │  -8.51 │ big                     │   -4.06 │ first_person_pronoun love                 │
│  7 │  -8.51 │ chance                  │   -3.84 │ love                                      │
│  8 │  -8.51 │ committed               │   -2.46 │ pronoun                                   │
│  9 │  -8.51 │ david                   │   -1.91 │ first_person_pronoun                      │
============ Sentiment Score:  0
│    │   Most │ Likely                     │   Least │ Likely                       │
│  0 │  -0.79 │ soon                       │    0.38 │ friends first_person_pronoun │
│  1 │  -0.58 │ ready warden               │    0.38 │ forgiven                     │
│  2 │  -0.50 │ ready home                 │    0.40 │ way first_person_pronoun     │
│  3 │  -0.42 │ like tell                  │    0.43 │ taken                        │
│  4 │  -0.41 │ sir first_person_pronoun   │    0.44 │ ready                        │
│  5 │  -0.39 │ first_person_pronoun ready │    0.48 │ doing                        │
│  6 │  -0.37 │ say pronoun                │    0.49 │ support first_person_pronoun │
│  7 │  -0.35 │ want pronoun               │    0.61 │ yes first_person_pronoun     │
│  8 │  -0.35 │ want thank                 │    0.75 │ yall pronoun                 │
│  9 │  -0.33 │ tell                       │    0.93 │ blessing                     │
/Users/danielcaraway/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/svm/base.py:929: ConvergenceWarning: Liblinear failed to converge, increase the number of iterations.
  "the number of iterations.", ConvergenceWarning)
classifier vectorizer score
0 mnb V1 0.775330
1 svm V1 0.731278
4 mnb V2 0.770925
5 svm V2 0.731278
6 mnb V3 0.753304
7 svm V3 0.744493
8 mnb V4 0.744493
9 svm V4 0.722467
In [28]:
classifier vectorizer score
0 mnb V1 0.775330
1 svm V1 0.731278
4 mnb V2 0.770925
5 svm V2 0.731278
6 mnb V3 0.753304
7 svm V3 0.744493
8 mnb V4 0.744493
9 svm V4 0.722467

TEST 5 -- MNB & SVM with Vectorizer 5

In [29]:
vec = bigram_cv_v2
classifier = mnb

model, score, report = get_model(X,y,['yes','no'],['yes','no'], classifier, vec)
return_features(vec, model)
df = update_big_df(big_df,{ 'classifier': 'mnb', 'vectorizer': 'V5', 'score': score})

classifier = svm

model, score, report = get_model(X,y,['yes','no'],['yes','no'], classifier, vec)
return_features(vec, model)
df = update_big_df(big_df,{ 'classifier': 'svm', 'vectorizer': 'V5', 'score': score})
============ Sentiment Score:  0
│    │   Most │ Likely     │   Least │ Likely          │
│  0 │  -8.11 │ ahead      │   -4.67 │ lord            │
│  1 │  -8.11 │ allowed    │   -4.47 │ thank           │
│  2 │  -8.11 │ anger      │   -4.44 │ pronoun pronoun │
│  3 │  -8.11 │ asked      │   -4.42 │ family          │
│  4 │  -8.11 │ away       │   -4.37 │ sorry           │
│  5 │  -8.11 │ big        │   -4.35 │ want            │
│  6 │  -8.11 │ chance     │   -4.05 │ know            │
│  7 │  -8.11 │ committed  │   -3.79 │ love pronoun    │
│  8 │  -8.11 │ david      │   -3.43 │ love            │
│  9 │  -8.11 │ didnt kill │   -2.06 │ pronoun         │
============ Sentiment Score:  0
│    │   Most │ Likely       │   Least │ Likely          │
│  0 │  -0.78 │ soon         │    0.46 │ want tell       │
│  1 │  -0.65 │ ready warden │    0.47 │ taken           │
│  2 │  -0.63 │ aint         │    0.49 │ killing         │
│  3 │  -0.55 │ ready home   │    0.49 │ support pronoun │
│  4 │  -0.48 │ like tell    │    0.52 │ supporters      │
│  5 │  -0.43 │ want pronoun │    0.56 │ doing           │
│  6 │  -0.42 │ kids         │    0.66 │ sins            │
│  7 │  -0.41 │ tell         │    0.67 │ yes             │
│  8 │  -0.39 │ didnt        │    0.77 │ yall pronoun    │
│  9 │  -0.39 │ words        │    1.00 │ blessing        │
In [30]:
classifier vectorizer score
0 mnb V1 0.775330
1 svm V1 0.731278
4 mnb V2 0.770925
5 svm V2 0.731278
6 mnb V3 0.753304
7 svm V3 0.744493
8 mnb V4 0.744493
9 svm V4 0.722467
10 mnb V5 0.766520
11 svm V5 0.696035

