import pandas as pd
from fbprophet import Prophet
df = pd.read_csv('', encoding='latin')
# first
to_drop = "1996-04 1996-05 1996-06 1996-07 1996-08 1996-09 1996-10 1996-11 1996-12".split()
dropped = df.drop(to_drop, axis=1)
top = dropped.head(10)
# df_97 = df.drop(to_drop, axis=1)
# top = df_97.sort_values(by="1997-01").head(10)
# top = dropped.sort_values(by="1997-01", ascending=False).head(10)
top = dropped.sort_values(by="1997-01").head(10)
# top = dropped.sort_values(by="2019-12",ascending=False).head(10)
# top = dropped.sort_values(by="2019-12").head(10)
# top
def make_df(y, ds):
# print(regionName)
# df = df[df['RegionName'] == regionName]
# df_t = df.loc[:, '1996-04'::].T
# print(y.values)
# return y.values
row_df = pd.DataFrame({ "y": y.values, "ds": ds })
return row_df
# def make_df(y, ds, city):
# # print(regionName)
# # df = df[df['RegionName'] == regionName]
# # df_t = df.loc[:, '1996-04'::].T
# # print(y.values)
# # return y.values
# row_df = pd.DataFrame({ "y": y.values, "ds": ds, "city": city })
# return row_df
ds = top.columns[7:]
top['df'] = top.apply(lambda x: make_df(x['1997-01'::], ds), axis=1)
def get_all(x):
string = "" + x['City'] +", "+ x['State'] +", "+ str(x['RegionName'])
return string
top['combined'] = top.apply(lambda x: get_all(x), axis=1)
# top['df'] = top.apply(lambda x: make_df(x['1996-04'::], ds, x['City']), axis=1)
# top['y'] = top.apply(lambda x: make_df(x['1996-04'::]), axis=1)
# top
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
with sns.plotting_context("talk"):
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.plot('ds', 'y', data = top.iloc[0]['df'], label = ''+ top.iloc[0]['combined'] + '')
plt.plot('ds', 'y', data = top.iloc[1]['df'], label = ''+ top.iloc[1]['combined'] + '')
plt.plot('ds', 'y', data = top.iloc[2]['df'], label = ''+ top.iloc[2]['combined'] + '')
plt.plot('ds', 'y', data = top.iloc[3]['df'], label = ''+ top.iloc[3]['combined'] + '')
plt.plot('ds', 'y', data = top.iloc[4]['df'], label = ''+ top.iloc[4]['combined'] + '')
plt.plot('ds', 'y', data = top.iloc[5]['df'], label = ''+ top.iloc[5]['combined'] + '')
plt.plot('ds', 'y', data = top.iloc[6]['df'], label = ''+ top.iloc[6]['combined'] + '')
plt.plot('ds', 'y', data = top.iloc[7]['df'], label = ''+ top.iloc[7]['combined'] + '')
plt.plot('ds', 'y', data = top.iloc[8]['df'], label = ''+ top.iloc[8]['combined'] + '')
plt.plot('ds', 'y', data = top.iloc[9]['df'], label = ''+ top.iloc[9]['combined'] + '')
unique_dates = sorted(list(top.iloc[0]['df']['ds'].drop_duplicates()))
date_ticks = range(0, len(unique_dates), 36)
plt.title('Housing Prices for 10 Least Expensive U.S. Cities (as of 1997)')
plt.ylabel('Average Home Price')
plt.xticks(date_ticks, rotation='vertical');
plt.legend(loc = "center left", bbox_to_anchor = (1,.5), title = "City" )
# plt.set_xticklabels([unique_dates[i].strftime('%d %b') for i in date_ticks], rotation='vertical');
# plt.set_xlabel('Date');
for i in range(10):
print("plt.plot('ds', 'y', data = top.iloc["+str(i)+"]['df'], label = ''+ top.iloc["+str(i)+"]['combined'] + '')")