In [ ]:
In [116]:
## =======================================================
## =======================================================
import os
def get_data_from_files(path):
    directory = os.listdir(path)
    results = []
    for file in directory:
    return results

## =======================================================
## =======================================================
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize
def get_tokens(sentence):
    tokens = word_tokenize(sentence)
    clean_tokens = [word.lower() for word in tokens if word.isalpha()]
    return clean_tokens

def get_sentence_tokens(review):
    return sent_tokenize(review)

## =======================================================
## =======================================================
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
stop_words = set(stopwords.words("english"))
def remove_stopwords(sentence):
    filtered_text = []
    for word in sentence:
        if word not in stop_words:
    return filtered_text

## =======================================================
## =======================================================
from nltk.probability import FreqDist
def get_most_common(tokens):
    fdist = FreqDist(tokens)
    return fdist.most_common(12)

def get_most_common(tokens):
    fdist = FreqDist(tokens)
    return fdist.most_common(12)

def get_fdist(tokens):
    return (FreqDist(tokens))

## =======================================================
## =======================================================
from nltk.sentiment import SentimentAnalyzer
from nltk.sentiment.util import *
from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
sid = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()

def get_vader_score(review):
    return sid.polarity_scores(review)

def separate_vader_score(vader_score, key):
    return vader_score[key]

## =======================================================
## =======================================================
def get_weighted_freq_dist(review, freq_dist):
    max_freq = max(freq_dist.values())
    for word in freq_dist.keys():
        freq_dist[word] = (freq_dist[word]/max_freq)
    return freq_dist

def get_sentence_score(review, freq_dist):
    sentence_scores = {}
    for sent in review:
        for word in nltk.word_tokenize(sent.lower()):
            if word in freq_dist.keys():
                if len(sent.split(' ')) < 30:
                    if sent not in sentence_scores.keys():
                        sentence_scores[sent] = freq_dist[word]
                        sentence_scores[sent] += freq_dist[word]
    return sentence_scores

def get_summary_sentences(sentence_scores):
    sorted_sentences = sorted(sentence_scores.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True)
    return ''.join(sent[0] for sent in sorted_sentences[:5])

def get_freq_words(freq_dist):
    sorted_words = sorted(freq_dist.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True)
    return ' '.join(word[0] for word in sorted_words[:50])

def clean_rogue_characters(string):
    exclude = ['\\',"\'",'"']
    string = ''.join(string.split('\\n'))
    string = ''.join(ch for ch in string if ch not in exclude)
    return string

import re
def clean_rogue_characters_2(string):
    return re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z.]+', ' ', string)

def most_freq_words(freq_dist):
    return freq_dist.most_common(100)

def pruner(review):
    clean_review = ' '.join([word.lower() for word in review.split() if len(word) > 3])
    return clean_review

def pruner_v2(review):
    clean_review = ' '.join([word.lower() for word in review.split() if len(word) > 3 and word not in stop_words])
    return clean_review

def get_bow_from_column(df, column):
    all_column_data = ' '.join(df[column].tolist())
    all_column_fd = Counter(all_column_data.split())
    return all_column_fd

def get_common_words(num):
    most_common_neg = [word[0] for word in big_bow_n.most_common(num)]
    most_common_pos = [word[0] for word in big_bow_p.most_common(num)]
    in_both = np.intersect1d(most_common_neg, most_common_pos)
    neg_notpos = np.setdiff1d(most_common_neg, most_common_pos)
    pos_notneg = np.setdiff1d(most_common_pos, most_common_neg)
    return [len(in_both), len(neg_notpos), len(pos_notneg), len(in_both)/num, in_both, neg_notpos, pos_notneg]

def get_only_polarized(tokens, common_words):
    return [token for token in tokens if token not in common_words[4]] # 70
In [117]:
# pos = get_data_from_files('../hw4_lie_false/')
data = get_data_from_files('AmazonPhotoTextCorpus/')

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
all_df = df
In [118]:
all_df['tokens'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_tokens(x[0]), axis=1)
all_df['num_tokens'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: len(x['tokens']), axis=1)

all_df = all_df.drop(all_df[all_df.num_tokens < 1].index)

all_df['sentences'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_sentence_tokens(x[0]), axis=1)
all_df['num_sentences'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: len(x['sentences']), axis=1)

all_df['no_sw'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: remove_stopwords(x['tokens']),axis=1)
all_df['freq_dist'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_fdist(x['no_sw']),axis=1)

all_df['weighted_freq_dist'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_weighted_freq_dist(x['sentences'], x['freq_dist']),axis=1)
all_df['sentence_scores'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_sentence_score(x['sentences'], x['freq_dist']),axis=1)
all_df['summary_sentences'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_summary_sentences(x['sentence_scores']), axis=1)

all_df['clean'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: clean_rogue_characters(x[0]), axis=1)
all_df['clean_v2'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: clean_rogue_characters_2(x[0]), axis=1)
In [119]:
clean_df = pd.DataFrame(all_df['clean_v2'].tolist())
In [121]:
all_df = clean_df.copy()
all_df['tokens'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_tokens(x[0]), axis=1)
all_df['num_tokens'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: len(x['tokens']), axis=1)

all_df = all_df.drop(all_df[all_df.num_tokens < 1].index)

all_df['sentences'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_sentence_tokens(x[0]), axis=1)
all_df['num_sentences'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: len(x['sentences']), axis=1)

all_df['no_sw'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: remove_stopwords(x['tokens']),axis=1)
all_df['freq_dist'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_fdist(x['no_sw']),axis=1)

all_df['weighted_freq_dist'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_weighted_freq_dist(x['sentences'], x['freq_dist']),axis=1)
all_df['sentence_scores'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_sentence_score(x['sentences'], x['freq_dist']),axis=1)
all_df['summary_sentences'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: get_summary_sentences(x['sentence_scores']), axis=1)

all_df['clean'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: clean_rogue_characters(x[0]), axis=1)
all_df['clean_v2'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: clean_rogue_characters_2(x[0]), axis=1)

all_df['FREQ'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: most_freq_words(x['freq_dist']), axis=1)
all_df['pruned'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: pruner(x[0]), axis=1)

all_df['pruned_nosw'] = all_df.apply(lambda x: pruner_v2(x[0]), axis=1)
In [112]:
0 tokens num_tokens sentences num_sentences no_sw freq_dist weighted_freq_dist sentence_scores summary_sentences clean clean_v2 FREQ pruned pruned_nosw
0 iS 11 23 1 Q Search If shine a white LED ligh... [is, q, search, if, shine, a, white, led, ligh... 135 [ iS 11 23 1 Q Search If shine a white LED lig... 2 [q, search, shine, white, led, light, prism, w... {'q': 0.25, 'search': 0.25, 'shine': 0.75, 'wh... {'q': 0.25, 'search': 0.25, 'shine': 0.75, 'wh... {'r theemotionmac 140 1 Share r Serendipity u ... r theemotionmac 140 1 Share r Serendipity u se... iS 11 23 1 Q Search If shine a white LED ligh... iS 11 23 1 Q Search If shine a white LED ligh... [(r, 1.0), (shine, 0.75), (see, 0.75), (line, ... search shine white light through prism would s... search shine white light prism would spectrum ...
1 6 51 . 0 ee BrettM fosaym... [ee, brettm, fosaym, apr, stealth, archery, wo... 340 [6 51 ., 0 ee BrettM fosa... 16 [ee, brettm, fosaym, apr, stealth, archery, wo... {'ee': 0.25, 'brettm': 0.25, 'fosaym': 0.25, '... {'ee': 0.25, 'brettm': 0.25, 'fosaym': 0.25, '... {'0 ee BrettM fosaym 617 ... You should be far enough away from the first f... 6 51 . 0 ee BrettM fosaym... 6 51 . 0 ee BrettM fosaym... [(sneak, 1.0), (one, 1.0), (get, 1.0), (bow, 1... brettm fosaym 2012 stealt... brettm fosaym 2012 stealt...
2 6 52 al Se 17 Apr 2012 St... [al, se, apr, stealth, archery, works, great, ... 345 [6 52 al Se 17 Apr 2012 S... 15 [al, se, apr, stealth, archery, works, great, ... {'al': 0.25, 'se': 0.25, 'apr': 0.25, 'stealth... {'al': 0.25, 'se': 0.25, 'apr': 0.25, 'stealth... {'6 52 al Se 17 Apr 2012 ... You should be far enough away from the first f... 6 52 al Se 17 Apr 2012 St... 6 52 al Se 17 Apr 2012 St... [(sneak, 1.0), (one, 1.0), (get, 1.0), (bow, 1... 2012 stealth archery work... 2012 stealth archery work...
3 4 06 aw Fe 4 ILULL. LL 1S SUUULI... [aw, fe, ilull, ll, suuuliiis, aalllu, culilal... 121 [4 06 aw Fe 4 ILULL., LL 1S SUUU... 10 [aw, fe, ilull, suuuliiis, aalllu, culilallis,... {'aw': 0.3333333333333333, 'fe': 0.33333333333... {'aw': 0.3333333333333333, 'fe': 0.33333333333... {'4 06 aw Fe 4 ILULL.': 1.0, 'LL... Listerine contains herbal oils that fight fung... 4 06 aw Fe 4 ILULL. LL 1S SUUULI... 4 06 aw Fe 4 ILULL. LL 1S SUUULI... [(fungus, 1.0), (antifungal, 0.666666666666666... ilull. suuuliiis aalllu culilall... ilull. suuuliiis aalllu culilall...
4 Parents do not own their children. No one owns... [parents, do, not, own, their, children, no, o... 315 [Parents do not own their children., No one ow... 14 [parents, children, one, owns, anything, loan,... {'parents': 0.7142857142857143, 'children': 0.... {'parents': 0.7142857142857143, 'children': 0.... {'Parents do not own their children.': 0.78571... Kids are not carbon copies of parents adoptive... Parents do not own their children. No one owns... Parents do not own their children. No one owns... [(kids, 1.0), (parents, 0.7142857142857143), (... parents their children. owns anything just loa... parents children. owns anything loan duration ...
5 o changed shampoos cut out dairy litres of wat... [o, changed, shampoos, cut, out, dairy, litres... 236 [o changed shampoos cut out dairy litres of wa... 12 [changed, shampoos, cut, dairy, litres, water,... {'changed': 0.2, 'shampoos': 0.2, 'cut': 0.4, ... {'changed': 0.2, 'shampoos': 0.2, 'cut': 0.4, ... {'o changed shampoos cut out dairy litres of w... So searched about antiseptics agents on MRSA a... o changed shampoos cut out dairy litres of wat... o changed shampoos cut out dairy litres of wat... [(mrsa, 1.0), (folliculitis, 0.8), (like, 0.6)... changed shampoos dairy litres water fast food ... changed shampoos dairy litres water fast food ...
6 WEIS 2P 40p o2ua8 yp i deyiaao SpJ0M Jo 3eq su... [weis, yp, i, deyiaao, jo, suunseayy, z, e, ae... 183 [WEIS 2P 40p o2ua8 yp i deyiaao SpJ0M Jo 3eq s... 1 [weis, yp, deyiaao, jo, suunseayy, z, e, aeazz... {'weis': 0.2, 'yp': 0.2, 'deyiaao': 0.2, 'jo':... {'weis': 0.2, 'yp': 0.2, 'deyiaao': 0.2, 'jo':... {} WEIS 2P 40p o2ua8 yp i deyiaao SpJ0M Jo 3eq su... WEIS 2P 40p o2ua8 yp i deyiaao SpJ0M Jo 3eq su... [(aq, 1.0), (jo, 0.8), (z, 0.6), (du, 0.6), (t... weis o2ua8 deyiaao spj0m suunseayy aeazze yoty... weis o2ua8 deyiaao spj0m suunseayy aeazze yoty...
7 casispie hugealienpie thechubbynerd just showe... [casispie, hugealienpie, thechubbynerd, just, ... 70 [casispie hugealienpie thechubbynerd just show... 7 [casispie, hugealienpie, thechubbynerd, shower... {'casispie': 0.5, 'hugealienpie': 0.5, 'thechu... {'casispie': 0.5, 'hugealienpie': 0.5, 'thechu... {'casispie hugealienpie thechubbynerd just sho... casispie hugealienpie thechubbynerd just showe... casispie hugealienpie thechubbynerd just showe... casispie hugealienpie thechubbynerd just showe... [(language, 1.0), (kind, 1.0), (casispie, 0.5)... casispie hugealienpie thechubbynerd just showe... casispie hugealienpie thechubbynerd shower tho...
8 527k J 173k it Share Oo elfmere 16h Why do you... [j, it, share, oo, elfmere, why, do, you, work... 241 [527k J 173k it Share Oo elfmere 16h Why do yo... 11 [j, share, oo, elfmere, work, factory, honors,... {'j': 0.5, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'elfmere... {'j': 0.5, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'elfmere... {'distinctly recall a coworker of mine who wor... asked him one time vy what he was doing workin... 527k J 173k it Share Oo elfmere 16h Why do you... 527k J 173k it Share Oo elfmere 16h Why do you... [(one, 1.0), (working, 1.0), (home, 0.75), (de... 527k 173k share elfmere work factory when have... 527k 173k share elfmere work factory honors de...
9 6 55 at h Google strange women lyin... [at, h, google, strange, women, lying, in, pon... 50 [6 55 at h Google strange women lyi... 2 [h, google, strange, women, lying, ponds, dist... {'h': 0.25, 'google': 0.25, 'strange': 1.0, 'w... {'h': 0.25, 'google': 0.25, 'strange': 1.0, 'w... {'In Pon Etsy Redbubble Turtles STRANGE WOMEN ... In Pon Etsy Redbubble Turtles STRANGE WOMEN AA... 6 55 at h Google strange women lyin... 6 55 at h Google strange women lyin... [(strange, 1.0), (women, 1.0), (lying, 0.75), ... google strange women lying ponds di... google strange women lying ponds di...
10 1 51 Mail as GitHub Policy Detai... [mail, as, github, policy, details, we, encour... 126 [1 51 Mail as GitHub Policy Deta... 6 [mail, github, policy, details, encourage, hub... {'mail': 0.2, 'github': 0.4, 'policy': 0.2, 'd... {'mail': 0.2, 'github': 0.4, 'policy': 0.2, 'd... {'1 51 Mail as GitHub Policy Det... 1 51 Mail as GitHub Policy Detai... 1 51 Mail as GitHub Policy Detai... 1 51 Mail as GitHub Policy Detai... [(manager, 1.0), (work, 0.6), (github, 0.4), (... mail github policy details encou... mail github policy details encou...
11 fantasywriters u SlinkySlang 3h Writing advic... [fantasywriters, u, slinkyslang, writing, advi... 172 [ fantasywriters u SlinkySlang 3h Writing advi... 11 [fantasywriters, u, slinkyslang, writing, advi... {'fantasywriters': 0.2, 'u': 0.2, 'slinkyslang... {'fantasywriters': 0.2, 'u': 0.2, 'slinkyslang... {' fantasywriters u SlinkySlang 3h Writing adv... For the sake of your self esteem your sanity a... fantasywriters u SlinkySlang 3h Writing advic... fantasywriters u SlinkySlang 3h Writing advic... [(first, 1.0), (draft, 0.6), (stop, 0.6), (wri... fantasywriters slinkyslang writing fantasywriters slinkyslang writing
12 10 21 wil Mail Responsib... [wil, mail, responsibilities, work, in, a, tea... 204 [10 21 wil Mail Responsi... 5 [wil, mail, responsibilities, work, team, anal... {'wil': 0.125, 'mail': 0.125, 'responsibilitie... {'wil': 0.125, 'mail': 0.125, 'responsibilitie... {'Proven analytical and problem solving skills... Proven analytical and problem solving skills w... 10 21 wil Mail Responsib... 10 21 wil Mail Responsib... [(research, 1.0), (portfolio, 0.5), (asset, 0.... mail responsibilities wo... mail responsibilities wo...
13 177k 3.9k it Share Oo GalacticPingvin 3h lemla... [it, share, oo, galacticpingvin, lemlang, atli... 158 [177k 3.9k it Share Oo GalacticPingvin 3h leml... 10 [share, oo, galacticpingvin, lemlang, atlienk,... {'share': 0.3333333333333333, 'oo': 0.33333333... {'share': 0.3333333333333333, 'oo': 0.33333333... {'177k 3.9k it Share Oo GalacticPingvin 3h lem... Her husband at the time basically spent a few ... 177k 3.9k it Share Oo GalacticPingvin 3h lemla... 177k 3.9k it Share Oo GalacticPingvin 3h lemla... [(marriage, 1.0), (time, 0.6666666666666666), ... 177k 3.9k share galacticpingvin lemlang atlien... 177k 3.9k share galacticpingvin lemlang atlien...
14 a. Ricky Montgomery am upset with my parents f... [ricky, montgomery, am, upset, with, my, paren... 33 [a. Ricky Montgomery am upset with my parents ... 2 [ricky, montgomery, upset, parents, making, ex... {'ricky': 1.0, 'montgomery': 1.0, 'upset': 1.0... {'ricky': 1.0, 'montgomery': 1.0, 'upset': 1.0... {'a. Ricky Montgomery am upset with my parents... u just decided to make a person one day who s ... a. Ricky Montgomery am upset with my parents f... a. Ricky Montgomery am upset with my parents f... [(ricky, 1.0), (montgomery, 1.0), (upset, 1.0)... ricky montgomery upset with parents making exi... ricky montgomery upset parents making exist. d...
15 ig nyx5 i prefer guys who make small dick joke... [ig, i, prefer, guys, who, make, small, dick, ... 39 [ig nyx5 i prefer guys who make small dick jok... 1 [ig, prefer, guys, make, small, dick, jokes, g... {'ig': 0.3333333333333333, 'prefer': 0.3333333... {'ig': 0.3333333333333333, 'prefer': 0.3333333... {} ig nyx5 i prefer guys who make small dick joke... ig nyx5 i prefer guys who make small dick joke... [(dick, 1.0), (guys, 0.6666666666666666), (mak... nyx5 prefer guys make small dick jokes about t... nyx5 prefer guys make small dick jokes guys ma...
16 427 27 it Share Oo mrtrouble22 4h Believer i r... [it, share, oo, believer, i, read, one, story,... 166 [427 27 it Share Oo mrtrouble22 4h Believer i ... 10 [share, oo, believer, read, one, story, woman,... {'share': 0.5, 'oo': 0.5, 'believer': 0.5, 're... {'share': 0.5, 'oo': 0.5, 'believer': 0.5, 're... {'427 27 it Share Oo mrtrouble22 4h Believer i... 427 27 it Share Oo mrtrouble22 4h Believer i r... 427 27 it Share Oo mrtrouble22 4h Believer i r... 427 27 it Share Oo mrtrouble22 4h Believer i r... [(bigfoot, 1.0), (greys, 1.0), (long, 1.0), (s... share mrtrouble22 believer read story where wo... share mrtrouble22 believer read story woman gr...
17 6 52 al Se 4 as Soon as y... [al, se, as, soon, as, you, dismount, and, use... 301 [6 52 al Se 4 as Soon as ... 14 [al, se, soon, dismount, use, key, wait, tor, ... {'al': 0.2, 'se': 0.2, 'soon': 0.2, 'dismount'... {'al': 0.2, 'se': 0.2, 'soon': 0.2, 'dismount'... {'6 52 al Se 4 as Soon as... like using Shock damage Stamina damage enchant... 6 52 al Se 4 as Soon as y... 6 52 al Se 4 as Soon as y... [(damage, 1.0), (bow, 0.8), (arrows, 0.8), (be... soon dismount wait dark. ... soon dismount wait dark. ...
18 11 54 a eG The medical commun... [a, eg, the, medical, community, used, to, thi... 273 [11 54 a eG The medical commu... 10 [eg, medical, community, used, think, obesity,... {'eg': 0.14285714285714285, 'medical': 0.14285... {'eg': 0.14285714285714285, 'medical': 0.14285... {'11 54 a eG The medical comm... Obesity is increasing at 2.3 rate each year am... 11 54 a eG The medical commun... 11 54 a eG The medical commun... [(obesity, 1.0), (also, 0.42857142857142855), ... medical community used think ... medical community used think ...
19 lore 54352452524 deactivated201 you can reple... [lore, you, can, replenish, your, health, by, ... 67 [ lore 54352452524 deactivated201 you can repl... 1 [lore, replenish, health, drinking, water, bre... {'lore': 0.5, 'replenish': 0.5, 'health': 1.0,... {'lore': 0.5, 'replenish': 0.5, 'health': 1.0,... {} lore 54352452524 deactivated201 you can reple... lore 54352452524 deactivated201 you can reple... [(health, 1.0), (breathing, 1.0), (fresh, 1.0)... lore 54352452524 deactivated201 replenish your... lore 54352452524 deactivated201 replenish heal...
20 4128 8 it Share We Datadevourer 3h Recently st... [it, share, we, datadevourer, recently, starte... 240 [4128 8 it Share We Datadevourer 3h Recently s... 10 [share, datadevourer, recently, started, using... {'share': 0.125, 'datadevourer': 0.125, 'recen... {'share': 0.125, 'datadevourer': 0.125, 'recen... {'4128 8 it Share We Datadevourer 3h Recently ... However it s not at all good to rely on others... 4128 8 it Share We Datadevourer 3h Recently st... 4128 8 it Share We Datadevourer 3h Recently st... [(time, 1.0), (try, 0.5), (sometimes, 0.375), ... 4128 share datadevourer recently started using... 4128 share datadevourer recently started using...
21 53.2k 176k it Share o PyroSnakel41 13h Become... [it, share, o, become, a, politician, and, rai... 165 [ 53.2k 176k it Share o PyroSnakel41 13h Becom... 8 [share, become, politician, raise, pay, creati... {'share': 0.25, 'become': 0.25, 'politician': ... {'share': 0.25, 'become': 0.25, 'politician': ... {' 53.2k 176k it Share o PyroSnakel41 13h Beco... o 9 14k owningmclovin 10h Most of the federal ... 53.2k 176k it Share o PyroSnakel41 13h Become... 53.2k 176k it Share o PyroSnakel41 13h Become... [(rich, 1.0), (raise, 0.75), (would, 0.75), (p... 53.2k 176k share pyrosnakel41 become politicia... 53.2k 176k share pyrosnakel41 become politicia...
22 r nosurf u fibonacciseries 9d Turning on the G... [r, nosurf, u, fibonacciseries, turning, on, t... 203 [r nosurf u fibonacciseries 9d Turning on the ... 10 [r, nosurf, u, fibonacciseries, turning, greys... {'r': 0.125, 'nosurf': 0.125, 'u': 0.125, 'fib... {'r': 0.125, 'nosurf': 0.125, 'u': 0.125, 'fib... {'r nosurf u fibonacciseries 9d Turning on the... r nosurf u fibonacciseries 9d Turning on the G... r nosurf u fibonacciseries 9d Turning on the G... r nosurf u fibonacciseries 9d Turning on the G... [(phone, 1.0), (attractive, 0.5), (filter, 0.3... nosurf fibonacciseries turning greyscale filte... nosurf fibonacciseries turning greyscale filte...
23 Vote J 10 it Share Oo it2051229 36m In the be... [vote, j, it, share, oo, in, the, beginning, t... 220 [ Vote J 10 it Share Oo it2051229 36m In the b... 12 [vote, j, share, oo, beginning, thing, compute... {'vote': 0.3333333333333333, 'j': 0.3333333333... {'vote': 0.3333333333333333, 'j': 0.3333333333... {' Vote J 10 it Share Oo it2051229 36m In the ... Rey 24 binjamin2 36m Computer science is heave... Vote J 10 it Share Oo it2051229 36m In the be... Vote J 10 it Share Oo it2051229 36m In the be... [(take, 1.0), (efficiently, 1.0), (computers, ... vote share it2051229 beginning there such thin... vote share it2051229 beginning thing computer ...
24 4 50 Q Search News Home Popular 20k J 15 it Sh... [q, search, news, home, popular, j, it, share,... 55 [4 50 Q Search News Home Popular 20k J 15 it S... 2 [q, search, news, home, popular, j, share, r, ... {'q': 0.5, 'search': 0.5, 'news': 0.5, 'home':... {'q': 0.5, 'search': 0.5, 'news': 0.5, 'home':... {'4 50 Q Search News Home Popular 20k J 15 it ... 4 50 Q Search News Home Popular 20k J 15 it Sh... 4 50 Q Search News Home Popular 20k J 15 it Sh... 4 50 Q Search News Home Popular 20k J 15 it Sh... [(share, 1.0), (r, 1.0), (u, 1.0), (bullet, 1.... search news home popular share basicbulletjour... search news home popular share basicbulletjour...
25 e205 16 it Share o iseemath 18h think you ll f... [it, share, o, iseemath, think, you, ll, find,... 177 [e205 16 it Share o iseemath 18h think you ll ... 9 [share, iseemath, think, find, princeton, comp... {'share': 0.25, 'iseemath': 0.25, 'think': 0.2... {'share': 0.25, 'iseemath': 0.25, 'think': 0.2... {'e205 16 it Share o iseemath 18h think you ll... Reply Vote J AddemF 5h I ve been researching s... e205 16 it Share o iseemath 18h think you ll f... e205 16 it Share o iseemath 18h think you ll f... [(mathematics, 1.0), (j, 0.75), (find, 0.5), (... e205 share iseemath think find princeton compa... e205 share iseemath think find princeton compa...
26 124k J 49k it Share Oo Go 234 15 MORE REPLIES... [j, it, share, oo, go, more, replies, honchomi... 100 [ 124k J 49k it Share Oo Go 234 15 MORE REPLIE... 6 [j, share, oo, go, replies, honchominerva, cj,... {'j': 0.5, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'go': 0.... {'j': 0.5, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'go': 0.... {'Bing Crosby single handedly managed to creat... Bing Crosby single handedly managed to create ... 124k J 49k it Share Oo Go 234 15 MORE REPLIES... 124k J 49k it Share Oo Go 234 15 MORE REPLIES... [(honchominerva, 1.0), (bing, 1.0), (crosby, 1... 124k share more replies honchominerva moki hon... 124k share more replies honchominerva moki hon...
27 124k J 49k it Share Oo 10 MORE REPLIES sudden... [j, it, share, oo, more, replies, suddenly, sa... 110 [ 124k J 49k it Share Oo 10 MORE REPLIES sudde... 7 [j, share, oo, replies, suddenly, satire, augu... {'j': 0.3333333333333333, 'share': 0.333333333... {'j': 0.3333333333333333, 'share': 0.333333333... {'To date it is the strongest candidate for an... The Wow signal was detected on August 16 1977 ... 124k J 49k it Share Oo 10 MORE REPLIES sudden... 124k J 49k it Share Oo 10 MORE REPLIES sudden... [(replies, 1.0), (august, 1.0), (radio, 1.0), ... 124k share more replies suddenly satire august... 124k share more replies suddenly satire august...
28 2 07 al a 2 Messages Back Front Back NV I m no... [al, a, messages, back, front, back, nv, i, m,... 160 [2 07 al a 2 Messages Back Front Back NV I m n... 7 [al, messages, back, front, back, nv, home, ri... {'al': 0.25, 'messages': 0.25, 'back': 1.0, 'f... {'al': 0.25, 'messages': 0.25, 'back': 1.0, 'f... {'read that and her other interview book.': 1.... promise to come back and extend the list when ... 2 07 al a 2 Messages Back Front Back NV I m no... 2 07 al a 2 Messages Back Front Back NV I m no... [(back, 1.0), (recommend, 0.75), (problems, 0.... messages back front back home right going give... messages back front back home right going give...
29 527k J 173k it Share Oo Q Reply 56k H insertca... [j, it, share, oo, q, reply, h, insertcaffeine... 161 [527k J 173k it Share Oo Q Reply 56k H insertc... 10 [j, share, oo, q, reply, h, insertcaffeine, qu... {'j': 0.6666666666666666, 'share': 0.333333333... {'j': 0.6666666666666666, 'share': 0.333333333... {'527k J 173k it Share Oo Q Reply 56k H insert... Go 9 16 4 3 MORE REPLIES 75 MORE REPLIES imk 1... 527k J 173k it Share Oo Q Reply 56k H insertca... 527k J 173k it Share Oo Q Reply 56k H insertca... [(asked, 1.0), (j, 0.6666666666666666), (reply... 527k 173k share reply insertcaffeine questions... 527k 173k share reply insertcaffeine questions...
30 124k J 49k it Share Oo 2 MORE REPLIES 1 MORE ... [j, it, share, oo, more, replies, more, reply,... 156 [ 124k J 49k it Share Oo 2 MORE REPLIES 1 MORE... 8 [j, share, oo, replies, reply, replies, honcho... {'j': 0.5, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'replies... {'j': 0.5, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'replies... {'The particularly interesting part is that it... Over the past 200 years numerous chess masters... 124k J 49k it Share Oo 2 MORE REPLIES 1 MORE ... 124k J 49k it Share Oo 2 MORE REPLIES 1 MORE ... [(alphazero, 1.0), (chess, 1.0), (j, 0.5), (re... 124k share more replies more reply more replie... 124k share more replies more reply more replie...
31 f r stopdrinking u creaturefeaturel6 10h 689 d... [f, r, stopdrinking, u, days, a, very, sad, te... 244 [f r stopdrinking u creaturefeaturel6 10h 689 ... 19 [f, r, stopdrinking, u, days, sad, text, messa... {'f': 0.3333333333333333, 'r': 0.3333333333333... {'f': 0.3333333333333333, 'r': 0.3333333333333... {'f r stopdrinking u creaturefeaturel6 10h 689... You looked like you were going to pass out in ... f r stopdrinking u creaturefeaturel6 10h 689 d... f r stopdrinking u creaturefeaturel6 10h 689 d... [(feel, 1.0), (like, 1.0), (sad, 0.66666666666... stopdrinking creaturefeaturel6 days very text ... stopdrinking creaturefeaturel6 days text messa...
32 6 51 al Se 4 ToniPrufrock... [al, se, toniprufrock, apr, so, was, getting, ... 255 [6 51 al Se 4 ToniPrufroc... 12 [al, se, toniprufrock, apr, getting, little, b... {'al': 0.3333333333333333, 'se': 0.33333333333... {'al': 0.3333333333333333, 'se': 0.33333333333... {'Not exactly the most dignified way to go.': ... faced 2 dragons from the offset outside each o... 6 51 al Se 4 ToniPrufrock... 6 51 al Se 4 ToniPrufrock... [(go, 1.0), (dragons, 1.0), (getting, 0.666666... toniprufrock 2012 getting... toniprufrock 2012 getting...
33 12 40 1 Fe ice comftort ae iY wsyusuallyjread ... [fe, ice, comftort, ae, iy, wsyusuallyjread, a... 31 [12 40 1 Fe ice comftort ae iY wsyusuallyjread... 4 [fe, ice, comftort, ae, iy, wsyusuallyjread, c... {'fe': 0.5, 'ice': 0.5, 'comftort': 0.5, 'ae':... {'fe': 0.5, 'ice': 0.5, 'comftort': 0.5, 'ae':... {'12 40 1 Fe ice comftort ae iY wsyusuallyjrea... 12 40 1 Fe ice comftort ae iY wsyusuallyjread ... 12 40 1 Fe ice comftort ae iY wsyusuallyjread ... 12 40 1 Fe ice comftort ae iY wsyusuallyjread ... [(images, 1.0), (fe, 0.5), (ice, 0.5), (comfto... comftort wsyusuallyjread chapter book lightsjo... comftort wsyusuallyjread chapter book lightsjo...
34 8 00 wl LTE hy It was October 28 19... [wl, lte, hy, it, was, october, his, third, bi... 125 [8 00 wl LTE hy It was October 28 1... 6 [wl, lte, hy, october, third, birthday, phoeni... {'wl': 0.3333333333333333, 'lte': 0.3333333333... {'wl': 0.3333333333333333, 'lte': 0.3333333333... {'8 00 wl LTE hy It was October 28 ... 8 00 wl LTE hy It was October 28 19... 8 00 wl LTE hy It was October 28 19... 8 00 wl LTE hy It was October 28 19... [(phoenix, 1.0), (venezuela, 1.0), (parents, 1... october 1977 third birthday phoenix... october 1977 third birthday phoenix...
35 86k 3.5k it Share Oo MrBOOMbabdtlc 7h flinty d... [it, share, oo, mrboombabdtlc, flinty, day, of... 145 [86k 3.5k it Share Oo MrBOOMbabdtlc 7h flinty ... 8 [share, oo, mrboombabdtlc, flinty, day, lovesm... {'share': 0.3333333333333333, 'oo': 0.33333333... {'share': 0.3333333333333333, 'oo': 0.33333333... {'86k 3.5k it Share Oo MrBOOMbabdtlc 7h flinty... Go 9 2k y Mudders Milk Man 3h Fun fact Bryan A... 86k 3.5k it Share Oo MrBOOMbabdtlc 7h flinty d... 86k 3.5k it Share Oo MrBOOMbabdtlc 7h flinty d... [(porch, 1.0), (adams, 1.0), (forever, 0.66666... 3.5k share mrboombabdtlc flinty lovesmesomered... 3.5k share mrboombabdtlc flinty lovesmesomered...
36 21k J 2.1k it Share Oo Ww DOO VYUNINIENISO WwW... [j, it, share, oo, ww, doo, vyuninieniso, www,... 94 [21k J 2.1k it Share Oo Ww DOO VYUNINIENISO Ww... 7 [j, share, oo, ww, doo, vyuninieniso, www, fuc... {'j': 0.25, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'ww': 0... {'j': 0.25, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'ww': 0... {'21k J 2.1k it Share Oo Ww DOO VYUNINIENISO W... 21k J 2.1k it Share Oo Ww DOO VYUNINIENISO WwW... 21k J 2.1k it Share Oo Ww DOO VYUNINIENISO WwW... 21k J 2.1k it Share Oo Ww DOO VYUNINIENISO WwW... [(nerves, 1.0), (skydiving, 0.5), (super, 0.5)... 2.1k share vyuninieniso fuckin mate happy8day ... 2.1k share vyuninieniso fuckin mate happy8day ...
37 4 147k J 314 it Share Oo mikevago 4h One of my... [j, it, share, oo, mikevago, one, of, my, favo... 179 [4 147k J 314 it Share Oo mikevago 4h One of m... 9 [j, share, oo, mikevago, one, favorite, things... {'j': 0.25, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'mikeva... {'j': 0.25, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'mikeva... {'ie.': 0.25, 'the selfish short sighted schem... Back in the day the stern cardigan wearing pip... 4 147k J 314 it Share Oo mikevago 4h One of my... 4 147k J 314 it Share Oo mikevago 4h One of my... [(dad, 1.0), (deep, 0.75), (one, 0.5), (shows,... 147k share mikevago favorite things about both... 147k share mikevago favorite things shows ralp...
38 631 4 59 it Share Oo PublicFigurex 28d It s fr... [it, share, oo, publicfigurex, it, s, fried, r... 214 [631 4 59 it Share Oo PublicFigurex 28d It s f... 15 [share, oo, publicfigurex, fried, rice, kinda,... {'share': 0.16666666666666666, 'oo': 0.1666666... {'share': 0.16666666666666666, 'oo': 0.1666666... {'631 4 59 it Share Oo PublicFigurex 28d It s ... Get the mushrooms in there and toss in some so... 631 4 59 it Share Oo PublicFigurex 28d It s fr... 631 4 59 it Share Oo PublicFigurex 28d It s fr... [(sauce, 1.0), (toss, 0.8333333333333334), (ch... share publicfigurex fried rice. kinda chicken ... share publicfigurex fried rice. kinda chicken ...
39 r EatCheapAndHealthy u chickentender1995 12h B... [r, eatcheapandhealthy, u, best, tips, have, f... 229 [r EatCheapAndHealthy u chickentender1995 12h ... 14 [r, eatcheapandhealthy, u, best, tips, eating,... {'r': 0.25, 'eatcheapandhealthy': 0.25, 'u': 0... {'r': 0.25, 'eatcheapandhealthy': 0.25, 'u': 0... {'r EatCheapAndHealthy u chickentender1995 12h... All the veggies coincidentally came from last ... r EatCheapAndHealthy u chickentender1995 12h B... r EatCheapAndHealthy u chickentender1995 12h B... [(food, 1.0), (one, 0.75), (month, 0.75), (che... eatcheapandhealthy chickentender1995 best tips... eatcheapandhealthy chickentender1995 best tips...
40 423 M6 it Share Oo specific or more detailed w... [it, share, oo, specific, or, more, detailed, ... 195 [423 M6 it Share Oo specific or more detailed ... 9 [share, oo, specific, detailed, probably, talk... {'share': 0.2, 'oo': 0.4, 'specific': 0.2, 'de... {'share': 0.2, 'oo': 0.4, 'specific': 0.2, 'de... {'The fact that it is difficult and a lot of i... oO 9 F Vote rookhunter 22d It s a feature of d... 423 M6 it Share Oo specific or more detailed w... 423 M6 it Share Oo specific or more detailed w... [(hunt, 1.0), (would, 0.6), (solved, 0.6), (oo... share specific more detailed probably wouldn t... share specific detailed probably talking never...
41 9 01 li LTE 4 Clock Q Search ED SJ o Atwater V... [li, lte, clock, q, search, ed, sj, o, atwater... 200 [9 01 li LTE 4 Clock Q Search ED SJ o Atwater ... 13 [li, lte, clock, q, search, ed, sj, atwater, v... {'li': 0.16666666666666666, 'lte': 0.166666666... {'li': 0.16666666666666666, 'lte': 0.166666666... {'If you know me you know that make most of my... have a good printing company because they adop... 9 01 li LTE 4 Clock Q Search ED SJ o Atwater V... 9 01 li LTE 4 Clock Q Search ED SJ o Atwater V... [(dog, 1.0), (good, 0.6666666666666666), (adop... clock search atwater village topics neighborho... clock search atwater village topics neighborho...
42 What is the most a dollar has ever gotten you ... [what, is, the, most, a, dollar, has, ever, go... 203 [What is the most a dollar has ever gotten you... 16 [dollar, ever, gotten, eeae, tldr, wife, three... {'dollar': 1.0, 'ever': 0.2, 'gotten': 0.2, 'e... {'dollar': 1.0, 'ever': 0.2, 'gotten': 0.2, 'e... {'What is the most a dollar has ever gotten yo... What is the most a dollar has ever gotten you ... What is the most a dollar has ever gotten you ... What is the most a dollar has ever gotten you ... [(dollar, 1.0), (back, 0.8), (three, 0.4), (st... what most dollar ever gotten eeae tldr wife th... what dollar ever gotten eeae tldr wife three b...
43 2 48 at O Ali Ho 8 Today 10 40 AM Recommendati... [at, o, ali, ho, today, am, recommendations, a... 102 [2 48 at O Ali Ho 8 Today 10 40 AM Recommendat... 5 [ali, ho, today, recommendations, ask, recomme... {'ali': 1.0, 'ho': 0.25, 'today': 0.5, 'recomm... {'ali': 1.0, 'ho': 0.25, 'today': 0.5, 'recomm... {'Overall you have d well.': 0.5, 'A grade of ... This is GOOD GR We dazzled her eo c ocA grade ... 2 48 at O Ali Ho 8 Today 10 40 AM Recommendati... 2 48 at O Ali Ho 8 Today 10 40 AM Recommendati... [(ali, 1.0), (data, 0.75), (today, 0.5), (prof... today recommendations recommended received giv... today recommendations recommended received giv...
44 27k 6.2k it Share Oo Empurpledprose 18h wrote ... [it, share, oo, empurpledprose, wrote, this, e... 193 [27k 6.2k it Share Oo Empurpledprose 18h wrote... 9 [share, oo, empurpledprose, wrote, elsewhere, ... {'share': 0.3333333333333333, 'oo': 0.33333333... {'share': 0.3333333333333333, 'oo': 0.33333333... {'Earth.': 0.6666666666666666, 'This incredibl... Oh and didja know Arsenic is extremely water s... 27k 6.2k it Share Oo Empurpledprose 18h wrote ... 27k 6.2k it Share Oo Empurpledprose 18h wrote ... [(enough, 1.0), (yellowknife, 0.66666666666666... 6.2k share empurpledprose wrote this elsewhere... 6.2k share empurpledprose wrote elsewhere thin...
45 6 52 wi Fe 4 best arrows ... [wi, fe, best, arrows, that, a, merchant, will... 268 [6 52 wi Fe 4 best arrows... 16 [wi, fe, best, arrows, merchant, offer, charac... {'wi': 0.14285714285714285, 'fe': 0.1428571428... {'wi': 0.14285714285714285, 'fe': 0.1428571428... {'6 52 wi Fe 4 best arrow... like using Shock damage Stamina damage enchant... 6 52 wi Fe 4 best arrows ... 6 52 wi Fe 4 best arrows ... [(damage, 1.0), (arrows, 0.5714285714285714), ... best arrows that merchant... best arrows merchant offe...
46 4128 8 it Share We UMNKINg ADOUL It ana e naQ ... [it, share, we, umnking, adoul, it, ana, e, na... 211 [4128 8 it Share We UMNKINg ADOUL It ana e naQ... 8 [share, umnking, adoul, ana, e, naq, waslin, i... {'share': 0.25, 'umnking': 0.25, 'adoul': 0.25... {'share': 0.25, 'umnking': 0.25, 'adoul': 0.25... {'4128 8 it Share We UMNKINg ADOUL It ana e na... it ll help you keep track of what you break as... 4128 8 it Share We UMNKINg ADOUL It ana e naQ ... 4128 8 it Share We UMNKINg ADOUL It ana e naQ ... [(make, 1.0), (problem, 0.75), (time, 0.5), (t... 4128 share umnking adoul waslin spiral into pr... 4128 share umnking adoul waslin spiral problem...
47 124k J 49k it Share Oo 5 MORE REPLIES HonchoM... [j, it, share, oo, more, replies, honchominerv... 155 [ 124k J 49k it Share Oo 5 MORE REPLIES Honcho... 8 [j, share, oo, replies, honchominerva, honchom... {'j': 0.5, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'replies... {'j': 0.5, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'replies... {'The particularly interesting part is that it... Over the past 200 years numerous chess masters... 124k J 49k it Share Oo 5 MORE REPLIES HonchoM... 124k J 49k it Share Oo 5 MORE REPLIES HonchoM... [(alphazero, 1.0), (chess, 1.0), (replies, 0.7... 124k share more replies honchominerva honchomi... 124k share more replies honchominerva honchomi...
48 Being a pet owner is like being a sugar daddy.... [being, a, pet, owner, is, like, being, a, sug... 89 [Being a pet owner is like being a sugar daddy... 5 [pet, owner, like, sugar, daddy, waste, money,... {'pet': 0.5, 'owner': 0.5, 'like': 0.5, 'sugar... {'pet': 0.5, 'owner': 0.5, 'like': 0.5, 'sugar... {'Being a pet owner is like being a sugar dadd... You waste all of your money on keeping them ha... Being a pet owner is like being a sugar daddy.... Being a pet owner is like being a sugar daddy.... [(jack, 1.0), (pet, 0.5), (owner, 0.5), (like,... being owner like being sugar daddy. waste your... being owner like sugar daddy. waste money keep...
49 Dana Schwartz DanaSchwartzzz BELLE There goes ... [dana, schwartz, danaschwartzzz, belle, there,... 25 [Dana Schwartz DanaSchwartzzz BELLE There goes... 1 [dana, schwartz, danaschwartzzz, belle, goes, ... {'dana': 0.5, 'schwartz': 0.5, 'danaschwartzzz... {'dana': 0.5, 'schwartz': 0.5, 'danaschwartzzz... {} Dana Schwartz DanaSchwartzzz BELLE There goes ... Dana Schwartz DanaSchwartzzz BELLE There goes ... [(belle, 1.0), (goes, 1.0), (baker, 1.0), (dan... dana schwartz danaschwartzzz belle there goes ... dana schwartz danaschwartzzz belle there goes ...
50 7 42 all All inboxes N Parker from Interview C... [all, all, inboxes, n, parker, from, interview... 159 [7 42 all All inboxes N Parker from Interview ... 6 [inboxes, n, parker, interview, cake, yesthisi... {'inboxes': 0.2, 'n': 0.4, 'parker': 0.2, 'int... {'inboxes': 0.2, 'n': 0.4, 'parker': 0.2, 'int... {'So instead of storing each of those characte... So instead of storing each of those characters... 7 42 all All inboxes N Parker from Interview C... 7 42 all All inboxes N Parker from Interview C... [(stack, 1.0), (problem, 0.8), (week, 0.8), (i... inboxes parker from interview cake 00pm yesthi... inboxes parker interview cake 00pm yesthisiske...
51 stupid bumps are that painful pus filled kinda... [stupid, bumps, are, that, painful, pus, fille... 236 [stupid bumps are that painful pus filled kind... 13 [stupid, bumps, painful, pus, filled, kinda, l... {'stupid': 0.2, 'bumps': 0.2, 'painful': 0.2, ... {'stupid': 0.2, 'bumps': 0.2, 'painful': 0.2, ... {'stupid bumps are that painful pus filled kin... So searched about antiseptics agents on MRSA a... stupid bumps are that painful pus filled kinda... stupid bumps are that painful pus filled kinda... [(mrsa, 1.0), (like, 0.6), (folliculitis, 0.6)... stupid bumps that painful filled kinda like ac... stupid bumps painful filled kinda like acne ye...
52 4 A. Jock itch is normally caus... [jock, itch, is, normally, caused, by, a, fung... 107 [ 4 A. Jock itch is normally cau... 8 [jock, itch, normally, caused, fungal, infecti... {'jock': 0.6666666666666666, 'itch': 0.6666666... {'jock': 0.6666666666666666, 'itch': 0.6666666... {' 4 A. Jock itch is normally ca... You may want to alternate it with other OTC an... 4 A. Jock itch is normally caus... 4 A. Jock itch is normally caus... [(contains, 1.0), (antifungal, 1.0), (jock, 0.... jock itch normally caused fungal... jock itch normally caused fungal...
53 10 21 Mail ef Date Oct 1... [mail, ef, date, oct, location, los, angeles, ... 182 [10 21 Mail ef Date Oct ... 5 [mail, ef, date, oct, location, los, angeles, ... {'mail': 0.125, 'ef': 0.125, 'date': 0.25, 'oc... {'mail': 0.125, 'ef': 0.125, 'date': 0.25, 'oc... {'All investment group associates are expected... A hallmark of Capital s philosophy is an overr... 10 21 Mail ef Date Oct 1... 10 21 Mail ef Date Oct 1... [(capital, 1.0), (group, 0.875), (solutions, 0... mail date 2019 location ... mail date 2019 location ...
54 47g Mo it Share Oo VULTESIUPIILVIAVII CII Step... [mo, it, share, oo, vultesiupiilviavii, cii, s... 234 [47g Mo it Share Oo VULTESIUPIILVIAVII CII Ste... 11 [mo, share, oo, vultesiupiilviavii, cii, steph... {'mo': 0.25, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'vulte... {'mo': 0.25, 'share': 0.25, 'oo': 0.25, 'vulte... {'47g Mo it Share Oo VULTESIUPIILVIAVII CII St... took Stephen Grider s modern react redux 2019 ... 47g Mo it Share Oo VULTESIUPIILVIAVII CII Step... 47g Mo it Share Oo VULTESIUPIILVIAVII CII Step... [(react, 1.0), (took, 0.75), (way, 0.75), (end... share vultesiupiilviavii stephen grider been p... share vultesiupiilviavii stephen grider profes...
55 a couple of scenes later when Mr. Robot is wea... [a, couple, of, scenes, later, when, mr, robot... 241 [a couple of scenes later when Mr., Robot is w... 10 [couple, scenes, later, mr, robot, wearing, sc... {'couple': 0.2, 'scenes': 0.2, 'later': 0.2, '... {'couple': 0.2, 'scenes': 0.2, 'later': 0.2, '... {'a couple of scenes later when Mr.': 0.8, 'Ro... TL DR You re not elliot you re the alter think... a couple of scenes later when Mr. Robot is wea... a couple of scenes later when Mr. Robot is wea... [(think, 1.0), (actually, 0.8), (elliot, 0.6),... couple scenes later when robot wearing scarf p... couple scenes later robot wearing scarf protec...
56 27k 6.2k it Share Oo Tell Rachel said Hi. o 9 ... [it, share, oo, tell, rachel, said, hi, o, mor... 153 [27k 6.2k it Share Oo Tell Rachel said Hi., o ... 9 [share, oo, tell, rachel, said, hi, replies, r... {'share': 0.3333333333333333, 'oo': 0.33333333... {'share': 0.3333333333333333, 'oo': 0.33333333... {'27k 6.2k it Share Oo Tell Rachel said Hi.': ... Oh and didja know Arsenic is extremely water s... 27k 6.2k it Share Oo Tell Rachel said Hi. o 9 ... 27k 6.2k it Share Oo Tell Rachel said Hi. o 9 ... [(enough, 1.0), (replies, 0.6666666666666666),... 6.2k share tell rachel said 3324 more replies ... 6.2k share tell rachel said 3324 more replies ...
57 10 01 WF 4 Google deacon fallout 4 ... [wf, google, deacon, fallout, voice, actor, x,... 48 [10 01 WF 4 Google deacon fallout 4... 2 [wf, google, deacon, fallout, voice, actor, x,... {'wf': 0.25, 'google': 0.25, 'deacon': 0.5, 'f... {'wf': 0.25, 'google': 0.25, 'deacon': 0.5, 'f... {'Fandom fallout wiki Ryan Al... Ryan Alosio F... Fandom fallout wiki Ryan Al... Ryan Alosio Fal... 10 01 WF 4 Google deacon fallout 4 ... 10 01 WF 4 Google deacon fallout 4 ... [(fallout, 1.0), (ryan, 1.0), (alosio, 0.75), ... google deacon fallout voice actor n... google deacon fallout voice actor n...
In [113]:
def get_bow_from_column(df, column):
    all_column_data = ' '.join(df[column].tolist())
    all_column_fd = Counter(all_column_data.split())
    return all_column_fd

big_bow = get_bow_from_column(all_df, 'pruned_nosw')
In [114]:
[('share', 34),
 ('time', 32),
 ('like', 32),
 ('would', 26),
 ('best', 22),
 ('enough', 21),
 ('back', 21),
 ('more', 19),
 ('first', 17),
 ('people', 17),
 ('using', 16),
 ('arrows', 16),
 ('parents', 16),
 ('reply', 16),
 ('good', 15),
 ('make', 15),
 ('work', 15),
 ('think', 15),
 ('problem', 14),
 ('this', 14),
 ('years', 14),
 ('replies', 14),
 ('damage', 13),
 ('kids', 13),
 ('research', 13),
 ('every', 13),
 ('also', 13),
 ('thing', 12),
 ('things', 12),
 ('know', 12),
 ('acomment', 12),
 ('long', 11),
 ('sneak', 11),
 ('even', 11),
 ('many', 11),
 ('vote', 11),
 ('solutions', 11),
 ('find', 10),
 ('able', 10),
 ('take', 10),
 ('away', 10),
 ('said', 10),
 ('need', 10),
 ('made', 10),
 ('since', 9),
 ('less', 9),
 ('much', 9),
 ('couple', 9),
 ('keep', 9),
 ('then', 9)]
In [122]:
def get_bow_from_dict(df, column):
    each_freq = df[column].tolist()
    most_freq = []
    for freq in each_freq:
        for f in freq:
#         print(freq[0])
#     print(most_freq)
#     just_words = [k for (k,v) in  df[column].tolist()]
#     print(just_words)
#     all_column_data = ' '.join(df[column].tolist())
#     all_column_fd = Counter(all_column_data.split())
#     return all_column_fd

get_bow_from_dict(all_df, 'FREQ')

# [my_series[c].value_counts() for c in list(my_series.select_dtypes(include=['O']).columns)]
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3, 'fe': 3, 'young': 3, 'woman': 3, 'affected': 3, 'job': 3, 'second': 3, 'face': 3, 'break': 3, 'come': 3, 'early': 3, 'least': 3, 'beginning': 3, 'completely': 3, 'worse': 3, 'took': 3, 'antibiotic': 3, 'fungal': 3, 'resistant': 3, 'antibiotics': 3, 'tools': 3, 'clean': 3, 'guy': 3, 'cure': 3, 'worked': 3, 'gon': 3, 'na': 3, 'almost': 3, 'coming': 3, 'lol': 3, 'asked': 3, 'point': 3, 'several': 3, 'hell': 3, 'love': 3, 'images': 3, 'videos': 3, 'news': 3, 'manager': 3, 'director': 3, 'mail': 3, 'offer': 3, 'support': 3, 'global': 3, 'contribute': 3, 'advice': 3, 'new': 3, 'probably': 3, 'asset': 3, 'skills': 3, 'develop': 3, 'ways': 3, 'problems': 3, 'experience': 3, 'friend': 3, 'closed': 3, 'care': 3, 'reason': 3, 'upset': 3, 'talk': 3, 'earth': 3, 'f': 3, 'read': 3, 'story': 3, 'studied': 3, 'character': 3, 'types': 3, 'effect': 3, 'review': 3, 'however': 3, 'lead': 3, 'passed': 3, 'feel': 3, 'trying': 3, 'recently': 3, 'kinda': 3, 'happy': 3, 'solving': 3, 'start': 3, 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In [124]:
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