## =======================================================
## =======================================================
import os
def get_data_from_files(path):
directory = os.listdir(path)
results = []
for file in directory:
return results
## =======================================================
## =======================================================
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize
def get_tokens(sentence):
tokens = word_tokenize(sentence)
clean_tokens = [word.lower() for word in tokens if word.isalpha()]
return clean_tokens
def get_sentence_tokens(review):
return sent_tokenize(review)
## =======================================================
## =======================================================
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
stop_words = set(stopwords.words("english"))
def remove_stopwords(sentence):
filtered_text = []
for word in sentence:
if word not in stop_words:
return filtered_text
## =======================================================
## =======================================================
from nltk.probability import FreqDist
def get_most_common(tokens):
fdist = FreqDist(tokens)
return fdist.most_common(12)
def get_most_common(tokens):
fdist = FreqDist(tokens)
return fdist.most_common(12)
def get_fdist(tokens):
return (FreqDist(tokens))
## =======================================================
## =======================================================
from nltk.sentiment import SentimentAnalyzer
from nltk.sentiment.util import *
from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
sid = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
def get_vader_score(review):
return sid.polarity_scores(review)
def separate_vader_score(vader_score, key):
return vader_score[key]
## =======================================================
## =======================================================
def get_weighted_freq_dist(review, freq_dist):
max_freq = max(freq_dist.values())
for word in freq_dist.keys():
freq_dist[word] = (freq_dist[word]/max_freq)
return freq_dist
def get_sentence_score(review, freq_dist):
sentence_scores = {}
for sent in review:
for word in nltk.word_tokenize(sent.lower()):
if word in freq_dist.keys():
if len(sent.split(' ')) < 30:
if sent not in sentence_scores.keys():
sentence_scores[sent] = freq_dist[word]
sentence_scores[sent] += freq_dist[word]
return sentence_scores
def get_summary_sentences(sentence_scores):
sorted_sentences = sorted(sentence_scores.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True)
return ''.join(sent[0] for sent in sorted_sentences[:5])
def get_freq_words(freq_dist):
sorted_words = sorted(freq_dist.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True)
return ' '.join(word[0] for word in sorted_words[:50])
def clean_rogue_characters(string):
exclude = ['\\',"\'",'"']
string = ''.join(string.split('\\n'))
string = ''.join(ch for ch in string if ch not in exclude)
return string
import re
def clean_rogue_characters_2(string):
return re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z.]+', ' ', string)
def most_freq_words(freq_dist):
return freq_dist.most_common(100)
def pruner(review):
clean_review = ' '.join([word.lower() for word in review.split() if len(word) > 3])
return clean_review
def pruner_v2(review):
clean_review = ' '.join([word.lower() for word in review.split() if len(word) > 3 and word not in stop_words])
return clean_review
def get_bow_from_column(df, column):
all_column_data = ' '.join(df[column].tolist())
all_column_fd = Counter(all_column_data.split())
return all_column_fd
def get_common_words(num):
most_common_neg = [word[0] for word in big_bow_n.most_common(num)]
most_common_pos = [word[0] for word in big_bow_p.most_common(num)]
in_both = np.intersect1d(most_common_neg, most_common_pos)
neg_notpos = np.setdiff1d(most_common_neg, most_common_pos)
pos_notneg = np.setdiff1d(most_common_pos, most_common_neg)
return [len(in_both), len(neg_notpos), len(pos_notneg), len(in_both)/num, in_both, neg_notpos, pos_notneg]
def get_only_polarized(tokens, common_words):
return [token for token in tokens if token not in common_words[4]] # 70
# pos = get_data_from_files('../hw4_lie_false/')
data = get_data_from_files('AmazonPhotoTextCorpus/')
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
all_df = df
all_df['tokens'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_tokens(x[0]), axis=1)
all_df['num_tokens'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: len(x['tokens']), axis=1)
all_df = all_df.drop(all_df[all_df.num_tokens < 1].index)
all_df['sentences'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_sentence_tokens(x[0]), axis=1)
all_df['num_sentences'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: len(x['sentences']), axis=1)
all_df['no_sw'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: remove_stopwords(x['tokens']),axis=1)
all_df['freq_dist'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_fdist(x['no_sw']),axis=1)
all_df['weighted_freq_dist'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_weighted_freq_dist(x['sentences'], x['freq_dist']),axis=1)
all_df['sentence_scores'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_sentence_score(x['sentences'], x['freq_dist']),axis=1)
all_df['summary_sentences'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_summary_sentences(x['sentence_scores']), axis=1)
all_df['clean'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: clean_rogue_characters(x[0]), axis=1)
all_df['clean_v2'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: clean_rogue_characters_2(x[0]), axis=1)
clean_df = pd.DataFrame(all_df['clean_v2'].tolist())
all_df = clean_df.copy()
all_df['tokens'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_tokens(x[0]), axis=1)
all_df['num_tokens'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: len(x['tokens']), axis=1)
all_df = all_df.drop(all_df[all_df.num_tokens < 1].index)
all_df['sentences'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_sentence_tokens(x[0]), axis=1)
all_df['num_sentences'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: len(x['sentences']), axis=1)
all_df['no_sw'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: remove_stopwords(x['tokens']),axis=1)
all_df['freq_dist'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_fdist(x['no_sw']),axis=1)
all_df['weighted_freq_dist'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_weighted_freq_dist(x['sentences'], x['freq_dist']),axis=1)
all_df['sentence_scores'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_sentence_score(x['sentences'], x['freq_dist']),axis=1)
all_df['summary_sentences'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_summary_sentences(x['sentence_scores']), axis=1)