TEST 6 -- MNB & SVM with Vectorizer 6

In [31]:
vec = unigram_tv
classifier = mnb

model, score, report = get_model(X,y,['yes','no'],['yes','no'], classifier, vec)
return_features(vec, model)
df = update_big_df(big_df,{ 'classifier': 'mnb', 'vectorizer': 'V6', 'score': score})

classifier = svm

model, score, report = get_model(X,y,['yes','no'],['yes','no'], classifier, vec)
return_features(vec, model)
df = update_big_df(big_df,{ 'classifier': 'svm', 'vectorizer': 'V6', 'score': score})
============ Sentiment Score:  0
│    │   Most │ Likely    │   Least │ Likely               │
│  0 │  -6.21 │ ahead     │   -4.90 │ yall                 │
│  1 │  -6.21 │ allowed   │   -4.90 │ ready                │
│  2 │  -6.21 │ anger     │   -4.89 │ yes                  │
│  3 │  -6.21 │ asked     │   -4.87 │ know                 │
│  4 │  -6.21 │ away      │   -4.87 │ sorry                │
│  5 │  -6.21 │ big       │   -4.86 │ thank                │
│  6 │  -6.21 │ chance    │   -4.81 │ im                   │
│  7 │  -6.21 │ committed │   -4.40 │ love                 │
│  8 │  -6.21 │ david     │   -3.43 │ pronoun              │
│  9 │  -6.21 │ gon       │   -3.00 │ first_person_pronoun │
============ Sentiment Score:  0
│    │   Most │ Likely   │   Least │ Likely     │
│  0 │  -1.08 │ tell     │    0.81 │ forgiven   │
│  1 │  -0.94 │ family   │    0.82 │ okay       │
│  2 │  -0.82 │ shown    │    0.83 │ doing      │
│  3 │  -0.80 │ wanted   │    0.87 │ killing    │
│  4 │  -0.70 │ didnt    │    0.88 │ supporters │
│  5 │  -0.68 │ sir      │    0.94 │ said       │
│  6 │  -0.66 │ going    │    0.96 │ long       │
│  7 │  -0.66 │ help     │    1.04 │ yes        │
│  8 │  -0.64 │ need     │    1.21 │ sins       │
│  9 │  -0.64 │ kids     │    1.40 │ blessing   │
/Users/danielcaraway/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/classification.py:1437: UndefinedMetricWarning: Precision and F-score are ill-defined and being set to 0.0 in labels with no predicted samples.
  'precision', 'predicted', average, warn_for)
In [32]:
classifier vectorizer score
0 mnb V1 0.775330
1 svm V1 0.731278
4 mnb V2 0.770925
5 svm V2 0.731278
6 mnb V3 0.753304
7 svm V3 0.744493
8 mnb V4 0.744493
9 svm V4 0.722467
10 mnb V5 0.766520
11 svm V5 0.696035
12 mnb V6 0.797357
13 svm V6 0.788546

TEST 7 -- MNB & SVM with Vectorizer 7

In [33]:
vec = unigram_tv_v2
classifier = mnb

model, score, report = get_model(X,y,['yes','no'],['yes','no'], classifier, vec)
return_features(vec, model)
df = update_big_df(big_df,{ 'classifier': 'mnb', 'vectorizer': 'V7', 'score': score})

