Harry Potter Movie Review Analysis

By Ali Ho

In [1]:
#Packages and functions to be used
import os 

#For regex 
import re

#importing pandas 
import pandas as pd 

#To create a wordcloud/graphs
import numpy as np 
from wordcloud import WordCloud, ImageColorGenerator
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from matplotlib import cm 
from colorspacious import cspace_converter
import seaborn as sns
#Allows for randomization, you can set a seed to have reproducable results
import random

#from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageFilter
import numpy as np
#Allows for several values for the same dictionary key 
import multidict

#To get a count of words (used in the term_frequency)
from collections import Counter 

#NLTK Packages 
#To process text using nltk (remove stopwords, lemmatize, tokenize...)
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import nltk
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer 
#Porter stemmer 
from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer 

from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer as SIA

#To perform machine learning in Naive Bayes I need to import the following packages 
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split 
# To model the Gaussian Navie Bayes classifier
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
#Multinomrial classifier for naive bayes
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.svm import SVC
# To calculate the accuracy score of the model
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
#confusion matrix 
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, classification_report

Functions I created that will be used in the document:

In [2]:
#Function 1: Creating a function to read in my files. This function will read in all the files in a specific directory. 
    #inputs: list of all of the file names to read 
    #        the path where the files are located 
    #outputs: a list, each element in the list is the content for each file that was read in. 
def reading_in_files(list_of_file_names, path):
    empty_list = []
    for file in list_of_file_names: 
        file = open(path+ "\\" + file)
        data = file.read() 

#Function 2: Creating a function to split the output from the just_compound_and_doc function. 
    #inputs: the list that is to be split,
            #the item that we want to split on 
    #outputs: a list of split lists that when put into a df, will create columns based on where the list was split
def list_split(list_to_be_split, item_to_split_on):
    empty_list = []
    for element in list_to_be_split: 

#Function 2: Vader (from NLTK) sentiment intensity score calculator. This function will calculate the polarity score 
#for each file. It will return a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary will contain the following: a compound score, 
#positive score, negative score, neutral score, and the opinion. 
    #inputs: a list of the content to be analyzed (this is what is returned in the reading_in_files function)
    #Output: a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary will contain the following: a compound score, postive score, 
    #        negative score, neutral score, and the opinion 
def sentiment_intensity_score(sentiment_files): 
    sent_analyze = SIA()
    results = []
    for word in sentiment_files: 
        score = sent_analyze.polarity_scores(word)
        score["sentiment_file"] = word 

#Function 3: 
    #What the function does: to be creating a list of reviews, then joining the reviews together to a string and 
                             #getting a count for each word in the string
    #Input: df and column 
    #Output: a dictionary with each word and the count of the word
def creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(df, column):
    reviews = df[column].tolist() 
    review_string = " ".join(reviews)
    review_string = review_string.split()
    review_dict = Counter(review_string)
    return review_dict

#Function 3: 
    #What the function does: creates a word cloud that is in the shape of the mask passed in
    #Input: the location where the mask image is saved, the frequency word dictionary, and the max # of words to include
            #and the title of the plot 
def create_word_cloud_with_mask(path_of_mask_image, dictionary, 
                                max_num_words, title):
        mask = np.array(Image.open(path_of_mask_image))
        #creating the word cloud 
        word_cloud = WordCloud(background_color = "white", 
                               max_words = max_num_words, 
                              mask = mask, max_font_size = 125, 
                              random_state = 1006)
        #creating the coloring for the word cloud 
        image_colors = ImageColorGenerator(mask)
        plt.figure(figsize = [8,8])
        plt.imshow(word_cloud.recolor(color_func = image_colors), 
                  interpolation = "bilinear")
        return plt

#Function 4: 
    #What the function does: creates a df with two columns: word and count of the top 12 words
    #Input: the word frequency dictionary 
    #Output: a df with the top 12 words 
def word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(dictionary, number_of_words_wanted): 
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dictionary,orient='index')
    df.columns = ["count"]
    df["word"] = df.index
    df.reset_index(drop = True, inplace = True)
    df.sort_values(by=["count"], ascending = False, inplace = True)
    df = df[:number_of_words_wanted]

#Function 5: 
    #What the function does: creates a bar graph
    #Input: the df and title of the graph 
    #Output: the bar graph
def top_words_bar_plot(df, title): 
    with sns.plotting_context("talk"):
        graph = sns.barplot(y = "count", x = "word", data = df, 
                           palette = "GnBu_d")
        plt.xticks(rotation = 90)
        return plt

#Function 6: 
    #What the function does: creates a df with two columns: word and count 
    #Input: the word frequency dictionary 
    #Output: a df
def word_freq_dict_to_df_all_words(dictionary): 
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dictionary,orient='index')
    df.columns = ["count"]
    df["word"] = df.index
    df.reset_index(drop = True, inplace = True)
    df.sort_values(by=["count"], ascending = False, inplace = True)
#Function 7: 
    #What the function does: Returns 2 statements: One with the total number of words and the other with the number 
                            #of unique words 
        #Input: the frequency count dictionary 
        #output: 2 statements 
def total_words_unique_words(dictionary): 
    eda_reviews_all_words = word_freq_dict_to_df_all_words(dictionary)
    print("The total number of words is", sum(eda_reviews_all_words["count"]))
    print("The total number of unique words is", len(dictionary)) 
#Function 8: 
    #What the function does: It duplicates the words in each review that are in all caps. 
    #Input: the review to be analyzed
    #Output: a new review where the first words of the review are the duplicated words from all caps and 
            #then the original review follows
def duplicate_all_cap_words(review): 
    capitalized_word = ""
    for word in re.findall('([A-Z][A-Z]+\w)', review):
        if word in review: 
            capitalized_word = capitalized_word + " " + word
    new_review = capitalized_word +" " + review
    return new_review

#Function 8: 
def get_count_of_all_cap_words(review): 
    count = 0 
    for word in re.findall('([A-Z][A-Z]+\w)', review):
        if word in review: 
            count += 1
    return count

#Function 8: 
def get_count_of_all_words(review): 
    count = 0 
    for word in re.findall('([A-z]+\w)', review):
        if word in review: 
            count += 1
    return count

#Function 9: 
    #What the function does: It removes all words that have less than 3 characters in it. 
    #Input: The string to have stopwords removed 
    #Ouptut: The string with the words with 2 or less characters removed 
def remove_words_less_than_3_characters(string):
    new_string = ""
    for word in re.findall('[A-z][A-z]+\w', string): 
        new_string = new_string + " " + word
    return new_string

#Function 10: 
    #What the function does: Removes stopwords 
    #Input: a list of stopwords to be removed, the tokenized item that you want to remove stopwords in 
    #Output: the same item type back with the stopwords removed. 
def stop_word_removal(stopwords, item_that_you_want_to_remove_stopwords_in): 
    removed_stopwords = [] 
    for word in item_that_you_want_to_remove_stopwords_in: 
        if word in stopwords: 
        if word not in stopwords: 

    #What the function does: It takes the tokens from the df and joins it into a string, then replaces the "," with a space
    #Input: the df and column to be changed 
    #Output: the data untokenized 
def getting_data_ready_for_freq(df, column): 
    df[column] = df[column].apply(",".join)
    df[column] = df[column].str.replace(",", " ")

#Function 12: 
    #What the function does: Takes the words in a column and uses the SentimentInstensityAnalyzer from nltk and 
                             #gets the sentiment score for every word in the column. If the word has a sentiment 
                             #score greater than or equal to .3 (max is 1) or less than or equal to -.3 (-1 is min)
                             #the word is added to the keep_words list if not the word will be removed. 
def pos_neg_words(column):
    sia = SIA()
    keep_words = []

    for word in column:
        if (sia.polarity_scores(word)['compound']) >= 0.005:
        elif (sia.polarity_scores(word)['compound']) <= -0.005:
        elif word == "not": 
    return keep_words

#Function 13: 
    #What the function does: It uses the Porter stemmer to stem each word in the column 
    #Input: the item that you want to be stemmed 
    #Output: the same item type back with the words stemmed 
def stem_fun(item_that_you_want_to_be_stemmed):     
    stemmer = PorterStemmer() 
    stemmed = [stemmer.stem(token) for token in item_that_you_want_to_be_stemmed]

#Function 14: 
    #What the function does: It lemmatizes the data without using pos, meaning that it will not be as efficient
    #Input: item to be lemmatized (the column)
    #Output: the column lemmatized 
def lemma_func(item_to_lemmatize):
    lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
    lemmatized_review = []
    for token in item_to_lemmatize: 
        word = lemmatizer.lemmatize(token)
    return lemmatized_review

#Function 15: 
    #What the function does: Creates bigrams from a tokenized column in a dataframe
    #Input: the column that you want to create a ngram with 
    #Output: a list of ngrams
def creating_ngrams(item_to_be_ngrammed, number_of_ngram):
    # zip function helps generate ngrams
    ngrams = zip(*[item_to_be_ngrammed[i:] for i in range(number_of_ngram)])
    # Concatentate the tokens into ngrams and return
    return ["_".join(ngram) for ngram in ngrams]

#Function 16: 
    #What the function does: Create a bag of words from a column in a df... 
    #Input: df and column to be transformed 
    #Output: A list of dictionaries for each row in the df that contains the word as a key and the count as the value 
def bag_of_words(df, column_to_be_bagged):
    bag_of_words = [] 
    from collections import Counter 
    for word in df[column_to_be_bagged]: 
    return bag_of_words

#Function 17: 
    #What the function does: Takes the bag of words and makes it into a giant sparse matrix df, with 0s where nas are
    #Input: bag of words 
    #Output: Giant df with the words as column names and counts as row entries 
def bow_to_df(bag_of_words): 
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(bag_of_words)
    df = df.fillna(0).astype(int)

#Function 18: 
    #What the function does: It normalizing the df by getting the sum of each row and then dividing every entry by 
                             #the sum, resulting in the percentage make-up of each word
    #Input: dataframe to be normalized 
    #Output: normalized dataframe 
def normalize_df(df):
    names = df.columns 
    df["total"] = df.sum(axis = 1)
    for name in names: 
        df[name] = df[name]/df["total"]

#Function 19: 
    #What the function does: Creates a confusion matrix graph 
    #Input: the confusion matrix, accuracy_label, and type of df 
    #Output: Confusion matrix graph
def confusion_matrix_graph (cm, accuracy_label, type_of_df): 
    g = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
    g = sns.heatmap(cm, annot=True, fmt=".3f", linewidths=.5, square = True, cmap = 'Blues_r', cbar = False);
    g = plt.ylabel('Actual');
    g = plt.xlabel('Predicted');
    g = all_sample_title = type_of_df +' Accuracy Score: {0}'.format(round(accuracy_label, 4))
    g = plt.title(all_sample_title, size = 12);
In [253]:
#First step is importing the documents
#Getting a list of all the file names in my pos file 
positive = os.listdir("C:\\Users\\ho511\\Desktop\\IST_736\\homeworks\\week_3\\harry_potter_corpus\\pos")
positive_path = "C:\\Users\\ho511\\Desktop\\IST_736\\homeworks\\week_3\\harry_potter_corpus\\pos"

#Getting a list of all the file names in my neg file 
negative = os.listdir("C:\\Users\\ho511\\Desktop\\IST_736\\homeworks\\week_3\\harry_potter_corpus\\neg")
negative_path = "C:\\Users\\ho511\\Desktop\\IST_736\\homeworks\\week_3\\harry_potter_corpus\\neg"

looking to see if I successfully got the file names

In [254]:
['10_hp1_0.txt', '10_hp1_1.txt', '10_hp1_10.txt', '10_hp1_11.txt', '10_hp1_12.txt', '10_hp1_13.txt', '10_hp1_14.txt', '10_hp1_15.txt', '10_hp1_16.txt', '10_hp1_18.txt']

looking at the first 10 items in the negative list to ensure I successfully extracted the file names

In [255]:
['1_hp1_1.txt', '1_hp1_10.txt', '1_hp1_11.txt', '1_hp1_12.txt', '1_hp1_13.txt', '1_hp1_14.txt', '1_hp1_15.txt', '1_hp1_16.txt', '1_hp1_17.txt', '1_hp1_18.txt']

Using my reading_in_file function to read in all of the positive files

In [256]:
positive_reviews = reading_in_files(positive, positive_path)

Confirming that the function worked by looking at the first review

In [257]:
"10** Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/10 - an unforgettable start to a fantastic film series and the career of the impeccable Emma Watson (and the other kids)"

The score is separated from the review by , the title is separated from the review on ==. It is important to note, that if I split on the , it is possible that the review will also be split. There is a high likelihood that the "**" characters are included in some of the review text as well. This will have to be addressed.

In [258]:
positive_reviews = list_split(positive_reviews, "**")

Checking to make sure that it worked.

In [259]:
 " Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/10 - an unforgettable start to a fantastic film series and the career of the impeccable Emma Watson (and the other kids)"]

Changing the positive_review list to a data frame.

In [260]:
positive_df = pd.DataFrame(positive_reviews)

Looking at the first 5 rows

In [261]:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... None None None None None None None None ... None None None None None None None None None None
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... None None None None None None None None ... None None None None None None None None None None
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... None None None None None None None None ... None None None None None None None None None None
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... None None None None None None None None ... None None None None None None None None None None
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... None None None None None None None None ... None None None None None None None None None None

5 rows × 28 columns

This shows that my worry about the reviews being split on ** was warranted. I need to joing the review text to one column. Positive, is the the score was successfully extracted

In [262]:
positive_df["review"] = positive_df[positive_df.columns[1:]].apply(lambda row: " ".join(row.dropna().astype(str)), axis = 1)

selecting only column 0 (the rating) and the review column for the new dataframe.

In [263]:
positive_df = positive_df[[0, "review"]]
In [264]:
0 review
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time...
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th...
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==...
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/...
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ...

Changing the column names

In [265]:
positive_df.columns = ["rating", "review"]
rating review
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time...
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th...
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==...
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/...
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ...

Repeating the process for the negative reviews

In [266]:
negative_reviews = reading_in_files(negative, negative_path)
In [267]:
'1** For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== ***SLIGHT SPOILERS*** As an adult, it didn\'t appeal to me in the least. The effects were poorly done, the giant plot leap in the middle ("lots of strange things are happening-- hey, I know! it\'s definitely because the creepy teacher guy wants the thing under the trap door under the three-headed dog") threw me completely out of the story. It\'s really a kids only movie, which disappointed me, because I\'d been hearing such good things about it. And then at the end, Harry is sent back to his abusive adoptive parents. So much for changing one\'s situation.And I know that they had to cut tremendous amounts of story in order to make it only 2 1/2 hours long (which was still way too long for this movie). After waiting in line outside the theater with tickets bought a week ahead of time, I must say I was truly disappointed. I\'m even more saddened by the commercial success and the lunacy of die hard Harry Potter fans which will keep this sad and poorly-written movie in theaters much longer than it needs to be.Some books should remain books.'
In [268]:
negative_reviews = list_split(negative_reviews, "**")
In [269]:
 ' For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== ',
 '* As an adult, it didn\'t appeal to me in the least. The effects were poorly done, the giant plot leap in the middle ("lots of strange things are happening-- hey, I know! it\'s definitely because the creepy teacher guy wants the thing under the trap door under the three-headed dog") threw me completely out of the story. It\'s really a kids only movie, which disappointed me, because I\'d been hearing such good things about it. And then at the end, Harry is sent back to his abusive adoptive parents. So much for changing one\'s situation.And I know that they had to cut tremendous amounts of story in order to make it only 2 1/2 hours long (which was still way too long for this movie). After waiting in line outside the theater with tickets bought a week ahead of time, I must say I was truly disappointed. I\'m even more saddened by the commercial success and the lunacy of die hard Harry Potter fans which will keep this sad and poorly-written movie in theaters much longer than it needs to be.Some books should remain books.']
In [270]:
negative_df = pd.DataFrame(negative_reviews)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
0 1 For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPOILERS * As an adult, it didn't appeal to me in the l... None None None None None None ... None None None None None None None None None None
1 1 An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ... None None None None None None None None ... None None None None None None None None None None
2 1 Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li... None None None None None None None None ... None None None None None None None None None None
3 1 Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb... None None None None None None None None ... None None None None None None None None None None
4 1 Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Before I briefly state my views, I must confes... None None None None ... None None None None None None None None None None

5 rows × 26 columns

In [271]:
negative_df["review"] = negative_df[negative_df.columns[1:]].apply(lambda row: " ".join(row.dropna().astype(str)), axis = 1)
In [272]:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 review
0 1 For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPOILERS * As an adult, it didn't appeal to me in the l... None None None None None None ... None None None None None None None None None For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPO...
1 1 An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ... None None None None None None None None ... None None None None None None None None None An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ...
2 1 Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li... None None None None None None None None ... None None None None None None None None None Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li...
3 1 Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb... None None None None None None None None ... None None None None None None None None None Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb...
4 1 Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Before I briefly state my views, I must confes... None None None None ... None None None None None None None None None Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Be...

5 rows × 27 columns

In [273]:
negative_df = negative_df[[0, "review"]]
negative_df.columns = ["rating", "review"]
rating review
0 1 For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPO...
1 1 An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ...
2 1 Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li...
3 1 Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb...
4 1 Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Be...

EDA for positive reviews and negative reviews

In [274]:
(492, 2)
In [275]:
(492, 2)

There is an equal number of positive and negative reviews in the data frames. Each data frame has 2 columns.

Using my creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict function

In [276]:
positive_dict = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(positive_df, "review")
In [277]:
negative_dict = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(negative_df, "review")

Positive Word Cloud

In [278]:
#mask from http://clipart-library.com/clip-art/harry-potter-crest-silhouette-25.htm
#creating an array of arrays for the mask 
positive_word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("sorting_hat.PNG", positive_dict, 750, "Positive Review Word Cloud Pre-Cleaning")

Negative Word Cloud

In [279]:
#mask from http://clipart-library.com/clip-art/harry-potter-crest-silhouette-25.htm
#creating an array of arrays for the mask 
negative_word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("sorting_hat.PNG", negative_dict, 750, "Negative Review Word Cloud Pre-Cleaning")

The positive and negative word cloud do not help with determining the differences in the reviews. The main word in both reviews is "the", followed by other words that do not indicate the sentiment of the review. The reviews need to be cleaned.

In [280]:
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words_pos = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(positive_dict, 12)
count word
16 9779 the
47 4584 and
20 3880 of
35 3554 to
8 3078 a
85 2598 is
15 2229 in
502 1890 I
12 1762 that
231 1444 it
25 1415 was
99 1312 as
In [281]:
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words_neg = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(negative_dict, 12)
count word
17 9801 the
131 3925 and
29 3766 of
14 3667 to
56 2907 a
35 2375 I
16 2161 in
75 2118 is
103 2064 was
89 1955 that
107 1411 this
11 1389 it
In [282]:
positive_bar_plot = top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words_pos, "Top 12 Positive Words Prior to Cleaning")
In [283]:
negative_bar_plot = top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words_neg, "Top 12 Negative Words Prior to Cleaning")
In [284]:
print("***** Positive *****")
print("***** Negative *****")
***** Positive *****
The total number of words is 152434
The total number of unique words is 17977
***** Negative *****
The total number of words is 154643
The total number of unique words is 19158

As part of the cleansing of the reviews, I am going to turn everything into lowercase, however, I do not want to lose the emphasis of words written in ALL CAPS. Therefore, I created a function, that will duplicate every word in the review that is in all caps. I think that it is fair, to count words in all caps as double.

In [285]:
positive_df["new_review"] = positive_df.apply(lambda row: duplicate_all_cap_words(row["review"]), axis = 1)
In [286]:
rating review new_review
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a tim...
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for t...
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... IAN Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World...
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10...
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch...
5 10 The beginning of a magical journey\n== Harry ... The beginning of a magical journey\n== Harry...
6 10 Very Book Accurate and Enjoyable!!\n== Today ... VERY LOVES Very Book Accurate and Enjoyable!...
7 10 Great\n== It brought out almost every potenti... Great\n== It brought out almost every potent...
8 10 One of my favorites\n== The most amazing stor... JKR One of my favorites\n== The most amazing...
9 10 Absolutely amazing\n== Just amazing no words ... Absolutely amazing\n== Just amazing no words...
In [287]:
positive_df["cap_count"] = positive_df.apply(lambda row: get_count_of_all_cap_words(row["review"]), axis =1)
In [288]:
rating review new_review cap_count
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a tim... 0
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for t... 0
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... IAN Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World... 1
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10... 0
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch... 0
5 10 The beginning of a magical journey\n== Harry ... The beginning of a magical journey\n== Harry... 0
6 10 Very Book Accurate and Enjoyable!!\n== Today ... VERY LOVES Very Book Accurate and Enjoyable!... 2
7 10 Great\n== It brought out almost every potenti... Great\n== It brought out almost every potent... 0
8 10 One of my favorites\n== The most amazing stor... JKR One of my favorites\n== The most amazing... 1
9 10 Absolutely amazing\n== Just amazing no words ... Absolutely amazing\n== Just amazing no words... 0
In [289]:
positive_df["all_words_count"] = positive_df.apply(lambda row: get_count_of_all_words(row["review"]), axis = 1)
In [290]:
rating review new_review cap_count all_words_count
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a tim... 0 954
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for t... 0 98
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... IAN Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World... 1 446
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10... 0 25
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch... 0 76
5 10 The beginning of a magical journey\n== Harry ... The beginning of a magical journey\n== Harry... 0 582
6 10 Very Book Accurate and Enjoyable!!\n== Today ... VERY LOVES Very Book Accurate and Enjoyable!... 2 97
7 10 Great\n== It brought out almost every potenti... Great\n== It brought out almost every potent... 0 14
8 10 One of my favorites\n== The most amazing stor... JKR One of my favorites\n== The most amazing... 1 67
9 10 Absolutely amazing\n== Just amazing no words ... Absolutely amazing\n== Just amazing no words... 0 13
In [291]:
positive_df["percent_cap"] = positive_df["cap_count"]/positive_df["all_words_count"]
In [292]:
rating review new_review cap_count all_words_count percent_cap
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a tim... 0 954 0.000000
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for t... 0 98 0.000000
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... IAN Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World... 1 446 0.002242
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10... 0 25 0.000000
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch... 0 76 0.000000
5 10 The beginning of a magical journey\n== Harry ... The beginning of a magical journey\n== Harry... 0 582 0.000000
6 10 Very Book Accurate and Enjoyable!!\n== Today ... VERY LOVES Very Book Accurate and Enjoyable!... 2 97 0.020619
7 10 Great\n== It brought out almost every potenti... Great\n== It brought out almost every potent... 0 14 0.000000
8 10 One of my favorites\n== The most amazing stor... JKR One of my favorites\n== The most amazing... 1 67 0.014925
9 10 Absolutely amazing\n== Just amazing no words ... Absolutely amazing\n== Just amazing no words... 0 13 0.000000
In [293]:
positive_df.drop(["cap_count", "all_words_count"], axis = 1, inplace = True)
In [294]:
rating review new_review percent_cap
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a tim... 0.000000
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for t... 0.000000
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... IAN Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World... 0.002242
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10... 0.000000
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch... 0.000000
In [295]:
rating review new_review percent_cap
482 9 Review - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows... Review - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow... 0.000000
483 9 It's Official... Epic Movie, Epic Saga and Ep... It's Official... Epic Movie, Epic Saga and E... 0.000000
484 9 sadly disappointing\n== I have now been to se... sadly disappointing\n== I have now been to s... 0.000000
485 9 The end is good..\n== Yesterday i went to a p... The end is good..\n== Yesterday i went to a ... 0.000000
486 9 They finally got it right!\n== While never an... THIS HP7 THE They finally got it right!\n== ... 0.007353
487 9 I'm Sorry, Hermoine and Ron Who?\n== The one ... I'm Sorry, Hermoine and Ron Who?\n== The one... 0.000000
488 9 A fantastic ending\n== This movie was the per... A fantastic ending\n== This movie was the pe... 0.000000
489 9 LEGENDARY!\n== Best cinematic universe out th... LEGENDARY LEGENDARY!\n== Best cinematic univ... 0.111111
490 9 Good but ending changed for worse\n== I was r... Good but ending changed for worse\n== I was ... 0.000000
491 9 Great conclusion, of fantastic story\n== i wa... AWESOME Great conclusion, of fantastic story... 0.006135

repeating the process for the negative reviews df

In [296]:
negative_df["new_review"] = negative_df.apply(lambda row: duplicate_all_cap_words(row["review"]), axis = 1)
In [297]:
negative_df["cap_count"] = negative_df.apply(lambda row: get_count_of_all_cap_words(row["review"]), axis =1)
In [298]:
negative_df["all_words_count"] = negative_df.apply(lambda row: get_count_of_all_words(row["review"]), axis = 1)
In [299]:
rating review new_review cap_count all_words_count
0 1 For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPO... SLIGHT SPOILERS For Kids Only, Unfortunately... 2 185
1 1 An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ... An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n==... 0 170
2 1 Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li... WOW HAD RINGWRAITHS ENTZ SHELOB YEAH Hollywo... 6 589
3 1 Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb... JRR Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain... 1 168
4 1 Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Be... SPOILERS LOT Great storytelling, no story\n=... 2 600
5 1 It's bland like drinking warm water\n== Warni... It's bland like drinking warm water\n== Warn... 0 366
6 1 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce\n== ... Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce\n==... 0 305
7 1 its not worth the piece of paper the ticket w... its not worth the piece of paper the ticket ... 0 123
8 1 My Revenge for the Non Fans!!\n== Harry Potte... AOL My Revenge for the Non Fans!!\n== Harry ... 1 349
9 1 Terrible Terrible film\n== How on earth did t... Terrible Terrible film\n== How on earth did ... 0 321
In [300]:
negative_df["percent_cap"] = negative_df["cap_count"]/negative_df["all_words_count"]
In [301]:
rating review new_review cap_count all_words_count percent_cap
0 1 For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPO... SLIGHT SPOILERS For Kids Only, Unfortunately... 2 185 0.010811
1 1 An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ... An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n==... 0 170 0.000000
2 1 Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li... WOW HAD RINGWRAITHS ENTZ SHELOB YEAH Hollywo... 6 589 0.010187
3 1 Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb... JRR Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain... 1 168 0.005952
4 1 Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Be... SPOILERS LOT Great storytelling, no story\n=... 2 600 0.003333
5 1 It's bland like drinking warm water\n== Warni... It's bland like drinking warm water\n== Warn... 0 366 0.000000
6 1 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce\n== ... Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce\n==... 0 305 0.000000
7 1 its not worth the piece of paper the ticket w... its not worth the piece of paper the ticket ... 0 123 0.000000
8 1 My Revenge for the Non Fans!!\n== Harry Potte... AOL My Revenge for the Non Fans!!\n== Harry ... 1 349 0.002865
9 1 Terrible Terrible film\n== How on earth did t... Terrible Terrible film\n== How on earth did ... 0 321 0.000000
In [302]:
negative_df.drop(["cap_count", "all_words_count"], axis = 1, inplace = True)
In [303]:
rating review new_review percent_cap
0 1 For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPO... SLIGHT SPOILERS For Kids Only, Unfortunately... 0.010811
1 1 An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ... An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n==... 0.000000
2 1 Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li... WOW HAD RINGWRAITHS ENTZ SHELOB YEAH Hollywo... 0.010187
3 1 Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb... JRR Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain... 0.005952
4 1 Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Be... SPOILERS LOT Great storytelling, no story\n=... 0.003333
5 1 It's bland like drinking warm water\n== Warni... It's bland like drinking warm water\n== Warn... 0.000000
6 1 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce\n== ... Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce\n==... 0.000000
7 1 its not worth the piece of paper the ticket w... its not worth the piece of paper the ticket ... 0.000000
8 1 My Revenge for the Non Fans!!\n== Harry Potte... AOL My Revenge for the Non Fans!!\n== Harry ... 0.002865
9 1 Terrible Terrible film\n== How on earth did t... Terrible Terrible film\n== How on earth did ... 0.000000

You can see that some of the reviews contain words in all caps. Unfortunately not all of the words give insight to the sentiment of the review. For example, in review 508 the reviewer capitalized the works THIS HP7 and THE, none of which give added insight into the words. It might be interesting to get a count of the number of words that were in all caps for each review.

Making everything lowercase

In [304]:
positive_df["new_review"] = positive_df["new_review"].str.lower()
In [305]:
rating review new_review percent_cap
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... the magic comes to life!\n== once upon a tim... 0.000000
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... pure magic\n== this movie is a delight for t... 0.000000
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... ian enchantment, trapdoor to imaginary world... 0.002242
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... harry potter and the sorcerer's stone\n== 10... 0.000000
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... great journey to the magic world\n== i watch... 0.000000
5 10 The beginning of a magical journey\n== Harry ... the beginning of a magical journey\n== harry... 0.000000
6 10 Very Book Accurate and Enjoyable!!\n== Today ... very loves very book accurate and enjoyable!... 0.020619
7 10 Great\n== It brought out almost every potenti... great\n== it brought out almost every potent... 0.000000
8 10 One of my favorites\n== The most amazing stor... jkr one of my favorites\n== the most amazing... 0.014925
9 10 Absolutely amazing\n== Just amazing no words ... absolutely amazing\n== just amazing no words... 0.000000
In [306]:
negative_df["new_review"] = negative_df["new_review"].str.lower()
In [307]:
rating review new_review percent_cap
0 1 For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPO... slight spoilers for kids only, unfortunately... 0.010811
1 1 An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ... an effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n==... 0.000000
2 1 Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li... wow had ringwraiths entz shelob yeah hollywo... 0.010187
3 1 Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb... jrr dismal, contrived, ripoff and just plain... 0.005952
4 1 Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Be... spoilers lot great storytelling, no story\n=... 0.003333
5 1 It's bland like drinking warm water\n== Warni... it's bland like drinking warm water\n== warn... 0.000000
6 1 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce\n== ... harry potter and the chamber of commerce\n==... 0.000000
7 1 its not worth the piece of paper the ticket w... its not worth the piece of paper the ticket ... 0.000000
8 1 My Revenge for the Non Fans!!\n== Harry Potte... aol my revenge for the non fans!!\n== harry ... 0.002865
9 1 Terrible Terrible film\n== How on earth did t... terrible terrible film\n== how on earth did ... 0.000000

Now, I need to clean the reviews and remove any non-alpha characters, and the new line character, and space character. First, I want to change anything that ends in n't to the word and then not

In [308]:
positive_df["new_review"] = positive_df["new_review"].str.replace(r"(n't)", "not")
In [309]:
positive_df["new_review"] = positive_df["new_review"].str.replace(r"('m)", " am")
In [310]:
# 'd can mean had or would... I am going to change it to would beause I feel that is most likely the the correct use for reviews 
positive_df["new_review"] = positive_df["new_review"].str.replace(r"('d)", " would")
In [311]:
positive_df["new_review"] = positive_df["new_review"].str.replace(r"('ll)", " will")
In [312]:
#I am removing 's, I do not feel like it will be useful for the review as it shows plural or possessive 
positive_df["new_review"] = positive_df["new_review"].str.replace(r"('s)", "")
In [313]:
#I want to keep the word not 
In [314]:
rating review new_review percent_cap
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... the magic comes to life!\n== once upon a tim... 0.000000
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... pure magic\n== this movie is a delight for t... 0.000000
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... ian enchantment, trapdoor to imaginary world... 0.002242
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... harry potter and the sorcerer stone\n== 10/1... 0.000000
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... great journey to the magic world\n== i watch... 0.000000
In [315]:
negative_df["new_review"] = negative_df["new_review"].str.replace(r"(n't)", "not")
In [316]:
negative_df["new_review"] = negative_df["new_review"].str.replace(r"('m)", " am")
In [317]:
negative_df["new_review"] = negative_df["new_review"].str.replace(r"('d)", " would")
In [318]:
negative_df["new_review"] = negative_df["new_review"].str.replace(r"('ll)", " will")
In [319]:
negative_df["new_review"] = negative_df["new_review"].str.replace(r"('s)", "")
In [320]:
rating review new_review percent_cap
0 1 For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPO... slight spoilers for kids only, unfortunately... 0.010811
1 1 An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ... an effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n==... 0.000000
2 1 Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li... wow had ringwraiths entz shelob yeah hollywo... 0.010187
3 1 Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb... jrr dismal, contrived, ripoff and just plain... 0.005952
4 1 Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Be... spoilers lot great storytelling, no story\n=... 0.003333
5 1 It's bland like drinking warm water\n== Warni... it bland like drinking warm water\n== warnin... 0.000000
6 1 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce\n== ... harry potter and the chamber of commerce\n==... 0.000000
7 1 its not worth the piece of paper the ticket w... its not worth the piece of paper the ticket ... 0.000000
8 1 My Revenge for the Non Fans!!\n== Harry Potte... aol my revenge for the non fans!!\n== harry ... 0.002865
9 1 Terrible Terrible film\n== How on earth did t... terrible terrible film\n== how on earth did ... 0.000000

Time to remove any non-alpha characters

In [321]:
positive_df["new_review"] = positive_df["new_review"].str.replace(r"[^\w^\s]", " ")
In [322]:
positive_df["new_review"] = positive_df["new_review"].str.replace('\n'," ") 
In [323]:
rating review new_review percent_cap
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... the magic comes to life once upon a time... 0.000000
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... pure magic this movie is a delight for th... 0.000000
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... ian enchantment trapdoor to imaginary world... 0.002242
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... harry potter and the sorcerer stone 10 10... 0.000000
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... great journey to the magic world i watch ... 0.000000
... ... ... ... ...
487 9 I'm Sorry, Hermoine and Ron Who?\n== The one ... i am sorry hermoine and ron who the one... 0.000000
488 9 A fantastic ending\n== This movie was the per... a fantastic ending this movie was the per... 0.000000
489 9 LEGENDARY!\n== Best cinematic universe out th... legendary legendary best cinematic unive... 0.111111
490 9 Good but ending changed for worse\n== I was r... good but ending changed for worse i was r... 0.000000
491 9 Great conclusion, of fantastic story\n== i wa... awesome great conclusion of fantastic story... 0.006135

492 rows × 4 columns

In [324]:
negative_df["new_review"] = negative_df["new_review"].str.replace(r"[^\w^\s]", " ")
negative_df["new_review"] = negative_df["new_review"].str.replace('\n'," ") 
In [325]:
rating review new_review percent_cap
0 1 For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPO... slight spoilers for kids only unfortunately... 0.010811
1 1 An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ... an effects laden excuse of an adaptation ... 0.000000
2 1 Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li... wow had ringwraiths entz shelob yeah hollywo... 0.010187
3 1 Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb... jrr dismal contrived ripoff and just plain... 0.005952
4 1 Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Be... spoilers lot great storytelling no story ... 0.003333
5 1 It's bland like drinking warm water\n== Warni... it bland like drinking warm water warning... 0.000000
6 1 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce\n== ... harry potter and the chamber of commerce ... 0.000000
7 1 its not worth the piece of paper the ticket w... its not worth the piece of paper the ticket ... 0.000000
8 1 My Revenge for the Non Fans!!\n== Harry Potte... aol my revenge for the non fans harry p... 0.002865
9 1 Terrible Terrible film\n== How on earth did t... terrible terrible film how on earth did t... 0.000000
In [326]:
#Removing any word that contains less than 3 characters 
positive_df["new_review"] = positive_df.apply(lambda row: remove_words_less_than_3_characters(row["new_review"]), axis = 1)
In [327]:
negative_df["new_review"] = negative_df.apply(lambda row: remove_words_less_than_3_characters(row["new_review"]), axis = 1)
In [328]:
rating review new_review percent_cap
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... the magic comes life once upon time and not t... 0.000000
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... pure magic this movie delight for those all a... 0.000000
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... ian enchantment trapdoor imaginary world this... 0.002242
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... harry potter and the sorcerer stone unforgett... 0.000000
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... great journey the magic world watch this movi... 0.000000
5 10 The beginning of a magical journey\n== Harry ... the beginning magical journey harry potter ch... 0.000000
6 10 Very Book Accurate and Enjoyable!!\n== Today ... very loves very book accurate and enjoyable t... 0.020619
7 10 Great\n== It brought out almost every potenti... great brought out almost every potential the ... 0.000000
8 10 One of my favorites\n== The most amazing stor... jkr one favorites the most amazing story all ... 0.014925
9 10 Absolutely amazing\n== Just amazing no words ... absolutely amazing just amazing words needed ... 0.000000
In [329]:
rating review new_review percent_cap
0 1 For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPO... slight spoilers for kids only unfortunately s... 0.010811
1 1 An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ... effects laden excuse adaptation many viewers ... 0.000000
2 1 Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li... wow had ringwraiths entz shelob yeah hollywoo... 0.010187
3 1 Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb... jrr dismal contrived ripoff and just plain du... 0.005952
4 1 Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Be... spoilers lot great storytelling story spoiler... 0.003333
5 1 It's bland like drinking warm water\n== Warni... bland like drinking warm water warning there ... 0.000000
6 1 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce\n== ... harry potter and the chamber commerce ouch th... 0.000000
7 1 its not worth the piece of paper the ticket w... its not worth the piece paper the ticket was ... 0.000000
8 1 My Revenge for the Non Fans!!\n== Harry Potte... aol revenge for the non fans harry potter and... 0.002865
9 1 Terrible Terrible film\n== How on earth did t... terrible terrible film how earth did this get... 0.000000

Need to tokenize the reviews

In [330]:
pos_reviews = positive_df["new_review"].tolist()
neg_reviews = negative_df["new_review"].tolist()
In [81]:
#Getting the vader sentiment score for each review 
pos_sent = sentiment_intensity_score(pos_reviews)
neg_sent = sentiment_intensity_score(neg_reviews)
In [82]:
#Function 3: Ultimately, I am interested in the compound score that is returned in the function above. This function 
            #this function will return the compound score (with a positve or negative sign in front of it) and the opinion.
    #inputs: the list of dictionaries that was returned from the sentiment_intensity_score function 
    #output: prints the score for each file and the opinion of each file. 
def extract_sentiment(vader_sentiment_analysis, type_of_sentiment): 
    empty_list = []
    for file in vader_sentiment_analysis: 
In [83]:
pos_compound = extract_sentiment(pos_sent, "compound")
pos_pos = extract_sentiment(pos_sent, "pos")
pos_neg = extract_sentiment(pos_sent, "neg")
pos_neu = extract_sentiment(pos_sent, "neu")
In [84]:
neg_compound = extract_sentiment(neg_sent, "compound")
neg_pos = extract_sentiment(neg_sent, "pos")
neg_neg = extract_sentiment(neg_sent, "neg")
neg_neu = extract_sentiment(neg_sent, "neu")
In [85]:
positive_df["compound_sentiment"] = pos_compound
positive_df["pos_sentiment"] = pos_pos
positive_df["neg_sentiment"] = pos_neg
positive_df["neu_sentiment"] = pos_neu
In [86]:
rating review new_review percent_cap compound_sentiment pos_sentiment neg_sentiment neu_sentiment
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... the magic comes life once upon time and not t... 0.000000 0.9996 0.22 0.025 0.755
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... pure magic this movie delight for those all a... 0.000000 0.9712 0.259 0.05 0.691
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... ian enchantment trapdoor imaginary world this... 0.002242 0.9982 0.23 0.03 0.739
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... harry potter and the sorcerer stone unforgett... 0.000000 0.5574 0.146 0.0 0.854
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... great journey the magic world watch this movi... 0.000000 0.965 0.272 0.038 0.69
In [87]:
negative_df["compound_sentiment"] = neg_compound
negative_df["pos_sentiment"] = neg_pos
negative_df["neg_sentiment"] = neg_neg
negative_df["neu_sentiment"] = neg_neu
In [88]:
rating review new_review percent_cap compound_sentiment pos_sentiment neg_sentiment neu_sentiment
0 1 For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPO... slight spoilers for kids only unfortunately s... 0.010811 -0.9546 0.066 0.17 0.764
1 1 An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ... effects laden excuse adaptation many viewers ... 0.000000 0.8862 0.159 0.097 0.744
2 1 Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li... wow had ringwraiths entz shelob yeah hollywoo... 0.010187 0.9744 0.164 0.114 0.722
3 1 Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb... jrr dismal contrived ripoff and just plain du... 0.005952 -0.7556 0.118 0.194 0.687
4 1 Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Be... spoilers lot great storytelling story spoiler... 0.003333 0.9912 0.16 0.091 0.749
In [331]:
positive_df["review_tokenize"] = positive_df.apply(lambda row: nltk.word_tokenize(row["new_review"]), axis = 1)
In [332]:
negative_df["review_tokenize"] = negative_df.apply(lambda row: nltk.word_tokenize(row["new_review"]), axis = 1)
In [333]:
rating review new_review percent_cap review_tokenize
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... the magic comes life once upon time and not t... 0.000000 [the, magic, comes, life, once, upon, time, an...
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... pure magic this movie delight for those all a... 0.000000 [pure, magic, this, movie, delight, for, those...
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... ian enchantment trapdoor imaginary world this... 0.002242 [ian, enchantment, trapdoor, imaginary, world,...
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... harry potter and the sorcerer stone unforgett... 0.000000 [harry, potter, and, the, sorcerer, stone, unf...
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... great journey the magic world watch this movi... 0.000000 [great, journey, the, magic, world, watch, thi...
In [334]:
rating review new_review percent_cap review_tokenize
0 1 For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPO... slight spoilers for kids only unfortunately s... 0.010811 [slight, spoilers, for, kids, only, unfortunat...
1 1 An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ... effects laden excuse adaptation many viewers ... 0.000000 [effects, laden, excuse, adaptation, many, vie...
2 1 Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li... wow had ringwraiths entz shelob yeah hollywoo... 0.010187 [wow, had, ringwraiths, entz, shelob, yeah, ho...
3 1 Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb... jrr dismal contrived ripoff and just plain du... 0.005952 [jrr, dismal, contrived, ripoff, and, just, pl...
4 1 Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Be... spoilers lot great storytelling story spoiler... 0.003333 [spoilers, lot, great, storytelling, story, sp...
In [93]:
#Writing the pandas df to a csv file to save what I have done. 
In [342]:
#Now, I am going to remove a selected list of stopwords from the tokenized review
stopwords = ["the", "and", "was", "that", "this"]
In [343]:
#Removing stopwords in the tokenized review 
positive_df["stopwords_removed"] = positive_df["review_tokenize"].apply(lambda row: stop_word_removal(stopwords, row))
In [344]:
rating review new_review percent_cap review_tokenize stopwords_removed
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... the magic comes life once upon time and not t... 0.000000 [the, magic, comes, life, once, upon, time, an... [magic, comes, life, once, upon, time, not, lo...
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... pure magic this movie delight for those all a... 0.000000 [pure, magic, this, movie, delight, for, those... [pure, magic, movie, delight, for, those, all,...
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... ian enchantment trapdoor imaginary world this... 0.002242 [ian, enchantment, trapdoor, imaginary, world,... [ian, enchantment, trapdoor, imaginary, world,...
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... harry potter and the sorcerer stone unforgett... 0.000000 [harry, potter, and, the, sorcerer, stone, unf... [harry, potter, sorcerer, stone, unforgettable...
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... great journey the magic world watch this movi... 0.000000 [great, journey, the, magic, world, watch, thi... [great, journey, magic, world, watch, movie, a...
In [345]:
negative_df["stopwords_removed"] = negative_df["review_tokenize"].apply(lambda row: stop_word_removal(stopwords, row))
In [346]:
rating review new_review percent_cap review_tokenize stopwords_removed
0 1 For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPO... slight spoilers for kids only unfortunately s... 0.010811 [slight, spoilers, for, kids, only, unfortunat... [slight, spoilers, for, kids, only, unfortunat...
1 1 An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ... effects laden excuse adaptation many viewers ... 0.000000 [effects, laden, excuse, adaptation, many, vie... [effects, laden, excuse, adaptation, many, vie...
2 1 Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li... wow had ringwraiths entz shelob yeah hollywoo... 0.010187 [wow, had, ringwraiths, entz, shelob, yeah, ho... [wow, had, ringwraiths, entz, shelob, yeah, ho...
3 1 Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb... jrr dismal contrived ripoff and just plain du... 0.005952 [jrr, dismal, contrived, ripoff, and, just, pl... [jrr, dismal, contrived, ripoff, just, plain, ...
4 1 Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Be... spoilers lot great storytelling story spoiler... 0.003333 [spoilers, lot, great, storytelling, story, sp... [spoilers, lot, great, storytelling, story, sp...
In [99]:
#Writing the pandas df to a csv file to save what I have done. 
In [347]:
#Now, I am going to visualize the stopwords_removed reviews and decide on what the next processing steps are. 
#Visualizing the data without the stopwords 
pos_viz = pd.DataFrame()
pos_viz["stopwords_removed"] = positive_df["stopwords_removed"].copy()
pos_viz["stopwords_removed"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(pos_viz, "stopwords_removed")
stopwords_removed_dict_pos = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(pos_viz, "stopwords_removed")
In [348]:
neg_viz = pd.DataFrame()
neg_viz["stopwords_removed"] = negative_df["stopwords_removed"].copy()
neg_viz["stopwords_removed"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(neg_viz, "stopwords_removed")
stopwords_removed_dict_neg = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(neg_viz, "stopwords_removed")
In [349]:
#mask from #mask from: http://clipart-library.com/clip-art/308-3086366_harry-potter-silurysd-harry-potter-clip-art-black.htm
#creating an array of arrays for the mask 
positive_word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("harry_potter.PNG", stopwords_removed_dict_pos, 750, "Positive Review Word Cloud Stopwords Removed")
In [350]:
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words_pos = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(stopwords_removed_dict_pos, 20)
count word
19 1542 harry
233 1406 movie
59 1261 for
193 1216 film
63 1107 but
132 1096 with
52 974 potter
6 839 not
149 826 you
161 816 are
169 814 have
35 787 all
166 712 book
134 700 they
23 667 one
41 603 his
28 582 from
163 575 more
73 554 has
378 510 there
In [351]:
positive_bar_plot = top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words_pos, "Top 20 Positive Words")
In [353]:
#creating an array of arrays for the mask 
negative_word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("harry_potter.PNG", stopwords_removed_dict_neg, 750, "Negative Review Word Cloud Stopwords Removed")
In [354]:
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words_neg = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(stopwords_removed_dict_neg, 20)
count word
43 1842 movie
54 1426 harry
2 1186 for
179 1163 not
65 1132 they
231 1094 but
122 1085 book
82 1083 with
285 1013 have
118 908 film
148 887 all
235 836 you
21 735 are
99 710 potter
414 681 just
40 636 out
269 616 like
232 610 there
63 601 one
387 596 what
In [355]:
negative_bar_plot = top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words_neg, "Top 20 Negative Words")
In [356]:
print("***** Positive *****")
print("***** Negative *****")
***** Positive *****
The total number of words is 102842
The total number of unique words is 9079
***** Negative *****
The total number of words is 104231
The total number of unique words is 9204
In [357]:
#Going to remove one more set of stopwords
stopwords = ["movie", "for", "they", "with", "have", "film", "all", "you", "are", "just", "there", "one", "what", "has", 
            "his", "her", "your", "mine", "from", "not"]
negative_df["stopwords_removed"] = negative_df["stopwords_removed"].apply(lambda row: stop_word_removal(stopwords, row))
positive_df["stopwords_removed"] = positive_df["stopwords_removed"].apply(lambda row: stop_word_removal(stopwords, row))
In [358]:
rating review new_review percent_cap review_tokenize stopwords_removed
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... the magic comes life once upon time and not t... 0.000000 [the, magic, comes, life, once, upon, time, an... [magic, comes, life, once, upon, time, long, a...
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... pure magic this movie delight for those all a... 0.000000 [pure, magic, this, movie, delight, for, those... [pure, magic, delight, those, ages, seen, seve...
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... ian enchantment trapdoor imaginary world this... 0.002242 [ian, enchantment, trapdoor, imaginary, world,... [ian, enchantment, trapdoor, imaginary, world,...
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... harry potter and the sorcerer stone unforgett... 0.000000 [harry, potter, and, the, sorcerer, stone, unf... [harry, potter, sorcerer, stone, unforgettable...
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... great journey the magic world watch this movi... 0.000000 [great, journey, the, magic, world, watch, thi... [great, journey, magic, world, watch, again, b...
In [359]:
rating review new_review percent_cap review_tokenize stopwords_removed
0 1 For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPO... slight spoilers for kids only unfortunately s... 0.010811 [slight, spoilers, for, kids, only, unfortunat... [slight, spoilers, kids, only, unfortunately, ...
1 1 An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ... effects laden excuse adaptation many viewers ... 0.000000 [effects, laden, excuse, adaptation, many, vie... [effects, laden, excuse, adaptation, many, vie...
2 1 Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li... wow had ringwraiths entz shelob yeah hollywoo... 0.010187 [wow, had, ringwraiths, entz, shelob, yeah, ho... [wow, had, ringwraiths, entz, shelob, yeah, ho...
3 1 Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb... jrr dismal contrived ripoff and just plain du... 0.005952 [jrr, dismal, contrived, ripoff, and, just, pl... [jrr, dismal, contrived, ripoff, plain, dumb, ...
4 1 Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Be... spoilers lot great storytelling story spoiler... 0.003333 [spoilers, lot, great, storytelling, story, sp... [spoilers, lot, great, storytelling, story, sp...
In [360]:
#Now, I am going to visualize the stopwords_removed reviews and decide on what the next processing steps are. 
#Visualizing the data without the stopwords 
pos_viz = pd.DataFrame()
pos_viz["stopwords_removed"] = positive_df["stopwords_removed"].copy()
pos_viz["stopwords_removed"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(pos_viz, "stopwords_removed")
stopwords_removed_dict_pos = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(pos_viz, "stopwords_removed")
In [361]:
neg_viz = pd.DataFrame()
neg_viz["stopwords_removed"] = negative_df["stopwords_removed"].copy()
neg_viz["stopwords_removed"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(neg_viz, "stopwords_removed")
stopwords_removed_dict_neg = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(neg_viz, "stopwords_removed")
In [363]:
#mask from: https://www.seekpng.com/ipng/u2r5w7e6r5q8e6t4_harry-potter-silhouette-clipart-harry-potter-and-the/
#creating an array of arrays for the mask 
positive_word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("snape.PNG", stopwords_removed_dict_pos, 750, "Positive Review Word Cloud Additional Stopwords")
In [364]:
#mask from https://www.seekpng.com/ipng/u2r5w7e6r5q8e6t4_harry-potter-silhouette-clipart-harry-potter-and-the/
#creating an array of arrays for the mask 
negative_word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("snape.PNG", stopwords_removed_dict_neg, 750, "Negative Review Word Cloud Additional Stopwords")
In [116]:
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words_pos = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(stopwords_removed_dict_pos, 20)
count word
18 1542 harry
57 1107 but
47 974 potter
152 712 book
149 575 more
132 462 will
420 452 first
181 450 very
19 447 who
98 422 out
161 417 great
216 410 best
519 408 series
101 408 some
365 404 like
551 385 good
148 379 much
123 374 were
5 372 time
81 366 well
In [117]:
positive_bar_plot = top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words_pos, "Top 20 Positive Words")
In [118]:
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words_neg = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(stopwords_removed_dict_neg, 20)
count word
51 1426 harry
219 1094 but
114 1085 book
92 710 potter
38 636 out
255 616 like
10 552 were
43 484 would
103 481 books
48 477 about
125 464 who
207 444 read
85 429 more
57 427 much
171 417 how
84 410 even
47 400 good
211 398 movies
80 393 time
39 393 story
In [119]:
negative_bar_plot = top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words_neg, "Top 20 Negative Words")
In [120]:
print("***** Positive *****")
print("***** Negative *****")
***** Positive *****
The total number of words is 89116
The total number of unique words is 9059
***** Negative *****
The total number of words is 89368
The total number of unique words is 9184
In [366]:
#Looking at stemming 
positive_df["stemmed"] = positive_df["stopwords_removed"].apply(lambda row: stem_fun(row))
In [367]:
rating review new_review percent_cap review_tokenize stopwords_removed stemmed
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... the magic comes life once upon time and not t... 0.000000 [the, magic, comes, life, once, upon, time, an... [magic, comes, life, once, upon, time, long, a... [magic, come, life, onc, upon, time, long, ago...
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... pure magic this movie delight for those all a... 0.000000 [pure, magic, this, movie, delight, for, those... [pure, magic, delight, those, ages, seen, seve... [pure, magic, delight, those, age, seen, sever...
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... ian enchantment trapdoor imaginary world this... 0.002242 [ian, enchantment, trapdoor, imaginary, world,... [ian, enchantment, trapdoor, imaginary, world,... [ian, enchant, trapdoor, imaginari, world, tra...
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... harry potter and the sorcerer stone unforgett... 0.000000 [harry, potter, and, the, sorcerer, stone, unf... [harry, potter, sorcerer, stone, unforgettable... [harri, potter, sorcer, stone, unforgett, star...
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... great journey the magic world watch this movi... 0.000000 [great, journey, the, magic, world, watch, thi... [great, journey, magic, world, watch, again, b... [great, journey, magic, world, watch, again, b...
In [368]:
negative_df["stemmed"] = negative_df["stopwords_removed"].apply(lambda row: stem_fun(row))
In [369]:
rating review new_review percent_cap review_tokenize stopwords_removed stemmed
0 1 For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPO... slight spoilers for kids only unfortunately s... 0.010811 [slight, spoilers, for, kids, only, unfortunat... [slight, spoilers, kids, only, unfortunately, ... [slight, spoiler, kid, onli, unfortun, slight,...
1 1 An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ... effects laden excuse adaptation many viewers ... 0.000000 [effects, laden, excuse, adaptation, many, vie... [effects, laden, excuse, adaptation, many, vie... [effect, laden, excus, adapt, mani, viewer, ap...
2 1 Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li... wow had ringwraiths entz shelob yeah hollywoo... 0.010187 [wow, had, ringwraiths, entz, shelob, yeah, ho... [wow, had, ringwraiths, entz, shelob, yeah, ho... [wow, had, ringwraith, entz, shelob, yeah, hol...
3 1 Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb... jrr dismal contrived ripoff and just plain du... 0.005952 [jrr, dismal, contrived, ripoff, and, just, pl... [jrr, dismal, contrived, ripoff, plain, dumb, ... [jrr, dismal, contriv, ripoff, plain, dumb, te...
4 1 Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Be... spoilers lot great storytelling story spoiler... 0.003333 [spoilers, lot, great, storytelling, story, sp... [spoilers, lot, great, storytelling, story, sp... [spoiler, lot, great, storytel, stori, spoiler...
In [370]:
#Now, I am going to visualize the stopwords_removed reviews and decide on what the next processing steps are. 
#Visualizing the data without the stopwords 
pos_viz = pd.DataFrame()
pos_viz["stemmed"] = positive_df["stemmed"].copy()
pos_viz["stemmed"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(pos_viz, "stemmed")
stemmed_dict_pos = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(pos_viz, "stemmed")
In [371]:
neg_viz = pd.DataFrame()
neg_viz["stemmed"] = negative_df["stemmed"].copy()
neg_viz["stemmed"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(neg_viz, "stemmed")
stemmed_dict_neg = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(neg_viz, "stemmed")
In [372]:
#creating an array of arrays for the mask from https://www.pinclipart.com/pindetail/TxmRT_flying-wizard-by-inexorabletruth-harry-potter-flying-silhouette/
positive_word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("harry_broom.PNG", stemmed_dict_pos, 750, "Positive Review Word Cloud Stemmed")
In [128]:
#creating an array of arrays for the mask 
negative_word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("harry_broom.PNG", stopwords_removed_dict_neg, 750, "Negative Review Word Cloud Stemmed")
In [373]:
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words_pos = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(stemmed_dict_pos, 20)
count word
18 1607 harri
56 1107 but
149 1027 book
46 981 potter
146 575 more
13 490 charact
335 484 like
457 470 scene
129 469 will
5 454 time
401 452 first
177 450 veri
19 447 who
158 423 great
97 423 out
211 410 best
486 408 seri
100 408 some
475 406 see
218 397 part
In [374]:
positive_bar_plot = top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words_pos, "Top 20 Positive Words")
In [375]:
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words_neg = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(stemmed_dict_neg, 20)
count word
101 1566 book
50 1464 harri
211 1094 but
91 714 potter
181 694 like
37 636 out
10 552 were
628 549 scene
200 496 read
42 484 would
47 477 about
122 464 who
79 453 time
319 445 see
64 445 make
84 429 more
56 427 much
146 424 charact
165 417 how
83 413 even
In [376]:
negative_bar_plot = top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words_neg, "Top 20 Negative Words")
In [133]:
print("***** Positive *****")
print("***** Negative *****")
***** Positive *****
The total number of words is 89116
The total number of unique words is 6126
***** Negative *****
The total number of words is 89368
The total number of unique words is 6417
In [134]:
#Reducing by sentiment instead of stemming... 
In [377]:
#For my new feature reduction and word removal. I am removing words based on sentiment 
positive_df["sentiment_reduced"] = positive_df.apply(lambda row: pos_neg_words(row["stopwords_removed"]), axis = 1)
negative_df["sentiment_reduced"] = negative_df.apply(lambda row: pos_neg_words(row["stopwords_removed"]), axis = 1)
In [378]:
rating review new_review percent_cap review_tokenize stopwords_removed stemmed sentiment_reduced
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... the magic comes life once upon time and not t... 0.000000 [the, magic, comes, life, once, upon, time, an... [magic, comes, life, once, upon, time, long, a... [magic, come, life, onc, upon, time, long, ago... [beloved, thanks, novel, well, witch, strange,...
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... pure magic this movie delight for those all a... 0.000000 [pure, magic, this, movie, delight, for, those... [pure, magic, delight, those, ages, seen, seve... [pure, magic, delight, those, age, seen, sever... [delight, enchanted, outstanding, special, del...
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... ian enchantment trapdoor imaginary world this... 0.002242 [ian, enchantment, trapdoor, imaginary, world,... [ian, enchantment, trapdoor, imaginary, world,... [ian, enchant, trapdoor, imaginari, world, tra... [trap, passion, like, missing, hard, wishes, l...
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... harry potter and the sorcerer stone unforgett... 0.000000 [harry, potter, and, the, sorcerer, stone, unf... [harry, potter, sorcerer, stone, unforgettable... [harri, potter, sorcer, stone, unforgett, star... [fantastic]
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... great journey the magic world watch this movi... 0.000000 [great, journey, the, magic, world, watch, thi... [great, journey, magic, world, watch, again, b... [great, journey, magic, world, watch, again, b... [great, amazing, miss, good, friendship, brave...
In [379]:
rating review new_review percent_cap review_tokenize stopwords_removed stemmed sentiment_reduced
0 1 For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPO... slight spoilers for kids only unfortunately s... 0.010811 [slight, spoilers, for, kids, only, unfortunat... [slight, spoilers, kids, only, unfortunately, ... [slight, spoiler, kid, onli, unfortun, slight,... [unfortunately, strange, definitely, trap, dis...
1 1 An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ... effects laden excuse adaptation many viewers ... 0.000000 [effects, laden, excuse, adaptation, many, vie... [effects, laden, excuse, adaptation, many, vie... [effect, laden, excus, adapt, mani, viewer, ap... [excuse, applaud, faithfulness, miss, dream, t...
2 1 Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li... wow had ringwraiths entz shelob yeah hollywoo... 0.010187 [wow, had, ringwraiths, entz, shelob, yeah, ho... [wow, had, ringwraiths, entz, shelob, yeah, ho... [wow, had, ringwraith, entz, shelob, yeah, hol... [wow, yeah, greatest, shame, liked, original, ...
3 1 Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb... jrr dismal contrived ripoff and just plain du... 0.005952 [jrr, dismal, contrived, ripoff, and, just, pl... [jrr, dismal, contrived, ripoff, plain, dumb, ... [jrr, dismal, contriv, ripoff, plain, dumb, te... [dismal, dumb, terribly, like, problem, terrib...
4 1 Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Be... spoilers lot great storytelling story spoiler... 0.003333 [spoilers, lot, great, storytelling, story, sp... [spoilers, lot, great, storytelling, story, sp... [spoiler, lot, great, storytel, stori, spoiler... [great, friends, rant, enthusiastically, creat...
In [382]:
#Now, I am going to visualize the stopwords_removed reviews and decide on what the next processing steps are. 
#Visualizing the data without the stopwords 
pos_viz = pd.DataFrame()
pos_viz["sentiment_reduced"] = positive_df["sentiment_reduced"].copy()
pos_viz["sentiment_reduced"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(pos_viz, "sentiment_reduced")
sentiment_reduced_dict_pos = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(pos_viz, "sentiment_reduced")
In [383]:
neg_viz = pd.DataFrame()
neg_viz["sentiment_reduced"] = negative_df["sentiment_reduced"].copy()
neg_viz["sentiment_reduced"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(neg_viz, "sentiment_reduced")
sentiment_reduced_dict_neg = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(neg_viz, "sentiment_reduced")
In [384]:
#creating an array of arrays for the mask from http://getdrawings.com/hogwarts-silhouette-clipart
positive_word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("dobby.PNG", sentiment_reduced_dict_pos, 750, "Positive Review Word Cloud Sentiment Reduced")
In [385]:
#mask from http://getdrawings.com/hogwarts-silhouette-clipart
#creating an array of arrays for the mask 
negative_word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("dobby.PNG", sentiment_reduced_dict_neg, 750, "Negative Review Word Cloud Sentiment Reduced")
In [386]:
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words_pos = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(sentiment_reduced_dict_pos, 20)
count word
12 417 great
25 410 best
45 404 like
79 385 good
3 366 well
216 220 better
43 167 love
77 147 amazing
11 140 special
6 125 perfect
83 111 death
197 105 fan
29 98 wonderful
110 95 definitely
319 94 fire
30 92 excellent
114 92 brilliant
174 90 favorite
17 89 true
254 89 battle
In [387]:
positive_bar_plot = top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words_pos, "Top 20 Positive Words")
In [388]:
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words_neg = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(sentiment_reduced_dict_neg, 20)
count word
47 616 like
5 400 good
46 247 well
57 212 bad
40 195 better
64 193 great
50 165 worst
4 127 disappointed
390 126 important
54 124 best
59 122 special
544 122 death
178 120 fan
7 112 cut
132 108 want
83 104 love
41 101 wrong
12 89 hard
386 79 fire
95 79 boring
In [389]:
negative_bar_plot = top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words_neg, "Top 20 Negative Words")
In [390]:
print("***** Positive *****")
print("***** Negative *****")
***** Positive *****
The total number of words is 13685
The total number of unique words is 1642
***** Negative *****
The total number of words is 13044
The total number of unique words is 1627
In [391]:
#Exploring Bigrams 
positive_df["bigrams"] = positive_df["review_tokenize"].apply(lambda row: creating_ngrams(row, 2))
negative_df["bigrams"] = negative_df["review_tokenize"].apply(lambda row: creating_ngrams(row, 2))
In [392]:
rating review new_review percent_cap review_tokenize stopwords_removed stemmed sentiment_reduced bigrams
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... the magic comes life once upon time and not t... 0.000000 [the, magic, comes, life, once, upon, time, an... [magic, comes, life, once, upon, time, long, a... [magic, come, life, onc, upon, time, long, ago... [beloved, thanks, novel, well, witch, strange,... [the_magic, magic_comes, comes_life, life_once...
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... pure magic this movie delight for those all a... 0.000000 [pure, magic, this, movie, delight, for, those... [pure, magic, delight, those, ages, seen, seve... [pure, magic, delight, those, age, seen, sever... [delight, enchanted, outstanding, special, del... [pure_magic, magic_this, this_movie, movie_del...
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... ian enchantment trapdoor imaginary world this... 0.002242 [ian, enchantment, trapdoor, imaginary, world,... [ian, enchantment, trapdoor, imaginary, world,... [ian, enchant, trapdoor, imaginari, world, tra... [trap, passion, like, missing, hard, wishes, l... [ian_enchantment, enchantment_trapdoor, trapdo...
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... harry potter and the sorcerer stone unforgett... 0.000000 [harry, potter, and, the, sorcerer, stone, unf... [harry, potter, sorcerer, stone, unforgettable... [harri, potter, sorcer, stone, unforgett, star... [fantastic] [harry_potter, potter_and, and_the, the_sorcer...
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... great journey the magic world watch this movi... 0.000000 [great, journey, the, magic, world, watch, thi... [great, journey, magic, world, watch, again, b... [great, journey, magic, world, watch, again, b... [great, amazing, miss, good, friendship, brave... [great_journey, journey_the, the_magic, magic_...
In [393]:
rating review new_review percent_cap review_tokenize stopwords_removed stemmed sentiment_reduced bigrams
0 1 For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPO... slight spoilers for kids only unfortunately s... 0.010811 [slight, spoilers, for, kids, only, unfortunat... [slight, spoilers, kids, only, unfortunately, ... [slight, spoiler, kid, onli, unfortun, slight,... [unfortunately, strange, definitely, trap, dis... [slight_spoilers, spoilers_for, for_kids, kids...
1 1 An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ... effects laden excuse adaptation many viewers ... 0.000000 [effects, laden, excuse, adaptation, many, vie... [effects, laden, excuse, adaptation, many, vie... [effect, laden, excus, adapt, mani, viewer, ap... [excuse, applaud, faithfulness, miss, dream, t... [effects_laden, laden_excuse, excuse_adaptatio...
2 1 Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li... wow had ringwraiths entz shelob yeah hollywoo... 0.010187 [wow, had, ringwraiths, entz, shelob, yeah, ho... [wow, had, ringwraiths, entz, shelob, yeah, ho... [wow, had, ringwraith, entz, shelob, yeah, hol... [wow, yeah, greatest, shame, liked, original, ... [wow_had, had_ringwraiths, ringwraiths_entz, e...
3 1 Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb... jrr dismal contrived ripoff and just plain du... 0.005952 [jrr, dismal, contrived, ripoff, and, just, pl... [jrr, dismal, contrived, ripoff, plain, dumb, ... [jrr, dismal, contriv, ripoff, plain, dumb, te... [dismal, dumb, terribly, like, problem, terrib... [jrr_dismal, dismal_contrived, contrived_ripof...
4 1 Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Be... spoilers lot great storytelling story spoiler... 0.003333 [spoilers, lot, great, storytelling, story, sp... [spoilers, lot, great, storytelling, story, sp... [spoiler, lot, great, storytel, stori, spoiler... [great, friends, rant, enthusiastically, creat... [spoilers_lot, lot_great, great_storytelling, ...
In [394]:
#Creating bigrams with the stopwords_removed df 
positive_df["bigrams_stopwords_removed"] = positive_df["stopwords_removed"].apply(lambda row: creating_ngrams(row, 2))
negative_df["bigrams_stopwords_removed"] = negative_df["stopwords_removed"].apply(lambda row: creating_ngrams(row, 2))
In [395]:
#repeating the process for trigrams only for the review_tokenize 
positive_df["fourgrams"] = positive_df["review_tokenize"].apply(lambda row: creating_ngrams(row, 4))
negative_df["fourgrams"] = negative_df["review_tokenize"].apply(lambda row: creating_ngrams(row, 4))
In [396]:
rating review new_review percent_cap review_tokenize stopwords_removed stemmed sentiment_reduced bigrams bigrams_stopwords_removed fourgrams
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... the magic comes life once upon time and not t... 0.000000 [the, magic, comes, life, once, upon, time, an... [magic, comes, life, once, upon, time, long, a... [magic, come, life, onc, upon, time, long, ago... [beloved, thanks, novel, well, witch, strange,... [the_magic, magic_comes, comes_life, life_once... [magic_comes, comes_life, life_once, once_upon... [the_magic_comes_life, magic_comes_life_once, ...
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... pure magic this movie delight for those all a... 0.000000 [pure, magic, this, movie, delight, for, those... [pure, magic, delight, those, ages, seen, seve... [pure, magic, delight, those, age, seen, sever... [delight, enchanted, outstanding, special, del... [pure_magic, magic_this, this_movie, movie_del... [pure_magic, magic_delight, delight_those, tho... [pure_magic_this_movie, magic_this_movie_delig...
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... ian enchantment trapdoor imaginary world this... 0.002242 [ian, enchantment, trapdoor, imaginary, world,... [ian, enchantment, trapdoor, imaginary, world,... [ian, enchant, trapdoor, imaginari, world, tra... [trap, passion, like, missing, hard, wishes, l... [ian_enchantment, enchantment_trapdoor, trapdo... [ian_enchantment, enchantment_trapdoor, trapdo... [ian_enchantment_trapdoor_imaginary, enchantme...
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... harry potter and the sorcerer stone unforgett... 0.000000 [harry, potter, and, the, sorcerer, stone, unf... [harry, potter, sorcerer, stone, unforgettable... [harri, potter, sorcer, stone, unforgett, star... [fantastic] [harry_potter, potter_and, and_the, the_sorcer... [harry_potter, potter_sorcerer, sorcerer_stone... [harry_potter_and_the, potter_and_the_sorcerer...
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... great journey the magic world watch this movi... 0.000000 [great, journey, the, magic, world, watch, thi... [great, journey, magic, world, watch, again, b... [great, journey, magic, world, watch, again, b... [great, amazing, miss, good, friendship, brave... [great_journey, journey_the, the_magic, magic_... [great_journey, journey_magic, magic_world, wo... [great_journey_the_magic, journey_the_magic_wo...
In [397]:
rating review new_review percent_cap review_tokenize stopwords_removed stemmed sentiment_reduced bigrams bigrams_stopwords_removed fourgrams
0 1 For Kids Only, Unfortunately\n== *SLIGHT SPO... slight spoilers for kids only unfortunately s... 0.010811 [slight, spoilers, for, kids, only, unfortunat... [slight, spoilers, kids, only, unfortunately, ... [slight, spoiler, kid, onli, unfortun, slight,... [unfortunately, strange, definitely, trap, dis... [slight_spoilers, spoilers_for, for_kids, kids... [slight_spoilers, spoilers_kids, kids_only, on... [slight_spoilers_for_kids, spoilers_for_kids_o...
1 1 An effects-laden excuse of an adaptation\n== ... effects laden excuse adaptation many viewers ... 0.000000 [effects, laden, excuse, adaptation, many, vie... [effects, laden, excuse, adaptation, many, vie... [effect, laden, excus, adapt, mani, viewer, ap... [excuse, applaud, faithfulness, miss, dream, t... [effects_laden, laden_excuse, excuse_adaptatio... [effects_laden, laden_excuse, excuse_adaptatio... [effects_laden_excuse_adaptation, laden_excuse...
2 1 Hollywood's greatest shame.\n== At first I li... wow had ringwraiths entz shelob yeah hollywoo... 0.010187 [wow, had, ringwraiths, entz, shelob, yeah, ho... [wow, had, ringwraiths, entz, shelob, yeah, ho... [wow, had, ringwraith, entz, shelob, yeah, hol... [wow, yeah, greatest, shame, liked, original, ... [wow_had, had_ringwraiths, ringwraiths_entz, e... [wow_had, had_ringwraiths, ringwraiths_entz, e... [wow_had_ringwraiths_entz, had_ringwraiths_ent...
3 1 Dismal, Contrived, Ripoff and just plain dumb... jrr dismal contrived ripoff and just plain du... 0.005952 [jrr, dismal, contrived, ripoff, and, just, pl... [jrr, dismal, contrived, ripoff, plain, dumb, ... [jrr, dismal, contriv, ripoff, plain, dumb, te... [dismal, dumb, terribly, like, problem, terrib... [jrr_dismal, dismal_contrived, contrived_ripof... [jrr_dismal, dismal_contrived, contrived_ripof... [jrr_dismal_contrived_ripoff, dismal_contrived...
4 1 Great storytelling, no story\n== SPOILERS Be... spoilers lot great storytelling story spoiler... 0.003333 [spoilers, lot, great, storytelling, story, sp... [spoilers, lot, great, storytelling, story, sp... [spoiler, lot, great, storytel, stori, spoiler... [great, friends, rant, enthusiastically, creat... [spoilers_lot, lot_great, great_storytelling, ... [spoilers_lot, lot_great, great_storytelling, ... [spoilers_lot_great_storytelling, lot_great_st...
In [399]:
#Visualizing bigrams 
#Now, I am going to visualize the stopwords_removed reviews and decide on what the next processing steps are. 
#Visualizing the data without the stopwords 
pos_viz = pd.DataFrame()
pos_viz["bigrams"] = positive_df["bigrams"].copy()
pos_viz["bigrams"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(pos_viz, "bigrams")
bigrams_dict_pos = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(pos_viz, "bigrams")
In [400]:
neg_viz = pd.DataFrame()
neg_viz["bigrams"] = negative_df["bigrams"].copy()
neg_viz["bigrams"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(neg_viz, "bigrams")
bigrams_dict_neg = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(neg_viz, "bigrams")
In [402]:
#creating an array of arrays for the mask from http://getdrawings.com/hogwarts-silhouette-clipart
positive_word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("harry_potter.PNG", bigrams_dict_pos, 750, "Positive Review Word Cloud Bigrams")
In [403]:
#creating an array of arrays for the mask 
negative_word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("harry_potter.PNG", bigrams_dict_neg, 750, "Negative Review Word Cloud Bigrams")
In [404]:
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words_pos = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(bigrams_dict_pos, 20)
count word
77 802 harry_potter
79 598 and_the
657 500 the_movie
1790 492 the_book
524 449 the_film
746 358 this_movie
88 337 for_the
839 331 the_first
404 286 the_best
65 263 from_the
413 250 this_film
529 239 with_the
78 238 potter_and
1690 232 the_books
1111 219 all_the
1075 212 the_series
596 196 that_the
329 179 the_story
30 164 one_the
4468 144 read_the
In [405]:
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words_neg = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(bigrams_dict_neg, 20)
count word
164 777 the_book
221 704 the_movie
132 633 harry_potter
102 513 this_movie
127 468 and_the
929 355 the_books
171 347 the_film
341 319 read_the
280 306 for_the
455 263 the_first
1764 258 with_the
238 245 from_the
184 240 that_the
936 238 all_the
159 235 this_film
2861 203 have_been
50 191 the_story
1020 178 was_the
67 146 the_end
669 136 movie_was
In [160]:
positive_bar_plot = top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words_pos, "Top 20 Positive Words")
In [161]:
negative_bar_plot = top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words_neg, "Top 20 Negative Words")
In [406]:
#Visualizing bigrams 
#Now, I am going to visualize the stopwords_removed reviews and decide on what the next processing steps are. 
#Visualizing the data without the stopwords 
pos_viz = pd.DataFrame()
pos_viz["bigrams_stopwords_removed"] = positive_df["bigrams_stopwords_removed"].copy()
pos_viz["bigrams_stopwords_removed"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(pos_viz, "bigrams_stopwords_removed")
bigrams_stopwords_removed_dict_pos = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(pos_viz, "bigrams_stopwords_removed")
In [407]:
neg_viz = pd.DataFrame()
neg_viz["bigrams_stopwords_removed"] = negative_df["bigrams_stopwords_removed"].copy()
neg_viz["bigrams_stopwords_removed"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(neg_viz, "bigrams_stopwords_removed")
bigrams_stopwords_removed_dict_neg = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(neg_viz, "bigrams_stopwords_removed")
In [408]:
positive_word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("harry_broom.PNG", bigrams_stopwords_removed_dict_pos, 750, "Positive Review Word Cloud Bigrams Stopwords Removed")
In [409]:
negative_word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("harry_broom.PNG", bigrams_stopwords_removed_dict_neg, 750, "Negative Review Word Cloud Bigrams Stopwords Removed")
In [411]:
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words_pos = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(bigrams_stopwords_removed_dict_pos, 20)
count word
54 802 harry_potter
3342 144 deathly_hallows
73 114 daniel_radcliffe
351 108 emma_watson
347 100 rupert_grint
4417 99 order_phoenix
250 97 special_effects
11318 89 david_yates
433 87 alan_rickman
13280 86 half_blood
13281 85 blood_prince
4415 78 goblet_fire
18597 78 hallows_part
5077 76 read_books
4360 73 prisoner_azkaban
194 72 more_than
3570 69 read_book
20294 66 potter_deathly
5302 64 first_two
2399 57 potter_series
In [412]:
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words_neg = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(bigrams_stopwords_removed_dict_neg, 20)
count word
103 633 harry_potter
1568 185 read_book
725 126 read_books
420 93 special_effects
5856 92 left_out
755 79 too_much
5829 63 order_phoenix
14747 63 david_yates
6827 61 goblet_fire
5195 60 first_two
14113 57 half_blood
137 56 more_than
14114 55 blood_prince
14986 53 deathly_hallows
293 52 chris_columbus
1891 52 book_but
9037 50 death_eaters
2286 50 could_been
5180 49 potter_movies
4965 49 should_been
In [413]:
positive_bar_plot = top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words_pos, "Top 20 Positive Words")
In [414]:
negative_bar_plot = top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words_neg, "Top 20 Negative Words")
In [415]:
#Looking at the four grams 
#Now, I am going to visualize the stopwords_removed reviews and decide on what the next processing steps are. 
#Visualizing the data without the stopwords 
pos_viz = pd.DataFrame()
pos_viz["fourgrams"] = positive_df["fourgrams"].copy()
pos_viz["fourgrams"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(pos_viz, "fourgrams")
fourgrams_dict_pos = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(pos_viz, "fourgrams")
In [416]:
neg_viz = pd.DataFrame()
neg_viz["fourgrams"] = negative_df["fourgrams"].copy()
neg_viz["fourgrams"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(neg_viz, "fourgrams")
fourgrams_dict_neg = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(neg_viz, "fourgrams")
In [417]:
positive_word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("sorting_hat.PNG", fourgrams_dict_pos, 75, "Positive Review Word Cloud Fourgrams")
In [418]:
negative_word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("sorting_hat.PNG", fourgrams_dict_neg, 75, "Negative Review Word Cloud Fourgrams")
In [419]:
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words_pos = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(fourgrams_dict_pos, 20)
count word
79 209 harry_potter_and_the
32802 65 and_the_deathly_hallows
32801 64 potter_and_the_deathly
32803 61 the_deathly_hallows_part
23482 45 the_half_blood_prince
15095 42 the_order_the_phoenix
3517 39 the_harry_potter_series
8949 28 potter_and_the_prisoner
8950 28 and_the_prisoner_azkaban
5092 26 the_best_harry_potter
23481 25 and_the_half_blood
27566 25 harry_ron_and_hermione
17397 23 potter_and_the_order
17398 22 and_the_order_the
23480 22 potter_and_the_half
81 21 and_the_sorcerer_stone
7986 21 the_first_two_films
80 20 potter_and_the_sorcerer
11238 19 the_harry_potter_franchise
4117 19 emma_watson_and_rupert
In [420]:
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words_neg = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(fourgrams_dict_neg, 20)
count word
1707 89 harry_potter_and_the
26092 36 the_half_blood_prince
8710 33 the_order_the_phoenix
303 29 the_harry_potter_series
12209 25 have_read_the_book
2227 24 read_the_book_and
7765 23 the_harry_potter_movies
8215 21 the_first_two_films
354 20 the_lord_the_rings
31311 19 the_harry_potter_books
1000 19 read_the_books_and
8152 19 you_havenot_read_the
2346 18 never_read_the_books
8153 17 havenot_read_the_book
8967 16 the_fact_that_the
999 16 havenot_read_the_books
19605 16 and_the_order_the
7723 16 the_first_two_movies
8136 15 you_read_the_book
2788 14 have_read_the_books
In [421]:
positive_bar_plot = top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words_pos, "Top 20 Positive Words")
In [422]:
negative_bar_plot = top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words_neg, "Top 20 Negative Words")
In [423]:
#Adding a label to the positive reviews and negative reviews 
positive_df["label"] = "pos"
negative_df["label"] = "neg"
In [424]:
#Combining the positive and negative df together 
combined_df = pd.concat([positive_df, negative_df])
In [425]:
rating review new_review percent_cap review_tokenize stopwords_removed stemmed sentiment_reduced bigrams bigrams_stopwords_removed fourgrams label
0 10 The Magic Comes To Life!\n== Once upon a time... the magic comes life once upon time and not t... 0.000000 [the, magic, comes, life, once, upon, time, an... [magic, comes, life, once, upon, time, long, a... [magic, come, life, onc, upon, time, long, ago... [beloved, thanks, novel, well, witch, strange,... [the_magic, magic_comes, comes_life, life_once... [magic_comes, comes_life, life_once, once_upon... [the_magic_comes_life, magic_comes_life_once, ... pos
1 10 Pure Magic\n== This movie is a delight for th... pure magic this movie delight for those all a... 0.000000 [pure, magic, this, movie, delight, for, those... [pure, magic, delight, those, ages, seen, seve... [pure, magic, delight, those, age, seen, sever... [delight, enchanted, outstanding, special, del... [pure_magic, magic_this, this_movie, movie_del... [pure_magic, magic_delight, delight_those, tho... [pure_magic_this_movie, magic_this_movie_delig... pos
2 10 Enchantment, Trapdoor to Imaginary World.\n==... ian enchantment trapdoor imaginary world this... 0.002242 [ian, enchantment, trapdoor, imaginary, world,... [ian, enchantment, trapdoor, imaginary, world,... [ian, enchant, trapdoor, imaginari, world, tra... [trap, passion, like, missing, hard, wishes, l... [ian_enchantment, enchantment_trapdoor, trapdo... [ian_enchantment, enchantment_trapdoor, trapdo... [ian_enchantment_trapdoor_imaginary, enchantme... pos
3 10 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n== 10/... harry potter and the sorcerer stone unforgett... 0.000000 [harry, potter, and, the, sorcerer, stone, unf... [harry, potter, sorcerer, stone, unforgettable... [harri, potter, sorcer, stone, unforgett, star... [fantastic] [harry_potter, potter_and, and_the, the_sorcer... [harry_potter, potter_sorcerer, sorcerer_stone... [harry_potter_and_the, potter_and_the_sorcerer... pos
4 10 Great Journey to the Magic World\n== I watch ... great journey the magic world watch this movi... 0.000000 [great, journey, the, magic, world, watch, thi... [great, journey, magic, world, watch, again, b... [great, journey, magic, world, watch, again, b... [great, amazing, miss, good, friendship, brave... [great_journey, journey_the, the_magic, magic_... [great_journey, journey_magic, magic_world, wo... [great_journey_the_magic, journey_the_magic_wo... pos
In [426]:
rating review new_review percent_cap review_tokenize stopwords_removed stemmed sentiment_reduced bigrams bigrams_stopwords_removed fourgrams label
487 3 Deathly Disappointing\n== Time for your OWL m... owl rofle omg deathly disappointing time for ... 0.005435 [owl, rofle, omg, deathly, disappointing, time... [owl, rofle, omg, deathly, disappointing, time... [owl, rofl, omg, deathli, disappoint, time, ow... [disappointing, dreadful, poor, better, luck, ... [owl_rofle, rofle_omg, omg_deathly, deathly_di... [owl_rofle, rofle_omg, omg_deathly, deathly_di... [owl_rofle_omg_deathly, rofle_omg_deathly_disa... neg
488 3 Nothing but disappointing.\n== It's been 3 ye... nothing but disappointing been years now sinc... 0.000000 [nothing, but, disappointing, been, years, now... [nothing, but, disappointing, been, years, now... [noth, but, disappoint, been, year, now, sinc,... [disappointing, strong, mess, ironic, shocked,... [nothing_but, but_disappointing, disappointing... [nothing_but, but_disappointing, disappointing... [nothing_but_disappointing_been, but_disappoin... neg
489 3 A middling series ends on a low-point.\n== I'... middling series ends low point will admit tha... 0.000000 [middling, series, ends, low, point, will, adm... [middling, series, ends, low, point, will, adm... [middl, seri, end, low, point, will, admit, ne... [low, admit, liked, emotional, improvement, li... [middling_series, series_ends, ends_low, low_p... [middling_series, series_ends, ends_low, low_p... [middling_series_ends_low, series_ends_low_poi... neg
490 3 OK but not I'm not Wowed!\n== Harry Potter an... but not not wowed harry potter and the deathl... 0.000000 [but, not, not, wowed, harry, potter, and, the... [but, wowed, harry, potter, deathly, hallows, ... [but, wow, harri, potter, deathli, hallow, par... [wowed, improvement, great, horrible, good, gr... [but_not, not_not, not_wowed, wowed_harry, har... [but_wowed, wowed_harry, harry_potter, potter_... [but_not_not_wowed, not_not_wowed_harry, not_w... neg
491 3 Its OK, not great.\n== Well I watched this la... dvd its not great well watched this last nigh... 0.006944 [dvd, its, not, great, well, watched, this, la... [dvd, its, great, well, watched, last, night, ... [dvd, it, great, well, watch, last, night, lef... [great, well, feeling, like, well, bothered, h... [dvd_its, its_not, not_great, great_well, well... [dvd_its, its_great, great_well, well_watched,... [dvd_its_not_great, its_not_great_well, not_gr... neg
In [427]:
#I need to reset the index 
combined_df.reset_index(inplace = True)
In [183]:
#Ready to see if I can predict the review sentiment 
no_stopwords_df = pd.DataFrame() 
tokenized_df = pd.DataFrame()
stemmed_df = pd.DataFrame()
sentiment_reduced_df = pd.DataFrame()
no_stopwords_df["review"] = combined_df["stopwords_removed"].copy()
tokenized_df["review"] = combined_df["review_tokenize"].copy()
stemmed_df["review"] = combined_df["stemmed"].copy()
sentiment_reduced_df["review"] = combined_df["sentiment_reduced"].copy()
In [184]:
no_stopwords_df["label"] = combined_df["label"]
tokenized_df["label"] = combined_df["label"]
stemmed_df["label"] = combined_df["label"]
sentiment_reduced_df["label"] = combined_df["label"]
In [185]:
review label
0 [magic, comes, life, once, upon, time, long, a... pos
1 [pure, magic, delight, those, ages, seen, seve... pos
2 [ian, enchantment, trapdoor, imaginary, world,... pos
3 [harry, potter, sorcerer, stone, unforgettable... pos
4 [great, journey, magic, world, watch, again, b... pos
In [186]:
review label
0 [the, magic, comes, life, once, upon, time, an... pos
1 [pure, magic, this, movie, delight, for, those... pos
2 [ian, enchantment, trapdoor, imaginary, world,... pos
3 [harry, potter, and, the, sorcerer, stone, unf... pos
4 [great, journey, the, magic, world, watch, thi... pos
In [187]:
review label
0 [magic, come, life, onc, upon, time, long, ago... pos
1 [pure, magic, delight, those, age, seen, sever... pos
2 [ian, enchant, trapdoor, imaginari, world, tra... pos
3 [harri, potter, sorcer, stone, unforgett, star... pos
4 [great, journey, magic, world, watch, again, b... pos
In [188]:
review label
0 [beloved, thanks, novel, well, witch, strange,... pos
1 [delight, enchanted, outstanding, special, del... pos
2 [trap, passion, like, missing, hard, wishes, l... pos
3 [fantastic] pos
4 [great, amazing, miss, good, friendship, brave... pos
In [189]:
#Now I am going to create my bag of words for the tokenized reviews 
#First, I must remove the labels that I just added... 
tokenized_label = tokenized_df["label"]
tokenized_df.drop("label", axis = 1, inplace = True)
no_stopwords_label = no_stopwords_df["label"]
no_stopwords_df.drop("label", axis = 1, inplace = True)
stemmed_label = stemmed_df["label"]
stemmed_df.drop("label", axis = 1, inplace = True)
sentiment_label = sentiment_reduced_df["label"]
sentiment_reduced_df.drop("label", axis = 1, inplace = True)

tokenized_bow = bag_of_words(tokenized_df, "review")
no_stopwords_bow = bag_of_words(no_stopwords_df, "review")
stemmed_bow = bag_of_words(stemmed_df, "review")
sentiment_reduced_bow = bag_of_words(sentiment_reduced_df, "review")
In [190]:
Counter({'harry': 1,
         'potter': 1,
         'and': 3,
         'the': 4,
         'sorcerer': 1,
         'stone': 1,
         'unforgettable': 1,
         'start': 1,
         'fantastic': 1,
         'film': 1,
         'series': 1,
         'career': 1,
         'impeccable': 1,
         'emma': 1,
         'watson': 1,
         'other': 1,
         'kids': 1})
In [191]:
Counter({'harry': 1,
         'potter': 1,
         'sorcerer': 1,
         'stone': 1,
         'unforgettable': 1,
         'start': 1,
         'fantastic': 1,
         'series': 1,
         'career': 1,
         'impeccable': 1,
         'emma': 1,
         'watson': 1,
         'other': 1,
         'kids': 1})
In [192]:
Counter({'harri': 1,
         'potter': 1,
         'sorcer': 1,
         'stone': 1,
         'unforgett': 1,
         'start': 1,
         'fantast': 1,
         'seri': 1,
         'career': 1,
         'impecc': 1,
         'emma': 1,
         'watson': 1,
         'other': 1,
         'kid': 1})
In [193]:
Counter({'fantastic': 1})
In [194]:
tokenized_df = bow_to_df(tokenized_bow)
no_stopwords_df = bow_to_df(no_stopwords_bow)
stemmed_df = bow_to_df(stemmed_bow)
sentiment_reduced_df = bow_to_df(sentiment_reduced_bow)
In [195]:
the magic comes life once upon time and not that ... peaks payoffs footnotes wowed lashed sellout wash hairs tingling lump
0 59 8 1 5 1 2 2 47 5 18 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 8 2 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 30 0 0 5 0 0 1 7 1 2 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 rows × 12982 columns

In [196]:
magic comes life once upon time long ago vivid fertile ... peaks payoffs footnotes wowed lashed sellout wash hairs tingling lump
0 8 1 5 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 rows × 12957 columns

In [197]:
magic come life onc upon time long ago vivid fertil ... batchmat dehuman jubil voledomort microsoft powerpoint waysid lash sellout tingl
0 8 1 5 1 2 4 4 1 1 1 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 rows × 8589 columns

In [198]:
beloved thanks novel well witch strange perfect gift alive forget ... remorse bitch innovation carelessly elation ecstasy impressively dehumanized mourning wowed
0 2 1 2 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 rows × 2160 columns

In [199]:
#normalizing the dfs
#Now, I need to normalize the dataframe 
tokenized_df = normalize_df(tokenized_df)
In [200]:
the magic comes life once upon time and not that ... peaks payoffs footnotes wowed lashed sellout wash hairs tingling lump
0 0.073201 0.009926 0.001241 0.006203 0.001241 0.002481 0.002481 0.058313 0.006203 0.022333 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 0.097561 0.024390 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.012195 0.073171 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.083333 0.000000 0.000000 0.013889 0.000000 0.000000 0.002778 0.019444 0.002778 0.005556 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.181818 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.136364 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.080645 0.032258 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.016129 0.016129 0.000000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

5 rows × 12982 columns

In [428]:
(984, 12981)
In [201]:
no_stopwords_df = normalize_df(no_stopwords_df)
In [202]:
magic comes life once upon time long ago vivid fertile ... peaks payoffs footnotes wowed lashed sellout wash hairs tingling lump
0 0.013986 0.001748 0.008741 0.001748 0.003497 0.003497 0.006993 0.001748 0.001748 0.001748 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 0.034483 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.017241 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.000000 0.000000 0.018248 0.000000 0.000000 0.003650 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.044444 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

5 rows × 12957 columns

In [203]:
stemmed_df = normalize_df(stemmed_df)
In [204]:
magic come life onc upon time long ago vivid fertil ... batchmat dehuman jubil voledomort microsoft powerpoint waysid lash sellout tingl
0 0.013986 0.001748 0.008741 0.001748 0.003497 0.006993 0.006993 0.001748 0.001748 0.001748 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 0.034483 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.034483 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.000000 0.000000 0.018248 0.000000 0.000000 0.007299 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.044444 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

5 rows × 8589 columns

In [205]:
sentiment_reduced_df = normalize_df(sentiment_reduced_df)
In [206]:
beloved thanks novel well witch strange perfect gift alive forget ... bitch innovation carelessly elation ecstasy impressively dehumanized mourning wowed total
0 0.03125 0.015625 0.031250 0.046875 0.015625 0.015625 0.046875 0.03125 0.015625 0.03125 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 64
1 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000 0.00000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10
2 0.00000 0.000000 0.029412 0.029412 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000 0.00000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 34
3 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000 0.00000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1
4 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000 0.00000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8

5 rows × 2161 columns

In [207]:
#Now I need to remove the total column for each df 
tokenized_df.drop("total", axis = 1, inplace = True)
no_stopwords_df.drop("total", axis = 1, inplace = True)
stemmed_df.drop("total", axis = 1, inplace = True)
sentiment_reduced_df.drop("total", axis = 1, inplace = True)
In [208]:
sentiment_reduced_df = sentiment_reduced_df.fillna(0).astype(int)
In [209]:
#Creating a testing and training df for the normalized dfs 
tokenize_test_train = tokenized_df.copy() 
no_stopwords_test_train = no_stopwords_df.copy()
stemmed_test_train = stemmed_df.copy() 
sentiment_test_train = sentiment_reduced_df.copy()

test_train_label = combined_df["label"]
In [1]:
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-a83a52027865> in <module>
----> 1 test_train_label

NameError: name 'test_train_label' is not defined
In [210]:
#Creating 4 df: 1: the training df with label removed, 2: the testing df with label removed, 3: the training label, 4: testing label
tokenized_train, tokenized_test, tokenized_train_label, tokenized_test_label = train_test_split(tokenize_test_train, test_train_label, test_size = .3, random_state = 9)
no_stopwords_train, no_stopwords_test, no_stopwords_train_label, no_stopwords_test_label = train_test_split(no_stopwords_test_train, test_train_label, test_size = .3, random_state = 9)
stemmed_train, stemmed_test, stemmed_train_label, stemmed_test_label = train_test_split(stemmed_test_train, test_train_label, test_size = .3, random_state = 9)
sentiment_train, sentiment_test, sentiment_train_label, sentiment_test_label = train_test_split(sentiment_test_train, test_train_label, test_size = .3, random_state = 9)
In [211]:
#Getting a count of positive and negative opinions in the test label 
#There are roughly the same number of positive and negative reviews in the test and train set. 
Counter({'pos': 148, 'neg': 148})
In [212]:
#Naive Bayes attempt Multinomial 
clf = MultinomialNB()
clf.fit(tokenized_train, tokenized_train_label)
test_predicted = clf.predict(tokenized_test)
#Getting the accuracy for naive bayes 
accuracy = accuracy_score(tokenized_test_label, test_predicted, normalize = True)
print("The accuracy is", accuracy)
cm = confusion_matrix(tokenized_test_label, test_predicted)
# confusion_matrix_graph(cm, accuracy, "NB Multinomial Tokenized")
tn, fp, fn, tp = cm.ravel()
print("The number of true negatives is: ", tn)
print("The number of false positives is: ", fp)
print("The number of false negatives is: ", fn)
print("The number of true positives is: ", tp)
The accuracy is 0.8614864864864865
[[132  16]
 [ 25 123]]
The number of true negatives is:  132
The number of false positives is:  16
The number of false negatives is:  25
The number of true positives is:  123
In [213]:
#Naive Bayes attempt Multinomial 
clf = MultinomialNB()
clf.fit(no_stopwords_train, no_stopwords_train_label)
test_predicted = clf.predict(no_stopwords_test)
#Getting the accuracy for naive bayes 
accuracy = accuracy_score(no_stopwords_test_label, test_predicted, normalize = True)
print("The accuracy is", accuracy)
cm = confusion_matrix(no_stopwords_test_label, test_predicted)
# confusion_matrix_graph(cm, accuracy, "NB Multinomial No Stopwords")
tn, fp, fn, tp = cm.ravel()
print("The number of true negatives is: ", tn)
print("The number of false positives is: ", fp)
print("The number of false negatives is: ", fn)
print("The number of true positives is: ", tp)
The accuracy is 0.8648648648648649
[[132  16]
 [ 24 124]]
The number of true negatives is:  132
The number of false positives is:  16
The number of false negatives is:  24
The number of true positives is:  124
In [214]:
#Naive Bayes attempt Multinomial 
clf = MultinomialNB()
clf.fit(stemmed_train, stemmed_train_label)
test_predicted = clf.predict(stemmed_test)
#Getting the accuracy for naive bayes 
accuracy = accuracy_score(stemmed_test_label, test_predicted, normalize = True)
print("The accuracy is", accuracy)
cm = confusion_matrix(stemmed_test_label, test_predicted)
# confusion_matrix_graph(cm, accuracy, "NB Multinomial Stemmed")
tn, fp, fn, tp = cm.ravel()
print("The number of true negatives is: ", tn)
print("The number of false positives is: ", fp)
print("The number of false negatives is: ", fn)
print("The number of true positives is: ", tp)
The accuracy is 0.8513513513513513
[[131  17]
 [ 27 121]]
The number of true negatives is:  131
The number of false positives is:  17
The number of false negatives is:  27
The number of true positives is:  121
In [215]:
#Naive Bayes attempt Multinomial 
clf = MultinomialNB()
clf.fit(sentiment_train, sentiment_train_label)
test_predicted = clf.predict(sentiment_test)
#Getting the accuracy for naive bayes 
accuracy = accuracy_score(sentiment_test_label, test_predicted, normalize = True)
print("The accuracy is", accuracy)
cm = confusion_matrix(sentiment_test_label, test_predicted)
# confusion_matrix_graph(cm, accuracy, "NB Multinomial Sentiment")
tn, fp, fn, tp = cm.ravel()
print("The number of true negatives is: ", tn)
print("The number of false positives is: ", fp)
print("The number of false negatives is: ", fn)
print("The number of true positives is: ", tp)
The accuracy is 0.5
[[148   0]
 [148   0]]
The number of true negatives is:  148
The number of false positives is:  0
The number of false negatives is:  148
The number of true positives is:  0