all_df['clean'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: clean_rogue_characters(x[0]), axis=1)
all_df['clean_v2'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: clean_rogue_characters_2(x[0]), axis=1)
all_df['FREQ'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: most_freq_words(x['freq_dist']), axis=1)
all_df['pruned'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: pruner(x[0]), axis=1)
all_df['pruned_nosw'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: pruner_v2(x[0]), axis=1)
0 | tokens | num_tokens | sentences | num_sentences | no_sw | freq_dist | weighted_freq_dist | sentence_scores | summary_sentences | clean | clean_v2 | FREQ | pruned | pruned_nosw | |
0 | iS 11 23 1 Q Search If shine a white LED ligh... | [is, q, search, if, shine, a, white, led, ligh... | 135 | [ iS 11 23 1 Q Search If shine a white LED lig... | 2 | [q, search, shine, white, led, light, prism, w... | {'q': 0.25, 'search': 0.25, 'shine': 0.75, 'wh... | {'q': 0.25, 'search': 0.25, 'shine': 0.75, 'wh... | {'r theemotionmac 140 1 Share r Serendipity u ... | r theemotionmac 140 1 Share r Serendipity u se... | iS 11 23 1 Q Search If shine a white LED ligh... | iS 11 23 1 Q Search If shine a white LED ligh... | [(r, 1.0), (shine, 0.75), (see, 0.75), (line, ... | search shine white light through prism would s... | search shine white light prism would spectrum ... |
1 | 6 51 . 0 forums.nexusmods.com ee BrettM fosaym... | [ee, brettm, fosaym, apr, stealth, archery, wo... | 340 | [6 51 ., 0 forums.nexusmods.com ee BrettM fosa... | 16 | [ee, brettm, fosaym, apr, stealth, archery, wo... | {'ee': 0.25, 'brettm': 0.25, 'fosaym': 0.25, '... | {'ee': 0.25, 'brettm': 0.25, 'fosaym': 0.25, '... | {'0 forums.nexusmods.com ee BrettM fosaym 617 ... | You should be far enough away from the first f... | 6 51 . 0 forums.nexusmods.com ee BrettM fosaym... | 6 51 . 0 forums.nexusmods.com ee BrettM fosaym... | [(sneak, 1.0), (one, 1.0), (get, 1.0), (bow, 1... | forums.nexusmods.com brettm fosaym 2012 stealt... | forums.nexusmods.com brettm fosaym 2012 stealt... |
2 | 6 52 al Se forums.nexusmods.com 17 Apr 2012 St... | [al, se, apr, stealth, archery, works, great, ... | 345 | [6 52 al Se forums.nexusmods.com 17 Apr 2012 S... | 15 | [al, se, apr, stealth, archery, works, great, ... | {'al': 0.25, 'se': 0.25, 'apr': 0.25, 'stealth... | {'al': 0.25, 'se': 0.25, 'apr': 0.25, 'stealth... | {'6 52 al Se forums.nexusmods.com 17 Apr 2012 ... | You should be far enough away from the first f... | 6 52 al Se forums.nexusmods.com 17 Apr 2012 St... | 6 52 al Se forums.nexusmods.com 17 Apr 2012 St... | [(sneak, 1.0), (one, 1.0), (get, 1.0), (bow, 1... | forums.nexusmods.com 2012 stealth archery work... | forums.nexusmods.com 2012 stealth archery work... |
3 | 4 06 aw Fe spokesman.com 4 ILULL. LL 1S SUUULI... | [aw, fe, ilull, ll, suuuliiis, aalllu, culilal... | 121 | [4 06 aw Fe spokesman.com 4 ILULL., LL 1S SUUU... | 10 | [aw, fe, ilull, suuuliiis, aalllu, culilallis,... | {'aw': 0.3333333333333333, 'fe': 0.33333333333... | {'aw': 0.3333333333333333, 'fe': 0.33333333333... | {'4 06 aw Fe spokesman.com 4 ILULL.': 1.0, 'LL... | Listerine contains herbal oils that fight fung... | 4 06 aw Fe spokesman.com 4 ILULL. LL 1S SUUULI... | 4 06 aw Fe spokesman.com 4 ILULL. LL 1S SUUULI... | [(fungus, 1.0), (antifungal, 0.666666666666666... | spokesman.com ilull. suuuliiis aalllu culilall... | spokesman.com ilull. suuuliiis aalllu culilall... |
4 | Parents do not own their children. No one owns... | [parents, do, not, own, their, children, no, o... | 315 | [Parents do not own their children., No one ow... | 14 | [parents, children, one, owns, anything, loan,... | {'parents': 0.7142857142857143, 'children': 0.... | {'parents': 0.7142857142857143, 'children': 0.... | {'Parents do not own their children.': 0.78571... | Kids are not carbon copies of parents adoptive... | Parents do not own their children. No one owns... | Parents do not own their children. No one owns... | [(kids, 1.0), (parents, 0.7142857142857143), (... | parents their children. owns anything just loa... | parents children. owns anything loan duration ... |
5 | o changed shampoos cut out dairy litres of wat... | [o, changed, shampoos, cut, out, dairy, litres... | 236 | [o changed shampoos cut out dairy litres of wa... | 12 | [changed, shampoos, cut, dairy, litres, water,... | {'changed': 0.2, 'shampoos': 0.2, 'cut': 0.4, ... | {'changed': 0.2, 'shampoos': 0.2, 'cut': 0.4, ... | {'o changed shampoos cut out dairy litres of w... | So searched about antiseptics agents on MRSA a... | o changed shampoos cut out dairy litres of wat... | o changed shampoos cut out dairy litres of wat... | [(mrsa, 1.0), (folliculitis, 0.8), (like, 0.6)... | changed shampoos dairy litres water fast food ... | changed shampoos dairy litres water fast food ... |
6 | WEIS 2P 40p o2ua8 yp i deyiaao SpJ0M Jo 3eq su... | [weis, yp, i, deyiaao, jo, suunseayy, z, e, ae... | 183 | [WEIS 2P 40p o2ua8 yp i deyiaao SpJ0M Jo 3eq s... | 1 | [weis, yp, deyiaao, jo, suunseayy, z, e, aeazz... | {'weis': 0.2, 'yp': 0.2, 'deyiaao': 0.2, 'jo':... | {'weis': 0.2, 'yp': 0.2, 'deyiaao': 0.2, 'jo':... | {} | WEIS 2P 40p o2ua8 yp i deyiaao SpJ0M Jo 3eq su... | WEIS 2P 40p o2ua8 yp i deyiaao SpJ0M Jo 3eq su... | [(aq, 1.0), (jo, 0.8), (z, 0.6), (du, 0.6), (t... | weis o2ua8 deyiaao spj0m suunseayy aeazze yoty... | weis o2ua8 deyiaao spj0m suunseayy aeazze yoty... | |
7 | casispie hugealienpie thechubbynerd just showe... | [casispie, hugealienpie, thechubbynerd, just, ... | 70 | [casispie hugealienpie thechubbynerd just show... | 7 | [casispie, hugealienpie, thechubbynerd, shower... | {'casispie': 0.5, 'hugealienpie': 0.5, 'thechu... | {'casispie': 0.5, 'hugealienpie': 0.5, 'thechu... | {'casispie hugealienpie thechubbynerd just sho... | casispie hugealienpie thechubbynerd just showe... | casispie hugealienpie thechubbynerd just showe... | casispie hugealienpie thechubbynerd just showe... | [(language, 1.0), (kind, 1.0), (casispie, 0.5)... | casispie hugealienpie thechubbynerd just showe... | casispie hugealienpie thechubbynerd shower tho... |
8 | 527k J 173k it Share Oo elfmere 16h Why do you... | [j, it, share, oo, elfmere, why, do, you, work... | 241 | [527k J 173k it Share Oo elfmere 16h Why do yo... | 11 | [j, share, oo, elfmere, work, factory, honors,... | {'j': 0.5, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'elfmere... | {'j': 0.5, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'elfmere... | {'distinctly recall a coworker of mine who wor... | asked him one time vy what he was doing workin... | 527k J 173k it Share Oo elfmere 16h Why do you... | 527k J 173k it Share Oo elfmere 16h Why do you... | [(one, 1.0), (working, 1.0), (home, 0.75), (de... | 527k 173k share elfmere work factory when have... | 527k 173k share elfmere work factory honors de... |
