


In [ ]:
#Taking what we have learned from analyzing the kaggle dataset, we decided that we needed more information to try to  
# predict profit. We are applying what we learned from our Kaggle analysis to our the numbers dataset. 
In [1]:
#Ali and Kendra Final Project 

#importing pandas, csv, 
import csv 
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import statistics
#To create testing and training dfs and labels 
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split 
# To model the Gaussian Navie Bayes classifier
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
# To calculate the accuracy score of the model
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
#confusion matrix 
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, classification_report

#for pre-processing to fit all numeric data on the standard scale 
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
#for applying PCA function on training and testing sets 
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
#logistic regression 
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.svm import SVC
#For association rule mining 
from apyori import apriori
#This will allow us to silence the warnings
import warnings 
#For the confusion matrix 
import seaborn as sns
In [2]:
#Functions that we are going to use in our file: 

#Creating a function that will change a column data type to category 
def cat_fun(df, column): 
    df[column] = df[column].astype("category") 

#Creating a function that will remove anything in our df and replace it with nothing 
def remove(df, column, object_to_remove): 
    df[column] = df[column].str.replace(object_to_remove, "")

#Creating a function that will discretize our columns based on quartiles 
def quartile_discretize(df, column, categories): 
    df[column] = pd.qcut(df[column], 4, labels = categories)

#Creating a function that will merge our dfs with a left join
def left_merge_2_conditions(df1, df2, column1, column2):
    df = pd.merge(df1, df2, how = "left", on=[column1, column2])

#Creating a function that groups by, counts, creates a new column from the index, drops the index and changes the column names
def groupby_count(df, groupby_column, count_column): 
    new_df = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby(groupby_column)[count_column].count())
    new_df.columns = ["count"]
    new_df[groupby_column] = new_df.index.get_level_values(0)
    new_df.reset_index(drop = True, inplace = True)

#Creating a function that groups by, counts, creates a new column from the index, drops the index and changes the column names
def groupby_2_count(df, groupby_column1, groupby_column2, count_column): 
    new_df = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby([groupby_column1, groupby_column2 ])[count_column].count())
    new_df.columns = ["count"]
    new_df[groupby_column1] = new_df.index.get_level_values(0)
    new_df[groupby_column2] = new_df.index.get_level_values(1)
    new_df.reset_index(drop = True, inplace = True)

# Going to use matplotlib for plotting... 
# To create a plot we followed the following formula: 
# df.plot(x-axis, y-axis, kind = type of plot, color = [(we specified colors to use here)], legend = False (we did not 
# want a legend displayed), title = "Title") then we added a ylabel with plt.ylabel("Type label here") and an x label 
# with plt.xlabel("type label here"). Finally, we wanted to change the direction of the xtick names from a 90 degree angle 
# to no angle with plt.xticks(rotation = rotation angle desired)
def bar_graph_count(df, x_column, y_column, title):
    g = df.plot(x_column, y_column, kind = "bar", legend = False, title = title)
    g = plt.ylabel(y_column)
    g = plt.xlabel(x_column)

#This will calculate the exponential moving average of the columns we want
#exponential moving averages give more weight to the most recent data and less weight to older data 
def exp_moving_avg(d, column_to_be_meaned):
    d["exp_moving_avg"] = d[column_to_be_meaned].ewm(span=40,adjust=False).mean()
    exp_moving_avg = list(d["exp_moving_avg"])
    #Adding a 0 to the first entry to exp_moving_avg
    exp_moving_avg = [0] + exp_moving_avg
    #Removing the last entry in the list 
    #Creating a column named exp_moving_avg with the results 
    d["exp_moving_avg"] = exp_moving_avg

#This will calculate the cumulative moving average
def cumulative_moving_avg(d): 
    d["moving_avg"] = d.expanding(min_periods = 1).mean()
    moving_avg = list(d["moving_avg"])
    #Adding a 0 to the first entry to moving avg
    cumulative_moving_avg = [0] + moving_avg
    #Removing the last entry in the list 

#This will get the list of all of the entries in the column that we are interested in for calculating the averages
def getting_list_of_entries(df, column_interested_in, column_to_be_meaned): 
    avg_people = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby([column_interested_in, "released"])[column_to_be_meaned].mean())
    avg_column_scores = pd.DataFrame()
    column_interested = list(df[column_interested_in].unique())
    return([avg_people, column_interested])

#This will make a df for our moving averages that we are calculating 
def making_df(people_df, column_interested_in, released, person, cumulative_avg, exp_avg): 
    df_2 = pd.DataFrame({column_interested_in: person, "released": released, "cumulative_mean": cumulative_avg, "exp_mean": exp_avg})

#This includes the functions above, and will calculate the exponential and cumulative moving averages for which ever 
#column we specify and return a df will the column interested in, released, cumulative_mean, exp_mean
def calculating_moving_avg(df, column_interested_in, column_to_be_meaned, ty):
    people_df = pd.DataFrame()
    people = getting_list_of_entries(df, column_interested_in, column_to_be_meaned)
    cumulative_avg = []
    avg_people = people[0]
    for person in people[1]: 
        d = avg_people.groupby(column_interested_in).get_group(person)
        cumulative_avg = cumulative_moving_avg(d)
        exp_avg = exp_moving_avg(d, column_to_be_meaned)
        d.reset_index(inplace = True)
        released = d["released"]
        df = pd.DataFrame({column_interested_in: person, "released": released, ty+"_cumulative_mean_"+column_interested_in : cumulative_avg, ty+"_exp_mean_"+column_interested_in: exp_avg})
        people_df = people_df.append(df)

#Confusion Matrix Graph Function 
def confusion_matrix_graph (cm, accuracy_label, type_of_df): 
    g = plt.figure(figsize=(2,2))
    g = sns.heatmap(cm, annot=True, fmt=".3f", linewidths=.5, square = True, cmap = 'Blues_r', cbar = False);
    g = plt.ylabel('Actual');
    g = plt.xlabel('Predicted');
    g = all_sample_title = type_of_df +' Accuracy Score: {0}'.format(round(accuracy_label, 4))
    g = plt.title(all_sample_title, size = 12);
In [3]:
#reading in the V2_TN_reports.csv that we scraped 
movies = pd.read_csv("V2_TN_reports_dates.csv", encoding = "ISO-8859-1")
In [4]:
Unnamed: 0 CreativeType DomesticBoxOffice Genre Infl.Adj.Dom.BoxOffice InternationalBoxOffice MaximumTheaters OpeningWeekendRevenue OpeningWeekendTheaters ProductionBudget ProductionMethod Released ReleasedWorldwide ReleasedWorldwide_2 Released_2 Source TheatricalDistributor TheatricalEngagements Title WorldwideBoxOffice
0 0 Fantasy $317,871,467 Adventure $510,437,208 $657,176,139 3,672 $90,294,621 3,672 $125,000,000 Animation/Live Action Nov 16, 2001 Nov 15, 2001 2001 2001 Based on Fiction Book/Short Story Warner Bros. 36,120 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone $975,047,606
1 1 Fantasy $315,544,750 Adventure $502,999,394 $571,666,235 3,381 $47,211,490 3,359 $109,000,000 Animation/Live Action Dec 19, 2001 Dec 19, 2001 2001 2001 Based on Fiction Book/Short Story New Line 39,234 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship… $887,210,985
2 2 Kids Fiction $289,423,425 Adventure $449,635,428 $270,334,294 3,649 $62,577,067 3,237 $115,000,000 Digital Animation Nov 2, 2001 Nov 2, 2001 2001 2001 Original Screenplay Walt Disney 45,411 Monsters, Inc. $559,757,719
3 3 Kids Fiction $267,655,011 Adventure $430,801,615 $224,157,783 3,715 $42,347,760 3,587 $50,000,000 Digital Animation May 18, 2001 May 18, 2001 2001 2001 Based on Fiction Book/Short Story Dreamworks SKG 40,234 Shrek $491,812,794
4 4 Kids Fiction $260,044,825 Adventure $438,980,791 $85,096,578 3,256 $55,820,330 3,127 $123,000,000 Live Action Nov 17, 2000 Nov 17, 2000 2000 2000 Based on Fiction Book/Short Story Universal 27,579 How the Grinch Stole Christmas $345,141,403
In [5]:
#We are dropping the first column named Unnamed:0 
movies.drop("Unnamed: 0", axis = 1, inplace = True)
In [6]:
(1987, 19)
In [7]:
#We have 1987 movies and 19 columns in our current df 
#We are going to drop any rows if they have nas or missing values for budget
movies.dropna(inplace = True)
In [8]:
In [9]:
#We had 16 movies with missing values... 
#Now we are going to drop any movies with 0s in budget 
movies = movies[movies["ProductionBudget"] != "$0"]
In [10]:
#We did not have any movies with a 0 budget 
In [11]:
#We are going to drop any movies with a DomesticBoxOffice of 0 
movies = movies[movies["DomesticBoxOffice"] != "$0"]
In [12]:
In [13]:
#We had 19 movies with missing domestic box office info 

#We are going to change column names to something a little more user friendly. First, we will look at the column names 
Index(['CreativeType', 'DomesticBoxOffice', 'Genre', 'Infl.Adj.Dom.BoxOffice',
       'InternationalBoxOffice', 'MaximumTheaters', 'OpeningWeekendRevenue',
       'OpeningWeekendTheaters', 'ProductionBudget', 'ProductionMethod',
       'Released', 'ReleasedWorldwide', 'ReleasedWorldwide_2', 'Released_2',
       'Source', 'TheatricalDistributor', 'TheatricalEngagements', 'Title',
In [14]:
column_names = ["creative_type", "domestic_box_office", "genre", "inflated_adj_dom_box_office", "int_box_office", "max_theaters", 
                "open_wkend_rev", "open_wkend_theaters", "budget", "production_method", "released", "released_ww", "year",
                "year_ww", "source", "distributor", "engagements", "title", "world_wide_box_office"]
movies.columns = column_names
In [15]:
creative_type domestic_box_office genre inflated_adj_dom_box_office int_box_office max_theaters open_wkend_rev open_wkend_theaters budget production_method released released_ww year year_ww source distributor engagements title world_wide_box_office
0 Fantasy $317,871,467 Adventure $510,437,208 $657,176,139 3,672 $90,294,621 3,672 $125,000,000 Animation/Live Action Nov 16, 2001 Nov 15, 2001 2001 2001 Based on Fiction Book/Short Story Warner Bros. 36,120 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone $975,047,606
1 Fantasy $315,544,750 Adventure $502,999,394 $571,666,235 3,381 $47,211,490 3,359 $109,000,000 Animation/Live Action Dec 19, 2001 Dec 19, 2001 2001 2001 Based on Fiction Book/Short Story New Line 39,234 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship… $887,210,985
2 Kids Fiction $289,423,425 Adventure $449,635,428 $270,334,294 3,649 $62,577,067 3,237 $115,000,000 Digital Animation Nov 2, 2001 Nov 2, 2001 2001 2001 Original Screenplay Walt Disney 45,411 Monsters, Inc. $559,757,719
3 Kids Fiction $267,655,011 Adventure $430,801,615 $224,157,783 3,715 $42,347,760 3,587 $50,000,000 Digital Animation May 18, 2001 May 18, 2001 2001 2001 Based on Fiction Book/Short Story Dreamworks SKG 40,234 Shrek $491,812,794
4 Kids Fiction $260,044,825 Adventure $438,980,791 $85,096,578 3,256 $55,820,330 3,127 $123,000,000 Live Action Nov 17, 2000 Nov 17, 2000 2000 2000 Based on Fiction Book/Short Story Universal 27,579 How the Grinch Stole Christmas $345,141,403
In [16]:
#Looking at the data type for each column in our df 
creative_type                  object
domestic_box_office            object
genre                          object
inflated_adj_dom_box_office    object
int_box_office                 object
max_theaters                   object
open_wkend_rev                 object
open_wkend_theaters            object
budget                         object
production_method              object
released                       object
released_ww                    object
year                            int64
year_ww                         int64
source                         object
distributor                    object
engagements                    object
title                          object
world_wide_box_office          object
dtype: object
In [17]:
# Eventually, we need to change the following to numeric: 
    # domestic_box_office 
    # inflated_adj_dom_box_office 
    # int_box_office
    # max_theathers 
    # open_wkend_rev 
    # open_wkend_theaters 
    # budget 
    # engagements 
    # world_wide_box_office 
# We need to change the following to category: 
    # creative_type 
    # genre 
    # production_method 
    # source 
    # distributor 
# We need to change the following to date: 
    # released 
    # released ww
#Once we are done cleaning the data we are going to change the data types of the above questions. 
#If we change them now, when we clean the df and removed rows, the old categories 
#remain, and still show as possible categories. 
In [17]:
#First we need to replace the $ and ',' in the columns to be changed to numeric 
#First, creating a list of columns that we want to change to numeric
numeric_columns = ["domestic_box_office", "inflated_adj_dom_box_office", "int_box_office", 
                   "max_theaters", "open_wkend_rev", "open_wkend_theaters", "budget", "engagements", 
#We are using our remove function which takes the following arguments: df, column, item to remove
movies["domestic_box_office"] = remove(movies, "domestic_box_office", "$")
movies["domestic_box_office"] = remove(movies, "domestic_box_office", ",")
movies["inflated_adj_dom_box_office"] = remove(movies, "inflated_adj_dom_box_office", "$")
movies["inflated_adj_dom_box_office"] = remove(movies, "inflated_adj_dom_box_office", ",")
movies["int_box_office"] = remove(movies, "int_box_office", "$")
movies["int_box_office"] = remove(movies, "int_box_office", ",")
movies["max_theaters"] = remove(movies, "max_theaters", ",")
movies["open_wkend_theaters"] = remove(movies, "open_wkend_theaters", ",")
movies["open_wkend_rev"] = remove(movies, "open_wkend_rev", "$")
movies["open_wkend_rev"] = remove(movies, "open_wkend_rev", ",")
movies["budget"] = remove(movies, "budget", "$")
movies["budget"] = remove(movies, "budget", ",")
movies["engagements"] = remove(movies, "engagements", ",")
movies["world_wide_box_office"] = remove(movies, "world_wide_box_office", "$")
movies["world_wide_box_office"] = remove(movies, "world_wide_box_office", ",")
#Changing all of the columns in numeric_columns to numeric 
movies[numeric_columns] = movies[numeric_columns].apply(pd.to_numeric)
In [18]:
# We need to change the following to date: released, released ww
movies["released"] = pd.to_datetime(movies["released"])
movies["released_ww"] = pd.to_datetime(movies["released_ww"])
#Separating the month, day and year into their own columns in case we would like to analyze based on month, day or year
movies["month"], movies["day"] = movies["released"].dt.month, movies["released"].dt.day
movies["month_ww"], movies["day_ww"] = movies["released_ww"].dt.month, movies["released_ww"].dt.day
In [19]:
#Checking data types again 
creative_type                          object
domestic_box_office                     int64
genre                                  object
inflated_adj_dom_box_office             int64
int_box_office                          int64
max_theaters                            int64
open_wkend_rev                          int64
open_wkend_theaters                     int64
budget                                  int64
production_method                      object
released                       datetime64[ns]
released_ww                    datetime64[ns]
year                                    int64
year_ww                                 int64
source                                 object
distributor                            object
engagements                             int64
title                                  object
world_wide_box_office                   int64
month                                   int64
day                                     int64
month_ww                                int64
day_ww                                  int64
dtype: object
In [20]:
#Changing the month to an ordered category 
cat = list(range(1,13))
#Changing the month data type from int to ordered category 
movies["month"] = pd.Categorical(movies["month"], ordered = True, categories = cat)
movies["month_ww"] = pd.Categorical(movies["month_ww"], ordered = True, categories = cat)
#Checking to see if it worked 
CategoricalDtype(categories=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], ordered=True)
In [23]:
#Creating columns named domestic_profit, int_profit, ww_profit 
#We want to be able to look at the profit for each movie... Therefore we are creating a 
#profit column which is gross - budget 
movies["dom_profit"] = movies["domestic_box_office"] - movies["budget"]
movies["int_profit"] = movies["int_box_office"] - movies["budget"]
movies["ww_profit"] = movies["world_wide_box_office"] - movies["budget"]
In [24]:
#Looking to see if that helped
creative_type domestic_box_office genre inflated_adj_dom_box_office int_box_office max_theaters open_wkend_rev open_wkend_theaters budget production_method ... engagements title world_wide_box_office month day month_ww day_ww dom_profit int_profit ww_profit
0 Fantasy 317871467 Adventure 510437208 657176139 3672 90294621 3672 125000000 Animation/Live Action ... 36120 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 975047606 11 16 11 15 192871467 532176139 850047606
1 Fantasy 315544750 Adventure 502999394 571666235 3381 47211490 3359 109000000 Animation/Live Action ... 39234 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship… 887210985 12 19 12 19 206544750 462666235 778210985
2 Kids Fiction 289423425 Adventure 449635428 270334294 3649 62577067 3237 115000000 Digital Animation ... 45411 Monsters, Inc. 559757719 11 2 11 2 174423425 155334294 444757719
3 Kids Fiction 267655011 Adventure 430801615 224157783 3715 42347760 3587 50000000 Digital Animation ... 40234 Shrek 491812794 5 18 5 18 217655011 174157783 441812794
4 Kids Fiction 260044825 Adventure 438980791 85096578 3256 55820330 3127 123000000 Live Action ... 27579 How the Grinch Stole Christmas 345141403 11 17 11 17 137044825 -37903422 222141403