classifier = svm

model, score, report = get_model(X,y,['yes','no'],['yes','no'], classifier, vec)
return_features(vec, model)
df = update_big_df(big_df,{ 'classifier': 'svm', 'vectorizer': 'V7', 'score': score})
============ Sentiment Score:  0
│    │   Most │ Likely    │   Least │ Likely   │
│  0 │  -6.22 │ ahead     │   -4.91 │ want     │
│  1 │  -6.22 │ allowed   │   -4.86 │ ready    │
│  2 │  -6.22 │ anger     │   -4.84 │ yall     │
│  3 │  -6.22 │ asked     │   -4.83 │ yes      │
│  4 │  -6.22 │ away      │   -4.78 │ im       │
│  5 │  -6.22 │ big       │   -4.77 │ thank    │
│  6 │  -6.22 │ chance    │   -4.77 │ know     │
│  7 │  -6.22 │ committed │   -4.73 │ sorry    │
│  8 │  -6.22 │ david     │   -4.26 │ love     │
│  9 │  -6.22 │ gon       │   -3.28 │ pronoun  │
============ Sentiment Score:  0
│    │   Most │ Likely   │   Least │ Likely     │
│  0 │  -1.06 │ tell     │    0.84 │ alright    │
│  1 │  -0.89 │ wanted   │    0.86 │ doing      │
│  2 │  -0.86 │ shown    │    0.88 │ okay       │
│  3 │  -0.82 │ family   │    0.89 │ supporters │
│  4 │  -0.72 │ sir      │    0.94 │ killing    │
│  5 │  -0.71 │ didnt    │    0.96 │ said       │
│  6 │  -0.69 │ need     │    0.98 │ long       │
│  7 │  -0.69 │ going    │    1.03 │ yes        │
│  8 │  -0.67 │ hope     │    1.23 │ sins       │
│  9 │  -0.65 │ help     │    1.42 │ blessing   │
/Users/danielcaraway/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/classification.py:1437: UndefinedMetricWarning: Precision and F-score are ill-defined and being set to 0.0 in labels with no predicted samples.
  'precision', 'predicted', average, warn_for)
In [34]:
classifier vectorizer score
0 mnb V1 0.775330
1 svm V1 0.731278
4 mnb V2 0.770925
5 svm V2 0.731278
6 mnb V3 0.753304
7 svm V3 0.744493
8 mnb V4 0.744493
9 svm V4 0.722467
10 mnb V5 0.766520
11 svm V5 0.696035
12 mnb V6 0.797357
13 svm V6 0.788546
14 mnb V7 0.797357
15 svm V7 0.775330

TEST 8 -- MNB & SVM with Vectorizer 8

In [35]:
vec = bigram_tv
classifier = mnb

model, score, report = get_model(X,y,['yes','no'],['yes','no'], classifier, vec)
return_features(vec, model)
df = update_big_df(big_df,{ 'classifier': 'mnb', 'vectorizer': 'V8', 'score': score})

classifier = svm

model, score, report = get_model(X,y,['yes','no'],['yes','no'], classifier, vec)
return_features(vec, model)
df = update_big_df(big_df,{ 'classifier': 'svm', 'vectorizer': 'V8', 'score': score})
============ Sentiment Score:  0
│    │   Most │ Likely                  │   Least │ Likely                       │
│  0 │  -6.80 │ ah first_person_pronoun │   -5.63 │ sorry                        │
│  1 │  -6.80 │ ahead                   │   -5.61 │ thank                        │
│  2 │  -6.80 │ allowed                 │   -5.60 │ im                           │
│  3 │  -6.80 │ anger                   │   -5.59 │ know                         │
│  4 │  -6.80 │ asked                   │   -5.48 │ pronoun first_person_pronoun │
│  5 │  -6.80 │ away                    │   -5.34 │ first_person_pronoun love    │
│  6 │  -6.80 │ big                     │   -5.33 │ love pronoun                 │
│  7 │  -6.80 │ chance                  │   -5.18 │ love                         │
│  8 │  -6.80 │ committed               │   -4.21 │ pronoun                      │
│  9 │  -6.80 │ david                   │   -3.78 │ first_person_pronoun         │
============ Sentiment Score:  0
│    │   Most │ Likely                   │   Least │ Likely                    │
│  0 │  -0.82 │ tell                     │    0.77 │ alright                   │
│  1 │  -0.78 │ sir first_person_pronoun │    0.78 │ first_person_pronoun sins │
│  2 │  -0.72 │ soon                     │    0.78 │ sins                      │
│  3 │  -0.65 │ like tell                │    0.78 │ christ                    │
│  4 │  -0.64 │ god                      │    0.81 │ ill pronoun               │
│  5 │  -0.64 │ wanted                   │    0.87 │ man first_person_pronoun  │
│  6 │  -0.62 │ tell pronoun             │    0.87 │ way first_person_pronoun  │
│  7 │  -0.57 │ ready warden             │    0.90 │ yall pronoun              │
│  8 │  -0.56 │ family friends           │    1.12 │ yes first_person_pronoun  │
│  9 │  -0.55 │ want pronoun             │    1.25 │ blessing                  │
/Users/danielcaraway/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/classification.py:1437: UndefinedMetricWarning: Precision and F-score are ill-defined and being set to 0.0 in labels with no predicted samples.
  'precision', 'predicted', average, warn_for)
In [36]:
classifier vectorizer score
0 mnb V1 0.775330
1 svm V1 0.731278
4 mnb V2 0.770925
5 svm V2 0.731278
6 mnb V3 0.753304
7 svm V3 0.744493
8 mnb V4 0.744493
9 svm V4 0.722467
10 mnb V5 0.766520
11 svm V5 0.696035
12 mnb V6 0.797357
13 svm V6 0.788546
14 mnb V7 0.797357
15 svm V7 0.775330
16 mnb V8 0.797357
17 svm V8 0.788546