9 | 6 55 at google.com h Google strange women lyin... | [at, h, google, strange, women, lying, in, pon... | 50 | [6 55 at google.com h Google strange women lyi... | 2 | [h, google, strange, women, lying, ponds, dist... | {'h': 0.25, 'google': 0.25, 'strange': 1.0, 'w... | {'h': 0.25, 'google': 0.25, 'strange': 1.0, 'w... | {'In Pon Etsy Redbubble Turtles STRANGE WOMEN ... | In Pon Etsy Redbubble Turtles STRANGE WOMEN AA... | 6 55 at google.com h Google strange women lyin... | 6 55 at google.com h Google strange women lyin... | [(strange, 1.0), (women, 1.0), (lying, 0.75), ... | google.com google strange women lying ponds di... | google.com google strange women lying ponds di... |
10 | 1 51 Mail glassdoor.com as GitHub Policy Detai... | [mail, as, github, policy, details, we, encour... | 126 | [1 51 Mail glassdoor.com as GitHub Policy Deta... | 6 | [mail, github, policy, details, encourage, hub... | {'mail': 0.2, 'github': 0.4, 'policy': 0.2, 'd... | {'mail': 0.2, 'github': 0.4, 'policy': 0.2, 'd... | {'1 51 Mail glassdoor.com as GitHub Policy Det... | 1 51 Mail glassdoor.com as GitHub Policy Detai... | 1 51 Mail glassdoor.com as GitHub Policy Detai... | 1 51 Mail glassdoor.com as GitHub Policy Detai... | [(manager, 1.0), (work, 0.6), (github, 0.4), (... | mail glassdoor.com github policy details encou... | mail glassdoor.com github policy details encou... |
11 | fantasywriters u SlinkySlang 3h Writing advic... | [fantasywriters, u, slinkyslang, writing, advi... | 172 | [ fantasywriters u SlinkySlang 3h Writing advi... | 11 | [fantasywriters, u, slinkyslang, writing, advi... | {'fantasywriters': 0.2, 'u': 0.2, 'slinkyslang... | {'fantasywriters': 0.2, 'u': 0.2, 'slinkyslang... | {' fantasywriters u SlinkySlang 3h Writing adv... | For the sake of your self esteem your sanity a... | fantasywriters u SlinkySlang 3h Writing advic... | fantasywriters u SlinkySlang 3h Writing advic... | [(first, 1.0), (draft, 0.6), (stop, 0.6), (wri... | fantasywriters slinkyslang writing advice...fr... | fantasywriters slinkyslang writing advice...fr... |
12 | 10 21 wil Mail jobs.capitalgroup.com Responsib... | [wil, mail, responsibilities, work, in, a, tea... | 204 | [10 21 wil Mail jobs.capitalgroup.com Responsi... | 5 | [wil, mail, responsibilities, work, team, anal... | {'wil': 0.125, 'mail': 0.125, 'responsibilitie... | {'wil': 0.125, 'mail': 0.125, 'responsibilitie... | {'Proven analytical and problem solving skills... | Proven analytical and problem solving skills w... | 10 21 wil Mail jobs.capitalgroup.com Responsib... | 10 21 wil Mail jobs.capitalgroup.com Responsib... | [(research, 1.0), (portfolio, 0.5), (asset, 0.... | mail jobs.capitalgroup.com responsibilities wo... | mail jobs.capitalgroup.com responsibilities wo... |
13 | 177k 3.9k it Share Oo GalacticPingvin 3h lemla... | [it, share, oo, galacticpingvin, lemlang, atli... | 158 | [177k 3.9k it Share Oo GalacticPingvin 3h leml... | 10 | [share, oo, galacticpingvin, lemlang, atlienk,... | {'share': 0.3333333333333333, 'oo': 0.33333333... | {'share': 0.3333333333333333, 'oo': 0.33333333... | {'177k 3.9k it Share Oo GalacticPingvin 3h lem... | Her husband at the time basically spent a few ... | 177k 3.9k it Share Oo GalacticPingvin 3h lemla... | 177k 3.9k it Share Oo GalacticPingvin 3h lemla... | [(marriage, 1.0), (time, 0.6666666666666666), ... | 177k 3.9k share galacticpingvin lemlang atlien... | 177k 3.9k share galacticpingvin lemlang atlien... |
14 | a. Ricky Montgomery am upset with my parents f... | [ricky, montgomery, am, upset, with, my, paren... | 33 | [a. Ricky Montgomery am upset with my parents ... | 2 | [ricky, montgomery, upset, parents, making, ex... | {'ricky': 1.0, 'montgomery': 1.0, 'upset': 1.0... | {'ricky': 1.0, 'montgomery': 1.0, 'upset': 1.0... | {'a. Ricky Montgomery am upset with my parents... | u just decided to make a person one day who s ... | a. Ricky Montgomery am upset with my parents f... | a. Ricky Montgomery am upset with my parents f... | [(ricky, 1.0), (montgomery, 1.0), (upset, 1.0)... | ricky montgomery upset with parents making exi... | ricky montgomery upset parents making exist. d... |
15 | ig nyx5 i prefer guys who make small dick joke... | [ig, i, prefer, guys, who, make, small, dick, ... | 39 | [ig nyx5 i prefer guys who make small dick jok... | 1 | [ig, prefer, guys, make, small, dick, jokes, g... | {'ig': 0.3333333333333333, 'prefer': 0.3333333... | {'ig': 0.3333333333333333, 'prefer': 0.3333333... | {} | ig nyx5 i prefer guys who make small dick joke... | ig nyx5 i prefer guys who make small dick joke... | [(dick, 1.0), (guys, 0.6666666666666666), (mak... | nyx5 prefer guys make small dick jokes about t... | nyx5 prefer guys make small dick jokes guys ma... | |
16 | 427 27 it Share Oo mrtrouble22 4h Believer i r... | [it, share, oo, believer, i, read, one, story,... | 166 | [427 27 it Share Oo mrtrouble22 4h Believer i ... | 10 | [share, oo, believer, read, one, story, woman,... | {'share': 0.5, 'oo': 0.5, 'believer': 0.5, 're... | {'share': 0.5, 'oo': 0.5, 'believer': 0.5, 're... | {'427 27 it Share Oo mrtrouble22 4h Believer i... | 427 27 it Share Oo mrtrouble22 4h Believer i r... | 427 27 it Share Oo mrtrouble22 4h Believer i r... | 427 27 it Share Oo mrtrouble22 4h Believer i r... | [(bigfoot, 1.0), (greys, 1.0), (long, 1.0), (s... | share mrtrouble22 believer read story where wo... | share mrtrouble22 believer read story woman gr... |
17 | 6 52 al Se forums.nexusmods.com 4 as Soon as y... | [al, se, as, soon, as, you, dismount, and, use... | 301 | [6 52 al Se forums.nexusmods.com 4 as Soon as ... | 14 | [al, se, soon, dismount, use, key, wait, tor, ... | {'al': 0.2, 'se': 0.2, 'soon': 0.2, 'dismount'... | {'al': 0.2, 'se': 0.2, 'soon': 0.2, 'dismount'... | {'6 52 al Se forums.nexusmods.com 4 as Soon as... | like using Shock damage Stamina damage enchant... | 6 52 al Se forums.nexusmods.com 4 as Soon as y... | 6 52 al Se forums.nexusmods.com 4 as Soon as y... | [(damage, 1.0), (bow, 0.8), (arrows, 0.8), (be... | forums.nexusmods.com soon dismount wait dark. ... | forums.nexusmods.com soon dismount wait dark. ... |
18 | 11 54 a eG sciencedaily.com The medical commun... | [a, eg, the, medical, community, used, to, thi... | 273 | [11 54 a eG sciencedaily.com The medical commu... | 10 | [eg, medical, community, used, think, obesity,... | {'eg': 0.14285714285714285, 'medical': 0.14285... | {'eg': 0.14285714285714285, 'medical': 0.14285... | {'11 54 a eG sciencedaily.com The medical comm... | Obesity is increasing at 2.3 rate each year am... | 11 54 a eG sciencedaily.com The medical commun... | 11 54 a eG sciencedaily.com The medical commun... | [(obesity, 1.0), (also, 0.42857142857142855), ... | sciencedaily.com medical community used think ... | sciencedaily.com medical community used think ... |
19 | lore 54352452524 deactivated201 you can reple... | [lore, you, can, replenish, your, health, by, ... | 67 | [ lore 54352452524 deactivated201 you can repl... | 1 | [lore, replenish, health, drinking, water, bre... | {'lore': 0.5, 'replenish': 0.5, 'health': 1.0,... | {'lore': 0.5, 'replenish': 0.5, 'health': 1.0,... | {} | lore 54352452524 deactivated201 you can reple... | lore 54352452524 deactivated201 you can reple... | [(health, 1.0), (breathing, 1.0), (fresh, 1.0)... | lore 54352452524 deactivated201 replenish your... | lore 54352452524 deactivated201 replenish heal... | |
20 | 4128 8 it Share We Datadevourer 3h Recently st... | [it, share, we, datadevourer, recently, starte... | 240 | [4128 8 it Share We Datadevourer 3h Recently s... | 10 | [share, datadevourer, recently, started, using... | {'share': 0.125, 'datadevourer': 0.125, 'recen... | {'share': 0.125, 'datadevourer': 0.125, 'recen... | {'4128 8 it Share We Datadevourer 3h Recently ... | However it s not at all good to rely on others... | 4128 8 it Share We Datadevourer 3h Recently st... | 4128 8 it Share We Datadevourer 3h Recently st... | [(time, 1.0), (try, 0.5), (sometimes, 0.375), ... | 4128 share datadevourer recently started using... | 4128 share datadevourer recently started using... |
21 | 53.2k 176k it Share o PyroSnakel41 13h Become... | [it, share, o, become, a, politician, and, rai... | 165 | [ 53.2k 176k it Share o PyroSnakel41 13h Becom... | 8 | [share, become, politician, raise, pay, creati... | {'share': 0.25, 'become': 0.25, 'politician': ... | {'share': 0.25, 'become': 0.25, 'politician': ... | {' 53.2k 176k it Share o PyroSnakel41 13h Beco... | o 9 14k owningmclovin 10h Most of the federal ... | 53.2k 176k it Share o PyroSnakel41 13h Become... | 53.2k 176k it Share o PyroSnakel41 13h Become... | [(rich, 1.0), (raise, 0.75), (would, 0.75), (p... | 53.2k 176k share pyrosnakel41 become politicia... | 53.2k 176k share pyrosnakel41 become politicia... |
22 | r nosurf u fibonacciseries 9d Turning on the G... | [r, nosurf, u, fibonacciseries, turning, on, t... | 203 | [r nosurf u fibonacciseries 9d Turning on the ... | 10 | [r, nosurf, u, fibonacciseries, turning, greys... | {'r': 0.125, 'nosurf': 0.125, 'u': 0.125, 'fib... | {'r': 0.125, 'nosurf': 0.125, 'u': 0.125, 'fib... | {'r nosurf u fibonacciseries 9d Turning on the... | r nosurf u fibonacciseries 9d Turning on the G... | r nosurf u fibonacciseries 9d Turning on the G... | r nosurf u fibonacciseries 9d Turning on the G... | [(phone, 1.0), (attractive, 0.5), (filter, 0.3... | nosurf fibonacciseries turning greyscale filte... | nosurf fibonacciseries turning greyscale filte... |
23 | Vote J 10 it Share Oo it2051229 36m In the be... | [vote, j, it, share, oo, in, the, beginning, t... | 220 | [ Vote J 10 it Share Oo it2051229 36m In the b... | 12 | [vote, j, share, oo, beginning, thing, compute... | {'vote': 0.3333333333333333, 'j': 0.3333333333... | {'vote': 0.3333333333333333, 'j': 0.3333333333... | {' Vote J 10 it Share Oo it2051229 36m In the ... | Rey 24 binjamin2 36m Computer science is heave... | Vote J 10 it Share Oo it2051229 36m In the be... | Vote J 10 it Share Oo it2051229 36m In the be... | [(take, 1.0), (efficiently, 1.0), (computers, ... | vote share it2051229 beginning there such thin... | vote share it2051229 beginning thing computer ... |
24 | 4 50 Q Search News Home Popular 20k J 15 it Sh... | [q, search, news, home, popular, j, it, share,... | 55 | [4 50 Q Search News Home Popular 20k J 15 it S... | 2 | [q, search, news, home, popular, j, share, r, ... | {'q': 0.5, 'search': 0.5, 'news': 0.5, 'home':... | {'q': 0.5, 'search': 0.5, 'news': 0.5, 'home':... | {'4 50 Q Search News Home Popular 20k J 15 it ... | 4 50 Q Search News Home Popular 20k J 15 it Sh... | 4 50 Q Search News Home Popular 20k J 15 it Sh... | 4 50 Q Search News Home Popular 20k J 15 it Sh... | [(share, 1.0), (r, 1.0), (u, 1.0), (bullet, 1.... | search news home popular share basicbulletjour... | search news home popular share basicbulletjour... |
25 | e205 16 it Share o iseemath 18h think you ll f... | [it, share, o, iseemath, think, you, ll, find,... | 177 | [e205 16 it Share o iseemath 18h think you ll ... | 9 | [share, iseemath, think, find, princeton, comp... | {'share': 0.25, 'iseemath': 0.25, 'think': 0.2... | {'share': 0.25, 'iseemath': 0.25, 'think': 0.2... | {'e205 16 it Share o iseemath 18h think you ll... | Reply Vote J AddemF 5h I ve been researching s... | e205 16 it Share o iseemath 18h think you ll f... | e205 16 it Share o iseemath 18h think you ll f... | [(mathematics, 1.0), (j, 0.75), (find, 0.5), (... | e205 share iseemath think find princeton compa... | e205 share iseemath think find princeton compa... |
26 | 124k J 49k it Share Oo Go 234 15 MORE REPLIES... | [j, it, share, oo, go, more, replies, honchomi... | 100 | [ 124k J 49k it Share Oo Go 234 15 MORE REPLIE... | 6 | [j, share, oo, go, replies, honchominerva, cj,... | {'j': 0.5, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'go': 0.... | {'j': 0.5, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'go': 0.... | {'Bing Crosby single handedly managed to creat... | Bing Crosby single handedly managed to create ... | 124k J 49k it Share Oo Go 234 15 MORE REPLIES... | 124k J 49k it Share Oo Go 234 15 MORE REPLIES... | [(honchominerva, 1.0), (bing, 1.0), (crosby, 1... | 124k share more replies honchominerva moki hon... | 124k share more replies honchominerva moki hon... |
27 | 124k J 49k it Share Oo 10 MORE REPLIES sudden... | [j, it, share, oo, more, replies, suddenly, sa... | 110 | [ 124k J 49k it Share Oo 10 MORE REPLIES sudde... | 7 | [j, share, oo, replies, suddenly, satire, augu... | {'j': 0.3333333333333333, 'share': 0.333333333... | {'j': 0.3333333333333333, 'share': 0.333333333... | {'To date it is the strongest candidate for an... | The Wow signal was detected on August 16 1977 ... | 124k J 49k it Share Oo 10 MORE REPLIES sudden... | 124k J 49k it Share Oo 10 MORE REPLIES sudden... | [(replies, 1.0), (august, 1.0), (radio, 1.0), ... | 124k share more replies suddenly satire august... | 124k share more replies suddenly satire august... |
28 | 2 07 al a 2 Messages Back Front Back NV I m no... | [al, a, messages, back, front, back, nv, i, m,... | 160 | [2 07 al a 2 Messages Back Front Back NV I m n... | 7 | [al, messages, back, front, back, nv, home, ri... | {'al': 0.25, 'messages': 0.25, 'back': 1.0, 'f... | {'al': 0.25, 'messages': 0.25, 'back': 1.0, 'f... | {'read that and her other interview book.': 1.... | promise to come back and extend the list when ... | 2 07 al a 2 Messages Back Front Back NV I m no... | 2 07 al a 2 Messages Back Front Back NV I m no... | [(back, 1.0), (recommend, 0.75), (problems, 0.... | messages back front back home right going give... | messages back front back home right going give... |
29 | 527k J 173k it Share Oo Q Reply 56k H insertca... | [j, it, share, oo, q, reply, h, insertcaffeine... | 161 | [527k J 173k it Share Oo Q Reply 56k H insertc... | 10 | [j, share, oo, q, reply, h, insertcaffeine, qu... | {'j': 0.6666666666666666, 'share': 0.333333333... | {'j': 0.6666666666666666, 'share': 0.333333333... | {'527k J 173k it Share Oo Q Reply 56k H insert... | Go 9 16 4 3 MORE REPLIES 75 MORE REPLIES imk 1... | 527k J 173k it Share Oo Q Reply 56k H insertca... | 527k J 173k it Share Oo Q Reply 56k H insertca... | [(asked, 1.0), (j, 0.6666666666666666), (reply... | 527k 173k share reply insertcaffeine questions... | 527k 173k share reply insertcaffeine questions... |
30 | 124k J 49k it Share Oo 2 MORE REPLIES 1 MORE ... | [j, it, share, oo, more, replies, more, reply,... | 156 | [ 124k J 49k it Share Oo 2 MORE REPLIES 1 MORE... | 8 | [j, share, oo, replies, reply, replies, honcho... | {'j': 0.5, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'replies... | {'j': 0.5, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'replies... | {'The particularly interesting part is that it... | Over the past 200 years numerous chess masters... | 124k J 49k it Share Oo 2 MORE REPLIES 1 MORE ... | 124k J 49k it Share Oo 2 MORE REPLIES 1 MORE ... | [(alphazero, 1.0), (chess, 1.0), (j, 0.5), (re... | 124k share more replies more reply more replie... | 124k share more replies more reply more replie... |
31 | f r stopdrinking u creaturefeaturel6 10h 689 d... | [f, r, stopdrinking, u, days, a, very, sad, te... | 244 | [f r stopdrinking u creaturefeaturel6 10h 689 ... | 19 | [f, r, stopdrinking, u, days, sad, text, messa... | {'f': 0.3333333333333333, 'r': 0.3333333333333... | {'f': 0.3333333333333333, 'r': 0.3333333333333... | {'f r stopdrinking u creaturefeaturel6 10h 689... | You looked like you were going to pass out in ... | f r stopdrinking u creaturefeaturel6 10h 689 d... | f r stopdrinking u creaturefeaturel6 10h 689 d... | [(feel, 1.0), (like, 1.0), (sad, 0.66666666666... | stopdrinking creaturefeaturel6 days very text ... | stopdrinking creaturefeaturel6 days text messa... |
32 | 6 51 al Se forums.nexusmods.com 4 ToniPrufrock... | [al, se, toniprufrock, apr, so, was, getting, ... | 255 | [6 51 al Se forums.nexusmods.com 4 ToniPrufroc... | 12 | [al, se, toniprufrock, apr, getting, little, b... | {'al': 0.3333333333333333, 'se': 0.33333333333... | {'al': 0.3333333333333333, 'se': 0.33333333333... | {'Not exactly the most dignified way to go.': ... | faced 2 dragons from the offset outside each o... | 6 51 al Se forums.nexusmods.com 4 ToniPrufrock... | 6 51 al Se forums.nexusmods.com 4 ToniPrufrock... | [(go, 1.0), (dragons, 1.0), (getting, 0.666666... | forums.nexusmods.com toniprufrock 2012 getting... | forums.nexusmods.com toniprufrock 2012 getting... |
33 | 12 40 1 Fe ice comftort ae iY wsyusuallyjread ... | [fe, ice, comftort, ae, iy, wsyusuallyjread, a... | 31 | [12 40 1 Fe ice comftort ae iY wsyusuallyjread... | 4 | [fe, ice, comftort, ae, iy, wsyusuallyjread, c... | {'fe': 0.5, 'ice': 0.5, 'comftort': 0.5, 'ae':... | {'fe': 0.5, 'ice': 0.5, 'comftort': 0.5, 'ae':... | {'12 40 1 Fe ice comftort ae iY wsyusuallyjrea... | 12 40 1 Fe ice comftort ae iY wsyusuallyjread ... | 12 40 1 Fe ice comftort ae iY wsyusuallyjread ... | 12 40 1 Fe ice comftort ae iY wsyusuallyjread ... | [(images, 1.0), (fe, 0.5), (ice, 0.5), (comfto... | comftort wsyusuallyjread chapter book lightsjo... | comftort wsyusuallyjread chapter book lightsjo... |
34 | 8 00 wl LTE google.com hy It was October 28 19... | [wl, lte, hy, it, was, october, his, third, bi... | 125 | [8 00 wl LTE google.com hy It was October 28 1... | 6 | [wl, lte, hy, october, third, birthday, phoeni... | {'wl': 0.3333333333333333, 'lte': 0.3333333333... | {'wl': 0.3333333333333333, 'lte': 0.3333333333... | {'8 00 wl LTE google.com hy It was October 28 ... | 8 00 wl LTE google.com hy It was October 28 19... | 8 00 wl LTE google.com hy It was October 28 19... | 8 00 wl LTE google.com hy It was October 28 19... | [(phoenix, 1.0), (venezuela, 1.0), (parents, 1... | google.com october 1977 third birthday phoenix... | google.com october 1977 third birthday phoenix... |
35 | 86k 3.5k it Share Oo MrBOOMbabdtlc 7h flinty d... | [it, share, oo, mrboombabdtlc, flinty, day, of... | 145 | [86k 3.5k it Share Oo MrBOOMbabdtlc 7h flinty ... | 8 | [share, oo, mrboombabdtlc, flinty, day, lovesm... | {'share': 0.3333333333333333, 'oo': 0.33333333... | {'share': 0.3333333333333333, 'oo': 0.33333333... | {'86k 3.5k it Share Oo MrBOOMbabdtlc 7h flinty... | Go 9 2k y Mudders Milk Man 3h Fun fact Bryan A... | 86k 3.5k it Share Oo MrBOOMbabdtlc 7h flinty d... | 86k 3.5k it Share Oo MrBOOMbabdtlc 7h flinty d... | [(porch, 1.0), (adams, 1.0), (forever, 0.66666... | 3.5k share mrboombabdtlc flinty lovesmesomered... | 3.5k share mrboombabdtlc flinty lovesmesomered... |
36 | 21k J 2.1k it Share Oo Ww DOO VYUNINIENISO WwW... | [j, it, share, oo, ww, doo, vyuninieniso, www,... | 94 | [21k J 2.1k it Share Oo Ww DOO VYUNINIENISO Ww... | 7 | [j, share, oo, ww, doo, vyuninieniso, www, fuc... | {'j': 0.25, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'ww': 0... | {'j': 0.25, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'ww': 0... | {'21k J 2.1k it Share Oo Ww DOO VYUNINIENISO W... | 21k J 2.1k it Share Oo Ww DOO VYUNINIENISO WwW... | 21k J 2.1k it Share Oo Ww DOO VYUNINIENISO WwW... | 21k J 2.1k it Share Oo Ww DOO VYUNINIENISO WwW... | [(nerves, 1.0), (skydiving, 0.5), (super, 0.5)... | 2.1k share vyuninieniso fuckin mate happy8day ... | 2.1k share vyuninieniso fuckin mate happy8day ... |
37 | 4 147k J 314 it Share Oo mikevago 4h One of my... | [j, it, share, oo, mikevago, one, of, my, favo... | 179 | [4 147k J 314 it Share Oo mikevago 4h One of m... | 9 | [j, share, oo, mikevago, one, favorite, things... | {'j': 0.25, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'mikeva... | {'j': 0.25, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'mikeva... | {'ie.': 0.25, 'the selfish short sighted schem... | Back in the day the stern cardigan wearing pip... | 4 147k J 314 it Share Oo mikevago 4h One of my... | 4 147k J 314 it Share Oo mikevago 4h One of my... | [(dad, 1.0), (deep, 0.75), (one, 0.5), (shows,... | 147k share mikevago favorite things about both... | 147k share mikevago favorite things shows ralp... |
38 | 631 4 59 it Share Oo PublicFigurex 28d It s fr... | [it, share, oo, publicfigurex, it, s, fried, r... | 214 | [631 4 59 it Share Oo PublicFigurex 28d It s f... | 15 | [share, oo, publicfigurex, fried, rice, kinda,... | {'share': 0.16666666666666666, 'oo': 0.1666666... | {'share': 0.16666666666666666, 'oo': 0.1666666... | {'631 4 59 it Share Oo PublicFigurex 28d It s ... | Get the mushrooms in there and toss in some so... | 631 4 59 it Share Oo PublicFigurex 28d It s fr... | 631 4 59 it Share Oo PublicFigurex 28d It s fr... | [(sauce, 1.0), (toss, 0.8333333333333334), (ch... | share publicfigurex fried rice. kinda chicken ... | share publicfigurex fried rice. kinda chicken ... |
39 | r EatCheapAndHealthy u chickentender1995 12h B... | [r, eatcheapandhealthy, u, best, tips, have, f... | 229 | [r EatCheapAndHealthy u chickentender1995 12h ... | 14 | [r, eatcheapandhealthy, u, best, tips, eating,... | {'r': 0.25, 'eatcheapandhealthy': 0.25, 'u': 0... | {'r': 0.25, 'eatcheapandhealthy': 0.25, 'u': 0... | {'r EatCheapAndHealthy u chickentender1995 12h... | All the veggies coincidentally came from last ... | r EatCheapAndHealthy u chickentender1995 12h B... | r EatCheapAndHealthy u chickentender1995 12h B... | [(food, 1.0), (one, 0.75), (month, 0.75), (che... | eatcheapandhealthy chickentender1995 best tips... | eatcheapandhealthy chickentender1995 best tips... |
40 | 423 M6 it Share Oo specific or more detailed w... | [it, share, oo, specific, or, more, detailed, ... | 195 | [423 M6 it Share Oo specific or more detailed ... | 9 | [share, oo, specific, detailed, probably, talk... | {'share': 0.2, 'oo': 0.4, 'specific': 0.2, 'de... | {'share': 0.2, 'oo': 0.4, 'specific': 0.2, 'de... | {'The fact that it is difficult and a lot of i... | oO 9 F Vote rookhunter 22d It s a feature of d... | 423 M6 it Share Oo specific or more detailed w... | 423 M6 it Share Oo specific or more detailed w... | [(hunt, 1.0), (would, 0.6), (solved, 0.6), (oo... | share specific more detailed probably wouldn t... | share specific detailed probably talking never... |
41 | 9 01 li LTE 4 Clock Q Search ED SJ o Atwater V... | [li, lte, clock, q, search, ed, sj, o, atwater... | 200 | [9 01 li LTE 4 Clock Q Search ED SJ o Atwater ... | 13 | [li, lte, clock, q, search, ed, sj, atwater, v... | {'li': 0.16666666666666666, 'lte': 0.166666666... | {'li': 0.16666666666666666, 'lte': 0.166666666... | {'If you know me you know that make most of my... | have a good printing company because they adop... | 9 01 li LTE 4 Clock Q Search ED SJ o Atwater V... | 9 01 li LTE 4 Clock Q Search ED SJ o Atwater V... | [(dog, 1.0), (good, 0.6666666666666666), (adop... | clock search atwater village topics neighborho... | clock search atwater village topics neighborho... |
42 | What is the most a dollar has ever gotten you ... | [what, is, the, most, a, dollar, has, ever, go... | 203 | [What is the most a dollar has ever gotten you... | 16 | [dollar, ever, gotten, eeae, tldr, wife, three... | {'dollar': 1.0, 'ever': 0.2, 'gotten': 0.2, 'e... | {'dollar': 1.0, 'ever': 0.2, 'gotten': 0.2, 'e... | {'What is the most a dollar has ever gotten yo... | What is the most a dollar has ever gotten you ... | What is the most a dollar has ever gotten you ... | What is the most a dollar has ever gotten you ... | [(dollar, 1.0), (back, 0.8), (three, 0.4), (st... | what most dollar ever gotten eeae tldr wife th... | what dollar ever gotten eeae tldr wife three b... |
43 | 2 48 at O Ali Ho 8 Today 10 40 AM Recommendati... | [at, o, ali, ho, today, am, recommendations, a... | 102 | [2 48 at O Ali Ho 8 Today 10 40 AM Recommendat... | 5 | [ali, ho, today, recommendations, ask, recomme... | {'ali': 1.0, 'ho': 0.25, 'today': 0.5, 'recomm... | {'ali': 1.0, 'ho': 0.25, 'today': 0.5, 'recomm... | {'Overall you have d well.': 0.5, 'A grade of ... | This is GOOD GR We dazzled her eo c ocA grade ... | 2 48 at O Ali Ho 8 Today 10 40 AM Recommendati... | 2 48 at O Ali Ho 8 Today 10 40 AM Recommendati... | [(ali, 1.0), (data, 0.75), (today, 0.5), (prof... | today recommendations recommended received giv... | today recommendations recommended received giv... |
44 | 27k 6.2k it Share Oo Empurpledprose 18h wrote ... | [it, share, oo, empurpledprose, wrote, this, e... | 193 | [27k 6.2k it Share Oo Empurpledprose 18h wrote... | 9 | [share, oo, empurpledprose, wrote, elsewhere, ... | {'share': 0.3333333333333333, 'oo': 0.33333333... | {'share': 0.3333333333333333, 'oo': 0.33333333... | {'Earth.': 0.6666666666666666, 'This incredibl... | Oh and didja know Arsenic is extremely water s... | 27k 6.2k it Share Oo Empurpledprose 18h wrote ... | 27k 6.2k it Share Oo Empurpledprose 18h wrote ... | [(enough, 1.0), (yellowknife, 0.66666666666666... | 6.2k share empurpledprose wrote this elsewhere... | 6.2k share empurpledprose wrote elsewhere thin... |
45 | 6 52 wi Fe 4 forums.nexusmods.com best arrows ... | [wi, fe, best, arrows, that, a, merchant, will... | 268 | [6 52 wi Fe 4 forums.nexusmods.com best arrows... | 16 | [wi, fe, best, arrows, merchant, offer, charac... | {'wi': 0.14285714285714285, 'fe': 0.1428571428... | {'wi': 0.14285714285714285, 'fe': 0.1428571428... | {'6 52 wi Fe 4 forums.nexusmods.com best arrow... | like using Shock damage Stamina damage enchant... | 6 52 wi Fe 4 forums.nexusmods.com best arrows ... | 6 52 wi Fe 4 forums.nexusmods.com best arrows ... | [(damage, 1.0), (arrows, 0.5714285714285714), ... | forums.nexusmods.com best arrows that merchant... | forums.nexusmods.com best arrows merchant offe... |
46 | 4128 8 it Share We UMNKINg ADOUL It ana e naQ ... | [it, share, we, umnking, adoul, it, ana, e, na... | 211 | [4128 8 it Share We UMNKINg ADOUL It ana e naQ... | 8 | [share, umnking, adoul, ana, e, naq, waslin, i... | {'share': 0.25, 'umnking': 0.25, 'adoul': 0.25... | {'share': 0.25, 'umnking': 0.25, 'adoul': 0.25... | {'4128 8 it Share We UMNKINg ADOUL It ana e na... | it ll help you keep track of what you break as... | 4128 8 it Share We UMNKINg ADOUL It ana e naQ ... | 4128 8 it Share We UMNKINg ADOUL It ana e naQ ... | [(make, 1.0), (problem, 0.75), (time, 0.5), (t... | 4128 share umnking adoul waslin spiral into pr... | 4128 share umnking adoul waslin spiral problem... |
47 | 124k J 49k it Share Oo 5 MORE REPLIES HonchoM... | [j, it, share, oo, more, replies, honchominerv... | 155 | [ 124k J 49k it Share Oo 5 MORE REPLIES Honcho... | 8 | [j, share, oo, replies, honchominerva, honchom... | {'j': 0.5, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'replies... | {'j': 0.5, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'replies... | {'The particularly interesting part is that it... | Over the past 200 years numerous chess masters... | 124k J 49k it Share Oo 5 MORE REPLIES HonchoM... | 124k J 49k it Share Oo 5 MORE REPLIES HonchoM... | [(alphazero, 1.0), (chess, 1.0), (replies, 0.7... | 124k share more replies honchominerva honchomi... | 124k share more replies honchominerva honchomi... |
48 | Being a pet owner is like being a sugar daddy.... | [being, a, pet, owner, is, like, being, a, sug... | 89 | [Being a pet owner is like being a sugar daddy... | 5 | [pet, owner, like, sugar, daddy, waste, money,... | {'pet': 0.5, 'owner': 0.5, 'like': 0.5, 'sugar... | {'pet': 0.5, 'owner': 0.5, 'like': 0.5, 'sugar... | {'Being a pet owner is like being a sugar dadd... | You waste all of your money on keeping them ha... | Being a pet owner is like being a sugar daddy.... | Being a pet owner is like being a sugar daddy.... | [(jack, 1.0), (pet, 0.5), (owner, 0.5), (like,... | being owner like being sugar daddy. waste your... | being owner like sugar daddy. waste money keep... |
49 | Dana Schwartz DanaSchwartzzz BELLE There goes ... | [dana, schwartz, danaschwartzzz, belle, there,... | 25 | [Dana Schwartz DanaSchwartzzz BELLE There goes... | 1 | [dana, schwartz, danaschwartzzz, belle, goes, ... | {'dana': 0.5, 'schwartz': 0.5, 'danaschwartzzz... | {'dana': 0.5, 'schwartz': 0.5, 'danaschwartzzz... | {} | Dana Schwartz DanaSchwartzzz BELLE There goes ... | Dana Schwartz DanaSchwartzzz BELLE There goes ... | [(belle, 1.0), (goes, 1.0), (baker, 1.0), (dan... | dana schwartz danaschwartzzz belle there goes ... | dana schwartz danaschwartzzz belle there goes ... | |
50 | 7 42 all All inboxes N Parker from Interview C... | [all, all, inboxes, n, parker, from, interview... | 159 | [7 42 all All inboxes N Parker from Interview ... | 6 | [inboxes, n, parker, interview, cake, yesthisi... | {'inboxes': 0.2, 'n': 0.4, 'parker': 0.2, 'int... | {'inboxes': 0.2, 'n': 0.4, 'parker': 0.2, 'int... | {'So instead of storing each of those characte... | So instead of storing each of those characters... | 7 42 all All inboxes N Parker from Interview C... | 7 42 all All inboxes N Parker from Interview C... | [(stack, 1.0), (problem, 0.8), (week, 0.8), (i... | inboxes parker from interview cake 00pm yesthi... | inboxes parker interview cake 00pm yesthisiske... |
51 | stupid bumps are that painful pus filled kinda... | [stupid, bumps, are, that, painful, pus, fille... | 236 | [stupid bumps are that painful pus filled kind... | 13 | [stupid, bumps, painful, pus, filled, kinda, l... | {'stupid': 0.2, 'bumps': 0.2, 'painful': 0.2, ... | {'stupid': 0.2, 'bumps': 0.2, 'painful': 0.2, ... | {'stupid bumps are that painful pus filled kin... | So searched about antiseptics agents on MRSA a... | stupid bumps are that painful pus filled kinda... | stupid bumps are that painful pus filled kinda... | [(mrsa, 1.0), (like, 0.6), (folliculitis, 0.6)... | stupid bumps that painful filled kinda like ac... | stupid bumps painful filled kinda like acne ye... |
52 | spokesman.com 4 A. Jock itch is normally caus... | [jock, itch, is, normally, caused, by, a, fung... | 107 | [ spokesman.com 4 A. Jock itch is normally cau... | 8 | [jock, itch, normally, caused, fungal, infecti... | {'jock': 0.6666666666666666, 'itch': 0.6666666... | {'jock': 0.6666666666666666, 'itch': 0.6666666... | {' spokesman.com 4 A. Jock itch is normally ca... | You may want to alternate it with other OTC an... | spokesman.com 4 A. Jock itch is normally caus... | spokesman.com 4 A. Jock itch is normally caus... | [(contains, 1.0), (antifungal, 1.0), (jock, 0.... | spokesman.com jock itch normally caused fungal... | spokesman.com jock itch normally caused fungal... |
53 | 10 21 Mail ef jobs.capitalgroup.com Date Oct 1... | [mail, ef, date, oct, location, los, angeles, ... | 182 | [10 21 Mail ef jobs.capitalgroup.com Date Oct ... | 5 | [mail, ef, date, oct, location, los, angeles, ... | {'mail': 0.125, 'ef': 0.125, 'date': 0.25, 'oc... | {'mail': 0.125, 'ef': 0.125, 'date': 0.25, 'oc... | {'All investment group associates are expected... | A hallmark of Capital s philosophy is an overr... | 10 21 Mail ef jobs.capitalgroup.com Date Oct 1... | 10 21 Mail ef jobs.capitalgroup.com Date Oct 1... | [(capital, 1.0), (group, 0.875), (solutions, 0... | mail jobs.capitalgroup.com date 2019 location ... | mail jobs.capitalgroup.com date 2019 location ... |
54 | 47g Mo it Share Oo VULTESIUPIILVIAVII CII Step... | [mo, it, share, oo, vultesiupiilviavii, cii, s... | 234 | [47g Mo it Share Oo VULTESIUPIILVIAVII CII Ste... | 11 | [mo, share, oo, vultesiupiilviavii, cii, steph... | {'mo': 0.25, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'vulte... | {'mo': 0.25, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'vulte... | {'47g Mo it Share Oo VULTESIUPIILVIAVII CII St... | took Stephen Grider s modern react redux 2019 ... | 47g Mo it Share Oo VULTESIUPIILVIAVII CII Step... | 47g Mo it Share Oo VULTESIUPIILVIAVII CII Step... | [(react, 1.0), (took, 0.75), (way, 0.75), (end... | share vultesiupiilviavii stephen grider been p... | share vultesiupiilviavii stephen grider profes... |
55 | a couple of scenes later when Mr. Robot is wea... | [a, couple, of, scenes, later, when, mr, robot... | 241 | [a couple of scenes later when Mr., Robot is w... | 10 | [couple, scenes, later, mr, robot, wearing, sc... | {'couple': 0.2, 'scenes': 0.2, 'later': 0.2, '... | {'couple': 0.2, 'scenes': 0.2, 'later': 0.2, '... | {'a couple of scenes later when Mr.': 0.8, 'Ro... | TL DR You re not elliot you re the alter think... | a couple of scenes later when Mr. Robot is wea... | a couple of scenes later when Mr. Robot is wea... | [(think, 1.0), (actually, 0.8), (elliot, 0.6),... | couple scenes later when robot wearing scarf p... | couple scenes later robot wearing scarf protec... |
56 | 27k 6.2k it Share Oo Tell Rachel said Hi. o 9 ... | [it, share, oo, tell, rachel, said, hi, o, mor... | 153 | [27k 6.2k it Share Oo Tell Rachel said Hi., o ... | 9 | [share, oo, tell, rachel, said, hi, replies, r... | {'share': 0.3333333333333333, 'oo': 0.33333333... | {'share': 0.3333333333333333, 'oo': 0.33333333... | {'27k 6.2k it Share Oo Tell Rachel said Hi.': ... | Oh and didja know Arsenic is extremely water s... | 27k 6.2k it Share Oo Tell Rachel said Hi. o 9 ... | 27k 6.2k it Share Oo Tell Rachel said Hi. o 9 ... | [(enough, 1.0), (replies, 0.6666666666666666),... | 6.2k share tell rachel said 3324 more replies ... | 6.2k share tell rachel said 3324 more replies ... |
57 | 10 01 WF 4 google.com Google deacon fallout 4 ... | [wf, google, deacon, fallout, voice, actor, x,... | 48 | [10 01 WF 4 google.com Google deacon fallout 4... | 2 | [wf, google, deacon, fallout, voice, actor, x,... | {'wf': 0.25, 'google': 0.25, 'deacon': 0.5, 'f... | {'wf': 0.25, 'google': 0.25, 'deacon': 0.5, 'f... | {'Fandom fallout wiki Ryan Al... Ryan Alosio F... | Fandom fallout wiki Ryan Al... Ryan Alosio Fal... | 10 01 WF 4 google.com Google deacon fallout 4 ... | 10 01 WF 4 google.com Google deacon fallout 4 ... | [(fallout, 1.0), (ryan, 1.0), (alosio, 0.75), ... | google.com google deacon fallout voice actor n... | google.com google deacon fallout voice actor n... |
def get_bow_from_column(df, column):
all_column_data = ' '.join(df[column].tolist())
all_column_fd = Counter(all_column_data.split())
return all_column_fd
big_bow = get_bow_from_column(all_df, 'pruned_nosw')
[('share', 34), ('time', 32), ('like', 32), ('would', 26), ('best', 22), ('enough', 21), ('back', 21), ('more', 19), ('first', 17), ('people', 17), ('using', 16), ('arrows', 16), ('parents', 16), ('reply', 16), ('good', 15), ('make', 15), ('work', 15), ('think', 15), ('problem', 14), ('this', 14), ('years', 14), ('replies', 14), ('damage', 13), ('kids', 13), ('research', 13), ('every', 13), ('also', 13), ('thing', 12), ('things', 12), ('know', 12), ('acomment', 12), ('long', 11), ('sneak', 11), ('even', 11), ('many', 11), ('vote', 11), ('solutions', 11), ('find', 10), ('able', 10), ('take', 10), ('away', 10), ('said', 10), ('need', 10), ('made', 10), ('since', 9), ('less', 9), ('much', 9), ('couple', 9), ('keep', 9), ('then', 9)]
def get_bow_from_dict(df, column):
each_freq = df[column].tolist()
most_freq = []
for freq in each_freq:
for f in freq:
# print(freq[0])
# print(most_freq)
# just_words = [k for (k,v) in df[column].tolist()]
# print(just_words)
# all_column_data = ' '.join(df[column].tolist())
# all_column_fd = Counter(all_column_data.split())
# return all_column_fd
get_bow_from_dict(all_df, 'FREQ')
# [my_series[c].value_counts() for c in list(my_series.select_dtypes(include=['O']).columns)]
Counter({'share': 29, 'one': 25, 'oo': 22, 'like': 21, 'would': 17, 'time': 17, 'go': 17, 'j': 17, 'back': 16, 'get': 15, 'use': 13, 'work': 13, 'best': 12, 'good': 12, 'people': 12, 'add': 12, 'reply': 12, 'using': 11, 'first': 11, 'thing': 11, 'make': 11, 'things': 11, 'years': 11, 'enough': 10, 'said': 10, 'day': 10, 'also': 10, 'acomment': 10, 'level': 9, 'even': 9, 'problem': 9, 'need': 9, 'every': 9, 'made': 9, 'know': 9, 'think': 9, 'u': 8, 'q': 8, 'since': 8, 'got': 8, 'find': 8, 'around': 8, 'could': 8, 'al': 8, 'keep': 8, 'came': 8, 'making': 8, 'see': 7, 'less': 7, 'way': 7, 'away': 7, 'long': 7, 'far': 7, 'much': 7, 'take': 7, 'started': 7, 'course': 7, 'well': 7, 'many': 7, 'research': 7, 'vote': 7, 'us': 7, 'something': 7, 'really': 7, 'times': 7, 'want': 6, 'life': 6, 'understand': 6, 'home': 6, 'water': 6, 'found': 6, 'repy': 6, 'went': 6, 'amazing': 6, 'never': 6, 'lot': 6, 'learning': 6, 'looking': 6, 'replies': 6, 'r': 5, 'little': 5, 'put': 5, 'x': 5, 'great': 5, 'without': 5, 'soon': 5, 'dragons': 5, 'finally': 5, 'shows': 5, 'may': 5, 'try': 5, 'parents': 5, 'person': 5, 'sure': 5, 'say': 5, 'gone': 5, 'mine': 5, 'used': 5, 'thought': 5, 'food': 5, 'right': 5, 'full': 5, 'next': 5, 'real': 5, 'bit': 5, 'old': 5, 'high': 5, 'spent': 5, 'everyone': 5, 'etc': 5, 'decided': 5, 'ask': 5, 'better': 5, 'year': 5, 'human': 5, 'instead': 5, 'done': 5, 'give': 5, 'based': 5, 'led': 4, 'light': 4, 'search': 4, 'room': 4, 'post': 4, 'sneak': 4, 'bow': 4, 'arrows': 4, 'draugr': 4, 'able': 4, 'couple': 4, 'pick': 4, 'perk': 4, 'damage': 4, 'wait': 4, 'characters': 4, 'attention': 4, 'dragon': 4, 'apr': 4, 'takes': 4, 'especially': 4, 'foes': 4, 'sneaky': 4, 'quick': 4, 'either': 4, 'nice': 4, 'perks': 4, 'glycol': 4, 'let': 4, 'help': 4, 'world': 4, 'children': 4, 'always': 4, 'tell': 4, 'exactly': 4, 'change': 4, 'often': 4, 'others': 4, 'money': 4, 'dinner': 4, 'cut': 4, 'saying': 4, 'super': 4, 'fast': 4, 'usually': 4, 'kind': 4, 'must': 4, 'two': 4, 'ago': 4, 'mind': 4, 'e': 4, 'c': 4, 'word': 4, 'sometimes': 4, 'pretty': 4, 'man': 4, 'google': 4, 'ca': 4, 'self': 4, 'development': 4, 'data': 4, 'health': 4, 'ever': 4, 'weeks': 4, 'source': 4, 'solutions': 4, 'topics': 4, 'learn': 4, 'live': 4, 'together': 4, 'pay': 4, 'big': 4, 'saw': 4, 'given': 4, 'yet': 4, 'method': 4, 'past': 4, 'part': 4, 'end': 4, 'might': 4, 'whatever': 4, 'messages': 4, 'v': 4, 'forever': 4, 'days': 4, 'honchominerva': 4, 'hours': 4, 'later': 4, 'front': 4, 'look': 4, 'interesting': 4, 'set': 4, 'yes': 4, 'blue': 3, 'actually': 3, 'anything': 3, 'makes': 3, 'ought': 3, 'dark': 3, 'archery': 3, 'works': 3, 'eagle': 3, 'eye': 3, 'dismount': 3, 'key': 3, 'notice': 3, 'shout': 3, 'fus': 3, 'battle': 3, 'taken': 3, 'nearby': 3, 'closest': 3, 'dragur': 3, 'engage': 3, 'draw': 3, 'sort': 3, 'enchant': 3, 'armor': 3, 'fond': 3, 'elven': 3, 'weight': 3, 'ratio': 3, 'improved': 3, 'max': 3, 'invested': 3, 'smithing': 3, 'se': 3, 'supply': 3, 'activity': 3, 'skin': 3, 'fe': 3, 'young': 3, 'woman': 3, 'affected': 3, 'job': 3, 'second': 3, 'face': 3, 'break': 3, 'come': 3, 'early': 3, 'least': 3, 'beginning': 3, 'completely': 3, 'worse': 3, 'took': 3, 'antibiotic': 3, 'fungal': 3, 'resistant': 3, 'antibiotics': 3, 'tools': 3, 'clean': 3, 'guy': 3, 'cure': 3, 'worked': 3, 'gon': 3, 'na': 3, 'almost': 3, 'coming': 3, 'lol': 3, 'asked': 3, 'point': 3, 'several': 3, 'hell': 3, 'love': 3, 'images': 3, 'videos': 3, 'news': 3, 'manager': 3, 'director': 3, 'mail': 3, 'offer': 3, 'support': 3, 'global': 3, 'contribute': 3, 'advice': 3, 'new': 3, 'probably': 3, 'asset': 3, 'skills': 3, 'develop': 3, 'ways': 3, 'problems': 3, 'experience': 3, 'friend': 3, 'closed': 3, 'care': 3, 'reason': 3, 'upset': 3, 'talk': 3, 'earth': 3, 'f': 3, 'read': 3, 'story': 3, 'studied': 3, 'character': 3, 'types': 3, 'effect': 3, 'review': 3, 'however': 3, 'lead': 3, 'passed': 3, 'feel': 3, 'trying': 3, 'recently': 3, 'kinda': 3, 'happy': 3, 'solving': 3, 'start': 3, 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'easily': 1, 'analyze': 1, 'channel': 1, 'emotion': 1, 'positive': 1, 'constructive': 1, 'theemotionmac': 1, 'serendipity': 1, 'serendipitybot': 1, 'cheating': 1, 'cunt': 1, 'imgoingtohellforthis': 1, 'brettm': 1, 'fosaym': 1, 'vinegar': 1, 'listerine': 1, 'aw': 1, 'ilull': 1, 'suuuliiis': 1, 'aalllu': 1, 'culilallis': 1, 'benefit': 1, 'applying': 1, 'dandruff': 1, 'shampoo': 1, 'selsun': 1, 'lather': 1, 'stay': 1, 'zone': 1, 'five': 1, 'selenium': 1, 'sulfide': 1, 'active': 1, 'inflamed': 1, 'healed': 1, 'applications': 1, 'original': 1, 'amber': 1, 'herbal': 1, 'oils': 1, 'fight': 1, 'acidic': 1, 'hospitable': 1, 'antiperspirant': 1, 'groin': 1, 'dry': 1, 'discourage': 1, 'overgrowth': 1, 'parent': 1, 'child': 1, 'survive': 1, 'owns': 1, 'loan': 1, 'duration': 1, 'lifetime': 1, 'slaves': 1, 'donated': 1, 'genetic': 1, 'material': 1, 'carbon': 1, 'copies': 1, 'adoptive': 1, 'biological': 1, 'catch': 1, 'likes': 1, 'dislikes': 1, 'ensuring': 1, 'independent': 1, 'spiritual': 1, 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# 1. create a frequen