import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
## dealing with categorical variables
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
import os
import warnings
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
app_train = pd.read_csv('application_train.csv')
app_test = pd.read_csv('application_test.csv')
df_na = pd.DataFrame(app_train.isna().sum())
df_na['percent'] = (df_na[0] / app_train.shape[0]) *100
df_na.sort_values(by="percent", ascending = False)
Use LabelEncoder
Labels for variables with categories < 2
# Create a label encoder object
# Iterate through the columns
# If 2 or fewer unique categories
# Train on the training data
# Transform both test and train
le = LabelEncoder()
for col in app_train:
if app_train[col].dtype == 'object':
if len(list(app_train[col].unique())) <= 2:[col])
app_train[col] = le.transform(app_train[col])
app_test[col] = le.transform(app_test[col])
Use pd.get_dummies
to do one-hot encoding for > 2
app_train = pd.get_dummies(app_train)
app_test = pd.get_dummies(app_test)
Remove excess columns created by the one-hot encoding
# Align the training and testing data, keep only columns present in both dataframes
# Add the target back in
train_labels = app_train['TARGET']
app_train, app_test = app_train.align(app_test, join = 'inner', axis = 1)
app_train['TARGET'] = train_labels
print('Training Features shape: ', app_train.shape)
print('Testing Features shape: ', app_test.shape)
correlations = app_train.corr()['TARGET'].sort_values()
app_train['DAYS_BIRTH'] = abs(app_train['DAYS_BIRTH'])'fivethirtyeight')
plt.hist(app_train['DAYS_BIRTH'] / 365, edgecolor = 'k', bins = 25)
plt.title('Age of Client'); plt.xlabel('Age (years)'); plt.ylabel('Count');
app_train['DAYS_LAST_PHONE_CHANGE'] = abs(app_train['DAYS_LAST_PHONE_CHANGE'])'fivethirtyeight')
plt.hist(app_train['DAYS_LAST_PHONE_CHANGE'] / 365, edgecolor = 'k', bins = 25)
plt.title('Days Since Phone Change'); plt.xlabel('Days'); plt.ylabel('Count');
high_corr = list(correlations.tail(20).axes[0])
high_corr_for_graphs = ['CNT_FAM_MEMBERS',
for col in high_corr_for_graphs:
# print(app_train[col].value_counts())
# print(app_train[col].dtype)
df = app_train.copy()
df[col] = abs(df[col])'fivethirtyeight')
plt.hist(df[col] / 365, edgecolor = 'k', bins = 25)
plt.title(col); plt.xlabel('x'); plt.ylabel('Count');
(using a Kernel Density Estimation Plot!!)
plt.figure(figsize = (10, 8))
sns.kdeplot(app_train.loc[app_train['TARGET'] == 0, 'DAYS_BIRTH'] / 365, label = 'target == 0')
# KDE plot of loans which were not repaid on time
sns.kdeplot(app_train.loc[app_train['TARGET'] == 1, 'DAYS_BIRTH'] / 365, label = 'target == 1')
# Labeling of plot
plt.xlabel('Age (years)'); plt.ylabel('Density'); plt.title('Distribution of Ages');
age_data = app_train[['TARGET', 'DAYS_BIRTH']]
age_data['YEARS_BIRTH'] = age_data['DAYS_BIRTH'] / 360
## This helps us get 20-25, 25-30 etc
age_data['YEARS_BINNED'] = pd.cut(age_data['YEARS_BIRTH'], bins = np.linspace(20,70, num = 11))
age_groups = age_data.groupby('YEARS_BINNED').mean()
plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)), 100*age_groups['TARGET'])
plt.xticks(rotation = 75); plt.xlabel('Age Group (years)'); plt.ylabel('Failure to Repay (%)')
plt.title('Failure to Repay by Age Group');
"It appears that younger applicants are more likely to not repay their loans. Helping younger applicants with financial planning and guidance might help mitigate this" "
ext_data = app_train[['TARGET', 'EXT_SOURCE_1', 'EXT_SOURCE_2', 'EXT_SOURCE_3', 'DAYS_BIRTH']]
ext_data_corrs = ext_data.corr()
plt.figure(figsize = (8, 6))
sns.heatmap(ext_data_corrs, cmap =, vmin = -0.25, annot = True, vmax = 0.6)
plt.title('Correlation Heatmap');
plt.figure(figsize = (10, 12))
# iterate through the sources
for i, source in enumerate(['EXT_SOURCE_1', 'EXT_SOURCE_2', 'EXT_SOURCE_3']):
# create a new subplot for each source
plt.subplot(3, 1, i + 1)
