daily log: 10.21.19

less than 1 minute read

Things I did today:

  1. Woke up!
  2. Pet kitties!
  3. Reviewed yesterday’s work
  4. HW3 – Joker
  5. HW3 – Gates
  6. HW3 – Kendra
  7. Ran HW3 through HW1 analysis – took forever
  8. While waiting, converted audio files to faster audio files
for filename in ./lane-audio/*.m4a; do
    ./ffmpeg -i $filename -filter:a "atempo=1.7" -c:a aac -q:a 100 ${filename}_fast_v2.m4a
  1. Ate a giant cookie for lunch
  2. Also ate broc
  3. Uploaded all audio files to the cloud to save space on comp
  4. Researched catering options for TAKEOUT MEAL EXPERIMENT #3 (souplantation + baja fresh have good options)
  5. Continued to clean the JOKER files in HW3_JOKER
  6. 4pm here is where the predictor is:
