#Plan of action: Preform all the visualization from what I did in attempt 1; take that info and then ultimately reduce
#the dimensions from the original review based on positive, negative and negation (not) words... Lemmatize that and
#then run machine learning on that option...
#Packages needed in this file:
#To interact with the operating system
import os
# To create and manipulate dfs
import pandas as pd
#To create a wordcloud/graphs
import numpy as np
from wordcloud import WordCloud, ImageColorGenerator
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from colorspacious import cspace_converter
import seaborn as sns
#Allows for randomization, you can set a seed to have reproducable results
import random
#from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageFilter
import numpy as np
#Allows for several values for the same dictionary key
import multidict
#To get a count of words (used in the term_frequency)
from collections import Counter
#To process text using nltk (remove stopwords, lemmatize, tokenize...)
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import nltk
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
#Porter stemmer
from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize, RegexpTokenizer
from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
#A new option to nltk: SPACY
# import spacy
# from spacy.lang.en import English
#To make the items you print look nicer and more readable
#To make things look nicer when I print them
from pprint import pprint
#To perform machine learning in Naive Bayes I need to import the following packages
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# To model the Gaussian Navie Bayes classifier
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
# To calculate the accuracy score of the model
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
#confusion matrix
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, classification_report
#Functions that will be used in the file:
#Function 1:
#What the function does: to be creating a list of reviews, then joining the reviews together to a string and
#getting a count for each word in the string
#Input: df and column
#Output: a dictionary with each word and the count of the word
def creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(df, column):
reviews = df[column].tolist()
review_string = " ".join(reviews)
review_string = review_string.split()
review_dict = Counter(review_string)
return review_dict
#Function 2:
#What the function does: creates a word cloud that is in the shape of the mask passed in
#Input: the location where the mask image is saved, the frequency word dictionary, and the max # of words to include
#and the title of the plot
def create_word_cloud_with_mask(path_of_mask_image, dictionary,
max_num_words, title):
mask = np.array(Image.open(path_of_mask_image))
#creating the word cloud
word_cloud = WordCloud(background_color = "white",
max_words = max_num_words,
mask = mask, max_font_size = 125,
random_state = 1006)
#creating the coloring for the word cloud
image_colors = ImageColorGenerator(mask)
plt.figure(figsize = [8,8])
plt.imshow(word_cloud.recolor(color_func = image_colors),
interpolation = "bilinear")
return plt
#Function 3:
#What the function does: creates a df with two columns: word and count of the top 12 words
#Input: the word frequency dictionary
#Output: a df with the top 12 words
def word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(dictionary, number_of_words_wanted):
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dictionary,orient='index')
df.columns = ["count"]
df["word"] = df.index
df.reset_index(drop = True, inplace = True)
df.sort_values(by=["count"], ascending = False, inplace = True)
df = df[:number_of_words_wanted]
#Function 4:
#What the function does: creates a bar graph
#Input: the df and title of the graph
#Output: the bar graph
def top_words_bar_plot(df, title):
graph = sns.barplot(y = "count", x = "word", data = df,
palette = "GnBu_d")
plt.xticks(rotation = 90)
return plt
#Function 5:
#What the function does: creates a df with two columns: word and count
#Input: the word frequency dictionary
#Output: a df
def word_freq_dict_to_df_all_words(dictionary):
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dictionary,orient='index')
df.columns = ["count"]
df["word"] = df.index
df.reset_index(drop = True, inplace = True)
df.sort_values(by=["count"], ascending = False, inplace = True)
#Function 6:
#What the function does: Returns 2 statements: One with the total number of words and the other with the number
#of unique words
#Input: the frequency count dictionary
#output: 2 statements
def total_words_unique_words(dictionary):
eda_reviews_all_words = word_freq_dict_to_df_all_words(dictionary)
print("The total number of words is", sum(eda_reviews_all_words["count"]))
print("The total number of unique words is", len(dictionary))
#Function 7: removing stopwords
#What the function does: Removes stopwords
#Input: the item that you want to remove stopwords in
#Output: the same item type back with the stopwords removed.
def stop_word_removal(item_that_you_want_to_remove_stopwords_in):
removed_stopwords = []
stop_words = stopwords.words("english")
for word in item_that_you_want_to_remove_stopwords_in:
if word in stop_words:
if word not in stop_words:
#Function 8:
#What the function does: It takes the tokens from the df and joins it into a string, then replaces the "," with a space
#Input: the df and column to be changed
#Output: the data untokenized
def getting_data_ready_for_freq(df, column):
df[column] = df[column].apply(",".join)
df[column] = df[column].str.replace(",", " ")
#Function 9:
#What the function does: It uses the Porter stemmer to stem each word in the column
#Input: the item that you want to be stemmed
#Output: the same item type back with the words stemmed
def stem_fun(item_that_you_want_to_be_stemmed):
stemmer = PorterStemmer()
stemmed = [stemmer.stem(token) for token in item_that_you_want_to_be_stemmed]
#Function 10:
#What the function does: It lemmatizes the data without using pos, meaning that it will not be as efficient
#Input: item to be lemmatized (the column)
#Output: the column lemmatized
def lemma_func(item_to_lemmatize):
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
lemmatized_review = []
for token in item_to_lemmatize:
word = lemmatizer.lemmatize(token)
return lemmatized_review
#Function 11:
#What the function does: Creates bigrams from a tokenized column in a dataframe
#Input: the column that you want to create a ngram with
#Output: a list of ngrams
def creating_ngrams(item_to_be_ngrammed, number_of_ngram):
# zip function helps generate ngrams
ngrams = zip(*[item_to_be_ngrammed[i:] for i in range(number_of_ngram)])
# Concatentate the tokens into ngrams and return
return ["_".join(ngram) for ngram in ngrams]
#Function 12:
#What the function does: Create a bag of words from a column in a df...
#Input: df and column to be transformed
#Output: A list of dictionaries for each row in the df that contains the word as a key and the count as the value
def bag_of_words(df, column_to_be_bagged):
bag_of_words = []
from collections import Counter
for word in df[column_to_be_bagged]:
return bag_of_words
#Function 13:
#What the function does: Takes the bag of words and makes it into a giant sparse matrix df, with 0s where nas are
#Input: bag of words
#Output: Giant df with the words as column names and counts as row entries
def bow_to_df(bag_of_words):
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(bag_of_words)
df = df.fillna(0).astype(int)
#Function 14:
#What the function does: Takes the words in a column and uses the SentimentInstensityAnalyzer from nltk and
#gets the sentiment score for every word in the column. If the word has a sentiment
#score greater than or equal to .3 (max is 1) or less than or equal to -.3 (-1 is min)
#the word is added to the keep_words list if not the word will be removed.
def pos_neg_words(column):
sid = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
keep_words = []
for word in column:
if (sid.polarity_scores(word)['compound']) >= 0.1:
elif (sid.polarity_scores(word)['compound']) <= -0.1:
elif word == "not":
return keep_words
#Function 15:
#What the function does: It normalizing the df by getting the sum of each row and then dividing every entry by
#the sum, resulting in the percentage make-up of each word
#Input: dataframe to be normalized
#Output: normalized dataframe
def normalize_df(df):
names = df.columns
df["total"] = df.sum(axis = 1)
for name in names:
df[name] = df[name]/df["total"]
#Function 16:
#What the function does: Creates a confusion matrix graph
#Input: the confusion matrix, accuracy_label, and type of df
#Output: Confusion matrix graph
def confusion_matrix_graph (cm, accuracy_label, type_of_df):
g = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
g = sns.heatmap(cm, annot=True, fmt=".3f", linewidths=.5, square = True, cmap = 'Blues_r', cbar = False);
g = plt.ylabel('Actual');
g = plt.xlabel('Predicted');
g = all_sample_title = type_of_df +' Accuracy Score: {0}'.format(round(accuracy_label, 4))
g = plt.title(all_sample_title, size = 12);
#Reading in the data
movies = pd.read_csv("data//moviereviewRAW.csv")
#Taking a quick look at the df
text | reviewclass | Unnamed: 2 | Unnamed: 3 | Unnamed: 4 | Unnamed: 5 | Unnamed: 6 | Unnamed: 7 | Unnamed: 8 | Unnamed: 9 | ... | Unnamed: 168 | Unnamed: 169 | Unnamed: 170 | Unnamed: 171 | Unnamed: 172 | Unnamed: 173 | Unnamed: 174 | Unnamed: 175 | Unnamed: 176 | Unnamed: 177 | |
0 | 'plot : two teen couples go to a church party | drink and then drive . \nthey get into an acc... | but his girlfriend continues to see him in he... | and has nightmares . \nwhat\'s the deal ? \nw... | but presents it in a very bad package . \nwhi... | since i generally applaud films which attempt... | mess with your head and such ( lost highway &... | but there are good and bad ways of making all... | and these folks just didn\'t snag this one co... | but executed it terribly . \nso what are the ... | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
1 | 'the happy bastard\'s quick movie review \ndam... | virus still feels very empty | like a movie going for all flash and no subst... | we don\'t know the origin of what took over t... | and | of course | we don\'t know why donald sutherland is stumb... | it\'s just \" hey | let\'s chase these people around with some ro... | even from the likes of curtis . \nyou\'re mor... | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
2 | 'it is movies like these that make a jaded mov... | the mod squad tells the tale of three reforme... | things go wrong as evidence gets stolen and t... | the ads make it seem like so much more . \nqu... | cool music | claire dane\'s nice hair and cute outfits | car chases | stuff blowing up | and the like . \nsounds like a cool movie | does it not ? \nafter the first fifteen minutes | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
3 | ' \" quest for camelot \" is warner bros . \' ... | fully-animated attempt to steal clout from di... | but the mouse has no reason to be worried . \... | if flawed | 20th century fox production \" anastasia | \" but disney\'s \" hercules | \" with its lively cast and colorful palate | had her beat hands-down when it came time to ... | it\'s no contest | as \" quest for camelot \" is pretty much dea... | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
4 | 'synopsis : a mentally unstable man undergoing... | a fledgling restauranteur . \nunsuccessfully ... | he takes pictures of her and kills a number o... | both theatrical and direct-to-video . \ntheir... | no big name stars ) and serve as vehicles to ... | he\'s rejected rather quickly ( the psycho ty... | ex-wife | or ex-husband ) . \nother than that | stalked is just another redundant entry doome... | though that is what it sets out to do . \nint... | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
5 rows × 178 columns
(2000, 178)
#Okay, I need to figure out how to combine all the columns into 1 column
movies["review"] = movies[movies.columns[0:]].apply(lambda row: ' '.join(row.dropna().astype(str)), axis =1)
(2000, 179)
#Creating a new data frame with only the review column in it...
movies_clean = pd.DataFrame(movies["review"])
#Looking at the first couple of rows to make sure we only have 1 column for each review
review | |
0 | 'plot : two teen couples go to a church party ... |
1 | 'the happy bastard\'s quick movie review \ndam... |
2 | 'it is movies like these that make a jaded mov... |
3 | ' \" quest for camelot \" is warner bros . \' ... |
4 | 'synopsis : a mentally unstable man undergoing... |
(2000, 1)
#new issue is that we need to extract the rating which is the last 3 characters for each review
movies_clean["label"] = movies_clean["review"].str[-3:]
#Checking to make sure that it worked
review | label | |
0 | 'plot : two teen couples go to a church party ... | neg |
1 | 'the happy bastard\'s quick movie review \ndam... | neg |
2 | 'it is movies like these that make a jaded mov... | neg |
3 | ' \" quest for camelot \" is warner bros . \' ... | neg |
4 | 'synopsis : a mentally unstable man undergoing... | neg |
(2000, 2)
#Now I need to remove the last three characters from the review column as it contains the label
movies_clean["review"] = movies_clean["review"].str[:-3]
#Looking to see the number of positive and negative reviews in the dataframe
#There are 1000 reviews that are positive and 1000 reviews that are negative
pos 1000 neg 1000 Name: label, dtype: int64
#EDA the movie reviews
#First, I need to make the reviews all one big string. The first step in this is taking the review column and turning
#it into a list
review_dict = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(movies_clean, "review")
Counter({'the': 68199, '.': 65876, 'a': 37078, 'and': 33723, 'of': 33694, 'to': 31466, 'is': 25014, 'in': 19943, '\\"': 17612, 'that': 14765, ')': 11781, '(': 11664, 'it': 10509, 'as': 10401, 'with': 10393, 'for': 9409, 'his': 9008, 'film': 8842, 'this': 7919, '\\nthe': 7810, 'on': 6974, 'are': 6904, 'but': 6798, 'he': 6190, 'be': 6051, 'by': 6033, 'an': 5607, 'i': 5488, 'movie': 5417, 'who': 5304, 'not': 5190, 'one': 5008, 'was': 4903, 'have': 4869, 'from': 4819, 'has': 4704, 'at': 4582, 'her': 4321, 'you': 4038, 'all': 3961, '?': 3771, 'they': 3627, 'about': 3500, 'out': 3419, 'like': 3384, 'more': 3278, 'so': 3128, 'which': 3098, 'up': 3084, ':': 3042, 'their': 2973, 'or': 2958, 'just': 2764, 'some': 2759, 'him': 2628, 'into': 2609, 'what': 2596, 'when': 2519, 'than': 2435, 'only': 2395, "it\\'s": 2391, 'good': 2287, 'time': 2270, 'its': 2207, 'can': 2204, 'she': 2195, 'even': 2184, 'no': 2163, 'most': 2123, 'will': 2117, 'story': 2106, 'been': 2045, 'if': 2033, 'would': 2022, "\\n'": 2000, 'much': 1951, 'we': 1925, '\\ni': 1903, 'character': 1895, 'get': 1889, 'there': 1880, 'them': 1873, 'other': 1853, ';': 1850, 'very': 1843, 'do': 1830, 'characters': 1800, '\\nbut': 1778, '\\n': 1769, 'two': 1759, 'also': 1753, '\\nit': 1743, '!': 1713, 'see': 1679, 'way': 1661, 'first': 1657, '\\nand': 1617, '\\nthis': 1595, 'because': 1581, '\\nin': 1579, 'make': 1576, 'really': 1537, 'does': 1526, 'any': 1525, 'had': 1522, 'films': 1499, 'too': 1494, 'little': 1442, 'life': 1440, 'where': 1417, 'off': 1416, '\\nhe': 1416, 'well': 1400, 'me': 1395, 'plot': 1385, 'people': 1384, 'could': 1381, 'scene': 1370, 'bad': 1354, 'how': 1342, '-': 1331, 'never': 1329, 'being': 1308, 'after': 1301, 'best': 1285, 'over': 1278, "\\nit\\'s": 1277, 'new': 1264, "doesn\\'t": 1262, 'man': 1251, 'scenes': 1242, 'my': 1242, 'were': 1212, 'know': 1200, 'many': 1183, 'such': 1170, 'then': 1158, 'movies': 1151, 'through': 1142, 'great': 1125, '--': 1122, 'these': 1109, 'while': 1108, "don\\'t": 1103, 'love': 1079, 'us': 1062, 'action': 1054, '*': 1054, 'go': 1046, 'end': 1042, 'seems': 1029, 'something': 1020, 'made': 1018, 'back': 1008, 'work': 1005, 'makes': 989, 'here': 987, 'another': 976, 'world': 957, 'few': 954, 'big': 950, 'between': 945, 'those': 944, "he\\'s": 934, 'before': 932, 'still': 931, '\\nas': 916, 'enough': 899, 'better': 896, 'around': 892, 'performance': 885, 'director': 883, 'seen': 883, 'audience': 874, 'down': 863, 'going': 862, 'role': 862, 'same': 861, 'gets': 858, 'should': 855, 'may': 853, "isn\\'t": 852, '\\nthere': 847, 'every': 847, 'though': 844, 'real': 841, 'take': 840, 'years': 830, 'your': 829, 'think': 826, 'funny': 814, 'own': 813, '\\na': 811, 'last': 803, 'say': 800, 'look': 798, 'things': 797, 'thing': 794, 'fact': 794, 'comedy': 792, 'both': 791, 'actually': 788, 'played': 781, 'find': 778, 'almost': 771, 'script': 755, 'right': 752, 'plays': 751, 'come': 751, 'nothing': 748, 'cast': 747, 'long': 738, 'comes': 731, 'young': 727, 'ever': 726, 'did': 725, '\\nif': 723, 'old': 719, 'why': 700, 'show': 698, 'original': 696, 'john': 695, '\\nwhen': 691, 'now': 690, 'actors': 681, 'acting': 675, 'least': 674, 'lot': 674, 'part': 672, 'takes': 668, 'point': 666, 'himself': 656, 'since': 653, 'away': 650, 'without': 650, '\\nthey': 648, 'again': 646, 'course': 645, 'star': 644, 'goes': 642, 'quite': 641, 'each': 635, 'interesting': 632, 'minutes': 631, "can\\'t": 630, 'effects': 627, 'screen': 624, 'might': 623, 'guy': 616, 'family': 616, 'day': 609, 'anything': 608, 'place': 607, 'three': 601, 'must': 600, 'far': 598, 'year': 592, 'rather': 588, "that\\'s": 579, "film\\'s": 578, 'watch': 575, "there\\'s": 575, 'seem': 574, 'during': 572, "didn\\'t": 565, 'always': 565, 'fun': 565, 'times': 563, 'bit': 562, 'trying': 561, 'our': 561, '\\nhis': 558, 'want': 555, 'sense': 553, 'special': 551, 'making': 550, 'job': 550, 'give': 548, 'kind': 547, 'wife': 547, 'picture': 543, 'home': 540, 'help': 530, 'series': 528, 'becomes': 526, '\\nhowever': 523, 'set': 523, 'pretty': 516, 'yet': 515, 'woman': 513, 'probably': 512, 'dialogue': 510, 'become': 509, 'hollywood': 507, 'gives': 505, 'actor': 503, 'men': 500, 'having': 498, 'money': 496, 'whole': 494, 'hard': 493, 'together': 491, '\\nshe': 490, 'american': 489, 'black': 487, '\\nfor': 486, 'once': 486, 'high': 484, 'given': 480, '\\none': 478, 'wants': 475, 'although': 471, 'got': 467, 'however': 463, 'music': 459, '\\nwhat': 456, 'feel': 456, 'done': 452, 'along': 448, 'less': 445, '\\nso': 443, 'play': 442, 'everything': 441, 'especially': 440, 'death': 440, 'looks': 439, 'watching': 438, 'next': 438, 'sex': 438, 'moments': 437, 'completely': 436, 'reason': 435, 'whose': 434, '\\nafter': 430, '\\nwe': 429, 'rest': 427, 'different': 426, 'horror': 426, 'sure': 425, 'looking': 425, 'performances': 425, 'city': 425, '\\nwhile': 420, 'ending': 419, 'couple': 417, 'case': 414, 'father': 413, 'put': 413, 'simply': 412, 'shows': 409, "i\\'m": 409, 'left': 408, 'entire': 406, 'evil': 406, 'itself': 406, 'night': 406, 'mind': 403, 'until': 403, 'human': 403, 'humor': 402, 'small': 401, "\\nthere\\'s": 398, 'main': 397, 'found': 396, 'girl': 395, 'lost': 394, 'use': 394, 'getting': 394, 'line': 392, 'turns': 392, 'begins': 391, 'several': 390, 'friends': 388, 'problem': 386, 'anyone': 384, 'half': 383, 'james': 383, 'everyone': 382, 'idea': 378, 'mother': 376, 'name': 374, 'school': 374, '\\nat': 373, 'town': 373, 'true': 372, '\\nwith': 371, 'stars': 371, 'else': 371, 'thought': 371, 'comic': 370, 'final': 369, 'tries': 369, 'friend': 369, '\\nyou': 369, '\\neven': 367, 'group': 367, 'used': 364, 'wrong': 363, 'sequence': 363, 'against': 361, 'instead': 360, 'house': 360, 'relationship': 359, 'works': 358, 'called': 356, 'either': 355, 'keep': 353, 'named': 353, 'dead': 352, 'alien': 352, 'turn': 350, 'behind': 350, 'michael': 350, 'said': 350, 'someone': 349, 'head': 348, 'often': 348, '2': 345, 'written': 345, "they\\'re": 343, 'later': 343, 'believe': 343, 'war': 343, 'doing': 342, 'second': 342, 'able': 339, 'tell': 339, '\\nthat': 337, 'finds': 337, 'under': 336, 'playing': 335, "she\\'s": 335, 'certainly': 334, 'hand': 332, 'past': 332, 'perfect': 332, 'book': 329, 'person': 326, 'including': 325, 'nice': 324, '\\nnot': 323, 'david': 323, 'supposed': 322, 'camera': 322, 'days': 322, 'lives': 322, '\\nalthough': 322, 'shot': 321, 'seeing': 321, 'live': 320, 'lines': 317, 'moment': 317, 'starts': 314, 'side': 313, 'entertaining': 312, 'car': 312, 'run': 311, 'style': 311, 'need': 310, 'based': 310, 'soon': 310, 'game': 310, 'boy': 308, 'fight': 307, "i\\'ve": 307, 'tv': 306, 'start': 305, 'matter': 305, "you\\'re": 305, 'full': 305, 'worth': 303, 'face': 303, 'care': 302, 'summer': 302, 'running': 301, 'son': 301, 'worst': 300, 'opening': 298, 'try': 298, 'hour': 296, 'video': 295, 'daughter': 295, 'example': 295, 'kids': 294, 'exactly': 294, 'violence': 293, 's': 293, 'problems': 292, 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"aren\\'t": 256, 'ends': 256, 'coming': 255, 'body': 255, 'says': 255, 'york': 255, 'novel': 254, 'tells': 253, 'possible': 252, 'saw': 251, 'hope': 250, 'robert': 250, '=': 250, 'quickly': 249, '\\nthen': 249, 'deep': 249, 'manages': 248, 'joe': 248, 'extremely': 247, 'lead': 247, 'stupid': 247, 'genre': 246, 'heart': 246, 'wonder': 245, 'four': 245, 'romantic': 244, 'ship': 243, 'level': 243, 'let': 243, '\\nwell': 242, 'appears': 242, 'murder': 242, 'career': 242, 'involving': 242, 'future': 242, 'voice': 241, 'stop': 240, 'particularly': 240, 'thriller': 240, 'involved': 240, 'sets': 238, 'emotional': 238, 'five': 237, 'falls': 237, 'material': 236, 'result': 236, 'attention': 235, '\\nno': 235, 'planet': 234, 'hero': 234, 'scream': 234, 'lee': 233, 'police': 233, 'elements': 233, 'piece': 233, 'child': 233, 'lack': 232, 'close': 232, 'mostly': 232, 'hours': 232, 'tom': 232, 'fall': 232, 'fiction': 231, "movie\\'s": 231, 'brother': 230, 'leads': 230, 'dog': 230, 'worse': 230, 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'drumbeat': 1, 'bagpipes': 1, 'clanking': 1, 'creaking': 1, 'neighing': 1, 'nonprofessional': 1, 'scrap-pile': 1, 'bagpipe': 1, "\\nbresson\\'s": 1, 're-evaluating': 1, '\\nroars': 1, 'fearsomely': 1, 'adepts': 1, '\\nsupercop': 1, 'karate-kicking': 1, 'fo': 1, 'ever-enjoyable': 1, 'sppedboat': 1, '\\noutrunning': 1, 'danging': 1, 'wrong-way': 1, "\\'copter": 1, 'greyer': 1, 'trotting': 1, 'oscar-bait': 1, '\\nbille': 1, 'epic--handsome': 1, 'screenplay--with': 1, 'french-set': 1, 'factory-worker-turned-prostitute': 1, 'vigau': 1, 'caretakers': 1, 'decades-spanning': 1, 'english-language': 1, "smilla\\'s": 1, 'jorgen': 1, 'persson': 1, "rush\\'s": 1, 'modulated': 1, 'unglamorous': 1, 'cerebrally': 1, 'cosette-marius': 1, 'eponine': 1, "marius\\'s": 1, 'out-going': 1, '\\nwhit': 1, '\\nbeckinsale': 1, 'side-tracks': 1, "'gordon": 1, 'underbids': 1, '\\ngordo': 1, 'giggs': 1, 'guilfoyle': 1, '$10000': 1, 'audiotapes': 1, 'multi-personality': 1, "\\ngordo\\'s": 1, 'jump-out-at-you-from-the-dark': 1, 'parcel': 1, 'high-definition': 1, 'uta': 1, 'briesewitz': 1, '\\nmullan': 1, "gordo\\'s": 1, '\\ngevedon': 1, 'epos': 1, 'lovestory': 1, 'vestern': 1, 'calvinistic': 1, 'clocktower': 1, 'to-be-weds': 1, 'skarsgaard': 1, 'funerals': 1, '\\nconvincing': 1, 'kirkeby': 1, 'procol': 1, 'harum': 1, 'matin': 1, 'lunes': 1, 'fiel': 1, 'katrin': 1, 'cartlidge': 1, 'prix': 1, 'ultimo': 1, "'anastasia": 1, '\\nanastasia': 1, 'landsbury': 1, 'vlad': 1, '\\ndimitri': 1, "rasputin\\'s": 1, 'bartok': 1, 'show-stopper': 1, 'top-40': 1, 'showpieces': 1, "campion\\'s": 1, 'wrong--again': 1, 'better--among': 1, 'think--if': 1, 'unlistenable': 1, '\\ncampion': 1, 'dryburgh': 1, 'eye-filling': 1, "\\njones\\'": 1, '777-film': 1, "alain\\'s": 1, 'heavies': 1, '\\nalain': 1, 'booked': 1, 'bohemia': 1, 'derbies': 1, 'double-barreled': 1, 'accentuating': 1, 'amplifying': 1, 'kong/hollywood': 1, 'twotg': 1, 'savviness': 1, 'unabashed': 1, 'planners': 1, 'fun-to-watch': 1, 'alleyways': 1, "chidduck\\'s": 1, 'forebodings': 1, 'shrills': 1, 'desperados': 1, "'marie": 1, 'sixty-ish': 1, 'sunbathes': 1, "\\nmarie\\'s": 1, 'ex-pat': 1, 'vernier': 1, 'nenette': 1, 'boni': 1, "woolf\\'s": 1, 'andree': 1, 'tainsy': 1, '\\ninsists': 1, 'putrefaction': 1, 'bagged': 1, "\\'i\\'ve": 1, "\\n\\'did": 1, 'cowrote': 1, 'bernheim': 1, '\\ncinematography': 1, 'hiberli': 1, "ocean\\'s": 1, "rampling\\'s": 1, 'auto-arousal': 1, "polanski\\'s": 1, 'rombi': 1, "ullmann\\'s": 1, 'harkened': 1, 'sidekick/sidekicks': 1, 'warner-brothers-coyote-fall-off-the-cliff': 1, 'english-dubbed': 1, 'american-': 1, 'totoro': 1, 'understandingly': 1, 'harmlessly': 1, 'broom': 1, 'hugeness': 1, 'pacifier': 1, 'one-persons': 1, "\\nkiki\\'s": 1, 'three-': 1, 'complimented': 1, "deliveree\\'s": 1, 'master-servant': 1, 'friend-friend': 1, 'bewonderment': 1, '\\nrefreshingly': 1, 'self-contradicted': 1, 'self-image': 1, 'monoko': 1, 'hime': 1, "'insane": 1, 'alferd': 1, 'trappers': 1, 'post-cannibal': 1, '\\nmusical': 1, "packer\\'s": 1, 'snowmen': 1, '`eat': 1, "butt\\'": 1, "mchugh\\'s": 1, 'dissenting': 1, 'shpadoinkle': 1, 'braniff': 1, "trapper\\'s": 1, 'leit': 1, '`hang': 1, "bastard\\'": 1, "uncut\\'s": 1, 'inclusions': 1, '\\nspecific': 1, 'mchugh': 1, 'dian': 1, 'bachar': 1, 'kemler': 1, 'lemmy': 1, 'motorhead': 1, 'aix': 1, "'allen": 1, 'robbery--he': 1, 'glades': 1, '\\nfederal': 1, 'bundles': 1, 'toupee-sporting': 1, 'caper-gone-awry': 1, "\\nclooney\\'s": 1, 'out-maneuvers': 1, '\\nadmirably': 1, "\\'snoopy\\'": 1, 'perennially': 1, 'nations-type': 1, 'isolationist': 1, '\\npreserving': 1, '\\nmanipulating': 1, 'reemerging': 1, 'comprise': 1, '\\njedi': 1, 'solicit': 1, 'gushing': 1, 'testimonials': 1, "menace\\'s": 1, 'eastern-sounding': 1, 'geopolitics': 1, 'appeasement': 1, 'satellite-controlled': 1, 'cetera': 1, 'camel': 1, 'outperform': 1, '\\nstrengths': 1, 'top-of-the-line': 1, "\\'fuck\\'": 1, '\\nfucking': 1, 'expletitive': 1, 'traffiking': 1, 'lashings': 1, 'middlemen': 1, '\\nmontana': 1, 'fiercely': 1, 'bristling': 1, 'overracting': 1, 'aquits': 1, 'scorese': 1, "moroder\\'s": 1, 'synthesier': 1, 'k-filled': 1, 'glitters': 1, '\\nthirdly': 1, 'groom-wannabe': 1, "e\\'s": 1, 'incorrigible': 1, 'injure': 1, 'uncorking': 1, 'volleyball': 1, 'tug-of-war': 1, 'topical': 1, 'hunky-dory': 1, 'mothering': 1, 'nit-picking': 1, "\\nbrooks\\'": 1, 'sausalito': 1, 'quantities': 1, 'refrigerates': 1, 'lettuce': 1, 'wilted': 1, 'glaze': 1, 'twenty-pound': 1, 'freezer': 1, 'sequitur': 1, "streep\\'s": 1, 'yosarian': 1, 'softness': 1, 'demeaned': 1, 'mccalister': 1, "\\'no\\'": 1, 'ideologically': 1, 'entitlement': 1, 'usurp': 1, "teachers\\'": 1, "barnett\\'s": 1, 'winsomely': 1, 'tenets': 1, 'viscous': 1, '\\nsexuality': 1, 'straddle': 1, 'infuriatingly': 1, '\\npayne': 1, '\\nminus': 1, 'compress': 1, 'thelma': 1, 'schoonmaker': 1, '\\nradios': 1, 'herded': 1, "tibet\\'s": 1, '\\ntibet': 1, 'vestments': 1, 'grouped': 1, 'bawling': 1, 'nolstalgic': 1, 'engross': 1, 'drug-dealers': 1, 'baby-faced': 1, 'venable': 1, '\\nvail': 1, 'money-': 1, 'attention-grabbing': 1, '\\nalfre': 1, "vail\\'s": 1, 'altar-boy': 1, 'red-herrings': 1, 'dead-ends': 1, 'prepostrous': 1, 'uncompromisingly': 1, 'davis/harrison': 1, 'pedal': 1, 'brake': 1, 'prisoner/former': 1, 'parolees': 1, 'adopter': 1, 'interfered': 1, 'jetliners': 1, 'voltage': 1, 'denuto': 1, 'tiriel': 1, 'mora': 1, 'tenny': 1, 'simcoe': 1, 'investments': 1, "denuto\\'s": 1, 'simpletons': 1, 'santo': 1, 'cilauro': 1, 'gleisner': 1, '\\nsympathy': 1, 'bandied': 1, 'outcomes': 1, 'constitution': 1, 'pleasent': 1, 'conners': 1, 'punxsutawney': 1, 're-living': 1, '\\ngroundhog': 1, 'totatly': 1, 'unoffensive': 1, 'senitmental': 1, "\\nramis\\'s": 1, 'smary': 1, 'phils': 1, 'ryanson': 1, 'neurologist': 1, 'donne': 1, 'inclement': 1, '\\n1984': 1, 'wonder-bred': 1, 'fearfully': 1, 'denker': 1, 'pseudonymous': 1, 'dussander-much': 1, "bowden\\'s": 1, '\\nmarching': 1, 'doodles': 1, 'swastikas': 1, '\\ndussander': 1, 'credibility-in': 1, 'post-secondary': 1, "material\\'s": 1, "verbal\\'s": 1, 'golden-boy': 1, 'ruses': 1, 'outcome-there': 1, 'hoodwink': 1, 'film-schoolish': 1, 'overdirected': 1, 'subdued-and': 1, 'murderer-in-training': 1, "\\nmckellan\\'s": 1, 'kieran': 1, 'taylor-thomas': 1, '\\nrenfro': 1, 'cocaine-i': 1, 'kids-and': 1, 'only-children-has': 1, "pupil\\'s": 1, 'blackening-heart': 1, 'indeed-we': 1, 'laudible': 1, '\\n-october': 1, 'hayworth': 1, 'implementation': 1, '\\nlength': 1, "'few": 1, "mccourt\\'s": 1, 'sentimentalized': 1, 'pseudo-lyrical': 1, 'homely': 1, "\\nmccourt\\'s": 1, 'irishfolk': 1, 'rat-infested': 1, '\\npositions': 1, 'instructors': 1, 'malnutrition': 1, 'worsening': 1, 'gloomily': 1, '\\nsupplementing': 1, 'hambling': 1, 'bladders': 1, 'famished': 1, 'mccourt': 1, 'trenches': 1, '\\nstillman': 1, "disco\\'s": 1, 'conversation-heavy': 1, 'upwardly-mobile': 1, 'bass-pounding': 1, 'intellectualizing': 1, 'harvard-educated': 1, '\\nna': 1, 'outspoken--perhaps': 1, 'dancefloor': 1, 're-meet': 1, 'eigeman': 1, 'out--last': 1, 'fact--that': 1, 'soul-baring': 1, 'des': 1, 'well-spoken': 1, 'merry-go-round': 1, '\\nstand': 1, '|': 1, 'enforcing': 1, 'spearing': 1, "recipient\\'s": 1, "\\'bend": 1, 'dingo': 1, 'churchman': 1, 'milliken': 1, 'aborginal': 1, 'pedersen': 1, 'men-only': 1, 'inter-racial': 1, 'uluru': 1, 'wide-screen': 1, 'anglo-saxon': 1, "\\'invaders\\'": 1, 'jedda': 1, 'blacksmith': 1, "\\'debate\\'": 1, 'nourishing': 1, 'non-judgemental': 1, "'trees": 1, 'performences': 1, 'effects-bound': 1, 'podrace': 1, "wit\\'s": 1, 'c3-po': 1, 'performances-': 1, 'edge-of-your-seat': 1, '8\\%': 1, 'mouth-opening': 1, 'viewer-': 1, 'gaultier': 1, "amadala\\'s": 1, 'gold-embroidery': 1, "jedis\\'": 1, 'zestful': 1, 'circled': 1, "'lisa": 1, 'beliner': 1, 'out-of-it': 1, 'suger-coated': 1, "syd\\'s": 1, 'portrtayal': 1, 'once-blossoming': 1, 'characted': 1, 'wh': 1, 'duong': 1, 'invlove': 1, 'steaminess': 1, 'leboswki': 1, "what\\'sgoingonaroundhere": 1, 'slothful': 1, "\\nlebowski\\'s": 1, 'assailants': 1, 'dudeness': 1, "namesake\\'s": 1, 'trademarked': 1, 'crimes-gone-wrong': 1, 'nam': 1, 'all-purple': 1, '\\nbuscemi': 1, 'roseanne': 1, "barr\\'s": 1, '\\nredman@bvoice': 1, 'eaddress': 1, 'estuff': 1, '\\nrigormortis': 1, 'martyrs': 1, 'manifesto': 1, "`thrillers\\'": 1, '`roswell': 1, "`roswell\\'": 1, 'meri': 1, 'kaczkowski': 1, 'robb': 1, 'sovereign': 1, 'sanctity': 1, "`no-name\\'": 1, 'url': 1, "l\\'auto": 1, 'small-budget': 1, 'horror/sci-fi': 1, 'anyway--yep': 1, 'timelines': 1, '\\naboard': 1, '\\nlanding': 1, 'bred': 1, 'decreased': 1, '\\nstory-wise': 1, 'incorporation': 1, 'fossils': 1, 'well-balanced': 1, 'part-human': 1, '\\nlazard': 1, '\\nmedak': 1, '\\nstrong': 1, 'sure-handed': 1, '\\ndirt': 1, 'nooks': 1, 'crannies': 1, 'seat-handles': 1, 'gang-bangers': 1, '/10': 1, "mark\\'s": 1, 'migration': 1, 'undie': 1, 'thespian-at-large': 1, 'father/david': 1, 'douchebag': 1, 'nacho': 1, 'fiesta': 1, 'glenross': 1, 'highschool': 1, 'ged': 1, 'felonies': 1, 'un-noticeable': 1, 'pry': 1, 'orsen': 1, 'filer': 1, '\\nlotte': 1, 'appearence': 1, 'inventie': 1, "\\n\\'being": 1, 'unwinable': 1, "bishop\\'s": 1, 'proclamations': 1, 'prosecuting': 1, '\\naaron': 1, 'well-dressed': 1, "\\nnorton\\'s": 1, "'glory--starring": 1, 'freeman--is': 1, '54th': 1, '1862': 1, 'eriksson': 1, 'war--that': 1, 'grazes': 1, 'enlistment': 1, 'cheek--and': 1, '\\nsearles': 1, 'rattle': 1, "regiment\\'s": 1, "north\\'s": 1, 'south--forever': 1, 'unquestioned': 1, 'grittiest': 1, '170': 1, 'discharge': 1, 'countrysides': 1, 'chief-of-stafff': 1, 'downgrade': 1, "'truman": 1, 'true-man': 1, 'overflying': 1, 'paneled': 1, 'vainly': 1, 'all-seeing': 1, "robots\\'": 1, 'cage-world': 1, "\\ncarrey\\'s": 1, '\\nsight': 1, 'snoots': 1, 'obstructions': 1, 'obscuring': 1, 'tangerine': 1, 'timbre': 1, "glass\\'": 1, 'powaqqatsi': 1, 'keyboardist': 1, 'capitalized': 1})
#mask from http://clipart-library.com/clipart/1517256.htm
#creating an array of arrays for the mask
word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("data//projector.png", review_dict, 750, "Word Cloud Pre-Cleaning")
#Without any preprocessing you can see the words that have the highest frequency count are not beneficial to the
#understanding about what the review is about or the sentiment. The wordcloud shows that punctuation needs to be
#removed as the common characters are ., \, /, ", ), ', \n, ?,. The most common words are the, a, to, and, is, in, of...
#these words are not helpful and should be removed during the processing and cleaning of the data. My first step is
#to remove punctuation and anything that is not a word. the words \nthe and \ni is there, which shows that I need to
#remove the new line character as well.
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(review_dict, 12)
count | word | |
22 | 68199 | the |
14 | 65876 | . |
7 | 37078 | a |
11 | 33723 | and |
21 | 33694 | of |
6 | 31466 | to |
60 | 25014 | is |
31 | 19943 | in |
41 | 17612 | \" |
49 | 14765 | that |
88 | 11781 | ) |
83 | 11664 | ( |
top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words, "Top 12 Items Prior to Cleaning")
<module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from 'C:\\Users\\ho511\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\matplotlib\\pyplot.py'>
The total number of words is 1418867 The total number of unique words is 56785
#need to remove the newline character \n
movies_clean["review"] = movies_clean["review"].str.replace(r'\\n', ' ', regex = True)
#Changing all n't to not
movies_clean["review"] = movies_clean["review"].str.replace("n't"," not")
#Removing punctuation and making everything lowercase
movies_clean["review"] = movies_clean["review"].str.replace('[^\w^\s]', "").str.lower()
#Need to tokenize
movies_clean["review_tokenize"] = movies_clean.apply(lambda row: nltk.word_tokenize(row["review"]), axis = 1)
#Removing stopwords
movies_clean["review_no_stopwords"] = movies_clean.apply(lambda row: stop_word_removal(row["review_tokenize"]), axis = 1)
#Visualizing the data without the stopwords
viz = pd.DataFrame()
viz["no_stopwords"] = movies_clean["review_no_stopwords"].copy()
no_stopwords | |
0 | [plot, two, teen, couples, go, church, party, ... |
1 | [happy, bastards, quick, movie, review, damn, ... |
2 | [movies, like, make, jaded, movie, viewer, tha... |
3 | [quest, camelot, warner, bros, first, featurel... |
4 | [synopsis, mentally, unstable, man, undergoing... |
viz["no_stopwords"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(viz, "no_stopwords")
no_stopwords_dict = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(viz, "no_stopwords")
Counter({'film': 8858, 'one': 5520, 'movie': 5438, 'like': 3553, 'even': 2555, 'good': 2320, 'time': 2283, 'story': 2117, 'films': 2105, 'would': 2041, 'much': 2023, 'also': 1965, 'characters': 1947, 'get': 1921, 'character': 1906, 'two': 1824, 'first': 1768, 'see': 1730, 'well': 1695, 'way': 1668, 'make': 1590, 'really': 1556, 'little': 1490, 'life': 1469, 'plot': 1451, 'people': 1419, 'movies': 1416, 'could': 1395, 'bad': 1373, 'scene': 1373, 'never': 1363, 'best': 1301, 'new': 1277, 'doesnt': 1271, 'many': 1267, 'man': 1266, 'scenes': 1265, 'dont': 1211, 'know': 1207, 'hes': 1150, 'great': 1140, 'another': 1111, 'love': 1089, 'action': 1078, 'go': 1075, 'us': 1065, 'director': 1056, 'something': 1048, 'end': 1047, 'still': 1037, 'back': 1034, 'seems': 1032, 'made': 1026, 'work': 1007, 'theres': 994, 'makes': 992, 'however': 986, 'big': 970, 'years': 968, 'world': 963, 'every': 945, 'though': 936, 'better': 914, 'enough': 907, 'seen': 902, 'around': 896, 'take': 893, 'performance': 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1, 'worsening': 1, 'gloomily': 1, 'supplementing': 1, 'hambling': 1, 'bladders': 1, 'famished': 1, 'mccourt': 1, 'trenches': 1, 'discos': 1, 'conversationheavy': 1, 'upwardlymobile': 1, 'basspounding': 1, 'intellectualizing': 1, 'harvardeducated': 1, 'outspokenperhaps': 1, 'dancefloor': 1, 'remeet': 1, 'eigeman': 1, 'factthat': 1, 'soulbaring': 1, 'wellspoken': 1, 'merrygoround': 1, 'enforcing': 1, 'spearing': 1, 'dingo': 1, 'churchman': 1, 'milliken': 1, 'aborginal': 1, 'pedersen': 1, 'menonly': 1, 'uluru': 1, 'anglosaxon': 1, 'jedda': 1, 'blacksmith': 1, 'nourishing': 1, 'performences': 1, 'effectsbound': 1, 'edgeofyourseat': 1, 'mouthopening': 1, 'gaultier': 1, 'amadalas': 1, 'goldembroidery': 1, 'zestful': 1, 'circled': 1, 'beliner': 1, 'outofit': 1, 'sugercoated': 1, 'syds': 1, 'portrtayal': 1, 'onceblossoming': 1, 'characted': 1, 'duong': 1, 'invlove': 1, 'steaminess': 1, 'leboswki': 1, 'whatsgoingonaroundhere': 1, 'slothful': 1, 'dudeness': 1, 'trademarked': 1, 'crimesgonewrong': 1, 'nam': 1, 'allpurple': 1, 'roseanne': 1, 'barrs': 1, 'redmanbvoice': 1, 'eaddress': 1, 'estuff': 1, 'martyrs': 1, 'manifesto': 1, 'meri': 1, 'kaczkowski': 1, 'robb': 1, 'sovereign': 1, 'sanctity': 1, 'url': 1, 'lauto': 1, 'smallbudget': 1, 'horrorscifi': 1, 'anywayyep': 1, 'timelines': 1, 'bred': 1, 'decreased': 1, 'incorporation': 1, 'fossils': 1, 'wellbalanced': 1, 'parthuman': 1, 'nooks': 1, 'crannies': 1, 'seathandles': 1, 'migration': 1, 'undie': 1, 'thespianatlarge': 1, 'fatherdavid': 1, 'douchebag': 1, 'nacho': 1, 'fiesta': 1, 'glenross': 1, 'ged': 1, 'felonies': 1, 'pry': 1, 'orsen': 1, 'filer': 1, 'appearence': 1, 'inventie': 1, 'unwinable': 1, 'proclamations': 1, 'prosecuting': 1, 'welldressed': 1, 'glorystarring': 1, 'freemanis': 1, '54th': 1, '1862': 1, 'eriksson': 1, 'warthat': 1, 'grazes': 1, 'enlistment': 1, 'cheekand': 1, 'rattle': 1, 'regiments': 1, 'norths': 1, 'southforever': 1, 'unquestioned': 1, 'grittiest': 1, '170': 1, 'discharge': 1, 'countrysides': 1, 'chiefofstafff': 1, 'downgrade': 1, 'trueman': 1, 'overflying': 1, 'paneled': 1, 'vainly': 1, 'allseeing': 1, 'cageworld': 1, 'snoots': 1, 'obstructions': 1, 'obscuring': 1, 'tangerine': 1, 'timbre': 1, 'powaqqatsi': 1, 'keyboardist': 1, 'capitalized': 1})
#creating an array of arrays for the mask
word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("data//projector.png", no_stopwords_dict, 750, "Word Cloud Stopwords Removed")
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(no_stopwords_dict, 12)
count | word | |
104 | 8858 | film |
11 | 5520 | one |
22 | 5438 | movie |
87 | 3553 | like |
36 | 2555 | even |
51 | 2320 | good |
275 | 2283 | time |
276 | 2117 | story |
42 | 2105 | films |
189 | 2041 | would |
342 | 2023 | much |
233 | 1965 | also |
top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words, "Top 12 Words Stopwords and Punctuation Removed")
The total number of words is 710273 The total number of unique words is 47627
#Using the Porter Stemmer to tokenize
#stemming using the porter stemmer.
stemmed_movies = pd.DataFrame()
stemmed_movies["stemmed_review"] = movies_clean.apply(lambda row: stem_fun(row["review_no_stopwords"]), axis = 1)
#Visualizing the stemmed_movies df
stemmed_review | |
0 | [plot, two, teen, coupl, go, church, parti, dr... |
1 | [happi, bastard, quick, movi, review, damn, y2... |
2 | [movi, like, make, jade, movi, viewer, thank, ... |
3 | [quest, camelot, warner, bro, first, featurele... |
4 | [synopsi, mental, unstabl, man, undergo, psych... |
#Visualizing the data without the stopwords
viz = pd.DataFrame()
viz["stemmed_review"] = stemmed_movies["stemmed_review"].copy()
viz["stemmed_review"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(viz, "stemmed_review")
stemmed_dict = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(viz, "stemmed_review")
Counter({'film': 11108, 'movi': 6855, 'one': 5758, 'like': 3997, 'charact': 3855, 'get': 3189, 'make': 3152, 'time': 2902, 'scene': 2638, 'even': 2602, 'good': 2383, 'play': 2361, 'stori': 2319, 'see': 2202, 'would': 2041, 'much': 2024, 'also': 1965, 'go': 1954, 'way': 1855, 'seem': 1834, 'look': 1825, 'end': 1825, 'two': 1824, 'take': 1799, 'first': 1769, 'come': 1765, 'well': 1756, 'work': 1693, 'thing': 1650, 'year': 1562, 'realli': 1556, 'plot': 1553, 'know': 1548, 'perform': 1522, 'littl': 1493, 'life': 1482, 'peopl': 1460, 'love': 1412, 'could': 1395, 'bad': 1382, 'never': 1364, 'man': 1353, 'tri': 1340, 'show': 1339, 'best': 1304, 'give': 1280, 'new': 1277, 'doesnt': 1271, 'mani': 1267, 'star': 1266, 'want': 1231, 'say': 1230, 'actor': 1229, 'director': 1217, 'dont': 1211, 'watch': 1206, 'find': 1201, 'great': 1176, 'action': 1172, 'use': 1163, 'becom': 1153, 'think': 1152, 'he': 1150, 'role': 1144, 'anoth': 1119, 'act': 1103, 'audienc': 1074, 'us': 1065, 'effect': 1064, 'back': 1062, 'someth': 1052, 'still': 1043, 'world': 1029, 'made': 1026, 'turn': 1025, 'interest': 1002, 'there': 996, 'actual': 989, 'howev': 986, 'feel': 984, 'big': 970, 'day': 954, 'live': 951, 'set': 948, 'everi': 945, 'though': 936, 'better': 922, 'part': 917, 'cast': 914, 'enough': 907, 'guy': 904, 'seen': 902, 'around': 896, 'comedi': 886, 'point': 882, 'isnt': 871, 'origin': 870, 'last': 867, 'name': 854, 'may': 854, 'real': 853, 'begin': 849, 'direct': 845, 'fact': 843, 'run': 833, 'script': 832, 'right': 831, 'funni': 829, 'final': 820, 'lot': 812, 'almost': 811, 'noth': 800, 'although': 795, 'john': 795, 'friend': 791, 'that': 790, 'place': 790, 'long': 778, 'moment': 775, 'sinc': 768, 'start': 767, 'minut': 755, 'person': 745, 'old': 742, 'young': 739, 'ever': 738, 'line': 730, 'kill': 730, 'tell': 722, 'happen': 719, 'screen': 718, 'help': 718, 'call': 704, 'famili': 698, 'without': 695, 'wonder': 695, 'quit': 691, 'problem': 687, 'believ': 681, 'pictur': 678, 'least': 675, 'open': 669, 'complet': 667, 'appear': 659, 'sequenc': 655, 'need': 652, 'music': 652, 'away': 651, 'girl': 651, 'cours': 649, 'goe': 646, 'cant': 645, 'human': 644, 'involv': 635, 'three': 633, 'im': 630, 'reason': 628, 'might': 624, 'rather': 620, 'alien': 620, 'anyth': 618, 'laugh': 618, 'includ': 616, 'bit': 613, 'enjoy': 613, 'far': 611, 'entertain': 610, 'put': 608, 'keep': 604, 'must': 604, 'job': 602, 'sens': 601, 'lead': 601, 'yet': 600, 'kind': 597, 'follow': 597, 'gener': 583, 'differ': 580, 'special': 579, 'sure': 577, 'didnt': 576, 'alway': 575, 'leav': 574, 'fun': 571, 'attempt': 570, 'american': 567, 'wife': 567, 'instead': 565, 'home': 565, 'featur': 563, 'hollywood': 560, 'woman': 557, 'fall': 556, 'expect': 556, 'entir': 549, 'hand': 543, 'probabl': 543, 'move': 538, 'seri': 537, 'creat': 536, 'hour': 535, 'war': 532, 'let': 531, 'along': 529, 'kid': 527, 'meet': 527, 'power': 525, 'everyth': 525, 'men': 524, 'pretti': 523, 'idea': 522, 'dialogu': 522, 'night': 521, 'black': 521, 'head': 520, 'bring': 517, 'togeth': 515, 'forc': 515, 'shot': 512, 'hard': 511, 'mean': 509, 'high': 509, 'emot': 506, 'question': 503, 'money': 503, 'humor': 502, 'hope': 502, 'given': 501, 'mind': 497, 'care': 495, 'save': 494, 'whole': 494, 'surpris': 488, 'got': 487, 'success': 486, 'fight': 483, 'everyon': 482, 'talk': 479, 'death': 479, 'beauti': 478, 'anim': 478, 'manag': 476, 'father': 474, 'coupl': 472, 'citi': 472, 'face': 469, 'talent': 468, 'thought': 466, 'sever': 463, 'case': 460, 'review': 458, 'perhap': 458, 'done': 458, 'boy': 457, 'die': 454, 'especi': 454, 'sex': 454, 'horror': 453, 'less': 452, 'next': 452, 'brother': 450, 'relationship': 449, 'releas': 445, 'unfortun': 444, 'murder': 444, 'possibl': 442, 'rest': 440, 'product': 435, 'whose': 434, 'nice': 433, 'second': 433, 'chang': 432, 'comic': 432, 'evil': 430, 'ask': 430, 'eye': 430, 'simpli': 429, 'decid': 429, 'word': 428, 'jame': 426, 'mr': 424, 'anyon': 424, 'base': 422, 'mother': 422, 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7, 'proudli': 7, 'butter': 7, 'connot': 7, 'kennesaw': 7, 'rooker': 7, 'selfproclaim': 7, 'wrath': 7, 'getaway': 7, 'magnifi': 7, 'hover': 7, 'golf': 7, 'atyp': 7, 'exce': 7, '1966': 7, 'flake': 7, 'selfcent': 7, 'rhode': 7, 'voodoo': 7, 'moan': 7, 'cuddli': 7, 'howser': 7, 'slinki': 7, 'lovemak': 7, 'chainsmok': 7, 'thinli': 7, 'autobiographi': 7, 'blain': 7, 'manual': 7, 'soda': 7, 'spook': 7, 'culprit': 7, 'shouldv': 7, 'olin': 7, 'sciorra': 7, 'wrench': 7, 'glitter': 7, 'rainbow': 7, 'evidenc': 7, 'physician': 7, 'straightlac': 7, 'squirrel': 7, 'sherlock': 7, 'turpin': 7, 'glib': 7, 'entangl': 7, 'yearold': 7, 'albino': 7, 'gallagh': 7, 'sketchi': 7, 'complac': 7, 'interplay': 7, 'bori': 7, 'crackl': 7, 'moros': 7, 'fatherson': 7, 'overs': 7, 'rub': 7, 'mammoth': 7, 'pre': 7, 'olymp': 7, 'fastforward': 7, 'morton': 7, 'sworn': 7, 'muck': 7, 'ogl': 7, 'overtli': 7, 'deliri': 7, 'seamlessli': 7, 'swordfish': 7, '10yearold': 7, 'align': 7, 'catharin': 7, 'hobbi': 7, 'merciless': 7, 'mindnumb': 7, 'financ': 7, 'compil': 7, 'patsi': 7, 'pooch': 7, 'wager': 7, 'stripteas': 7, 'ignit': 7, 'filmgoer': 7, 'inexcus': 7, 'reliev': 7, 'willing': 7, 'becker': 7, 'muellerstahl': 7, 'recollect': 7, 'penguin': 7, 'uphold': 7, 'secreci': 7, 'magnitud': 7, 'fleme': 7, 'converg': 7, 'frasier': 7, 'fullblown': 7, 'reciev': 7, 'bureaucrat': 7, 'programm': 7, 'miko': 7, 'cart': 7, 'frontier': 7, 'granni': 7, 'eater': 7, 'facinelli': 7, 'larson': 7, 'enamor': 7, 'howler': 7, 'satur': 7, 'exam': 7, 'antisemit': 7, 'goldi': 7, 'hustl': 7, 'mishandl': 7, 'sleaz': 7, 'straw': 7, 'deaf': 7, 'noel': 7, 'momentarili': 7, 'offthewal': 7, 'caretak': 7, 'carrieann': 7, 'unreason': 7, 'multipli': 7, 'earthi': 7, 'cecil': 7, 'vibrat': 7, 'inventor': 7, 'weaker': 7, 'merced': 7, 'setback': 7, 'unintellig': 7, 'champ': 7, 'finnegan': 7, 'sommer': 7, 'vent': 7, 'volunt': 7, 'careen': 7, 'charmless': 7, 'loveabl': 7, 'folklor': 7, 'quicker': 7, 'woefulli': 7, 'loopi': 7, 'rivalri': 7, 'wolfgang': 7, 'petersen': 7, 'allstar': 7, 'scotti': 7, 'heed': 7, 'renaiss': 7, 'makeov': 7, 'pois': 7, 'grandpa': 7, 'appoint': 7, 'hellrais': 7, 'lipstick': 7, 'richi': 7, 'landi': 7, 'wine': 7, 'delpi': 7, 'spunk': 7, 'zoe': 7, 'mustach': 7, 'borderlin': 7, 'sixyear': 7, 'troma': 7, 'afterlif': 7, 'addam': 7, 'levin': 7, 'wheelchair': 7, 'hellbent': 7, 'settler': 7, '66': 7, 'twentysometh': 7, 'devout': 7, 'resound': 7, 'pigeon': 7, 'risqu': 7, 'duquett': 7, 'hayn': 7, 'farrel': 7, 'allan': 7, 'revisionist': 7, 'insincer': 7, 'stump': 7, 'disabl': 7, 'fiasco': 7, 'loudli': 7, 'triumphant': 7, 'misha': 7, 'scriptur': 7, 'brighten': 7, 'spine': 7, 'panick': 7, 'richli': 7, 'snicker': 7, 'haul': 7, 'broadli': 7, 'wyom': 7, 'muscular': 7, 'glee': 7, 'embri': 7, 'dens': 7, 'chockful': 7, 'rappaport': 7, 'kiefer': 7, 'shelli': 7, 'log': 7, 'dous': 7, 'latch': 7, 'shelmikedmu': 7, 'ennio': 7, 'jacobi': 7, 'steril': 7, 'helgeland': 7, 'blather': 7, 'council': 7, 'tangl': 7, 'overt': 7, 'dilapid': 7, '1939': 7, 'xavier': 7, 'skinni': 7, 'seventeen': 7, 'landlord': 7, 'sydow': 7, 'aftermath': 7, 'solitud': 7, 'divulg': 7, 'fulci': 7, 'ubiquit': 7, 'ronald': 7, 'subscrib': 7, 'cavanaugh': 7, 'pratfal': 7, 'welltodo': 7, 'expend': 7, 'latex': 7, 'connick': 7, 'hampshir': 7, 'glossi': 7, 'maddi': 7, 'quip': 7, 'fatherinlaw': 7, '27': 7, 'pollak': 7, 'auction': 7, 'villaini': 7, 'neighbour': 7, 'migrat': 7, 'bundl': 7, 'meatloaf': 7, 'fraud': 7, 'scout': 7, 'sunhil': 7, 'seventh': 7, 'jen': 7, 'recipi': 7, 'saron': 7, 'ravag': 7, 'postmodern': 7, 'grimac': 7, 'handgun': 7, 'outrun': 7, 'rhetor': 7, 'tact': 7, 'chronolog': 7, 'piston': 7, 'tutor': 7, 'unresolv': 7, 'dorothi': 7, 'hawaii': 7, 'prelud': 7, 'tirad': 7, 'thirst': 7, 'cabaret': 7, 'domain': 7, 'kramer': 7, 'glue': 7, 'global': 7, 'scumbal': 7, 'constitut': 7, 'dissatisfact': 7, 'cassandra': 7, 'recut': 7, 'gecko': 7, 'terrain': 7, 'unavoid': 7, 'brock': 7, 'madelin': 7, 'holden': 7, 'shrew': 7, 'prototyp': 7, 'kilgor': 7, 'kirsten': 7, 'bava': 7, 'seam': 7, 'shack': 7, 'len': 7, 'trauma': 7, 'bolster': 7, 'pep': 7, 'unflatt': 7, 'extern': 7, 'feather': 7, 'wednesday': 7, 'opportunist': 7, 'danson': 7, 'penthous': 7, 'katana': 7, 'potenc': 7, 'unrequit': 7, 'sweetest': 7, 'pip': 7, 'dinsmoor': 7, 'roddi': 7, 'precari': 7, 'dropout': 7, 'scrutin': 7, 'nurtur': 7, 'triedandtru': 7, 'symphoni': 7, 'transmit': 7, 'dolli': 7, 'bigwig': 7, 'purpl': 7, 'gena': 7, 'frederick': 7, 'breillat': 7, 'psychosi': 7, 'shudder': 7, 'faction': 7, 'tyrann': 7, 'paulina': 7, 'herbert': 7, 'salon': 7, 'jeter': 7, 'sung': 7, 'hav': 7, 'walltowal': 7, 'runofthemil': 7, 'guccion': 7, 'inquir': 7, 'karl': 7, 'southwest': 7, 'teeter': 7, 'wrongdo': 7, 'apprehens': 7, 'brightest': 7, 'combo': 7, 'cutthroat': 7, 'disrupt': 7, 'oneil': 7, 'notwithstand': 7, 'courtesan': 7, 'banker': 7, 'rhett': 7, 'fastest': 7, 'sonia': 7, 'brightli': 7, 'bravura': 7, 'katrina': 7, 'recoveri': 7, 'comicbook': 7, 'incomplet': 7, 'librarian': 7, 'deftli': 7, '_election_': 7, 'clees': 7, 'duan': 7, 'morpheu': 7, 'shakur': 7, 'disclaim': 7, 'showi': 7, 'droll': 7, 'giorgio': 7, 'schlesing': 7, 'carolyn': 7, 'groov': 7, 'hindu': 7, 'kite': 7, 'shang': 7, 'itami': 7, 'forefront': 7, 'stendhal': 7, 'dario': 7, 'caviezel': 7, 'ether': 7, 'vividli': 7, 'stealer': 7, 'stain': 7, 'webber': 7, 'wellround': 7, 'antiwar': 7, 'korben': 7, 'larch': 7, 'hallstrom': 7, 'exley': 7, 'sade': 7, 'connecticut': 7, 'sagan': 7, 'isaacman': 7, 'mazzello': 7, 'indistinguish': 7, 'doren': 7, 'quinci': 7, 'sugiyama': 7, 'tranquil': 7, 'unassum': 7, 'osnard': 7, 'colqhoun': 7, 'hortens': 7, 'hauer': 7, 'monitor': 7, 'gaz': 7, 'amarcord': 7, 'skylar': 7, 'yeager': 7, 'danish': 7, '1912': 7, 'fingal': 7, 'hadden': 7, 'mckellan': 7, '_pollock_': 7, 'keyser': 7, 'soze': 7, 'bethlehem': 7, 'du': 7, 'trask': 7, 'ruafro': 7, 'tael': 7, 'tati': 7, 'stempel': 7, 'tandi': 7, 'viann': 7, 'camembert': 7, 'elw': 6, 'waver': 6, 'invari': 6, 'chock': 6, 'fistfight': 6, 'unfulfil': 6, 'toma': 6, 'puke': 6, 'snort': 6, 'fourteen': 6, 'carriag': 6, 'deneuv': 6, 'goodnight': 6, 'empathet': 6, 'middleclass': 6, 'suburbia': 6, 'songwrit': 6, '52': 6, 'withdrawn': 6, 'ambival': 6, 'smallest': 6, 'asia': 6, 'richelieu': 6, 'prosaic': 6, 'lamest': 6, 'parillaud': 6, 'meddl': 6, 'colonist': 6, 'audibl': 6, 'scifihorror': 6, 'cinemax': 6, 'nuff': 6, 'blunder': 6, 'rade': 6, 'scatolog': 6, 'truckload': 6, 'overtak': 6, 'disgustingli': 6, 'mist': 6, 'opul': 6, 'fanfar': 6, 'deservedli': 6, 'payperview': 6, 'beckon': 6, 'surg': 6, 'coven': 6, 'invok': 6, 'quieter': 6, 'haughti': 6, 'pontif': 6, 'cathart': 6, 'jeanluc': 6, 'godard': 6, 'fret': 6, 'mishmash': 6, 'multifacet': 6, 'insinu': 6, 'wiser': 6, 'manchurian': 6, 'flatter': 6, 'commonli': 6, 'joeli': 6, 'critter': 6, 'heretofor': 6, '1961': 6, 'onesid': 6, 'bio': 6, 'mono': 6, 'repertoir': 6, 'durham': 6, 'vile': 6, 'carbon': 6, 'revert': 6, 'rapper': 6, 'facilit': 6, 'nfl': 6, 'orlando': 6, 'carolin': 6, 'kent': 6, 'finney': 6, 'workingclass': 6, 'airi': 6, 'seller': 6, 'sterl': 6, 'lawnmow': 6, 'dissatisfi': 6, 'tooth': 6, 'hector': 6, 'allig': 6, 'incit': 6, 'montgomeri': 6, 'balk': 6, 'justif': 6, 'limey': 6, 'excon': 6, 'reclus': 6, 'timetravel': 6, 'brennan': 6, 'astoundingli': 6, 'forehead': 6, 'mandi': 6, 'prereleas': 6, 'masochist': 6, 'ulterior': 6, 'theo': 6, 'further': 6, 'meani': 6, 'serpico': 6, 'rabbi': 6, 'barf': 6, 'giusepp': 6, 'propens': 6, 'gheorgh': 6, 'putrid': 6, 'braini': 6, 'allaround': 6, 'whew': 6, 'hoskin': 6, 'clifford': 6, 'tenley': 6, 'biel': 6, 'remedi': 6, 'catcher': 6, 'dishearten': 6, 'halfheart': 6, 'shay': 6, 'rifkin': 6, 'disinterest': 6, 'smother': 6, 'reteam': 6, 'newel': 6, 'sturdi': 6, 'railway': 6, 'remington': 6, 'dunno': 6, 'mafioso': 6, 'wb': 6, 'drifter': 6, 'inbr': 6, 'sniff': 6, 'greenlight': 6, 'omega': 6, 'crumb': 6, 'scruffi': 6, '57': 6, 'mush': 6, 'iota': 6, 'ahem': 6, 'dip': 6, 'copul': 6, 'golli': 6, 'bothersom': 6, 'drawer': 6, 'onslaught': 6, 'noirish': 6, 'iffi': 6, 'appet': 6, 'tedious': 6, 'stamper': 6, 'inspect': 6, 'pyrotechn': 6, 'primat': 6, 'nicer': 6, 'irwin': 6, 'lowlevel': 6, 'realtim': 6, 'wateri': 6, 'kirshner': 6, 'sm': 6, 'anem': 6, 'multimillion': 6, 'outdo': 6, 'selfimport': 6, 'unattract': 6, 'whiff': 6, 'onebyon': 6, 'fraught': 6, 'birdcag': 6, 'wrinkl': 6, 'jovi': 6, 'blyth': 6, 'danner': 6, 'expans': 6, 'payrol': 6, 'smartli': 6, 'anal': 6, 'inadequ': 6, 'chalk': 6, 'confeder': 6, 'obi': 6, 'cleaner': 6, 'yep': 6, 'brazilian': 6, 'worldli': 6, 'yuk': 6, 'dutton': 6, 'businessmen': 6, 'klutz': 6, 'harvest': 6, 'weed': 6, 'refrain': 6, 'swoop': 6, 'handyman': 6, 'tcheki': 6, 'telescop': 6, 'majest': 6, 'eldard': 6, '400': 6, 'goof': 6, 'sneaker': 6, 'parabl': 6, 'bane': 6, 'mi': 6, 'spinoff': 6, 'refuge': 6, 'omegahedron': 6, 'enrol': 6, 'szwarc': 6, 'bosco': 6, 'stockard': 6, 'backyard': 6, 'misfortun': 6, 'yanke': 6, 'mgm': 6, 'brancato': 6, 'gamut': 6, 'overrid': 6, 'bloodsoak': 6, 'entail': 6, 'effectsladen': 6, 'mykelti': 6, 'nudg': 6, 'royc': 6, 'digger': 6, 'info': 6, 'dvdrom': 6, 'guntot': 6, 'commando': 6, 'iv': 6, 'prematur': 6, 'tenth': 6, 'privi': 6, 'alumnu': 6, 'oneself': 6, 'voyeurist': 6, 'sweater': 6, 'froth': 6, 'compact': 6, 'finer': 6, 'skye': 6, 'lorr': 6, 'procreat': 6, 'outshin': 6, 'gill': 6, 'ammunit': 6, 'tangent': 6, 'coldheart': 6, 'splendor': 6, 'tucci': 6, 'ricardo': 6, 'matern': 6, 'cassidi': 6, 'venora': 6, 'unentertain': 6, 'slump': 6, 'skg': 6, 'tanner': 6, 'fest': 6, 'crossgat': 6, 'trendi': 6, 'teaser': 6, '_scream_': 6, 'broadbent': 6, 'wynter': 6, 'aborigin': 6, 'entrust': 6, 'puberti': 6, 'intermitt': 6, 'sear': 6, 'rainstorm': 6, 'gladli': 6, 'unspectacular': 6, 'unpreced': 6, 'ame': 6, 'bravado': 6, 'moralist': 6, 'psychedel': 6, 'revit': 6, 'cavern': 6, 'braxton': 6, 'crafti': 6, 'socialit': 6, 'emul': 6, 'steami': 6, 'ballist': 6, 'sendoff': 6, 'snoop': 6, 'irrespons': 6, 'adulteri': 6, 'substandard': 6, 'unlock': 6, 'naomi': 6, 'vibranc': 6, 'dourif': 6, 'ritter': 6, 'sickli': 6, 'guffaw': 6, 'devote': 6, 'longhair': 6, 'parlor': 6, 'bungl': 6, 'postapocalypt': 6, 'stupor': 6, 'frighteningli': 6, 'anytim': 6, 'petit': 6, 'canaan': 6, 'poe': 6, 'machismo': 6, 'pianist': 6, 'acceler': 6, 'reap': 6, 'appetit': 6, 'falcon': 6, 'handcuf': 6, 'plagiar': 6, 'starmak': 6, 'downtown': 6, 'hardest': 6, 'vatican': 6, 'scribbl': 6, 'inaccur': 6, 'aplomb': 6, 'prevail': 6, 'imaginari': 6, 'eyebrow': 6, 'poorer': 6, 'vonnegut': 6, 'farcic': 6, 'creeper': 6, 'unhappili': 6, 'chatter': 6, 'moriarti': 6, 'calibr': 6, 'karloff': 6, 'winslow': 6, 'pothead': 6, 'batch': 6, '3d': 6, 'jawdroppingli': 6, 'koufax': 6, 'mistreat': 6, 'copiou': 6, 'lugosi': 6, 'mushroom': 6, 'newsgroup': 6, 'francoi': 6, '61': 6, 'potboil': 6, 'rife': 6, 'consecut': 6, 'legaci': 6, 'bueno': 6, 'cosmic': 6, 'gleam': 6, 'neighbourhood': 6, 'eyepop': 6, 'fullfledg': 6, 'pranc': 6, 'replay': 6, 'selfassur': 6, 'nonhuman': 6, 'bleach': 6, 'novak': 6, 'buxom': 6, 'shite': 6, 'submit': 6, 'testosteron': 6, 'hue': 6, 'ramif': 6, 'robicheaux': 6, 'cooler': 6, 'den': 6, 'astut': 6, 'drawnout': 6, 'misunderstood': 6, 'burrow': 6, 'chin': 6, 'peep': 6, 'saling': 6, 'bayou': 6, 'proprietor': 6, '_not_': 6, 'fraction': 6, 'unhealthi': 6, 'illicit': 6, 'afar': 6, 'iguana': 6, 'unholi': 6, 'rican': 6, 'pedro': 6, 'earliest': 6, 'knox': 6, 'illegitim': 6, 'snl': 6, 'getup': 6, 'werewolv': 6, 'slob': 6, 'curmudgeon': 6, 'taco': 6, 'stripe': 6, 'coscreenwrit': 6, 'caddyshack': 6, 'subordin': 6, 'disfigur': 6, 'halfbak': 6, 'megalomaniac': 6, 'unapologet': 6, 'hearti': 6, 'breckin': 6, 'whit': 6, 'preppi': 6, 'straighten': 6, 'hackford': 6, 'hottest': 6, 'pear': 6, 'sitter': 6, 'foursom': 6, 'vivica': 6, 'evict': 6, 'cathrin': 6, 'chelsom': 6, 'overrun': 6, 'bemus': 6, 'kitten': 6, 'tote': 6, 'heald': 6, 'gandolfini': 6, 'natascha': 6, 'ooh': 6, 'bombard': 6, 'shagwel': 6, 'oven': 6, 'duma': 6, 'constru': 6, 'loathsom': 6, 'oscarnomin': 6, 'clau': 6, 'implod': 6, 'likelihood': 6, 'vic': 6, '14yearold': 6, 'crosscountri': 6, 'dentist': 6, 'moustach': 6, 'torpedo': 6, 'schoolboy': 6, 'lela': 6, 'sunshin': 6, 'showstop': 6, 'weirdo': 6, 'silvio': 6, 'horta': 6, 'cuckoo': 6, 'reliv': 6, 'whistl': 6, 'drugaddict': 6, 'antagon': 6, 'chimpanze': 6, 'plumb': 6, 'timelin': 6, 'benz': 6, 'mayo': 6, 'greer': 6, 'entrepreneur': 6, 'cocoon': 6, 'amber': 6, 'eastwick': 6, '1958': 6, 'impart': 6, 'goop': 6, 'phelp': 6, 'conceptu': 6, 'apprehend': 6, 'magician': 6, 'forese': 6, 'hazard': 6, 'darken': 6, 'blackout': 6, 'hairdress': 6, 'sooth': 6, 'dee': 6, 'frontal': 6, 'dupe': 6, 'standbi': 6, 'rubinvega': 6, 'flex': 6, 'happygolucki': 6, 'zip': 6, 'trevor': 6, 'hmm': 6, 'frown': 6, 'premonit': 6, 'delaney': 6, 'ufo': 6, '_knock_off_': 6, 'lag': 6, 'herzfeld': 6, 'chisel': 6, 'raini': 6, 'bereft': 6, 'atkinson': 6, 'irrever': 6, 'woodsboro': 6, 'attenborough': 6, 'analyst': 6, 'enrag': 6, 'duh': 6, 'goos': 6, 'kooki': 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4, 'alltoo': 4, 'vita': 4, 'longwind': 4, 'yum': 4, 'conglomer': 4, 'lark': 4, 'roldan': 4, 'kraft': 4, 'boyish': 4, '30th': 4, 'linz': 4, 'dime': 4, 'lil': 4, 'neptun': 4, 'eisner': 4, 'daydream': 4, 'slop': 4, 'squeaki': 4, 'vieluf': 4, 'krzysztof': 4, 'elv': 4, 'archiv': 4, 'reich': 4, 'vigil': 4, 'necrophilia': 4, 'barr': 4, 'hiatu': 4, 'eclips': 4, 'beart': 4, 'pulsat': 4, 'pollut': 4, 'indoctrin': 4, 'campfir': 4, 'rambo': 4, 'disaffect': 4, 'neuwirth': 4, 'dionna': 4, 'brighter': 4, 'ravel': 4, 'showtim': 4, 'dispar': 4, 'delus': 4, 'baywatch': 4, 'unkempt': 4, 'rasp': 4, 'precursor': 4, 'throe': 4, 'jag': 4, 'douglass': 4, 'neanderth': 4, 'moxxon': 4, 'yulin': 4, 'souza': 4, 'snowfal': 4, 'emit': 4, 'breach': 4, 'lollipop': 4, 'pragmat': 4, '_double_team_': 4, 'hk': 4, 'bosom': 4, 'orgin': 4, 'selfpiti': 4, '100m': 4, 'hassl': 4, 'toughguy': 4, 'haim': 4, 'impostor': 4, 'stewardess': 4, 'behead': 4, 'glitzi': 4, 'jurras': 4, 'hayman': 4, 'stressedout': 4, 'capshaw': 4, 'tong': 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1, 'denker': 1, 'dussandermuch': 1, 'doodl': 1, 'credibilityin': 1, 'postsecondari': 1, 'goldenboy': 1, 'outcomether': 1, 'hoodwink': 1, 'filmschoolish': 1, 'subduedand': 1, 'murdererintrain': 1, 'taylorthoma': 1, 'cocainei': 1, 'kidsand': 1, 'onlychildrenha': 1, 'blackeningheart': 1, 'indeedw': 1, 'laudibl': 1, 'hayworth': 1, 'pseudolyr': 1, 'irishfolk': 1, 'ratinfest': 1, 'malnutrit': 1, 'gloomili': 1, 'hambl': 1, 'famish': 1, 'conversationheavi': 1, 'upwardlymobil': 1, 'basspound': 1, 'harvardeduc': 1, 'outspokenperhap': 1, 'dancefloor': 1, 'remeet': 1, 'eigeman': 1, 'factthat': 1, 'soulbar': 1, 'wellspoken': 1, 'merrygoround': 1, 'dingo': 1, 'churchman': 1, 'milliken': 1, 'aborgin': 1, 'pedersen': 1, 'menonli': 1, 'uluru': 1, 'anglosaxon': 1, 'jedda': 1, 'blacksmith': 1, 'nourish': 1, 'effectsbound': 1, 'edgeofyourseat': 1, 'mouthopen': 1, 'gaultier': 1, 'goldembroideri': 1, 'belin': 1, 'outofit': 1, 'sugerco': 1, 'portrtay': 1, 'onceblossom': 1, 'duong': 1, 'invlov': 1, 'leboswki': 1, 'whatsgoingonaroundher': 1, 'crimesgonewrong': 1, 'nam': 1, 'allpurpl': 1, 'roseann': 1, 'redmanbvoic': 1, 'eaddress': 1, 'estuff': 1, 'manifesto': 1, 'meri': 1, 'kaczkowski': 1, 'robb': 1, 'sovereign': 1, 'sanctiti': 1, 'url': 1, 'lauto': 1, 'smallbudget': 1, 'horrorscifi': 1, 'anywayyep': 1, 'bred': 1, 'fossil': 1, 'wellbalanc': 1, 'parthuman': 1, 'cranni': 1, 'seathandl': 1, 'thespianatlarg': 1, 'fatherdavid': 1, 'douchebag': 1, 'fiesta': 1, 'glenross': 1, 'ged': 1, 'feloni': 1, 'orsen': 1, 'filer': 1, 'inventi': 1, 'unwin': 1, 'proclam': 1, 'welldress': 1, 'glorystar': 1, 'freemani': 1, '54th': 1, '1862': 1, 'eriksson': 1, 'warthat': 1, 'graze': 1, 'cheekand': 1, 'southforev': 1, 'grittiest': 1, '170': 1, 'chiefofstafff': 1, 'downgrad': 1, 'trueman': 1, 'overfli': 1, 'vainli': 1, 'allse': 1, 'cageworld': 1, 'snoot': 1, 'tangerin': 1, 'timbr': 1, 'powaqqatsi': 1, 'keyboardist': 1})
#creating an array of arrays for the mask
word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("data//projector.png", stemmed_dict, 750, "Word Cloud Stemmed")
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(stemmed_dict, 12)
count | word | |
41 | 11108 | film |
22 | 6855 | movi |
11 | 5758 | one |
83 | 3997 | like |
77 | 3855 | charact |
9 | 3189 | get |
34 | 3152 | make |
253 | 2902 | time |
89 | 2638 | scene |
36 | 2602 | even |
50 | 2383 | good |
181 | 2361 | play |
top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words, "Top 12 Stemmed Words")
<module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from 'C:\\Users\\ho511\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\matplotlib\\pyplot.py'>
The total number of words is 710273 The total number of unique words is 32160
#Now, I am going to look at the lemmatizer
lemma_movies = pd.DataFrame()
lemma_movies["lemma_review"] = movies_clean.apply(lambda row: lemma_func(row["review_no_stopwords"]), axis = 1)
viz = pd.DataFrame()
viz["lemma_reviews"] = lemma_movies["lemma_review"].copy()
#Getting ready to visualize the data
viz["lemma_reviews"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(viz, "lemma_reviews")
lemma_dict = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(viz, "lemma_reviews")
Counter({'film': 10963, 'movie': 6854, 'one': 5756, 'character': 3853, 'like': 3651, 'time': 2849, 'get': 2785, 'scene': 2638, 'make': 2582, 'even': 2559, 'good': 2338, 'story': 2319, 'would': 2041, 'much': 2023, 'also': 1965, 'see': 1866, 'way': 1855, 'two': 1824, 'life': 1807, 'first': 1769, 'go': 1727, 'well': 1709, 'thing': 1650, 'year': 1562, 'take': 1561, 'really': 1556, 'plot': 1510, 'come': 1502, 'little': 1493, 'know': 1485, 'people': 1459, 'could': 1395, 'bad': 1373, 'work': 1366, 'never': 1363, 'man': 1347, 'performance': 1315, 'end': 1304, 'best': 1302, 'new': 1277, 'look': 1272, 'doesnt': 1271, 'many': 1267, 'actor': 1229, 'director': 1213, 'dont': 1211, 'play': 1198, 'u': 1188, 'love': 1184, 'action': 1166, 'he': 1150, 'role': 1144, 'great': 1142, 'show': 1131, 'find': 1116, 'another': 1111, 'audience': 1074, 'give': 1068, 'star': 1058, 'say': 1058, 'something': 1048, 'back': 1043, 'still': 1042, 'seems': 1032, 'want': 1032, 'world': 1029, 'made': 1026, 'there': 994, 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613, 'far': 611, 'help': 609, 'must': 604, 'job': 602, 'yet': 600, 'tell': 596, 'kind': 590, 'alien': 588, 'wife': 582, 'begin': 581, 'didnt': 576, 'seem': 574, 'always': 574, 'fun': 571, 'making': 570, 'reason': 566, 'special': 566, 'trying': 565, 'instead': 565, 'home': 563, 'american': 558, 'hollywood': 556, 'sense': 553, 'put': 546, 'human': 544, 'child': 540, 'series': 539, 'probably': 538, 'need': 537, 'hour': 535, 'along': 529, 'war': 527, 'becomes': 526, 'men': 524, 'pretty': 523, 'idea': 522, 'everything': 522, 'dialogue': 522, 'night': 521, 'sure': 518, 'run': 518, 'kid': 517, 'keep': 517, 'black': 516, 'together': 515, 'shot': 512, 'become': 509, 'high': 508, 'hard': 503, 'money': 503, 'given': 501, 'whole': 494, 'watching': 490, 'got': 486, 'let': 486, 'le': 484, 'attempt': 481, 'mind': 481, 'lead': 479, 'death': 479, 'music': 477, 'hand': 474, 'father': 472, 'city': 472, 'fall': 471, 'name': 469, 'case': 460, 'perhaps': 458, 'done': 458, 'boy': 457, 'question': 456, 'brother': 454, 'especially': 454, 'horror': 453, 'sex': 453, 'couple': 452, 'ending': 452, 'next': 452, 'relationship': 449, 'laugh': 448, 'head': 445, 'everyone': 445, 'meet': 444, 'completely': 439, 'rest': 437, 'looking': 436, 'whose': 434, 'second': 433, 'evil': 430, 'feature': 430, 'different': 429, 'thought': 429, 'simply': 428, 'word': 428, 'eye': 427, 'james': 427, 'mr': 424, 'mother': 421, 'michael': 421, 'several': 417, 'theyre': 414, 'left': 412, 'book': 411, 'anyone': 411, 'shes': 407, 'entire': 406, 'humor': 406, 'small': 406, 'mean': 405, 'face': 405, 'getting': 404, 'group': 404, 'lost': 403, '2': 401, 'main': 400, 'half': 398, 'town': 398, 'found': 397, 'school': 397, 'someone': 396, 'use': 396, 'house': 390, 'comic': 389, 'matter': 388, 'joke': 388, 'true': 388, 'game': 386, 'review': 385, 'element': 385, 'fan': 385, 'either': 385, 'fight': 383, 'final': 382, 'unfortunately': 382, 'soon': 382, 'later': 381, 'ive': 381, 'viewer': 380, 'david': 380, 'wrong': 378, 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'1972s': 1, '_shafts_big_score': 1, '1973s': 1, '_shaft_in_africa_': 1, 'samenamed': 1, 'raciallymotivated': 1, 'dominican': 1, 'palmieri': 1, 'eyewitness': 1, 'peoplesor': 1, 'doesand': 1, '_american_psycho_': 1, 'busta': 1, 'rasaan': 1, 'stronglybut': 1, 'ownare': 1, 'salerno': 1, 'unsurprising': 1, 'cooland': 1, 'sequencescored': 1, 'everinfectious': 1, 'filmon': 1, 'muthashut': 1, 'malory': 1, 'morte': 1, 'darthur': 1, 'enshrining': 1, 'dethrones': 1, 'merlin': 1, 'smolder': 1, 'nearruin': 1, 'condominas': 1, 'mordred': 1, 'gawain': 1, 'balsan': 1, 'strippeddown': 1, 'drumbeat': 1, 'clanking': 1, 'creaking': 1, 'neighing': 1, 'scrappile': 1, 'reevaluating': 1, 'fearsomely': 1, 'karatekicking': 1, 'fo': 1, 'everenjoyable': 1, 'sppedboat': 1, 'danging': 1, 'wrongway': 1, 'copter': 1, 'greyer': 1, 'trotting': 1, 'oscarbait': 1, 'epichandsome': 1, 'screenplaywith': 1, 'frenchset': 1, 'factoryworkerturnedprostitute': 1, 'vigau': 1, 'decadesspanning': 1, 'englishlanguage': 1, 'smillas': 1, 'jorgen': 1, 'persson': 1, 'modulated': 1, 'unglamorous': 1, 'cerebrally': 1, 'cosettemarius': 1, 'eponine': 1, 'mariuss': 1, 'underbids': 1, 'giggs': 1, 'guilfoyle': 1, '10000': 1, 'multipersonality': 1, 'jumpoutatyoufromthedark': 1, 'parcel': 1, 'highdefinition': 1, 'uta': 1, 'briesewitz': 1, 'epos': 1, 'lovestory': 1, 'vestern': 1, 'calvinistic': 1, 'clocktower': 1, 'tobeweds': 1, 'skarsgaard': 1, 'kirkeby': 1, 'procol': 1, 'harum': 1, 'matin': 1, 'lunes': 1, 'fiel': 1, 'katrin': 1, 'cartlidge': 1, 'prix': 1, 'ultimo': 1, 'landsbury': 1, 'vlad': 1, 'bartok': 1, 'showstopper': 1, 'top40': 1, 'wrongagain': 1, 'betteramong': 1, 'thinkif': 1, 'unlistenable': 1, 'dryburgh': 1, 'eyefilling': 1, '777film': 1, 'alains': 1, 'booked': 1, 'bohemia': 1, 'derby': 1, 'doublebarreled': 1, 'accentuating': 1, 'amplifying': 1, 'twotg': 1, 'savviness': 1, 'unabashed': 1, 'funtowatch': 1, 'alleyway': 1, 'chidducks': 1, 'shrills': 1, 'sixtyish': 1, 'sunbathes': 1, 'expat': 1, 'vernier': 1, 'nenette': 1, 'boni': 1, 'woolf': 1, 'andree': 1, 'tainsy': 1, 'putrefaction': 1, 'bagged': 1, 'bernheim': 1, 'hiberli': 1, 'ramplings': 1, 'autoarousal': 1, 'polanskis': 1, 'rombi': 1, 'ullmanns': 1, 'harkened': 1, 'sidekicksidekicks': 1, 'warnerbrotherscoyotefalloffthecliff': 1, 'englishdubbed': 1, 'totoro': 1, 'understandingly': 1, 'harmlessly': 1, 'hugeness': 1, 'pacifier': 1, 'onepersons': 1, 'complimented': 1, 'deliverees': 1, 'masterservant': 1, 'friendfriend': 1, 'bewonderment': 1, 'selfcontradicted': 1, 'selfimage': 1, 'monoko': 1, 'hime': 1, 'alferd': 1, 'postcannibal': 1, 'mchughs': 1, 'dissenting': 1, 'shpadoinkle': 1, 'braniff': 1, 'leit': 1, 'uncuts': 1, 'mchugh': 1, 'dian': 1, 'bachar': 1, 'kemler': 1, 'lemmy': 1, 'motorhead': 1, 'aix': 1, 'robberyhe': 1, 'glade': 1, 'toupeesporting': 1, 'capergoneawry': 1, 'outmaneuvers': 1, 'snoopy': 1, 'perennially': 1, 'nationstype': 1, 'isolationist': 1, 'reemerging': 1, 'comprise': 1, 'solicit': 1, 'gushing': 1, 'testimonial': 1, 'easternsounding': 1, 'geopolitics': 1, 'appeasement': 1, 'satellitecontrolled': 1, 'cetera': 1, 'topoftheline': 1, 'expletitive': 1, 'traffiking': 1, 'bristling': 1, 'overracting': 1, 'aquits': 1, 'scorese': 1, 'moroders': 1, 'synthesier': 1, 'kfilled': 1, 'thirdly': 1, 'groomwannabe': 1, 'incorrigible': 1, 'injure': 1, 'uncorking': 1, 'volleyball': 1, 'tugofwar': 1, 'topical': 1, 'hunkydory': 1, 'mothering': 1, 'nitpicking': 1, 'sausalito': 1, 'refrigerates': 1, 'lettuce': 1, 'wilted': 1, 'glaze': 1, 'twentypound': 1, 'freezer': 1, 'sequitur': 1, 'yosarian': 1, 'softness': 1, 'demeaned': 1, 'mccalister': 1, 'ideologically': 1, 'entitlement': 1, 'usurp': 1, 'barnetts': 1, 'winsomely': 1, 'viscous': 1, 'straddle': 1, 'infuriatingly': 1, 'compress': 1, 'schoonmaker': 1, 'herded': 1, 'vestment': 1, 'grouped': 1, 'bawling': 1, 'nolstalgic': 1, 'engross': 1, 'drugdealers': 1, 'babyfaced': 1, 'venable': 1, 'attentiongrabbing': 1, 'vails': 1, 'altarboy': 1, 'redherrings': 1, 'deadends': 1, 'prepostrous': 1, 'uncompromisingly': 1, 'davisharrison': 1, 'pedal': 1, 'prisonerformer': 1, 'adopter': 1, 'interfered': 1, 'jetliner': 1, 'voltage': 1, 'denuto': 1, 'tiriel': 1, 'mora': 1, 'tenny': 1, 'simcoe': 1, 'denutos': 1, 'santo': 1, 'cilauro': 1, 'gleisner': 1, 'bandied': 1, 'constitution': 1, 'pleasent': 1, 'conners': 1, 'punxsutawney': 1, 'totatly': 1, 'unoffensive': 1, 'senitmental': 1, 'ramiss': 1, 'smary': 1, 'ryanson': 1, 'neurologist': 1, 'donne': 1, 'inclement': 1, 'wonderbred': 1, 'fearfully': 1, 'denker': 1, 'pseudonymous': 1, 'dussandermuch': 1, 'bowdens': 1, 'doodle': 1, 'credibilityin': 1, 'postsecondary': 1, 'verbals': 1, 'goldenboy': 1, 'outcomethere': 1, 'hoodwink': 1, 'filmschoolish': 1, 'subduedand': 1, 'murdererintraining': 1, 'taylorthomas': 1, 'cocainei': 1, 'kidsand': 1, 'onlychildrenhas': 1, 'blackeningheart': 1, 'indeedwe': 1, 'laudible': 1, 'hayworth': 1, 'implementation': 1, 'sentimentalized': 1, 'pseudolyrical': 1, 'homely': 1, 'irishfolk': 1, 'ratinfested': 1, 'malnutrition': 1, 'worsening': 1, 'gloomily': 1, 'supplementing': 1, 'hambling': 1, 'famished': 1, 'mccourt': 1, 'conversationheavy': 1, 'upwardlymobile': 1, 'basspounding': 1, 'intellectualizing': 1, 'harvardeducated': 1, 'outspokenperhaps': 1, 'dancefloor': 1, 'remeet': 1, 'eigeman': 1, 'factthat': 1, 'soulbaring': 1, 'wellspoken': 1, 'merrygoround': 1, 'enforcing': 1, 'spearing': 1, 'dingo': 1, 'churchman': 1, 'milliken': 1, 'aborginal': 1, 'pedersen': 1, 'menonly': 1, 'uluru': 1, 'anglosaxon': 1, 'jedda': 1, 'blacksmith': 1, 'nourishing': 1, 'performences': 1, 'effectsbound': 1, 'edgeofyourseat': 1, 'mouthopening': 1, 'gaultier': 1, 'amadalas': 1, 'goldembroidery': 1, 'zestful': 1, 'circled': 1, 'beliner': 1, 'outofit': 1, 'sugercoated': 1, 'syds': 1, 'portrtayal': 1, 'onceblossoming': 1, 'characted': 1, 'duong': 1, 'invlove': 1, 'steaminess': 1, 'leboswki': 1, 'whatsgoingonaroundhere': 1, 'slothful': 1, 'dudeness': 1, 'trademarked': 1, 'crimesgonewrong': 1, 'nam': 1, 'allpurple': 1, 'roseanne': 1, 'barrs': 1, 'redmanbvoice': 1, 'eaddress': 1, 'estuff': 1, 'manifesto': 1, 'meri': 1, 'kaczkowski': 1, 'robb': 1, 'sovereign': 1, 'sanctity': 1, 'url': 1, 'lauto': 1, 'smallbudget': 1, 'horrorscifi': 1, 'anywayyep': 1, 'bred': 1, 'decreased': 1, 'incorporation': 1, 'fossil': 1, 'wellbalanced': 1, 'parthuman': 1, 'cranny': 1, 'seathandles': 1, 'migration': 1, 'undie': 1, 'thespianatlarge': 1, 'fatherdavid': 1, 'douchebag': 1, 'fiesta': 1, 'glenross': 1, 'ged': 1, 'felony': 1, 'pry': 1, 'orsen': 1, 'filer': 1, 'appearence': 1, 'inventie': 1, 'unwinable': 1, 'proclamation': 1, 'prosecuting': 1, 'welldressed': 1, 'glorystarring': 1, 'freemanis': 1, '54th': 1, '1862': 1, 'eriksson': 1, 'warthat': 1, 'graz': 1, 'enlistment': 1, 'cheekand': 1, 'rattle': 1, 'southforever': 1, 'unquestioned': 1, 'grittiest': 1, '170': 1, 'discharge': 1, 'chiefofstafff': 1, 'downgrade': 1, 'trueman': 1, 'overflying': 1, 'paneled': 1, 'vainly': 1, 'allseeing': 1, 'cageworld': 1, 'snoot': 1, 'obstruction': 1, 'obscuring': 1, 'tangerine': 1, 'timbre': 1, 'powaqqatsi': 1, 'keyboardist': 1, 'capitalized': 1})
#creating an array of arrays for the mask
word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("data//projector.png", lemma_dict, 750, "Word Cloud Stemmed")
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(lemma_dict, 12)
count | word | |
42 | 10963 | film |
22 | 6854 | movie |
11 | 5756 | one |
80 | 3853 | character |
86 | 3651 | like |
266 | 2849 | time |
9 | 2785 | get |
92 | 2638 | scene |
34 | 2582 | make |
36 | 2559 | even |
51 | 2338 | good |
267 | 2319 | story |
top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words, "Top 12 Lemmatized Words")
<module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from 'C:\\Users\\ho511\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\matplotlib\\pyplot.py'>
The total number of words is 710273 The total number of unique words is 42473
#Visualizing bigrams:
lemma_bigrams = pd.DataFrame()
lemma_bigrams["lemma_review_bigrams"] = lemma_movies["lemma_review"].apply(lambda row: creating_ngrams(row, 2))
lemma_review_bigrams | |
0 | [plot_two, two_teen, teen_couple, couple_go, g... |
1 | [happy_bastard, bastard_quick, quick_movie, mo... |
2 | [movie_like, like_make, make_jaded, jaded_movi... |
3 | [quest_camelot, camelot_warner, warner_bros, b... |
4 | [synopsis_mentally, mentally_unstable, unstabl... |
#Visualizing the bigrams
viz = pd.DataFrame()
viz["lemma_bigrams"] = lemma_bigrams["lemma_review_bigrams"].copy()
#Getting ready to visualize the data
viz["lemma_bigrams"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(viz, "lemma_bigrams")
lemma_bigram_dict = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(viz, "lemma_bigrams")
#creating an array of arrays for the mask
word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("data//projector.png", lemma_bigram_dict, 750, "Word Cloud Lemma Bigrams")
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(lemma_bigram_dict, 12)
count | word | |
1048 | 387 | special_effect |
95 | 257 | look_like |
4787 | 249 | new_york |
1264 | 222 | even_though |
2849 | 183 | bad_guy |
3016 | 178 | high_school |
1782 | 173 | film_like |
1484 | 169 | take_place |
26071 | 166 | star_war |
7142 | 141 | one_best |
13755 | 139 | main_character |
169 | 133 | movie_like |
top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words, "Top 12 Lemmatized Bigrams Words")
<module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from 'C:\\Users\\ho511\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\matplotlib\\pyplot.py'>
The total number of words is 708273 The total number of unique words is 518043
#Visualizing the Trigrams
lemma_trigrams = pd.DataFrame()
lemma_trigrams["lemma_review_trigrams"] = lemma_movies["lemma_review"].apply(lambda row: creating_ngrams(row, 3))
lemma_review_trigrams | |
0 | [plot_two_teen, two_teen_couple, teen_couple_g... |
1 | [happy_bastard_quick, bastard_quick_movie, qui... |
2 | [movie_like_make, like_make_jaded, make_jaded_... |
3 | [quest_camelot_warner, camelot_warner_bros, wa... |
4 | [synopsis_mentally_unstable, mentally_unstable... |
#Visualizing the trigrams
viz = pd.DataFrame()
viz["lemma_trigrams"] = lemma_trigrams["lemma_review_trigrams"].copy()
#Getting ready to visualize the data
viz["lemma_trigrams"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(viz, "lemma_trigrams")
lemma_trigram_dict = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(viz, "lemma_trigrams")
#creating an array of arrays for the mask
word_cloud = create_word_cloud_with_mask("data//projector.png", lemma_trigram_dict, 750, "Word Cloud Lemma Trigrams")
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(lemma_trigram_dict, 12)
count | word | |
27739 | 59 | know_last_summer |
25845 | 54 | new_york_city |
37571 | 44 | tommy_lee_jones |
47964 | 43 | saving_private_ryan |
4442 | 43 | ive_ever_seen |
101166 | 39 | jay_silent_bob |
17668 | 36 | blair_witch_project |
62757 | 32 | robert_de_niro |
71008 | 31 | wild_wild_west |
13101 | 30 | film_take_place |
13809 | 29 | dont_get_wrong |
75383 | 29 | samuel_l_jackson |
top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words, "Top 12 Lemmatized Trigrams Words")
<module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from 'C:\\Users\\ho511\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\matplotlib\\pyplot.py'>
The total number of words is 706273 The total number of unique words is 683103
#Attempting to create a bag of words from the stemmed data frame that has the stopped words removed:
#Now I am going to create my bag of words and pd df before I move on to lemmatizing
stemmed_bow = bag_of_words(stemmed_movies, "stemmed_review")
Counter({'plot': 1, 'two': 2, 'teen': 4, 'coupl': 1, 'go': 4, 'church': 1, 'parti': 1, 'drink': 1, 'drive': 1, 'get': 3, 'accid': 1, 'one': 3, 'guy': 1, 'die': 1, 'girlfriend': 1, 'continu': 1, 'see': 2, 'life': 1, 'nightmar': 2, 'what': 2, 'deal': 1, 'watch': 1, 'movi': 7, 'sorta': 1, 'find': 1, 'critiqu': 1, 'mindfuck': 2, 'gener': 2, 'touch': 1, 'cool': 2, 'idea': 2, 'present': 1, 'bad': 2, 'packag': 2, 'make': 7, 'review': 1, 'even': 3, 'harder': 1, 'write': 1, 'sinc': 2, 'applaud': 1, 'film': 8, 'attempt': 1, 'break': 1, 'mold': 1, 'mess': 1, 'head': 1, 'lost': 2, 'highway': 2, 'memento': 2, 'good': 2, 'way': 3, 'type': 1, 'folk': 1, 'didnt': 2, 'snag': 1, 'correctli': 1, 'seem': 3, 'taken': 1, 'pretti': 5, 'neat': 1, 'concept': 1, 'execut': 1, 'terribl': 1, 'problem': 3, 'well': 1, 'main': 1, 'simpli': 2, 'jumbl': 1, 'start': 2, 'normal': 1, 'downshift': 1, 'fantasi': 1, 'world': 2, 'audienc': 2, 'member': 1, 'dream': 1, 'charact': 3, 'come': 2, 'back': 1, 'dead': 2, 'other': 2, 'look': 2, 'like': 3, 'strang': 3, 'apparit': 1, 'disappear': 1, 'looooot': 1, 'chase': 2, 'scene': 2, 'ton': 1, 'weird': 1, 'thing': 2, 'happen': 1, 'explain': 1, 'person': 1, 'dont': 2, 'mind': 1, 'tri': 1, 'unravel': 2, 'everi': 1, 'give': 2, 'clue': 1, 'kind': 1, 'fed': 1, 'biggest': 2, 'obvious': 1, 'got': 1, 'big': 1, 'secret': 2, 'hide': 2, 'want': 1, 'complet': 1, 'final': 1, 'five': 1, 'minut': 2, 'entertain': 3, 'thrill': 1, 'engag': 1, 'meantim': 1, 'realli': 2, 'sad': 1, 'part': 2, 'arrow': 1, 'dig': 1, 'flick': 2, 'actual': 2, 'figur': 1, 'halfway': 1, 'point': 1, 'littl': 2, 'bit': 1, 'sens': 2, 'still': 2, 'guess': 2, 'bottom': 1, 'line': 1, 'alway': 1, 'sure': 1, 'given': 1, 'password': 1, 'enter': 1, 'understand': 1, 'mean': 1, 'show': 2, 'melissa': 1, 'sagemil': 2, 'run': 1, 'away': 2, 'vision': 1, '20': 1, 'throughout': 2, 'plain': 1, 'lazi': 1, 'okay': 1, 'peopl': 1, 'know': 1, 'need': 1, 'us': 1, 'differ': 1, 'offer': 1, 'insight': 1, 'appar': 2, 'studio': 1, 'took': 1, 'director': 1, 'chop': 1, 'mightv': 1, 'decent': 1, 'somewher': 1, 'suit': 1, 'decid': 1, 'turn': 1, 'music': 1, 'video': 1, 'edg': 1, 'would': 1, 'actor': 1, 'although': 1, 'we': 1, 'bentley': 1, 'play': 1, 'exact': 1, 'american': 1, 'beauti': 1, 'new': 1, 'neighborhood': 1, 'kudo': 1, 'hold': 1, 'entir': 1, 'feel': 2, 'overal': 1, 'doesnt': 2, 'stick': 1, 'confus': 1, 'rare': 1, 'excit': 1, 'redund': 1, 'runtim': 1, 'despit': 1, 'end': 1, 'explan': 1, 'crazi': 1, 'came': 1, 'oh': 1, 'horror': 1, 'slasher': 1, 'someon': 1, 'assum': 1, 'genr': 1, 'hot': 1, 'kid': 1, 'also': 1, 'wrap': 1, 'product': 1, 'year': 1, 'ago': 1, 'sit': 1, 'shelv': 1, 'ever': 1, 'whatev': 1, 'skip': 1, 'where': 1, 'joblo': 1, 'elm': 1, 'street': 1, '3': 1, '710': 2, 'blair': 1, 'witch': 1, '2': 1, 'crow': 2, '910': 2, 'salvat': 1, '410': 1, '1010': 2, 'stir': 1, 'echo': 1, '810': 1})
stemmed_df = bow_to_df(stemmed_bow)
#When attempting to normalize this df, it took over 15 minutes and was still running... Therefore, it is apparent
#that feature reduction needs to be introduced. I decided to remove words that are neutral...
plot | two | teen | coupl | go | church | parti | drink | drive | get | ... | trueman | overfli | vainli | allse | cageworld | snoot | tangerin | timbr | powaqqatsi | keyboardist | |
0 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
4 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
5 rows × 32160 columns
#For my new feature reduction and word removal. I am not removing stopwords, but instead words that do not have a
#significant postive or negative sentiment analyzer score. Scratch that, I had to remove stopwords and use it on
#the lemmatized review otherwise I got an error that it was doing too much.
final_df= pd.DataFrame()
final_df["reviews"] = lemma_movies.apply(lambda row: pos_neg_words(row["lemma_review"]), axis = 1)
reviews | |
0 | [party, accident, cool, bad, applaud, mess, lo... |
1 | [happy, bastard, damn, empty, like, like, wast... |
2 | [like, jaded, thankful, criminal, wrong, stole... |
3 | [steal, worried, challenger, promising, lively... |
4 | [unstable, save, fatal, accident, love, unsucc... |
#Need to add the label back to the reviews
final_df["label"] = movies_clean["label"]
reviews | label | |
0 | [party, accident, cool, bad, applaud, mess, lo... | neg |
1 | [happy, bastard, damn, empty, like, like, wast... | neg |
2 | [like, jaded, thankful, criminal, wrong, stole... | neg |
3 | [steal, worried, challenger, promising, lively... | neg |
4 | [unstable, save, fatal, accident, love, unsucc... | neg |
#Visualizing the df before running machine learning to see if the way I reduced the features allows for accurate prediction
#visualizing the further reduced dataset...
#Creating a visualization df that I can manipulate when creating my visualizations
viz = pd.DataFrame()
#copying my movies_stemmed df.
viz["reviews"] = final_df["reviews"]
viz["reviews"] = getting_data_ready_for_freq(viz, "reviews")
movies_review_dict = creating_freq_list_from_df_to_dict(viz, "reviews")
#mask from http://clipart-library.com/clipart/1517256.htm
#creating an array of arrays for the mask
create_word_cloud_with_mask("data//projector.png", movies_review_dict, 750, "Word Cloud With Lemmatized Sentiment Reduced Words")
<module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from 'C:\\Users\\ho511\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\matplotlib\\pyplot.py'>
#Visualizing the top 12 words/characters
eda_reviews_top_words = word_freq_dict_to_df_top_words(movies_review_dict, 12)
count | word | |
15 | 3651 | like |
7 | 2338 | good |
12 | 1709 | well |
3 | 1373 | bad |
54 | 1302 | best |
57 | 1198 | play |
110 | 1184 | love |
166 | 1142 | great |
168 | 918 | better |
96 | 886 | comedy |
217 | 829 | funny |
216 | 791 | friend |
top_words_bar_plot(eda_reviews_top_words, "Top 12 Sentiment Reduced Lemmatized Words")
<module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from 'C:\\Users\\ho511\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\matplotlib\\pyplot.py'>
The total number of words is 109548 The total number of unique words is 3181
#Now, I am ready to create a bag of words and then my giant df with these reduced features...
#Now I am going to create my bag of words and pd df before I move on to lemmatizing
reduced_lemma_bow = bag_of_words(final_df, "reviews")
Counter({'party': 1, 'accident': 1, 'cool': 2, 'bad': 2, 'applaud': 1, 'mess': 1, 'lost': 2, 'good': 2, 'pretty': 5, 'neat': 1, 'terribly': 1, 'problem': 3, 'well': 1, 'dream': 1, 'dead': 2, 'like': 3, 'strange': 1, 'weird': 1, 'kind': 1, 'hide': 2, 'entertaining': 2, 'thrilling': 1, 'engaging': 1, 'sad': 1, 'sure': 1, 'vision': 1, 'lazy': 1, 'okay': 1, 'giving': 1, 'playing': 1, 'beauty': 1, 'kudos': 1, 'feeling': 1, 'entertain': 1, 'confusing': 1, 'excites': 1, 'craziness': 1, 'horror': 1, 'witch': 1})
reduced_df = bow_to_df(reduced_lemma_bow)
party | accident | cool | bad | applaud | mess | lost | good | pretty | neat | ... | complimented | isolationist | fearfully | sentimentalized | worsening | intellectualizing | motivate | douchebag | fiesta | felony | |
0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 5 | 1 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
4 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
5 rows × 3181 columns
#Now, I need to normalize the dataframe
reduced_df = normalize_df(reduced_df)
party | accident | cool | bad | applaud | mess | lost | good | pretty | neat | ... | isolationist | fearfully | sentimentalized | worsening | intellectualizing | motivate | douchebag | fiesta | felony | total | |
0 | 0.018519 | 0.018519 | 0.037037 | 0.037037 | 0.018519 | 0.018519 | 0.037037 | 0.037037 | 0.092593 | 0.018519 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 54 |
1 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.083333 | 0.083333 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 12 |
2 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.071429 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.023810 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 42 |
3 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.044444 | 0.000000 | 0.022222 | 0.022222 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 45 |
4 | 0.000000 | 0.023810 | 0.000000 | 0.047619 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.023810 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 42 |
5 rows × 3182 columns
#Now I need to re-add the labels
reduced_df["label"] = final_df["label"]
party | accident | cool | bad | applaud | mess | lost | good | pretty | neat | ... | fearfully | sentimentalized | worsening | intellectualizing | motivate | douchebag | fiesta | felony | total | label | |
0 | 0.018519 | 0.018519 | 0.037037 | 0.037037 | 0.018519 | 0.018519 | 0.037037 | 0.037037 | 0.092593 | 0.018519 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 54 | neg |
1 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.083333 | 0.083333 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 12 | neg |
2 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.071429 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.023810 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 42 | neg |
3 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.044444 | 0.000000 | 0.022222 | 0.022222 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 45 | neg |
4 | 0.000000 | 0.023810 | 0.000000 | 0.047619 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.023810 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 42 | neg |
5 rows × 3183 columns
#Creating a testing and training df for the large_df
test_train = reduced_df.copy()
test_train_label = test_train["label"]
#Now, I need to drop the label from the test_train_opinions df
test_train.drop("label", axis = 1, inplace = True)
#Creating 4 df: 1: the training df with label removed, 2: the testing df with label removed, 3: the training label, 4: testing label
train, test, train_label, test_label = train_test_split(test_train, test_train_label, test_size = .3, random_state = 1006)
#Getting a count of positive and negative opinions in the test label
#That worked out perfectly! I have 300 negative reviews and 300 positive reviews; which means
#I have 700 positive and 700 negative reviews in my training set.
Counter({'pos': 300, 'neg': 300})
#Naive Bayes attempt
clf = GaussianNB()
clf.fit(train, train_label)
test_predicted = clf.predict(test)
#Getting the accuracy for naive bayes
accuracy = accuracy_score(test_label, test_predicted, normalize = True)
print("The accuracy is", accuracy)
cm = confusion_matrix(test_label, test_predicted)
confusion_matrix_graph(cm, accuracy, "NB Gaussian")
The accuracy is 0.6983333333333334
Text(0.5, 1, 'NB Gaussian Accuracy Score: 0.6983')