5 rows × 26 columns

In [25]:
#Creating a percent profit column to have a normalized way to compare profits. 
#percent_profit = profit/budget*100 
movies["dom_percent_profit"] = movies["dom_profit"]/movies["budget"]*100
movies["int_percent_profit"] = movies["int_profit"]/movies["budget"]*100
movies["ww_percent_profit"] = movies["ww_profit"]/movies["budget"]*100
In [26]:
#checking to see that worked 
#Writing the clean version of the df to a csv file 
#movies.to_csv("clean.csv", index = False)
creative_type domestic_box_office genre inflated_adj_dom_box_office int_box_office max_theaters open_wkend_rev open_wkend_theaters budget production_method ... month day month_ww day_ww dom_profit int_profit ww_profit dom_percent_profit int_percent_profit ww_percent_profit
0 Fantasy 317871467 Adventure 510437208 657176139 3672 90294621 3672 125000000 Animation/Live Action ... 11 16 11 15 192871467 532176139 850047606 154.297174 425.740911 680.038085
1 Fantasy 315544750 Adventure 502999394 571666235 3381 47211490 3359 109000000 Animation/Live Action ... 12 19 12 19 206544750 462666235 778210985 189.490596 424.464436 713.955032
2 Kids Fiction 289423425 Adventure 449635428 270334294 3649 62577067 3237 115000000 Digital Animation ... 11 2 11 2 174423425 155334294 444757719 151.672543 135.073299 386.745843
3 Kids Fiction 267655011 Adventure 430801615 224157783 3715 42347760 3587 50000000 Digital Animation ... 5 18 5 18 217655011 174157783 441812794 435.310022 348.315566 883.625588
4 Kids Fiction 260044825 Adventure 438980791 85096578 3256 55820330 3127 123000000 Live Action ... 11 17 11 17 137044825 -37903422 222141403 111.418557 -30.815790 180.602767

5 rows × 29 columns

In [26]:
# #For some reason the functions do not work without rereading in the csv file... 
# movies = pd.read_csv("clean.csv", encoding = "ISO-8859-1")
In [27]:
#Aggregating a moving average column and calculating the mean average pp for each creative type;
#by calculating the mean pp for all creative types but for only the movies prior to the 
#movie we are calculting the mean for. 
dom_ct_ma = calculating_moving_avg(movies, "creative_type", "dom_percent_profit", "dom")
int_ct_ma = calculating_moving_avg(movies, "creative_type", "int_percent_profit", "int")
ww_ct_ma = calculating_moving_avg(movies, "creative_type", "ww_percent_profit", "ww")
# #Genres: 
dom_genre_ma = calculating_moving_avg(movies, "genre", "dom_percent_profit", "dom")
int_genre_ma = calculating_moving_avg(movies, "genre", "int_percent_profit", "int")
ww_genre_ma = calculating_moving_avg(movies, "genre", "ww_percent_profit", "ww")
# production_method: 
dom_pm_ma = calculating_moving_avg(movies, "production_method", "dom_percent_profit", "dom")
int_pm_ma = calculating_moving_avg(movies, "production_method", "int_percent_profit", "int")
ww_pm_ma = calculating_moving_avg(movies, "production_method", "ww_percent_profit", "ww")
# source
dom_source_ma = calculating_moving_avg(movies, "source", "dom_percent_profit", "dom")
int_source_ma = calculating_moving_avg(movies, "source", "int_percent_profit", "int")
ww_source_ma = calculating_moving_avg(movies, "source", "ww_percent_profit", "ww")
# distributor: 
dom_distributor_ma = calculating_moving_avg(movies, "distributor", "dom_percent_profit", "dom")
int_distributor_ma = calculating_moving_avg(movies, "distributor", "int_percent_profit", "int")
ww_distributor_ma = calculating_moving_avg(movies, "distributor", "ww_percent_profit", "ww")
dom_month_ma = calculating_moving_avg(movies, "month", "dom_percent_profit", "dom")
int_month_ma = calculating_moving_avg(movies, "month", "int_percent_profit", "int")
ww_month_ma = calculating_moving_avg(movies, "month", "ww_percent_profit", "ww")
In [28]:
#We are going to use our left_merge_2_conditions function: 
#Inputs: df1, df2, column to merge on 1 and column to merge on 2 
movies = left_merge_2_conditions(movies, dom_ct_ma, "creative_type", "released")
movies = left_merge_2_conditions(movies, int_ct_ma, "creative_type", "released")
movies = left_merge_2_conditions(movies, ww_ct_ma, "creative_type", "released")
movies = left_merge_2_conditions(movies, dom_genre_ma, "genre", "released")
movies = left_merge_2_conditions(movies, int_genre_ma, "genre", "released")
movies = left_merge_2_conditions(movies, ww_genre_ma, "genre", "released")
movies = left_merge_2_conditions(movies, dom_pm_ma, "production_method", "released")
movies = left_merge_2_conditions(movies, int_pm_ma, "production_method", "released")
movies = left_merge_2_conditions(movies, ww_pm_ma, "production_method", "released")
movies = left_merge_2_conditions(movies, dom_source_ma, "source", "released")
movies = left_merge_2_conditions(movies, int_source_ma, "source", "released")
movies = left_merge_2_conditions(movies, ww_source_ma, "source", "released")
movies = left_merge_2_conditions(movies, dom_distributor_ma, "distributor", "released")
movies = left_merge_2_conditions(movies, int_distributor_ma, "distributor", "released")
movies = left_merge_2_conditions(movies, ww_distributor_ma, "distributor", "released")
movies = left_merge_2_conditions(movies, dom_month_ma, "month", "released")
movies = left_merge_2_conditions(movies, int_month_ma, "month", "released")
movies = left_merge_2_conditions(movies, ww_month_ma, "month", "released")
In [29]:
creative_type domestic_box_office genre inflated_adj_dom_box_office int_box_office max_theaters open_wkend_rev open_wkend_theaters budget production_method ... int_cumulative_mean_distributor int_exp_mean_distributor ww_cumulative_mean_distributor ww_exp_mean_distributor dom_cumulative_mean_month dom_exp_mean_month int_cumulative_mean_month int_exp_mean_month ww_cumulative_mean_month ww_exp_mean_month
0 Fantasy 317871467 Adventure 510437208 657176139 3672 90294621 3672 125000000 Animation/Live Action ... 27.428436 21.539307 192.197044 229.524435 81.086533 65.615082 13.637318 55.181602 194.723851 220.796684
1 Fantasy 315544750 Adventure 502999394 571666235 3381 47211490 3359 109000000 Animation/Live Action ... 17.549794 -53.381194 304.874991 477.270669 137.721726 269.516736 108.456341 225.039103 346.178067 594.555839
2 Kids Fiction 289423425 Adventure 449635428 270334294 3649 62577067 3237 115000000 Digital Animation ... 1.336186 -24.745212 150.017676 82.748460 58.889794 41.882026 11.037764 43.924968 169.927558 185.806994
3 Kids Fiction 267655011 Adventure 430801615 224157783 3715 42347760 3587 50000000 Digital Animation ... 105.017328 -34.731348 314.685622 59.557927 79.386765 84.667641 93.108241 141.140128 272.495007 325.807769
4 Kids Fiction 260044825 Adventure 438980791 85096578 3256 55820330 3127 123000000 Live Action ... 83.354325 147.055898 384.951864 410.787157 39.228383 39.228383 49.367272 49.367272 188.595656 188.595656

5 rows × 65 columns

In [30]:
(1952, 65)
In [31]:
Index(['creative_type', 'domestic_box_office', 'genre',
       'inflated_adj_dom_box_office', 'int_box_office', 'max_theaters',
       'open_wkend_rev', 'open_wkend_theaters', 'budget', 'production_method',
       'released', 'released_ww', 'year', 'year_ww', 'source', 'distributor',
       'engagements', 'title', 'world_wide_box_office', 'month', 'day',
       'month_ww', 'day_ww', 'dom_profit', 'int_profit', 'ww_profit',
       'dom_percent_profit', 'int_percent_profit', 'ww_percent_profit',
       'dom_cumulative_mean_creative_type', 'dom_exp_mean_creative_type',
       'int_cumulative_mean_creative_type', 'int_exp_mean_creative_type',
       'ww_cumulative_mean_creative_type', 'ww_exp_mean_creative_type',
       'dom_cumulative_mean_genre', 'dom_exp_mean_genre',
       'int_cumulative_mean_genre', 'int_exp_mean_genre',
       'ww_cumulative_mean_genre', 'ww_exp_mean_genre',
       'ww_cumulative_mean_production_method', 'ww_exp_mean_production_method',
       'dom_cumulative_mean_source', 'dom_exp_mean_source',
       'int_cumulative_mean_source', 'int_exp_mean_source',
       'ww_cumulative_mean_source', 'ww_exp_mean_source',
       'dom_cumulative_mean_distributor', 'dom_exp_mean_distributor',
       'int_cumulative_mean_distributor', 'int_exp_mean_distributor',
       'ww_cumulative_mean_distributor', 'ww_exp_mean_distributor',
       'dom_cumulative_mean_month', 'dom_exp_mean_month',
       'int_cumulative_mean_month', 'int_exp_mean_month',
       'ww_cumulative_mean_month', 'ww_exp_mean_month'],
In [32]:
#We are removing any rows that have 0s for the newly calculated columns 
#Looking to see what happens if we remove all the movies with a 0 for exp_mean_director and exp_mean_star
movies = movies[movies["dom_cumulative_mean_creative_type"] != 0]
movies = movies[movies["dom_cumulative_mean_genre"] != 0]
movies = movies[movies["dom_cumulative_mean_production_method"] != 0]
movies = movies[movies["dom_cumulative_mean_source"] != 0]
movies = movies[movies["dom_cumulative_mean_distributor"] != 0]
movies = movies[movies["dom_cumulative_mean_month"] != 0]
In [33]:
len(movies) #We still have 1859 movies in our df 
In [34]:
#Changing creative_type, genre, production_method, source, distributor to category 
#We are using our cat_fun which takes the following inputs: df, column to change
movies["creative_type"] = cat_fun(movies, "creative_type")
movies["genre"] = cat_fun(movies, "genre")
movies["production_method"] = cat_fun(movies, "production_method")
movies["source"] = cat_fun(movies, "source")
movies["distributor"] = cat_fun(movies, "distributor")
In [35]:
#What is the breakdown of genre in our df?

#Getting the count of movies for each genre in our df and saving it as a pandas df. 
#We are grouping by genre and then getting the count of the genre column in each group by 
#we could have used any column to get the count of... 
#We are using the groupby_count function that takes the following arguments (df, groupby_column, count_column)
movies_genre = groupby_count(movies, "genre", "genre")
count genre
0 377 Action
1 538 Adventure
2 9 Black Comedy
3 315 Comedy
4 2 Concert/Performance
5 2 Documentary
6 249 Drama
7 91 Horror
8 30 Musical
9 76 Romantic Comedy
10 158 Thriller/Suspense
11 12 Western
In [36]:
#Using our bar_graph_count function to visualize the movies_genre group 
#It takes the following inputs: df, x_column, y_column, title
movies_genre.sort_values(['count'], ascending=[False], inplace = True)
bar_graph_count(movies_genre, "genre", "count", "Visualization of the Number of Movies per Genre")
Text(0.5, 0, 'genre')
In [37]:
#Creating a data frame of the movies creative_type count 
movies_ct = groupby_count(movies, "creative_type", "creative_type") 
0    Contemporary Fiction
1           Dramatization
2                 Factual
3                 Fantasy
4      Historical Fiction
5            Kids Fiction
6         Science Fiction
7              Super Hero
Name: creative_type, dtype: category
Categories (8, object): [Contemporary Fiction, Dramatization, Factual, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Kids Fiction, Science Fiction, Super Hero]
In [38]:
#Sorting the df, so the bar graph will be in descending order
movies_ct.sort_values(['count'], ascending=[False], inplace = True)
bar_graph_count(movies_ct, "creative_type", "count", "Visualization of the Number of Movies per Creative Type")
Text(0.5, 0, 'creative_type')
In [39]:
movies_year = groupby_count(movies, "year", "genre")
count year
0 26 2000
1 90 2001
2 91 2002
3 100 2003
4 101 2004
5 83 2005
6 107 2006
7 86 2007
8 98 2008
9 98 2009
10 94 2010
11 102 2011
12 95 2012
13 101 2013
14 100 2014
15 96 2015
16 103 2016
17 96 2017
18 118 2018
19 74 2019
In [40]:
bar_graph_count(movies_year, "year", "count", "Visualization of the Number of Movies per Year")
Text(0.5, 0, 'year')
In [41]:
movies_month = groupby_count(movies, "month", "genre")
count month
0 71 1
1 121 2
2 158 3
3 94 4
4 190 5
5 225 6
6 215 7
7 137 8
8 85 9
9 108 10
10 215 11
11 240 12
In [42]:
bar_graph_count(movies_month, "month", "count", "Visualization of the Number of Movies per Month")
Text(0.5, 0, 'month')
In [43]:
movies_source = groupby_count(movies, "source", "genre")
count source
0 176 Based on Comic/Graphic Novel
1 72 Based on Factual Book/Article
2 387 Based on Fiction Book/Short Story
3 24 Based on Folk Tale/Legend/Fairytale
4 15 Based on Game
5 3 Based on Movie
6 4 Based on Musical or Opera
7 10 Based on Play
8 77 Based on Real Life Events
9 3 Based on Religious Text
10 6 Based on Short Film
11 107 Based on TV
12 10 Based on Theme Park Ride
13 14 Based on Toy
14 803 Original Screenplay
15 118 Remake
16 30 Spin-Off
In [44]:
movies_source.sort_values(['count'], ascending=[False], inplace = True)
bar_graph_count(movies_source, "source", "count", "Visualization of the Number of Movies per Source")
Text(0.5, 0, 'source')
In [45]:
movies_distributor = groupby_count(movies, "distributor", "genre")
count distributor
0 249 20th Century Fox
1 36 Dreamworks SKG
2 2 FilmDistrict
3 9 Focus Features
4 12 Fox Searchlight
5 69 Lionsgate
6 17 MGM
7 20 Miramax
8 14 Miramax/Dimension
9 39 New Line
10 244 Paramount Pictures
11 6 Relativity
12 7 STX Entertainment
13 292 Sony Pictures
14 10 Summit Entertainment
15 1 United Artists
16 260 Universal
17 259 Walt Disney
18 301 Warner Bros.
19 12 Weinstein Co.
In [46]:
movies_distributor = movies_distributor[movies_distributor["count"] > 0]
count distributor
0 249 20th Century Fox
1 36 Dreamworks SKG
2 2 FilmDistrict
3 9 Focus Features
4 12 Fox Searchlight
5 69 Lionsgate
6 17 MGM
7 20 Miramax
8 14 Miramax/Dimension
9 39 New Line
10 244 Paramount Pictures
11 6 Relativity
12 7 STX Entertainment
13 292 Sony Pictures
14 10 Summit Entertainment
15 1 United Artists
16 260 Universal
17 259 Walt Disney
18 301 Warner Bros.
19 12 Weinstein Co.
In [47]:
movies_distributor.sort_values(['count'], ascending=[False], inplace = True)
bar_graph_count(movies_distributor, "distributor", "count", "Visualization of the Number of Movies per Distributor")
Text(0.5, 0, 'distributor')
In [48]:
movies_production_method = groupby_count(movies, "production_method", "genre")
count production_method
0 176 Animation/Live Action
1 216 Digital Animation
2 14 Hand Animation
3 1451 Live Action
4 2 Stop-Motion Animation
In [49]:
movies_production_method.sort_values(['count'], ascending=[False], inplace = True)
bar_graph_count(movies_production_method, "production_method", "count", "Visualization of the Number of Movies per Production Method")
Text(0.5, 0, 'production_method')
In [50]:
#Discretizing the df 
movies_discretized = movies.copy()
In [51]:
#Getting a list of all of our columns 
Index(['creative_type', 'domestic_box_office', 'genre',
       'inflated_adj_dom_box_office', 'int_box_office', 'max_theaters',
       'open_wkend_rev', 'open_wkend_theaters', 'budget', 'production_method',
       'released', 'released_ww', 'year', 'year_ww', 'source', 'distributor',
       'engagements', 'title', 'world_wide_box_office', 'month', 'day',
       'month_ww', 'day_ww', 'dom_profit', 'int_profit', 'ww_profit',
       'dom_percent_profit', 'int_percent_profit', 'ww_percent_profit',
       'dom_cumulative_mean_creative_type', 'dom_exp_mean_creative_type',
       'int_cumulative_mean_creative_type', 'int_exp_mean_creative_type',
       'ww_cumulative_mean_creative_type', 'ww_exp_mean_creative_type',
       'dom_cumulative_mean_genre', 'dom_exp_mean_genre',
       'int_cumulative_mean_genre', 'int_exp_mean_genre',
       'ww_cumulative_mean_genre', 'ww_exp_mean_genre',
       'ww_cumulative_mean_production_method', 'ww_exp_mean_production_method',
       'dom_cumulative_mean_source', 'dom_exp_mean_source',
       'int_cumulative_mean_source', 'int_exp_mean_source',
       'ww_cumulative_mean_source', 'ww_exp_mean_source',
       'dom_cumulative_mean_distributor', 'dom_exp_mean_distributor',
       'int_cumulative_mean_distributor', 'int_exp_mean_distributor',
       'ww_cumulative_mean_distributor', 'ww_exp_mean_distributor',
       'dom_cumulative_mean_month', 'dom_exp_mean_month',
       'int_cumulative_mean_month', 'int_exp_mean_month',
       'ww_cumulative_mean_month', 'ww_exp_mean_month'],
In [52]:
# We are going to descritize our data based on the quartiles. The categories are: 
# extremely_low, low, high, extremely_high
# We are using our quartile_discretize function that takes the following arguments: 
#(df, column, category)
categories = ["extremely_low", "low", "high", "extremely_high"]
movies_discretized["domestic_box_office"] = quartile_discretize(movies_discretized, "domestic_box_office", categories)
movies_discretized["inflated_adj_dom_box_office"] = quartile_discretize(movies_discretized, "inflated_adj_dom_box_office", categories)
movies_discretized["int_box_office"] = quartile_discretize(movies_discretized, "int_box_office", categories)
movies_discretized["max_theaters"] = quartile_discretize(movies_discretized, "max_theaters", categories)
movies_discretized["open_wkend_rev"] = quartile_discretize(movies_discretized, "open_wkend_rev", categories)
movies_discretized["open_wkend_theaters"] = quartile_discretize(movies_discretized, "open_wkend_theaters", categories)
movies_discretized["budget"] = quartile_discretize(movies_discretized, "budget", categories)
movies_discretized["engagements"] = quartile_discretize(movies_discretized, "engagements", categories)
movies_discretized["world_wide_box_office"] = quartile_discretize(movies_discretized, "world_wide_box_office", categories)
In [53]:
Index(['creative_type', 'domestic_box_office', 'genre',
       'inflated_adj_dom_box_office', 'int_box_office', 'max_theaters',
       'open_wkend_rev', 'open_wkend_theaters', 'budget', 'production_method',
       'released', 'released_ww', 'year', 'year_ww', 'source', 'distributor',
       'engagements', 'title', 'world_wide_box_office', 'month', 'day',
       'month_ww', 'day_ww', 'dom_profit', 'int_profit', 'ww_profit',
       'dom_percent_profit', 'int_percent_profit', 'ww_percent_profit',
       'dom_cumulative_mean_creative_type', 'dom_exp_mean_creative_type',
       'int_cumulative_mean_creative_type', 'int_exp_mean_creative_type',
       'ww_cumulative_mean_creative_type', 'ww_exp_mean_creative_type',
       'dom_cumulative_mean_genre', 'dom_exp_mean_genre',
       'int_cumulative_mean_genre', 'int_exp_mean_genre',
       'ww_cumulative_mean_genre', 'ww_exp_mean_genre',
       'ww_cumulative_mean_production_method', 'ww_exp_mean_production_method',
       'dom_cumulative_mean_source', 'dom_exp_mean_source',
       'int_cumulative_mean_source', 'int_exp_mean_source',
       'ww_cumulative_mean_source', 'ww_exp_mean_source',
       'dom_cumulative_mean_distributor', 'dom_exp_mean_distributor',
       'int_cumulative_mean_distributor', 'int_exp_mean_distributor',
       'ww_cumulative_mean_distributor', 'ww_exp_mean_distributor',
       'dom_cumulative_mean_month', 'dom_exp_mean_month',
       'int_cumulative_mean_month', 'int_exp_mean_month',
       'ww_cumulative_mean_month', 'ww_exp_mean_month'],
In [54]:
#The other columns that are going to be discretized contain information regarding percent profit... We have decided to 
# use the following categories for percent profit 
#We are creating new label categories ; Discretized Percent Profit 
#We cannot use our function on this, because we are not discretizing by quartiles
categories = ["negative", "low", "high", "extremely_high"]