# plot repaid loans
sns.kdeplot(app_train.loc[app_train['TARGET'] == 0, source], label = 'target == 0')
# plot loans that were not repaid
sns.kdeplot(app_train.loc[app_train['TARGET'] == 1, source], label = 'target == 1')
# Label the plots
plt.title('Distribution of %s by Target Value' % source)
plt.xlabel('%s' % source); plt.ylabel('Density');
plt.tight_layout(h_pad = 2.5)
# Copy data, drop days_birth, add years_birth
# drop na and only get first 10k rows
# use corr_func to calc correlation coef b/t two cols
plot_data = ext_data.drop(columns = ['DAYS_BIRTH']).copy()
plot_data['YEARS_BIRTH'] = age_data['YEARS_BIRTH']
plot_data = plot_data.dropna().loc[:100000, :]
def corr_func(x, y, **kwargs):
r = np.corrcoef(x, y)[0][1]
ax = plt.gca()
ax.annotate("r = {:.2f}".format(r),
xy=(.2, .8), xycoords=ax.transAxes,
size = 20)
# Create the pairgrid object
# Upper is a scatter plot
# Diagonal is a histogram
# Bottom is density plot
grid = sns.PairGrid(data = plot_data, size = 3, diag_sharey=False,
hue = 'TARGET',
vars = [x for x in list(plot_data.columns) if x != 'TARGET'])
grid.map_upper(plt.scatter, alpha = 0.2)
grid.map_lower(sns.kdeplot, cmap =;
plt.suptitle('Ext Source and Age Features Pairs Plot', size = 32, y = 1.05);
Making features that are powers of existing features aka interaction terms
poly_features = app_train[['EXT_SOURCE_1', 'EXT_SOURCE_2', 'EXT_SOURCE_3', 'DAYS_BIRTH', 'TARGET']]
poly_features_test = app_test[['EXT_SOURCE_1', 'EXT_SOURCE_2', 'EXT_SOURCE_3', 'DAYS_BIRTH']]
poly_target = poly_features['TARGET']
poly_features = poly_features.drop(columns = ['TARGET'])
from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer
imputer = Imputer(strategy = 'median')
poly_features = imputer.fit_transform(poly_features)
poly_features_test = imputer.transform(poly_features_test)
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
poly_transformer = PolynomialFeatures(degree = 3)
poly_features = poly_transformer.transform(poly_features)
poly_features_test = poly_transformer.transform(poly_features_test)
print('Polynomial Features shape: ', poly_features.shape)
poly_transformer.get_feature_names(input_features =
# Create a dataframe of the features
poly_features = pd.DataFrame(poly_features,
columns = poly_transformer.get_feature_names(['EXT_SOURCE_1', 'EXT_SOURCE_2',
# Add in the target
poly_features['TARGET'] = poly_target
# Find the correlations with the target
poly_corrs = poly_features.corr()['TARGET'].sort_values()
# Display most negative and most positive
# Put test features into dataframe
poly_features_test = pd.DataFrame(poly_features_test,
columns = poly_transformer.get_feature_names(['EXT_SOURCE_1', 'EXT_SOURCE_2',
# Merge polynomial features into training dataframe
poly_features['SK_ID_CURR'] = app_train['SK_ID_CURR']
app_train_poly = app_train.merge(poly_features, on = 'SK_ID_CURR', how = 'left')
# Merge polnomial features into testing dataframe
poly_features_test['SK_ID_CURR'] = app_test['SK_ID_CURR']
app_test_poly = app_test.merge(poly_features_test, on = 'SK_ID_CURR', how = 'left')
# Align the dataframes
app_train_poly, app_test_poly = app_train_poly.align(app_test_poly, join = 'inner', axis = 1)
# Print out the new shapes
print('Training data with polynomial features shape: ', app_train_poly.shape)
print('Testing data with polynomial features shape: ', app_test_poly.shape)
app_train_domain = app_train.copy()
app_test_domain = app_test.copy()
app_train_domain['CREDIT_INCOME_PERCENT'] = app_train_domain['AMT_CREDIT'] / app_train_domain['AMT_INCOME_TOTAL']
app_train_domain['ANNUITY_INCOME_PERCENT'] = app_train_domain['AMT_ANNUITY'] / app_train_domain['AMT_INCOME_TOTAL']
app_train_domain['CREDIT_TERM'] = app_train_domain['AMT_ANNUITY'] / app_train_domain['AMT_CREDIT']
app_train_domain['DAYS_EMPLOYED_PERCENT'] = app_train_domain['DAYS_EMPLOYED'] / app_train_domain['DAYS_BIRTH']