TEST 9 -- MNB & SVM with Vectorizer 9

In [37]:
vec = bigram_tv_v2
classifier = mnb

model, score, report = get_model(X,y,['yes','no'],['yes','no'], classifier, vec)
return_features(vec, model)
df = update_big_df(big_df,{ 'classifier': 'mnb', 'vectorizer': 'V9', 'score': score})

classifier = svm

model, score, report = get_model(X,y,['yes','no'],['yes','no'], classifier, vec)
return_features(vec, model)
df = update_big_df(big_df,{ 'classifier': 'svm', 'vectorizer': 'V9', 'score': score})
============ Sentiment Score:  0
│    │   Most │ Likely     │   Least │ Likely       │
│  0 │  -6.62 │ ahead      │   -5.40 │ want         │
│  1 │  -6.62 │ allowed    │   -5.38 │ ready        │
│  2 │  -6.62 │ anger      │   -5.34 │ im           │
│  3 │  -6.62 │ asked      │   -5.31 │ thank        │
│  4 │  -6.62 │ away       │   -5.30 │ yes          │
│  5 │  -6.62 │ big        │   -5.26 │ sorry        │
│  6 │  -6.62 │ chance     │   -5.25 │ know         │
│  7 │  -6.62 │ committed  │   -4.98 │ love pronoun │
│  8 │  -6.62 │ david      │   -4.82 │ love         │
│  9 │  -6.62 │ didnt kill │   -3.83 │ pronoun      │
============ Sentiment Score:  0
│    │   Most │ Likely         │   Least │ Likely       │
│  0 │  -0.89 │ tell           │    0.79 │ christ       │
│  1 │  -0.74 │ tell pronoun   │    0.79 │ supporters   │
│  2 │  -0.70 │ like tell      │    0.84 │ ill pronoun  │
│  3 │  -0.70 │ soon           │    0.84 │ just want    │
│  4 │  -0.70 │ family friends │    0.90 │ know         │
│  5 │  -0.67 │ wanted         │    0.90 │ yall pronoun │
│  6 │  -0.65 │ hope pronoun   │    0.90 │ alright      │
│  7 │  -0.62 │ pronoun love   │    1.06 │ sins         │
│  8 │  -0.61 │ state          │    1.10 │ yes          │
│  9 │  -0.61 │ want pronoun   │    1.25 │ blessing     │
/Users/danielcaraway/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/classification.py:1437: UndefinedMetricWarning: Precision and F-score are ill-defined and being set to 0.0 in labels with no predicted samples.
  'precision', 'predicted', average, warn_for)
In [38]:
classifier vectorizer score
0 mnb V1 0.775330
1 svm V1 0.731278
4 mnb V2 0.770925
5 svm V2 0.731278
6 mnb V3 0.753304
7 svm V3 0.744493
8 mnb V4 0.744493
9 svm V4 0.722467
10 mnb V5 0.766520
11 svm V5 0.696035
12 mnb V6 0.797357
13 svm V6 0.788546
14 mnb V7 0.797357
15 svm V7 0.775330
16 mnb V8 0.797357
17 svm V8 0.788546
18 mnb V9 0.797357
19 svm V9 0.770925
In [40]:
# pred_vec = bigram_cv_v2

# test = pd.read_csv("kaggle-sentiment/test.tsv", delimiter='\t')
# k_id = test['PhraseId'].values
# k_text = test['Phrase'].values

# k_vec = bigram_cv_v2.transform(k_text)
# k_vec

# def get_kaggle_test_train_vec(X,y,vectorizer):
#     X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=None, random_state=0)
#     X_train_vec = vectorizer.fit_transform(X_train)
#     X_test_vec = vectorizer.transform(X_test)
#     return X_train_vec, X_test_vec, y_train, y_test

# def do_the_kaggle(X,y,vec):
#     X_train_vec, X_test_vec, y_train, y_test = get_kaggle_test_train_vec(X,y,vec)
#     svm_clf = LinearSVC(C=1)
#     prediction = svm_clf.fit(X_train_vec,y_train).predict(k_vec)
#     kaggle_submission = zip(k_id, prediction)
#     outf=open('kaggle_submission_linearSVC_v5.csv', 'w')
#     outf.write('PhraseId,Sentiment\n')
#     for x, value in enumerate(kaggle_submission): outf.write(str(value[0]) + ',' + str(value[1]) + '\n')
#     outf.close()
#     print('prediction complete')

# do_the_kaggle(X,y,bigram_cv_v2)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
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