movies_discretized["dom_percent_profit"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["dom_percent_profit"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["int_percent_profit"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["int_percent_profit"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["ww_percent_profit"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["ww_percent_profit"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["dom_cumulative_mean_creative_type"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["dom_cumulative_mean_creative_type"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["dom_exp_mean_creative_type"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["dom_exp_mean_creative_type"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["int_cumulative_mean_creative_type"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["int_cumulative_mean_creative_type"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["int_exp_mean_creative_type"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["int_exp_mean_creative_type"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["ww_cumulative_mean_creative_type"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["ww_cumulative_mean_creative_type"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["ww_exp_mean_creative_type"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["ww_exp_mean_creative_type"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["dom_cumulative_mean_genre"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["dom_cumulative_mean_genre"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["dom_exp_mean_genre"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["dom_exp_mean_genre"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["int_cumulative_mean_genre"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["int_cumulative_mean_genre"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["int_exp_mean_genre"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["int_exp_mean_genre"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["ww_cumulative_mean_genre"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["ww_cumulative_mean_genre"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["ww_exp_mean_genre"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["ww_exp_mean_genre"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["dom_cumulative_mean_production_method"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["dom_cumulative_mean_production_method"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["dom_exp_mean_production_method"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["dom_exp_mean_production_method"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["int_cumulative_mean_production_method"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["int_cumulative_mean_production_method"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["int_exp_mean_production_method"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["int_exp_mean_production_method"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["ww_cumulative_mean_production_method"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["ww_cumulative_mean_production_method"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["ww_exp_mean_production_method"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["ww_exp_mean_production_method"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["dom_cumulative_mean_source"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["dom_cumulative_mean_source"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["dom_exp_mean_source"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["dom_exp_mean_source"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["int_cumulative_mean_source"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["int_cumulative_mean_source"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["int_exp_mean_source"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["int_exp_mean_source"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["ww_cumulative_mean_source"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["ww_cumulative_mean_source"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["ww_exp_mean_source"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["ww_exp_mean_source"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["dom_cumulative_mean_distributor"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["dom_cumulative_mean_distributor"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["dom_exp_mean_distributor"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["dom_exp_mean_distributor"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["int_cumulative_mean_distributor"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["int_cumulative_mean_distributor"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["int_exp_mean_distributor"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["int_exp_mean_distributor"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["ww_cumulative_mean_distributor"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["ww_cumulative_mean_distributor"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["ww_exp_mean_distributor"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["ww_exp_mean_distributor"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["dom_cumulative_mean_month"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["dom_cumulative_mean_month"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["dom_exp_mean_month"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["dom_exp_mean_month"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["int_cumulative_mean_month"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["int_cumulative_mean_month"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["int_exp_mean_month"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["int_exp_mean_month"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["ww_cumulative_mean_month"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["ww_cumulative_mean_month"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
movies_discretized["ww_exp_mean_month"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["ww_exp_mean_month"], [-100, 0, 50, 150, 999999], labels = categories)
In [55]:
count    1.859000e+03
mean     5.330808e+07
std      8.312150e+07
min     -2.841540e+08
25%      9.498052e+06
50%      4.270688e+07
75%      7.955942e+07
max      6.306622e+08
Name: dom_profit, dtype: float64
In [56]:
#negative = -999999999 - 0 
#low = 0 - 40000000
# high = 40000000 - 79559420
# extremely_high = 79559420 - 9999999999
movies_discretized["dom_profit"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["dom_profit"], [-999999999, 0, 40000000, 79559420, 999999999], labels = categories)
In [57]:
count    1.859000e+03
mean     1.074237e+08
std      1.714774e+08
min     -1.694891e+08
25%      3.747336e+06
50%      4.991367e+07
75%      1.488067e+08
max      1.604198e+09
Name: int_profit, dtype: float64
In [58]:
#negative = -999999999 - 0 
#low = 0 - 3747336
# high = 3747336 - 49913670
# extremely_high = 49913670 - 9999999999
movies_discretized["int_profit"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["int_profit"], [-999999999, 0, 3747336, 49913670, 9999999999], labels = categories)
In [59]:
count    1.859000e+03
mean     2.477746e+08
std      2.614642e+08
min     -1.036431e+08
25%      8.632919e+07
50%      1.561279e+08
75%      3.031389e+08
max      2.395446e+09
Name: ww_profit, dtype: float64
In [60]:
#negative = -999999999 - 0 
#low = 0 - 10000000
# high = 10000000 - 303138900
# extremely_high = 303138900 - 9999999999
movies_discretized["ww_profit"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["ww_profit"], [-999999999, 0, 10000000, 303138900, 9999999999], labels = categories)
In [61]:
#We are setting new categories for the day column by creating a new column for week 
# week_1 is the first 7 days of the month, week_2 is days 8 - 14, week_3 is days 15 - 21, and week_4 are the 
# rest of the days
categories = ["week_1", "week_2", "week_3", "week_4"]