app_test_domain['CREDIT_INCOME_PERCENT'] = app_test_domain['AMT_CREDIT'] / app_test_domain['AMT_INCOME_TOTAL']
app_test_domain['ANNUITY_INCOME_PERCENT'] = app_test_domain['AMT_ANNUITY'] / app_test_domain['AMT_INCOME_TOTAL']
app_test_domain['CREDIT_TERM'] = app_test_domain['AMT_ANNUITY'] / app_test_domain['AMT_CREDIT']
app_test_domain['DAYS_EMPLOYED_PERCENT'] = app_test_domain['DAYS_EMPLOYED'] / app_test_domain['DAYS_BIRTH']
plt.figure(figsize = (12, 20))
# iterate through the new features
# create a new subplot for each source
plt.subplot(4, 1, i + 1)
# plot repaid loans
sns.kdeplot(app_train_domain.loc[app_train_domain['TARGET'] == 0, feature], label = 'target == 0')
# plot loans that were not repaid
sns.kdeplot(app_train_domain.loc[app_train_domain['TARGET'] == 1, feature], label = 'target == 1')
# Label the plots
plt.title('Distribution of %s by Target Value' % feature)
plt.xlabel('%s' % feature); plt.ylabel('Density');
plt.tight_layout(h_pad = 2.5)
# app_train['TARGET'].value_counts()
# only_0 = app_train[app_train['TARGET'] == 0]
# only_0['TARGET'].value_counts()
# # only_0.isna().sum()
# only_0[pd.isnull(only_0).any(axis=1)]
# sample = only_0.sample(n=24825, random_state=1)
# app_test.isna().sum()
# df_na = pd.DataFrame(app_test.isna().sum())
# df_na['percent'] = (df_na[0] / app_train.shape[0]) *100
# df_na.sort_values(by="percent", ascending = False)
# df_na = pd.DataFrame(sample.isna().sum())
# df_na['percent'] = (df_na[0] / df.shape[0]) *100
# df_na.sort_values(by="percent", ascending = False)
# Drop the target from the training data
# Feature names
# Copy of the testing data
# Median imputation of missing values
# Scale each feature to 0-1
# Fit on the training data
# Transform both training and testing data
# Repeat with the scaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, Imputer
if 'TARGET' in app_train:
train = app_train.drop(columns = ['TARGET'])
train = app_train.copy()
features = list(train.columns)
test = app_test.copy()
imputer = Imputer(strategy = 'median')
scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range = (0, 1))
train = imputer.transform(train)
test = imputer.transform(app_test)
train = scaler.transform(train)
test = scaler.transform(test)
print('Training data shape: ', train.shape)
print('Testing data shape: ', test.shape)
# Make the model with the specified regularization parameter
# Train on the training data
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
log_reg = LogisticRegression(C = 0.0001), train_labels)
# Make predictions
# Make sure to select the second column only
log_reg_pred = log_reg.predict_proba(test)[:, 1]
# Submission dataframe
submit = app_test[['SK_ID_CURR']]
submit['TARGET'] = log_reg_pred
submit.to_csv('log_reg_baseline.csv', index = False)
# Make the random forest classifier
# Train on the training data
# Extract feature importances
# Make predictions on the test data
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
random_forest = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators = 100, random_state = 50, verbose = 1, n_jobs = -1), train_labels)
feature_importance_values = random_forest.feature_importances_
feature_importances = pd.DataFrame({'feature': features, 'importance': feature_importance_values})
predictions = random_forest.predict_proba(test)[:, 1]
# Make a submission dataframe
# Save the submission dataframe
submit = app_test[['SK_ID_CURR']]
submit['TARGET'] = predictions
submit.to_csv('random_forest_baseline.csv', index = False)
# Impute the polynomial features
# Scale the polynomial features
# Train on the training data
# Make predictions on the test data
poly_features_names = list(app_train_poly.columns)
imputer = Imputer(strategy = 'median')
poly_features = imputer.fit_transform(app_train_poly)
poly_features_test = imputer.transform(app_test_poly)
scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range = (0, 1))
poly_features = scaler.fit_transform(poly_features)
poly_features_test = scaler.transform(poly_features_test)
random_forest_poly = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators = 100, random_state = 50, verbose = 1, n_jobs = -1), train_labels)
predictions = random_forest_poly.predict_proba(poly_features_test)[:, 1]
submit = app_test[['SK_ID_CURR']]
submit['TARGET'] = predictions
submit.to_csv('random_forest_baseline_engineered.csv', index = False)
app_train_domain = app_train_domain.drop(columns = 'TARGET')
domain_features_names = list(app_train_domain.columns)
# Impute the domainnomial features
imputer = Imputer(strategy = 'median')
domain_features = imputer.fit_transform(app_train_domain)
domain_features_test = imputer.transform(app_test_domain)
# Scale the domainnomial features
scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range = (0, 1))
domain_features = scaler.fit_transform(domain_features)
domain_features_test = scaler.transform(domain_features_test)
random_forest_domain = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators = 100, random_state = 50, verbose = 1, n_jobs = -1)
# Train on the training data, train_labels)
# Extract feature importances
feature_importance_values_domain = random_forest_domain.feature_importances_
feature_importances_domain = pd.DataFrame({'feature': domain_features_names, 'importance': feature_importance_values_domain})
# Make predictions on the test data
predictions = random_forest_domain.predict_proba(domain_features_test)[:, 1]
submit = app_test[['SK_ID_CURR']]
submit['TARGET'] = predictions
# Save the submission dataframe
submit.to_csv('random_forest_baseline_domain.csv', index = False)
def plot_feature_importances(df):
Plot importances returned by a model. This can work with any measure of
feature importance provided that higher importance is better.
df (dataframe): feature importances. Must have the features in a column
called `features` and the importances in a column called `importance
shows a plot of the 15 most importance features
df (dataframe): feature importances sorted by importance (highest to lowest)
with a column for normalized importance
# Sort features according to importance
df = df.sort_values('importance', ascending = False).reset_index()
# Normalize the feature importances to add up to one
df['importance_normalized'] = df['importance'] / df['importance'].sum()
# Make a horizontal bar chart of feature importances
plt.figure(figsize = (10, 6))
ax = plt.subplot()
# Need to reverse the index to plot most important on top
align = 'center', edgecolor = 'k')
# Set the yticks and labels
# Plot labeling
plt.xlabel('Normalized Importance'); plt.title('Feature Importances')
return df
feature_importances_sorted = plot_feature_importances(feature_importances)
feature_importances_domain_sorted = plot_feature_importances(feature_importances_domain)
### Light Gradient Boosting
!pip install lightgbm
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
import lightgbm as lgb
import gc
def model(features, test_features, encoding = 'ohe', n_folds = 5):
"""Train and test a light gradient boosting model using
cross validation.
features (pd.DataFrame):
dataframe of training features to use
for training a model. Must include the TARGET column.
test_features (pd.DataFrame):
dataframe of testing features to use
for making predictions with the model.
encoding (str, default = 'ohe'):
method for encoding categorical variables. Either 'ohe' for one-hot encoding or 'le' for integer label encoding
n_folds (int, default = 5): number of folds to use for cross validation
submission (pd.DataFrame):
dataframe with `SK_ID_CURR` and `TARGET` probabilities
predicted by the model.
feature_importances (pd.DataFrame):
dataframe with the feature importances from the model.
valid_metrics (pd.DataFrame):
dataframe with training and validation metrics (ROC AUC) for each fold and overall.
# Extract the ids
train_ids = features['SK_ID_CURR']
test_ids = test_features['SK_ID_CURR']
# Extract the labels for training
labels = features['TARGET']
# Remove the ids and target
features = features.drop(columns = ['SK_ID_CURR', 'TARGET'])
test_features = test_features.drop(columns = ['SK_ID_CURR'])
# One Hot Encoding
if encoding == 'ohe':
features = pd.get_dummies(features)
test_features = pd.get_dummies(test_features)
# Align the dataframes by the columns
features, test_features = features.align(test_features, join = 'inner', axis = 1)
# No categorical indices to record
cat_indices = 'auto'
# Integer label encoding
elif encoding == 'le':
# Create a label encoder
label_encoder = LabelEncoder()
# List for storing categorical indices
cat_indices = []
# Iterate through each column
for i, col in enumerate(features):
if features[col].dtype == 'object':
# Map the categorical features to integers
features[col] = label_encoder.fit_transform(np.array(features[col].astype(str)).reshape((-1,)))
test_features[col] = label_encoder.transform(np.array(test_features[col].astype(str)).reshape((-1,)))
# Record the categorical indices
# Catch error if label encoding scheme is not valid
raise ValueError("Encoding must be either 'ohe' or 'le'")
print('Training Data Shape: ', features.shape)
print('Testing Data Shape: ', test_features.shape)
# Extract feature names
feature_names = list(features.columns)
# Convert to np arrays
features = np.array(features)
test_features = np.array(test_features)
# Create the kfold object
k_fold = KFold(n_splits = n_folds, shuffle = True, random_state = 50)
# Empty array for feature importances
feature_importance_values = np.zeros(len(feature_names))
# Empty array for test predictions
test_predictions = np.zeros(test_features.shape[0])
# Empty array for out of fold validation predictions
out_of_fold = np.zeros(features.shape[0])
# Lists for recording validation and training scores
valid_scores = []
train_scores = []
# Iterate through each fold
for train_indices, valid_indices in k_fold.split(features):
# Training data for the fold
train_features, train_labels = features[train_indices], labels[train_indices]
# Validation data for the fold
valid_features, valid_labels = features[valid_indices], labels[valid_indices]
# Create the model
model = lgb.LGBMClassifier(n_estimators=10000, objective = 'binary',
class_weight = 'balanced', learning_rate = 0.05,
reg_alpha = 0.1, reg_lambda = 0.1,
subsample = 0.8, n_jobs = -1, random_state = 50)
# Train the model, train_labels, eval_metric = 'auc',
eval_set = [(valid_features, valid_labels), (train_features, train_labels)],
eval_names = ['valid', 'train'], categorical_feature = cat_indices,
early_stopping_rounds = 100, verbose = 200)
# Record the best iteration
best_iteration = model.best_iteration_
# Record the feature importances
feature_importance_values += model.feature_importances_ / k_fold.n_splits
# Make predictions
test_predictions += model.predict_proba(test_features, num_iteration = best_iteration)[:, 1] / k_fold.n_splits
# Record the out of fold predictions
out_of_fold[valid_indices] = model.predict_proba(valid_features, num_iteration = best_iteration)[:, 1]
# Record the best score
valid_score = model.best_score_['valid']['auc']
train_score = model.best_score_['train']['auc']
# Clean up memory
del model, train_features, valid_features
# Make the submission dataframe
submission = pd.DataFrame({'SK_ID_CURR': test_ids, 'TARGET': test_predictions})
# Make the feature importance dataframe
feature_importances = pd.DataFrame({'feature': feature_names, 'importance': feature_importance_values})
# Overall validation score
valid_auc = roc_auc_score(labels, out_of_fold)
# Add the overall scores to the metrics
# Needed for creating dataframe of validation scores
fold_names = list(range(n_folds))
# Dataframe of validation scores
metrics = pd.DataFrame({'fold': fold_names,
'train': train_scores,
'valid': valid_scores})
return submission, feature_importances, metrics
submission, fi, metrics = model(app_train, app_test)
print('Baseline metrics')
fi_sorted = plot_feature_importances(fi)
submission.to_csv('baseline_lgb.csv', index = False)
app_train_domain['TARGET'] = train_labels
# Test the domain knolwedge features
submission_domain, fi_domain, metrics_domain = model(app_train_domain, app_test_domain)
print('Baseline with domain knowledge features metrics')
fi_sorted = plot_feature_importances(fi_domain)
submission_domain.to_csv('baseline_lgb_domain_features.csv', index = False)