movies_discretized["week"] = pd.cut(movies_discretized["day"], [0, 8, 15, 22, 32], labels = categories)
In [62]:
#Looking at the relationship between genre and percent profit 
movies_discretized_genre_pp = groupby_2_count(movies_discretized, "genre", "dom_percent_profit", "genre")
count genre dom_percent_profit
0 125 Action negative
1 106 Action low
2 110 Action high
3 36 Action extremely_high
4 160 Adventure negative
5 151 Adventure low
6 130 Adventure high
7 97 Adventure extremely_high
8 2 Black Comedy negative
9 2 Black Comedy low
10 1 Black Comedy high
11 4 Black Comedy extremely_high
12 20 Comedy negative
13 35 Comedy low
14 97 Comedy high
15 163 Comedy extremely_high
16 2 Concert/Performance extremely_high
17 2 Documentary low
18 36 Drama negative
19 45 Drama low
20 63 Drama high
21 105 Drama extremely_high
22 4 Horror negative
23 7 Horror low
24 14 Horror high
25 66 Horror extremely_high
26 2 Musical negative
27 8 Musical low
28 10 Musical high
29 10 Musical extremely_high
30 3 Romantic Comedy negative
31 11 Romantic Comedy low
32 38 Romantic Comedy high
33 24 Romantic Comedy extremely_high
34 30 Thriller/Suspense negative
35 33 Thriller/Suspense low
36 47 Thriller/Suspense high
37 48 Thriller/Suspense extremely_high
38 4 Western negative
39 3 Western low
40 3 Western high
41 2 Western extremely_high
In [63]:
#Now we are getting the sum of each genre category... We do not have a function for sum... we could go back and rework 
#our function.
Action                 377
Adventure              538
Black Comedy             9
Comedy                 315
Concert/Performance      2
Documentary              2
Drama                  249
Horror                  91
Musical                 30
Romantic Comedy         76
Thriller/Suspense      158
Western                 12
Name: count, dtype: int64
In [64]:
movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"] = movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre"]
In [65]:
# We ultimately want a column that contains the total counts for each genre group. We are probably doing this in 
# a roundabout way, but as I am extremely new to python this is the best way I can think of doing it. We are going to create 
# a new column that replicates the genre column called genre_count and then we will use the replace function to 
# replace the genre names with their total count 
#First, replicating the income level column in a column named budget_category_count
movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"] = movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre"] 
#Now replacing the income level with the total count for each income level 
movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"] = movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"].replace(["Action"], 377 )
movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"] = movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"].replace(["Adventure"], 538)
movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"] = movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"].replace(["Black Comedy"], 9)
movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"] = movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"].replace(["Comedy"], 315)
movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"] = movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"].replace(["Concert/Performance"], 2)
movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"] = movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"].replace(["Documentary"], 2)
movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"] = movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"].replace(["Drama"], 249)
movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"] = movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"].replace(["Horror"], 91)
movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"] = movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"].replace(["Musical"], 30)
movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"] = movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"].replace(["Romantic Comedy"], 76)
movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"] = movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"].replace(["Thriller/Suspense"], 158)
movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"] = movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"].replace(["Western"], 12)
In [66]:
count genre dom_percent_profit genre_count
0 125 Action negative 377
1 106 Action low 377
2 110 Action high 377
3 36 Action extremely_high 377
4 160 Adventure negative 538
In [67]:
movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"] = pd.to_numeric(movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"])
In [68]:
#Okay, we are one step closer... Now, we need to create a column that takes the counts/genre_counts * 100 
movies_discretized_genre_pp["percent"] = movies_discretized_genre_pp["count"]/movies_discretized_genre_pp["genre_count"] *100
In [69]:
count genre dom_percent_profit genre_count percent
0 125 Action negative 377 33.156499
1 106 Action low 377 28.116711
2 110 Action high 377 29.177719
3 36 Action extremely_high 377 9.549072
4 160 Adventure negative 538 29.739777
In [70]:
'''Attempting to graph this data using a grouped bar chart: 
formula: df.pivot(columns, group, values).plot(kind = "type of graph", color = ["color to use, can be a list of colors"], 
title = "you can set the title of your graph here")'''
graph = movies_discretized_genre_pp.pivot("genre", "dom_percent_profit", 
                                                "percent").plot(kind="bar", color = ["crimson", "salmon", "palegreen", "darkgreen"],
                                                               title = "Percent of Percent Profit to Genre Category")
#Changing the y label of our graph to Percent
#Changing the x axis label of our graph to Budget Category 
#How to change the tick labels (we ended up not needing this, but want to keep for future reference)
#plt.Axes.set_xticklabels(graph, labels = ['extremely low', 'low', 'high', 'extremely high'])
#moving the legend position to underneath the graph, also setting it to have 4 columns so the legend is in a 
#straight single line and adding a legend title
plt.legend( loc = "lower center", bbox_to_anchor = (.5, -.6), ncol = 4, title = "Percent Makeup of Genre Category")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x2608e6345c0>
In [ ]: