In [2]:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('V1_with_statements.csv')
FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-7afba648ebf2> in <module>
      1 import pandas as pd
----> 2 df = pd.read_csv('V1_with_statements.csv')

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in parser_f(filepath_or_buffer, sep, delimiter, header, names, index_col, usecols, squeeze, prefix, mangle_dupe_cols, dtype, engine, converters, true_values, false_values, skipinitialspace, skiprows, skipfooter, nrows, na_values, keep_default_na, na_filter, verbose, skip_blank_lines, parse_dates, infer_datetime_format, keep_date_col, date_parser, dayfirst, cache_dates, iterator, chunksize, compression, thousands, decimal, lineterminator, quotechar, quoting, doublequote, escapechar, comment, encoding, dialect, error_bad_lines, warn_bad_lines, delim_whitespace, low_memory, memory_map, float_precision)
    683         )
--> 685         return _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)
    687     parser_f.__name__ = name

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)
    456     # Create the parser.
--> 457     parser = TextFileReader(fp_or_buf, **kwds)
    459     if chunksize or iterator:

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in __init__(self, f, engine, **kwds)
    893             self.options["has_index_names"] = kwds["has_index_names"]
--> 895         self._make_engine(self.engine)
    897     def close(self):

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in _make_engine(self, engine)
   1133     def _make_engine(self, engine="c"):
   1134         if engine == "c":
-> 1135             self._engine = CParserWrapper(self.f, **self.options)
   1136         else:
   1137             if engine == "python":

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in __init__(self, src, **kwds)
   1915         kwds["usecols"] = self.usecols
-> 1917         self._reader = parsers.TextReader(src, **kwds)
   1918         self.unnamed_cols = self._reader.unnamed_cols

pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader.__cinit__()

pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._setup_parser_source()

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] File b'V1_with_statements.csv' does not exist: b'V1_with_statements.csv'
In [ ]:
declined = df['Last Statement Text'].tolist()
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
'declined' in declined
In [ ]:
found = df[df['Last Statement Text'].str.contains('offender declined', na=False)]
In [ ]:
found = df[df['Last Statement Text'].str.contains('no link', na=False)]
In [ ]:
found = df[df['Last Statement Text'].str.contains('This ', na=False)]
In [10]:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('V2_final_statements.csv')
FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-10-6158daa4eef3> in <module>
      1 import pandas as pd
----> 2 df = pd.read_csv('V2_final_statements.csv')

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in parser_f(filepath_or_buffer, sep, delimiter, header, names, index_col, usecols, squeeze, prefix, mangle_dupe_cols, dtype, engine, converters, true_values, false_values, skipinitialspace, skiprows, skipfooter, nrows, na_values, keep_default_na, na_filter, verbose, skip_blank_lines, parse_dates, infer_datetime_format, keep_date_col, date_parser, dayfirst, cache_dates, iterator, chunksize, compression, thousands, decimal, lineterminator, quotechar, quoting, doublequote, escapechar, comment, encoding, dialect, error_bad_lines, warn_bad_lines, delim_whitespace, low_memory, memory_map, float_precision)
    683         )
--> 685         return _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)
    687     parser_f.__name__ = name

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)
    456     # Create the parser.
--> 457     parser = TextFileReader(fp_or_buf, **kwds)
    459     if chunksize or iterator:

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in __init__(self, f, engine, **kwds)
    893             self.options["has_index_names"] = kwds["has_index_names"]
--> 895         self._make_engine(self.engine)
    897     def close(self):

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in _make_engine(self, engine)
   1133     def _make_engine(self, engine="c"):
   1134         if engine == "c":
-> 1135             self._engine = CParserWrapper(self.f, **self.options)
   1136         else:
   1137             if engine == "python":

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in __init__(self, src, **kwds)
   1915         kwds["usecols"] = self.usecols
-> 1917         self._reader = parsers.TextReader(src, **kwds)
   1918         self.unnamed_cols = self._reader.unnamed_cols

pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader.__cinit__()

pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._setup_parser_source()

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] File b'V2_final_statements.csv' does not exist: b'V2_final_statements.csv'
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
jpgs = df[df['Offender Information'].str.contains('.jpg', na=False)]
In [ ]:
In [11]:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('V2_final_statements.csv')

test_df = df.copy()
import requests

jpgs = df[df['Offender Information'].str.contains('.jpg', na=False)]
FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-496303a007d1> in <module>
      1 import pandas as pd
----> 2 df = pd.read_csv('V2_final_statements.csv')
      4 test_df = df.copy()
      5 import requests

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in parser_f(filepath_or_buffer, sep, delimiter, header, names, index_col, usecols, squeeze, prefix, mangle_dupe_cols, dtype, engine, converters, true_values, false_values, skipinitialspace, skiprows, skipfooter, nrows, na_values, keep_default_na, na_filter, verbose, skip_blank_lines, parse_dates, infer_datetime_format, keep_date_col, date_parser, dayfirst, cache_dates, iterator, chunksize, compression, thousands, decimal, lineterminator, quotechar, quoting, doublequote, escapechar, comment, encoding, dialect, error_bad_lines, warn_bad_lines, delim_whitespace, low_memory, memory_map, float_precision)
    683         )
--> 685         return _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)
    687     parser_f.__name__ = name

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)
    456     # Create the parser.
--> 457     parser = TextFileReader(fp_or_buf, **kwds)
    459     if chunksize or iterator:

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in __init__(self, f, engine, **kwds)
    893             self.options["has_index_names"] = kwds["has_index_names"]
--> 895         self._make_engine(self.engine)
    897     def close(self):

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in _make_engine(self, engine)
   1133     def _make_engine(self, engine="c"):
   1134         if engine == "c":
-> 1135             self._engine = CParserWrapper(self.f, **self.options)
   1136         else:
   1137             if engine == "python":

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in __init__(self, src, **kwds)
   1915         kwds["usecols"] = self.usecols
-> 1917         self._reader = parsers.TextReader(src, **kwds)
   1918         self.unnamed_cols = self._reader.unnamed_cols

pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader.__cinit__()

pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._setup_parser_source()

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] File b'V2_final_statements.csv' does not exist: b'V2_final_statements.csv'
In [12]:
# img_data = requests.get(image_url).content
# with open('image_name.jpg', 'wb') as handler:
#     handler.write(img_data)

def get_photo_data(url, id_num, fn, ln):
    filename = 'img_text_'+str(id_num)+ '_' + fn + '_' + ln + '.jpg'
    img_url = "" + url
        img_data = requests.get(img_url).content
        with open(filename, 'wb') as handler:

#     print(url, filename)
jpgs['photo_file'] = jpgs.apply(lambda x: get_photo_data(x['Offender Information'], x['TDCJNumber'], x['First Name'], x['Last Name']), axis=1)
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-8a3f3c932014> in <module>
     17 #     print(url, filename)
---> 19 jpgs['photo_file'] = jpgs.apply(lambda x: get_photo_data(x['Offender Information'], x['TDCJNumber'], x['First Name'], x['Last Name']), axis=1)

NameError: name 'jpgs' is not defined
In [16]:
import os
def get_data_from_files(path):
    directory = os.listdir(path)
    results = []
    for file in directory:
    return results

inmates = get_data_from_files('inmates/')
# pos = get_data_from_files('../pos_hw4/')

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(inmates)
# pos_df = pd.DataFrame(pos)
# pos_df['PoN'] = 'P'
# neg_df['PoN'] = 'N'
# all_df = neg_df.append(pos_df)
In [17]:
0 Name: dohnny Anderson\n\npop: 12/_ 28 /_59 Rec...
1 Name: BettyLouBeets RIO\nDOB:03/12/37_ Receive...
2 Name: Daniel Joe Hittle D.R. # 981\n\n \n\n \n...
3 Name: John Thomas Satterwhite D.R.# 651\n\nDOB...
4 Name: John Chavez D.R.# 999186\nDOB: _ 04/27/6...
... ...
375 Name: Gerald Lee Mitchell ____._.___ D.R.#838_...
377 Claude Howard Jones 980\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName...
378 Name: Roland Ruiz, Jr. D.R. #999145\n\n@ DOB: ...
379 David Oliver Cruz\nD.R.# ao\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n...

380 rows × 1 columns

In [18]:
import re
df['clean'] = df.apply(lambda x: re.sub(r'[\W_]+', ' ', x[0].lower()), axis=1)
In [19]:
def get_dob(string):
        if 'dob' in string:
            return string.split('dob')[1]
        if 'pop' in string:
            return string.split('pop')[1]
        return 'error'

df['dob'] = df.apply(lambda x: get_dob(x['clean']), axis=1)
In [20]:
In [21]:
0 clean dob
0 Name: dohnny Anderson\n\npop: 12/_ 28 /_59 Rec... name dohnny anderson pop 12 28 59 received cou... 12 28 59 received county jefferson age at tim...
1 Name: BettyLouBeets RIO\nDOB:03/12/37_ Receive... name bettyloubeets rio dob 03 12 37 received 1... 03 12 37 received 10 14 85 age 48 when receiv...
2 Name: Daniel Joe Hittle D.R. # 981\n\n \n\n \n... name daniel joe hittle d r 981 v pop 3 1 50 re... 3 1 50 received 8 16 90 age 40 when rec d cou...
3 Name: John Thomas Satterwhite D.R.# 651\n\nDOB... name john thomas satterwhite d r 651 dob 12 29... 12 29 46 received 2 29 7 80 county bexar date...
4 Name: John Chavez D.R.# 999186\nDOB: _ 04/27/6... name john chavez d r 999186 dob 04 27 68 recei... 04 27 68 received 04 11 96 age 27 when rec d ...
... ... ... ...
375 Name: Gerald Lee Mitchell ____._.___ D.R.#838_... name gerald lee mitchell d r 838 dob 12 27 67 ... 12 27 67 received 07 24 86 age 18 when receiv...
376 CHARLES FRANCIS RUMBAUGH\n\nEXECUTION #555 Dat... charles francis rumbaugh execution 555 date se... None
377 Claude Howard Jones 980\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName... claude howard jones 980 name d r pop 9 24 40 r... 11 22 45 has twice been imprisoned jn texas o...
378 Name: Roland Ruiz, Jr. D.R. #999145\n\n@ DOB: ... name roland ruiz jr d r 999145 dob 07 04 72 re... 07 04 72 received 05 04 95 age 22 when receiv...
379 David Oliver Cruz\nD.R.# ao\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n... david oliver cruz d r ao name dob 5 18 67 rece... 5 18 67 received 11 10 89 age 22 when rec d c...

380 rows × 3 columns

In [22]:
def get_dob_2(string):
        if 'received' in string:
            return string.split('received')[0]
        if 'has' in string:
            return string.split('has')[0]
        return 'error'

df['dob_2'] = df.apply(lambda x: get_dob_2(x['dob']), axis=1)
In [23]:
0 clean dob dob_2
0 Name: dohnny Anderson\n\npop: 12/_ 28 /_59 Rec... name dohnny anderson pop 12 28 59 received cou... 12 28 59 received county jefferson age at tim... 12 28 59
1 Name: BettyLouBeets RIO\nDOB:03/12/37_ Receive... name bettyloubeets rio dob 03 12 37 received 1... 03 12 37 received 10 14 85 age 48 when receiv... 03 12 37
2 Name: Daniel Joe Hittle D.R. # 981\n\n \n\n \n... name daniel joe hittle d r 981 v pop 3 1 50 re... 3 1 50 received 8 16 90 age 40 when rec d cou... 3 1 50
3 Name: John Thomas Satterwhite D.R.# 651\n\nDOB... name john thomas satterwhite d r 651 dob 12 29... 12 29 46 received 2 29 7 80 county bexar date... 12 29 46
4 Name: John Chavez D.R.# 999186\nDOB: _ 04/27/6... name john chavez d r 999186 dob 04 27 68 recei... 04 27 68 received 04 11 96 age 27 when rec d ... 04 27 68
... ... ... ... ...
375 Name: Gerald Lee Mitchell ____._.___ D.R.#838_... name gerald lee mitchell d r 838 dob 12 27 67 ... 12 27 67 received 07 24 86 age 18 when receiv... 12 27 67
376 CHARLES FRANCIS RUMBAUGH\n\nEXECUTION #555 Dat... charles francis rumbaugh execution 555 date se... None error
377 Claude Howard Jones 980\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName... claude howard jones 980 name d r pop 9 24 40 r... 11 22 45 has twice been imprisoned jn texas o... 11 22 45
378 Name: Roland Ruiz, Jr. D.R. #999145\n\n@ DOB: ... name roland ruiz jr d r 999145 dob 07 04 72 re... 07 04 72 received 05 04 95 age 22 when receiv... 07 04 72
379 David Oliver Cruz\nD.R.# ao\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n... david oliver cruz d r ao name dob 5 18 67 rece... 5 18 67 received 11 10 89 age 22 when rec d c... 5 18 67

380 rows × 4 columns

In [24]:
def get_summary(string):
        if 'summary' in string:
            return string.split('summary')[1]
#         if 'has' in string:
#             return string.split('has')[0]
        return 'error'

df['sum'] = df.apply(lambda x: get_summary(x['clean']), axis=1)
In [25]:
0 clean dob dob_2 sum
0 Name: dohnny Anderson\n\npop: 12/_ 28 /_59 Rec... name dohnny anderson pop 12 28 59 received cou... 12 28 59 received county jefferson age at tim... 12 28 59 shot to death his brother in law ronald gene ...
1 Name: BettyLouBeets RIO\nDOB:03/12/37_ Receive... name bettyloubeets rio dob 03 12 37 received 1... 03 12 37 received 10 14 85 age 48 when receiv... 03 12 37 None
2 Name: Daniel Joe Hittle D.R. # 981\n\n \n\n \n... name daniel joe hittle d r 981 v pop 3 1 50 re... 3 1 50 received 8 16 90 age 40 when rec d cou... 3 1 50 convicted in the november 1989 shooting death...
3 Name: John Thomas Satterwhite D.R.# 651\n\nDOB... name john thomas satterwhite d r 651 dob 12 29... 12 29 46 received 2 29 7 80 county bexar date... 12 29 46 convicted in the march 1979 robbery slaying o...
4 Name: John Chavez D.R.# 999186\nDOB: _ 04/27/6... name john chavez d r 999186 dob 04 27 68 recei... 04 27 68 received 04 11 96 age 27 when rec d ... 04 27 68 co defendants none race of victim s hispanic ...
... ... ... ... ... ...
375 Name: Gerald Lee Mitchell ____._.___ D.R.#838_... name gerald lee mitchell d r 838 dob 12 27 67 ... 12 27 67 received 07 24 86 age 18 when receiv... 12 27 67 None
376 CHARLES FRANCIS RUMBAUGH\n\nEXECUTION #555 Dat... charles francis rumbaugh execution 555 date se... None error rumbaugh was sentenced to die for the april 4...
377 Claude Howard Jones 980\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName... claude howard jones 980 name d r pop 9 24 40 r... 11 22 45 has twice been imprisoned jn texas o... 11 22 45 None
378 Name: Roland Ruiz, Jr. D.R. #999145\n\n@ DOB: ... name roland ruiz jr d r 999145 dob 07 04 72 re... 07 04 72 received 05 04 95 age 22 when receiv... 07 04 72 None
379 David Oliver Cruz\nD.R.# ao\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n... david oliver cruz d r ao name dob 5 18 67 rece... 5 18 67 received 11 10 89 age 22 when rec d c... 5 18 67 convicted in the abduction rape and murder of...

380 rows × 5 columns

In [26]:
def get_co_d(string):
        if 'defendants' in string:
            return string.split('defendants')[1]
#         if 'has' in string:
#             return string.split('has')[0]
        return 'error'

df['co_d'] = df.apply(lambda x: get_co_d(x['clean']), axis=1)
In [27]:
0 clean dob dob_2 sum co_d
0 Name: dohnny Anderson\n\npop: 12/_ 28 /_59 Rec... name dohnny anderson pop 12 28 59 received cou... 12 28 59 received county jefferson age at tim... 12 28 59 shot to death his brother in law ronald gene ... laura anderson goode 343194 the victim s wido...
1 Name: BettyLouBeets RIO\nDOB:03/12/37_ Receive... name bettyloubeets rio dob 03 12 37 received 1... 03 12 37 received 10 14 85 age 48 when receiv... 03 12 37 None race of victim s white male
2 Name: Daniel Joe Hittle D.R. # 981\n\n \n\n \n... name daniel joe hittle d r 981 v pop 3 1 50 re... 3 1 50 received 8 16 90 age 40 when rec d cou... 3 1 50 convicted in the november 1989 shooting death... none a a race of victim s white male
3 Name: John Thomas Satterwhite D.R.# 651\n\nDOB... name john thomas satterwhite d r 651 dob 12 29... 12 29 46 received 2 29 7 80 county bexar date... 12 29 46 convicted in the march 1979 robbery slaying o... sharon bell 297974 b f dob 1 26 56 received 1...
4 Name: John Chavez D.R.# 999186\nDOB: _ 04/27/6... name john chavez d r 999186 dob 04 27 68 recei... 04 27 68 received 04 11 96 age 27 when rec d ... 04 27 68 co defendants none race of victim s hispanic ... none race of victim s hispanic males
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
375 Name: Gerald Lee Mitchell ____._.___ D.R.#838_... name gerald lee mitchell d r 838 dob 12 27 67 ... 12 27 67 received 07 24 86 age 18 when receiv... 12 27 67 None none race of victim s unknown
376 CHARLES FRANCIS RUMBAUGH\n\nEXECUTION #555 Dat... charles francis rumbaugh execution 555 date se... None error rumbaugh was sentenced to die for the april 4... None
377 Claude Howard Jones 980\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName... claude howard jones 980 name d r pop 9 24 40 r... 11 22 45 has twice been imprisoned jn texas o... 11 22 45 None cases were pending against kerry daniel dixon...
378 Name: Roland Ruiz, Jr. D.R. #999145\n\n@ DOB: ... name roland ruiz jr d r 999145 dob 07 04 72 re... 07 04 72 received 05 04 95 age 22 when receiv... 07 04 72 None None
379 David Oliver Cruz\nD.R.# ao\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n... david oliver cruz d r ao name dob 5 18 67 rece... 5 18 67 received 11 10 89 age 22 when rec d c... 5 18 67 convicted in the abduction rape and murder of... jerry daren kemplin w m dob 11 11 66 testifie...

380 rows × 6 columns

In [28]:
def get_race_of_v(string):
        if 'race of victim' in string:
            return string.split('race of victim')[1]
#         if 'has' in string:
#             return string.split('has')[0]
        return 'error'

df['race_v'] = df.apply(lambda x: get_race_of_v(x['clean']), axis=1)
In [29]:
0 clean dob dob_2 sum co_d race_v
0 Name: dohnny Anderson\n\npop: 12/_ 28 /_59 Rec... name dohnny anderson pop 12 28 59 received cou... 12 28 59 received county jefferson age at tim... 12 28 59 shot to death his brother in law ronald gene ... laura anderson goode 343194 the victim s wido... s white male
1 Name: BettyLouBeets RIO\nDOB:03/12/37_ Receive... name bettyloubeets rio dob 03 12 37 received 1... 03 12 37 received 10 14 85 age 48 when receiv... 03 12 37 None race of victim s white male s white male
2 Name: Daniel Joe Hittle D.R. # 981\n\n \n\n \n... name daniel joe hittle d r 981 v pop 3 1 50 re... 3 1 50 received 8 16 90 age 40 when rec d cou... 3 1 50 convicted in the november 1989 shooting death... none a a race of victim s white male s white male
3 Name: John Thomas Satterwhite D.R.# 651\n\nDOB... name john thomas satterwhite d r 651 dob 12 29... 12 29 46 received 2 29 7 80 county bexar date... 12 29 46 convicted in the march 1979 robbery slaying o... sharon bell 297974 b f dob 1 26 56 received 1... s unknown
4 Name: John Chavez D.R.# 999186\nDOB: _ 04/27/6... name john chavez d r 999186 dob 04 27 68 recei... 04 27 68 received 04 11 96 age 27 when rec d ... 04 27 68 co defendants none race of victim s hispanic ... none race of victim s hispanic males s hispanic males
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
375 Name: Gerald Lee Mitchell ____._.___ D.R.#838_... name gerald lee mitchell d r 838 dob 12 27 67 ... 12 27 67 received 07 24 86 age 18 when receiv... 12 27 67 None none race of victim s unknown s unknown
376 CHARLES FRANCIS RUMBAUGH\n\nEXECUTION #555 Dat... charles francis rumbaugh execution 555 date se... None error rumbaugh was sentenced to die for the april 4... None None
377 Claude Howard Jones 980\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName... claude howard jones 980 name d r pop 9 24 40 r... 11 22 45 has twice been imprisoned jn texas o... 11 22 45 None cases were pending against kerry daniel dixon... s white male
378 Name: Roland Ruiz, Jr. D.R. #999145\n\n@ DOB: ... name roland ruiz jr d r 999145 dob 07 04 72 re... 07 04 72 received 05 04 95 age 22 when receiv... 07 04 72 None None s hispanic female 0
379 David Oliver Cruz\nD.R.# ao\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n... david oliver cruz d r ao name dob 5 18 67 rece... 5 18 67 received 11 10 89 age 22 when rec d c... 5 18 67 convicted in the abduction rape and murder of... jerry daren kemplin w m dob 11 11 66 testifie... s white female

380 rows × 7 columns

In [30]:
def get_prior(string):
        if 'prior occupation' in string:
            return string.split('prior occupation')[1]
#         if 'has' in string:
#             return string.split('has')[0]
        return 'error'

df['prior_occupation'] = df.apply(lambda x: get_prior(x['clean']), axis=1)
In [31]:
0 clean dob dob_2 sum co_d race_v prior_occupation
0 Name: dohnny Anderson\n\npop: 12/_ 28 /_59 Rec... name dohnny anderson pop 12 28 59 received cou... 12 28 59 received county jefferson age at tim... 12 28 59 shot to death his brother in law ronald gene ... laura anderson goode 343194 the victim s wido... s white male prior prison record none 4 diel v ww summary ...
1 Name: BettyLouBeets RIO\nDOB:03/12/37_ Receive... name bettyloubeets rio dob 03 12 37 received 1... 03 12 37 received 10 14 85 age 48 when receiv... 03 12 37 None race of victim s white male s white male cashier waitress education level 10 years pri...
2 Name: Daniel Joe Hittle D.R. # 981\n\n \n\n \n... name daniel joe hittle d r 981 v pop 3 1 50 re... 3 1 50 received 8 16 90 age 40 when rec d cou... 3 1 50 convicted in the november 1989 shooting death... none a a race of victim s white male s white male welder education level 14 years v prior priso...
3 Name: John Thomas Satterwhite D.R.# 651\n\nDOB... name john thomas satterwhite d r 651 dob 12 29... 12 29 46 received 2 29 7 80 county bexar date... 12 29 46 convicted in the march 1979 robbery slaying o... sharon bell 297974 b f dob 1 26 56 received 1... s unknown mechanic education level yea prior prison rec...
4 Name: John Chavez D.R.# 999186\nDOB: _ 04/27/6... name john chavez d r 999186 dob 04 27 68 recei... 04 27 68 received 04 11 96 age 27 when rec d ... 04 27 68 co defendants none race of victim s hispanic ... none race of victim s hispanic males s hispanic males painter education level 8 years prior prison ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
375 Name: Gerald Lee Mitchell ____._.___ D.R.#838_... name gerald lee mitchell d r 838 dob 12 27 67 ... 12 27 67 received 07 24 86 age 18 when receiv... 12 27 67 None none race of victim s unknown s unknown carpenter education level 10 years prior pris...
376 CHARLES FRANCIS RUMBAUGH\n\nEXECUTION #555 Dat... charles francis rumbaugh execution 555 date se... None error rumbaugh was sentenced to die for the april 4... None None None
377 Claude Howard Jones 980\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName... claude howard jones 980 name d r pop 9 24 40 r... 11 22 45 has twice been imprisoned jn texas o... 11 22 45 None cases were pending against kerry daniel dixon... s white male electrician education level 9 years ged prior...
378 Name: Roland Ruiz, Jr. D.R. #999145\n\n@ DOB: ... name roland ruiz jr d r 999145 dob 07 04 72 re... 07 04 72 received 05 04 95 age 22 when receiv... 07 04 72 None None s hispanic female 0 laborer education level 10 years prior prison...
379 David Oliver Cruz\nD.R.# ao\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n... david oliver cruz d r ao name dob 5 18 67 rece... 5 18 67 received 11 10 89 age 22 when rec d c... 5 18 67 convicted in the abduction rape and murder of... jerry daren kemplin w m dob 11 11 66 testifie... s white female laborer education level 7 years prior prison ...

380 rows × 8 columns

In [32]:
In [33]:
def get_prior(string):
        if 'prior prison' in string:
            return string.split('prior prison')[1]
#         if 'has' in string:
#             return string.split('has')[0]
        return 'error'

df['prior_prison'] = df.apply(lambda x: get_prior(x['clean']), axis=1)
In [34]:
0 clean dob dob_2 sum co_d race_v prior_occupation prior_prison
0 Name: dohnny Anderson\n\npop: 12/_ 28 /_59 Rec... name dohnny anderson pop 12 28 59 received cou... 12 28 59 received county jefferson age at tim... 12 28 59 shot to death his brother in law ronald gene ... laura anderson goode 343194 the victim s wido... s white male prior prison record none 4 diel v ww summary ... record none 4 diel v ww summary shot to death...
1 Name: BettyLouBeets RIO\nDOB:03/12/37_ Receive... name bettyloubeets rio dob 03 12 37 received 1... 03 12 37 received 10 14 85 age 48 when receiv... 03 12 37 None race of victim s white male s white male cashier waitress education level 10 years pri... record none co defendants race of victim s wh...
2 Name: Daniel Joe Hittle D.R. # 981\n\n \n\n \n... name daniel joe hittle d r 981 v pop 3 1 50 re... 3 1 50 received 8 16 90 age 40 when rec d cou... 3 1 50 convicted in the november 1989 shooting death... none a a race of victim s white male s white male welder education level 14 years v prior priso... record no prior tdci record but records indic...
3 Name: John Thomas Satterwhite D.R.# 651\n\nDOB... name john thomas satterwhite d r 651 dob 12 29... 12 29 46 received 2 29 7 80 county bexar date... 12 29 46 convicted in the march 1979 robbery slaying o... sharon bell 297974 b f dob 1 26 56 received 1... s unknown mechanic education level yea prior prison rec... record tdc 243793 received 11 13 74 from bexa...
4 Name: John Chavez D.R.# 999186\nDOB: _ 04/27/6... name john chavez d r 999186 dob 04 27 68 recei... 04 27 68 received 04 11 96 age 27 when rec d ... 04 27 68 co defendants none race of victim s hispanic ... none race of victim s hispanic males s hispanic males painter education level 8 years prior prison ... record bi 10 87 dallas co wi supervision 3 10...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
375 Name: Gerald Lee Mitchell ____._.___ D.R.#838_... name gerald lee mitchell d r 838 dob 12 27 67 ... 12 27 67 received 07 24 86 age 18 when receiv... 12 27 67 None none race of victim s unknown s unknown carpenter education level 10 years prior pris... record co defendants none race of victim s un...
376 CHARLES FRANCIS RUMBAUGH\n\nEXECUTION #555 Dat... charles francis rumbaugh execution 555 date se... None error rumbaugh was sentenced to die for the april 4... None None None None
377 Claude Howard Jones 980\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName... claude howard jones 980 name d r pop 9 24 40 r... 11 22 45 has twice been imprisoned jn texas o... 11 22 45 None cases were pending against kerry daniel dixon... s white male electrician education level 9 years ged prior... record rpc 153813 rec 12 8 59 harris co 9 yea...
378 Name: Roland Ruiz, Jr. D.R. #999145\n\n@ DOB: ... name roland ruiz jr d r 999145 dob 07 04 72 re... 07 04 72 received 05 04 95 age 22 when receiv... 07 04 72 None None s hispanic female 0 laborer education level 10 years prior prison... record e race of victim s hispanic female 0
379 David Oliver Cruz\nD.R.# ao\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n... david oliver cruz d r ao name dob 5 18 67 rece... 5 18 67 received 11 10 89 age 22 when rec d c... 5 18 67 convicted in the abduction rape and murder of... jerry daren kemplin w m dob 11 11 66 testifie... s white female laborer education level 7 years prior prison ... record none ill summary convicted in the abdu...

380 rows × 9 columns

In [35]:
def get_prior(string):
        if 'summary' in string:
            return string.split('summary')[0]
#         if 'has' in string:
#             return string.split('has')[0]
        return 'error'

df['prior_prison_2'] = df.apply(lambda x: get_prior(x['prior_prison']), axis=1)
In [36]:
0 clean dob dob_2 sum co_d race_v prior_occupation prior_prison prior_prison_2
0 Name: dohnny Anderson\n\npop: 12/_ 28 /_59 Rec... name dohnny anderson pop 12 28 59 received cou... 12 28 59 received county jefferson age at tim... 12 28 59 shot to death his brother in law ronald gene ... laura anderson goode 343194 the victim s wido... s white male prior prison record none 4 diel v ww summary ... record none 4 diel v ww summary shot to death... record none 4 diel v ww
1 Name: BettyLouBeets RIO\nDOB:03/12/37_ Receive... name bettyloubeets rio dob 03 12 37 received 1... 03 12 37 received 10 14 85 age 48 when receiv... 03 12 37 None race of victim s white male s white male cashier waitress education level 10 years pri... record none co defendants race of victim s wh... None
2 Name: Daniel Joe Hittle D.R. # 981\n\n \n\n \n... name daniel joe hittle d r 981 v pop 3 1 50 re... 3 1 50 received 8 16 90 age 40 when rec d cou... 3 1 50 convicted in the november 1989 shooting death... none a a race of victim s white male s white male welder education level 14 years v prior priso... record no prior tdci record but records indic... record no prior tdci record but records indic...
3 Name: John Thomas Satterwhite D.R.# 651\n\nDOB... name john thomas satterwhite d r 651 dob 12 29... 12 29 46 received 2 29 7 80 county bexar date... 12 29 46 convicted in the march 1979 robbery slaying o... sharon bell 297974 b f dob 1 26 56 received 1... s unknown mechanic education level yea prior prison rec... record tdc 243793 received 11 13 74 from bexa... record tdc 243793 received 11 13 74 from bexa...
4 Name: John Chavez D.R.# 999186\nDOB: _ 04/27/6... name john chavez d r 999186 dob 04 27 68 recei... 04 27 68 received 04 11 96 age 27 when rec d ... 04 27 68 co defendants none race of victim s hispanic ... none race of victim s hispanic males s hispanic males painter education level 8 years prior prison ... record bi 10 87 dallas co wi supervision 3 10... record bi 10 87 dallas co wi supervision 3 10...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
375 Name: Gerald Lee Mitchell ____._.___ D.R.#838_... name gerald lee mitchell d r 838 dob 12 27 67 ... 12 27 67 received 07 24 86 age 18 when receiv... 12 27 67 None none race of victim s unknown s unknown carpenter education level 10 years prior pris... record co defendants none race of victim s un... None
376 CHARLES FRANCIS RUMBAUGH\n\nEXECUTION #555 Dat... charles francis rumbaugh execution 555 date se... None error rumbaugh was sentenced to die for the april 4... None None None None error
377 Claude Howard Jones 980\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName... claude howard jones 980 name d r pop 9 24 40 r... 11 22 45 has twice been imprisoned jn texas o... 11 22 45 None cases were pending against kerry daniel dixon... s white male electrician education level 9 years ged prior... record rpc 153813 rec 12 8 59 harris co 9 yea... None
378 Name: Roland Ruiz, Jr. D.R. #999145\n\n@ DOB: ... name roland ruiz jr d r 999145 dob 07 04 72 re... 07 04 72 received 05 04 95 age 22 when receiv... 07 04 72 None None s hispanic female 0 laborer education level 10 years prior prison... record e race of victim s hispanic female 0 None
379 David Oliver Cruz\nD.R.# ao\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n... david oliver cruz d r ao name dob 5 18 67 rece... 5 18 67 received 11 10 89 age 22 when rec d c... 5 18 67 convicted in the abduction rape and murder of... jerry daren kemplin w m dob 11 11 66 testifie... s white female laborer education level 7 years prior prison ... record none ill summary convicted in the abdu... record none ill

380 rows × 10 columns

In [37]:
def get_edu(string):
        if 'education level' in string:
            return string.split('education level')[1]
        if 'education' in string:
            return string.split('education')[1]
        return 'error'

df['edu'] = df.apply(lambda x: get_edu(x['clean']), axis=1)
In [38]:
0 clean dob dob_2 sum co_d race_v prior_occupation prior_prison prior_prison_2 edu
0 Name: dohnny Anderson\n\npop: 12/_ 28 /_59 Rec... name dohnny anderson pop 12 28 59 received cou... 12 28 59 received county jefferson age at tim... 12 28 59 shot to death his brother in law ronald gene ... laura anderson goode 343194 the victim s wido... s white male prior prison record none 4 diel v ww summary ... record none 4 diel v ww summary shot to death... record none 4 diel v ww 6 years prior occupation prior prison record ...
1 Name: BettyLouBeets RIO\nDOB:03/12/37_ Receive... name bettyloubeets rio dob 03 12 37 received 1... 03 12 37 received 10 14 85 age 48 when receiv... 03 12 37 None race of victim s white male s white male cashier waitress education level 10 years pri... record none co defendants race of victim s wh... None 10 years prior prison record none co defendan...
2 Name: Daniel Joe Hittle D.R. # 981\n\n \n\n \n... name daniel joe hittle d r 981 v pop 3 1 50 re... 3 1 50 received 8 16 90 age 40 when rec d cou... 3 1 50 convicted in the november 1989 shooting death... none a a race of victim s white male s white male welder education level 14 years v prior priso... record no prior tdci record but records indic... record no prior tdci record but records indic... 14 years v prior prison record no prior tdci ...
3 Name: John Thomas Satterwhite D.R.# 651\n\nDOB... name john thomas satterwhite d r 651 dob 12 29... 12 29 46 received 2 29 7 80 county bexar date... 12 29 46 convicted in the march 1979 robbery slaying o... sharon bell 297974 b f dob 1 26 56 received 1... s unknown mechanic education level yea prior prison rec... record tdc 243793 received 11 13 74 from bexa... record tdc 243793 received 11 13 74 from bexa... yea prior prison record tdc 243793 received 1...
4 Name: John Chavez D.R.# 999186\nDOB: _ 04/27/6... name john chavez d r 999186 dob 04 27 68 recei... 04 27 68 received 04 11 96 age 27 when rec d ... 04 27 68 co defendants none race of victim s hispanic ... none race of victim s hispanic males s hispanic males painter education level 8 years prior prison ... record bi 10 87 dallas co wi supervision 3 10... record bi 10 87 dallas co wi supervision 3 10... 8 years prior prison record bi 10 87 dallas c...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
375 Name: Gerald Lee Mitchell ____._.___ D.R.#838_... name gerald lee mitchell d r 838 dob 12 27 67 ... 12 27 67 received 07 24 86 age 18 when receiv... 12 27 67 None none race of victim s unknown s unknown carpenter education level 10 years prior pris... record co defendants none race of victim s un... None 10 years prior prison record co defendants no...
376 CHARLES FRANCIS RUMBAUGH\n\nEXECUTION #555 Dat... charles francis rumbaugh execution 555 date se... None error rumbaugh was sentenced to die for the april 4... None None None None error None
377 Claude Howard Jones 980\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName... claude howard jones 980 name d r pop 9 24 40 r... 11 22 45 has twice been imprisoned jn texas o... 11 22 45 None cases were pending against kerry daniel dixon... s white male electrician education level 9 years ged prior... record rpc 153813 rec 12 8 59 harris co 9 yea... None 9 years ged prior prison record rpc 153813 re...
378 Name: Roland Ruiz, Jr. D.R. #999145\n\n@ DOB: ... name roland ruiz jr d r 999145 dob 07 04 72 re... 07 04 72 received 05 04 95 age 22 when receiv... 07 04 72 None None s hispanic female 0 laborer education level 10 years prior prison... record e race of victim s hispanic female 0 None 10 years prior prison record e race of victim...
379 David Oliver Cruz\nD.R.# ao\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n... david oliver cruz d r ao name dob 5 18 67 rece... 5 18 67 received 11 10 89 age 22 when rec d c... 5 18 67 convicted in the abduction rape and murder of... jerry daren kemplin w m dob 11 11 66 testifie... s white female laborer education level 7 years prior prison ... record none ill summary convicted in the abdu... record none ill 7 years prior prison record none ill summary ...

380 rows × 11 columns

In [39]:
0 clean dob dob_2 sum co_d race_v prior_occupation prior_prison prior_prison_2 edu
0 Name: dohnny Anderson\n\npop: 12/_ 28 /_59 Rec... name dohnny anderson pop 12 28 59 received cou... 12 28 59 received county jefferson age at tim... 12 28 59 shot to death his brother in law ronald gene ... laura anderson goode 343194 the victim s wido... s white male prior prison record none 4 diel v ww summary ... record none 4 diel v ww summary shot to death... record none 4 diel v ww 6 years prior occupation prior prison record ...
1 Name: BettyLouBeets RIO\nDOB:03/12/37_ Receive... name bettyloubeets rio dob 03 12 37 received 1... 03 12 37 received 10 14 85 age 48 when receiv... 03 12 37 None race of victim s white male s white male cashier waitress education level 10 years pri... record none co defendants race of victim s wh... None 10 years prior prison record none co defendan...
2 Name: Daniel Joe Hittle D.R. # 981\n\n \n\n \n... name daniel joe hittle d r 981 v pop 3 1 50 re... 3 1 50 received 8 16 90 age 40 when rec d cou... 3 1 50 convicted in the november 1989 shooting death... none a a race of victim s white male s white male welder education level 14 years v prior priso... record no prior tdci record but records indic... record no prior tdci record but records indic... 14 years v prior prison record no prior tdci ...
3 Name: John Thomas Satterwhite D.R.# 651\n\nDOB... name john thomas satterwhite d r 651 dob 12 29... 12 29 46 received 2 29 7 80 county bexar date... 12 29 46 convicted in the march 1979 robbery slaying o... sharon bell 297974 b f dob 1 26 56 received 1... s unknown mechanic education level yea prior prison rec... record tdc 243793 received 11 13 74 from bexa... record tdc 243793 received 11 13 74 from bexa... yea prior prison record tdc 243793 received 1...
4 Name: John Chavez D.R.# 999186\nDOB: _ 04/27/6... name john chavez d r 999186 dob 04 27 68 recei... 04 27 68 received 04 11 96 age 27 when rec d ... 04 27 68 co defendants none race of victim s hispanic ... none race of victim s hispanic males s hispanic males painter education level 8 years prior prison ... record bi 10 87 dallas co wi supervision 3 10... record bi 10 87 dallas co wi supervision 3 10... 8 years prior prison record bi 10 87 dallas c...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
375 Name: Gerald Lee Mitchell ____._.___ D.R.#838_... name gerald lee mitchell d r 838 dob 12 27 67 ... 12 27 67 received 07 24 86 age 18 when receiv... 12 27 67 None none race of victim s unknown s unknown carpenter education level 10 years prior pris... record co defendants none race of victim s un... None 10 years prior prison record co defendants no...
376 CHARLES FRANCIS RUMBAUGH\n\nEXECUTION #555 Dat... charles francis rumbaugh execution 555 date se... None error rumbaugh was sentenced to die for the april 4... None None None None error None
377 Claude Howard Jones 980\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName... claude howard jones 980 name d r pop 9 24 40 r... 11 22 45 has twice been imprisoned jn texas o... 11 22 45 None cases were pending against kerry daniel dixon... s white male electrician education level 9 years ged prior... record rpc 153813 rec 12 8 59 harris co 9 yea... None 9 years ged prior prison record rpc 153813 re...
378 Name: Roland Ruiz, Jr. D.R. #999145\n\n@ DOB: ... name roland ruiz jr d r 999145 dob 07 04 72 re... 07 04 72 received 05 04 95 age 22 when receiv... 07 04 72 None None s hispanic female 0 laborer education level 10 years prior prison... record e race of victim s hispanic female 0 None 10 years prior prison record e race of victim...
379 David Oliver Cruz\nD.R.# ao\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n... david oliver cruz d r ao name dob 5 18 67 rece... 5 18 67 received 11 10 89 age 22 when rec d c... 5 18 67 convicted in the abduction rape and murder of... jerry daren kemplin w m dob 11 11 66 testifie... s white female laborer education level 7 years prior prison ... record none ill summary convicted in the abdu... record none ill 7 years prior prison record none ill summary ...

380 rows × 11 columns

In [40]:
array(["Name: dohnny Anderson\n\npop: 12/_ 28 /_59 Received:\n\n \n\nCounty: Jefferson\n\nAge at time of offense: 21\n\n \n\n \n\n-70\n\n117\n57 D.R.# 732\n\n02/15/83\n\nAge:_23 (when re\n\nDate of Offense: 10 / 01 / &\n\nRace: White Height: °\n\n \n\nWeight: 185 Eyes: Brown Hair: Blond\nNative County: Jefferson State: _ Texas\nMecha Education level: 6 years\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n4 diel\nv _\n-\n\n> ww\n\n%\n\\\n\nSummary: Shot _to death his brother-in law, Ronald Gene Goode, 22, of Kountze, ina\n\nscheme to collect insurance money. Anderson, his sister, the victim's wife and her\n\n \n\nmother conspired to kill Goode to collect $67,000.\n\n \n\nAnderson was named as a suspect in a December 1984 stabbing incident on Death Row.\n\n \n\nDeath Row Kenneth D. Dunn was stabbed seven times in a dayroom after he and Anderson\n\n \n\nallegedly argued over a television program. Dunn, stabbed with a fanguard was treate\n\n \n\nat the unit and released back to his cell\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Laura Anderson Goode (#343194) the victim's widow, and Anderson's sist\n\nwere both convicted of capital murder and sentenced to life in prison. Mrs. Goode's\n\nmother, Rowena Anderson of Vidor was also charged with Capital Murder. Delvin Johnsor\n\n \n\n42, of Vidor, pleaded guilty to murder and 15 serving SU-years>\n\nRace of Victim(s): White Male",
       'Name: BettyLouBeets RIO\nDOB:03/12/37_ Received: _10/14/85_ Age: 48 (when received)\nCounty:___Henderson Date of Offense:_08 /06/83 __\n\nAge at time of offense: ___46 Race:_white Height 5-2__\nWeight: _118 Eyes: _blue Hair: _brown\n\nNative County: Unknown _____________ State: _North Carolina _-_\nPrior Occupation: cashier/waitress _________ Education Level:_10 years __\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite male',
       "Name: Daniel Joe Hittle D.R. # 981\n\n \n\n \n\nv pop: 3 /_1 / 50 Received: 8 / 16 / 90 Age: 40 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Dallas Date of offense:_11/15 /_89\nAge at time of offense: 39 Race: white Height: 5-7\nWeight: 175 Eyes: blue Hair: brown\nNative County: Perr State: Indiana\nPrior Occupation: welder Education level: 14 years\n\nv\n\nPrior prison record:\nNo_prior TDCI record, but records indicate Hittle was convicted of murder\n\nin Minnesota and served 11 years, 1973-84, in prison before winning\n\nparole.\n\n \n\nsummary: Convicted in the November 1989 shooting death of Garland\npolice Officer Gerald Walker. Officer Walker was shot once in the\nchest with a .20 gauge shotgun after stopping Hittle's vehicle near\n\nthe intersection of Saturn Road and Lexington Drive. Hittle's vehicle\nwag later pursued by police and run off the road. Hittle fired at\n\nleast two shots at officers before falling to the ground with his hands\nbeneath him. After refusing orders to show his hands, Hittle was twice\n\nengaged’ by a police dog. Hittle then complied with police orders and\n\nwas arrested. a\nCo-Defendants: None\n\na\n\na.\n\nRace of Victim(s): white male",
       'Name: John Thomas Satterwhite D.R.# 651\n\nDOB: 12 / 29 / 46 Received: 2 / 29 7 80\n\n \n\nCounty: Bexar Date of Offensi\n\nAge at time of offense: 32 Races Black\n\n \n\n \n\nWeight: 162 Hair; black\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nNative County: Hays State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: mechanic education level: ° Yea®\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nTDC_#243793, received 11-13-74 from Bexar Co. with 6-year sentence for\n\nrobbery by assault and burglary, discharged 12-30-77\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: convicted in the March 1979 robbery-slaying of Mary Francis\nDavis, a clerk at the Lone Star Ice and Food Store in San Antonio.\nDavis was shot twice after she gave Satterwhite and a female accomplice\nan undetermined amount of money from the cash register and store vault\nat gunpoint. The two robbers were arrested the next day after their\ncar was stopped for speeding. The murder weapon was found in the glove\n\ncompartment of the car.\n\nCo-Defendants; Sharon Bell #297974, B/F, DOB: 1-26-56. Received 11-6-79\nfrom Bexar Co. with 20-year sentence for aggravated robbery w/deadly won:\n\nParoled under mandatory supervision 8-25-86.\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Unknown',
       "Name: John Chavez D.R.# 999186\nDOB: _ 04/27/68 Received: 04/11/96 Age: _27 (when rec'd)\n\n \n\nCounty: Dallas Date of Offense: 07/02/95\nAge at time of offense: _27 Race: Hispanic, Height: _S'8__\nWeight: _143 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black _\nNative County: Allen (Fort Wayne) _ State: Indiana _\nPrior Occupation: Painter Education Level: _8 years\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nBi /10/87, Dallas Co. wi\nsupervision 3/10/94.\nSummary:\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone.\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nHispanic males",
       'Name: Robert Mitchell Jennings dR. #956.\n\nDOB:12/03/57_ Received: _11/10/89__ Age: 31. (when received)\nCounty:__Harris Date of Offense:_ 07/19/88\n\nAge at time of offense:_30 = Race:_black_ Height. ,\nWeight:__153____ Eyes: _brown Hair: black\n\nNative County: Harris ___—State:_Texas\nPrior Occupation: laborer _______ Education Level: 14 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:',
       "Nane:_Pominique Jerome Green ___ p.R. #999068 _\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n0 pos: © / 3 774 Received: 8 / 17 / 93 Age:_19 (when rec'd)\nCounty: BaereS Date of offense: 10/14 / 92\nAge at time of offense: 18 Race: black Height:\n“Weight: Eyes: brown Hair:__black\nNative County: Hartts State: __ Texas\nPrior Occupation: Education level:__12 years\nPrior prison record: E\n\nNone Bao\nea: ee\noe Ea\n\n3 na\n\n \n\nSiimiary: Convicted in the robbery and shooting death of Andrew Lastrapes:\n\n \n\nGreen and two co-defendants were riding around pulling robberies when thi\nspotted Lastrapes in the parking _lotof i Green_and\n‘accomplice Michael Neal approached Lastrapes and demanded his wallet.\nWhen Lastrapes refused to hand over his wallet, Green shot him in the\nchest with a 9mm pistol. Green ripped off Lastrapes' pants pocket to get\n\nto his wallet, which contained $50: puring the punishment phase of Greer\n\nnine other people testified to being robbed by him and his com\n\n5\n2\n\n \n\n: 5/13/74, 40 years, Agg- Robbery:\n\n \n\n| co-Defendants: Michael Neal B/M, DO\npaul Lyman, B/M, 10 years, Ag: Robbery +\n\n} oO Race of Victim(s): Not indicated",
       'evened 10-5-44\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nHew\nName: WALTER KEY WILLIAMS D.R.# 722\nDOB:_o1_ / 30 / 62 Received: 09 / 83/82 Age: 20 (when rec\'<\nCounty: Bexar Date of Offense: 02 / 11 / 81\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race: Black Height: 5\'5"\nWeight:_130 Eyes:_ Brown Hair:_Black\nNative County: Bexar State: Texas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: Laborer Education level: 12\na\n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\noe\n—}\npoe iE\nTEXAS\n\nSummary: — Sentenced to death for the murder of San Antonio convenience store\nFebruary 11, 1981. Williams was convicted of shooting Daniel Liepold in the back\nwith a .38 caliber pistol during a robbery attempt at the Circle K Food Store,\nwhere Williams once worked.\n\nAt his trial, eyewitnesses testified they had seen Williams and his accomplice,\nTheodore Roosevelt Edwards, in the store at the time of rebbery and prosecutors\nintroduced a confession signed by Williams some eight hours after the crime.\n\nAuthorities found the gun used in the store robbery at his parents’ home on\na nightstand next to a bed Williams was sleeping in.\n\nWilliams married at 17 and wasseparated from his wife when the crime took\nplace. He had worked as a clerk at the Circle K Food Store for about a year, taking\nhome $180 a week, and knew Liepold casually, he said.\n\nIT |\n\nCo-Defendants: Theodore Roosevelt Edwards, III #320141 was later convicted of\n\n \n\nmurder in connection with another robbery and sentenced to life in prison.\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): unknown',
       '6\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nNames Mikel James Derrick preg 7Ot\n\nDOB: 2 / ‘10 /_57 Received: 1 / 19 / 82 Age: 24 (when rec\'d\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 19 y 11 80\n\nAge at time of offense: 23 Race: White Height: °710\nWeight: 202 Eyes:_Plue flair, Dove\n\nNative County: Hardin State: _7°*48\n\nPrior Occupation: _ !@borex Education level:__° ¥°8*5\n\nPrior prison record: ‘\nTDC #241417, received 7-29-74 with 3-year sentence for burglary and\n\n \n\nlarceny, discharged 1-13-76. TDC #312321, received 11-19-80 with 10-year\n\nsentence for aggravated robbery.\n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the October 1980 robbery-slaying of 32-year-old\n\n \n\nEdward Sonnier of Houston. Sonnier reportedly took Derrick home with him\n\n \n\nto his Montrose apartment, where the two smoked marijuana. Derrick told\n\n \n\nauthorities he stabbed Sonnier 15 times when the victim allegedly made\n\nan_unwelcomed homosexual advance toward him. Derrick stole Sonnier\'s\n\n \n\ncar, which he later stripped down with the help of friends. Police had\n\nno suspects in the killing until Derrick wrote to Harris Co. DA John\n\n \n\nHolmes saying, "I killed a man to get his car." Derrick wrote from prison\n\n \n\nwhere he was serving time for robbery. He said in the letter that he had\n\nheard his brother might be wrongly charged in the theft of SOnMICT’S car.\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\nee\npe\n\nRace of Victim(s): white male\nwes mate: _.\n\nee',
       "Name: Alvin Urial Goodwin D.R.# 879\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nDOB: 12/__27/ 63 Received: 8 / 7 / 87 Age:__ 23 (when rec'd\nCounty: Montgomery Date of Offense: 11, 30 , 86\nAge at time of offense: 22 Race: White Height: °7*\n\nWeight: 190 Eyes: Blue hair: Brown\n\nNative County: Bula State: Ohio\n\nPrior Occupation: press operator/carpenter Education level: 19 years (GED)\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n#340025, received 8-3-82 from Harris Co. with 5-year sentence for\n\nburglary of a motor vehicle and auto theft, paroled to Galveston Co.\n\non 6-24-83. Returned 3-21-85 as a parole violator with a new 2-year\n\n \n\nsentence for burglary of a motor vehicle from Walker Co. Released under\n\n \n\nmandatory supervision to Nueces County on 5-13-80.\n\nSummary: convicted in the November 1986 abduction and shooting death of\n20-year-old James Douglas Tillerson of Conroe. Goodwin and accomplice\n\n \n\nBilly Dan Aitkens Jr. forced their way into Tillerson's mobile home and\n\n \n\ntook a VCR, some video tapes, and a small amount of money while holding\n\n \n\na gun on the victim. They then forced Tillerson into Altkens* car and\n\n \n\ndrove him to a wooded area in the Texaba subdivision near Fawnmist Rt;\n\n \n\nwhere he was shot in the arm and head with a .357 caliper pistot.—ai\n\n \n\ndecomposing body was found there on Jan. 17, 1987. Goodwin—and—Aitkens-\n\n \n\nwere arrested in Burlington, Towa and revurnetto—texa .\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Billy Dan Aitkens Jr., #455320, W/M, DOB: 11-9-65. Received\n\n6-29-87 from Montgomery Co. with life sentence for murder with a deadly\n\naidan ALS\nweapon. Assigned to the Clemens Unit.\n\n \n\n \n\n    \n     \n\nRace of Victim(s): white male",
       'Name:_Kenneth Bernard Harris preg 901\n\n \n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nDOB: 8/ 8 / 62 Received: 5 / 13 / 88 ages 25 (sisi Yache\nCounty: Harris sate of Offense: © 7 7 *°\nAge at time of offense: 23 Race: P1ack nett:\nWeight: 164 Eyes:_brown Hair; black\nNative County: Harris State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: truck driver truck driver Education level: *1 YS 11 years\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\npS\npec\n\n—\n\nCe\n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the July 1986 rape and slaying of 28-year-old\nLisa Ann Stonestreet in Houston. Stonestreet was raped inside\nher apartment at 5402 Renwick then strangled and drowned.\nProsecutors contend Harris commited at least 7 other rapes\n\nand robberies in Houston between December 1985 and July 1986.\n\nCo-Defendants: None',
       '|\n|\n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n¥ ese\nName: JOSEPH PAUL JERNIGAN als D.R.# 699\nDOB: 01 / 31/54 Received: 11 / 20 /81 Age: 27 (when\nCounty: Navarro Date of Offense: 07/03 / 81_\nAge at time of offense: 27 Race: White Height: 510"\nWeight: 152 Eyes: Green Hair:_ Brown\nNative County: kane State:__I]linois\nPrior Occupation: Mechanic Education level: 13 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record: .\n#240703 Burglary 5-yrs/Releasec 1975\n\n \n\n#257784 Burglary (parole violation) 10-yrs/Released 1976\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Jernigan was convicted and sentenced te dezth fur the duly 3, 1981 murder\n\nof Edward Hale, 75, of Dawson, a community near Corsicana. Authorities said Hale\n\n \n\nwas stabbed several times, then shot three times with his single shot .410 guage\nshot_gun. Jernigan has said that be killed Hale with & knife and shotgun after\n\nthe rcbbery because he feareé the man would be able to identify him.\n\nSEE rp 4\n‘es\n(a iL\nCo-Defendants: Roy Dean Lamb w/m #327493\n30-years/Murder with a deedly weapon\n\na ~ LL\nRace of Victim(s): white male 7s',
       "¥sq Created F-71893\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: John Christopher Sawyers D.R.# 742\n\nDO! 7/30 /_ 55 Received: 6 / 21 / 83 Age: 27 (when rec'c\nCounty: Harris sé of Offense: 2 =f 2 = 83\nAge at time of offense: 27 Race: white Height: 5-10\nWeight: 165 Eyes: blue Hair; PLonde\n\nNative County: | Washtenaw State: Michigan\n\nPrior Occupation: millwright Equcatton lave 12 years\n\n \n\nee\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\npd\nee\n—_— -\n\nSummary: Convicted in the February 1983 robbery-slaying of 67-year-old\nEthyl Delaney at her Houston home. Delaney, who lived alone at 1834\nOjeman and worked as a notary public and property manager, was beaten\nto death with a cast-iron frying pan and robbed of her cash, jewelry\n(3 rings), and car. Sawyers, a neighbor of Delaney's who had been to\nto her home previously to have her notarize his personal papers, told\npolice he ripped off the woman's pants, slapped her, put her on her bed\nand hit her four times over the head with the skillet. He said the fourth\nblow broke the handle of the skillet. Testimony showed Sawyers later\nshowed the stolen car and jewelry to friends and then pawned the jewelry\nfor about $200. The pawn ticket and an accident Sawyers was involved\nin while driving Delaney's car led to his arrest.\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white female",
       'oo som\nwe\n\n \n\nca\nName:, D.R#59\nDOB: 8/3/54 Received: 4/18/78 Age:23_____— (when received)\nCounty:, Date of Offense: 2/31/77\n\n \n\nAge at time of offense:22 Race: _white Height:6-1\n\n \n\n \n\nWeight: 190 Eyes: brown Hair: brown\nNative County: El Paso State: Texas\nPrior Occupation:laborer Education Level:9 years\n\n \n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nTDCI #245023, rec. 1/15/75, 5 years, burglary with intent to commit rape, discharged 2/17/77.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary:\n\nConvicted in the July 1977 abduction and slashing death of 20-year-old Diane Kumph in Lubbock.\n‘Kumph was raped, beaten and had her throat slashed by Lackey, who also burglarized her apartment.\nHer partially-nude body was discovered beside a dirt road near Lackey’s house outside of Lubbock.\nKumph’s apartment door had been kicked open and there were indications of a violent struggle inside\ninside her apartment.\n\nIn September 1982, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals ruled that a juror was improperly dismissed\nat Lackey’s trial and reversed the case. He was tried a second time in Midland County in May 1983\nand sentenced to death upon conviction.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\n \n\nWhite female',
       "; Ge #91\n\n(Q-AI- TS s\nName; Karl Hammond ¢ pre °°\nDOB: 7 / 4 / 64 Received: 4 / 7  / 87 Age: 22 (when rec'd\nCounty: Bexar Date of Offense: 9 / 4 7 86\n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 22 Race: black\nWeight: 170 Eyes; Brown Hair; Black\n\n \n\nNative County: Bexar\n\nPrior Occupation: Construction\n\nEducation level\nSS\n\nPrior prison record:\n#342335\n\nState: Texas\n\n9 years\n\nworker\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCrime summary: Hammond was c\nof 21-year-old Donna Lynn Ve\nVetter, an FBI secretary, wa\nHammond broke into her apart:\n9:30 and 10:55 p.m. Police s:\nfront window and surprised v\n\nonvicted of capital murder in the death\ntter in San Antonio on Sept. 4, 1986.\n\nSs raped and stabbed to death after\n\nMent at 4848 Goldfield sometime between\n‘aid Hammond pulled the screen from the\netter. She was stabbed once in the chest\n\nwith a knife from her kitchen and sexually assaulted. Hammond's prints\n\nwere found on an end table ai\n\nind on the murder weapon.\n\nA few hours after he was convicted of capital murder on March 30,\n\nHammond escaped from the Bex.\na door separating a second-f\nHe was recaptured the follow.\nrunning across a street. Two\nallowing Hammond to escape.\n\nae ee |\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n—————\na\n\nRace of Victim(s): unknown\n\nSee\n\n‘ar County Jail when a jailer left open\nloor holding area and a visitation area.\ning evening when police spotted him\n\njailers and two sergeants were fired for —",
       'Name: IGNACIO CUEVAS 526\n\nDOB: 07/31 / 31 Received: 44 (when rec\'d\nCounty: Heerte Date of Offense: 08 / 03 / 74\n\nAge at time of offense: 43 Race: Hispanic Height: 5\'2"\n\nWeight: 140 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black\n\nNative County: State:_Mexico\n\nPrior Occupation: Education level:\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n1970 Murder with Malice\naforethought\n\n45-year sentence\n\nSummary:\n\ndul\n\n \n\nStandley & Elizabeth\n\nhe Huntsville Unit Library\n\n     \n\nBeseda\n\nCuevas and his 2 co-defendants shot and killed 2 hostages,\n\n  \n\nin an escape attempt fromt\n\nCuevas admits that he helped\n\nCarrasco in the escape attempt, but denies that he was armed\n\nat the time the murders occ\n\nurred. Cue\n\nvas\n\nwas convicted for\n\nthe murder of Julia Standley, a female hostage, He escaped\n\n \n\ninjury of any type during the last m\n\n  \n\nments of the\n\nsiege.\n\n \n\nCuevas has been convicted twice of capital murder and twice\n\n \n\nsentenced to death.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\ndied of self-inflicted gun\n\nFred Carasco (according to\n\nshot wound,\n\nunt\n\nrecords, Carrasco\n\n \n\nRudy Dominquez',
       "| Name; 208€ Ernesto Medellin D.R. #999134\n& Dob: 3/4 _ /75_ Received: 1 /_6 / 95. 19 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Harris Date of offense: 6 /_24/ 93\nAge at time of offense: 18 Race: Hispanic Height: 5-5\nWeight: 13 Eyes: brown Hair: black\nNative County: Mexico State: yy\nPrior Occupation laborer Education level: 9 years\n\n   \n\ncea ge\n\n \n\nPrior prison recor\n\n \n\nNone\n\nSummary: Convicted in the kidnapping, rape and strangulation of\n\n \n\n16-year-old Elizabeth Pena. Pena and Jennifer Ertman, 15, were attacked\n\nby Medellin and five other members of the Black & White gang as they\n\n \n\nwalked home near T.C. Jester Park in HOuston. After sexually assaulting\n\n \n\nPena, Medellin reportedly strangled her because he did not want to leave\n\n \n\nwitnesses.\n\nCo-Defendants: Peter Cantu, Raul Villareal, Efrain Perez and Sean\n\n \n\nDerrick O'Brien. All were convicted of capital murder and sentenced\n\nq to death. A juvenile was also prosecuted in the case.\n\nRace of Victim(s): Two white females",
       'Name: JEFFERY DEAN MOTLEY D.R.# 789\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nDOB: 09 /_17_ /__65 Received: 04 Jy / 85 Age: 20 (when rec\'d\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 07 / 21 / 84\n\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race: white Height: 6\'2"\n\nWeight: 194 Eyes: brown Hair: brown\n\nNative County: Milwaukee State: Wisconsi\n\nPrior Occupation: A/C repairman Education level: 9 yrs\n\nPrior prison record:\n#358394 5-yrs/July 1983 Burg Motor Vehicle\n\n& Burg habitation wict Paroled 1984\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Court records reflect that Motley abducted Narie Edelia Duron, 30, at\ngunpoint (12 guage) and forced her to take him to a bank where she withdrew funds\ntotaling $300. He either shot her immediately in the back causing her death or\nwaited later in the day to shoot her. The exact time is unknown. Her decomposed\n\nbody was found in a field in La Porte, Texas August 1, 1984.\n\n—\n—\na %,\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n——_____# :\nod\nRace of Victim(s): Hispanic Female, 30',
       'ee ee.\n\n \n\nfa 23-97\n\nName’ Kenneth Ray Ransom DR. #772\nDOB: 05/15/63 Received: _09/13/84 Age: 21 (when received)\nCounty:__Hartis Date of Offense:_07/01/83\nAge at time of offense: __20 Race:_black_ Height. 5-9\nWeight _ 169 Eyes: _ brown Hair: black\nNative County: _Harris State: _ Texas\nPrior Occupation: plumber Education Level: 12 years\n\n“y Ke\nPrior Prison Record :\n‘TDCI #308280, rec, 8/13/80, Wharton Co,, 2 years, burglary. paroled 2/23/81. TDC} #318939, rec\nsii nC a nder man: isi\n10/4\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nhard Wilkers 6, BM )B._4/18/6. i rm th c. 1/17/84,\nhal injecti 3, Ei #373713, Bi 4/6:\nmurder, life sentence, rec. 3/21/84, remains incarcerated, initial parole review date 7/2/200\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nThree Hispanic ani /hite mal',
       "Name: Samuel Clark Gallamore D.R. #_999090\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n      \n\n   \n\n \n\n® vo: fas / 21 Received: 2 / 14 / 94 Age:_22 (when rec'd)\nCount Comal (COV from Kerr) Date of offense: 3 / 29 / 92\nAge at time of offense: 21 Race:_white Height:_6\n“Weigh 165 Eyes: brown brown\nNative County: Albuquerque State: New Mexico\nPrior Occupation: sculptor Education level: years\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n4 Prior prison record:\nNone\na 2\n“s Z\n\nSummary: Convicted in the murders of Clayton Kenney, 83; his wife\nJuliana, 74; and Mrs. Kenney's daughter, Adrienne Arnot, 44, at their\ncountry home east of Kerrville. The victims were all beaten and\nstabbed after Gallamore and accomplice James John Steiner forced\ntheir way inside. after killing the occupants, the intruders fled\nwith cash and several valuables, including silver servings, a rare\nspoon collection and brass and procelain figurines. Gallamore con-\n\nfessed that he and Steiner had been shooting crack cocaine and de-\n\n \n\ncided to rob the Kenneys for more dope. Steiner had once cared for\n\n \n\nMrs. Kenn at an area nursing home.\nDefendants : Z\n\n \n\nJames John Steiner was expected to be tried in Williamson Co. on a\n\n \n\n@ _shange of venue sometime in April 1994.\n\n \n\n>\n\nRace of Victim(s One white male, two white females",
       'Name: CARL _JOHNSON D.R.#__633\n\nDOB: 03 / 05 / 55 Received: 05 / 04 /79 Age: 24 (when rec\'d\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 10 / 06 _/78\n\nAge at time of offense: 23 Race: Black Height: 5\'8"\nWeight:_150 Eyes: Maroon Hair: Black\n\nNative County: Polk State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Iron Worker Education level: 8 years\n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Johnson was convicted of murdering 75-yécr-old Eé Thompsor, a security\nguard during an armed robbery at Wayne\'s Food Store at 9710 W. Montgomery in Houston.\nBaltimore allegedly held 2 gun to the store onrer\'s head, ané Johrson shot Thompson\n\nfive times with a .38 caliber revolver\n\n \n\npe i!\nee =\npe a\n=" Be\n\n® (a TEXAS F\n\nCo-Defendants: Carl Baltimore, 8/M #287421 sentence¢ to 40-yrs/Murder. ()\n\nParoled August 17, 1987.',
       'Name; Bobby Ray Hopkins D.R.# 999101\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npop: 2 / 23 / 87 Received: © / 1 / 94 Age: 27 (when rec\nCounty: Johnson Date of Offerise: f 3 f Soe\nAge at time of offense: 26 Race:_black\n\nWeight: 139 Eyes:__brown Hair:_black\n\nNative County: Lea State:__.New Mexico\n\nPrior Occupation: bull rider Education level:_11 yrs.\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nsummary: Convicted in the stabbing deaths of Jennifer weston, 19,\n\nand her cousin, Sandi Marbut, 18. The two were stabbed inside the\n\nresidence they shared at 601 S. First Street in Grandview. Days\n\n \n\nprior to the murders, Marbut had accused Hopkins of stealing money\nfrom a purse in the home and told him not to return. When arrested\n\nfour days later, Hopkins was found to have deep cuts on his hands.\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\ner\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Two white females',
       "e Name: Robert Anthony Carter DLR. # _708\n\n \n\nDOB: _ 02/10/64 Received: _03/12/82 Age: _18 (when ree’d)\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: _06/24/81\nAge at time of offense: _17 Race: Black Height: _6'0__\nWeight: _156 : Brown Hair: _Black\nNative County: Marion State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: _Laborer Education Level: _10 years _\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\nNon\n\nSummary:\n\nshootin; ( Sylvia Reyes, 18, duri 1 of a Conoco service stati\ne 3S, Wayside in Hous in the chest wit iber revolver\n\nshe attempted to stop Carter from taking money ($150) from the cash register. Reyes died at a\nuston hospital about ‘ing. During his capital i\n\nimpli intl laying of R.B. Scott, luis\nin Houston.\n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\nUnknown. Ls.",
       "Name: Leonel Torres Herrera D.R.# 702\n\npop: 9 /_17 /_47 Received: 2 / 22 / 82 age: 34 (when rec'd\nCounty: Cameron Date of Offense: 9 779 7 ®t\n\nAge at time of offense: 34 Race: Hispanic\n\nWeight: 188 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black\n\nNative County: Hidalgo State: Texas\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: ro Education level:t2 years (GED)\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the September 1981 shooting death of Enrique\n\nCarrisalez, a Los Fresnos police officer. Carrisalez was shot after\n\n \n\nstopping Herrera for speeding. Before the police officer died, he\n\n \n\nidentified a police mug shot of Herrera as the man who shot him.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Hispanic male",
       'stl oe?\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nsh\nName: RICHARD G. DRINKARD D.R.#_ 846\n\n0B: 07 /_11 /_57 Received: 10 /16 / 86 Age:_29 (when re\nCounty:__Harris Date of Offense: 11/15 / 85\nAge at time of offense: 28 Race: White Height: 5°11"\nWeight: 150 Eyes: blue Hair:__brown\n\nNative County: Mobile State: Alabama\n\nPrior Occupation: _ Carpenter Education level: 12 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nNo prior TDC record, but Drinkard was given a 3 year prison sentence\n\n \n\nfor burglary in Alabama in 1974. Records indicate an escape from\n\n \n\nan Alabama penitentiary in 1975. Convicted of attempted robbery in\n\n \n\nMobile, Alabama in 1976 and given a 5 year prison sentence.\n\n \n\nSummary: Drinkard was convicted of capital murder in connection with the\nstabbing/bludgeoning slayings of three persons in a Houston townhome. Killed were\nLou Ann Anthony, 44, owner of the townhome; her sister, LaDean Hendrix, 47, and\nHendrix\'s friend, Jerry Mullens, 43. The 3 were stabbed and beaten with a claw hammer\n\nDrinkard had been introduced to Anthony the day of the murder and had several drinks\n\n \n\nin her norhtwest Houston townhome that night. Drinkard returned to the townhome hour:\n\n \n\nlater, broke in by prying open a window and dismantling a deadbolt lock, and began\n\n \n\nbeating the victims. He took $350 from the house. Police arrested Drinkard 11/20/85.\n\nCo-Defendants: None LG |\n\nRace of Victim(s): unknown\nTEXAS i\n\n \n\n4',
       'Name: JOHNNY DEAN PYLES D.R.# 724\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nBoB: 12/30 /_57 Received: 10/21  /82 Age: 25 (when rec\'¢|\nCounty: Dallas Date of Offense: 06 / 20 _/82\n\nAge at time of offense: 25 Height: 5\'6"\nWeight:_155 Eyes: blue Hair: brown\n\nNative County: San Bernadino State: CA\n\nPrior Occupation: Brick Mason Helper Education level: 16 yrs\n\nPrior prison record:\n#272089 5-yrs/Burglary\n\n#299170 3-yrs/Burglary Bldg\nParoled 1982\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: pyles was convicted and sentenced to death for the June 20, 1982 shooting\ndeath of a Dallas County Sheriff\'s Deputy, Ray Edward Kovar, 34. Kovar was shot\n‘in the chest at close range with a .38 caliber revolver.\n\n  \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n \n\nnace of Victim(s): white male',
       'Name: Farley Charles Matchett Dishes 222080\n\npop: 11 / 19 / 62 Receive a f.30 j 93 Age: 30 (when rec\'d)\nCounty: Harris Date of offense: _7 /12 /91\n\nAge at time of offense: °° Race: _Ptack Height: ©"!\nWeight: 166 Eyes:_bro black\n\nNative Count Harris\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: truck driver\n\nPrior prison record:\n_ None\n\nSummary: Convicted in the July 1\nat_the victim\'s home on Kittridge\nwith a knife and struck in the he\nrobbed the home of money so he co\n\nwhile attempting to cash forged c!\n\nState: Texas\n\nEducation level: years\n\n@ @\n\n991 robbery and murder of Uries Anderson\nStreet in Houston. Anderson was stabbed\nad_with a hammer. Matchett reportedly\nuld_buy crack cocaine. He was arrested\n\nhecks.\n\n \n\nRecords indicate Matchett is accused of committing capital murder in\n\nHuntsville, where he was then living, a day prior to the Anderson murder.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n \n\n@.-. of Victim(s): Not indicated',
       "837\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: Juan Salvez Soria D.R.#\n0 DOB: 5/15 / 67 Received: 7 / 8 / 8  Age:_19 (when rect\n\nCounty:__Tarrant Date of offense: © “°°\n\nAge at time of offense: 18 Hispanic Height: 6-9\n\nWeight: 13 Eyes: Drown ateg PE\n\nNative County: Stanton State; Kansas\n\nPrior Occupation: auto body repairman Education level: ° ¥°°**\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\ne Summary: convicted in the June 1985 robbery-slaying of 17-year-old\n\n \n\nAllen E. Bolden of Arlington. Bolden was reported as a missing person\nwhen he failed to return home from the Fort Worth Boy's Club, where\n\nhe worked as a lifeguard. Two days later, June 30, 1985, Soria was\narrested along with a 14-year-old juvenile and co-defendant Mike\nLagunas when spotted driving Bolden's father's car on U.S. Highway 90\nnear Del Rio. Police learned Bolden was stabbed to death after agreeing\nto give Soria and Lagunas a ride from the Boy's Club in Fort Worth. His\nbody was found at 1950 Watauga Road\n\nCo-Defendants: Mike Lagunas #468426, H/M, DOB: 8-15-66. Received 12-15-87\n\n \n\nfrom Tarrant Co. with 45-year sentence for aggravated kidnapping\n\nFourteen-year-old juvenile\n\n© race of Victim(s): white male",
       "Name: Johnny Joe Martinez O.R. #_ 999089\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nlly 207 72 Received: 1 / 28 / 94 Age: 21 (when rec'd)\nNueces Date of offense: 7 /_15 /_93\n&\nAge at time of offense: 20 Race: Hispanic Heigh\n“Weight: 174 Eyes: brown Hair: black\nNative County: Kleburg , State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: Direct Care Tech Education level: 11 yrs.\n\n    \n \n  \n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n«2\n\nSummary: Convicted in the robbery and murder of 20-year-old\nClay Peterson in Corpus Christi. Peterson was working as a clerk at the\n7-Eleven convenience store at 4010 E. Causeway when he was robbed by\nMartinez and stabbed eight times. The robbery and murder were captured\non video tape by a store camera. Martinez was apprehended a short time\nlater at the Sandy Shores Motel, where he had placed a call to police\n\nto confess.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Paul Joseph Wortman, DOB: 4/14/70. Charged with capital\n\nmurder for allegedly driving Martinez to and from the scene. Disposition\n\nou immediately known.\n\nRace of Victim(s): white male",
       'Andrew Flores Der. # 999100\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName:\n@: 2 Received: 5 / 25 / 94 Age: 71 (when rec\'d)\nCounty: Bexar Date of offense: 7 / 26 , 93\n- a\nAge at time of offense: 2° Race: "ispanic weight: 6-2\n“Weight 163 Eyes: brown Hair: black\nNative County: Bexar State: Texas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: restaurant worker\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n—None\n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the robbery and murder of convenience store\n\n \n\nclerk Juan Gabriel Moreno, 23, in San Antonio. Flores was working the\n\n \n\ncounter at a Stop N Go at 3643 S.W. Military Drive when Flores and an\n\n \n\naccomplice entered and demanded cash from the register and Moreno\'s\n\ncar keys. Moreno gave the robbers money from the register, $44, but\n\n \n\n \n\nasked them to take his car. He then kneeled down on the floor where\n\n \n\nhe was shot in the head. Flores retrieved Moreno\'s keys but couldn\'t\n\n \n\nget his car started. He and his accomplice fled on foot with the $44.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Joseph Fritz, H/M, DOB: 12/28/72. Case pending\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Hispanic male',
       "DD 10-|F7-45\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: Charles Edward smith D.R.# 953\n\nDoB: 2 / 24 / 66 Received: 12 / 1 7 89 Age: 23 (when rec'c\nCounty: ___ Pecos Date of Offense: 8 =f 20 / 88\n\nAge at time of offense: 22 Race: white\n\nWeight: 165 Eyes: blue brown\n\nNative County: San Bernardino State: California\n\nPrior Occupation: mechanic Education level:__1° years (GED)\n\nPrior prison record:\nSentenced to 1-5 years in Finney Co., Kansas in August 1987 for aiding\na_felon, burglary and theft. Escaped from State Reléase Center in Shawnee\n\nCo., Kansas on August 14, 1988. Co-defendant Carroll Bernard Smith also\n\nescaped. He was serving 7-25 years for burglary, theft, and Criminat—\ndamage to property.\n\ntg Summary: Convicted in the August 1988 murder of Pecos County Deputy Sheriff\nTim Hudson. Hudson, 61, was attempting to stop Smith and his co-defendant\n\n \n\nCarroll Bernard Smith on I-10 west of Fort Stockton after the pair had\nstolen $20 worth of gasoline from a service station in nearby Bakersfield.\nAs Hudson attempted to pass the stolen van the suspects were driving,\n\nSmith fired three shots into the patrol car. One of the shots from the\n\n+357 Magnum struck Hudson in the side, killing him. The suspects\n\nabandoned the van in Coyanosa and stole a truck tractor from a residence.\nWith the aid of a U.S. Customs helicopter, the suspects were spotted\n\nin the vicinity of FM 1450 and FM 1776 in Pecos County and captured\n\nafter a running gun battle. Co-defendant Carroll Bernard Smith was |\nwounded in the left arm during the chase. He is awaiting trial.\n\nCo-Defendants\n\n    \n  \n \n\nCarroll Bernard Smith, W/M, DOB: 3-15\n+ 12/11/8¢\n\n \n\n \n\n(No relation to Charles Edward smith) Re\n\nLife, murder w/deadly wpn. #529685\n\n  \n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\n   \n\nmale",
       "&\n\ngunttas\neos\n\n \n\n \n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\nName; Vernon Lamar Sattiewhite 203 operg 857\n\n@ = oss_o / 1/55 Received: 12 /_16 / 86 Age:__31 (when\nCounty: Bexar Date of Offense: 197 86\nAge at time of offense: 30 Race: black Height: 577\nWeight: 209 Hair: Plack\nNative County:__Hays State:__Texas\nPrior Occupation: fork lift operator Education level: 10 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record: .\nTDC #271885, received 9-15-77 from Bexar Co. with 5-year sentence for\n\nmurder, paroled 3-19-79 and granted a clemency discharge on 7-19-79.\nTDC #381214, received 8-3-84 from Bexar Co. with 2-year sentence for\nrobbery by injury, paroled under mandatory supervision 1-28-85, dischar\n\nfrom MS on 3-22-86.\n@\n\nSummary:\nConvicted in the June 1986 abduction and shooting death of his\n\nex-girlfriend, Sandra Sorrell, in San Antonio. Sorrell was walking to\nnursing school near downtown San Antonio when Sattiewhite grabbed her\nin a headlock, dragged her several hundred feet across a parking lot\nand then shot her twice in the head with a .22-caliber pistol. Sattie-\nwhite then turned the gun on himself and attempted to commit suicide.\nThe gun misfired. For more than a month before the murder, Sorrell\n\nhad been calling police and the Bexar County District Attorney's Office\nin an effort to keep Sattiewhite away from her.\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\npo ee\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): black female",
       'DEATH ROW OFFENDERS\nName: Johnny Ray Johnson D.R. #999197\nDOB:_8/ 2/57 Received: 6/25/96 Age: 38____ (when received)\n‘County _Harris Date of Offense:_3/27/95\nAge at time of offense: 37 Race: black ___—>- Height: 5-8 __\nWeight:_185 Eyes: brown Hair: _ black\nNative County: Travis State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: _forklift operator Education Level: 10 yrs, GED\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendant(s):\nNone\n\nSex and Race of Victim(s)',
       "~\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: CHARLES ANTHONY BOYD D.R.¢ 891\nDOB: 08 / 17/59 Received: 12 /_03_ / 87 Age:_28 (when rec!\nCounty: Dallas Date of Offense: 04 /.13_/ 87\n\nAge at time of offense: 27 Race: Black Height: 5'9*\n\nWeight: 148 Eyes: Brown Hair:_Black\n\nNative County: Dallas State:_Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Janitor Education level: 12\n\nPrior prison record:\n#378663\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted of capital murder in the April 13, 1987 Strangulation/drowning_\ndeath of Mary Milligan. Milligan was found dead in her bathtub, and her 1984\n\nCadillac had been stolen. al\nec ad Been stolen.\n\nes\n\n< TEXAS\n—\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\nTT\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): White female, age 21",
       "ie\n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: Anthony Quinn Cook D.R.# 918\ni. . =\nDob: 1 yy 4 7/59 Received: 10 7 28 » 88 ge, 29 (when rec'\n* 6 9 88\nCounty: Milam Date of Offense: vd Z\nAge at time of offense: 29 Race: White Height: °~®\nWeight: 150 Eyes: brown hair: brown\nNative County: Caddo Parish State; Touisiana\nPrior Occupation: construction Education level: 9 years\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nTncii09919, rec, 9-24-80 from Winkler Co. with 4-year sentence for agg\n—Aassault, paroled 6-16-81. TDC#354661, rec. 4-14-83 from Lubbock Co. with\n4-year sentence for burg. of bldg., released to Harris Co. under mandatory\n\nSupervision 479-84. TDC#421745, rec. 5-13-86 from Harris Co. with 8-year\n\nsentence for theft from person, paroled 5-18-87, ret. as PV 11-14-87,\nsumaapye? to El Paso Co. 5-27-88.\n\nConvicted in the abduction and slaying of 35-year-old David\nDirck VanTassel, Jr., a University of Texas law student. Cook and\nco-defendant Robert Brian Moore abducted VanTassel from outside the\nSheraton Crest Hotel in Austin where he had just completed a State Bar test |\nreview. Cook and Moore drove VanTassel in his car to a road side park\n14 miles west of Cameron on Hwy. 36 and tied him with his shirt and belt.\nAfter taking his watch and wallet, Cook shot VanTassel four times in the\nhead with a .22-caliber pistol. Cook and Moore stole VanTassel's car and\nlater sold it to a man who later identified them in a police lineup.\nWhen arrested, Cook was wearing VanTassel's watch and had the victim's\nwallet in his pocket.\n\nDOB: 12-29-58. Capital murder charges\nCo-Defendants: Robert Brian Moore, W/M, Do 8. Cap gi\n\nagainst Moore were pending. Moore, of Hearne, Tx., haS previously served\n\n \n\n \n\ntwo terms in TDC for agg. robbery and theft. He was last paroled tO\n\nRace of Victim(s): white male 7",
       'Name: Douglas Alan Roberts D.R. #999218\nDOB:_07/08/62__ Received: _01/22/97_ Age: 34 (when received)\nCounty:__ Kendal Date of Offense:_05 /18/96\n\nAge at time of offense: __33 Race:_white_ _ Height: 5-10 _\nWeight: __215 Eyes: _blonde Hair: _blue\n\nNative County: _ Harris State: _ Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: machinist Education Level:_12 yrs.\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n- in TYCE\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nfm oa )\nCo-Defendants: 4\n‘or 3\nf TEXAS. f\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nJispani',
       'Name: Dennis Bagwell ________D.R. #999209\n\n@ DOB: 12/27/63 _ Received: /13 /96 Age: 32. (when received)\nCounty: Atascosa (COV from Wilson) Date of Offense:_ 9/20/95\nAge at time of offense: __31 Race:_white Height: 5-1\nWeight: _ 160 Eyes: hazel» Hair:_brown\nNative County: Denver ____________ State: Colorado\nPrior Occupation: salesman _____ Education Level:_9 yrs,__\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\na\nCo-Defendants: FA\n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\n \n\nFour white females',
       "Name: Odell Barnes, Jr. DLR. # _998\n\nDOB: 3/22/68 Received: _05/20/91 Age: _23 (when rec'd’\nCounty: Wichita Date of Offense: _11/29/89\n\nAge at time of offense: 2] Race: Black Height: _ 62 _\nWeight: __171 Eyes: _ Brown _ Hair: Brown _\nNative Count y: Wichita State: _ Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Construction worker Education Level: _11 years _\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n‘TDCI #460908, rec, 9/11/87 from Wichita Co, With 8-year sentence for robbery, placed on shock\ntion 12/04/87, TDCI #4778 i iction 1\n\nparoled 11/08/89.\n\nSummary:\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\nNot indicated",
       "807\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: Rodolfo Hernandez D.R.#\n\npop: 11/18 / 49 Received: 9 / 30 7 85 Agez__39 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Comal Date of offense: > / 7 7 ®°\n\nAge at time of offense: 35 Race: Hispanic Height: 5-8\n\nWeight: 181 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black\n\nNative County: Bexar statex_TE*F®\n\nPrior Occupation: musician Education level: 7 years\n\nPrior prison record:\n\n#248891, received 6-10-75 from Bexar\naggravated robbery, paroled to Bexar\n\nviolator 6-3-83, discharged 7-20-84,\n\nCo. with 15-year sentence for\nco.\n\n2-23-79, returned as a parole\n\n \n\nSummary:\n\nconvicted in the March 1985 shooting death of 20-year-old\n\n \n\nvictor Cerran, a Mexican National,\n\nin New Braunfels.\n\ncerran and four\n\nother Mexican Nationals reportedly agreed to pay $150 each for Hernandez\n\n \n\nand another man to drive them to Denton. They were instead taken to a\n\n \n\n \n\nresidence in the Skyri\n\nAcres subdivision in New Braunfels and shot with\n\n \n\n.22-caliber and .25-caliber weapons.\n\ncerran suffered four wounds and was\n\n \n\npronounced dead on arrival at a local hospital.\n\nThe other four victims\n\n \n\nsurvived multiple gunshot wounds and later\n\nidentified Hernandez and\n\n \n\n \n\njesse Garibay Jr. as the men who shot and robbed them. Hernadez was\nqerested near Poteet on 3-13-85 and Caribay in Longvt set -\nCo-Defendants: Jesse Garibay Jr., DOB: 5-5-65, W/M, #414709, received\n\n \n\n2-7-86 from Bexar Co. with\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Hispanic male\n\nn 4-year sentence for theft of property.\n\n*\n\nsat",
       "Mane games muse. A p.r_579\n\na Received: 11 / 30 / 77 Age: 27 (when rec'«\nCounty: Fort Bend Date of offense: °° 4\nAge at time of offense: 28 Race: °28°* Height:\nWeight: 150 Eyes: maroon Black\nNative County: Caddo Parish State: Louisiana\nPrior Occupation: musicia Education level: 10 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\n   \n\n@DC_#197365, received 1-2-68 from Harris Co. with 12-year sentence for\n\nassault, burglary and robbery, paroled to Fort Bend Co, 12-8-71, returned\n\narole violator 5-23-74, discharged 2-1-77..1DC #266821, received\n\n \n\n7 from Harris Co. with 50-year sentence for robbery.\n\n \n\noO Summary: Convicted in the March 1974 abduction and shooting death of\n24-year-old Thomas Robert Stearns of Houston. Stearns, manager of a\nRadio Shack store at 10810 W. Bellfort, was abducted after leaving\nhis home and driven to a wooded area near Arcola, where he was shot\ntwice in the head. Trial testimony indicated Russell killed Stearns\nbecause Stearns was a witness to an April 1972 robbery of the same\nRadio Shack store by Russell. Russell was out of jail on bond when\nStearns was killed. He was convicted in March 1977 of robbery and\ngiven a 50-year prison sentence based on testimony given by Stearns\n\nduring a 1972 examining trial.\nCo-Defendants: Lloyd Harris #286486, B/M, DOB: 9-30-42. Received 12-7-78\n\nfrom Fort Bend Co. with 15-year sentence for murder, paroled 3-8-84\n\nand granted a clemency discharge 6-8-85.\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Unknown",
       "zs?\n\n5 7\nName: Benjamin C. Stone race? DR. #_999187\n¢— 8 37 82) Receive 47.25 7 96 Age: 43 (when rec'd)\nCounty: _ Nueces _ bate of offense: 7 ¢ 1 7 95\nAge at time of offense: Race: White Height: 6-0\nWeight: 175 Eyes:__blue Hair: pi ,\nNative County: Oceanside State: Califongia\n\n-\n\nPrior Occupation: plumber Education level: 127years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the strangling death of his 34-year-old ex-wife\n\n \n\nPatsy Lynn Stone and his 12-year-old step-daughter Keitha Lynn Van Coney\n\n \n\nat their Corpus Christi home. Stone used his hands to strangle the\n\n \n\ntwo victims following a verbal and physicial altercation between\n\n \n\n \n\nhimself and his ex-wife. The victims were also sexually assaulted by\n\nStone. Stone was arrested the next day after he called 911 from a\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nhighway rest area and confessed to killing the two women.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\noC\n\nRace cf Victim(s): Two white female",
       "Q\n\né\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\nName: Robert Andrew Lookingbill D.R. #_990\nD.0.B._7/22/65 Received: 02/21/91 Age: 25 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Hidalgo Date of Offense: 12/05/89\n\nAge at time of offense: 24 Race:__White Height: 5'11\nWeigh 165 Eyes:__Hazel Hai Brown\n\nNative County: Hidalgo State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Construction Education Level:__11 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nTDCI #430157, received 8-28-86 from Cameron and Hidalgo counties with 7 year sentence for\nburglary of a building with intent to commit assault, paroled 5-11-87.\n\nSUMMARY :\n\nConvicted in the December 1989 beating death or his 70 year old grandmother, Adeline\nWaunita Dannenberg of San Juan, Texas. Lookingbill was living with his granmother and\ngrandfather, 77 year old Lorenz K. Dannenberg, at their home at 106 W. 12th Street when\nhe beat them with a metal bar weighing more than 20 pounds. Following the attack,\nLookingbill stole $568 from his grandmother's purse. She died at a hospital 10 days\nlater from head injuries. Mr. Dannenberg survived the attack but suffered brain damage.\nLookingbill confessed after blood was found on his shoes and pants. he said he wanted to\ntake his grandparents money so he could buy cocaine.\n\nGo-Defendants: None\n\nRace of Victim(s): white female",
       "Name: William Prince Davis Dre 614\n\n \n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nDoB: 4 /° 24 / 57 Received: 10 / 10 / 78 Age: 21 (when rec'd\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: © z s\n\nAge at time of offense: 22 Race; Lack\n\nWeight: 142 Eyes; _™aroon Hair: _Ptack\n\nNative County: Harris State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation:__roofer Education level: 7 years\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nTDC #249350, received 6-26-75 from Harris County with 6-year sentence\n\n \n\nfor burglary WICT and aggravated robbery, discharged 12-15-77.\n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\ngv\n\n \n\nSummary: __ Convicted in the June 1978 robbery-slaying of a man identified\n\n \n\nas the 60-year-old manager of the Red Wing Ice Cream Company in Houston\nRecords indicate the victim, identified only by the last name of Lang,\n\nwas receiving cash receipts from three drivers when Davis entered the\n\n \n\ncompany office with a pistol and shot Lang once. Davis fled with $712\n\n \n\nand a shotgun taken from the office. He was later identified by the\n\n \n\nthree company drivers and gave a written confession to police.\n\n \n\na\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\nTEX; ad\nRace of Victim(s): _ Unknown =\n\n** Davis has been scheduled for execution in July 1980 and February 1981.\nBoth dates were stayed.",
       "DLR. #999173\n\nName: David Martinez\n\n(when rec'd)\n\n   \n\n7/41/94\n\n  \n\nCounty: Bexar _ Date of offense\n\n \n\n \n\nAge at Lime of offense: 22 Race: Hispanic Neigh\n\n \n\n \n\nWeight: 174 Eyes: brown Hair: , black\n\n \n\nNative County: Hildalgo State: Texas |\n\n \n\n9 yrs. (GED)\n\nlaborer\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: Education level\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nTDCY #618860, rec. 6/30/92,' Hildalgo co., 5 yrs., Att. Sexual Assault,\n\n  \n\n    \n\nparoled to Bexar Co. 12/2/92.\n\n \n\n   \n\nSummary: Convicted in the slayings of his girlfriend Carolina Prado, 37,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nand her 14-year-old son, Erik Pardo inside their san Antonio home.\n\nBoth victims were beaten to death with a baseball bat. Following his\n\narrest in San Marcos two days after the murders, Martinez said grabbed\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nthe bat and began to beat his girlfriend when she awoke to find him\n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\nstanding over her in the bedroom. Fearful that Erik might discover his\n\n \n\n \n\ndered mother, Martinez walked into the living room where he was\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nthe bat. Martinez\n\n \n\ndid not harm Erik's 10-year-old sister, telling her instead to go to\n\nher grandmother's home next door and not return. No motive was offered\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\n \n\n  \n\n5): Hispanic female, Hispanic male es",
       "Name: Johnny Frank Garrett D.R.#\n@ pop: 12 / 24 / 63 Received: 12) / 15 ¢ 82 Age: 18 (when re}\n\nCounty:__ Potter Date of offense: 1° 7 31, 82\n\nAge at time of offense:__17 Race:_white\n\nWeight: 152 Eyes: Blue Hair; Brown\n\nNative County: Oklahoma State: Oklahoma\n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level: 7 years\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record: ‘\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted _in the October 1981 murder of Sister Tadea Benz, a\n\n \n\n76-year-old nun of the St. Francis Convent in Amarillo. Sister Benz wa\n\n \n\nraped, strangled, beaten and stabbed in her second-floor room at the\n\n \n\nconvent. Garrett's fingerprints were found at the convent located acros\n\n \n\nthe street from his home. In a statement to police, Garrett admitted\n\n \n\nbreaking into the convent and said he strangled and raped the nun after\nhe awoke and found him in her room.\n*As of 12-1-87, Garrett was one of seven Texas death row inmates who\n\ncommitted capital murder at age 17. Two others, Charles Rumbaugh and\nJay Kelly Pinkerton, have been executed.\n\n \n\n  \n    \n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\nLo\n\nRace of Victim(s): Unknown",
       "DR. #994\n\n \n\n‘Age: _27 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Lubbock Date of Offense: _ 10/16/89\nAge at time of offense: 26 Race: White Height: _s'4__\nWeight: 119 Eyes: Green Hair: _Brown\nNative County: Miller State: Arkansas\nPrior Occupation: Press operator Education Level: 10 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\nat e",
       "Name: Bruce Charles Jacobs\n\n \n\nDiae 278\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npoB: 10 / 13 / 46 Received: 7 20 t 87 Age: 40 (when rec!\nCounty:__Dallas Date of Offense: 7 7 7% 7 °°\nAge at time of offense: 39 Race: White\n\nWeight: 138 Eyes; Brown Hair: Brown\n\nNative County: Monterey State: California\n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level: 10 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nConvicted of assault with intent to commit robbery in Oregon in 1967\n\n \n\nand sentenced to prison. Discharged in 1972.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nsummary: Convicted in the July 1986 stabbing death of 16-year-old\n\n \n\nConrad Harris at the teenager's home in Dallas. Harris was stabbed\n\nrepeatedly in his bedroom after Jacobs broke into the residence at\n\n \n\n3008 McFarlin during the early morning hours. Harris' father and step-\n\n \n\nmother heard him screaming and found Jacobs standing over the boy with\n\n \n\na knife in his hand.after running to his room. Jacobs pointed the knife\n\n \n\nat the couple and then ran out the back door. Jacobs' fingerprints were\n\n \n\nfound on a butter knife in the house and police found a pair of blood-\n\n \n\nstained blue\n\nThe Harrises reported $100 missing from the Nome. The victxe\ntold police that Jacobs came to the house the day before the\n\njeans at his residence following his arrest on 7-24-86,\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\nkilling and tried to force his way in the back door. He\n\nGy OFF Arter ere arrayed tose—the-deorend_teek\n\n  \n \n \n\n=\n*No co-defendan’\n\n   \n\nUnknown\n\n   \n\nRace of Victim(s):",
       "m\n\n \n\nD.R. # 999035\n\nName: Thomas Wayne Mason\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npoB: 12 / 31 / 51 Received: 7 / 14/92 Age:_40 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Smith Date of offenses ay Pig 9\n\nAge at time of offense: 39 Race: white Height: _g-\nWeight: 217 Eyes: brown Hair: black\n\nNative County: Red River State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: drywaller Education level years\n\n   \n\nPrior prison record:\n\n \n\nSumma r.\n\n \n\n—Cenvicted in the October 1991 shotgun slayings of his -mother—in-\ndaw 55-year-old Marsha Yvonne Brock, and her 80-year-old mother,\nSybil Mares Dennis, at Brock's home in Whitehouse. Brock, a n:\n\ncalled 911 from her home at 113 Robinwood and screamed for help\n\n \n\nwhen Mason showed up brandishing a 12-gauge shotgun. Both victims\n\nwere shot in the head at close range. The killings apparently stemmed\n\nfrom Mason's separation from Brock's daughter, Two months earlier\n\npolice had placed Brock's home under surveillance after she reported\n\nthat Mason had threatened to burn it down\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\nRace of Victim(s): Two white females",
       "__Roy Lee Pippin DR a 999270\n\nme:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n     \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\nReceived: M7 37 95_ age: 4° (when rec'd)\nDate of offense i\nAge at time of offens __ Height: 5-11\nWeight: 235 Eyes: brown _ Hair: brown -\nNative County: Harris ——sSttatte:__‘Texass\nPrior Occupation: __AC/Heating Techs Education level: 22 ¥¥s:\n\n    \n \n  \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\n \n\n \n\nand Fabio Buitrago in Houston. Pippin was part of a Columbian-linked\n\norganization that moved millions of dollars in drug sale proceeds across\n\n \n\nthe border. when $1 million turned up missing, Pippin and four co-\n\n \n\ndefendants kidnapped the Buitragos and two other men and took them to a\n\nwarehouse where Pippin ran an air conditioning repair service. There,\n\n     \n\nElmer and Fabio Buitrago were shot, along with a third man, Javier Riasco.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nThe fourth man, Jair Salas, escaped after being beaten. Fabio Buitrago\n\n \n\n \n\ndied at the warehouse. Elmer managed to run to a neigboring apartment\n\n \n\nBorie» before collasping in the court yard. He died 14 hours later at a\nendants hospital. oe - 2\n\noOo n_Loweth W/M, DO)!\n\n_CS_& kidnapping #731\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n4/30/55, Rec. 11/9/95, Harris Co., 4 yrs., Poss. of\n\n \n\n \n\nOthe.\n\n \n\nfenant:\n\n     \n\naham Pacheco, Jorge Pulido,\nimmediately known.\nis: <\n\n  \n\n“and Flavio Salazar. Charges and disposition\nRace of Vict\n\n \n\n \n\nvo Hispanic males",
       "Name; Adolph Gil Hernandez OR. 08\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n¥ pos: 9s 1 / 50 Received: © / 27 / 9° Age: 2? (when rec'c\nCounty: Lubbock Date of Offense: 9 / 30 / 88 <\nAge at time of offense: _38 Race: Hispanic Height: 57>\nWeight: 175 Eyes; brown Hair; black\nNative County: Lubbock State:__Texas\nPrior Occupation: barber Education level:_7 years\n\nPrior prison record:\ntoc #277710, rec.\n\n3-9-78, Lubbock Co., 9 years, burglary (2), paroled to\nLubbock Co. 2-20-80. TDC #319765, rec. 5-22-81, Lubbock Co., 15 years,\n\nburglary of habitation, paroled 9-4-85, returned as parole violator with\n\nconcurrent 15-year sentence for UUMV, paroled 1-15-88.\n\n® Summary: Convicted in the murder and robbery of 69-year-old Elizabeth\n\nAlvarado of Slaton. Alvarado was beaten to death with a baseball bat\n\ninside her home at 515 East Division. Hernandez stole a purse from s\n\nthe home that contained $350 in cash. The victim's daughter confronted\n\nHernandez as he attempted to flee the scene and managed to wrestle the\n\nbat from him and strike him with it. Hernandez was arrested at his\n\n \n\nSlaton residence after being found with blood stains on his shirt, pants\n\nand shoes. r iH\n\n———\n\na\n\nCo-Defendants: None —\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Hispanic female",
       "Name: Marvin Lee Wilson D.R. #999098 Ke\n\n15738 Received: 5 /_9 /.94 Age:_36 (when rec'd) |\n\n \n\nJefferson Date of offense: 11/10 / 92\n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 34 Race:_black Height: 5-9\n“Weight: 218 Eyes: brown Hair: black\n\nNative County: Jefferson, State: Texas _\n\nPrior Occupation: construction Education level: 11 yrs.\n\nPrior prison record:\nTDCI_#328622, rec. 12/16/81, Orange Co., 8 yrs., agg. robbery (2), MS\n\nto Jefferson Co. 9/17/84. TDCI #452260, rec. 5/22/87, Jefferson Co.,\n\n20 yrs., robbery, paroled to Jefferson Co. 1/31/91.\n\nSummary: Convicted in the shooting death of 21-year-old Jerry\nRobert Williams. Wilson abducted and shot Williams following a\nphysical confrontation between the two in the 1500 block of Verone\n\nin Beaumont. ST ae\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Andrew Lewis, B/M, DOB: 9/8/55\n\nRace of Victim(s): black male",
       "BF\n\na\nO'Bryan. D.R.# ~\n\nRECEIVED: 97/14/75 AGE:_3;'___ (WHEN REC'D)\n\nNAME: Ronald Clark\n\n \n\nDOB: _10/19/44_\n\nCOUNTY: yarrig DATE OF OFFENSE:\n\n \n\n \n\nAGE AT TIME OF OFFENS! RACE: whit HEIGHT:\n\nWEIGHT: EYES: sey Un i\n\n \n\nNATIVE COUNTY: STATE:\n\n \n\nPRIOR OCCUPATION: ___ EDUCATION LEVEL: _\n\n \n\nPRIOR PRISON RECORD: Non\n\n \n\n \n\nSUMMARY: Convicted of murdering his s thy o'B amend 4 HALTow .\n\ncandy with cyanide.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\nCO-DEFENDANTS: None\n\n  \n\nRACE OF VICTIM(S): white male",
       "Nama:_Kevin Lee Zimmerman DR. #_977\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n© ‘pop: 8 17 y 62 Received: © / 19 / 90 Age: 29 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Jefferson Date of offense: 19/23 / 87\nAge at time of offense: 26 Race: White Height: °-10\nWeight: 135 Eyes: hazel Hair: brown\nNative County: Lafayette Parish State; Louisiana\nPrior Occupation: tankerman Education level: © Years\n\nPrior prison record:\nRecords indicate Zimmerman served a 3-year sentence in Louisiana\n\n \n\nunder #112284 for possession of a controlled substance and\n\nunauthorized use of a motor vehicle. Discharge date unknown\n\neo\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary; Convicted in the October 1987 stabbing death of 33-year-old\n\n \n\nLeslie Gilbert Hooks, Jr. at a Beaumont motel. Hooks, a resident\nof Suisan City, California, was stabbed with a knife inside a\nroom of the Motel 6 at 2640 IH 10. His body was found the\n\nnext morning by a maid. Evidence, including the murder weapon,\nwas later located and linked to Zimmerman. He was arrested\n\non Oct. 28, 1987.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: two white males and a white female were seen at the\n\neo -—~Inurder scene with Zimmerman and the victim. None were identified\n—and it is not known if they were charged in the case.\nRace of Victim(s): white male",
       "Name:__ Garry Dean Miller p.r.g 947\n\npop: 11 /_2_/ 67 Received: 9 /_ 22/89 Age:_21 (when rec'\n\n| County: gones Date of Offense: 11 / 11 / 88 .\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 21 Rac\n\n \n\n \n\nwhite Height: 5-11\n\n \n\n \n\nWeight: 195 Eyes: green Hair; brown\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nNative County: Scurry State: _ Texas £\n\nPrior Occupation: bartender/laborer Education leve:\na oy Tn\n\n12 years\n\n \n \n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: convicted in the November 1988 abduction, rape and murder of\nJ-year-old April Marie Wilson of Merkel. Wilson was spending the\nnight at a residence Miller shared with another man and a female\nco-worker of Wilson's mother. Miller told police he returned to\nthe residence at 708 South 2nd St. and found Wilson sleeping on\nthe couch. He awoke the child and convinced her to go for a ride\nwith him. He then drove her to a remote area of Jones County\nwhere he raped her, choked her and then bludgeoned her to death\n\nHer body was found by two hunters the same day, Miller conressed—\nwhile being questioned\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None ;\n\n& Race of Victim(s): white female =",
       "etl\n\nName: O.R. # 999121\n\n \n\nDOB: 1/7. /_73 Received: 10/14 /94_ Age: 21 (when rec'd)\n\n \n\nCounty Date of offense: 7 /_27/_93\n\n   \n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 20 Race: white Height: 5-10\n\n \n\nWeight: 156 Eyes: blue Nair\n\n   \n\nNative County: Hopkins State: Texas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: roofer Education level: 8 years\n\n   \n\nson record:\n\n  \n\n   \n\nToa\n\n  \n\nSummary: Convicted in the murders of James Brian King, 14, and\n\n \n\n \n\nChristina Benjamin, 13. The bodies of King, who was shot in\n\n \n\nthe head, and Benjamin were found two days later.\n\n \n\n   \n\n   \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None",
       'Name: John L. Wheat D.R. #99922\n\nDOB: 05/22/44 Received: _03/11/97 Age: 52. (when received)\nCounty:__ Tarrant Date of Offense:_07/30/95\n\nAge at time of offense: _51 Race: white Height: 5-9 _\nWeight: 150 Eyes:_blue Mair: _gray\n\nNative County: _Erath State: _Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: welder/mechanic _—_—_~—«-Education Level: 1] years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n‘Co-Defendants:\n\nON is\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):',
       "O\n\npe\n\n \n\nRaymond Carl Kinnamon\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: DRE\npees Shy: 20» AE Received: 1° ,~ 1° 7 8° age: “2 (when rec'd\nCounty: _ Harris Date of Offense: 12 Eo 84\n\nAge at time of offense: 43 Race: white Height: 271°\n\nWeight: 180 Eyes: Blue Hair; Brown\n\nNative County: “arris State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: mechanic Education level; 11 years (GED)\n\n \n\nPrior prison record: “\nTDC #161786, received 5-26-61 with 8-year sentence for robbery by assault,\n\n \n\nburglary and larceny, paroled to Harris Co, 3-20-63, returned 9-14-63 as\n\n \n\nparole violator, discharged 12-10-65. #243337, received 10-24-74 with\n\n \n\n16-year sentence for agg. robbery. Given a concurrent 20-year sentence on\n\n6 counts of agg. robbery 1-14-75, paroled tO Harri: T=\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the December 1984 robbery and slaying of 41-year-old\n\n \n\nRonald Charles Longmire at NJ's, a bar in the 3800 block of Mangum in\n\n \n\nHouston. Kinnamon was in the bar drinking when he pulled a pistol and\n\n \n\ndemanded money from customers and employees. He took more than $1,500,\n\nincluding $250 from Longmire. Longmire was Shot once In tne pack when tr\nreportedly slapped Kinnamon's hand away when the robber touched his back\n\npocket, asking him what was in it. Kinnamon fled and was arrested about\n\n \n\n \n\ntwo weeks later as a result of a tip from a police informant.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nKinnamon is also serving a 25-year sentence for an aggravated robbery\n84.\n\nmitted in Houston on 12-1\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): unknown\n\n \n\n \n\nm TEXAS BL",
       "Name: ‘Tommy Ray Jackson D.R.# 821\n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npop: 11/ 15 / 56 Received: 2  / 28 / 86 Age: 29 (when rec'¢\nCounty: Williar Date of Offense: 11 , 17 » 83\n\nAge at time of offense: 27 Race: Ptack Height: °~7\n\nWeight: 120 Eyes: Brown wk Black\n\nNative County: Gonzales State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: computer technician Education level: 14 years\n\nPrior prison record: ‘\n\npri, 197 entenced to 10 years in federal pen for bank robbery,\n\n \n\nparoled 6-11-80. TDC #330588, received 2-2-82 with 4-year sentence\n\n \n\nfor burglary of a vehicle, paroled 2-1-83. Returned to federal custody\n\n \n\n12-2-83 as a parole violator when charged with capital murder. Transferred\n\n \n\nto TDC in February 1986 for concurrent service of sentences. Federal term\n\nSumary: °xPired 7-27-86.\n\n \n\nConvicted in the November 1983 abduction and shooting death of Rosalind\n\n \n\nRobison, a 24-year-old University of Texas student from Terre Haute, Ind.\n\n \n\nRobison, an engineering student, was reportedly kidnapped from the UT\ncam i tin and forced to withdraw money from a bank teller machine.\nShe was then driven to a rural location between Pflugerville and Round\n\n@ head with a .25-caliber pistol. Her body was\nund a month later beneath a gravel pile. Jackson was arreste:\n\noutside an Austin grocery store in the victim's car.\n\n    \n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: James Otis Clary #406109, B/M, DOB: 5-3-55. Received 9-27-85\n\n \n\nfrom Williamson County with life sentence for murder.\n\nRace of Victim(s): white female",
       "John Michael Lamb 734\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: D.R#\n\nDoB:__7 / 24 / 37 Received: 4 / 12 / 83 Age: 25 (when rec'd\nCounty; Hunt Date of Offense: 11 7 6 7 82\n\nAge at time of offense: 25 Race: white Height: >-1°\nWeight: 145 Eyes: Hazel\n\nNative County: Santa Clara State: California\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education leve\nee\n\nPrior prison record:\nConvicted of forgery in August 1980 and placed on probation for\n\n \n\n24 months. Sentenced to state prison in Arkansas for parole violation\n\nin July 1982. Released from prison Nov. 5, 1982.\n\n \n\nCRIME SUMMARY:\nLAMB ADMITTED HE SHOT VIRGINIA BUSINESSMAN, JERRY HARRISON CHAFIN,\n30, 10 STEAL HIS WALLET, SHAVING KIT AND CAR. CHAFIN WAS FOUND DEAD\nBY A CLEANING WOMAN THE MORNING OF NOVEMBER 6, 1982 TWO DAYS AFTER HE\nHAD LEFT VIRGINIA FOR A NEW JOB IN SAN ANTONIO. LAMB WAS ARRESTED\nPIVE-DAYS LATER NEAR PERRY, FLORIDA, IN CHAFIN'S CAR. LAMB WAS\nRELEASED NOVEMBER 5, 1982 FROM A STATE PRISON IN SEARCY, ARKANSAS,\nHITCHHIKED TO GREENVILLE, AND MET CHAFIN LATER THAT DAY IN THE\nPARKING LOT OF A GREENVILLE MOTEL. LAMB SAID THE TWO MEN TALKED IN\nCHAFIN'S ROOM FOR 30-MINUTES, AND THEN HE FOUND CHAFIN'S AUTOMATIC\nPISTOL. (a.P.) =\n\n      \n   \n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n>\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white male",
       'Name:_Cedric Lamont Ransom 0.R.#_ 999050\npoB:_8 /18 / 73 — Received: —1_/_11_/93  Agez_i9 (when rec\n\nCounty: Tarrant Date of Offense: 12 / 7 91 -\n\n \n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 18 Race: _black Height: 5-8\n\n \n\nWeight: 160 Eyes: brown Hair: piack 5\n\nNative County: Tarrant State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level: ears\n__taboree S years\n\nSumary: Convicted in the robbery and shodting death of 42-year-old\n\n| Herbert P. Primm, Jr. of Arlington. Primm, an optometrist, was shot\n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\na ed\n\ned\n\nre\n\nes\n\n \n\nto death in the driveway of his home at 6415 High Country Trail after +\nopening the trunk of his car to show three TEC-9 assault pistols to\nNathan Clark, an accomplice in the murder. Primm held a Federal Firearms\nLicense and sold guns out of his home. when Primm opened his trunk to\nshow the guns, Clark and three accomplices, including Ransom, pulled\n\nweapons and stole Primm\'s guns. After Primm told the robbers to "just {\n\ntake them," Ransom bent him over the hood of the car and shot him once\nin the head with a .44 Magnum. He was arrested three days later in\n\nCo-Defendants; Connection with a separate murder case in Fort Worth.\n\nCases were pending against accomplices: Nathan Clark, B/M, DOB: 4/5/74;\n\n \n\nIsaac Deon Johnson, B/M, DOB: 9/16/73; Brian Keith Williams, B/M, 4/4/74.\n\nRace of Victim(s): white male',
       "© Name: Danny Lee Barber D.R. #_673\n\nDOB: __05/08/55 Received: _10/31/80 Age: _25 (when rec'd)\nCounty: _Dallas Date of Offense: 10/08/79\nAge at time of offense: __24 Race: White Height: _S'7__\nWeight: __140 Eyes: _Green Hair: _Brown\nNative Count y: _Los Angeles State: _ California\n\nPrior Occupation: Roofer Education Level: _12 years _\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\nNone\n\nSummary:\n\nBarber was convicted i tober 8.1979 slayi jice Louise Ingram at me in Balch\n\nSprings. Ba ly broke int June Road and repeatedly struck her\n0 i with a piece of pipe when ised him. Ingram was also stabbed ii\n\nthroat, Her leather purse, clock radio and calculator were stolen from the home, Barber is also\n\nserving li i i iB oe\n\nMercedes Mendez, aka, Mercy Mendez. The woman’s body was dumped on a road in a wooded area\n\n \n     \n\nnear Mesquite after she ha\n\non other charges. He confessed to the murder the next day and later pleaded guilty to two other\nDallas County murders committed on June 18, 1978 and April 21. 1980. Records indicate neither\nRe wicti 3 - oa bales is i z z\nsentenc slarizing ‘ business on May 4, 1980.\n\nCo-Defendants:\nNone\n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\n  \n\n) hiszten *",
       "s\n|\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: Cornelius Alan Goss D.R.# 912\n\npop: 5 / 24 7 61 Received: 8 / 25 7 88 Age: 27 ioe ed\nCounty: Dallas sate of Offense: uF\n\nAge at time of offense: 7° Racax D1ecs\n\nWeight: 155 Eyes: brown Hair: black\n\nNative Count: Dallas State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level: 21 years\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nTDC #443131, received in October 1986 from Dallas Co. with 7-year\n\nsentence for burglary of a building, released on parole 4-27-87.\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the May 1987 beating death of Carl Leevy in\n\nDallas. Goss broke into Leevy's home at 10443 Heather Ln, through\n\n \n\na bedroom window and beat Leevy to death with a board. Goss then\n\n \n\nstole a $10 gold piece, a lady's bracelet, a camera, a necklace,\n\n \n\na Rolex watch and two men's rings. His fingerprints were found\n\n \n\ninside the home and he later gave a voluntary statement to police.\n\n \n\n_\n_\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\na\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):__Unknown",
       "b\n\n|\n\n, OS\nNorman Evans Green oA e Y- | 805\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName = D.R.#\n/_60 Received: 9 /_ 27 / 85 Age: 24 (when rec'd\nBexar Date of Offense: 2 / 8 / 8\nAge at time of offense: 24 Race: black Height: _-2\nWeight: 160 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black\nNative County: Bexar State: Texas\n\n \n\n \n\nhotel housekeeper 14 years\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation Education level:\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n#276728, received 2-8-78 from Bexar Co. with 5-year sentence for burglary\n\nof a habitation, released on shock probation 4-8-78. #305618, received\n6-3-80 from Bexar Co. as a shock probation violator with a new 7-year\nhorized use of a vehicle, paroled to Bexar Co. on\n\nsentence for unau\n\n   \n\n2-25-82, returned as pv 4-22-83, paroled 5-22-84.\nSummary: Convicted in the February 1985 shooting death of 19-year-old\n\nTimothy Adams during an attempted robbery of an electronics store in\nSan Antonio. Green and accomplice Harold Bowens waited for the manager\nof Dyer Electronics, 9402 Perrin Beitel, to leave for lunch before entering\n\nthe store to confront Adams, a clerk, with a .38-caliber pistol. When\n\n \n\nAdams was slow to follow instructions, Green fired four times, striking\n\n \n\nAdams in the arm, chest and abdomen. He died 12 hours later. Witnesses\n\n \n\nidentified Green and Bowens, who escaped from the scene empty handed_\n\n \n\nGreen reportedly surrendered to authorities on Feb. 21, 1985.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Harold Bowens #409302 DOB: 1-5-67, B/M. Testified against\n\nGreen and pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of murder in exchange for\nGreemeand plesded-qualty to alesse:\na life sentence. Received 11-15-85.\n\nRace of Victim(s): unknown\n\n \n\npee",
       "Prior execution dates: February 6, 1986 STAYED:\nMay 8, 1986 STAYED:\n\nExecuted January 7, 1988 STAYED:\n\nSTAYED:\n\n \n\n|\n\nSTAYED:\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior TDC record: None\n\nACCOMPLICE:_Gary Wayne Holden of Silsbee, pleaded quilty to theft and was given\n10-years probation for testimony against Streetman.\nDavid Kirkindoll, #372224 w/m dob: 11/26/58 rec'd: 02/24/84, Hardin Co.\n45-yrs/Burglary of a habitation.\nJohnny Johnson, Kirkindoll's step-father who helped plan the robbery\nwas granted immunity in the case.\n\n \n\nCrime summary: Convicted in the December 1982 robbery-slaying of 44-year-old\nChristine Baker of Kountz. Baker was shot in the head with a .22 caliber rifle\n\nwhile she sat knitting and watching television in the living room of her home,\n\n‘four miles south of Kountze. The fatal shot was fired through a window from outside\nthe residence. Streetman and three other men had planned to rob Baker and her husband,\n‘Wyle, of $180,000 they believed the couple had in the home. Court records indicate\nthe couple kept about $50,000 in cash and cashier's checks in the residence, but\n\n‘only Mrs. Baker's purse, and the $1 in change inside, was taken. Streetman, who\n\nbegan a life of crime upon becoming involved with drugs at-age 8, reportedly told\n\nan accomplice on the way to the Baker home that he was “going to do something I've\nalway wanted to do - kill another human bei\n\n  \n\n \n\nThe victim, Christine Baker, was a white female.\n\n \n\nNumber on death row day of execution: 267",
       "Richard Lee Beavers aN 916\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: D.R.#\nDOB: 12 /_ 9 / 55 Received: lo/_18 / 88 Age: 32 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 8 / 18 7 86\n\nAge at time of offense: 30 Race: white Height: 5-11\nWeight: 200 Eyes: brown Hair: brown\n\nNative County: Alexander State: Virginia\n\nPrior Occupation: laborer © Yeats\n\n__iaborer Education evel:\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nMirginia State Prison, 10-year sentence in 1975 for armed robbery,\n‘burglary, and abduction, paroled in 1983. While in prison, Beavers\n‘was_convicted of drug possession and escape.\n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the August 1986 abduction and slaying of\n\nDouglas G. Odle, a 24-year-old Houston restaurant manager. Odle and\n\n \n\nhis wife Jenny, also 24 at the time, were abducted from their apartment\nat gunpoint and forced to drive to several banks and withdraw money from\nautomatic teller machines. They were then forced to drive to the restaurant\nOdle managed and return with money. Beavers then forced the couple to\n\ndrive to a field in Galveston County where Doug Odle was shot through the\n\n \n\nthroat after being forced to kneel before Beavers. Beavers drove away from\n\n \n\nthe scene with Odle's wife, who was later raped, shot in the head and\n\n \n\nleft for dead. She survived a destroyed left eye and brain damage to\n\nCo-Defendants: +ostify against Beavers, who was arrested by the FBI in\nVirginia following the crime.\n\npe\n\nNo co-defendants\nti a\n\nRace of Victim(s): white male\n\nee ae",
       "DOB: 9/14/54. Received: _ 05/09/91 Age: _35 (when rec'd)\n\nCounty: Dallas Date of Offense: 05/20/88 __\nAge at time of offense: _ 33 Race: Hispanic Height: _S'7__\nWeight: _185 Eyes: Brown _ Hair: Black _\nNative Count y: Hidalgo State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: Produce Broker Education Level: 13 years _\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n  \n\nalo\n\n \n\nmarijuana i led in 1979\n\nSummary:\n\nConvicted in the May 1988 slaying of 24-veat-old David L, Wilburn, Wilburn was shot in the back\nthe head after inte e : ahome at 7: incle, Sar\n\n   \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nBlack mal",
       'Name: Richard William Kutzner D.R. #999227\nDOB:11/17/42_ Received: _04/29/97_ Age: 54 (when received)\nCounty:__Harris Date of Offense:_01/05/96__\nAge at time of offense: 53 Race:_white Height 5-9__\nWeight: _180 Eyes: _hazel Hair: _brown __\n\nNative County: __Harris State: _ Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: gardener Education Level: 12 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\n  \n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Vietim(s):',
       'UeewSid 4-21-97\n\naud\n\nName: Benjamin H. Boyle DR. #853\n\nDOB: 07/22/43 Received: _ 12/05/86 Age 43. (when received)\nCounty:__Potter Date of Offense-_ 10/15/85\n\nAge at time of offense: 42 Race: white Height: 5-5\nWeight: 192 Eyes: _blue Hair: _red\n\nNative County: __Kiowa State _ Oklahom:\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: truck driver Education Level: 10 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNot\n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite female',
       "Name: John Glenn Moody D.R.#_ 933\n\nQ@ ss_toyi7_ 2 Received: 3 /_ 8 / 89 Age: °°\nCounty: Taylor Date of Offense: a a\nAge at time of offense: 35 Race: white Height:\nWeight: 175 Eyes: blue Hair; brown\nNative County: Marion State: West Virginia\nPrior Occupation: landscaping Education level: 12 years\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nTDC #428407, rec. 8-7-86 from Callahan Co. With 5-year sentence for\n\n \n\nburg. of habitation, paroled to state of West Virginia 1-30-87.\n\n \n\nTDC #456041, rec. 7-7-87 from Taylor Co. with concurrent 5-year sentenc\n\n \n\nfor burg. of a motor vehicle, paroled to Harris co. 2-2-88. AISO Serve\n\n \n\ntime in Ohio penitentiary for assault, discharged I97U-\n\nSummary:\n\n \n\no\n\nConvicted in the July 1988 robbery and murder of 77-year-old\nMaureen Louise Maulden in Abilene. Maulden was raped, beaten\nwith a fireplace brush and strangled with a telephone cord\ninside her home at 881 Elmwood Dr. A bloody fingerprint found\non the telephone led police to Moody's residence where rings\nstolen from the house were recovered.\n\nPolice said Moody had previously done yard work and odd jobs\nfor Maulden.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None",
       'Name : DAVID LEE POWE! D.R.#__ 612\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nDOB: 01/13/51 Received: 10/06 /78 Age:_27 (when rec\'c\nCounty: Travis Date of Offense: 05  /18 _/ 78\n\nAge at time of offense: 27 Race: white Height: 5\'10"\nWeight: 140 Eyes: brown Hair: brown\n\nNative County: Brazos State:_Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Laborer Education level: 16 yrs\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: — powell was convicted and sentenced to die for the May 18, 1978 machine\ngun slaying of police officer Ralph Ablanedo, 26. Ablanedo who had stopped a car\non a traffic violation was struck at least four times by bullets fired from a\nRussian-made AK47 machine gun.\n\nThough mortally wounded, Ablanedo reached his radio in time to call for help and\ndescribe his assailant. He died shortly afterwards in a hospital.\n\nCo-Defendants: None\nee\n\n   \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): hispanic',
       'Name: Stephen Ray Nethery D.R.# 698\naR\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n16 ‘\nDoB /_2 / 60 Received: 11 / 13 / 81 Age: 21 odtensrecta\nCount, Dallas .\nyes ate of Offense: 2 f 23, 81\nAge at ti e\nge ‘ime of offense: 20 Race; white Height: 5-11\nWeight Eyes: brown hair: Prown\nNative County: Hamilton State: Tennessee\nPrior i laborer\nOccupation:_*2Porer education lever: *2 Years\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the,February 1981 shooting death of 24-year-old\n\n \n\nJohn T. McCarthy, a city of Dallas police officer. Nethery was raping\na 22-year-old woman in his car parked near White Rock Lake when\n\nartner Phillip Brown pulled up in their squad car\n\n \n\nMcCarthy and his\n\nNot knowing the woman was being raped, the officers told the two to\n\nleave the area. As the officers started to walk away, Nethery stepped\n\nfrom the car, said, "Officers, I\'m Sorry," and fired three shots at\n\nown fired three\n\n \n\nMcCarthy, striking him once in the back of the head.\n\nshots at Nethery before chasing him into the lake, where Nethery swam\na few yards before surrending whén Brown fired a fourth shot at him.\nCo-Defendants: Nethery was not hit by any of the shots. McCarthy was rushed\n\nto a Dallas hospital, where he died two days later.\nNo co-defendants\n\nRace of Victim(s): white male',
       "Name: William Wesley Chappell D.R. #960\n\nDOB: _ 09/26/36 Received: _01/23/90 ‘Age: _53 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Tarran Date of Offense: _05/03/88\nAge at time of offense: __5 Race: White Height: _s'8\nWeight: _148 Eyes: Brown Hair: _Brown\nNative County: Tarrant State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: Analyst engineer Education Level: _11 years (GED)\nPrior Prison Record:\nsw i i with a child\n\nmn,_The conviction was on appeal at the ti rr\nSummary:\nConvicted in the retaliation killing of M i daughter, Al i\nWorth. Lin Heath were t and aunt of a 3-year-old gi\nith molesting in 1984, He was convii th in 1987, and, whil\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\nIwo white females",
       "Name: Willis Jay Bames DR#_935\nDOB: __08/13/48 Received: _04/03/89_ Age: _40 (when rec'd)\n\n \n\n \n\nCounty: _Harris Date of Offense: 02/11/88\n\nAge at time of offense: 39 Race: Black Height: S411\nEyes: _Brown Hair: _Black\n\nNative Count y: Matagorda State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Antique refinisher___ Education Level: _11 years (GED)\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nTDC # 31/84 from Harris Co. With a 30-\n\nparoled 10/26\n\nSummary:\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nUnknown",
       "MICHAEL WAYNE EVANS, #608\n\nExecution date: December 4, 1986\n\nPrevious execution dates: 8-15-84, paperwork was received late,\nso defendant was returned to Dallas County on bench warrant and\ngiven a new date of 10-17-84. Second execution date was stayed\non 10-11-84 by U.S. District Judge Barefoot Sanders.\n\nDate of birth: 11-13-56 (30) Race: black\nCounty of conviction: Dallas Date received: 9-8-78\n\nFormer occupation: auto mechanic\n\n \n\nPrior arrests: Record includes arrests for possession of a\ncontrolled substance, marijuana, and robbery\n\nCrime summary: Evans was convicted of capital murder in the\n\nJune 1977 shooting death of 36-year-old Elvira Guerrero during\n\na robbery in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas. Guerrero, a pianist\nwith the Second Mexican Baptist Church in Oak Cliff, was\n\nleaving church with friend Mario Garza when they were abducted\nby Evans and his co-defendant, Earl Stanley Smith. In a statement\nto police, Evans admitted robbing Guerrero of $40, shooting\n\nher twice and then cutting her face with a carpet knife as she\nprayed to God to forgive her attacker. Garza was also found\n\nshot to death,\n\n \n\nEvans' conviction and death sentence were overturned by the\nTexas Court of Criminal Appeals in May 1981 because of errors\nin the jury selection process. He was retried and convicted of\ncapital murder again in October 1981.\n\nEarl Stanley Smith received a life sentence for murder. He\nwas received on 3-1-78 and is currently assigned to the Eastham\nUnit. Smith is 32 years old.\n\nNO\nWITNESSES",
       'we a\nName: Edward Ellis 3 D.R.# 749\npos: © / 15 7 53 Received: 9 / 1% 7 83 Age: 3° (when rec\'d)\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 2 /27_ 7 83\nAge at time of offense: 29 Race: white Height: 5-8\nWeigh 133 Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown\n\n \n\n \n\nNative County: Bexar State: Texas\n\nx * 10 years\nPrior Occupation: _welder/maintenance man Education level y\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record: ‘\n\n \n\nPrior TDC record: #223713, received 3-23-72 with eight-year sentence\n— from Kendall and Bexar counties. Convicted on two counts of burglary__\nwith intent to commit theft. Discharged from TDC on 1-30-76.\n\n \n\n+\n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\n—Crime summary: Ellis was convicted of capital murder in the Feb. 27,\n1983 death of 74-year-old Bertie Elizabeth Eakens of Houston. Eakens\'\n\n—body was found March 1, 1983 in the bathtub of her apartment in the\n2200 block of 18th St. Her hands were handcuffed and a pillow case had\n\nbeen tied around her neck so she suffocated. Her jewelry, checks, furs,\nand car were taken from the residence. Ellis had formerly worked as\n\n-a maintenance man at Eakens\' apartment complex and reportedly used a\npass key to gain entrance to her apartment. The killing of Eakens and\n\n~two other Houston women found in bathtubs came to be called the :\n“bathtub slayings."\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white female',
       'Name: Stephen A. McCoy\n\n \n\n769\n\n \n\n \n\nCounty:\n\n \n\n \n\nD.R#\nWD) bos: 12 7 17 148 Received: 27 *4 ge: 35 (when rec\'d)\nHarris Date of Offense: aa\nAge at time of offense: 32 Race: white Height: 6-9\n\n \n\nWeight: 175 Eyes: Brown\n\n \n\nNative County: Harris\n\nian\n\nHair: Brown\n\n \n\nState: Texas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: Clectr Tyears (GED)\n\n   \n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nTDC #353301, rec. 3/23/83 with 5-year sentence for burglary of habitation\nWIC theft. Charged with capital murder while serving sentence.\n\n \n\nCrime summary: McCoy was convicted of capital murder in the\nrape/strangulation death of 18-year-old Cynthia Johnson in\nHouston on January 1, 1981. Johnson was abducted by McCoy\nA) and co-defendants James Emery Paster and Gary Louis LeBlanc\nSummary: after her car broke down while returning home trom a New\n“Years\' Eve party. Evidence showed that McCoy raped the woman -\nand then held her legs while Paster and LeBlanc strangled\nher with electrical wire. The three men were tied to the e\nOctober 1980 murder-for-hire of Robert Edward Howard and the\nNovember 1980 rape and stabbing of Diane Trevino Oliver. =\nPaster was sentenced to death for the shooting of Howard and\nlife in prison for Johnson\'s murder. LeBlanc testified for -\nthe state and was given a 35-year sentence for murder. McCoy,\nwho was in prison on a five-year sentence for burglary when -\ncharged in the Johnson murder, was also charged with accessory\nto murder and given a concurrent 30-year prison term. -\n\n \n\nCourtroom testimony indicated that Johnson was killed because -\nMcCoy and his co-defendants agreed they would each kill someone\nin front of each other and thus seal their mutual trust in -\nblood.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: James Emery Paster #752 "/M, DOB: 1/20/45. Rec. 11/22/83 with\ndeath sentence. Gary Louis LeBlanc #428199, W/M, DOB: 5/22/47. Rec. 8/6/86\n) Race of Victim(s): white female 4\n\n“wll',
       'Name: Hilton Lewis Crawford _____________ DR. #999200 __\n\nDOB. 03/14/39 Received: _07/25 /96 Age: 57. (when received)\nCounty:___Montgomery Date of Offfense:_09 /12/95\n\nAge at time of offense: __56 Race:__white Height:_5-\n\nWeight: 208 Eyes: _ blue Hair: _grey\n\nNative County: _ Jefferson State: ___ Texas\n\nn:_police officer/security guard ______ Education Level:_15 yrs. _\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nPrior Occup:\n\n     \n  \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nirene Flores, H/F, DOB: 10/2/42. Capital murder case pending.\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite mak',
       'a\nCliake 20-7\n\n408\n\nName: Richard Brimage, Jr DR. #899\n\nDOB: 12/05/55 Received: 04/20/88 Age: 32 (when received)\nCounty:__Kleberg (case tried inComal) __——_Daate of Offense-_10 /05/87\nAge at time of offense:__3) Race;_white Height: 5-8\nWeight: __153 Eyes: _blue Hair: brown\n\nNative County: _ Pierce State: _Washington\n\nPrior Occupation; clecitician ____ Education Level_12 yrs,\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:',
       'Name: Daniel E. Reneat D.R. #999223\n\n@ DOB: 04/15/75 Received: _03/21/97_. Age: 21 (when received)\n‘County:_Kerr (case tried in Gillespie) __ ‘Date of Offense:_01/02/96 _\nAge at time of offense: __20 ___ Race:_white___Height:5-10__\nWeight: _170 Eyes: hazel Hair: brown\nNative County; _Jacksonville ..__.__-—=— State: _Florida\nPrior Occupation: nurses aide _____________ Education Level: 1] years _\n\nPrior Prison Record: = 3\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n-Aeffery Wood, W/M, DOB: 8/19/74, Charges were pending.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\n‘White male\n@',
       "Wane: Daroyce Lamont Mosley bok. #999172\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nfg: 10 16 774 Received: 11 7 14 7 95_ Age: 21 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Greqg _ z bate of offense: 7 722 7 4\nAge at time of offense: Race: black Height: 6-2\n\n \n\nWeight: 211 | Eyes: brown. Nai\n\n \n\n \n\nblack\n\n \n\nNative County: Gregg State: gexas\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior Occupation:\n\n \n\n \n\n__laborer Education level: 12 years\n\nPrior prison record\nNone\n\n   \n\nSummar\n\n \n\nConvicted in the slaying of 53-year-old Patricia Slack Colter,\n\none of four people shot and killed inside Katie's Lounge in Kilgore\n\nduring ar\n\nwere Duane R. Colter, 44, Luva Congleton, 68, and Alvin Waller, 54.\n\n \n\nbery. Also killed in the robbery at 906 North Highway 135\n\nEach victim was shot in the head execution style by Mosley and\n\npossibly one other gunman, Mosley and two named accomplices fled\n\nthe lounge with a cash box containing $308\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\np-Defendan\n\n \n\nRay Donald Mosley, Daroyce Mosley's uncle, and a 16-year-old\n\nyouth. Charges and disposition not immediate]\n\n   \n\nRace of Victim(s): One white female, three white males 7",
       'Name: Randall Wayne Hafdahl, Sr... DR. #826 __\n\no DOB:06/17/53_ Received: _04/08/86_ ‘Age: 32. (when received)\nCounty:__ Randal Date of Offense:_11/11/85\nAge at time of offense: _32 Race:white_ _ Height:_6-4\nWeight: _196 Eyes: _ blue Bair: _brown\nNative County: Dallas State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: painter/mechanic____________ Education Level: 10 years __\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n    \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nDaniel Louis Hi WM. DOB: 2 L Florida, No TDCI\nShawn David Terry, W/M, DOB: 10/26/63, Denver, Colorado. No TDCI record, __\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\ng',
       "Name Alva Curry D.R. #999080\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nos Lise: 3_/_22/ 69 Received: 11/3 / 93 Age:_ 24 (when rec'd)\nCounty Travis Date of offense: 10/16 / 91\nAge at time of offense: 22 Race:_black Height: 5-7\nWeight: 152 Eyes:_brown Hair:_black\nNative County: Travis State: Texas _\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level: 9 years\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n- 8\n\nSummary: Convicted in the robbery and murder of David Vela, a clerk\n\n \n\nat the Texaco convenience store at 6105 Techni Center Drive in\n\nAustin. Vela, 20, was shot five times execution-style after Curr\n\nand accomplice Mark Davis busted out the store window and demanded\n\nmoney at gunpoint. The murder/robbery netted the bandits $220 from\n\nthe cash register. Police arrested the two after viewing a videotape\n\nof the incident captured by a hidden camera.\n\n*Curry is also serving a life sentence in connection with the\n\nOct. 23, 1991 robbery and murder of Brendon Proske, a clerk at the\n\nPayless convenience store at 9704 Giles Lane in Austin. Proske, 23,\nCo-Defendants: was killed in much the same fashion as Vela in a robber:\n\nthat netted $71.15.\nMark Davis #643612, B/M, DOB: 11/9/72, rec. 6/18/93, life,-agg.\n@ B_sovbery w/deadly weapon, Travis Co.\n\nRace of Victim(s): Hispanic male",
       "Name: Tyrone Leroy Fuller D.R.# 934\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\npop: g / 1 / 6 Received: 3 / 31 / 89 Age: 25 (when rec'c\nCounty: Grayson Date of Offense: 1 / 20 / 88\nAge at time of offense: 24 Race: piack Height: _ 6-0\n\nWeight: 212 Eyes: brown Hair; _Plack\n\nNative County: Lamar State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation oachi Education level:__11 years (GED)\n\n  \n\n \n\nPrior prison record: .\nTDC #321520, rec. 7-8-81 with 7-year sentence for burglary of a building,\n\n \n\nparoled to Lamar Co. on 7-29-82. TDC #361868, rec. 8-23-83 with\n\n \n\nconcurrent 12-year sentence for burglary of a building, paroled to\n\n \n\nLamar Co. on 11-26-85.\n\n \n\nw Summary: Convicted in the January 1988 capital murder of 26-year-old\nAndrea Lea Duke of Paris. Duke, a medical technologist working\nat McCuistion Hospital, was raped, tortured and stabbed to\ndeath after Fuller and two accomplices broke into her apart-\nment at 1050 34th St. in Paris. Duke's car, jewelry and\ncredit cards were stolen. Her body was found on the front\n\nlawn of the apartment complex\n\n| & @\n\nCo-Defendants: John Earl McGrew and Kenneth Wayne Harmon. McGrew, reportedly\n\nreceived a life sentence as part of a plea bargain. Charges against\n\n \n\n \n\nHarmon were pending.\n\n\\e Race of Victim(s): white female",
       "2\ni3-0d\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n@ Name: Raymond Landry Sr. D.R.# 738\n\n~ DOB: Sf 14/49 Received: 5 / 24 / 83 Age:__34 (when rec'd\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: © y © 7 8\nAge at time of offense: 33 Race:_PLack Height: °°\nWeight: 167 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black\nNative County: Lafayette Parish State: La.\nPrior Occupation: electrician Education level: 11 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n\n  \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\nCrime summary: Landry was convicted of capital murder in the\nAugust 6, 1982 shooting death of 33-year-old Kosmas Prittis,\nowner of the Dairy Maid restaurant in the 7100 block of FE.\nBellfort. Prittis was robbed of more than $2,300 and then\nshot in the head while he and his family were closing up the\nrestaurant. Witnesses testified that Landry slapped Prittis'\nwife and pointed a gun at the children before fleeing. Landry\nwas arrested three days after the shooting at his home in the\n7300 block of Eisenhower. Police found a bank bag from the\nrestaurant at the house.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Unknown",
       "Name: Stacey Lamont Lawton DLR. #999066\n\nCrow: /_10/ 69 Received: 7 /_23 /_93 Age: 24 (when rec'd)\n\nCounty: smith = ——C~—CSCSC ttle’ of of fens: 12/24 /_92\n\n \n\n   \n\nAge at time of offense: 23 Race: black Height: 6-1\n“Weight: 180 Eyes: brown black\n\nNative County: Dallas State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Carpenter Education level: 10 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nTDCI #566200, received 10/24/90 from smith Co., 10 yrs., delivery\n\n \n\n \n\nof a controlled substance (cocaine), paroled to Smith Co. 5/3/91.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\né\n\nSummary: Convicted in the shotgun slaying of 44-year-old Dennis L. Price\n\n \n\nduring a burglary at the victim's home in the Indian Creek Addition,\n\n \n\nwest of Tyler. Price was shot in the chest when he confronted Lawton\n\n \n\nand two accomplices outside his home. He died at a Tyler hospital 15\n\n \n\nminutes after arrival. Lawton and his accomplices fled in two stolen\n\n \n\npickups, which were later abandoned. They then stole a third pickup\n\n \n\nand were apprehended following a high-speed chase.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:_karlos Ranard Fields, B/M, DOB: 6/21/71, second\nmp. fied ~year= oni Fields rec. 1/8/94,\n& with life sentence for capital murder #654552.\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white male",
       "©\n\n©\n\nName: Gary Wayne Etheridge D.R.# 986\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npos: 1 / 3 / 4 Received: 11 , 9 7 90 Age:_ 26 (when rect\nCounty: _ Brazoria Date of Offense: 2 / 2 / 90 _-\nAge at time of offense: 26 Race: white Height: 5-10\n\nWeight: 165 Eyes: hazel Hair; Drown\n\nNative County: Harris State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: maintenance worker Education level:9 years (GED) i\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nTDC #337868, rec. 6-24-82 from Brazoria Co., 5 years for theft, paroled to Brazoria\nCo. 3-22-83; TOC #373862, rec. as a parole violator with new 5-year sentence for\n\nburglary of a building, paroled under mandatory supervision to Angleton on 10-16-85;\nTDC #423540, rec 6-6-86 as a MS violator from Brazoria Co. with new 0-year sentence\n\nfor burglary of a building, paroled 3-24-88, Returned as PV 2-2-69 without new one\n\naroled under mandatory supervision to Brazoria County on 12-22-89.\nsibel y sup y\n\n \n\nConvicted in the February 1990 murder of 15-year-old Christi Chauvierre.\nChauvierre was sexually abused and stabbed to death when Etheridge went\nto her Brazoria County home looking for money to buy drugs. The victim's\nmother, Gail chauvierre, was also stabbed numerous times in the attack,\nbut survived, Etheridge had once worked for Gail Chauvierre, who manages\n\na condominium complex near Surfside.\n\nON\n\n \n\nree |\nCo-Defendants: |\n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):",
       "Name: Caruthers Alexander DR. #_704\n\nDOB: _9/07/48 Received: _2/15/82_ Age: _33 (when rec'd).\nCounty: _Bexar Date of Offense: _4/23/8.\n\nAge at time of offense: 32 Race: _Black Height: _S'10_\nWeight: __204 Eyes: __Brown_ Hair: _Black\nNative Count y: _Travis State: __ Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: _Truck Driver Education Level: _11 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n4 i rson (1) 2- i a\n\n(27/75 (#245367) Inve e nt ol 7\nSummary:\n\n“onvicte: i ri il rape-strangulation of Lori\nattacked after leaving her job as a waitress at\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\nUnknown.",
       'DOB. 09/13/58 Received: _04/05/90_ Age: 31 (when received)\n‘County:___Montgomery Date of Offense:__ 10/31/87\nAge at time of offense: _29 Race:_white Height: 5-9\n\nWeight 165 ___Eyes:_green Hair: _brown __\nNative County: _ Orange State: California\nPrior Occupation: cabinet maker Education Level:_15 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\n \n\nThree white females',
       'Name: Robert James Anderson D.R. # _999084\n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\nDOB: _ 5/29/66 Received: _ 12/27/93 Age: _27 (when ree’d)\nCounty: _Potter Date of Offense: _ 6/09/92\n\nAge at time of offense: 26 Race: White Height: _62_\nWeight: 149 Eyes: __Blue Hair: Brown\nNative Count y: _Great Lakes State: __ Illinois\n\nPrior Occupation: Security Officer Education Level: _12 years\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNone\n\nSummary:\n\nConvicted in the kidnaping and murder of 5-year-old Audra Reeves of Amarillo. In a written\ne confession, Anderson told police that he kidnapped Reeves from in front of his home at 3310 W. 2nd\n‘Street as she retuned from playing with other children at San Jacinto Park. He took her inside where\n\n \n\nrted Insuccess} his assault, Aj\nthe g gil laced dy in an styrofoam ice cl uried it i\ngarl ster behin sidenc . Tenness The ice ch init a\nody was in di ya homeows vit his\ned and kill girl after arguing with his wife about infidelity.\n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\n \n\nWhite female (child)\n\n \n\nTEXAS',
       "Name: Gary James Johnson p.r.¢__ 911\n\n) pop: 10 f-17_ 7-50 Received: ® / 19 7 88 Age: 37 (when rec'd\nCounty: Walker Date of offense: ' 30 1 i\nAge at time of offense: 35 Race: white Height: 577\nWeight: 175 Eyes: brown Hai brown\nNative County: St. Louis State: Musson\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n8 years\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education leve\n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n_ Summary: Convicted in the April 1986 slayings of 28-year-old James\n\n \n\nMathew Hazelton and 23-year-old Peter Joseph Sparagana at the\n\n \n\nTriple Creek Ranch west of Huntsville off Hwy. 30. Both Hazelton,\n\n \n\nthe ranch foreman, and Sparagana were shot to death after surprising\n\n \n\nJohnson and his brother Terry Johnson who were burglarizing the\n\n \n\nproperty. Each victim was shot three times with at least two\n\n \n\ntwo Johnson brothers\n\n \n\ndifferent pistols. Testimony showed that the\n\n  \n\n \n\nhad gone to the ranch to steal a welder, tires, livestock “Feed and\n\n \n\nother items. Gary Johnson had once been employed by the ranch owners\n\nand had previously repatred fences ther\nDOB: 7-11-4\n\n \n\n7, Rec. 9-2-88. Con-\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Terry Del Johnson #490379,\n\nyicted of murder and sentenced to 99 years after testifying against his\n\nbrother. Claims he hid in shadows of trees while his brother shot both men\n\n \n\n: @) pace of victin(s): wo white males",
       "Name: Patrick F. Rogers D.R.g 816\n\n \n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n& poB:_1_/_ 6 / 64 Received: 1 / 20 1 86 Age:_2? (when rec'd\nCounty: Collin Date of Offense: ° a1 °\nAge at time of offense: 21 Race: Ptack Height: >>\nWeight: 150 Eye: brown Hair: black\nNative County: oklahoma State: Oklahoma\nPrior Occupation: waiter Education Jevel:_ 10 years\n\nPrior prison record:\nOklahoma Department of Corrections #126808, received 6-29-83 with 5-year\n\n \n\nsentence for UUMV, paroled 1-6-84.\n\n \n\n \n\n& Summary: Convicted in the September 1985 shooting death of 23-year-old\nDavid Wilburn Roberts, a Paris police officer. Rogers and co-defendant\nWillis Deron Cooper had robbed a Paris store of approximately $685\n\nwhen their car was spotted and stopped by Officer Roberts at the entrance\n\n \n\nof the Ramada Inn in Paris. Before Officer Roberts could get out of his\n\n \n\npatrol car, Rogers reportedly got out of his vehicle and fired shots\n\nthrough the patrol car windshield. He then stepped to the driver's side\n\n \n\nwindow and fired four to six more times through the window. Officer Roberts\n\n \n\ndied at the scene. Rogers and Cooper were arrested after robbing a Paris\n\n \n\nwoman of her car and wedding ring —and—kitrapping—enethes\nCo-Defendants: Seven witnesses identified Rogers as the killer of Roberts.\n\nWillis Deron Cooper #413750, B/M, DOB: 3-21-66. Received 1-28-86 from\n\n  \n\nmar Co. with life sentence for agg. robbery w/deadly weapon.\naitamess CO MEniE eeusentencs: 3\n\nAp Race of Victim(s) white male\n\n    \n\nee",
       "849\n\n¢ Q a a ¢\nName; Delbert Boyd Teague Jr. 1A D\n\nDOB: 11/ 11 / 62 Received: 11 / 11 + 86\n\nee\n\nCounty: Tarrant Date of Offens.\n\nAge at time of offense: 29\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace: white Height: 5-8\nWeight: 131 Eyes: blue Hair: brown\nNative County: Harris State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: construction worker 10 years\n\n \n\non Worker ss Education ‘Tevel\nPrior prison record:\n\nIRC _£304661, received 5-6-80 from Harris Co. with 5-year shock probation\n\nSentence for possession of a prohibited weapon and forgery, released on\nShock probation 7-10-80, returned as shock probation violator 2-16-82,\n\nparoled under mandatory supervision to Montgomery Co. on 6-28-83.\n\nSummary: Convicted in the April 1985 robbery-slaying of 21-year-old Kevin\nLeréy Allen at a park near Fort Worth. Allen, a Fort Worth resident, was\none of three men shot at Marion Sansom Park after Teague and accomplice\nRobin Scott Partine robbed Thomas Emmitt Cox (DOB: 4-12-63) and his date,\nan 18-year-old white female, at gunpoint. Cox had run over to the men's\nvehicle to ask for help when Teague and Partine robbed the couple of about\n$80 and then started to leave the park overlooking Lake Worth with the\nwoman. At that point, Teague pulled up behind the men in the stolen pickup\nhe was driving and Shot each in the head with a .22-caliber pistol. Allen\ndied at aTocal hospital of two gunshot wounds to the head. David Suson\n(DOB: 1-7-53) and James Bell (DOB: 12-20-54) recovered from head and\nfacial wounds. Following the shootings, Cox's date (DOB: 12-20-66) was\nkidnapped and sexually assaulted by Teague and Partine. The two were\narrested the following day after the woman was able to leave a note\nasking for help in a service station restroom near Ramah, Louisiana\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Robin Scott Partine #457857, W/M, DOB: 3-11-57. Received\n\n7-29-87 from Tarrant Co. with life sentence for aggravated sexual assault\n\n  \n \n \n \n \n\nwith threat of violence.\n\ncn\nRace of Victim(s): white male\n\n  \n\nee",
       'Name: Lawrence Lee Buxton D.R.# 743\nDOB: 9 / 16 / 52 Received: 7 / 5 sf 83 Age: 30 (when rec’\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 9 sf 19 80\n\nAge at time of offense: 28 Race: Lack Height: °72°\nWeight: 230 Eyes; Brown Hair; Black\n\nNative County: Micker State: Georgia\n\nPrior Occupation: truck driver/meatcutter Education leve 10 years\n\nPrior prison record: .\n#321432, received 7-7-81 from Harris County with 35-year sentence for\n\n \n\naggravated robbery (6) and concurrent 5-year sentence for possession\n\n \n\nof a short-barrel shotgun. Charged with capital murder while serving\n\n \n\nsentence.\n\n \n\nCrime summary: Buxton was convicted of capital murder in the\nSeptember 19, 1980 shooting death of Joel Slotniy during a\ngrocery store robbery in Houston. Buxton and two unknown co-\ndefendants robbed the safeway store at Fry Road and 1-10 West.\nAfter the robbers had taken money from a cash register and\njeft for the getaway car, Buxton shot Slotnick, a customer,\nbecause his five-year-old son, Aaron, would not get down on\n\nthe floor as ordered. Slotnix died on September 23, 1980 from\na neck wound.\n\nae\n\nCo-Defendants: Unknown\n\na a\n\nee,\nRace of Victim(s): white male\n\n \n\npeace',
       "Name:___Jeffrey Carlton Doughtie _ DLR. #_ 999106\n\n \n\n \n\n@roe:_10/ 3 / ot Received: 6 / 10 / 94 Age: 32 (when rec'd)\n\nDate of offense: 8 /_2 / 93\n\n \n\nRace: white Height: 5-10\n\n \n\nWeight: 177 Eyes: blue Hair; blonde\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nNative County: Tarboro State: North Cavolina\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level: 9 yrs.\n\n \n\nPrior prison recor\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\nConvicted in the robbery and murders of Corpus Christi store\n\nowers Jerry Lee Dean, 80, and his 76-year-old wife Sylvia. The Deans\nowned Golden Antiques at 1101 South Staples and had known Doughtie\n\nfor a number of years. On the day of the murders, Doughtie was\n\nrefused a $30 loan from the couple, money Doughtie wanted to buy\n\n \n\ndrugs. He soon returned to the store with a metal bar and beat the\n\ncouple to death. Doughtie stole a number of rings, including Mrs.\n\nDean's wedding ring, and money from the store before fleeing.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\nRace of Victim(s",
       "Name; Frank Basil McFarland pine:\nDoe: 107 7 _/_©3 — Received: * 7 1? 7 9° ge: 26 (een aera\nCounty: warrant || soDate of Offenses 2 fa 188\n\nAge at time of offense: 24 Race:__White\n\nWeight: 160 Eyes; brown Hair; xOwn\n\nNative County: Washington, D.c\n\nPrior Occupation: electrician 9; ieee)\n\n“———______ ss Education level:\n———_____\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\nee\n\n   \n\nSusmary: Convicted in the February 1988 sexual assault and murder of\n\n26-year-old Terri Lynn Hokanson of Arlington. Hokanson, who worked as\n\n \n\na shoe shine girl at a Fort Worth bar, was found lying in the driveway\n\nof the First United Methodist Church in Hurst. Suffering from more than\n\n \n\n \n\n50 stab wounds, Hokanson was alive when found and managed to tell police\n\n \n\nthat two men had raped and stabbed her, She died the next mOrning—at—a\n\n \n\n \n\nlocal hospital. Witnessess told police that Hokanson was—tast—seen—with—\nknife\n\n \n\n \n\ntwo men at a second Fort. Worth bar the night of Ner—ttsappearnce+\ntin-HeFarland's\n\n \n\nand gold earring belonging to Hokanson were-tater—f\n-wehicl\nCo-Defendants: “alleged co-defendant Ryan Michael Wilson, DOB: 10-16-62, was\n\nshot to death near Weatherford in Parker Co. on 3-11-88. A second murder\n\ncase against McFarland is pending.\n\nRace of Victim(s): hite female",
       'YW\no\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n&\nName: RAMON MONTOYA D.R.#_737\nDOB:__01/.15  /_ 54 Received: 05  /.19 / 83 Age: 29 (when |\nCounty: Dallas Date of Offense: 01 16 / 83\nAge at time of offense: Race: Hispanic Height: _5\'3"\nWeight: 125 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black\nNative County: State:__Mexico\nPrior Occupation: Laborer Education level: 7 yrs\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n2 i\nni\n\n \n\n \n\nTEXAS\nSummary: Montoya was convicted of capital murder in the shooting death of Dallas\n\nPolice Officer John R. Pasco. Pasco was shot once in the head after chasing Montoya\nin the vicinity of the Spanish Villa Apartments at 1818 Park Ave. He had gone to\n\nthe apartments to check out residents’ complaints about an armed man, Police said\n\n \n\nMontoya fired at Pacsa\'s squad car as it pulled into the complex, but did not hit\n\n \n\ny\nthe officer. Pasco called for help on the car radio and then gave d&se on\n\n \n\noot.\n\n \n\n \n\nMontoya said he ran from the patrolman to avoid being arrested for carrying a weapon.\n\n \n\nHe said he fell during the chase and the gun fired while he was attempting to throw\n\n \n\nthe weapon away.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n---U.S. immigration officials said Montoya had earlier been deported on a weapons\nCo-Defendants: charge but had re-entered the country illegally.\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Unknown',
       "Ronford Lee Styron, Jr. D.R. #999124\n\n \n\n    \n\n   \n\n \n\n8B / 23 / 69 Receiv /_ 94 Age: 25 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Liberty Date of offense: 10/ 26 / 93\nAge at time of offense: 24 Race: white Height: 5-8\nWeight: 180 Eyes; blue lair: brown\nNative County: Harris State: Texas 4 _\nPrior Occupation: laborer __ _ f€ducation level: 11 yrs.\n\nca ‘ a\n\nPrior prison! record: j\n\n \n\nTEXAS\nIEMA!\n\nSummary: Convicted in the beating death of his 11-month-old son,\n\nLee Hollace Styron. The young boy was taken to Liberty Baptist\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nHospital with a swollen face and several broken ribs after\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nbeing beaten by his father. He died two days later at Texas\n\nChildren's Hospital in Houston, Doctors later discovered that\n\n   \n\n_____young Lee had previously suffered at least 10 broken bones.\n\nRonford Styron told police he suspected that Lee was not his\n\nbiological offspring and took his anger out on him.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None",
       "Name: Robert Earl Carter D.R. # 99909.\n\nDOB: __03/07/66 Received: _02/23/94 ‘Age: _27 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Bastrop (COV from Burleson Date of Offense: _08/18/92\nAge at time of offense: _26 Race: Black —- Height: _5'0__\nWeight: _171 Eyes: Brown. Hair: _Black\nNative County: Grimes State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Correctional officer Education Level: _12 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n   \n\n \n\nat his S$ .\n\nwounds, Nicole was kill sh FE i ili\nme Wa ire in an effort to c ul the ter, nt\n\nyaternity suit Davis’ daus fune ces for ‘ictims w\n\nfor seve ay suffered in e fire.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nAnth les Grav B/M, DOB: I th for\neC, th row 11/7/' ‘ase was pendit ga Theres i\n\nRace of Vietim(s):",
       "yr a4\n\n3) ‘\n4\\? M4\nName: Freddie Lee Webb | : p.r.# 848\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npop: 8 / 17 / 60 Received: 10 / 27 7 86 Age: (when\nCounty: _Nueces Date of offense: 92 7 ° oy _*\nAge at time of offens 25 Race: black Height: 5-8\nWeigh 165 Eyes: brown Hair; black\n\nNative County: Nueces State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: construction worker Edueattontevers 22 SEPP (G\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nTDC_#318667, received 4-27-81 from Nueces Co. with 10-year sentence for\n\nft from person and rape of a child, paroled unde\n\n  \n\naggravated robbery, t\n\nmandatory supervision to Nueces Co. on 1-14-85.\n\n \n\n‘Summary:\n\nConvicted in the December 1985 abduction and slaying of 26-year-o\nLeopoldo Cantu of Corpus Christi. Cantu and his wife Elizabeth, n\nsupervisor at the Ship Ahoy restaurant in Corpus Christi, were\nabducted at a car wash after closing the restaurant. They were\ndriven back to the restaurant, where Elizabeth was forced to open\nthe safe and turn over the day's receipts. She was tied up and\nleft inside the restaurant. Her husband was driven to an isolated\nlocation and shot five times with a .45-caliber pistol. Webb and\nan accomplice were arrested in George West, Tx. on March 29, 1986\nfollowing the armed robbery of a convenience store there.\n\nCo-Defendants: Warren Ray Clark #422070, B/M, DOB: 7-22-60. Received 5-16-\n\nfrom Live Oak Co. with 12-year sentence for aggravated robbery.\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Hispanic male\n\nee",
       "Rag\n\nName: Marion Butler Dudley | ___ DR. #_999136\n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n@ pop: 5/13 / 72 Received: 2 / 10/95 Age: _22 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Harris Date of offense 6 720 7 92\nAge at time of offense: 20 Race: black Heights 5-6\nWeight:__149 Eyes:_brown Hair: black\nNative County: Tuscaloosa State: svatlaas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: laborer\n\nEducation level: = 10 years\n\n    \n\nPrior prison record\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the murders of three people shot during a drug\n\n \n\nbuy at a-Houston residence. Killed were Jose Tovar, Jessica Quinones\n\n \n\nand Frank Farias. Dudley and two accomplices had gone to the home of\n\n \n\nJose and Rachel Tovar to buy three kilograms of cocaine when they\n\n \n\ndecided to rob them of their drugs and money. Three other people\n\nwere also shot by the conspirators, two of which survived head wounds\n\nto identify Dudley as one of their attackers.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Arthur Brown #999110, was convicted of capital murder\n\nand sentenced to death. A capital murder case was pending against\n\nq) antonia Duson.\n\nRace of Victim(s): Two Hispanic males, one Hispanic female",
       "VRLW\n\n \n\nName: Joseph John Cannon __ D.R. #_634\n\nDOB: _ 01/13/60 Received: _05/09/79 Age: _19 (when reo’d)\nCounty: Bexar Date of Offense: _09/30/77\nAge at time of offense: _17 Race: White Height: _6'1__\nWeight: 140 __ Eyes: Blue _ Hair: _Blonde\nNative Count y: Bexar ____ State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Laborer Education Level: None\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\nNone.\nSummary:\n“onvicted of capital murder in the slaying of San Antonio attorn\n\nseven times with a .22 caliber pistol after she had retumed home for lunch. Walsh was the sister of\nDan Carabin, Cannon’s court-appointed attorney on a burglary of a habitation charge. Carabin and\nWalsh took an interest in Cannon's welfare fc ing g] Wis i\n\nto live at the Walsh home while on probation. told poli\n\ntan hei tems ea.” Heiden sex asl\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\n \n\nWhit\n\nat TEXAS",
       "EEEEEEDET:'Z\n\nName:_Arnold Prieto _ DLR. #_999149\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n& 008: 6 /_9 /_73 Received: ¢ /_2 /_95_ Age:_> (when rec'd)\nCounty: Bexar 7 Date of offenses 9 pany 93\nAge at time of offense: 20 Race: Hispanic Height: 579\nWeight: 210 Eyes:_brown hai black\nNative County: Portal State: New Mexico _\n\nPrior Occupation: Education level\n\n \n\n    \n  \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\nSummary: Convicted in the robbery and murder of three people, including\nPrieto's great uncle and aunt, in Carrollton. Killed were Rodolfo\nand Virginia Rodriguez and Paula Moran. Each of the elderly victims\nwere stabbed to death.after offering-Prieto and two co-defenants\n\nbreakfast at their home. The three assailants fled with money\n\nand jewelry stolen from the home, 7 -\n\nCo-Defendants: Cases were pending against Jessie Hernandez and\n\nGualalupe Hernandez.\n\n(",
       '3-year sentence in connection with a 1984 felony possession of\n\nmarijuana charge.\n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the May 1986 death of 69-year-old Eva May near\n\nDeKalb. May was shot once in the head during a robbery of the L.A. May\nGrocery located approximately six miles east of DeKalb. Cockrum was\narrested the next day. Co-defendant Jerry Morgan reportedly led police\nto the .22-caliber pistol used in the shooting and later testified\n\nagainst Cockrum in exchange for a reduced charge.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Jerry Morgan #434527, W/M, DOB: 2-6-57. Received 10-21-86\n\nfrom Bowie Co. with 99-year sentence for burglary of a habitation.\n\n \n\nrr\n9-30" 1;\n\nName: John William Cockrum D.R.g 854\n\nbop: 12 7 20 / 58 Received: 12 / 9 7 86 Age: 27 (when rec\'d\n\nCounty:__Bowie Date of offense: > 79 7 86\n\nAge at time of offense: 27 Race: White Height: °~°\n\nWeight: 175 Eyes: 9£eY hair: D¥Own\n\nNative County: cobb State: Georgia\n\nPrior Occupation; edckisyes Education level: 9 years\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNo prior record, but in August 1986, Cockrum was assessed a concurrent\n\n0\n<\n\nRace of Victim(s): white female\n\na ee',
       'Name: Demarco Markeith McCullum D.R. #999180\n\n@ 2 Recoived: 45 /.26./ o6- Age: 21 (when rec\'d)\nCounty: Harris x "ee boveaerotrense: 430/94\n\nAge at time of offense: 19° Race: black Height:\n\nWeight a Eyes: brown Hairs) black .\n\nNative County: Laurel State: Missisgippi\n\nPrior Occupation: unemployed __ Education level: 127years\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\n     \n\nSummary: Convicted in the abduction and murder of 29-year-old Michael\n\n \n\nBurzinski. McCullum and three co-defendants accosted and then abducted\n\n \n\nBurzinski in the Montrose area of Houston, forcing him to drive to an\n\nATM machine on Little York where $400 was withdrawn from his account.\n\n \n\nThe accomplices then drove Burzinski in his car to an isolated area\n\noff Northview Park Drive where he was shot once in the back of the\n\n \n\n \n\nhead while he pleaded for his life. The four then drove Burzinski\'s\n\ncar a’short distance away and set it afire. McCullum later confessed\n\nthe killing to police.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Identified as Terrance Perro, Decedrick Ganious and\n\nChristopher Lewis. Charges and disposition not immediately known.\n\n   \n\nRace of Victim(s)',
       "Name; Jamie Bruce McCoskey D.R. # 999053\n\neo DOB:_10 /_5 /_64 Received: 3 / 5 /_93 Age: 28 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Harris Date of offense: 11 / 13 /_91\nAge at time of offense: 27 Race: white Height: 6-4\nWeight: 204 Eyes: Hair:__blonde\nNative County: Datlas State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: landscaper Education level: 9 yrs.\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\nTDCI #349544, rec. 1/21/83, Travis Co., 10 yrs., kidnapping, released on\nshock probation 6/10/83, retd. as SP violator, 10/19/84, released under\n\nmandatory supervision 6/29/87, retd. as violator 10/24/88, released under\n\n      \n  \n  \n      \n    \n \n \n \n \n    \n\nmandatory supervision to Harris Co. 5/21/91.\n\nSummary: Convicted in the kidnapping and murder of 20-year-old Michael\nKeith Dwyer. McCoskey abducted Dwyer and his 19-year-old fiancee from\nDwyer's apartment and forced them to an abandoned house at 1806 Drew\nin Houston where Dwyer was stabbed to death and his fiancee raped.\nMcCoskey fled in Dwyer's car, but abandoned it in front of an apartment\ncomplex where he once lived. While police were searching the car, a\nresident, hearing a description of the suspect in the kidnapping, told\n\nthem they were looking for McCoskey. He was later picked out of a lineup\n\nby Dwyer's fiancee.\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n \n\n    \n\nRace of Victim(s): white male",
       'Name: Allen Wayne Janecka ......___ D.R.#.684___\nDOB: 11/03/49 Received: _06/08/81__ Age: 31. (when received)\n‘County:__Hanig ee Date of Offense:_07 /05/79__\n\nAge at time of offense: __29 Race:_white_ _Height:6-0 _\nWeight: _165 Eyes: _brown __ Hair: _brown\nNative County: Colorado __ State: _Texas ___\nPrior Occupation: Jaborer Education Level: 12 years\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\nWhite male infant',
       'Ss NAME: Willie Earl Pondexter, Jr. D.R.#_999111\nDOB: _03/05/74 RECEIVED: 07/25/94 AGE: 20 (WHEN REC\'D)\nCOUNTY: Red River (COV from Bowie) DATE OF OFFENSE: 10/29/93\nAGE AT TIME OF OFFENSE: 19 RACE: Black HEIGHT: 612"\nWEIGHT: 208 EYES:__brown HAIR: black\nNATIVE COUNTY: McCurtain STATE:__Oklahoma\nPRIOR OCCUPATION: laborer EDUCATION LEVEL: 11 years\n\nPRIOR PRISON RECORD: None\nSUMMARY:__Convicted of burglarizing the Clarksville home of 85-year-old Martha W. Lennox\nand fatally shooting her in the head. Lennox was sleeping when Pondexter and at least one\naccomplice broke into her home at 601 W. Broadway. After shooting the woman with a 9mm\n\npistol, the intruders took $18 from her purse and fled in her car.\n\n \n\nCO-DEFENDANTS:_James Leon Henderson, B/M, DOB: 03/12/73. Case pending. Police also\nSe identified _a Ricky Bell as a possible accomplice. Charges against Bell not immediatel.\n\nknown.\n\nRACE OF VICTIM(S): White female',
       '@" Doyle Skillern - D.R-# sig _\n\nYB: _04/08/36_ RECEIVED: 03/03/75.\n\n \n\n \n\nCOUNTY: Lubbock DATE OF OFFENSE: _4o/3/7. __\n\nAGE AT TIME OF OFFENS RACE: hire HEIGHT: _\n\n \n\nWEIGHT:\n\nHAIR:\n\nNATIVE COUNTY: STATE:\n\nPRIOR OCCUPATION:\n\n \n\nPRIOR PRISON RECORD:\n\nSUMMARY: skillern was convicted of Capital Murder for the Octoher 23, 1974 shooting —\n\n-death of Texas Deparrmenr of Public Safety Narcorics Officer Patrick Allen Randel 4:\n\nOi scerc:\n\n \n\nthe town of George West.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\nRACE OF VICTIM(S) =\n\n     \n\n13]1/2/3]oJo]\nL280]',
       "Name: Edgar Arias Tamayo __ D.R. #999130\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n    \n \n \n  \n \n \n   \n \n\n \n\n \n\n@ Tower ivess A fa 79d 27 __(when rec'd)\ncourt _ Harris. _ a Date of offense: 4 /_31 / a4\nAge at time of offense: 26 Races Hispanic Weight: 5-8 _\nWeight: 175 Eyes: brown Hair: black 3\nNative County: Mexico\nPrior Occupatio laborer _\n\nPrior prison regord:\n\n   \n\nNo prior prigon record in ‘Te:\n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\nte Released one parole.\n\n   \n\nSuumary: Convicted in the shooting death of Houston police officer\n\n \n\nGuy P. Gaddis. Officer Gaddis was flagged down outside a southwest Houston\n\n \n\nnightclub by a man Tamayo had robbed minutes earlier, Officer Gaddis, 24,\n\narrested and handcuffed Tamayo and was transporting him to jail when\n\nTamayo pulled a pistol that’ had gone unseen and shot the officer three\n\n \n\ntimes in the back of the head. The officer's patrol car ran off the road\n\ninto a house, at which time Tamayo kicked out a window and fled, still\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nhandcuffed. He was arrested several blocks away. Tamayo told investigators\n\n \n\nthat he was angry with officer Gaddis because he wouldn't allow him to leave\n“his keys with his wife before being transported to jail.\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNo co-defendants\n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white male",
       'Name: Mack Oran Hill pra 26%\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npos: & / 12 7 53 — Received: 1 / 25 / 90 Age: 36 (when rec\'d\nCounty: Lubbock Date of offense: 2 yy 87\nAge at time of offense: 33 Race: White Height: 6-0\nWeight: 160 Eyes: hazel Hair; PFOWP\n\nNative County: Tarrant state: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Paint & Body ___ Education level:__7 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison recor\npc 4325229, rec. 10-1-81 from Tarrant Co. with 12-year sentence for\n\n \n\naggravated robbery w/deadly weapon, paroled to Lubbock Co. on 6-10-85.\n\n \n\n \n\n‘o Summary: Convicted in the March 1987 robbery and murder of 43-year-old\nDonald Franklin Johnson. Johnson\'s body was found wrapped in plastic\ninside a 55-gallon drum that had been filled with concrete and\n\nsubmerged in Amon Carter Lake in Montague County. The drum, labeled\n\n \n\n"Calcium Carbide" was found by a game warden five months following\n\n \n\nJohnson\'s disappearance. An autospy revealed that Johnson had been\n\n \n\n \n\nshot once in the head with a .25-caliber pistol. Johnson and Hill had\n\n \n\npreviously been partners in several unsuccessful business ventures.\n\n \n\nFollowing Johnson\'s disappearance, Hill was seen in possession of\n\n \n\nhis truck and camper trailer. Will was also invotved ir i pe e\n. ; :\n\nCo-Defendants: equipment FoR IRHBESRS a PAbn tr aAnBPRE EDO? mu Euppeeres\n\nHerbert Wayne Elliott, W/M, DOB: 4-29-52. Convicted of robbery and\n\nsentenced to 20 years in prison. Received 12-5-89.\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white male\n\n \n\n,',
       'ExecuedL W6/ 70” we\n\nJoe Fedelfido Gonzales + #999177\n\n \n\n \n\n_1L/_17/60 Received: 1 / 10 /96_ Age: 35 (when recta)\n\n   \n\nCounty: Potter bate of offense: 10 719 7 92\n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 31 _ Race: Hispanic  Neight:_5-10\n\n \n\nHeight: 253 Eyes: brown Nair: _ black\n\n  \n\nNative Count. Rotter State: Texas\n\n \n \n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: general contracting Education level: 11 yrs. (GED)\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nRecords indicate tii\n\n  \n\nserved-in Cali\n\n   \n\nfor DWI, robbery and assault\n\n     \n\n \n\n \n\n©\n\n  \n\nSummary: Convicted in the shooting death of 50-year-old William J. Veader\n\n \n\nin Amarillo. Veader died from a single gunshot wound to the head, which\n\ninitially appeared to have been self-inflicted. A subsequent investigation\n\nrevealed that Gonzales killed Veader and then arranged the crime scene\n\n \n\n \n\nto make it look like a suicide. Police also discovered that Gonzales\n\n \n\nhad stolen a number of items, includi\n\ncash, from the rental home\n\n     \n\nVeader owned at 1001 S. Hodges.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendents: None',
       'Name:_Brown, Mauriceo M. D.R. #999234\n\n \n\n \n\nDOB: __ 07/03/75 Received: __07/01/97 Age:_21\nCounty:_Bexar Date of Offense:___ 08/15/96\n\nAge at time of offense:_21__ Race:_B_ Height:_6°01"\nWeight:__ 159 Eyes:__Brown Black\nNative County:___ Bexar County State:_Texas\n\nPrior Occupation:___Telemarketing Education level:_10"\n\nPrior prison record:_None.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary:_Convicted in the August 15, 1996 attempted robbery and murder of 25 year-old\nMichael T. Lahood, Jr. in San Antonio, Texas, Lahood was standing near his vehicle on a San\nAntonio street (107 Palo Duro) when he was approached by Brown and three accomplices.\nBrown pulled a pistol and demanded Lahood’s money and car keys. When Lahood refused to.\ncomply, Brown shot him once in the face. Brown was a known member of the Crips street gang\nat the time of the killing.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendant (s) :\nKenneth Foster #999232, B/M, DOB: 10/22 79, rec\'d 07/01/97, Bexar Co. sentenced to\nDeath: Julius Steen and DeWayne Dillard (dispositions unknown),\n\n \n\nRace of Victim (s):_Black male,',
       "Name:\n\nDOB: 2 / 6 / 60 Received:\n\nCounty: Harris\n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 21\n\n \n\nWeight: 165 Eyes: brown\n\n \n\nNative County: Harris\n\nPrior Occupation: laborer\n\nAntonio Nathaniel Bonham\n\n1257 81 Age: 21\n\n \n\n(when rec'd)\n\nDate of Offense: 7 f= /_ 81\n\n \n\nRace: black Height: 5-6\nHair; black\n\nState:__ Texas\n\nEducation level: 9 years\npe Cee es\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nReceived July 1978 with 10-year sentence for robbery and auto theft.\n\nParoled to Harris County on\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\n“Crime summary: Bonham was convicted in the July 9, 1981 abduction i\n-and murder of 62-year-old Marie Jones McGowen, a key punch instructor\nat Massey Business College in Houston. McGowen was abducted outside\nthe college, raped, and then run over by her own con Prosecutors\n“also said the woman had been hit over the head mith a brick and E\ntas jocked in the trunk of her car before being tun ovec: Her\ngrushed body was found underneath her car on a secluded road in :\nSoutheast Houston about 11 hours after her abduction. Bonham was\narrested by Houston police on July 17, 1981. He had been on parole ~\n\njess than 2 monthsbefore the committing the crime\n\nee\ni\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\na\na\n\nRace of Victim(s): Unknown\n\na",
       'Name: Jose Gutierrez. D.R. #970\n\nDOB: _10/14/60__ Received: _04/27/90_ Age: 29 (when received)\nCounty:__Brazos. Date of Offense:__09/05/89__\n\nAge at time of offense: __28 Race:_Hispanic Height: 5-4\nWeight: __189 _____ Eyes: _brown Mabe black\n\nNative County: __Deaf Smith State: _ Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: construction Education Level: 8 yrs.\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):',
       "Name: Jerry Lee Hogue D.R.# 660\n\npop: 9 /' 26 / 50 Received: 6 / 6 / 80 Age:__29 (when rec'd\nCounty: Tarrant Date of Offense: 1 = 12 7 79\n\nAge at time of offense: 28 Race: White\n\nWeight: 170 Eyes: brown Hair: brown\n\nNative County: Bartholomem State: Indiana\n\nPrior Occupation: auto repossesser Education level: 10 years\n\nPrior prison record: ‘\nConvicted of rape in Buena Vista, Colorado in 1974 and given an\n\nindeterminate sentence of up to 3 years. Paroled the same year.\n\nCrime summary: Hogue was convicted of capital murder in the\nwanpary 1979 death of 27-year-old Jayne Markham in Arlington.\nMarkham died in a house fire set by Hogue at 2412 Southcsest\nsoanraington. She had shared the rental house with her eight~\nyear-old son and friends Mary Beth Crawford and Steve Renick.\nHogue, who had lived in the same house a month before it was\nleased to the foursome in December 1978, apparently established\nSome sort of amiable relationship with Markham and visited her\n\non the last two days of her life. While Markham, Crawford and\nHogue were eating breakfast on Jan. 12, he suddenly blurted out\nthat he was a police officerand that he was arresting them for\nmarijuana possession. Retrieving Renick's loaded pistol from a\nfootlocker, Hogue later forced Crawford into an act of oral sodomy\nand then stabbed her in the stomach with a butcher knife. Markham\nwas tied up and raped by Hogue prior to her death. Once Markham's\nSon returned home from school and Renick returned from work, Hogue\ntied up or handcuffed the four inside the house and set it Afire\nAll but Markham, whose hands and feet were tied behind her back | ———\n\n \n\n \n\nwith insulated wire, managed to escape. Hogue was arrested at a\nfriend's home in Arlington on Jan. 14.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\nSr i.\npe\n\nsace of Victim(s): white female\n\nee\n\nTEXAS &",
       "bx ya 14\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: Martin Sauceda Vega D.R.# 932\n\nDoe: so 7/45 Received: 2 / 16 / 89 — Age:_42 (when rec'c\nCounty: caldwell sate of Offense: 7 ftp 8\nAge at time of offense: 38 Race: Hispanic Height: _ 5-10\nWeight: 165 Eyes; brown Hair; Black\nNative County: caldwell State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: laborer 3 years\n\n——e——eeeSCiEdcattitorn levee] :\n\nPrior prison record:\nTDC #200277, rec. 7-23-68 from Medina & Caldwell counties with 4-year senténce\n\nfor burglary & att. burglary, paroled to Travis Co. 2-20-70. TDC #225672,\n\nrec. 6-26-72 from Travis Co. with 18-year sentence for sale of narcotic drugs,\n\nSagehessed.Jaasha-uARSr tA 40fegyec- 5-25-84 with 2-year sentence For agg.\n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the murder-for-hire killing of 36-year-old\nJames William Mims. Vega told authorities that he and\nMims' wife Linda plotted to kill Mims in order to collect\napproximately $250,000 in life insurance. Mims was beaten\nand shot 7 times with a .22-caliber pistol.\nVega went to authorities in Luling on Jan. 2, 1988 and con-\nfessed his role in the murder. He later led police to an\n\narea where the murder weapon was found.\n\nCo-Defendants: Unknown\n\nRace of Victim(s): Unknown\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nTEXAS ke",
       'Name: Craig Neil Ogan = siR #979 ___\n\nDOB: 12/18/54 Received: _07/11/90_. Age: 35 (when received)\nCounty:__Harris Date of Offense:__12/09/89 _\nAge at time of offense: _34 Race:_white Height: 5-10\n\nWeight: _190 Eyes: _blue Hair: _brown ___\nNativeCounty, State: Missouri\n\nPrior Occupation: informant/laborer_____________ Education Level:_15 years __\n\nPrior Prison Record: oe a\nRO carretera a\n\nsee\n\n—— A it\n\nSummary: »~ 4\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:',
       "Ch te\\1\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nNam William Hamilton Little D.R.# 788\n\nDOB: 10 / 25 / 60 Received: 4 / 15 / 85 Age: 24 (when rec'd\nCounty: Liberty Date of Offense: 120 7 3 / 83\n\nAge at time of offense: 23 Race: white Height: 6-1\n\nWeigh 191 Eyes; Brown Hair: Brown\n\nNative County: Yarris State: nese\n\nPrior Occupation: roofer Education level:_9 years\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone | be ..\n—— as Bae\n\nSummary: Convicted in the stabbing death of 23-year-old Marilyn Peters\n\nat her rural Cleveland, Texas home. Peters was raped, stabbed more than\n\n \n\n19 times with a kitchen knife, and then raped a second time after her death.\n\n \n\nHer nude body was found on the living room floor of her home in the Old\n\n \n\nSnake River Lake subdivision. Robbery was not a motive in the murder since\n\n \n\nPeters was still wearing her jewelry and nearly $500 was found on her bed-\n\n \n\nroom dresser. Authorities also found nearly two pounds of marijuana inside\n\n \n\nthe residence. Little claimed he had become acquainted with the victim\n\n \n\nthrough her sale of marijuana to him. Blood-stained blue jeans and towels\n\n \n\nwere found at Little's residence on Buckley Drive. He was arrested there\nCo-Defendants:_0P_12-6-83.\n\nNone\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white female",
       'Name: Donell Okeith Jackson D.R. #999206\nDOB: 12/11/72 Received: 19/27 196 Age: 23 (when received)\n\nCounty:___Harris Date of Offense:_08 /31/93 _\nAge at time of offense: __20 Race:_black  _ Height:_\nWeight Eyes:_brown Hair: _black\n\nNative County: Harris... State: _Texas\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education Level: 8 yrs\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): a @',
       'jen Cecil Joiner\n\nDOB: 10 /_27_/ 49 Received:\n\nCounty: Lubbock\n\nee,\n\nAge at time of offense:\nWeight: 199\n\nNative S\nCounty: Crisp Georgia\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: truck driver i\nEducation level: Users\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\nmre\n\n \n\nconvicted in the December 1986 slayings of 26-year-old carol\n\n@ Huckabee and 29-year-old Eva Matie DeForest, two\nt 4614 67th st.\n\nSummary:\nLynett:\nLubbock waitresses who shared an apartment a\n\nBoth women were bound by duct tape inside their apartment\n\nand stabbed repeatedly. Huckabee, who reportedly was also\n\nraped, suffered multiple stab wounds to the chest, back,\n\nand face and her throat was slashed. DeForest was beaten\n\nand her throat cut. A broken\nof her chest. Joiner\nlice he saw two\nafter dis-\n\nstabbed 41 times in the chest\nticking out\nwomen and told pe\nmplex\nafter telling\n\nknife blade was found $\n\njived nex\n\nplack men run\neir bodies-\n\nt door to the\n\ng from the 4]\nHe was arrested\n\nn partment cO\nani\ncovering th dered womens\n\npolice conflictin3 stori\n\nCo-Defendants:\nNone\n\nqwo white females\n\npace of Victim(s)+',
       "Name: Jerry McFadden D.R. #_875\n\nDOB: 3 / 21 / 48 Received: 7 /15 /87 Age:_ 39 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Bell (COV from Upshur) Date of offense: 5 / 5 / 86\n\nAge at time of offense: 38 Race: white Height: 5-9\nWeight: 208 Eyes: blue Hair: brown\n\nNative County: Haskell State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: telephone cable Education level: 7 years\n\ninsta\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nTDC #231523, rec. 4-22-73, Haskell & Denton counties, 15 yrs., rape, paroled\n\nto Haskell Co, 12-19-79, returned 10-23-79 from Jones Co. as violator\n#313844, rec, 1-5-81 from bench warrant to Shackleford Co. with cumulative\nlife sentence for aggravated robbery, paroled to Wood Co. under mandatory\nsupervision 7-17-85, returned as MS violator 7-18-86 from Shackleford and\nBexar counties with life sentence\n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the abduction, rape and strangulation death of\n\n \n\n18-year-old Suzanne Denise Harrison of Hawkins. Harrison and companions\nGena Turner, 20, and Bryan Boone, 19, were abducted during an outing to\n\nLake Hawkins. McFadden raped and sodomized Harrison and then strangled her\n\n \n\nwith her panties. Her body was found atop Barnwell Mountain in Upshur Co.\n\n \n\nThe bodies of Turner and Boone were found five days later. Both had been\n\nshot to death execution-style with a .38-caliber pistol.\n\n \n\n*On 7-9-86, while being held in the Upshur County Jail, McFadden over-\npowered a_male jailer and escaped in the car of a female jailer he took\n\nhostage. The hostage, eventually kept in an abandoned railroad box car\n\nthree days of an extensive manhunt\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n \n   \n \n \n\n———_Iin._co=defendanta __\n\nRace of Victim(s): White female",
       'Name: Ronald Keith Allridge 10" 9? D.R.# 818\n\npoB:_ 09 /_27_/_60 Received: 02/20/86 Age: 25, (when rec\'d)\nCounty: Tarrant Date of Offense: 03 / 25/85\n\nAge at time of offense: 24 Race: Black Height: 6\'4\n\nWeight: Eyes: Brown Hair: Black\n\n   \n\nNative County: State: Stullgart, W. Germany\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation\n\n \n\nUnemployed Education level: __10 (GED)\n\nPrior prison record: .\n09/08/77 (#271610) 10-years - Murder Discharged 06/06/83\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Shot and killed customer Carla McMillen during a robbery of a\n\nWhat-a-Burger restaurant _in Fort Worth, TX.\n\n—\n\n—_.—_ FF\n\n \n\n \n\n#451193 #425304\nCo-Defendants: Clarence Jarmon and Milton Ray Jarmon. James Allridge (brother) drove\n\nthe get_away car. Clarence received a 20-year sentence for Aggravated Robbery with\na deadly weapon. Milton got 30-years for Aggravated Robbery with a deadly weapon.\n\nRace of Victim(s): white female',
       'CO  __E\'T\'S~—- tt lJ\n\n6p\\Gel: iK\n\n \n\n \n\nName:__Jonathan Wayne Nobles\n\nj D.R.f 885\nbop: 8 / 27 / 61 ae\nI Received: 10 / 16 / 87 Age: 26\n- 2h (when re\nCounty: Travis\na Date of Offense: 9 7 86\nAge at time of offense: 25 Race: white 5-11\nWeight: 202 Eyes; brown Hair: brown\nNative County: travis State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: electricianfmarketing Education level: 8 years (GED\n"_electrician/marketing :\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n     \n     \n   \n  \n  \n  \n  \n   \n \n    \n  \n   \n  \n \n \n  \n \n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\nTDC #404361, received 9-3-85 from Collin County with 3-year sentence\nfor theft of property over $750, paroled under mandatory supervision\n\nto Austin 4-23-86.\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary; Convicted in the Septeriber 1986 stabbing deaths of Mitzi\n\n \n\nJohnson-Nalley, 21, and Kelly Farguhar, 24, at their rented home in\n\n \n\nAustin. Nobles, who was employed by Central Texas Crime Prevention\n\n \n\nAssociation of Round Rock at the time of the killings, broke into the\n\n \n\nhouse at 5913 Sunshine Drive after consuming a combination of drugs and\n\n \n\nalcohol. Ronald Ross, Mitzi\'s 30-year-old date, was also stabbed in\n\n \n\nthe assault, but survived his wounds. Nobles, who wounded himself in\n\nthe arm during the assault, was arrested at his home on Sept. 19, 1986\nee ©\n\nand confessed to police the same day.\n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n  \n  \n\nRace of Victim(s): Two white females',
       'Name: Troy Albert Kunkle D.R. #784\n\noO DOB:05/27/66_ Received: _03/02/85_ Age: 18 (when received)\nCounty:__Nueces Date of Offense:_ 08/12/84\nAge at time of offense: __18 Race:_white Height: 6-1\nWeight: 163 Eyes: _blue Hair: _brown\nNative County: Nurenburg = State: Germany\nPrior Occupation: student____—- Education Level: 1] years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\nA\n&\n\n© Summary:\n\n \n\n \n\n© Race of Victim(s):\nWhite male',
       'NAME:__Lesley Lee Gosch D.R.#_842\noB:_07/08/55 RECEIVED: 09/15/86 AGE: _31 (WHEN REC\'D)\nCouNTY: Victoria (COV from Bexar) DATE OF OFFENSE: 09/18/85\n\nAGE AT TIME OF OFFENSE: 30 RACE: White HEIGHT: 515"\n\nWEIGHT: 140 EYES:_brown HAIR:_brown\n\nNATIVE COUNTY: Barton STATE: Kansas\n\n \n\nPRIOR PRISON RECORD: None\nSUMMARY: __Gosch was convicted of capital murder in the shooting death of 43-year-old\nRebecca Smith Patton of San Antonio in September 1985. Patton, married to the\npresident of Castle Hill National Bank in San Antonio, was shot seven times in the\nhead with a .22-caliber pistol fitted with a silencer during an extortion attempt in\nher Alamo Heights neighborhood home by Gosch and accomplice John Lawrence Rogers. The\nmen attempted to kidnap Patton in order to demand ransom from her family. Gosch was\narrested on September 25, 1985 at his home. His trial was moved from Bexar County to\nVictoria County on a change of venue.\n\nCO-DEFENDANTS:___John Lawrence Rogers. Convicted of extortion and sentenced to\nfederal penitentiary in Bastrop, Texas.\n\nRACE OF VICTIM(S): white female\n\na\na\nr\n\n<',
       "Name: David Hicks D.R.# 930\n\nPre. 1/15/62 Received: 2 / 2 / 89 Age: 27\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n(when rec'c\nCounty:___ Freestone Date of offense: 4 7 7° y %8\nAge at time of offense: 26 Race: black Height: 5-8\nWeight: 148 Eyes: brown Hai black\n\nNative County: Freestone State: texas\n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level:__11 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nmpc #342150, rec. 9-9-82 with 3-year sentence for agg. assault, discharged\n\n6-17-83. TDC #422604, rec. 5-23-86 with 10-year sentence for burglary,\n\nkidnapping and fleeing a police officer, paroled 8-19-87.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nConvicted in the April 1988 sexual assault and beating death of\nhis 87-year-old grandmother, Ocolor Hegger, at her residence in\nTeague. Hegger suffered 8 to 10 blows to the head with a blunt\ninstrument after being sexually assaulted. Hicks was seen at\n\nor near the scene of the crime, and prosecutors later discovered\nthat his DNA matched semen found in the body of the victim@\nHicks was charged with capital murder following his arrest in\nAugust 1988 on an outstanding misdeamenor warrant for theft.\n\nCo-Defendants None —\n\nD\n\nRace of Victim(s): black female",
       'FETT,\n\nName: Jeffery Allen Barney Execution Date: April 16, 1986\n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nDate of Birth: 03/01/58 (28: Date received: 06/17/82\nRace:_White Height:_$* Weight:_ 145 U.S. execution #: 55 _\nTexas execution #:_12 County of Conviction: Harris County\nDate of crime:_11/24/81 Estimated crowd number: 30\n5 media witnesses: Paula Dittrick (U.P.1.)\nMichael Graczyk (Associated Press)\nTerry Scott Bertling (Huntsville Item)\nLeslie Spaulding (Denton Record Chronicle — )\nPhilip Bruce (KHOU TV - Ch. 11 - Houston )\nPersonal witnesses: Fred Wier (Friend - Houston )\nNick Amrheim (Friend - Friendswood )\n( )\n\n( )\n( )\n\n \n\nTotal number working press in attendance:__22\nArrived at the Huntsville Unit: 9:08 a.m.\n\nFinal meal requested: 2 boxes of frosted flakes and 1 pint milk\n\n \n\n \n\nTaken from holding cell:__ Midnight Saline solution started: 12:06 a.m.\n\nLethal injection given:__1\n\n \n\nPronounced dead:_12:22 a.m.\nLast statement: “I\'m sorry for what I\'ve done. I deserve this. Jesus\n\nforgive me." (12:09 a.m.)',
       'County: Be\n\n \n\nDate of Offense: 03 / 04 /\n\n \n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race: Hispanic Height: 5\'s"\n\n \n\nWeight: 140 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black\n\n \n\nNative County: Bexar State: Texas\n\nOb Joo"\nName: GEORGE CORDOV, D.R.# 706\n‘Gy (boB:_ 03 / 26/59 Received: 03 / 04 / 82 Age: 22 (when rec\'c\n\nPrior Occupation: Laborer Education level; 6-GED\n\nPrior prison record: .\n1981 Department of Corrections Florida. Sexual Battery, Aggravated Assault\nsent to TOC by detainer from Texas, Capital Murder charges tm San Antonio.\n\nPy Summary: August 4, 1979, Manuel Villanueva and 2 unidentified males approached\nJose "Joey" Hernandez, 19, and Hernandez date, Cynthia West as they sat in their\ncar. Cordova ask Hernandez to take him to a station for gas, Hernandez refused\nbecause he noticed Villanueva had a knife. Cordova pulled Hernandez from his car\nand beat him in the head with a tire tool. Villanueva stabbed Hernandez in the\nneck. The other 2 men pulled West from the car and forced her into he woods and\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nraped her, then Villanueva raped her. They ran to Hernandez car and drove it away.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Manuel Villanueva, #347071 (H/M) dob: 01/08/61 (18) Rec\'d: 12/08/82\nLife/Murder Bexar County\n\nAlso, 2 unidentified males.\n\nCLD Race of victim(s): Hispanic',
       "|\n|\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: Gustavo Julian Garcia D.R.g 999018\n\npop: 9 / 27 / 72 Received: 1 7 8 / 97 ge: 19 (when rec’:\nCounty: collin Date of Offense: 12 / 9 7 90\nAge at time of offense: 18 Race: Hispanic Heigh\n\nWeight: 140 Eyes: brown Hair; black\n\nNative County: Harris\n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level:\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nmoter La\n——____\n\npe\n\n—____ Ee a” SS\nSummary; Convicted in the shotgun slaying.of Craig L. Turski, 43, a\n\n \n\nduring the robbery of the Warehouse Beverage Store at 623 J Place\n\n \n\nin Plano. Turski, a store clerk, was shot in the head and right side\n\nduring the robbery. Beer and an undisclosed amount of money was taken\nfrom the store. Garcia was arrested following a second robbery at a\n\nTexaco station in Plano on 1-5-91. Police found Garcia hiding in a\n\n \n\nbeer cooler and his co-defendant, Christopher Vargas, standing over\n\n \n\nthe station attendant after he had been shot once in the back of the\n\n \n\nhead. Garcia's common-law wife, Shelia Maria Garcia, was also arrested >\n\n \n\noutside the station.\nCo-Defendants: Shelia Maria Garcia, DOB: 1/29/73, H/r, Rec. 2/12/92,\n\nCollin Co. #607213.\n\n \n\n \n\n0 yrs., conspiracy to commit agg. robbery,\n\n \n\n8/23/75, Rec. 4/9/92, Lite, capital\nmurder:\n\n \n\nChristopher Vargas #611991, H/M, DOI\n\nRace of Victim(s): White male",
       'Name: Eric Chartes Nenno D.R.# 999188\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n  \n\nDOB: 4 / 13/61 Received: 5 / 3 / 96 age: 35 (when rect\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: /_ 23 " 95\nAge at time of offense: 33 Race: white Height:\n\nHeight: Eyes: Hair:\n\nNative County: Olean State: New York\n\nPrior Occupation: salesman Education lgvel: 12 yrs.\nPrior prison record: a 7\n—___ ae\n\n————____ ae\n\n——_\n\nSummary: Convicted in the rape and murder of 7-year-old Nicole Benton\n\n \n\nin Hockley. Nenno lured the young girl to his home at 17602 Bullis Gap\n\nand attempted to rape her. He choked her to death when she began to\n\ncxy_and resist. He then raped her repeatedly. Nenno hid Benton\'s nude\nbody in his attic until neighbors went to police’ two days! later-arid! tela\nthem he had earlier been accused of fondling a child. Under questioning,\n\nNenno confessed to killing Benton and led police to her body.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n \n\n@ eof Victim(s): nite fomate',
       "6-45 HEU\n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n4\nName: Billy Conn Gardner . D.R.# 751\n\npop: 7/28 / 43 Received: 11 / 3 / 83 Age: 40 (when rec'd)\nCounty:__Dallas Date of Offense: > 16 7 83\n\nAge at time of offense: 39 Race: White Height: °712\n\nWeight: 157 Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown\n\nNative County: Kaufman State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: welder Education 12 years\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record: ‘\n#168873, received 9-28-62 from Dallas and Tarrant counties with 5-year\nsentence for larceny and burglary, paroled to Dallas Co. 9-16-64, returned\n\n \n\nas parole Violator _I2=8=6s, _dtscharged-t\n#193274, received 3-6-67 from Dallas and Henderson counties with 15-year\n\n \n\nsentence for burglary and robbery, paroled to Dallas Co. 3-1-73.\n\n4269879, received from Dallas Co. on 7-7-77 with 20-year sentence for\nforgery, aggravated assault, burglary of a building and carrying a prohibited\nweapon, paroled to Tarrant Co. on 2-4-83.\n\nSummary:\n\n \n\nConvicted in the May 1983 shooting death of Thelma Catherine Row,\n\ncafeteria supervisor at Lake Highlands High School in the Richardson\nIndependent School District. Row was shot once in the chest with a .357\n\n \n\ncaliber pistol during a robbery of the cafeteria office that netted\n\n \n\n$1,600. She died nine days later. cardner was-arrested at tris tor\n7-26-84 and was later picked out of a lineup by witnessess who saw him\nat the school the day or the murder-\n\nGevDefendants;_Crtrer €: 9\n. i r\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Unknown '",
       "Name: RICKY EUGENE MORROW D.R.# 753\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nDOB:_05 _/_29 / 51 Received: 12 / 08 / 83 Age:_32 (when rec'c\nCounty: Dallas Date of Offense: 01/19 _/82\n\nAge at time of offense: 30 Race: white Height: 5'10\n\nWeight: 145 Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown\n\nNative County: Navarro State: Texas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation\n\n \n\nWelder Education level: 10 yrs\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\n‘intent to commit theft (2).Harris Co. Parote :\n\n#260608 ret'd parole violation with new sentence of 25-yrs/aggravated robbery 08/17/76\nParoled 08/20/81. Parole revoked 09/01/82, returned #303085 50>\n\nmurder.\n\nGD sama\n\nRobbed at gun point the Metropolitan Savings & Loan Association, Hillside Village\nShopping Center January 19, 1982. The robbery netted approximately $5,500. No other\ndetails available on robbery.\n\nMorrow received 50-years concurrent for the attempted capital murder of an\nFBI agent that was attempted to arrest Morrow.\n\n#211743 (07/28/70) So sfrpssession of dangerous drugs, theft, and Burglary with\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: yes, unknown =\nTEXAS\n\na tT\n\ni L963]\n& Race of Victim(s):\n\nunknown,",
       "Vincent Edward Cooks p.R.# 927\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n4 DOB: / / 64 Received: 12 / 22 / 88 Age: 24 (when rec'c\nCounty: _pallas Date of Offense: 2 26 = 88\nAge at time of offense: 23 Race: black Height: _~°\nWeight: 318 Eyes: brown Hair: black\nNative County: Harris State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: clectrician/carpenter Education level: 9 years\n\nPrior prison record:\nTDC #438967, received December 1986 from Harris County with 5-year\n\nsentence for aggravated assault. Offense involved shots fired at a\n\npolice officer. Paroled to Harris County in August 1987.\n\n \n\n@ Summary: Convicted in the February 1988 shooting death of Dallas Police\nOfficer Gary D. McCarthy outside a Dallas supermarket.\nMcCarthy was working off-duty security for Brancato's Supermarket\nand had just returned to the store from the bank with employee\nMark DeCardenas when Cooks approached and demanded the money\nDeCardenas carried. DeCardenas told police that Cooks grabbed\na money bundle amounting to $10,000 and then shot McCarthy\nbefore fleeing. McCarthy later died at Parkland Memorial Hospital.\nThe following day, police arrested Tracy Dewayne Stallworth as\nas a suspect in the robbery and slaying. Stallworth named\nCooks and Tony Ray Harvey as accomplices. A witness later\npicked out Cooks from a police lineup and identified him as\nthe killer of Officer McCarthy.\n\nCo-Defendants: Tracy Dewayne Stallworth #502619, B/M, DOB: 4/4/60, Rec. 2/9/89\n\n \n\n20 yrs., theft of property & robbery.\n\nTony Harvey #502627, B/M, ee\nSS\n\n> 20 yrs. theft & robbery f\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nwhite male",
       'Name: Jesus Ledesma Aguilar D.R. #99919,\n\nDOB: 11/28/63 Received: _05/13 /96 Age: 32 (when received)\nCounty:__Cameron _____ Date of Offense:_06 /10/95 _\n\nAge at time of offense. __ 3) Race:_Hispanic Height 5-9 _\nWeight: _185 Eyes: _brown Hair: black\n\nNative County: _Cameron State:__Texas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: brick layer ____ Education Level:_l] years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):',
       "Name: Bryan Eric Wolfe D.R.# 999079\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\npos: © /_7 / 8° — Received: 14 / 2 / 93 — Age:_33 (when rec\nCounty: Jefferson Date of Offense: 2 / 15/92\nAge at time of offense: 31 Race:_black Height: 5-8\nWeight: 162 Eyes:_ brown Hair: black\n\nNative County: _Terribone Parish State; Louisiana £\nPrior Occupation:__Food Servic Education level: 1? Years\nPrior prison recor .\n\nNo prior commitment to a Texas prison, but records indicate a prison %\n\n \n\ncommitment in Kansas in 1985 for robbery, paroled in 1986. Records\n\nalso indicate a prison commitment in Louisiana in 1990 for robbery,\n\n \n\n3 yrs., released in 1991.\n\nSumary: Convicted in the robbery and murder of 84-year-old\nBertha Lemell at her home in Beaumont. Lemell was stabbed 26 times\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nwith a knife inside her home at 2860 Park Street. Wolfe cut himself\n\n \n\nduring the attack, trailing blood out the front door to the driveway.\n\n \n\nA bloody knife was found at the defendant's home and police discovered\n\n \n\nblood inside Wolfe's wife car after he had driven the vehicle.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): _ Plack female",
       "D.R. #_999069\n\nName: Ronald Ray Howard\n\n \n\ngy Received:_3 / 25 /93 Age:_20 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Travis (COV from Jackson) Date of offense: 4 /_11 / 92\nAge at time of offense: 18 Race: black Height: 5-11\n“Weight: 168 Eyes: brown Hair: black\nNative County: Harris State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: food service Education level: _7 years\n\nPrior prison record:\nreceived a 6-year probated prison sentence in Januar 1991 for burglar)\n\nof a vehicle.\n\nPid\n\nWV\n\n \n\n \n\ngumnadyg_(ConvteHEA ani He april 1992 shooting death of Texas Department\n\nof Public safety Trooper Bill Davidson, 43. pavidson was shot through the\nneck after stopping Howard in a stolen vehicle on U.S. 59 approximately\nfive miles south of Bdna in Jackson County. Howard fled_in the stolen\n1986 GMC Jimmy to Victoria, where he was pursued and arrested after he\nlost control of the vehicle and struck a house- He was arrested in poss~\nession of a loaded 9mm pistol, the same weapon _used to shoot Trooper\npavidson. Davidson died from his wound three days after the shooting\n\nAt the scene, he told witnesses® that he had been shot by a lone black\n\nmale.\n\nCo-Defendant None\n\nee\n\n  \n\n_\n\npo\n\nRace of Victim(s):_ waite male",
       'Name: David Lee Goff D.R.g 999015\n\npop: 1 / 9 / 69 Received: 12 7 27 7 91 Age:_°2 (when rec!\nCounty: rarrant Date of Offensi 190\nAge at time of offense: 21 Race: black 549\nWeight: 151 Eyes: brown Hair; Plack\n\nNative County: parrant State: Texas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: laborer\n\nEducation level: 8 yrs. GED\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nTDCI_#387863, rec. 11/30/84, 15 yrs., att. capital murder w/deadly wpn (2)\n\nTarrant Co., paroled under mandatory supervision to Tarrant Co. 7/20/89.\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in murder of 34-year-old Michael N. McGuire.\nMcGuire was shot to death during an attempted robbery.\n\nThe victim was reportedly kidnapped upon leaving a drug rehab\n\ncenter in Fort Worth\n\n    \n\nand was shot after beinc\n\niat\nhandcuffed and drugged.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Craig Edward Ford, capital murder case dismissed and granted‘\n\nimmunity on 11/8/91. B/M, Do!\n\n \n\n27/19/71\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Unknown',
       "Name: Michael Lynn Riley D.R.# 851\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npos: © 7 9 7 58 Received: 1! 7 25 7 8% ge. 28 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Wood Date of Offense: 2 1 35\nAge at time of offense: 27 Race:_ Lack Height: 5-7\n\nWeight: 183 Eyes: brown Hair: black\n\nNative County: Dallas State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: metal worker Education level; 1° Years\n\nPrior prison record:\nTDC #266710, rec. 3-18-77 from Wood Co. with 2-year sentence for\n\nburglary and larceny, discharged 11-17-78. TDC #300749, rec. 1-28-80\nfrom Wood Co. with 9-year sentence for burg. of building, paroled\n\n7-12-83 and discharged from sentence 7-10-85.\n\n \n\nSummary; Convicted in the February 1986 robbery-slaying af 23-year-old\n\n \n\nWynona Lynn Harris, a clerk at the Shop-a-Minit convenience store in\n\n \n\nQuitman. Harris was stabbed 31 times during the course of a robbery that\n\n \n\n \n\ntted $1,110. The money was later recovered from a pair of overalls\n\nworn by Riley\n\nae ee ee  §\nCo-Defendants: None g\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white female",
       'ot 4-70\nName: Robert Excell White DLR. #5,\n@ v0 03/14/38 Received: _08/26/74 Age: 36. (when received)\nCounty:__Collin Date of Offense:_05 /11/74\nAge at time of offense: 36 Race:_white  _ Height:.6-]_\n\nWeight: _172 Eyes: hazel Hair: brown\nNative County: _ Shelby State: _Mississippi\nPrior Occupation: i Education Level:_10 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\n@ rircevtitem',
       "Name: Willie Tyrone trottie D.R. # 999085.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n@Avos: 9) 8 7 69 — Received: 12 /_15/93 Age:_24 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Harris Date of offense: 5 / 3 /93\nAge at time of offense: 23 Race: black Height: 5-5\n“Weight: 147 Eyes: brown Hair: black\nNative County: Harris State: rexas\nPrior Occupation: deliveryman Education level: 9 years\n\nPrior prison record:\nNone. Received deferred adjudication after being convicted of theft\n\nin September 1990 and sentenced to 5 years in prison.\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the murders of Barbara Nell Canada, 24, and her\n\nbrother, Titus C. Canada, 29. Both were victims of a shooting rampage\n\nthat also left their mother and sister wounded. Trottie and Barbara\n\nCanada were lovers prior to their breakup in September 1992. Trottie\n\nwho had a protective court order against him, threatened to kill Canada\n\nif she did not return to him by May 1, 1993. wo days later, he kicked\n\nin the door to where Canada was staying with her mother and other family\n\nmembers and started shooting her with a 9 mm pistol. Titus Canada grabbed\n\nhis own pistol and began firing at Trottie, hitting him before being wounded\n\nhimself. Trottie than found Barbara in a rear bedroom and shot her six more\n\nCo-Defendants: times in front of seven children. He then returned to the\nTiving room and shot Titus execution-style in the back of\nthe head. He was arrested after driving himself-to the\nHospital in Barbara Canada’s car.\n\nr ) (No co-defendants)\n\nRace of Victim(s): Black female, black male",
       'Name: Graham, Gary D.R. #696\n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\nDOB: __09/05/61____——_—Received:__11/09/81 Age: 38\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 05/13/81\n\nAge at time of offense: 18 Race: B_ Height: __ 5°10"\nWeight: 155 Eyes: Brown _ Hair: _ Black\n\nNative County: Harris State:_ Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Laborer Education level:_9"\n\nPrior prison record:_none\n\n \n\nSummary:_ Convicted in the May 1981 robbing and fatal shooting of 53 year-old Bobby Grant\n\nLambert of Tucson, Arizona outside a Houston supermarket. A witness testified ie was.\nming out of a Safeway store in the 8900 block of the North Freeway when Grahi\n\ninto Lambert’s pockets and then shot Lambert with a pistol as they scuffled. Ls\n\nstaggered back into the store where he died, was robbed only of the change from a $1001 7" even\n\nthough police found $6000 in $100 bills on his body. Testimony showed Graham had been\n\ncharged in 10 separate robberies and suspected in two shootings, 10 car thefts and eight more.\n\nrobberies in Houston.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendant (s) :\nNone._\n\n \n\nRace of Victim (:\n\n  \n\n01/06/99 001',
       'Name: Jermart Carlos Amold D.R. #987\n\nDOB:09/27/58_ Received: _12/20/90__ ‘Age: 32 (when received)\nCounty:__Nueces Date of Offense:_07/15/83\n\nAge at time of offense: __25 Race:_black  _Height:_6-\n\nWeight: _230 Eyes:_brown ___ Hair: _black\n\nNative County: St.Louis ‘State: Missouri\nPrior Occupation: construction worker Education Level: 12 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nIN\n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nHispanic female',
       ': Preston Hughes III\nName: g p.r.#_ 93°\n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\nlg) 08:12 /_24_/ 65 Received: 5/17 / 89 Age:_23 (when reg\'d\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense Sf 28 788 :\nAge at time of offense: 22 Race: black Height: 5-22\nWeight: 150 Eyes: brown Hair; black 4\nNative County: Erie State: New York :\nPrior Occupation: warehouse worker Education level: 12 years\n\nPrior prison record:\nNo prison record, but Hughes was on probation for aggravated sexual\n\n \n\nassault of a child and aggravated assault at the time he commited\n\n \n\ncapital murder. He is now serving two life sentences for those\n\n \n\noffenses.\n\n) z\n\nSummary: Convicted in the September 1988 stabbing deaths of 15-year-old\n\n \n\n \n\nShandra Charles and her 3-year-old cousin Marcell Taylor. The two\n\n \n\nvictims were found lying on a dirt path behind a Houston restaurant. ¢\n\n \n\nCharles was still alive and told police that "Preston tried to rape\n\n \n\nme." Lab tests later revealed that the girl had been raped. The\n\n \n\ngirl\'s dying statement led police to an apartment complex at the end\n\n \n\nof the dirt path. Hughes was the only "Preston" living there, and\n\nses in the apartment ani\n<5 pOTICE DETOLE\n\ned of stab wounds.\n\n@\n\nae Fa\n4 the girl\'s eyeglas: ad evidence 0\n\n~ Hughes gave\nthe murdexs+\n\npolice foun\ntwo Statements\n\nd on his clothing poth victims di\n\nfinally admitting to\nCo-Defendants:___None\n\nrie bch ae\n\nemale,\n\ni ck £\nwo) Race of Vietim(s):__ack femacSs SO',
       'DOB:07/18/60_ Received: _05/23/85_ Age: 24. (when received)\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense:_04/13/84 _\nAge at time of offense: 23 Race:_black_ _ Height: 6-3 __\nWeight: __225 Eyes: __brown Hair: _black\n\nNative County: _Caddo Parish State: _Louisiana eaialies\nPrior Occupation: Jaborer Education Level: 8 yrs.\n\n \n\nPrior Prison Record: a 2\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite male _',
       "©\n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\nName: Michael Lee Lockhart D.R.# 917\n\nDoB:_9 /_30 / 60 Received: 10 / 26 / 88  Age:_28 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Bexar (COV from Jefferson) Date of Offense: 3 7 22 7 88\n\nAge at time of offens: 27 Race: white Height: 5-10\nWeight: 165 Eyes: hazel Hair; brown\n\nNative County: Lucas (Toledo) State: Ohio\n\nPrior Occupation laborer/truck driver Education level; 22 years (GED)\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nSentenced to state prison in Wyoming in 1984-85 for robbery. Sentence\n\n  \n\n \n\nlater commuted by governor.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nsummary: Convicted in the March 1988 shooting death of Beaumont Police\n\nOfficer Paul Douglas Hulsey, Jr. The officer was shot to death while\n\n \n\n \n\nattempting to arrest Lockhart for driving a stolen vehicle.\n\n \n\n** Lockhart has been tied to a string of robberies and thefts across\n\n \n\ncharges in Florida and\n\n \n\nthe country and also faces capital murder\n\n \n\nIndiana.\n\n \n\nvn\nCOO ’ }\nons NE\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white male",
       "Name: Kenneth Eugene Bruce D.R. #999023\n\nDOB: __10/21/7 Received: _02/28/92 Age: _20 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Collin Date of Offense: _ 12/10/90\nAge at time of offense: _1¢ Race: Black Height: _5'7__\nWeight: _15 Eyes: __Brown Hair: _Black\nNative Count y: Colin State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: Delivery man Education Level: _11 years —\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\nSummary:\n\nwicted in the December 4-year-\nrosper. mplices w : Re\n\n \n\nos n y ere the e be a\nMrs. Aye Jeg and head ws s. Het and survived wounds to the bac]\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nEric 4999004, rec, ntence for capi Ant\n: 9/14/75, rec, i it i is\n3 ispositis\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite female",
       '|\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nNaney SH Green ! pre”\n\npop: 11/ 21 / 36 Received: 10 / 13 7 77 Age: 4° (when rec\'d\nCounty: Montgomery Date of offense: \'! y 1? 7 7°\n\nAge at time of offense: 39 Race: White\n\nWeight: 130 Eyes: Blue hair: BZO"D\n\nNative County:__ Nacogdoches State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: cement mason Education tevers 14 years\n\nPrior prison record:\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the November 1976 shooting death of 43-year-old\n\nJohn Denson, a Montgomery County juvenile probation officer and reserve\n\n \n\ndeputy sheriff, during a burglary at the officer\'s home in Magnolia. Green\n\n \n\nand accomplices Joseph Starvaggi and Glenn Earl Martin went to Denson\'s\n\n \n\nhome to steal his gun collection. Starvaggi shot Denson when the officer\n\n \n\nstruggled with one of the intruders and wrestled his gun away. Starvaggi\n\n \n\nthen shot Denson two more times, but declined Green\'s alleged urgings to\n\n \n\nkill the officer\'s wife and 13-year-old daughter.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants; JOSePh Starvaggi #586, W/M, DOB: 11-1-52. Received 3-17-78\n\nfrom Montgomery County with death sentence, executed 9-10-87.\n\n \n\n \n\nGlenn Earl Martin, W/M, DOB: 8-2-49. Received 7-15-77 from Montgomery Co.\n\n \n\nwith life. sentence for murder.\nRace’ of Victim(s):\n\n \n\nwhite male',
       'a\n\n \n\nName: fe oe\nfame: DENT SS Oksana\n80S\n\n \n\nDOB: 10 /_10 / 55 _—Received: 8/06 / 85 Age: 39 (when rec\'d\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 01 / 16 84\nAge at time of offense: 29 Race: White Height: 5\'9"\nWeight: 161 Eyes: Green Hair:_ Blonde\nNative County: Harris State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: Construction Worker Education level:_12 years\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCrank_and his half-brother, Truman Moffett, Jr. kidnapped Oringderff and wired him with\n\nSummary: Sentenced to death for the murder of grocery store manager, Terry Oringderff,31.\n\n \n\ndynamite, robbed his store and shot him to death.\n\n——— @\n\n— FEA\nCo-Defendants: Truman 0. Moffett, Jr., #413886 (W/M) DOB: 05/11/52 Rec\'d: 01/29/86\n\n \n\nLife sentence/Aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon - Harris County\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): White Male',
       'Name: Leonard Uresti Rojas D.R. #999194\nDOB: _06/ 16/50 _ Received: _06/07 /96_ Age: _46 (when received)\nCounty:__Johnson Date of Offense:_12/27/94\n\nAge at time of offense: 44 Race:__Hispanic Height5-10 ___\nWeight: _190 Eyes: _brown __ Hair: _brown\nNative County: __Victoria State: Texas |\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: carpenter____-—- Education Level 11 yrs,\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nRace of Victim(s):',
       "EE EESSSS'S~S' rr lS\n\nName: Javier Suarez Medina DLR. #944\n\nDOB: 06/17/69 Received: _07/27/89 Age: 20. (when received)\nCounty:__Dallas Date of Offense:__12/13/88\n\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race: Hispanic Height. 5-7\nWeight:_121 Eyes: _brown sar: ITN\n\nNative County: _Piedras Negras ___—>sState:_Mexico\n\nPrior Occupation: food service worker____Education Level. 10 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nHispanic male",
       "AS-IS\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nJoe Mario Trevino, Jr. D.R.# 767\nvoB:_7 / 25 / 62 Received: 7 / 10 / 84 Age: 22 ei\nCounty:__Tarrant ||_=s sate of offense: 1 17, 83\nAge at time of offense: 20 Race: Hispanic Height: °72°\nWeight: 165 Eyes; Drown hair: PICK aT\nNative County: Los Angeles State: California\nPrior Occupation: paint & body work education level: 12 Years\n\nPrior prison record:\nTDC #311329, received 10-28-80 from Harris Co. with 5-year sentence\n\n \n\nfor auto theft and burglary of a building with intent to commit theft,\n\n \n\nparoled to Tarrant Co. on 9-14-82.\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the January 1983 rape-slaying of 80-year-old\nBlanche Miller at her home in Haltom City. Trevino broke into Miller's\nhome at 4901 Broadway through a kitchen window while she was away and\nkilled her when she returned home. She was raped and then strangled\nto death. Trevino stole Miller's car after loading it with jewelry,\n\na color television, stereo equipment and other items from the house.\nMiller's car was recovered on Diamond Oaks Drive hours later and\n\n.\n\npolice discovered the stolen property at Trevino's ‘residence at\n\n5129 Jerri Ln.\n\nCo-Defendants: wy,\n\nRace of Victim(s): “white female\na ils\n\nrn\n\nieee",
       "|\n\n \n\n \n\nD.R.#__957\n\n \n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: Jackie Barron Wilson\n\npop:_2 /_12 / 67 Received: 11 7 21 / 89 Age:_22 (when rec\nCounty: Dallas Date of Offense: 11 / 30  / 88\nAge at time of offense: 21 Race: white Height: 5-8\nWeight: 265 Eyes:_ brown Hair; PLack\n\nNative County: Lubbock State: Texas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: brick layer Education level: 12 years\nAEs\n\n  \n\nPrior prison record:\n\n \n\nSumary: convicted in the November 1988 abduction and murder of 5-year-old\nLottie Margaret Rhodes of Arlington. As the chila slept, Wilson broke\nanto her bedroom through a window and abducted her. He later sexually\nassaulted the child and then suffocated her. He throw her body into\na ditch in north Grand Prairie and then drove over her body in the\nvehicle he was driving. Wilson's fingerprints were later lifted from\nthe outside and inside of the child's bedroom window. Wilson was\n\nidentified as a friend of the Rhodes family live-in babysitter>\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\nKace of Victim(s): white female",
       'Name: Kenneth Allen McDuff sR, #999055\nDOB: 03/21/46 Received: _03/08/93_ Age: 46 (when received)\nCounty:__ McLennan (COV to Harris) Date of Offense:_03 /01/92 _\nAge at time of offense: 45 Race:_white  _Height:6-3\nWeight: __255 Eyes: __brown. Hair: brown\n\nNative County: _ Bel State: _ Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: machine operator Education Level: 9 yrs. (GED)\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\nRace of Victim(s): Z : " &\n\nWhite female',
       'Eprcded\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\ny2ert #99\nName: Larry Norman Anderson D.R.# 733\npop: 08 _/_30_/ 52 Received: 03/25/83 Age:__31 (when rec\'d)\nCounty: Harris Ss séatte of OF fense: 03 f 28 / 82\nAge at time of offense: 29 Race: White Height: 6\'4"\nWeight: 180 Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown\nNative County: Harris State: Texas\n\n \n\nElectrician\n\nPrior Occupation:\n\n \n\nEducation level: 12 years\n\nPrior prison record: :\nArkansas State Penitentiary in January 1973 for kidnapping, grand larceny and robbery.\n\nHe was sentenced to 10-years and was paroled in January 1975 but returned as a parole\nviolator on April 29, 1975 with a new sentence of 21 years for possession of stolen\n\nproperty and robbery. He was again paroled on December 10, 1981.\n\nSummary: March 28, 1982 stabbing death of 28-year-old Zelda Webster, a northwest\nHouston bar manager. Webster was abducted as she was closing Shelee\'s Club in the 7700\nblock of Long Point. About $1,000 was taken from the club. Two bank bags, along with\n\na bloodstained knife, were found in Anderson\'s truck when it was stopped near the Addicks\nreservoir that night for traveling without headlights. Anderson admitted the killing\n\nand told police he left Webster\'s body in a ditch on Clay Road.\n\nCo-Defendants: None, ¢:\n\n \n\npre th\nRace of Victim(s): unknown\n\n \n\nee',
       'Enwece 57D) 6/4e/ 77\n\nName: David Stoker D.R.# 892\n\n \n\n1/25/59 Received: 12 / 7 / 87 Age: 28 (when rec\'c\n\nCounty:___Hall\n\n \n\nDate of Offense: 11 , 9 7 86\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 27 Race: white Height: 5-11\nWeight: 223 Eyes: brown Hair: brown\n\nNative County: Potter State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: heavy eduip. operator/carpenttiycation level: _& Yee"s\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\na ee |\nhi |\n————\n\net\n\n \n\nSummary: convicted in the November 1986 robbery-slaying of 50-year-old\nDavid Manrrique, a clerk at Allsup\'s convenience store in Hale Center.\nManrrique was shot with a .22-caliber pistol during an early morning\n\nrobbery that netted $60.\n\nStoker is also serving a 30-year sentence for delivery of meth-\namphetamine. That sentence was assessed in Swisher Co. in August 1988.\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white male',
       'Name. Frances Flaine Newton R922\n\nDOB: 04/12/65 Received: _11/17/88_ Age: 23. (when received)\nCounty:__ Harris Date of Offense:_04/07/87\nAge at time of offense: __2 Race:_black Height: 5-3\n\nWeight: 128 Eyes: __brown Hair: _black\n\nNative County: _ Harris State: _Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: accounting Education Level: 12 years\n\nPrior Prison Record.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\nCo-Defendants:',
       "Name: Monty Allen Delk D.R.# 900\n\npop: 2 / 24 / 67 Received: 5 / 11 / 88 Age: 21 (when rec’,\nCounty: Anderson Date of Offense: 11 / 29 7 8°\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race: White Height: °1+\nWeight: 220 Eyes: Plue hair: brown\n\nNative County:__gefferson State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: asst. restaurant manager Education level: 12 Years\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison recor\nNone |\n\nas ed\n\n \n\n»)\n\n  \n\n@ Summary: Convicted in the November 1986 shooting death and robbery of\nGene Olan Allen II of Grapeland. Allen was shot in the head\nwith a shotgun and his body dumped in a ditch near Crockett\nafter accompanying Delk on a test drive of his wife's car,\nwhich the couple was selling. Delk stole the 2-28 Camaro\nand Allen's wallet. He was arrest in Winnfield, Louisiana\non Dec. 2, 1986.\n\n**Delk is also a suspect in the 1985 killing of William\n\nW. Richardson, a 19-year-old San Benito, Texas man attending\nschool in Orange County, Florida. Richardson was reported\nmissing in March 1985. His skeletal remains were discovered\nin September 1986. He died from a gunshot wound to the head.\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n \n\ncD nace of Victim(s): white male",
       'GloeuLiel\nHie a1d-a7\nName: Billy Joe Woods CR S52 __\n\nDOB 1220/46 “Received: 07/30/76. Age: 29 (when received)\nCounty:__Harris Date of Offense:_10 /10/75\nAge at time of offense: __29 Race:_white Height, 5-11 ___\nWeight’ 150 __yes:_blue Hair: _brown ____\nNative County: _ Waller State; Texas\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education Level 10 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n. , /\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone —_______\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite female',
       "Name: Humberto Leal, gr D.R. #999162\na 1_/_16 /73 Received: 9 /_1 /_95_ Age: 22 (when rec'd)\n\nDate of offense: 5 / 21 /_94\n\n \n\nCounty: Bexar\n\n \n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 21 Race: Hispanic Height: 5-11\nWeight: 188 Eyes: brown Hairy. black\nNative County: Monterre: State: Mexico\n~ YT\nPrior Occupation: mechanic Education level: :12 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n    \n\n \n\nConvicted in the abduction, rape and bludgeoning death of\n\nSummary:\n\n16-year-old Adria Saveda of San Antonio. Saveda was raped with\n\na_piece of lumber and her head crushed by a 35-pound piece of\n\nasphalt’ after being abducted from a party by Leal. Her nude bod\n\n \n\nwas found near a creek off Reforma Drive with the piece of lumber\n\nstill protruding from her vagina. When arrested, police found\n\nscratches and cuts on Leal's face and body.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: __None - __ —\n\n= i oe z :",
       "ia Richard Charles Duncan _ DLR. #999153\nBS ok\npos: > 7,497, 42 Received: 7 /_12 /_95 Age:_53 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Harris Date of offense: 10/7 _/ 87\nAge at time of offense: 45 Race: white Height: 6-1\nWeight: 170 Eyes: brown Hair: brown _\nNative County: Cameron State: Texas. t\nPrior Occupation: govt. contractor Education level: 12 years\n\n   \n \n\nPrior prison record:\n/\n\n   \n\nSummary: Convicted in the murders of John Abner High, 71, and Ruth\n\n   \n\nBrown High, 73, the parents of his homosexual lover. Mr. High was\nbeaten on the head with a blunt in! and his wife smothered.\n\n \n\n \n\nDuncan killed the couple in the hope of getting half of their $500,000\n\nestate from their son. After killing the couple, Duncan turned on a\n\nportable cooker in the house in an attempt to cause an explosion. The\n\ncase remained unsolved until a witness came forward after seven years.\n\n \n\n   \n\nCo-Defendants: None a sa —",
       "Robert 0. Coulson D.R. #_999115\n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n6 OB:_3 /_41/68 = Received: _g /_31/94_ Age:_26 (when rec'd)\n\nCounty: Harris _ Date of offense\n\n \n\n11/13/92\n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 24 | Race: wh. Height: 5-11 _\nWeight: 176 Eyes: green air: red_ _ ‘\n\nNative County: Providence __ Stat Rhode jIsland\n\nPrior Occupation: sales Education level\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n  \n\n  \n\n  \n\nSummary: Convicted in the murders of Robin and Robert wen:\n\n \n\ntworth, two\n\n \n\nof five family members Coulson killed for inheritance. Coulson\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n__Plotted over a 4-month period to kill his parents for their estate,\n\n \n\n \n\nind eventually decided to include his two sisters and brother-in-law\n\n \n\n \n\nas victims. Coulson went to his parents' home and lured each family\n\n \n\nmember into separate rooms where he bound each with plastic flex cuffs\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nand suffocated them by placing plastic bags over their heads and\n\nsecuring the bags with tape. He then doused the bodies and house with\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\ngasoline and ignited a fire in an effort to cover his crime. An\n\naccomplice later confessed and led police to Coulson.\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\nJared Lee Althaus, case pending\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s\n\n \n\nThree white females, two white males __",
       "Name: Paul Selso Nuncio D.R. #990158\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npop: 197 20/ 68 Received: 8 /_2 /.95 Age: 6 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Hale Date of offense: 12/3 / 93\n\nAge at time of offense: 25 Race:_ Hispanic Heignt:_5-4\nWeight: 130 Eye brown Hair: black\n\nNative County: State:\n\nPrior Occupation: clerk Education level\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary; Convicted in the strangulation slaying of 61-year-old\nPauline Crownover Farris in Plainview. Nuncio broke into Farris!\nhome at 708 Beech through the back door and beat the resident\nbefore sexually assaulting her and strangling her to death with\nhis hands. He then stole several items from the home, including\n\ntwo television sets, a stereo, VCR, several rings and a watch.\n\nNuncio was arrested. five days later after selling one of the—\nstolen televisions. He told police he broke into Farris' h\n\nin order to steal items he could sell for money to buy drugs.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\nRace of Victim(s): white “female a",
       'Name: Davis Losada _....________ D.R. #798 __\n\noO DOB: 04/28/65 Received 16/20/85 Age: 20 (when received)\nCounty:__Cameron Date of Offense:_12/23/84\nAge at time of offense. __19 Race: Hispanic  Height_5-9 _\nWeight: 166 Eyes: _brown Hair: _black\nNative County: _Cameron State: _Texas\nPrior Occupation: cook Education Level:_1] years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nRace of Victim(s): G\n‘Hispanic female J ______\n\n+ tex 71018]',
       "GRAN,\n\n \n\n \n\nName: charles Daniel Tuttle Rf 999183\n\n008:_6 / 26 / 64 Received: 3 / 26 / 96 Age:__ 3+ (when rect\na\n\nCounty: smith\n\n \n\nDate of Offense:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 30 Race; white\nWeight: 212 Eyes; brown fie: BESwA\nNative County: jefferson State: Texas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: construction laborer 10 yrs. (GED)\n\nEducation Igve\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nTDCS_#572790, rec. 1/4/91, Jefferson Co., 3 yrs., delivery of a controlled\n\nsubstance, paroled 4/12/91, discharged 11/17/93.\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the beating death of 42-year-old Cathy Harris of\nTyler. Harris was beaten to death with a hammer and her body placed in\na closet in an effort to conceal the crime. Before fleeing, Tuttle took\n\nthe victim's purse and a handgun from the residence off CR 1148. Tuttle\n\n-had_been staying with Harris a week prior to the killing but was told to\nleave for failing to pay his share of the bills. Tuttle was arrested\nfour days later while visiting at a Beaumont hospital. He had Harris'\n\n357 revolver and two of her credit cards in his possession when arrested.\n\nCo-Defendant:\n\n \n\nNone\n\nRace of Victim(s): white female",
       'Name: Napoleon Beazley DLR. #99914\n\nv DOB: __08/05/76 Received: _03/21/95 Age: _18 (when rec’d)\nCounty: _Smith Date of Offense: _04/19/94\nAge at time of offense: _17 _ Race: Black Height: ___\nWeight: Eyes: _ Brown _ Hair: _Black\nNativy Count y: Houston ___ State: _Texas\nPrior Occupation: Laborer Education Level: _12 years _\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n   \n\nroacl i wit iber pistol. Beazley and twc\nwho hi wi ig is vehi\n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite mal',
       "Name: Dennis Thurl Dowthitt D.R. # 999047\n\npop: 6 / 20 / 45 Received: 10/30 / 92 Age:_47 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Montgomery Date of offense: 6 13 / 90\n\nAge at time of offense: 44 Race: white Height: 5-10\nWeight: 155 Eyes:_green Hair:_brown\n\nNative County: Harris State: rexas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupatio\n\nauto sales Education level: 10 yrs. (GED)\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n\n    \n\nSummary: Convicted in connection w.\n\nPurnhagen, 16, and Tiffany Purnhagen, 9, in south Montgomery County,\n\nThe bodies of the two girls were found along a pipeline in the Imperial\n\nOaks subdivision on Rayford Road. Gr:\n\n \n\nshe had been sexually assaulted with an object later found to have been\na beer bottle. Tiffany had been strangled with a rope found aroynd her neck.\n\nGrace's former boyfriend, Delton Dowthitt, then age 16, confessed to killing\n\nboth girls following his arrest in Louisiana four days later. He later\n\nrecanted, saying he killed Tiffany at the order of his father, who he said\n\nhad actually killed and sexually assaulted Grace. Delton led police to\nCo-Defendants: where his father had disposed of the-knife,-Pelieeaise—\nfound a bloody bottle and rope at Dowthitt's auto sales\n__business in Humble. __\n\nDelton Dowthitt W/M, DOB: 7/24/73. Reportedly convicted of murder and\n\n‘sentenced to 45 years.\nRace of Vietim(s}: Two white females —",
       "Name: John Joe Amador D.R.#_999160\nDOB: _ 5/29/75 Received: _8/11/95 Age: _ 20 (when ree’d)\nCounty: _Bexar Date of Offense: __1/04/94\n\nAge at time of offense: _18 Race: Hispanic Height: __5'5__\nWeight: __150 Eyes: __Brown Hair: Black\nNative Count y: Bexar __ State: __ Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Mechanic Education Level: _11 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNo prior in ati vi vars for\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite male",
       "Emerson Edward Rudd 936\n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: DRE\n79 7 70 Received: 4 / 13 7 ®9 ge; 18 (when rec!\n:__ Dallas Date of Offense: 9 / 2 7 88\nAge at time of offense: 18 Race: Plack Heigh:\nWeight: 145 Eyes: brown Hair:_Plack\nNative County: Dallas State: 7°*25\nPrior Occupation: __1aborer Education level;__11 years\nPrior prison record: =\nNone\nlll\nee\nef\n\n \n\n© Summary: Convicted in the shooting death of 23-year-old Steve Morgan\n| during the robbery of a Captain D's Seafood restaurant in\n\nDallas. Rudd and three accomplices entered the restaurant at\n2621 S. Westmoreland Rd. and demanded money at gunpoint. Morgan,\nmanager of the restaurant, was shot once in the abdomen after\nhanding over money from the cash register to the bandits. He\ndied at a Dallas hospital early the next morning. Rudd and\nhis accomplices were arrested two days later when their getaway\ncar was spotted by police. An employee who witnessed the shooting\nof Morgan positively identified Rudd as the killer. Approximately\n$800 was taken from restaurant in the robbery\n\nCo-Defendants: Darron Price, B/M, DOB: 3-29-71; Kendrick smart, B/M,\n\nDOB: 5-18-71; Frenchitt Collins, B/M, 2-13-70. The three were sentenced to\noe of 20 yrs., 15 yrs. and 10 yrs. respectively for murder and agg. robbery.\n\nKace of Victim(s):\n\nblack male",
       'ty\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nBar\nName: SAMUEL HAWKINS D.R.#_ 590\npos: 09 /_01_ / 43 Received: 04 108 / 718 Age:_ 35 (when re\nCounty: Lubbock Date of Offense: o2 7 03/76\nAge at time of offense: 33 Race: black Height: 5°10"\nWeight: 140 Eyes: maroon Hair: black\nNative County: Jefferson State: Georgia\nPrior Occupation: Meat trimmer Education level: 12_years\n\nPrior prison record:\nColorado State Pen. Rape Discharged 19/1\n\nOklahoma State Pen. Attempted Burglary Paroled 1973\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Sentenced to death for the slaying of Abbe Rogus Hamilton, 19, of\nBorger. She was six months pregnant when she was allegedly raped and\n\nstabbed to death with a hunting knife.\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): White female',
       'on Ce CO )  — ) a\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nGy 9 ¥\n\n5 “ae 3\nName: JAMES DEMOUCHETTE DRE 572\npop: 05/ 20 / 55 Received: 08 / 03 / 77 Age: 22 (when rec\'d\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 10/17 /76\nAge at time of offense: 21 Race: Black Height: 5\'10"\nWeight: 150 Eyes: Maroon Hair: Black\nNative County: Bexar State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: Painter Education level: 9 yrs\n\nPrior prison record:\n#239171 Rec\'d: 04/09/74 Harris Co.\n\n5-yrs/Larceny & burglary witc theft\nwr Hechorted O79 7\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: October 17, 1976 shooting deaths of Scott Sorrell, 19, Asst. Manager and\nhis roommate Robert White, 20, at a Pizza Hut restaurant on Antoine Rd in Northwest\nHouston. Both Sorrell and White were shot_in the head with a .38 caliber revolver as\nthey and restaurant manager Geoff Hambrick, 18, sat at a table with Demouchette and\nhis brother, Christopher, after closing. Hambrick was also shot in the head by James\nDemouchette but survived his wound. Hambrick who slumped over the table and played\ndead, testified that the Demouchette brothers ransacked the back office, taking a sack\nof change and a piece of stereo equipment. Before leaving the restaurant, James\nDemouchette heard Sorrell choking on his own blood and shot him a second time. dames\nthen turned the gun on Wambrick a second time, but found it empty when he pulled the\ntrigger. Christopher Demouchette surrendered to police the next morning and gave\n\na written statement implicating himself and his brother in the shootings. James was\narrested at his home that afternoon. James\' capital murder & death sentence were over-\nturned in 1981 by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals on grounds that he had not been\nwarned of his right to remain silent by the court-appointed psychologist prior to his\ncompetency examination in 19/7. He was again corvicted of capital murder in April *83\nand given the death penalty.\n\n* Tn August 1983, Demouchette Te Tnmate Johnny £. Swift by stabbing him\nsor. dayroo\n\n8 fines qin the chest inside a p (Convicted of Murder/Life sentence)\n\nChristopher Demouchette was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to Life\nin prison. Christopher (DOB: 01/07/58) #267569 was rec\'d 04/19/77.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):__ 2 victims/both white males',
       '‘Name:_Rex Warren Mays D.R. #_999172_\n@ vos (21/60 Received: 11/17/95 Age: 35 (when received)\n\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 7/20/92\nAge at time of offense: 32 Race: white Height: 5-7\n\nWeight 176 _____ Byes: _blue Hair: _grey\n\nNative County: _Harris State: _ Texas\n\nEducation Level:\n\nPrior Occupation\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior Prison Record.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\noO Two white females',
       'we\nName: Fletcher Mann 24 D.R.# 705\npos: * y 7 + ®t Received: * 7 7% , 9 nger_7° (when rec\'d)\nCounty: Dallas sate of offense: 9 y 11, 80\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race; White Height: °~°\nWeight: 135 Eyes: blue hair: PFOwn\nNative County: Jefferson staewe Kentucky\nPrior Occupation: 1@2orer 8 years\n\neee Education Ievel:\n\nPrior prison record: .\nKY_# 205863, convicted of rape and robbery in Frankfort, KY. in March 1981.\n\nSentenced to 20 years on the rape charge and to 10 years each on three\ncounts of robbery. Later charged with attempted escape, assault and\n\npromoting contraband (razor blades). Given concurrent 20-year sentence\nin Kentucky.\nSummary:\n\nCrime summary: Mann was convicted of capital murder in the Sept. 11,\n——1980 shooting death of Christopher Lee Bates in Dallas County.\nMann and a companion entered an apartment where Bates, his roommate\n— Robert Matzig, and a woman, Barbara Hoppe, were watching a football\ngame. Both Bates and Matzig were robbed and Hoppe was raped before\n—pbeing strangled and stabbed to death. Bates and Matzig were driven\nto grocery stores where they cashed two checks and gave the money\n—to the intruders. They were then driven to a secluded area where\nBates was shot in the head. Matzig was shot in the neck, but\n— survived. Mann said he and his accomplice went to the victims!\napartment because he and his accomplice "needed the money and\n——knew they had cocaine."\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: martin David verbrugge #337061, W/M, DOB: 2-18-61, rec. 6-10-82\n\nConvicted of attempted murder and sentenced to life in prison.\n\nsee\n\nkace of Victim(s): Unknown',
       "Name: James Edward smith\n\nDOB: 10 / 19 7 52\n\n \n\nReceiver\n\n. Harris\n\nCount;\n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 30\n\n \n\nWeight: 158 Eyes: PEOW\n\nNative County: Jefferson\n\nPrior Occupation: retail merchant\n\nD.R.#\n\nuw\n\n84\n/ Age: (when rec'c\n\nDate of Offense: > of) oy\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n5-10\n\n \n\nRace Height:\n\n \n\n \n\nblack\nHair: °°\n\nState: Kentucky\n\nEducation level: '* Y°ors\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n|\nSummary; Convicted in the March 1983 shooting death of Larry Don Rohus\nduring a robbery of offices inside the International Trade Center Building\nin Houston. Rohus, district manager for the Union Life Insurance Company,\nand another employee were in the company's cashier's office when Smith\napproached with a pistol and demanded money. When the second employee\nfled behind a filing cabinet, Rohus complied with Smith's instructions ard\nplaced an undetermined amount of money inside a small trash can and placed\n\n@\n\nin on a table near the robber. As Rohus began to walk away, Smith called\n\nhim back and fired a shot as Smith pleaded for his life. Rohus ran, but\n\nwas shot through the heart and died. smith was arrested a short time later\n\nin a nearby apartment complex after being pursued on foot by one of Rohus\n\na businessman on the street and a crew of workers\n\nrompers\n\nco-workers,\nat tne apartment\n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\nNo co-defendants\n\nRace of Victim(s): white male\n\n \n\n \n\n*At_one point during the juror selection portion of his trial, Smith\n\nran from the courthouse. He was captured several DIOCKS away by =\n\nOficer.",
       'Name: JAMES WALTER MORELAND p.R.¢ 741\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nDOB:_05 /_15 /_ 60 Received: 06 / 17 / 93 Age:_23 (when rec\'d\nCounty: Henderson Date of Offense: 10 / 09 _/.82\n\nAge at time of offense: 22 Race:_ White Height: 5\'7"\n\nWeight: 126 Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown\n\nNative County: Jefferson State: Kentucky\n\nPrior Occupation: Laborer Education level: 8 yrs\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Moreland was convicted and sentenced to die for the October 9, 1982\nStabbing death of Clinton Corbet, 53, He was also indicted in the death of John\nRoyce Cravey, 41. A Dallas Pathologist testified that the pair had been stabbed\n\nmultiple times in the back. A court prosecutor said that since the jury returned\n\na death penalty punishment, Moreland would not be tried in Cravey\'s death.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n     \n\nRace of Victim(s): 2 white males',
       "2\n+\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n: Clifton Charles Russell, Jr. D.R.#\npo: @ / 5 / 62 Received: 4 / 39 7 89 ge: 18 (when rec'«\nCounty: raylor Date of Offense: 12 /_ 3 /_79\nAge at time of offens. 18 Race: white Height: 6-1\nWeight: 210 Eyes; brown Hair; Prown\nNative County: Taylor Stat Texee\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level: 7 years\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\ni\n—\n\nSummary: Convicted in the December 1979 robbery/slaying of 41-year-old\nHubert Otha Tobey in Abilene. Tobey, an air traffic controller, was\nfound dead outside an abandoned house. He had been stabbed repeatedly\nand his skull crused with a rock. Russell and an accomplice, William\nBattee Jr., stole Tobey's car and drove to Hobbs, N.M., where they\n\nwere arrested.\n\nCo-Defendants: William Battee Jr., B/M, DOB: 11-8-61. Received 5-22-80\nfrom Taylor Co. with 60-year sentence for burglary of a building and\n\nmurder.\n\nRace of Victim(s): white male",
       "Name: James Rexford Powell D.R. #999001\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n¢ pos: 8 / 23/7 46 Received: 6 s 10,/ 91 Age: “4 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Newton Date of offense:_10 / 6 / 90\nAge at time of offense: 44 Race: White Height: 5-8\nWeight: _ 160 Eyes: hazel Hair: brown\nNative County: Sabine State: Louisiana\nPrior Occupation: electrician Education level:\n\nPrior prison record:\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary; Convicted in the October 1990 abduction and murder of 10-year-old\n\nFalyssa Van Winkle. Van Winkle was abducted from Larry's Antique Mall\nin Beaumont and driven to an area near Orange where she was sexually\nassaulted and then strangled with a piece of rope. Her body was found\nunder the Cow Creek Bridge off FM 1416. Powell's vehicle was spotted\nin the area during the offense, and he was arrested for the murder\n\non October 11, 1990.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\nRace of Victim(s): white female os",
       "Name: Billy Frank Vickers D.R. #999087\n\n \n\n© 08: 7/30/45 Received: 1/4 /_94 Age:_48 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Lamar Date of offense: 3 / 12 / 93\n\n \n \n\nAge at time of offens\n\n \n\n47 Race: white Height: _5-7\n\n \n\nWeight: 191 Eye:\n\n5\n\nHair: gray\n\nNative Count. State: Texas\n\n \n\nHunt ‘\n\nPrior Occupation: car sales\n\n7 Education level: 6 yrs. (GED)\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nTDCI #197015, rec. 12/67, 25 yrs., burglary, discharged 12/27/68, Hunt Co.\n\nTDCI #212235, rec. 9/70, 54 yrs., burglary, Hunt Co., discharged 6/1/73.\nTDCI_#240826, rec. 7/74, 3 yrs., burglary WICT & felon in possession of\n\n@ wurgiary tools, Hunt co., discharged 7/9/75. TDCI #367487, rec. 12/83,\n\n4 yrs., arson, Lamar Co., MS to Lamar 4/11/86. TDCI #637602, rec. 3/30/93,\nsSumiivey; COMsPiracy to commit arson, Lamar Co., BW to Lamar Co. 6/4/93.\n\n \n\nConvicted of killing 50-year-old Phillip Kinslow during an attempted\nrobbery outside the victim's Arthur City home. Kinslow, owner of the\nArthur City Superette, was carrying a money bag inside his truck when\n\nhe arrived home from work. As he opening his driveway gate, he was shot\nthree times from behind. Although wounded, Kinslow fired back, striking\nVickers three times. Kinslow got back in his truck and drove to his home,\n\nwhere he collasped. He later died at a local hospital.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Tommy Perkins, B/M, DOB: 6/11/52, rec. 12/14/93, capital\nmurder, life, Lamar Co. #652924, Jason Paul Martin #652930; W¥M, DOB:\nSo 7/23/69, rec, 12/14/93, Lamar Co., 25 yrs., robbery w/threats.\n\nRace of Victim(s): white male",
       ": Jeff Emer:\nName: y pre 839\n\nDOB: 6/25 /_59 Received: 5 / 27 / 86 Age: 26 (when rec'd\n\nCounty: Brazos Date of Offense: 10 7 12, 79\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nAge at time of offerise: 20 Race: white Height: 5-8\nWeight:_160 Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown\nNative County: Hennepin State; Minnesota\nPrior RcGipa Cio; AER ESNSLEIGHEY Teepatcman, Education lever; ° Years\n- Lane al,\n\nPrior prison record:\n\n—None\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n \n  \n \n  \n  \n  \n  \n  \n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the October 1979 stabbing death of 19-year-old\nLaShan Muhlinghaus, a Texas AsM student, at her College Station apart—\n\nment. Prosecutors said Emery hid in a closet and attacked Muhlinghaus\n\nwhen she walked in while he was burglarizing her apartment; —Atrer\n—death, Muhlinghaus was sexually assaulted and her lower body mutilated.\n\nThe case went unsolved for four years until Emery's ex-wife, Debra, went\n\nto police in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. SNe Iater—restitiee—that—tre—ex—husband\ncame home the night of the murder covered with blood. Two of his friends\n\ntestified that he admitted killing Muhlinghaus, a student from Rowlett.\n\nWhen charged with Muhlinghaus' murder, Emery was being held in St. Paul\n\n \n\nMinnesota on three counts of burglary.\nSa\n\nCo-Defendants: none\n\n \n\nsace of Victim(s): white female\n\n \n \n\n  \n\nte",
       "x\n\nvane: Tonnie Earl Johnson DR #_999135\n\n \n\n \n\npos: 3 / 19 7 63 Received: 1 /_27 /_95 ‘Ages 31 (when rec'd)\nCounty: EEERe Date of offense: 8/15 /90\n\nAge at time of offense: 27 Race:__black Height: 5-9\nWeight: 249 Eyes:_brown Hair: black\n\nNative County: Harris State:__Texas\n\nfrien décupattons_ Construction Education level: 11 years ___\n\n  \n \n  \n\nprior prison record:\n\nNone\n\nsummary: Convicted in the murders. of Gunar Nelson Fulk,16,and_———\n\n“Leroy McCaffrey, Jz-, 17. Johnson approached the victims at a-con-\n\n \n\nvenience store at FM 2920 and FM 249 in Tomball _and_asked them for ——\n\n4 ride. Approximately four miles away from the store Johnson forced\n\nthe two out of the vehicle at gunpoint and shot them several times.\n\nMccaffrey was chased some 350 feet before he was caught and killed ___\n\npy Johnson, who then stole rulk's truck and drove to Austin where he\ntold his girlfriend that he has killed two boys. He later abandoned the\n* nos ana traded’ the murder weapon for cocaine. He was\n\n- arcos and ti“\n“grrested 14 days later qnd claimed self-defense.\na\n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\ntruck in San Ma:\n\n \n  \n \n \n\nRace of Victim(s)+_Unknown ——— — -",
       'Name: Frank Moore ______ D.R. #999210\n\nDOB: 05/16/59 Received: 11/20/96. Age: 37. (when received)\nCounty:__Bexar Date of Offense:_ 01/21/94 _\n\nAge at time of offense: 34 Race:_black_ Height: 5-9\nWeight: 140 Eyes: _brown Hair: _black\n\nNative County: _ Hot Springs State: Arkansas\nPrior Occupation: mechanic Education Level: 11 yrs.\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNN ay\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\n‘Two black males',
       "Name: Windell Broussard D.R. #999064\n\nDOB: __03/05/60__ Received: _07/02/93 Age: _ 33 (when rec’d)\nCounty: Jefferson Date of Offense: _04/24/92\nAge at time of offense: _32 Race: Black Height: _5'8\nWeight: _117 Eyes: _Brown Hair: Black _\nNative Count y: _Jefferson State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Farmer Education Level: _7 years _\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nSummary:\n\nSonvis sl if 28-year-\n\nwount it survii us\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone.\n\n \n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\n‘One black female: one black ma",
       "Evecutl) 2/27/76\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName; Kenneth Granviel pre 222\n2 75 25\npo: 8 / 4 / received: 22/22 _/ Age: 2 (when\n10 7 74\nCounty: Tarrant Date of Offense: / /\ni 2 ; black Height: _°72\nAge at time of offense: 24 Race: leight:\nWeight: 190 Eyes: Maroon Hair: Black\nNative County: Tarrant state: Texas\n12 years\nPrior Occupation: machinist Education level\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n\ncrime summary: Granviel was convicted of capital murder in the Oct. 7\n{974 stabbing death of two-year-old Natasha McClendon in Fort Worth.\nThe young girl was one of seven people Granviel killed during two\nseparate murdering sprees. Also killed on Oct. 7 inside a Fort Worth\napartment complex were Martha McClendon, the young girl's mother,\nfinda McClendon, and Laura McClendon and her three-year-old son,\nSteven. All of the victims were murdered with a butcher knife. All\nwere friends of Granviel's. Granviel surrendered to police on Feb. 8,\n1975. He later admitted to the killings of two other personal friends\nBetty Williams and Vera Hill. Both women were raped and stabbed to\ndeath with a knife. Granviel led authorities to their bodies.\n\nNote: The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans set aside\nthe death penalty in Granviel's case because at least one prospective\njuror was improperly disqualified after members of the jury panel we2\nGuestioned about their views on the death penalty. Granviel was agair\ntried in May 1983 and sentenced to death upon conviction.\n\n \n\n \n\n“prior execution dates: 4 76, stayed on appeal; 9-16-77, stayed by\n\n_Texas Court of Criminal Appeals; 4-7-78, stayed by U.S. District\nCourt in Fort Worth, 5-27-87, stayed\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:__ None\nRace of Victim(s): Uno“ _",
       '‘Name: Donald Loren Aldrich __..__- D.R.#999113\n\nDOB: 11/06/64 _ Received: _08/10/94_ Age: 29 (when received)\nCounty:___Smith (case tried inKerr) ___—_Date of Offfense:_11/30/93 _\nAge at time of offense: __29 Race:_white Height: 5-8 __\n\nWeight _190 _____ Eyes:_blue Hair: _brown\nNative County: _Oklahoma Co State: _Oklahoma\nPrior Occupation: baker Education Level:_10 yrs (GED) _\n\nPrior Prison Record:',
       "Name: Jeffery Henry Caldwel D.R. #938\n\nDOB: __03/01/63 Received: _04/27/89 Age: _26 (when rec'd).\nCounty: Dallas Date of Offense: _07/25/88\nAge at time of offense: _25 Race: Black ‘Height: _6'2_\nWeight: _173 Eyes: _Brown Hair: _Black\nNative Count y: Cook State: Illinois\n\nPrior Occupation: Commercial Printer Education Level: 12 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nge 47, and two black feme s unknowi",
       "EEE EES i SS Te\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: Jeffrey Dillingham O.R. #999071\n\np0B: 3 / 6 /_73 Received: 8 / 31 / 93 Age:_20 (when rec'd)\nCounty: wichita (cov from Tarrant bate of offense: 3 412/92\n\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race: white | Height: _6-1 _\nWeight: 205 Eyes: hazel Hair: brown\n\nNative County: Chippewa State:__Wisconsin\n\nPrior Occupation: Video store manager Education level:_12 years\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone_\n\n2 i\n\nX bs\n\nSummary: Convicted in the March 1992 murder-for-hire of 40-year-old\nCaren Koslow of Fort Worth. Koslow and her husband Jack were asleep\n\nenue when Dillingham and co-\n\ndefendant Brian Dennis Salter entered through a rear entrance and\n\n \n\ninside their residence at 4100 Clarke A\\\n\ndisarmed an alarm system with a code provided them by Kristi Kos]\n\nthe couple's daughter. The two intruders forced the couple to lie\non the floor and then,beat them with a steel bar and slashed their\n\nthroats. The two stole Mr. Koslow's wallet, $200 in cash and a wrist\n\nwatch worth $1,600. Mrs. Koslow died at the scene, but Mr. Koslow\n\nsurvived to alert police. Statements revealed that the couple was\n\nCo-Defendants: attacked in return for $1 million promised_by——\nKristi Koslow.\n\n \n\nCapital murder cases were pending against Brian Dennis Salt) a\nKristi Koslow.\nRace of Victim(s): __ white female ee",
       'Name: Shannon Charles Thomas ___ D.R.#.9992]3\n\nDOB: 07/27/7 Received: _12/04/96 Age: 25_ (when received)\nCounty:___Harris Date of Offense:__12 /24/93\n\nAge at time of offense: __22 Race:_black Height. 5-9\nWeight: 250 Eyes: _brown Hair: black\n\n‘Native County: Harris State: _Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: machinist ___________ Education Level 13 yrs\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):',
       "; Richard Eugene Dinkins 999022\nName: DR. #\n\n \n\nDob: 9 /_29./ 62_ Received: 2 /_26 /92\n\n \n\n(when rec'd)\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCounty: Jefferson Date of offense: 9 /_12/ 90\nAge at time of offense: 27 Race: white Height: 5-6\nWeight: 126 Eyes: blue Hair: blonde\n\nNative County: Fairfax State: Virginia\n\nPrior Occupation: machinist Education level: 12 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\nSummary: Convicted in the September 1990 murders of two women inside\n\n \n\na Beaumont business. Killed were Katherine Thompson, the 46-year-old owner\n\n \n\nof Therapeutic Massage at 3420 Fannin, and customer Shelly Cutler, 32.\n\n \n\nBoth women were shot in the head with a .357 Magnum pistol by Dinkins\n\n \n\nfollowing an argument he had with Thompson concerning bad checks he had\n\n \n\nwritten to the business. Thompson, who also suffered a chest wound, died\n\n \n\nat a hospital shortly after the shooting. Cutler, a registered nurse, died\n\n \n\nthe next morning. Dinkins' name was found in an appointment book at the\n\nDusiness. He confessed to the murders after police found blood on his\n\npants_and the murder weapon in his truck, 0\n\nCo-Defendants: one\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Two white females",
       "i 691\nName; Miguel A. Richardson\n\npos: 7 7,7 54 Received: 9 ¢ 74, 81 Age: 27 (when rec'd)\n\n \n\n    \n\n \n\n \n\n1\n\nCount. Date of offense: ;\nAge at time of offense: 24 Race: Black Height: 5-10\nWeight: 170 Eyes: brown Hair: black\n\n \n\n \n\n    \n \n  \n \n \n\nNative County: Oklahoma Co. State; Oklahoma\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level: 14 years\n\n! Prior prison record:\nFederal Reformatory in El Reno, Oklahoma, rec. April 1973, 4-6 years,\n\npossession of stolen mail matter, paroled 3-31-76.\n\nQ@ -\n\nSummary; Convicted in the March 1979 slaying and robbery of John\n\n \n\nG. Ebbert, one of two security guards shot to death at a Holiday\nInn motel in San Antonio. Ebbert and the second victim were\ninvestigating a complaint from a motel guest when they found\nRichardson attempting to break in to a room. As they were escorting\nRichardson to the front office, a gun in his waistband fell to\n\nthe floor. He grabbed the gun and held the guards at gunpoint.\n\n \n\nRichardson handcuffed one of the guards, took their money,and\n\n \n\nthen shot them both. He was arrested 6-19-80 in Denver, Colorado\ne cr div © Te:\n\nCo-Defendants: Three women identified as prostitutes were with\nRichardson at the time of the killings. All three testified\n\nvu during Richardson's trial.\n\nRace of Victim(s): Unknown",
       "Age at time of offense: V\n\nName: Curtis Paul Harris ee D.R.#__ 637\npop: 08 /_ 31 / 61 Received: 06 / 07 / 79 Age: 7 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Brazos Date of Offense: ae od RE / 78\n\nRace: Black\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior Occupation:\n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\nLaborer\n\nWeight: 144 Eyes: Maroon Hair: Black\nNative County: Brazos State: Texas\nEducation level:\n\n8-years\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary:\n\nCo-Defendants: Brother: Danny Ray Harris\n\nRace of Victim(s): white male\n\ndeath row #649.\n25-years/Burg veh. & Murder wdw. Valarie Denise Rencher\n\nNe al\nwas not sentenced to prison. te! MS _10/\n\nConvicted of capital murder in the December 11, 1978 killing of Timmothy Michael\nMerka, 27, who was beaten to death (with a tire tool) and robbed after rendering assis-\n\ntance to Harris and three companions in rural Brazos County.\n\n \n\nJames Charles Manuel, #301766\n\n16, turned state's evidence and",
       "Name: Bobby Glen Cook D.R. # 999094\n\n  \n  \n   \n  \n\n \n\nQs Received: 4/26 /94 Age: 32 (when rec'd).\nCounty: Anderson Date of offense: 2 /_ 6 / 93\n\n \n\n&\n\n \n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 31 Race: white Height: 5-6\n\n“Weight: 148 Eyes: blue blonde\n\nNative County: Navarro, State: Texas aor\n~\n\nPrior Occupation: Education level: 9 yrs al\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\nTCs #457035, rec. 7/17/87, Navarro/Ellis counties, 6 yrs., Burg. of Veh.,\nparoled 3/16/88. Ret'd as violator 9/20/88 w/5-year sentence for theft,\nparoled 1/26/89. TDCJ #526130, rec. 11/6/89, Ellis Co., 10 yrs., poss. of\n\nre burg. of bldg., paroled 8/21/90, ret'd w/8-year concurrent for theft on\n9/13/91, Navarro Co., paroled 3/18/92.\nSummary: Convicted in the robbery and murder of 42-year-old Bdwin\n\nEarl Holder of Buffalo. Holder was reported missing when he failed to\nreturn from a fishing trip on the Trinity River. His body was found\ninside a sleeping bag in the bed of his pickup which was partially\nsubmurged in the Trinity River off Hwy 287 near Cayuga. He had been\n\nshot six times in the head while camping overnight near the river. Cook\n\n \n\nand two co-defendants sank Holder's boat and stole his outboard motor\n\n \n\nand two lanterns. Cook also took Holder's wallet containing about $25.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendant Steven Ray Cockroft, W/M, DOB: 10/1/65. Second accomplice\n\n \n\n \n\nidentified as Robin Jenkins. No information immediatedly available.\n\n2 save\n\nace of Victim(s): _",
       "Name; DOrSie Johnson Jr. preg 82°\n\nboB:_3/ 10 / 67 Received: 11 / 20 / 86 Age:_19 (when rec'd\nCounty: Scurry Date of Offense: 23 1 /_ 86\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race: black Height: 572\nWeight: 158 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black\n\nNative County: Colorado City State: Texas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: janitor Education level: 11 years\n\nPrior prison record:\n- G &\n\nSummary: Convicted in the March 1986 shooting death of 53-year-old Jack\n\n \n\nHuddleston, a-clerk at Allsup's Convience Store in Snyder. Huddleston\n\n \n\n \n\nwas shot once in the head with a .25-caliber pistol after being told\n\n \n\nto lie down on the floor during a robbery that netted $161.92.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Amanda Lynn Miles #449991, B/F, DOB: 3/10/67. Received\n\n4/28/87 from Tom Green Co. with 60-year sentence for aggravated robbery\n\nAssigned to Mountain View Unit in Gatesville.\n\nRace of Victim(s): white male",
       'Billie Wayne Coble 976\nNam\n\n \n\npop:_9 /_9 / 48 Received: ©\n\nCounty: McLennan\nSe ee\n\nAge at time of offense: 40\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nHeight: 150 Eyes; blue\nNative County: McLennan State: "°*25\nPrior Occupation: electrician\n\n—clectrician Education level: 24 years\n\nPrior prison record:\nNone %\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the August 1989 slaying of his estranged wife\'s %\nparents and brother. Shot to death at their homes in Axtell were\n\nRobert Joseph Vicha, his wife Zelda Waling Vicha, and their son John\n\nRobert Vicha. Coble later kidnapped his wife, Karen Coble, at gunpoint\nafter handcuffing her four children to a bed. His car was pursued\n\nby police in Bosque County where it wrecked, CObIe -wasjatted- after\n\n \n\nbeing released from a hospital. Karen Coble was also hospitalized\n\nwith injuries from the car wreck, but Survived.\n—— eee :\nsee\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n|\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s); Two white males, one white female',
       "@.... Ron Scott Shamburger o.R. ¢ 999167\n\n \n\n   \n\n23\n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\ncop: 22, 12, 72 Received: 20, 31 / 95 Age: (when rec'd)\nCounty: Brazos _ 3 Date of offense: 9/30/94 _\nAge at time of offense: 22) Race: white = = Height: _5-9\nWeight: 173 Eyes: hazel Hair: blonde\n\nNative County: Potter _ State: Texas y\n\nPrior Occupation: cashier/laborer _. Education level: 16 yrs\n\n      \n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the shooting death of LorivA, Baker, 20, during\n\nthe burglary of her home in College station. Shamburger, a senior\n\nmedical student at Texas A&M who knew the victim from school, entered\n\n \n\nBaker's Home at 1008 Bayou Woods in attempt to steal money. He shot\n\nBaker in the head with a 9mm pistol when she awoke to find him in her\n\nbedroom\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nShamburger then kidnapped Baker's roommate Victoria Kohlar\n\n  \n\nwhen she returned home by placing her in the trunk of a car after binding\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n  \n\nher hands with duct tape. Shamburger drove only a few blocks from the\n\nhouse before abandoning Kohlar in the unlocked trunk. shamburger returned\n\n \n\n9, the home and after probing Baker's head wound with a knife in an effort\nvo-Detendants:| to retrieve the bullet, poured gasoline on her body and set\n\nit afire. Shamburger later walked into the College Station\nPolice ‘sta and surrendered, emptying the bullets from bis\nwv pistol onto the floor.\n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n(No_co-defendants)",
       "ELISEO HERNANDEZ MORENO, #759\n\nExecution date: March 4, 1987\n\nNo prior execution dates\n\nDate of birth: 9-27-59 (27) Race: Hispanic Native of Hidalgo Co\nCounty of conviction: Fort Bend (change of venue from Waller Co.)\nDate received: 2-14-84 Former occupation: small engine mechanic\n\nPrior arrest record: Driving while intoxicated, 1983, placed on\nprobation\n\nNo prior TDC record\n\nCrime summary: Moreno was convicted of capital murder in the\n\nOct. 11, 1983 shooting death of Texas Department of Public\n\nSafety Trooper Russell Lynn Boyd near Hempstead. Boyd, 25, was\none of six people prosecutors said Moreno killed during a 160-mile\ncrime spree that started in College Station with the slayings\n\nof his brother-in-law, Juan Garza, and Garza's wife, Esther Garza.\nBoyd was shot to death after stopping Moreno on Texas 6 north\n\nof Hempstead for a traffic violation. Moreno was also charged\n\nin the shooting deaths of James Bennatte, 62, Allie Wilkins, 79,\nand Ann Bennatt, 70, in Hempstead. Moreno later kidnapped a\n\nfamily of five and forced them to drive him to Pasadena. He then\nabducted a Friendswood man, who at gunpoint, drove Moreno south\non U.S. 59 toward the Rio Grande Valley. DPS officers stopped\n\nthe car at a roadblock in Wharton County and arrested Moreno.\n\nIn October 1985, Moreno pleaded guilty to murder in the Garza\nkillings and was given a 45-year prison sentence. Prosecutors\nsaid Moreno killed the Garzas because they wouldn't help him\nfind his estranged wife. Moreno was also charged with three\ncounts of murder in Waller County and given 35-year prison\nsentences.\n\n‘Ny “texas",
       'Name: David Martin Long D.R.# 862\n27 15 5 i z\nDOB: / 1.53 Received: 2 / 17 / 87 Age:__ 33 (when rec\'d\nCounty: Dallas Date of Offense: 9 / 27 7 86\nAge at time of offense: 33 Race: White Height: °°?\nWeight: 181 Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown\nNative County: Tom Green State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: cable TV technician Education level: 13 years\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the hatchet slaying of three women in Lancaster, a\n\nDallas suburb. Killed were Donna Sue Jester, 38; her blind cousin, Daipha\n\nLorene Jester, 64; and Laura Lee Owens, a 20-year-old drifter from Florida\n\nwho lived with the Jesters and Long in a house at 1010 Bayport. All were\n\n \n\nhacked to death with a hatchet by Long after he grew tired of hearing them\n\n \n\nargue. Long had lived at the house since Sept. 19, 1986. He stole a purse\n\n \n\nmoney and a car from the residence after the killings. He was arrested\njhonut a month later in Austin\n*During his trial, Long, who called the triple homicide "a satanic"\n\n \n\nexperience, said he would kill again if not given the death penalty. In a\n\n \n\nstatment to police, Long also claims to have killed his former boss in\nCo-Defendants: Bayview in 1983 and a gas station attendant in San Bernardino,\n\nCalif. in 1978.\n\n \n\nNo co-defendants\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Three white females. Convicted in the death of Dalpha\n\n \n\nLorene Jester.',
       'Name: “Edward Green Prt D.R. #999073\n\n \n\n \n\npop: 3 / 5 / 74 Received: 10 /_ 8 / 93 Age: 19 (when rec\'d\nCounty: Harris Date of offense: 8 / 31 / 92\n\nAge at time of offense: 18 Race: black Height: 5-7\nWeight: 154 Eyes: brown HWair:_black\n\nNative County: Essex State: New Jersey\n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level: 9 years\n\n \n\n  \n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n@ 9\n\n4\n\nSummary: Convicted in the August 1992 shooting deaths of Edward Perry\nHaden and Helen O\'Sullivan in Houston. Green and co-defendant Jimmy Lee\nDaniels spotted the victims stopped at a traffic light and decided to\n\nrob them for "weed" money. Green jumped from the car Daniels was driving\nand pointed a gun at Haden, who was seated on the passenger side of the\ncar driven by O\'Sullivan. When Haden failed to react quickly to Green\'s\n\nthreats, Green fired three times through the window, striking Haden\n\ntwice and O\'Sullivan once.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Jimmy Lee Daniels. Reportedly charged with aggravated\n\nrobbery. Disposition not immediately known.\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Not reported',
       'Name: Justin Lee May DR\npos: 4 7 26 7 46 Received: (a ne (when r\nCounty: Brazoria Date of offense: ° >!\nAge at time of offense: 32 Race: white . 6-1\nWeight:__185 Eyes: Hazel Hair: Brown\nNative County: Holmes State: Mississippi\n\nll years\n\nPrior Occupation: welder\n\nEducation level\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\nmpc #205064, rec. 6/25/69, 10 yrs., robbery by assault, paroled to Harr\nCo, 5/17/75, discharged 6/30/75. TDC #259133, rec. 6/22/76, 4 yrs., pas\nforged instrument and agg. assault, paroled to Harris Co. 10/7/77. TDC\n\n4283708, rec. as PV 9/12/78 with new conviction for agg. assault, 15 yr\n\n \n\nparoled under MS to Brazoria Co. 7/13/84.\nSummary: Convicted in the shooting death of 43-year-old Jeanetta Murdau\n\nduring a robbery of the Western Auto Store she and her husband, Frank,\nowned and operated in Freeport. Mrs. Murdaugh died from two gunshot wou\n\nto the head. Her husband was killed by four gunshots to the neck, chest\nand back. Police believed the Murdaughs were two of Five people rooped”\n\n \n\nand killed by May during a two-week crime Spree.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Richard Allen Miles #307822, W/M, DOB: 11/14/43. Received\n7/29/80 with 42-year sentence for robbery, agg. robbery (prior convictic\nand murder, Harris and Brazoria counties - paroled 12/5/90\n\nRace of Victim(s): white female',
       "@?\n\nName: Bobby Lee Hines D.R. #999025\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npos: 7 ys 7y 72 Received: 4 / 16 / 92 Age: 19 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Dattas Date of offense: 1° ¢_20/_91\n\nAge at time of offense: 19 Races, (Mbtte Height: °77\nWeight: 149 Eyes: _Piue Hair:__PFOwn\n\nNative County: Dallas State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level: 9 yrs- (GED)\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nTDCI #556501 SR, rec. 7/26/90 from Lamar Co, with 10-year sentence for\n\n \n\nburglary of a building, assigned to Special Alternative Incarceration\n\n \n\nProgram (boot camp) at Ramsey II, released on shock probation 10/19/90.\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the October 1991 robbery and murder of 26-year-old\nMichelle Wendy Haupt. Haupt was stabbed repeatedly with an ice pick and\nstrangled with a cord inside her apartment at 3525 Country Square Drive in\nDallas. Four packs of cigarettes, a bowl containing pennies and a gold\ncharm were taken from the apartment. Hines was staying next door to Haupt\nin the apartment of the complex's maintenance man, who had master keys to\n\nall of the units. The cigarettes and bowl of pennies were found under the\n\n \n\nsofa where Hines slept. The gold charm was found in his pants pocket. He\n\nalso had scratches on his face and neck from his struggle with Haupt\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\noe 4 = ey\n\nG i Zz\n5 - 4\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):_ White female yy we",
       "Name: Ivan Murphy, Jr.\n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\now: 1_/_10 /_65 Received: 1 / 24 / 91 Age: 26 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Grayson Date of offense: 1/9 / 89\nAge at time of offense: 24 Race: white Height: 5-8\nWeight: 185 Eyes: blue brown ,\nNative County: Grayson State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: mechanic Education level: 12 years\n\nPrior prison record:\nTDCI #385243, rec. 10-16-84 from Grayson County with 3-year sentence\n\nfor theft over $200, released_on parole to district attorney of\n\nMcAlester, Oklahoma on 5-1-85.\n\n \n\n&\n\n \n\nConvicted in the beating death and robbery of 80-year-old\nSummary:\n\nLula Mae Denning in Denison. Denning was beaten to death inside\n\n \n\n \n\nher home at 118 West Sears Street by Murphy and an accomplice.\n\n \n\nJewelry, including a wedding ring valued at $7,000, was taken\n\n \n\nfrom the home. Murphy's prints were found in the home. He was\n\n \n\narrested in Hugo, Oklahoma on 1-20-89.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Douglas Wayne Stoff. #590939, W/M, DOB: 8/27/70,\n\n   \n\nrec. 7/23/91, Lamar Co., Life,\nvin\n\nmurder w/deadly wpn.\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white female",
       'Gh perl\n\nName: Ricky Lee Green D.R. #984\n\nDOB: 12/27/60 Received; _10/05/90 ‘Age. 29. (when received)\nCounty:_ Tarrant (case tried in Travis) _______Date of Offense:_12/27/86 _\nAge at time of offense: _26 Race:_white Height: 5-8\nWeight: _170 Eyes: _hazel Hair; _brown\n\nNative County: _ Tarrant State: _Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: radiator repair Education Level: 8 years\n\nPrior Prison Record\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n  \n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\nWhite male',
       'Name: Richard Cartwright D.R. #.999224\n\nDOB:02/11/74_ Received: _03/21/97__ Age: 23. (when received)\nCounty:__Nucces ____Datte of Offense:_08/01/96 _\n\nAge at time of offense: __22 Race:_white Height. 6-2.\n\nWeight: __175 Eyes: _grey Hair: brown\n\nNative County: Chicago == State:_Illinoig_ ==\n\nPrior Occupation: mechanic/laborer _—_—_~—“Education Level: 12 years\nPrior Prison Record: ™,\n\nNone\n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\nHispanic male',
       "Cxetuteol 12-7 FF\n\n \n\n \n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nBiov\nName: Hai Hai Vuong DR. 904\nbop: _9 / 12 / 55 * Received: 5 / 27 / 88 Age:_ 32 (when rec'«\nCounty: Jefferson Date of Offense: 12 , 7\nAge at time of offense: 31 Race: Asian Height: 5-5\nWeight: 154 Eyes: brown Hair; black\nNative County: State; South Vietnam\nPrior Occupation: _Shrimper Education level: 7 Years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\n \n \n   \n \n \n\nNone 4\nFe al\nee.\n____—_¥\n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the December 1986 shooting deaths of 16-year-old\nHien Quang Tran and 27-year-old Tien van Nguyen at a Port\nArthur game room. The two victims were shot with a .223-caliber\nrifle inside the Tam Game Room at 648 9th Avenue. Three other\nmen were wounded during the shooting, which reportedly stemmed\n\nfrom a prior argument.\n\nCo-Defendants: Court records indicate a capital murder indictment returned\n\nagainst Thien Huu Nguyen (DOB: 1-1-57), but TDC had no record of\n\n \n\n \n\nincarceration as of July 1988.\n\n \n\n€. Race of Victim(s): Two Vietnamese men",
       "Name: Clifton Eugene Belyeu\n\n \n\npop: 6 / 30 _/ 58 Received: 9 / 3 / 86\n\n \n\n(when rec'd)\n\n \n\nCounty: McLen!\n\nDate of Offense: 12 19 7 89\n\n \n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: Race:_white Height: 5-8\nWeight: 165 Eyes: Brow Hair: Brown\nNative County: scurry State: Texas\n\n \n\n  \n\nPrior Occupation: paint Education level: 7th grade\n\nPrior prison record:\n\ny on 2-year sentence for\n\n  \n\n#288456, received 2-8-79 from Collin Cour\n\n \n\nrobbery. Paroled to Henderson County on 8-8-79 and discharged from\n\n \n\nparole on 8-20-80.",
       'Name; Jessie Joe Patrick\n\n975\nD.R.#\n\naa 790 Age: 32 (when rec\'¢\n\n \n\nC DoB:_2 /_23 / 58 Received:\n\nCounty: Dallas\n\nAge at time of offense: 31\n\n \n\nWeight: 154 Eyes: blue\nNative County: Los Angeles\nPrior Occupation: landscaping\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nmC #405164, rec. 9-13-85, Dallas Co.,\n\non shock probation 1-6-86, returned as\n\nDate of Offense: ss 7 89 |\n\n \n\nRac\n\n \n\nwhite Height: "11,\n\n \n\n \n\nState: C@tifornia\n\n10 years (GED)\n\n \n\nEducation level\n\n4 years, aggravated assault, released\n\na shock probation violator 7-25-86,\n\nparoled under mandatory supervision to Dallas Co. 1-7-87.\n\n \n\n \n\n6 Summary: Convicted in the July 1989 murder. of 80-year-old Nina Rutherford ~\n\nRedd. Redd was killed inside her home at 356 Pleasant Drive in Dallas.\n\nShe had been sexually assaulted before her throat was cut with a knife.\n\nPatrick was a neighbor of Redd\'s. He broke into Redd’s home through\n\n \n\na bathroom window and ransacked the home following the killing.\n\nA blood-soaked sock was later found at Patrick\'s residence. The weave\n\nof the sock matched\n\na blood impression at the scene.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n2\n\n \n\neo Race of Victim(s): white female',
       'JAY KELLY PINKERTON, #686\n\nSCHEDULED FOR EXECUTION: NCYEMBER 26, 1985\n\n \n\n   \n\n\\X VE\nDate of Birth: February 14, 1962 (23)\n\nCounties of conviction: Nueces and Potter\nDate received: June 29, 1981\n\nWhite Male\n\nConvicted of capital murder for the death of Sarah Donn Lawrence\nOctober 26, 1979 during a robbery (or burglary) with intent to\nrape. Lawrence suffered thirty-stab wounds or more to her body\nand face.\n\nPinkerton was also convicted of capital murder for the stabbing\ndeath of Sherry Welch, a furniture store employee in Amarillo\nMs. Welch was stabbed approximately thirty times and raped.\n\n(Pinkerton was sentenced to death by State District Judge\n\nJerry Shackelford on May 3, 1982. Judge Naomi Harney of the\n105th District Court in Nueces County handed down the May 31st\n1984 execution date.)\n\nNo prior TDC record. Previous arrest for Burglary in Amarillo\nJuly 26, 1979.\n\nPRIOR EXECUTION DATES: May 31, 1984\nAugust 15, 1985',
       'Syaotte) sJo79\n\nName: Robert Anthony Madden D.R. #822\n\nOran Received: _02/28/86 ‘Age: 23. (when received)\n\nCounty:_Leon Date of Offfense:_09/15/85\nAge at time of offense: _22 Race:_white  _ Height:_5-9\nWeight: _138 Eyes: _brown Hair: _brown\n\nNative County: _ Harris State: _Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: cook Education Level: 12 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n@\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\nSeer TexAS\n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nTwo white males',
       'Prior execution dates: 11/25/80 STAYED: Federal Jdc, Ri erling\n\n09/10/87 STAYED: Executed\nSTAYED:\nSTAYED:\nSTAYED:\n\nPrior TDC record: None\n\nPrior arrest record: Arrested and charged with durglary of a habitation in March\n\n1976 and given five years probation. Arrest record also indiccates charge of\n\n \n\nsession of marijuana.\n\nCrime summary: Starvaggi was convicted in the Nov. 19, 1976 shooting\ndeath of 43-year-old John Denson, a Montgomery County juvenile probation\nofficer and reserve deputy sheriff, during a burglary at the officer\'s\nhome in Magnolia. Starvaggi admitted during his trial that he went to\nDenson\'s home with two accomplices to steal his gun collection. Star-\nvaggi shot Denson when the officer struggled with one of the intruders\nand wrestled his gun away. Starvaggi said he then shot Denson two\n\nmore times to "keep him from suffering." Denson suffered two wounds\n\ntc the heart and one to the upper back. His 13-year-old daughter, who\nwas taken upstairs with her mother, testified that she heard her father\nbeg for mercy after he was shot once, saying, "I beg of you, don\'t do\nthis." The accomplices reportedly urged Starvaggi to kill Denson\'s\nwife and daughter but he refused, saying he only killed "dopers and\npigs."\n\nBoth co-defendants, Glenn Earl Martin, DOB: 8-2-49, and G.W. Green,\nDOB: 11-21-36, were convicted of capital murder in Montgomery County.\nMartin, #270194, was sentenced to life in prison and Green, #576, was\ngiven the death penalty. Martin was received on 7-15-77 and Green on\n0-13 Green has had one execution date, 5-29-85, stayed by federal\nJudge Carl Bue.',
       "ot yor\n\n1 Javier c.\nai eae D.R. #999061\n\n \n\nRoos: 2 (38 [57 Received: 4 / 30/93 Age: 35\n\n(when rec'd)\n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCounty: Bexar Date of offense: 6 / 7 / 91\n| 7 14 91\n\nAge at time of offense: 33 Race: Hispanic  Height:_5-7\n\nWeight: 208 Eyes: brown Hair: black\n\nNative Count. Webb State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: feed store clerk Education level: 9 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nTDCJ #387174, rec. 11/16/84 from Bexar Co., 5 years, poss. of heroin,\n\nparoled under mandatory supervision to Bexar Co. 4/24/85, returned as\n\n \n\nMS violator w/o new charges 12/18/87, paroled under MS 3/18/88, returned\n\n \n\nB as us violator w/o new charges 1/10/92, bench warrant to Bexar Co. 3/9/92\n‘= returned with death sentence.\nSummary: Convicted in the strangulation murders of Louis Menard Neal, 71,\n\n \n\n \n\nand James Michael Ryan, 69, at the victim's homes in San Antonio. Neal\n\nwas gagged and his hands bound behind his back with a sock before he was\nbeaten with a hammer and strangled with a bathrobe belt. His decomposing\n\nbody was found hanging by the neck from a towel rod inside his North Alamo\nStreet apartment five days after the June 7, 1991 murder. Ryan's nude body\nwas found inside his Mandalay Street residence the day after his July 14, 1991\nmurder, He also had been strangled and his television and automobile stolen.\n\nCruz's accomplice later told police that they sold the tires off of Ryan's\nCadillac t0 buy héroin. Cruz was arrested in the murders on Oct. 22, 1991.\n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\n6/25/61, Rec. 2/3/93 #633446. Agreed\n\n \n\nAntonio Omero Ovalle, H/M, DOI\n\nG to testify against Cruz and plead guilty to murder, agg. robbery and\nattempted burglary in exchange for two consecutive Tife sentences.\n\nace of Victim(s):\n\n \n\nOne black male (Neal) & one white male (Ryan)",
       'S493\nName; DaFryl Elroy stewart pre 984\npop: 4/2 / 55 Received: 8 / 20 1 80 Age:_ 2° (when rec\'c\nCounty: Harris sate of offense: 72 = © 7 8°\nAge at time of offense: 24 Height: 5-7\nWeight: 148 Eyes:_brown\nNative County: Harris State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: auto mechanic Education level: Y°°75\n\nSERS ee\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nTDC #257244, received 4-13-76 from Harris Co. with 6-year sentence for\n\nrobbery, paroled to Harris Co. on 8-25-76.\n\n \n\n \n\n@ Summary; Convicted in the February 1980 shooting death of 22-year-old\nDonna Kate Thomas inside her south Houston apartment. Stewart and Kelvin\nKelly, who lived in the same apartment complex as the victim at 11710\nAlgonquin, were walking through the complex when they noticed Thomas\n\ndoor open. Stewart asked Kelly for his .25-caliber pistol because he\n\nwanted to go in and see what he could steal. Kelly heard Thomas scream,\n“oh, my God" and rushed in to see what was happening. Kelly said Stewart\nand Thomas were in a bedroom and that Stewart told her to undress. After\nshe complied, Stewart placed her in a closet,where she was joined by her\n4-year-old daughter when she entered the apartment. Stewart eventually\n\nremoved the two from the closet and demanded sex from Thomas. When she\nrefused and started crying, he became upset, put his pistol to her head,\nCo-Defendants: covered it with a pillow, and shot her twice. Stewart report-\n\nedly left the apartment with $50-\n\n \n\nCharges against Kelvin Kelly were pending in the 1@5th District Court.\n@ wow\nRace of Victim(s): Unknown\n\nGe',
       'Name: James Otto Earhart DLR. #905,\n\ne DOB: 04/29/43, Received: _05/27/88 Age: 45 (when received)\nCounty:__Brazos (case tried in Lee) Date of Offense:_05/12/87\nAge at time of offense: 44 Race:white __ Height:_5-9\n\nWeight: 258 Eyes: _green Hair: _grey\nNative County: _ Walker State: _ Texas\nPrior Occupation: sales/appliance repair Education Level:_7 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n-\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n—None\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):',
       "e;__ Toronto Markkey Patterson D.R. #999178\n\n \n\n \n\nat\n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n     \n\n210 p47 7 77. Age:_18 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Dallas bate of offense: 6 f 6 / 98 __\nAge at time of offense: 17 Race: black Height: 6-2\nWeight: Aaa Eyes: brown Wair:, black 4\nNative County: Dallas State: Texas ii\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level: 10 yéars\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the shooting death of 3-year-old Ollie Brown at her\n\n \n\n \n\nhome in Dallas. The young girl was shot and killed along with her mother,\n\nKimberly Brewer, and 6-year-old sister, Jennifer Brewer, inside their\n\nhome at'1502 Pritchard In. All were shot with a 9mm pistol. Before\n\nfleeing, Patterson stole three wheel rims valued at $2,000 from\n\nKimberly Brewer's car. He was arrested the following day and gave\n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\né os\n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace ef Victim(s) Three black females si",
       "Name; Robert Wallace West, Jr. pre 722\n\nDOB: 12 12_/ 61 ived: 2 3 83\n/ / Received: / / Age: 21 (when rec'«\n\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: ° = *4 , %?\n\n \n\n \n\nA : 20 white 5-10\nge at time of offense: Race: Height: |\n\n \n\n \n\nWeight: 139 Eyes: hazel Hair: brown\n\n \n\nNative County: Duval State: Florida\n\nPrior Occupation: student Education level: ° Yeats (GED)\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNo TDC record, but in April 1981, West was given a 13-month prison term\n—in Elorida for grand theft. Records also indicate he served a prison term\n\nin Illinois for burglary and was discharged in 1979.\n\nSummary: Convicted in slaying of 22-year-old DeAnn Klaus at the Memorial\nPark Hotel on Waugh Drive in Houston. Klaus, who lived and worked\nas a waitress at the hotel, was strangled with a belt and pillow-\n\n \n\ncase and then beaten and stabbed with a wooden club after West\nbroke into her room, stripped her of her clothes, and tied her up.\nWest, who was also staying at the motel, told police he killed\nthe woman because he believed she was indirectly responsible for\nthe death of one of his friends. Other residents and guests of\nthe hotel saw West leaving the woman's room covered with blood\n\nHe was arrested at the scene about 30 minutes after Klaus' body\nwas found with the splintered piece of wood still embedded in her\nback.\n\nCo-Defendants: None e;\n— “h ie\n\nRace of Victim(s): _ Unknown",
       'O Uno ~~\n\nName: Bruce Edwin Callins 4. DR #17\nDOB:02/22/60_ Received: _07/05/82 Age: 22 (when received)\n‘Cosinty?, alias Date of Offense:_06/27/80 _\n\nAge at time of offense:__20 Race:_black Height: 5-1] _\nWeight: _190 Eyes: brown ___ Hair: black\n\nNative County: Dallas States TAR a\nPrior Occupation: cement finisher Education Level: 10 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\noie\n\nRace of Vietim(s):',
       "NAME: Stehpen Peter M\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nDOB: 02/19/51 RECEIVED: 04/16/82 AGE B: (WHEN REC'D)\n\n     \n\nDATE OF OFF\n\n      \n\nRACE\n\n   \n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\nWEIGHT: __sBYES:__ — BATR:_\nNATIVE COUNTY: _ STATE: _ . -\nPRIOR OCCUPATION: a EDUCATION LEVEL:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\ne Prison, Auto Theft, Pa\n\n    \n\n \n\n \n\nSUMMARY: Convicted of the December 11, 1981 murder of Marie Scott,\n\n \n\n    \n\npolice said was shot in a robbery attempt outside a San Antonio restaurant. ‘This crime _\n\n \n\nwas made a capital offense when Morin stole Scott's car after\n\n  \n\nooting her\n\n    \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\nCO-DEFENDANTS: _ None\n\n \n\nRACE OF VICTIM(S",
       "pe\n\nName: Willie Marcel Shannon D.R. #999086\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npos: 6 / 12 / 73 Received: 12 / 15 / 93 Age:__20 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Harris Date of offense: 7 /_19 /_92\n\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race:_black Height: 5-10 :\n“Weight: 150 Eyes: brown Hair: black\n\nNative County: Harris 1 State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level:_10 years\n\nPrior prison recor\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the murder of Benjamin Garza outside a Houston\nshopping center. Garza was in his car outside the shopping center in\nsouthwest Houston waiting for his wife and children when Shannon entered\nthe passenger side. After a brief struggle, Shannon shot Garza in the\nhead, kicked him out of the vehicle, and drove off. Shannon was arrested\nlater in Beaumont after being spotted driving the stolen car. Police\nSaid Shannon had raped a maid at_a nearby motel just 10 minutes before\n\nhe killed Garza.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Hispanic male",
       'Name: Jasen Shane Busby D.R. 4.99920)\n@  vos.waws Received: _08/01 /96 Age: 20. (when received)\n\nCounty:__Cherokee Date of Offense:_04/17/95\n\nAge at time of offense:__19 Race:_white Height: 5-7\n\nWeight __130 Eyes: __blue Hair: _brown\n\nNative County: Smith State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation:_laborer____ Edueation Level:_1] years __\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n   \n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n  \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nTwo white females',
       'Name: Ricky Don Blackmon D.R. #893\n\n \n\n~ pos: _1aus7_ Received: 12/07/87 Age: _30 (when rec’d).\nCounty: _Shelby Date of Offense: _03/28/87\nAge at time of offense: 29 Race: White Height: 61\nWeight: 214 Eyes: _Blue Hair: Blonde _\nNative Count y: State:\nPrior Occupation: _Cook Education Level:\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): =\n\nWhite male',
       "CHARLES MILTON\n\nEXECUTION # 628\n\nDATE OF BIRTH: 03/15/51\nCOUNTY OF CONVICTION: TARRANT\nDATE RECEIVED: 01/18/79\n\nRACE: BLACK\n\nCRIME: CAPITAL MURDER - FOR THE ROBBERY AND MURDER OF LIQUOR STORE\nOWNER MENAREE DENTON. HUSBAND, LEONARD DENTON WAS ALSO SHOT BUT\nSURVIVED TO TESTIFY AGAINST CHARLES MILTON\n\nPREVIOUS TDC CONVICTION: 9/26/72 - THEFT OVER $50 (1) 4-YEARS\nPREVIOUS EXECUTION DATE: 9/15/81 - STAYED 9/11/81 JUDGE MAHON\n\nSCHEDULED EXECUTION: MAY 4, 1984 ~ Judge Tom Cave\n\nByPATRICKCRIMMINS —_pletoa backroom.\nStaff Writer\n\nA state district judge has set a\nMay 4 execution date for Charles\nMilton, who was sentenced to\ndeath for the 1976 shooting death\nof a grocery store owner in Fort\nWorth.\n\nMilton, 33, has been on Death\nRow sittce Jan. 18, 1979. He was\n\nhedulled to die by lethal injec-\n\nSept. 15, 1981, but he received\na stay of execution four days be-\nfore that from State District\nJudge Eldon Mahon.\n\nState District Judge Tom Cave\nsaid Wednesday he set the date ’\n‘March 30, one day before Ronald\nClark O'Bryan was executed.\n\nCave said Milton pulleda gunon:\nan elderly couple who owned a\nsmall grocery store, robbed the\n‘cash register, and herded the cou-",
       'Nam Michael Durwood Griffith D.R. #999176\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nry 7 yAt_y_50 Received Age: 45 (when rec\'d)\nCounty: “Berets _ _ Date of offense: 10_/ 10 ae\nAge at time of offense: 44 Race: white Height: 5-11\nWeight: 205 Eyes:_hazel —S Nair: gre .\nNative County: Los Angeles _ State: Califaynia\nPrior ceeupaetee: _cuwansng service __—s- Education level:__12"years\n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\nIn addition to his déath sentence for Capital murder, Griffith was\n\n \n\nsentenced to 60 years on-two counts of aggravated robbery.\not i\n\nSunmary: Convicted in the robbery and murder of 44-year-old Deborah McCormick\n\n  \n\nin Houston. Griffith was a regular customer of the Always and Forever\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n    \n\nFlower and Wedding Chapel, which McCormick ran with her mother at 3500\n\nMangum: ‘On the day of the murder, Griffith asked McCormick for six\n\nlong=stem roses and then pulled a pistol and robbed her of $400 and\n\nfour credit cards belonging to her father. Griffith then ordered\n\n \n\nMcCormick into a reception room where he forced her to perform sex\n\n \n\n \n\nacts. During the assault, Griffith pulled a butcher knife and stabbed\n\n \n\nMcCormick 11 times. Griffith used one of the stolen\n\nrder. He used others over the next three weeks to\npossession\n\ncredit cards only\n\n    \n\n \n\nminutes after the\nCo-Defendants:entertain h\n‘OF the cards',
       "Eee ee 7, a\n\neExetukcl I-U-4D\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\nName: Jesse Dewayne Jacobs “ D.R.# 872\n\npop:_2 /_12_/ 50 Received: 6 / 17_/ 87 Age:\n\nCounty: Walker (COV from Montgomery) pate of Offens: 2\n\nAge at time of offense: 37 Race: White\n\nWeight: 131 Eyes: Green Hair: Brown\n\nNative County; _Poshmatah State: O*tahoma\n\nPrior Occupation: auto mechanic Education level: 12 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record: *\nIllinois State Penitentiary, received 2-6-75 with 50-year sentence for\n\nmurder, paroled to Harris County, Texas 12-7-83.\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary; Convicted in the abduction and shooting death of Etta Ann Urdiales,\n\nthe ex-wife of his sister's boyfriend. Jacobs told police his sister,\n\nBobbie Jean Hogan, offered him $500 and a prace-to-stay—tf-he—woutt-kt\nUrdiales. He said Urdiales, 25, was supposedly pestering her ex-husband,\n\n \n\n \n\nMichael Urdiales, about child support _payments—ami—cw 7 —acobs;—pesing\nas_a co-worker of Urdiales' boyfriend, abducted the victim from her Conroe\napartment, drove Her to an area_south of Road—neae Hoodlands—\n\nand _shot'her once in the head with a .38-caliber pistol after blindfolding\n\nher with a towel. He then wrapped her body in a sleeping bag and buried her\nin_awooded area, Her body was not discovered until Sept. 13, 1986.\nMeanwhile, Jacobs went on a 6-month crime spree, during which he committed\nine robberies and stole six vehicles. He was finally stopped in a stolen\ncar at a checkpoint near Sierra Blanco, Texas on Sept. 9, 1986—ant\narrested for armed robbery. He was returned to Conroe three days later and\ngave an oral confession to the Urdiales murder~\n\n*Jacobs escaped from the Montgomery County Jail on Sept. 28, 1986 by re-\nmoving concrete blocks from the cell wall, He was recaptured then a\nCo-Defendants: Jacobs was also convicted on charges of agg. robbery and agg.\n\nkidnapping and is serving two 20-year Sentences;\n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nNo TDC records on Bobbie Jean Hogan or Michael Urdiales\nNov TDC: records:on Bobbie Jean He\n\nRace of Victim(s): white female",
       'Name: Mario Marquez DR#é Jo\n\npop: O8/ 22 / 58 Received: ll / 28 / 84 Age: 26 (when\nCounty: Bexar Date of Offense: 91 / 27 / 84\nAge at time of offense: 26 Race: Hispanic Height: 5\'8"\nWeight: 165 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black\n\nNative County: Williamson State:_ Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Drywaller Education level: 6 yrs\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNo prior TDC record, but Marquez was convicted of burglary\n\n \n\nin February 1984 while being held on charges of capital\n\nmurder. He was sentenced\n\nto five years\n\nin prison.',
       'D.R. #__999147\n\n \n\nName: George Alarick Jones\n4 /_10/_74_ Received: 5 /_18 /_95 Age:_ 21 (when rec’\n\n \n\n  \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCounty: Dallas wave wt werenses 4 7 18 7%\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race: black Height: 571°\nWeight: 190 Eyes: brown Hair: black\n\nNative County: Dallas State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupatio hair stylist __—— Education level:__11 years\n\n  \n \n \n\n_ = ons\n\n: rae\n\nof 22-year-old\n\nio\n\n \n\nsummary; Convicted in the robbery and murder\n\nForest J. Hall in Dallas. Hall was shot twice in the back\nof the head and his body dumped in the 1400 block of E-\n\nWheatland. His car was stolen and later found stripped\n\nof its stereo and wheels.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: ‘None _\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): black male _ o',
       "840\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: William Joseph Kitchens D.R.#\n® pop: 4 /27_/ 63 Received: 9 / 2 / 86 Age: 23 (when rec'd\n\nCounty: ‘Taylor Date of Offense: 5 / 17 ys 86\n\nAge at time of offense: 23 white Height: °°\n\nWeight: 185 Eyes:_Green\n\nNative County: _McLaine State: Oklahoma\n\nPrior Occupation: painter Education level: _& years\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record: . ae\nConvicted of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon in December\n\nand sentenced to two years in the Oklahoma Department of Corrections.\n\nReleased after serving 8 months.\n\n \n\nCrime summary: Kitchens was convicted of capital murder in the death\nof Patricia Leann Webb near Abilene on May 17, 1986. Webb, who had\nmet Kitchens at an Abilene bar on the day of her death, was raped *\nand then driven to a secluded area 11 miles from Abilene where she\n\nwas severly beaten, strangled, and shot in the head with a .22-caliber -\npistol. Kitchens stole Webb's car along with her money, credit cards\n\nand checkbook. Kitchens was arrested in his hometown of Blanchard, okla.-\non May 18 in possession of Webb's property.\n\n \n\n \n\npa he =\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\nSS ~< TEXAS aoe\n\nRace of Victim(s): white female\nDOB: 1-20-61",
       "Name: JAMES D. RICHARDSON D.R.# 867\nDOB: 09/07 /67 Received: 04/21 187 Age: 19 (when rec'd\nCounty:\n\nNavar’ Date of Offense: 12 fiz 1/86\n\n   \n\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race: Black\n\n \n\nWeight: 1/0 Eyes: Brown Hair: _Black\n\n \n\nNative County: Tarrant State: Texas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: Construction Education level: 11\n\nPrior prison record:\n\n05/09/86 rec'd from Navarro County with\n$-yr sentence for burglary of a butlding\nParoled to Navarro Co. on 09/23/86.\nParole revoked 02/20/87. #421541\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n35-year-old Gerald Abay during an armed robbery at Gusher Liquor Store in Angus,\nTexas on December 17, 1986. Richardson was with two other men who had picked out\n\nsome beer and were about to pay for it when Richardson pulled out a pistol and\n\n \n\nshot Abay in the throat and chest. Abay, of Corsicana, managed to fire several\n\n \n\nshots at the suspects and did hit Richardson in the left hand. Approximately\n\n \n\n$1,000 was taken from the liquor store cash register. Abay died about an hour after\n\n \n\nthe shooting. Richardson was arrested the next afternoon after evading authorities\n\n \n\non foot.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Michael James Ellison, dob: 04/20/63 (Murder) Life sentence. Ellison\n#449586, was received 04/22/87. James McHenry, #455597 (Capital Murder) Life sentence.\n\n|\n\nRace of Victim(s): white male\n\n| Summary: Richardson was convicted of capital murder in the shooting death of",
       "Name: JOSEPH BENNARD NICHOLS.\n\nD.R.# 709\nSS,\n\nDOB: 09 / os / 61 Received: 03/12 / 92 Age: 21 (when rec'd\n\n \n\n \n\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 10/13 80\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race: Black Height:\n\nWeight: 165 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black\n\nNative County: Galveston State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Laborer\n\nEducation level: 11 yrs\n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Nichols was convicted and sentenced to’ death in the October 13, 1980\nkilling of Claude Schaffer, Jr. during a Houston delicatessen robbery. His accomplice,\nWillie Ray Williams, was also sentenced to death in the robbery and lawyers for\n\nNichols claimed that Williams went back inside after the robbery was completed\n\n \n\nand shot Schaffer (Houston Chronicle, 07/03/82).\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Willie Ray Williams, #677 im\n\n \n\npe 4\n\n\\ TEXAS\nge Te te x/7/o]]\nRace of Victim(s): unknown am1252 |",
       "Name: Carlos Santana\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n@ =—-wBz_10 /_10/ 52 Receive, (when rec'<\nCounty: Harris Date of offense: * 7 *? =, *\nAge at time of offense: 28 Race: Hispanic Height: 5-9\nWeight: 147 Eyes: brown Hair; black\nNative County: State; Dominican Republic\nPrior Occupation: clectrician Education level: 11 years\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n**In June 1981, Santana was found to have been involved in an escape\nattempt from the Harris Co. Jail. The escape attempt was aborted when a\npistol, tear-gas canister, two homemade knives and a handcuff key were\n\n@ found in a maximum security cell.\nSummary; Convicted in connection with the failed $1.1 million robbery of\n\na Purolator Armored Inc. van and the killing of 29-year-old security\nguard Oliver Flores in Houston on April 21, 1981. Testimony showed that\nSantana and accomplice James Ronald Meanes wore matching green military-\nlike uniforms for a noon attack on the van in a department store parking\nlot in the 8500 block of the Gulf Freeway. A second security guard who\nsurvived the attack said Flores was shot even though he had not gone for\nhis gun. Santana and Meanes were arrested shortly after the robbery in\nthe 8900 block of Winkler. Police found a getaway car parked nearby and\nrecovered two weapons, two green jumpsuits and the money from the van.\n\nCo-Defendants: games Ronald Meanes DR #689, B/M, DOB: 6-8-56. Convicted of\n\n—capital murder and sentenced to death. Received 8-13-81.\n\net\n\n@ Race of Victim(s): Hispanic male\n\noe",
       'name; Cerald Wayne Tigner, Jr. D.R. #999099\n@rs_22/_27/ 22 Received 5/24/94 Age:_21 (when rec\'d)\n\nCounty: McLennan Date of offense: 8 /31 / 93\n\nAge at time of offense: 20 Race: black Height: 6-0\n\n“Weight: 210 Eyes: brown Hair: black\n\nNative County: Mcbennan | State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level: ° Yea"\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary:\nMichael Watkins in Waco. The two victims were shot down in the\n\nConvicted in the shooting deaths of James Williams and\n\n \n\n900 block of N. 10th Street following an argument over money.\n\n— 4 8\n\nCo-Defendant\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\ne... of Victim(s): jo black males',
       "Name: Michael Lee McBride D.R.# 903\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npop: 1/3 / 62 Received: 5 / 26 / 88 page: 26 (when rec'«\nCounty: Lubbock Date of offense: 1° y 21 , 85\nI aaa BST : ee\n5 2 shit 5-4\nAge at time of offense: 23 Race; “nite Height: —\nWeight: 141 Eyes: green Hair; brown\nNative County: Kings State; California\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: Pax manager/bartender 12 years\n\n————_—_________________ Education level:\n—————___\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\nge NONE\nee eee\nSS\nee\n\nSumary: convicted in the october 1985 shooting deaths of Christian\nFisher and James Alan Holzler, both 18, in Lubbock. Fisher\nMcBride's ex-girlfriend, and her companion were shot to\ndeath with a .30-caliber rifle outside McBride's residence\nat 1903 26th Street. Witnesses said Fisher had gone to the\nresidence to pick up some things and was killed by a volley\nof shots after challenging McBride to shoot. McBride then\nwalked to the victims' car and shot Holzler, who was seated\nin the driver's seat, in the head and chest. Both died at\nthe scene. McBride then turned the rifle on himself, shooting\nhimself once in the head. Police found him lying on the\n\nground and reaching for the rifle.\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): 1 white female and 1 white male",
       "Cop\n\nName: David Allen Castillo ___ D.R. #770 __\nDOB: __O8/11/64 Received: _09/12/84 Age: _20 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Hidalgo Date of Offense: 07/14/83\nAge at time of offense: _19 Race: Hispanic Height: _5'6\nWeight: _17 Eyes: Brown Hair: _Black\nNative County: Cook State: Illinois\n\nPrior Occupation: Electrician Education Level: _9 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNon\n\n \n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\nHispanic ___",
       '#1 ¥e\n% A27-B\n\nName: Steven Ceon Renfro «iD. #999229\n\nDOB: 09/14/57 __ Received: _05/22/97__ Age: 39 — (when received)\nCounty:__Harrison _______ Date of Offense:_08/25/96 _\nAge at time of offense: __38 Race:_white Height 6-]_\nWeight: __215 Eyes: _green Hair: _black\n\nNative County: _ Harrison State: _Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education Level:\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\nni\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\nTwo white females one whitemale',
       "Name; David Earl Gibbs p.r.g_825\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npos: 3/17 / 61 Received: 3 / 24 7 86 page: 25 (when rec'd\nCounty: montgomery Date of Offense: 7 17 85\nAge at time of offense: 24 Race: white Height: 5710\nWeight: 166 Eyes: Hazel Hair; Brown\n\nNative County: Unknown State: Florida\n\nPrior Occupation: nursing assistant Education level: _10 years (GED)\n\n \n\nPrior prison record: ‘\nConvicted of auto theft in 1978 and sentenced to the Michigan Reformatory\n\nin Ionia, Michigan for 16 to 24 months. Discharged in 1980.\n\nTDC record: #317412, received 3-28-81 from Galveston Co. with 5-year\n\n \n\nsentence for robbery and theft. Released under mandatory supervision\n\n \n\nto Galveston Co. on 1-12-84.\nSummary: TDC Criminal History indicates Gibbs was convicted in the\n\nJuly 1985 slayings of Marietta Bryant and Carol Ackland. Gibbs\nreportedly burglarized their apartment and then cut their throats\nwith a butcher knife. Gibbs, who reportedly worked as a maintenance\nman at the victims' apartment complex at the time of the murders, was\narrested at the home of a friend in Cleveland, Tx. a month after the\n\nkillings.\n\n—_lW\n\n   \n   \n \n   \n\n—.\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\nRace of Victim(s): two white females",
       "Name ReSneED Mayne Morris _ __ _ DLR. 999117\n\ni. bop: 3/4 /_71 — Received: 9 /_2 / 94 Age: 23 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Harris - __Date of offense: 5 /.1_/ 91\nAge at time of offense: 20 Race: black Height: 10\nWeight: 168 ~~ Eyes: _ brows Mair: black ql\nNative County: Harris . State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: laborer 3 Education level: 9 yrs. (GED\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\n \n  \n\nSentenced to 10 years 1 itation in February 1990\n\nand placed in TDCJ's boot camp program. Returned to Harris Co. and\n\n \n\nplaced on probation 7/3/90.\n\nSummary: Convicted in the robbery and murder of James Moody Adams of\n\n \n\nHouston, Morris and two accomplices kicked in the door to Adams’ home\n\nwhile he and his wife were sleeping in an upstairs bedroom. Adams awoke\n\nlemanded firearms. Adams told them\n\nand confronted the intruders who di\n\nhe had no firearms in the house but would hand over all his money,\n\napproximately $1,800. When Adams gave Morris his money, Morris shot\n\n \n\nhim four times for no apparent reason. Adams' wife hid in a closet\n\nduring ‘the robbery and shooting and was unharmed.\n\nCo-Defendants: Cases were pending against Orlena Ayers and\n\nChristopher Montez\n\neo\n\nRace of Victim(s): white male ana nel",
       'Gecuted = 3147\nBley\nName: Larry Wayne White. -_-»@D.R. #640 __\n\nVB DOB: 03/10/50 Received: _08/06/79_ Age: 29. (when received)\nCoit: ini Date of Offense:_03/01/77__\nAge at time of offense: _26 Race:_white Height: 5-8 _\nWeight: 140 Eyes: __brown Hair: _brown\nNative County: _ Fairfield State:_Qhio\nPrior Occupation: produce manager Education Level: 12 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n    \n  \n  \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite female',
       'Name: Irineo Montoya D.R. #847\nDOB: _06/03/67_ Received: _ 10/20/86 _ Age 19 (when received)\n\nCounty:__Camerot Date of Offense:_11/17/85\n\nAge at time of offense: __18 Race; Hispanic Height: 5-8\nWeight __140 Eyes: _brown Hair: _black\n\nNative County: _ Tampico State:_Mexico\nPrior Occupation: Jaborer Education Level: 5 years\n\nPrior Prison Record\n\nNone\n\n \n\nwhere it_w: wered a week later, The victim’s bl ined 1984 Chevrol\nTecov Mexii lice in Matamoros on nksgiving Day. Records indic\nMoni i\n\n \n\nfollowing his convicti yr capital murder he woul\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite mal',
       "Name; Patrick Bryan Knight O.R.# 999072\n\ndos: 1/12 / 68 Received: 9 / 22 / 93 Age: 25 (when rec'd\n\n8\n\nI Randall\nCounty: na Date of Offense: 8 /_27 ai 91\n\nAge at time of offense: 23\n\n \n\n \n\nWeight: 238 Eyes: hazel\nNative County: Potter states  wexae\n\nPrior Occupatio\n\n \n\nlaborer Education level: 9 years (GED)\n\nPrior prison record:\n\n   \n\nNone\n\n \n\nvac\n\nSummary: convicted _in the August 1991 abduction and murders of Walter\nand Mary Werner of Amarillo. Knight was a neighbor of the Werners, and\n\naccording to relatives, had been harassing them. On the day of the crime,\n\nTho\n\nKnight and accomplice Robert Timothy Bradfield broke in to the Werners\nhome and waited for them to return. They held the couple captive for\nseveral hours in their home before driving them to an isolated\n\nlocation and shooting them to death. Their bodies were found in\n\n-a_ditch along Masterson Road.\n\n \n\ni Co-Defendants: rial was pending for Robert Timothy Bradfield.\n\n|\n\n© Race of Victim(s): one white male, one white female",
       "Robert Alan Shields, Jr. 999166\n\nName: DLR.\n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\neo /_75_ Received: 10 / 20 / 95 __ (when rectd)\nCounty: Galveston _ fiste of offenses 9/21/94\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race: white = Height: 5-10.\nWeight: 171 _ Eyes: blue Nair: brown -\nNative County: Howard _ i State: Indiana,\nPrior Occupation: Sales Education level: 12 YrS-\n\n   \n\nPrior prison record:\n\n__None\n\noq\n\nSummary; Convicted in the murder of Paula Stiner, 27, during the burglary\n\n \n\nof her Friendswood home. stiner, who had lived in the home at 448 E.\n\n \n\nCastleharbor only 3 months, was beaten with a hammer and repeatedly stabbed\n\n \n\nafter being confronted by Shields upon her return from work. Shields had\n\n \n\nentered the home earlier in the day but waited inside for several hours\n\nso he could also steal the owner's car upon her return from work. Shields\n\n   \n\nattacked Stiner first with a hammer and then with a knife, inflicting some\n\n \n\n \n\n28 cut and stab wounds. Before fleeing in Stiner's car, Shields stole credit\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nkilling. He was arrested 3 days later while driving the victim's car in The\nCo-Defendants: Woodlands,\n\n \n\n \n\n__No co-defendants _ __ A\n\n \n\n   \n\nRace ef Victim(s) white female",
       'Name: Joseph Stanley Faulder D.R.# 580\n\n \n\n \n\nDOB: 10 / 19 /_37 Received: 12 /_9  /_77 Age: 40 (when rec\n“County: Gregg/Angelina Date of Offense: 7 / 9-9 / 75\nAge at time of offense: 37 Race: white Height: 5-7\n\n \n\n \n\nWeight:__171 Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown\n\n \n\nNative County: ainerta State Cana\n\nPrior Occupation: anto mechanic Education level:_\n10\n\nPrior prison record:\n\n_Retords indicate Faulder served three years in Stoney Mountain Prison\nin Manitoba, Canada between 1956-59 for auto theft and two years, 1959-¢\n\n \n\nin the British Columbia Prison.for an unknown offense-\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the July 1975 beating-stabbing death of 75-year-olc\n\n \n\nInez Phillips at her Gladewater home. Faulder and accomplice Linda\n\n \n\n"Stormy" Summers (aka Linda "Stormy" McCann) broke into Phillips home\n\n \n\nbelieving she had money hidden in a floor safe. When Faulder found no\n\n \n\nmoney in the safe, he stole other household valuables, including Phillips\n\n \n\nwedding ring. She was bound and gagged with tape and beaten on the back\n\n \n\nof the head with a blackjack when she resisted. Faulder later stabbed the\n\n \n\nelderly widow in the chest with a knife. Phillips’ maid found her body\n\n \n\nthe morning of July 9 with the knife still imbedded in her chest. Faulder\n\n \n\nan acquaintance of Phillips’ former employee, was charged in the murder\nCo-Defendants: in april] 1977 while being held on unrelated charges in\n\n \n\nColorado. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals ruled Faulder\'s written con-\nfession inadmissible and reversed his first conviction. He was ag SOTT=\nvicted in 1981 and sentenced to death a second time. Records do not indice\nGlee Accomplice wae incarcerated. :\n\nRace of Victim(s):\n~ f2',
       'Name: James Vernon Allridge, III DR. #_870\n\nDOB: _11/14/6; Received: _6/09/ ‘Age: _24 (when rec’d).\nCounty: Tarrant Date of Offense: _ 2/04/85\n\nAge at time of offense: _22 Race: _Black Height: __62__\nWeight: __153 Eyes: _ Brown Hair: _Black\nNative Count y: _El Pas State: __Colorado\n\nPrior Occupation: Custom Furniture Builder Education Level: _12 years\n\n \n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\nAllridge robbed the store for approximately $31\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nRonald Allridge (Drove the get-away car)\n\n \n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\nWhite Male',
       'u\n\n@\n\nName: HAROLD LANE\n\nbob: 08 _/ 30 /\n\n \n\n45 Received: _ 07\n\nD.R.#_ 745\n\n/ 28 / 83 Age:__ 38\n\n \n\n \n\nCounty: Dallas Date of Offense: 11  / 20/8:\nAge at time of offense: Race: white Height:\nWeight: 160 Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown\n\nNative County: Drew State: Arkansas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: Electrician\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nEducation level: 9 (GED)\n\nColorado State Pen (Robbery) Paroled 1972\n\n \n\nLouisiana State Pen (Manslaughter) Discharged 1981\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Lane was sentenced to death for the November 20, 1982 shooting\n\ndeath of Tamm\nat_a Dallas Winn-Dixie Store,\n\nrobbed the store\'s cashier\'s\n\nDavis, 17, a high school senior who was employed\n\nAccording to testimony, Lane\n\noffice of $3,300, then tried to\n\nflee through the “entrance” side of the store\'s electronic\n\n \n\ndoors. Tammy,\n\napparently unaware that a\n\nrobbery had taken place,\n\n \n\ntried to explain that Lane was going through the wrong doors\n\n \n\nwhen he raised his gun and shot her in the head.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Grad\n\nAggravated Robbery, paroled\n\n  \n\n08/10/89\n\nRace of Victim(s): white female\n\nGeorge Moffat, received a 5-year sentence for\n\n \n\n10/24/86 will discharge parole\n\n(when rec\'d}\n\n5!10"',
       "Name: Richard Donald Foster pr. 815\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\no pop: 8 / 16 7 52 Received: 2  y 7 7 86 Age:__ 3? (when rec'd)\nCounty: Parker Date of offense: 4 y ° 7 %\nAge at time of offense: 31 Race: white Height: 5-9\nWeight: 194 Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown\nNative County: _Commanche State: Oklahoma\nPrior Occupation: roofer/ auto paint & body Education level: 11 years (GED)\n\n \n\nPrior prison record: ‘\n#267247, received from Dallas Co. with concurrent sentences of 18 years\nand 3 years for aqqravated robbery and credit card abuse. Paroled to\n\nYoung Co. 12-3-81.\n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the April 1984 shotgun slaying of Gary Michael Cox,\n\nowner of Cox's Feed and Farm Supply located two miles outside of Spring-\n\ntown on SH 199. Cox was shot once in the back of the head with a shotgun\nduring arobhery of his store that netted $250, Foster was apprehended\nMay 5, 1984 after holding seven employees of Citizen's National Bank in\n\n2 Foster was sentenced to four life\nterms on aggravated kidnapping charges in connection with the hostage\nincident, In August 1986, Foster, accompanied by a. female inmate, escaped\n\nfrom the Stephens Co. Jail, where he was awaiting trial on the kidnapping\n\n \n\n \n\ncharges. Police shot out the tires of the stolen vehicle he was driving\nand recaptured him near Possum Kingdom Lake on Aug. 7.\n\nHe was given a 20-year sentence in Palo Pinto County in connection with\n\n \n\nthe escape.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Vicki Elaine Easterwood, W/F, DOB: 7/16/69. #394763, received\n\n \n\n4-1-85 from Young Co. with 3-year sentence for forgery by passing. Paroled\n\n12-19-85.\nRace of Victim(s): unknown",
       '2\n\n \n\n895\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName Jessel Turner D.R.#\nDop:_é¢ _/_7 / 60 Received: 2 12 7 88 age, 27 (when rec\'«\nCounty: Harris hate of Offenses eye\nAge at time of offense: 26 6-1\nWeight: 180 Eyes: brown\n\nNative County: Harris\n\nPrior Occupation: truck driver Education level: | ¥°°"*\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n: €; g\n—Hone\neee\na\na\n\nSummary: convicted in the February 1986 robbery-slaying of Charles Hunter,\n\na Houston taxi cab driver. Hunter was robbed and shot in the chest with\n\na .22-caliber pistol after picking Turner up in Houston\'s Fifth Ward.\nHunter\'s body was found in the street about half a mile from where he\npicked Turner up. Turner stole Hunter\'s cab and drove it to his apartment\n\ncomplex. The cab was found ransacked. Turner was arrested a short time\n\nlater while driving another car near the murder scene. The murder weapon\n\nwas found in the car Turner was driving\n*Turner also faces charges of aggravated kidnapping’and aggravated robbery\nin connection@ with two incidents that allegedly occurred on 2-9-88. On\nthat day, Turner allegedly kidnapped two women at gunpoint and robbed\nthem of their car, coats, jewelry and money. He is also accused of\nshooting a man in the stomach and robbing of him of his car.\n\nCo-Defendants: _ None\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Unknown',
       "Name: Sean Derrick O'Brien DLR. #999131 _\n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n    \n\n@rs 15 Received: 11 / 18 / 94 Age:_19 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Harris Date of offense: 6 7 24 793 |\nAge at time of offense: yg Race: black Height: 5-8\nWeight: 177 Eyes: brown Hairs Black .\n\nNative County: Harris _ _ |\nPrior Occupatio laborer eel _4\n\nPrior prison record: sa\n\nNone\n\n   \n\nConvicted in the kidnapping, sexual assault and strangling of\n\nElizabeth Pena, 16, and Jennifer Ertman, 15. The two teens had taken a\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nshortcut home\n\n \n\nhrough\n\n \n\nC. Jester Park when they were attacked by O'Brien\n\n \n\n \n\nand five other members of the Black & White gang. Raped repeatedly by the\n\ngang members, each was then beaten and strangled and their bodies left\n\nin the woods. O'Brien confessed to strangling Ertman with a belt after\n\n \n\n \n\nshe was sexually assaulted.\n\n \n\nCo-Vefendants: Peter Cantu, Raul Villareal, Efrain Perez and Joe\n\nMedellin. All were sentenced to death for the m\n\n \n\nA_ juvenile was\n\n \n\n@ .... prosecuted in the case.",
       "Nane; Charlie Livingston\nvos: 2 7 347 © Received:\n\nCounty: Harris\n\n \n\n \n\np.r.e__°0?\n\n25 85 23\n/ Age: (when |\n\nDate of Offense: 8 / 10 / 83\n\n \n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 21 Race: Pack Height: °~8\nWeight: Eyes:__ Brown Hair: Black\nHarris states Texas\n\nNative County:\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: warehouseman\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\nEducation level: 10 years\n\n \n\nNo prior prison record, but placed on 10 years probation in 1979 for tt\n\n \n\nattempted murder of his former girlfriend and her boyfriend. Both were\n\n \n\nstabbed.\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the robbery-murder of 38-year-old Janet Caldwell\n\n \n\noutside a grocery store in Houston. Livingston reportedly drove to the\n\n \n\nWeingarten's store at W. 43rd St. and waited until he saw a woman, alone\n\n \n\ndrive up to the store and park. When Caldwell went inside, Livingston\n\n \n\ncrawled underneath her van and waited until she returned with an armloac\n\n \n\nof groceries. He then crawled from underneath the van, pointed a 9mm\n\npistol at her and attempted to steal her purse. As the two struggled,\n\n \n\n \n\nLivingston shot Caldwell twice in the throat and fled with her purse. Hi\n\n \n\nwas apprehended a short time later and identified by witnesses.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:_ None\n\nRace of Victim(s): white female\n\nTEXAS",
       "Name; John W. Fearance di D.R.# 626\n\n \n\n24\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npop: 10 7 27 7 54 ‘Received: 1 / 5  / 79 Age: (when rec'd) |\nCounty: Dallas Date of Offense: 12 7 23 7 77\n\nAge at time of offense: 23 Race:_black Height: 5-8\n\nWeight: 157 Eyes: Maroon Hair: Black\n\nNative County: Dallas State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: auto body repairman Education: ieve 8 years\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record: .\n\n4229002, received 12-29-72 from Dallas Co. with 2-year sentence for rape\nand theft over $50, Discharged 8-29-73. #246117, received 2-19-75 from\n\nDallas Co, with 5-year sentence for theft over $50. Discharged 9-8-76.\n\n \n\nSumary:; Convicted in the December 1977 stabbing death of Larry Faircloth\n\n \n\nin Dallas. Faircloth was stabbed repeatedly after Fearance broke in to\n\n \n\nburglarize his north Dallas home. The victim's wife identified Fearance\n\n \n\nas the intruder, and hf was arrested about three hours later. In 1980,\n\nthe Texas Court of Criminal Appeals ruled that a prospective juror was\n\n \n\n \n\nimproperly excluded from the jury and granted a new trial. Fearance\n\n \n\nwas again convicted of capital murder in October 1981 and sentenced to\n\n \n\ndeath a second time.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None",
       "James Blake Colburn DR. g 999269\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n  \n\n \n\nKame: el\n\noe 2 7®9 Received: 1 age: 35 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Montgomery = Dave wt offense: 6.\nAge at time of offense: Race: white Height: 5-6\nWeight: 1 tyes: hazel Nair: blue _ ‘,\nNative County: Harris _ State: Texas 4,\nPrior Occupation: laborer ____ Education level: 9 ¥¥s-\n\n \n \n\nPrior prison record:\nTDCT #305631, rec. 6/3/80, Harris Co., 18 yrs., Agg. Robbery w/deadly wpn.,\n\n \n\nburglary of bldg. WICT, arson, paroled to Harris Co. 1/12/87. Ret'd as\n\n \n\n     \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\nprocessed as death row inmate.\nSummary: Convicted in the murder of 55-year-old Peggy Murphy. Colburn\n\nreportedly lured Murphy to his aparti\n\n \n \n\n \n\nand strangled her. Fo\n\n \n\n \n\napartment and asked its residents to o notify + the sheriff's department.\n\nArrest records indicate that Colburn told authorities that he killed the\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nwoman because he wanted to return to prison.",
       'Summary: Meanes was convicted of Capital Murder for the April, 1981\nshooting death of Houston security guard, Oliver Flores, 29, during\n\na robbery of a Puralator Armored Inc. van containing more than one\n\n \n\nvicted in the\n\n \n\nmillion dollars. Carols Santana, #695, was also co\n\n \n\nPurlator incident, and given the death sentence.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Carlos Santana, 29, h/m death row #695\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): hispanic male, 29.\n\n \n\nfo\n- ad\nCA I\n; AN uh \\\nName: JAMES RONALD MEANES D.R.# 689\nDOB: 06 / 08 / 56 Received: 08 / 13) / 81 Age: 25 (when rec\'d\n2/\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 04 = @  / 81\nAge at time of offense Race: black Height: 5\'8"\nWeight: 145 Eyes: brown Hair: black\nNative County: Cuyahoga State; Ohio\nPrior Occupation:_Welder Education Jevel:_!2\nPrior prison record:\n1976 Ohio State Reformatory\nParoled 1978',
       'Name: Danny Ray Harris D.R.#_649\n\nDOB: 07 /__31_/ 60 Received: 02 / 25 / 80 Age: 19 (when rec\'d)\nCounty: Brazos Date of Offense: 12 78\n\nAge at time of offens 18 Race: Black Height: 5110"\n\nWeight: 156 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black\n\nNative County: Brazos State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Laborer Education level:_9-years\n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted of capital murder in the December 11, 1978 killing of Timothy Michael\nMerka, 27, who was beated to death (with a tire tool) and robbed after rendering assis-\n\ntance to Harris and three companions in rural Brazos County.\n\n \n\n \n\nmM TEXAS\n\nCo-Defendants: James Charles Manuel (B/M) #301766 25-years/Burg veh & Murder wdw\n\n \n\n \n\nCurtis Paul Harris, Death Row #637. Valarie Denise Rencher,16, turned state\'s evidence\n\nand was not sentenced to prison.\n\nRace of Victim(s): white/male',
       "Name: Raymond James Jones pre 959\n\nap) 008: ry 1/60 Received: 12 / 20 7 89 age:_29 (when |\n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCounty: Jefferson Date of Offense: 17\n\nAge at time of offense: 28 Race: black Height: 5-11\nWeight: 150 Eyes: brown Hair; Plack\n\nNative County: Jefferson State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation:__laborer Education level:_8 years\n\nPrior prison record:\nToc #349080, rec. 1-14-83 from Jefferson Co. with 10-year sentence\n\n \n\nfor aggravated robbery, paroled to Jefferson Co. on 9-23-85.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the June 1988 robbery and murder of 51-year-old\n\nSu van Dang at the victim's residence in Port Arthur. Dang was\nstabbed to death during a robbery of his home at 2348 8th Street.\nHis body was found in a closet and had been partially burned in\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nan attempt to destroy evidence\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nOO\n\nCo-Defendants:__ None\n\n \n\nee\n\npace of Victim(s): Asian male (Vietnamese)",
       'Name: Larry Keith Robison ______ DR #748 ____\n\nDOB: 08/12/57 Received: _09/09/83__ ‘Age: 26. (when received)\nCounty__ Tarrant Date of Offense:_08/10/82\n‘Age at time of offense; _24 Race: white Height: 6-0\nWeight, 150 _____—-Eyes: _brown. Hair: brown\n\nNative County; _ Taylor State: _Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: carpenter ___ Education Level: 13 years _\n\nPrior Prison Record.\n\n[eee\n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite male. Other four victims also white',
       "Name: Peter Anthony Cantu D.R. #999093\n\nDOB: _ 05/27/75 Received: _03/18/94 Age: _18 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: _06/24/93\nAge at time of offense: _18 Race: Hispanic. Height: _5'6\nWeight: _135 Eyes: _Brown Hair: _Black\nNative Count y: State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: _Laborer Education Level: _GED\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNong\n\n \n\nman in January 199.\n\nSummary:\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nFour accomplices were chi g\n\nRaul Villareal, Efrian Perez, and] Jose Medellin.\nRace of Victim(s):\n\n‘Two white females",
       "|\n|\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName; Leopoldo Narvaiz, Jr. Derg 223\nDOB: 3 / 13 / 68 Received: 11 / 22 / 88 Age: 20 (when rec'd\nCounty: Bexar Date of Offense: 4 / 15 / 88\nAge at time of offense: 20 Race: Hispanic Height: 5-8\nWeight: 155 Eyes: brown Hair: brown\nNative County: Bexar State:__ Texas\nPrior Occupation: _stocker/laborer Education level: 9 years\nPrior prison record:\nNone\nPe {ee ee\na\n$a\n~\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the April 1988 stabbing deaths of his ex-girlfriend\n\n \n\nnd_her two sisters and brother inside their San Antonio home. stabbed\n—Xepeatedly with butcher knives were Narvaiz's ex-girlfriend shannon\n\nMann, 17, her two sisters, Jennifer Mann, 19, and Martha Mann, 15, and\nher brother, 11-year-old Ernest Mann, Jr. The victims suffered more than\n100 wounds and some of the knife blades were broken and embedded in their\nbodies. Police responded to the victims’ mobile home after Shannon placed\na_911 emergency call and said her boyfriend was beating and killing them.\n\nProsecutors charged that Narvaiz was angry over a spurned romance with\n\nShannon and killed the siblings in a jealous rage.\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\n \n\nNone\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s); Three white females and one white male",
       "Name:_Timothy Tyler Titsworth D.R.# 999078\n\nDol LR 7 Received: 11 / 2. / 93 Age: 21 (when rec\nCounty: Randall Date of Offense: 7/23 / 93\nAge at time of offense: 20 Race: white Height: 5-9\nWeight: 204 Eyes:__ brown Hair:_ black\n\nNative County: Denver State: Colorado\n\nPrior Occupation: roofer Education leve 8 years\n\nPrior prison record: é\nTDCI #606907, rec. 2/10/92, 5 yrs., UUMV, Gray Co. Assigned to Special\n\nAlternative Incarceration Program (boot camp), released on shock\n\nprobation 5/4/92.\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary:____Convicted in the robbery and murder of 26-year-old\nChristine Marie Sossaman, his live-in girlfriend. Sossaman was\nattacked with an axe inside the trailer the two shared at 6601\nW. Arden in Amarillo. Titsworth told police he left the trailer\n\nto buy crack cocaine after the two argued the night of the killing.\n\n \n\nTitsworth said he was high on cocaine when he returned to the\n\n \n\ntrailer, took an axe from a closet, and struck Sosaman as she slept\n\n \n\nTitsworth stole the victim's credit cards and car. He returned to :\n\n \n\nthe trailer on different occasions following the killing to steal\n\n \n\nadditional property and sell it for crack cocaine.\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\ncel\nRace of Victim(s): _ white female\n\n—\n\n \n\n‘ TEXAS,",
       "668\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: Warren Eugene Bridge D.R.#\npos: 7 / 3s 69 Received: 19 y 1  / 80 Age: 2° (when rec'd)\nCounty: Galveston Date of Offense: 2 10 / 80\n\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race: white\n\nWeight: 135 Eyes: Hazel Hair: Brown\n\nNative County: Fauquier State: Virginia\n\n \n\n11 years\n\nPrior Occupation: cashier/restaurant worker Education level:\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record: .\nGiven a 15-year prison sentence in Georgia in 1978 for burglary. Released\n\n \n\nfrom prison and placed on probation in 1979. No prior TDC record. while\n\n \n\non death row, Bridge has been implicated in the bombing of another inmate's\n\n \n\ncell, September 1984, and the non-fatal stabbing of another inmate in\n—March_1985 In January 19 he was convicted of aggravated assault in\nWalker County and given a concurrent 10-year prison sentence.\n\nSummary: Bridge was convicted in the Feb. 10, 1980 robbery-shooting of\n\n \n\n \n\nWalter Rose, a 62-year-old convenience store clerk, in Galveston. Rose\n\nwas shot four times with a .38-caliber pistol as Bridge and co-defendant\n\n \n\nRobert Joseph Costa robbed the Stop & Go store at 710 Fourth Street of\n\n \n\n$24. Rose died of his wounds on Feb. 24, 1980, four days following the\nee mn\narrest of Bridge and Costa.\n\n   \n\nCo-Defendants: Robert Joseph Coste #316139A, W/M DOB: 10-23-59. Costa was\n\nconvicted of aggravated robbery and sentenced to 13 years in prison. He\n\nwas received from Galveston County on 2-26-81 and released under\n‘ ision on 10-28-86\n\nRace of Victim(s): uatnown\n\n \n\nera",
       "Exeoteok 1a.-18-GS\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\nJames Michael Briddle e D.R.# 711\npo: 427 7 7 55 Received: § 7 15 7 8? ge. 27 (when rec'd)\nHarris Date of Offense: 2 24 80\nAge at time of offense: 25 : White Height; 5-11\nWeight: 160 Eyes: Blue Blonde\nNative County: Los Angeles State; California\nPrior Occupation: laborer 7 years\n\neer Education tevel:\nPrior prison record:\n\nNo TDC record, but file records indicate two confinements in the\n‘alifornia Department of Corrections on charges of grand theft,\n\n-keceiving stolen property and forgery between 1976-79.\n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted of capital murder in the Feb. 24, 1980 slaying of\n\nRobert Banks, a 30-year-old oil company worker in Houston. Banks and\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\na friend, 26-year-old Bob Skeens, were found strangtedin—Banks+trome\n\nin the 2900 block of Hepburn. Missing from the home was $800 cash, credit\ncards, a car, a camera and Several weapons. —Testimony—str ret\nBriddle, his ex-wife, Linda Briddle Fletcher, and companion Pamela Lynn\nPerillo, were picked up by Banks-white—tim Teht Heine aa\n\nHouston Astrodome and offered a ride and place to stay the night. Banks\nand Skeens, who was visiting at Banks' home from Louisiana, were both\n\n \n\nstrangled with a rope after returning with coffee and donuts for their\n\n—suesis__The three suspects drove Skeens' car to Dallas and then took a\nbus to Colorado, where they were arrested in early March 1980 after\nPerilla gave a statement to authorities in Denver.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Linda Briddle Fletcher, convicted of robbery and placed on\n\nfive years probation. Pamela Lynn Perillo, 4665, W/F, DOB: 12=3-=55, was\nconvicted of capital murder in Skeens' death and sentenced to die by\ninjection. Conviction overturned in June 1983 due to improper juror\nelection. Convicted a second time in November 1984 and sentenced to death\nPerillo is one of +#!¥@ ~ women on death row in Texas\n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\n \n\n \n\nwhite males",
       "Name: Tony Chambers D.R. # 999009\nDOB: _ 12/20/67 Ree\n\n \n\nd: _09/06/91 ‘Age: _23 (when rec’\nCounty: Smith Date of Offense: _11/19/90\nAge at time of offense: _22 Race: Black Height: _5'6\n\nWeight: _125 Eyes: Brows Hair: _Black\nNative County: Pageland State: South Carolina\nPrior Occupation: Labor Education Level: _10 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n   \n\n \n\na 2 al\nTyler. i isi ared after attending i ool ask a s\nleaving the school with Chambers. Police found her body off of West 28th Street. She had been\n\n   \n\n  \n\nBailey’s body was found.\n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nBlack female\n\n™ € g",
       "D.R. #_966\n\n \n\nAge: _21 (when rec'd)\n\n \n\nCounty: Dallas Date of Offense: _12/29/88\nAge at time of offense: _20 Race: Black Height: _5'110__\nWeight: _166 Eyes: _Brown_ Hair: _Black\nNative Count y: _Dallas State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Stocker/Laborer Edueation Level: _8 years\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nTDC #425608, rec, 7/3/86 from Dallas Co., 4 yrs., robbery, paroled 4/12/88.\n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\nWhite male",
       "Name: Stephen Lindsey Moody D.R. #999076\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npop: 7 / 16 / 57 Received: 10 / 22 / 93 Age: 36 (when rec'd)\nCounty:__Harris Date of offense: 19 / 19 / 91\n\nAge at time of offense: 34 Race: white Height: 6-0\n‘Weight: 199 Eyes: brown Hair: brown\n\nNative County: Harris State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Oilfield worker Education level:_10 yrs-\n\nPrior prison record:\nTDCJ #277559, rec. 3/7/78, 8 yrs., Burg..of Habit WICT, Harris Co., paroled\n\n \n\n1/20/81. TDCI #328588, rec. from parole w/new conviction 12/15/81, 6 yrs\n\n \n\nauto theft, Harris Co., mandatory release to Harris Co. 11/9/84. TDCJ #394923,\n\n \n\nrec. 4/3/85, 14 yrs., Burg..of Veh, WICT, Harris Co., paroled 12/23/88.\n\n \n\nTDCI #623085, rec. 9/23/92, 40 yrs., robbery, Harris Co. Released on bench\n\nyarrant to Harris Co. 10/15/92, returned with death sentence 10/22/93.\nSummary:\n\n \n\nConvicted in the robbery and murder of 28-year-old Joseph F. Hall in\n\n \n\nHouston. Moody and a co-defendant followed Hall to his home, forced\n\n \n\ntheir way inside, and demanded money and drugs. While Hall, who was\n\n \n\ncrippled, begged for his life, Moody shot him at close range with a\n\n \n\nsawed-off shotgun. Moody and his accomplice then fled with $1,200 in cash\n\n \n\nfrom the home, Moody later told his co-defendant that he shot Hall because\n\n \n\nhe kept trying to get up from the ground\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Identified as Calvin Doby. Charges and disposition not\n\nimmediately known.\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victin(s): Not indicated _",
       'Name: Desmond Domnique Jennings DR. #999161\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npop: 10/_4 /71 Received: 3 / lio Age:__23 (when rec\'d)\nCounty:_ Tarrant Date of arranges _azy.27-y 93\n\nAge at time of offense: °? Race:__ black Height:\n\nWeight: 183 Eyes:__ brown Hair: piack\n\nNative County: Tarrant State: Texas\n\n \n\n:_nurse\'s aide Education level:_= 9 years " ears —\n\n \n\nPrior Occupatio\n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the shooting deaths of sylvester Walton, 44\n\nand Wonda Matthews, 27, at a Fort Worth residence. Both Walton =\n\nand Matthews were shot in the head with a .32-caliber pistol\n\ninside the residence at 2614 Langston. Walton\'s pockets were\n\nemptied by Jennings following the double murders. Police in-\n\ndicated that the killings were drug-related.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None __',
       "Name: Donald Miller D.R.# 728\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nDoB:__06/ 12 / 62 Received: 12 / 04 / 82 Age: 20 (when rec'd\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 02/_02\n\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race: white Height: 6'0\n\nWeight: 155 Eyes: Hazel Hair:_Brown\n\nNative County: Harris State:_Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Painter (Industrial) Education level: 11\n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: _Miller was indicted, tried and convicted for murdering _\nMichael Dennis Mozingo, 29, while committing or attempting\nto commit aggravated robbery. Also killed during the spree\nwas Kenneth White, 19. The bodies of Mozingo and White were\nfound by a passerby along a road near Lake Houston. Both\n\nhad been shot in the head.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: #347114 Edward Segura, 20, h/m rec'd 12/08/82 pleaded\nguilty and rec'd 2 concurrent 25-yr sentences aggravated robbery.\n#338638 Danny Ray Woods, 19, w/m rec'd 2-Life sentences rec!\n\nfurder 2 counts)\nRace of Victim(s):\n\n \n\n07/06/82\n\n \n\n(2) white males",
       'Troy Dale Farris 831\n\n \n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: D.R.#\npop: 2 / 26 / 62 Received: © / 3 / 8% Age: 4 (when re\nCounty: Tarrant Date of Offense: 12 / 4 / 83\nAge at time of offense: 21 Race: white Height: 6-0\nWeight: 185 Eyes: Green Hair: Brown\n\nNative County: Tarrant State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: clectrician/truck driver Education level 12 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the December 1983 shooting death of 28-year-old\n\n \n\nClark Murell Rosenbaum Jr., a Tarrant County deputy sheriff. Rosenbaum\n\nwas shot twice in the chest after he had driven up on Farris and co-\n\n \n\ndefendants Vance Nation and Charles Lowder during a drug buy on Old\n\n \n\nDecatur Road. Nation, who with Lowder had met Farris to buy 3/4 pound\n\n \n\nof marijuana, told police that Farris shot Rosenbaum as the officer rea\n\n \n\ninside his car for the radio. As the officer fell and reached for his g\n\n \n\nFarris shot him a second time, Nation said. One of the .38-caliber bulle\n\n \n\nwas stopped by Rosenbaum\'s bulletproof vest. The second bullet entered\n\n \n\nthe deputy\'s shoulder and passed through his heart and lungs.\nCo-Defendants: o4 white mal Charges against Lowder, DOB: 2-19-62, were\n\ndismissed and he was granted immunity from prosecution. File records in.\n\n \n\ndicate that a capital murder case against Nation, DOB: 9+1-62, is still\n\nab race" ot Victim(s): ave',
       ")\n|\n\nape\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName:__Spencer Corey Goodman. D.R.# 999031\n\nDOB: 10/ 28 /68 Received: 7 / 7 / 92 Age:_ 23 (when rec\nCounty:__Fort Bend Date of Offense: 7 /_2' 91\nAge at time of offense: 22 Race: White Height: 5-10\nWeight: 200 Eyes:__brown Hair:__brown _\nNative County: Germany State:__Germany\n\nPrior Occupation: restaurant manager Education level:__12%, years\n\nPrior prison record: *\nTDCI #502208, rec. 2/3/89 from Harris Co., 2 yrs., burg of bldg WICT\n\nparoled under MS to Galveston Co. 6/22/89. TDCI #561179, rec. 9/11/90\nfrom Runnels Co., 5 yrs., UUMV, paroled to Galveston Co. 12/5/90. Parole\n\nlater revoked and committed to parole violators facility in San Antonio\n\n \n\ntransported to Houston and released 7/1/91.\n\nSummary: Convicted in the abduction and murder of 38-year-old Cecile Ham,\nwife of entertainment manager Bill Ham. Goodman approached Ham as she was\ngetting into her car in the parking lot of a Walgreen's store at Dairy .\nAshford and Memorial in Houston. He knocked her unconscious, pushed her\n\ninto her red Cadilac, and drove into Fort Bend Co. before stopping and\n\n \n\nbreaking the woman's neck. Police tracked Ham's killer through his use of\n\n \n\nher credit cards in Central Texas. Goodman, still driving Ham's car, was\n\n \n\nfinally captured following a high-speed chase with police in Eagle County?\n\nColorado on Aug. 7, 1991. He later confessed and directed authorities to\n\n \n\nwhere he had dumped Ham's body at a remote site near Pearsall in West Texas.\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white female\n\n \n\n \n\ngl",
       ", D.R. #999038\nName:__Lorenzo Morris 4 —_________\n\npos: 9 / 25 / 52 Received: _g / 3 / 92 Aged say (wtien rec'a)\n\nDate of offens (90s\n\n \n\nCounty: Harris\n\nAge at time of offense: 37 Race:_black Height:_s-9\nWeight: 164 Eyes: brown Hair: piac\nNative County: Nacogdoches State: Texas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level: 10 yrs. (GED)\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nTDCI #259282, rec. 6/29/76, Harris Co., 5 yr: gg. _robhery, paroled to\nHarris Co. 1/13/78. TDCI #333967, rec. 4/6/82, Harris Cao., robbi 8 yrs.,\nparoled under mandatory supervision to Harris C 12. B Discharged_from\n\nmandatory supervision 9/10/86.\n\nSummary: Convicted in the August 1990 murder of 71-year-old Jesse Fields.\n\n \n\nMorris and an accomplice broke into Fields' Houston home and stabbed him)\n\n \n\nwith a butcher's knife before demanding money. In an effort to defend\nhimself, Fields grabbed a hammer, but was struck repeatedly with it after\nMorris took it away from him. Fields was in a coma for eight months before\n\nhe died. Morris was charged in the killing following his arrest for the\n\n \n\nMarch 1991 robbery of a washeteria where a clerk was shot twice.\n\nMorris is’ also serving a life sentence for aggravated robbery ii ion\nwith the March 1991 incident\n\nCo-Defendant:\n\n \n\n:__Ricky Darnell Henson #607336, DOB: 10/16/63, B/m,\nrec. 2/13/92 from Harris Co. with life sentence for agg. robbery.\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):",
       'ecvkedh F-x0-QY\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nO«. George Douglas Lott D.R.#_ 999058\nDOB: _ 06/07/47 RECEIVED: 03/18/93 AGE:_45 (WHEN REC\'D)\nCOUNTY: Potter (COV from Tarrant) DATE OF OFFENSE: _07/01/92\nAGE AT TIME OF OFFENSE: _45 RACE: White HEIGHT: 514"\nWEIGHT: 144 EYES: _green HATR:_brown\nNATIVE COUNTY: Okmulgee STATE: Oklahoma\nPRIOR OCCUPATION: computer programmer EDUCATION LEVEL: 16 yrs./4yrs. college\n\nPRIOR PRISON RECORD:\n\n \n\nNone\n\n \n\nSUMMARY: Convicted in the ramdom shooting of 41-year-old Clyde Christopher Marshall, an\n\nassistant district attorney, inside the old Tarrant County Court House at 100 W.\n\n \n\nWeatherford in Fort Worth. Lott entered a 4th floor court room carrying a 9mm automatic\n\n \n\nhandgun shortly before 10 a.m. and opened fire. Marshall died at the scene from multiple\n\n \n\nun _shot wounds. Another man, John Edwards, was also killed, and Judge John Hill was\n\nDeowsdes. voce fied from the court house to the studios of WEAAIV in Dallas, where he\n\n \n\nconfessed to the crime. Police arrested him there while he was being interviewed by a\n\n \n\nreporter.\n\n \n\nCO-DEFENDANTS: None\n\n \n\nRACE OF VICTIM(S): White male\n\n \n\nBe\n\nTEXAS',
       'Name: Jeffery Eugene Tucker D.R.# 952\nboB:_1 /_1_ / 60 Received: 10 /_18 / 89 Age:_ 29 (when rec\'c\nCounty: Parker Date of Offense: fTl of BEES\nAge at time of offense: 28 Race: white Height: _ 6. ‘\nEyes:__blue Hair: brown\nTarrant State: Texas\n\n \n\ntruck driver\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record: g\nTDC #304147, rec. 4-23-80, Tarrant & Collin counties, 4 years, theft, poss.\n\nmarijuana, pass forged checks, paroled under\n\n#345345, rec. 11-3-82 from Harris Co., 4 yrs.\n\nEducation level: 10 years (GED)\n\n \n\nMS to Collin Co, 2-1-82;\n\nfor forgery, paroled under MS\n\nto Lubbock Co. 11-7-83; #388313, rec. 12-7-84 from Palo Pinto, Tarrant,\n\nAnderson counties, 7 yrs., theft, forgery, agg. assault, paroled to Collin\n\n‘wr Summary: Co. 6-10-88.\n\n \n\nConvicted in the July 1988 robbery and murder of 65-year-old Wilton ;\n\nB. Humphreys of Granbury. Tucker, using the alias J.D. Travis, answered\n\na newspaper advHumphreys had placed in an attempt to sell his pickup truck’\n\nand trailer. After test driving the vehicle,\n\nwould buy the pickup and trailer and pay the\n\nTucker told Humphreys he\n\n$18,000 asking price in cash.\n\n \n\nHumphreys said he would accompany Tucker to the bank so he could deposit\n\n \n\nthe money once the paperwork was completed. once at the bank, Tucker pulled\n~a-_pistol and told Humphreys he was stealing the truck and trailer. Tucker *\n\ndrove out of town and shot Humphreys when he\n\nrefused to get out of the\n\ntruck, Tucker was arrested near Santa Rosa, New Mexico three days later\n\nafter he robbed a service station of S80U.\n\nCo-Defendants:\n"Nene —____\n\n    \n \n   \n\n—\n\nRace of Victim(s): white male\n\n \n\neee',
       "Name: Roger Dale vaughn D.R. #_ 999029\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\npos: 10 y 11; 54 Received: 5 / 28 / 92 Age: 37 (when rec'd)\nCounty: _Wilbarger Date of offense: _10/ 16 / 91\n\nAge at time of offense 37 Race: white Height: 6-1\nWeight: 243 Hair: brown\n\nNative County: wilbarger Stat Teas\n\nPrior Occupation: electrician Education level: 10 yrs. (cep\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nTDCJ_#278372, “received 3/29/78 from Gray Co., 10 itation,\n‘ 9/5/80, discharged 8/31/85. Records also indicate\n\nan\n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the strangulation murder of 66-year-old\n\n \n\nDora Leveille Watkins at her home in Vernon. Watkins was sexually\n\n \n\nassaulted and then strangled with a piece of cloth after vaughn\n\n \n\nbroke into her residence at 2529 15th Street. Checks and rings\n\n \n\nwere ‘taken from the home and Vaughn's fingerprints were later\n\n \n\nfound on the woman's wallet. Vaughn was an escapee from the Lubbock\n\n \n\nCounty Jail at the time of the murder. He escaped after being charged\n\n \n\nwith fogery and robbery in a separate incident. On the same day of\n\n \n\nthe murder, Vaughn also burglarized the home of his aunt, who lived\n\nfour blocks from Watkins.\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nNone\nz\nVy\n~ r\nRace of Victim(s): white female i",
       "Name: Robert L. Henry DLR. #999129\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n9 /_26/ 62_ Received: 12/15/94 Age:_32 (when rec'd)\nCounty: San Patricio Date of offense: 9 /_5 / 93\nAge at time of offense?) 30 Race: white Height: 5-8\n\n: Eyes: blue Hair: brown z\ntive County: Potter passe: State Texas |,\nPrior Occupation: sales/data entry __—S> Education level: 14 yrs.\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nConvicted in the killing of Carol Lea Arnold, 57, and her\n\nSuamary\n\n \n\n83-year-old mother Hazel V. Rumohr at their home in Portland, Texas.\n\nHenry, who was known by the victims, told police he repeatedly stabbed\n\n \n\n     \n\n \n\neach with a knife after smoking marijuana. Their bodies were found\n\n \n\n \n\ninside their residence at 1820 Portland Drive two days later. Henry\n\nlater turned himself in to police in Corpus Christi and confessed",
       'Name: Charles Daniel Thacker D.R. #999103\n\nDOB: 09/18/68 Received: _06/03/94 Age: 25. (when received)\nCounty:__Haris Date of Offense:_04/07/93\n\nAge at time of offense: __24 Race: white. Height: 5-8 __\n\nWeight: _172 Eyes: _blue Hair: _brown\n\nNative County: Loraine ___ State:_Ohio\n\nPrior Occupation: maintenance Education Level: 8 years (GED) __\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nTDCI #4‘ M\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: age\nmel.\n\nNone t ‘\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite female',
       'Name: Jaime Elizalde, Jr «dR. #999230\nDOB: 12/12/7 Received: _06/12/97_ Age: 25 (when received)\n\nCounty;__Harris Date of Offense:_11/05/04\nAge at time of offense:__22 Race: Hispanic Height: 5-6\n\nWeight: __115 Eyes: _brown Hair: _black\n\nNative County: _ Harris State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: welder Education Level:_8 years (GED)\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:',
       'HecwttO B/12/ 47\neo\nName: John Kennedy Barefield D.R. #844\n\nDOB: 03/30/64 _ Received: _ 09/26/86 Age: 22. (when received)\nCounty:__Harris Date of Offense:_04 /21/86\n\nAge at time of offense: __22 Race:_black_ Height: 5-8 __\nWeight: 168 Eyes: __brown Hair: _black\n\nNative County: _ Pima State: _ Arizona\n\nPrior Occupation: carpenter Education Level: 8 yrs.\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nti cj —_gi Texas\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite female',
       "Name: Robert Moreno Ramos D.R. # 999062\n\na DOB: 5 /_ 23/54 Received: 5 / 6 / 93 Age: _ 38 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Higalge Date of offense: 2 / 7 / 92\nAge at time of offense: 37 Race:_Hispanic Weight:_5-1\n“Weight: 160 Eyes: brown Hair: black\nNative County: State: Mexico\nPrior Occupation: physical aide Education level 11 _years\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\nSummary: Convicted in the February 1992 slaying of his wife and two\nchildren inside the family's home in Progreso. Killed were Leticia Ramos,\nage 42, Abigail Ramos, 7, and Jonathan Ramos, 3. All were beaten with a\nblunt object and died of skull fractures. Their bodies were found more than\na month later buried beneath the bathroom floor of their home after Mrs.\n\nRamos' sister reported them missing. Abigail's hands had been bound by tape\n\n \n\nand _her mouth gagged prior to her death. Robert Ramos first told relatives\nthat his family had died in an automobile accident, but couldn't say where\n\nHe then claimed to have found his family dead after returning to the home\nfrom a day of job seeking. He later confessed, saying he fled to Arkansas\nCo-Defendants: after the murders and discarded the murder weapon, which was\nnever found. Ramos married another woman three days after\nkilling his family and moved her into the home where they were\nburied.\nNo co-defendants\n\n@ Race of victim(s): two Hispanic females, one Hispanic male",
       'Name: Michael Wayne Richards D.R. #890\n\nDOB: 08/24/59 Received: _11/20/87_ ‘Age: 28 (when received)\nCounty:__Harris Date of Offense:_ 08/18/86\n\nAge at time of offense: _26 Race:_black —_ Height:_5-8\n\nWeight: _142 Eyes: _brown Hair: _black\n\nNative County: Waller State:_Texas\nPrior Occupation: mechanic Education Level:_9 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNN st al\n|\n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\nUnknown',
       "Wey 7?\nName: Billy Wayne White D.R.# 585\npop: 10 /_ 13 / 57 Received: 2 24 7 78 age: 20 (when rec\nCounty: Harris atte of offense: 2° = 2 7 7%\nAge at time of offense: 18 Race: black Height: 5-12\nWeight: 167 Eyes; brown Hair; black\nNative County: Terrell State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: Gump truck river gdyeation level: +2 Y°2tS\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the August 1976 robbery-slaying of 65-year-old\nMartha Spinks, co-owner of a Houston furniture store. Spinks\nand her husband, Al were closing their store when White\nentered, pulled a ol and demanded money. Without pro-\nvocation, he then shot Mrs. Spinks once in the face at point\nblank range. White ordered Mr. Spinks to open the safe and\nthen lie on the floor. When White dropped his pistol while\nattempting to steal rings and a watch from Mrs. Spinks’ body,\nher husband grabbed the pistol and managed to fire two shots,\nstriking White in the groin. White ran from the store, but was\ncaptured by police a quarter mile away after a car lot attendant\nwho heard the shots flagged down a patrol car. Police found\n$269 in stolen money in White's pants pocket\n\n \n\n \n\nNone\n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white female",
       "Name: Glen Charles McGinnis D.R. #_ 999039\n\n \n\n@\n\n \n\npos: ! y/ 11 7 73 Received: 8 / 3 / 92 Age: 19 (when rec'd)\n\nCounty: Montgomer: Date of offense: 8 /_1 /90\n\nAge at time of offense: 17 Race: black Height: 6-0\nWeight: 172 Eyes: brown Hair: black\nNative County: Harris State: Texas\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: jaborer Education level: _10 yrs.\n\nPrior prison record:\nNone. However, McGinnis had been placed on probation for auto—theft-\njust 5 days prior to committing capital murder _____\n\n® _\n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the robbery and murder of 30-year-old Leta Ann\nWilkerson of Conroe. Wilkerson was working as a clerk at Wilkin: =\nCleaners & Laundry, 1200 S. Frazier, when McGinnis walked in and shot\n\nher once in the head and three times in the back with a .25-caliber\n\npistol he had taken from his aunt's apartment. McGinnis took $140 from\nthe cash register and fled in Wilkerson's GMC Safari van. The van was\nrecovered along I-45 and McGinnis was arrested the following morning\n\nat his aunt's apartment. His thumb print was found on the victim's wallet\n\nand $105 was recovered from his’pants pocket. He is also serving a 10-year\n\nsentence for theft. -\nCo-Defendant None\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white female",
       'ExeUrntoa Ole le\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: Bernard Eugene Amos D.R.# 926\npop: 12 / 22 / 61 Received: 12 7 15, 88 Age: 2° (when rec\nCounty: Dallas sate of offense: + = 4, 88\nAge at time of offense: 26 Race: black Height: 6-0\nWeight: 150 Eyes; brown Hair: Plack\n\nNative County:_Dallas stacey TOxts\n\nPrior Occupation:__™echanic Education level:__1> Yoar® (GF\n\n \n\naa ee ene eee\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nBetween November 1980 and May 1987, Amos was received and released from\n\nTDC on four different occasions. Charges included burglary and auto theft.\n\nHe was last received in November 1985 and paroled on May 22, 1987.\n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the shooting death of 34-year-old James Joe at\n\na Dallas apartment complex. Joe was investigating a burglary\n\nin progress in an apartment near his when he confronted Amos\n\n \n\nand an unknown accomplice. Shots were exchanged before Joe\nfell with a fatal chest wound. Amos, wounded in the arm and\nleg, fled with his accomplice in a car that was later spotted\n\nby a police helicopter. Amos was arrested while attempting\n\n \n\nto crawl away from the vehicle after it had been stopped\nHis accomplice apparently escaped\n\nCo-Defendants: Unknown & @\niia\nen',
       "Name: Earl Carl Heiselbetz, Jr. D.R.g 999014\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npop: 4/1 / 51 Received: 11 /_22 / 91 Age:_ 4° (when rec’\nCounty: Sabine Date of Offense: 5 / 30 / 91\nAge at time of offense: 40 Race: white Height:\n\nWeight: 210 Eyes:__blue Hair; brown\n\nNative County:__ Jefferson State: Texas\n\n \n\ntruck driver Education level:\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation:\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\n \n\nsumary; Convicted in the abduction and murder of 27-year-old\n\n \n\nRena Whitton Rogers and her 2-year-old daughter, Jacy. The two\n\nwere taken from their home in Pineland and driven to Tyler County,\n\n \n\nwhere their skeletal remains were found in a barn on 6-27-91. Both\n\n \n\nvictims had been strangled. Heiselbetz lived next door to the victims\n\n \n\nand was unemployed at the time of the killing. Rena Rogers! husband\n\nreported a jar containing $8 in change, @ .38-caliber pistol and his\n\nwife's purse missing from the home, Police later found the victim's\n\npurse and the missing jar in a pond next to the home. Heiselbetz\n\n \n\nSonfessed after failing three polygre\n\nCo-Defendants:__None\n\n \n\npace of Victin(s):___™#o white females",
       "0 at\nName: Harold Amos Barnard “dy D.R.# 683\nDOB:_11 / 01/42 Received: 05 / 14 /81 Age:_38 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Galveston Date of Offense: 06/06\nAge at time of offense: 37 Race: White\nWeight:_ 155 Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown\nNative County: Bexar State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: Carpenter Education level: 12 years\n\nPrior prison record:\n\n#171758 03/22/63 3-years\nBurglary (3) Disch: 11/10/54\nDallas & Franklin Co\n\n#186497 10/28/65 3-years\nBurglary Coin Operated Machine\nEx-Con Carrying Pistol\n\nDallas Co. Disch: 12/04/67\n\nSummary: Killed Tuan Nguyen, 16, a clerk at a Galveston 7-11 store managed by his family.\n\n \n\nNguyen was shot_once in the heart with a sawed-off .22 caliber rifle fired by Barnard\nduring a robbery. Barnard & three co-defendants fled in a stolen car following the\nshooting and were arrested about 30 minutes later on I-45 North of Galveston. The\nmurder weapon was found inside the car, along with a Buck knife and a loaded 12-guage\nshot _gun. Although Nguyen and his father were forced to put the money from the cash\n\nregister into a bag, Barnard and his co-defendants left the store empty-handed after\n\nthe shooting.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Murray Howard, Jr. #319286 15-years/Aggravated Robbery-Galveston Co.\n\nDOB: 04/12/60, rec'd: 05/14/81 and paroled 10/22/86. Regina Faye Howard,(Murray Howards\nwife) #318150 12-years/Aggravated Robbery-Galveston Co. DOB: 04/14/52 Rec'd: 04/15/81\nreleased MS 03/05/85. James Charles O'Brien #318151, /-yrs/Galveston Co. Rec'd: UG-I5-81\n\nRace of Victim(s): Rel MS 07/14/83. Ret'd: MSV 08/19/85\nRel. MS 11/19/85 — D0B:08/06/82\n\nVietnamese Male",
       'IFIS  EXECUACOL\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName : Esequel Banda D.R.# 863\n\nbop: _12/ 19 / 63 Received: 03/25/87 Age: 23 (when rec\'d)\nHamilton Date of Offense: 08 _/ 1:86\n\nAge at time of offense: 22 Race: Hispanic Height: 5\'5"\n\nWeight: 140 Eyes: Brow Hair: _ Brown\n\nNative County: Pima State: Arizona\n\nPrior Occupation: Laborer Education level: 9 years\n\nPrior prison record: ‘\n11/29/83 #367439 Coryell & Hamilton Counties 4-years/Burglary Building\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n-years/Unauth use mtr vehicle\n\n \n\n10/10/84 Paroled. Returned P/V 01/12/85\n\n \n\n05/23/86 Released mandatory supervision\n\n \n\n \n\n/20/86 Returned mandatory supervision violator w/new charges.\n‘Summary=\n\n \n\nConvicted of capital murder in the stabbing death of Merle Laird, a Hamilton housewife,\n\n \n\non August 3, 1986. Laird was sexually assaulted and then stabbed several times inside her\n\n \n\n \n\nhome at 620 South Bell Street. Banda reportedly told friends that he stabbed a woman and\n\n \n\n \n\nsucked the blood that was coming from her mouth.\n\n \n\n“~~\ny\n\nCo-Defendants: None',
       '‘Name: David Ray Harris D.R. #827\n\nDOB: 10/19/60 Received: _04/30/86 Age: 25 (when received)\nCounty:__Jefferson Date of Offense:_09 /01/85\nAge at time of offense: _24 Race:_white Height: 5-10\n\nWeight: _160 Eyes: _blue Hair: _brown\n\nNative County: _Jefferson State: _Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: apprentice bricklayer _________ Education Level:_9 yrs. (GED) __\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: €.\nNOB ee es\nRace of Victim(s): .\n\nWhite male',
       "Name: Richard Wayne Smith _ D.R. #999116\npos: 1 /_12/ 56 Received Age: _38 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Date of offense: 12 /_3 / 92\n\nAge at time of offense: 36 Race: ng Height: 5-8\n\nWeight: 246 Eye Hair: brown\n\n   \n\nNative County: Bowie\n\nState: Arkansas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: electrician. Education level: 14 yee\n\nPrior prison record:\n\n \n\nTDCJ_ #290073, rec. 3/23/79, Nacogdoches Co., theft of motor vehicle,\n10 yrs., paroled 6/19/81, discharged 2/17/85. Also served prison time\n\nin\n\n \n\nuisiana for armed robbery.\n\n \n\n   \n\nSummary: Convicted in the murder of Karen Birky, a Baytown convenience\n\n \n\nstore clerk. Birky was working at the Stop-N-Go convenience store at\n\n3312 Decker when Smith robbed her at gunpoint and attempted to abduct\n\nher in the stolen vehicle he was driving. When Birky refused to get\n\nin the vehicle, Smith shot her once in the neck, killing her. He was\n\narrested a short time later with the pistol and stolen cash in his\n\npockets.",
       "Name: Tony Lee Walker D.R. #_999082\n\n \n\npop:_4 /_15/ 66 Received: 11/19 / 93 Age:_37 (when rec'd)\n|\nCounty: Morris Date of offense: 5 / 23/92\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 36 Race:__ black Height: 5-9\n“Weight: 235 Eyes: brown Hair: black\n\nNative County: Dallas State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: welder Education level 9 yrs.\n\n \n\n    \n\n \n\nPrior prison recor\n\nTDCI_#278408, received 3/30/78, Dallas Co., 5 yrs., murder, discharged\n5/8/80.\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the beating deaths of 82-year-old Willie Simmons\n\nand his wife, Virginia Simmons, 66, inside their Dangerfield home. Walker\ntold police that he had been smoking crack cocaine the night of the killings\nand went to the Simmons home at 503 Hill Street to rob the couple so he\ncould buy more cocaine. Allowed inside by Mrs. Simmons, Walker, an acquaint-\nance of the couple, pulled a club from the back of his pants and beat\n\nthem to death. Virginia,simmons was also raped. Walker fled with Mr.\nSimmons' wallet containing $95. He was arrested when his bloodstained\nclothes were found in the woods behind his house.\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Black male, black female",
       "Name: Derrick J. Sonnier D.R. # 999054\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npop: 10 7 26 / 67 Received: 3 / 5 / 93 Age: 25 (when rec'd\nCounty: Harris Date of offense: 9 /_16/ 91\nAge at time of offense: 23 Race: black Height: 5710\nWeight: 156 Eyes:__brown Hair black\nNative County: Sulfer State: Louisiana\nPrior Occupation: sales (car wash Education leve il yrs\nPrior prison record:\nNone\nSummary: After stalking Melody Flowers for months and having his sexual\n\n \n\nadvances rejected, Sonnier raped her at her Humble apartment. He then\n\n \n\nstabbed, strangled and beat her to death. Sonnier then turned on her\n\n \n\n2-year-old son, Patrick, stabbing him to death and dumping his body\n\n \n\nin the bathtub with that of his mother.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: lone:\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): black female/black male",
       'Gy see\n— gfyo] 42\nglo!\nName:_CARL_E. KELLY ee D.R.#_ 688\n- DOB: 03/27 159 Received: 07/22 /81 Age:_ 22 (when rec\'d\n\nCounty: McLennan Date of Offense: 9 = 01 7 80\nAge at time of offense: 2) Race:_Black Height: _6\'2"\nWeight: 186 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black\nNative County: McLennan State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: Laborer Education level: ul\n\nPrior prison record: ‘\n#288161 01/31/79 3-yrs/Robbery Released MS 02/07/80 Parole revoked 11/25/80\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Kelly was convicted of capital murder“for his role in the September, 1980\novernight robbery, abduction and murder spree in Waco. Victims were: Steven Pryor\n\n(convenience store clerk) and David Wade Riley (transient). Kelly allegedly shot\n\n \n\nboth men then threw their bodies over a cliff.\n\n \n\nCh,\na! ‘ — Sse -\n\nCo-Defendants: Thomas Graves, #321583 dob: 06/16/62 (B/M) Life/Murder with a deadly\n\nweapon (3) McClennan County.\n\n \n\nYe\n\nRace of Victim(s): two white males',
       'Name: Lionell Rodriguez. sR #999002\nDOB: 02/01/71 __ Received: _06/12/91_ Age: 20. (when received)\nCounty: ___Harris Date of Offense:_09/05/90__\n\nAge at time of offense: 9 Race: Hispanic Height: 5-9\nWeight: 170 Eyes: _brown Hair: 4\nNative County: _Fort Bend State: _ Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education Level:__\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n    \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nAsian female.',
       "qu\n\n \n\n \n\nBUS\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\na 13] 4. 3\n\nName: Johnny James | D.R.# 839\nbop: 1 / 30 / 54 Received: 7/29 / 86 Age:__32 (when rec'd\nCounty: __ Chambers Date of Offense: 19 y 22 4 89\nAge at time of offense: 31 Race:_white Height: 5-9\nWeight: 185 Eyes: Green Hair: Brown\nNative County: Jackson State: Arkansas\nPrior Occupation: truck driver Education level:_° YeazS\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n\nSummary: Convicted in the October 1985 abduction and shooting death of\n47-year-old Barbara Harrington Mayfield, owner of a High Island lounge\n\nwhere James once tended bar. Mayfield was abducted from BJ's Lounge and\n\n \n\nshot twice in the head with a .38-caliber pistol after being forced to\n\n \n\ndrive James around three southeast Texas counties while he raped a 23-year-\n\n \n\nold convenience store clerk he had earlier robbed of $300 and kidnapped.\n\n \n\nThe clerk, a black female who worked at the Porter's Get Tt & Go store in\n\n \n\nWinnie, was shot three times in the head, but survived to identity James.\n\n \n\nBoth women were found lying on Russell's Landing Road in Jefferson County\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white female",
       '"é!\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: John William Elliott per °62\nDOB: 3 / 25 / 60 Received: 1 / 20 / 87 Age: 26 (when rec\'d)\nCounty: travis Date of Offense: 6 / 13 7 86\n\nAge at time of offense: 26 Race: Hispanic Height: 5-11\nWeight: 160 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black\n\nNative County: State: England\n\nPrior Occupation: carpenter Education level:_9 years (GED)\n\nPrior prison record:\n\n“Prior TDC record: 2-16-82, received from Travis County on eight-year ~\nsentence for intentional murder. Released under mandatory supervision\n“to Travis County on 6-28-82. fc\n\n— Elliott was convicted of attempted burglary of a habitation in Travis”\nCounty on 9-13-84 and given 10 years probation.\n\n‘Summary:\n\nCrime summary: Elliott was convicted of capital murder in the rape/beating\ndeath of 19-year-old Joyce Munguia in East Austin on June 13, 1986.\n\nPolice said Munguia was raped and then beaten to death with a motorcycle\nchain under an overpass in East Austin. An autopsy showed that Munguia,\n\nan Hispanic female, was hit 16 times on the head and eight times on\n\nthe face with the chrome-plated chain.\n\n \n\n \n\nA co-defendant, Ricky Elizondo (DOB: 8-28-53), pleaded guilty to sexual\nassault and was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Elizondo, #441314,\nwas received on 1-16-87.\n\nA second co-defendant, Pete Ramirez (DOB: 7-8-59), was also convicted\nof sexual assault and given a 15-year prison sentence. Ramirez, #441945,\nwas received on 1-23-87.\n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\n \n\nHispanic female',
       'i?\nName: Dwight Dwayne Adanandus D.R. #940\n\nDOB-02/19/56 Received: _05/23/89 Age 33. (when received)\nCounty:__Bexar Date of Offense:_01/28/88\n\nAge at time of offense: __31 Race:_black Height: 5-10\n\nWeight: 148 Eyes: _brown Hair: _black\n\nNative County: Eddy State: _New Mexico\n\nPrior Occupation: auto mechanic Education Level: 11 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: — _\n\nNone _________.\nRace of Vietim(s): f ¢ , ©\nNot indicated _',
       "Dy a } Lt\n|\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName; Jessie Gutierrez p.r.g 272\n\nDOB:_ 4 /_30 /_65 Received: 4 / 27 / 90 Age:_ 24 (when rec'c\nCounty:___Brazos Date of Offense: 9 / 5 _/ 89 :\nAge at time of offense: 24 Race: Hispanic Height: 5-5 :\nWeight: 155 Eyes:_brown Hair: black\n\nNative County:__Knox State: Texas :\nPrior Occupation: welder Education level: years\n\nPrior prison record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the September 1989 robbery and murder of 42-year-old)\n\n \n\nDorothy McNew, a College Station store clerk. McNew was working the\n\n \n\ncounter at the Texas Coin Exchange, 404 University, when Jessie Gutierrez.\n\n \n\nand his brother, Jose, entered shortly after 10 a.m. McNew attempted to\n\n \n\nflee inside an office when she saw one of the men pull a handgun from his\n\n \n\ncoat but was shot in the head. The Gutierrez brothers fled the store with\n\n \n\ngems and jewelry worth approximately $500,000. Both were traced to Houston,\n\n \n\nwhere they were arrested on Sept. 13, 1989. Approximately $375,000 worth |\n\n \n\nof the stolen merchandise was recovered\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Jose Gutierrez, H/M, DOB: 10-14-60. Convicted of capital\n\n \n\n_uidex and sentenced to death. Be. #27,\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white female",
       "Name: Domingo Cantu, Jr, DR. #_924\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n    \n \n\nDOB: _ 06/07/68 Received: _12/01/88 Age: _20 (when rec'd)\n\nCounty: Dallas Date of Offense: _06/25/88\n\nAge at time of offense: _ 20 Race: Hispanic Height: _5'8__\n\nWeight: _178 Eyes: _Brown Hair: _Black\n\nNative Count y: Dallas State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Education Level:\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n> #459 17/87 fron ‘ith burgl: onvis\n\nSummary:\n\nConvicted in the June 1988 sexual assault and slaying of 94-year-old Suda Eller Jones in Dallas.\nsuk he ad then eats a concrete alk ea\n\nein fr tt\n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone.\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite femal",
       'yeh, a\n\nBAO\n\nName: David Lee Herman. D.R. #999003\n\n© vos 10717 Received: _06/21/9) ‘Age: 33. (when received)\nCounty:__ Tarrant Date of Offense:__12/20/89\nAge at time of offense: _32 Race:_white Height:.6-4\n\nWeight: _235____—__—“BEyes: _green ____ Hair IR occ\nNative County: _ Orange State: _California _.______\n\nPrior Occupation: stockbroker Education Level: 14 years __\n\nPrior Prison Record: a “J\nNong\n\nee\n\nOS\n\n‘Summary: 7\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite female',
       "Name: Gregory Lynn summers D.R. # 999010\n\n6 w\nCounty: Denton (Cov from Taylor) Date of offense\na ee\n\n \n\n33 /_14 /_58 Received: 9 /26 / 91 Age: 33 (when rec'd)\n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 32 Race: white\n\nWeight: 140 Eyes: blue Hair: brown\n\nNative County: Callahan State: 7exa8\n\nPrior Occupation: general contractor Education level: 11 yrs. GED\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n   \n\nSummary: Convicted in a murder-for-hire scheme to kill three people,\nincluding Summers' step-father, Mandell Eugene Summers. Also killed\n\nwere Helen Summers and Bill Mack Summers. All were stabbed to death\n\n \n\ninside their Abilene home, which was later set afire. summers re-\n\n \n\nPortedly promised to pay co-defendant Andrew Cantu $10,000 for killing\n\n \n\nhis family members. Cantu was convicted of capital murder and sentenced\n\nto death. Two co-defendants testified against him.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Andrew Cantu #999, DOB: 12/5/67. Rec. 6/4/91 from Taylor\n\nQ Co. with death sentence. Ramon Gonzales #600974. Rec. 11/14/91 from Taylor\n\nCo. 20 yrs., burg. of habit. DOB: 8/26/70. Paul Flores, charges and\n\ndisposition ynbapin: sy,\nRace of Victim(s): Two white males, one white female\n\n \n\nee _ ee",
       "Name:\n4\nVW DOB:\n\nCounty:\n\n10. 7-3 /: 53 Receive\n\n   \n\nJefferson\n\n \n\nCalvin Eugene King\n\n6 /_ 28/95\n\nD.R. #999152\n\n \n\nAge:_ 41 (when rec'd)\n\nDate of offens\n\n  \n\n \n\n2 7 26 / 94\n\n \n\n \n\nAge at: time ofjoffense: 40 Races, Ulack Height: 6-2\nWeight: 200. Eyes:__brown Hair: black\n\nNative County: Dallas Stat Texas,\n\nPrior Occupation: __ landscaping Education level: years\n\nPrior prison record:\nfra\n\n \n\n \n\nat\nballas e016 28/84, zet'd\n\n \n\n0 MS te balias co. 4/15/87.\n\nburg.\n\nSummary:\n\nin Beaumont.\n\nMotel at 3515 College Street in connection with a drug deal.\n\n   \n\nJ #500427, x rec. 5/\\\n\nof habitation, paroled 9/29/93 to Jefferson\n\nConvicted in February 1994 stabbing death of Bill\n\nseacate kee. 8/5/8: 2 Pa fo.) 6 yrs pHePtldyeoqg, Parobed to:\n] ia vi)\n\nchad 2\\yrs., theft of prop.,\n\nBolithiias co., 25 yrs.,\n\n \n\n \n\nWayne Ezell\n\nRecords indicate that Ezell was lured to the Cedar Sands\n\nKing\n\nstabbed Ezell to death with a knife there and robbed_him-of—an—————\n\n \n\nunspecified amount of cash.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\n \n\n“Not indicated _",
       'oO 44\n\nCoxe +4\nName: DAVID M. CLARK 4 “o p.R.#_874\n\nDOB\n\n \n\n03/05 _ /_59 Received: 06/30/87 Age: 28 (when rec\'d\n\nCounty: Brazos Date of Offense: 02 / 18 87\n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 28 Race:_w/m Height: 5/8"\nWeight: 145 Eyes: blue Hair: black\nNative County: Warren State: PA\n\nPrior Occupation:__Construct\n\n \n\nEducation level: 10 GED\n\n \n\nPrior prison record: .\n358770 5-yrs/1983 Burglary of a building wict Harris County\n\n1976 2-years/Auto theft State Regional Correctional Facility\n\nWarren,\n\n|\nSummary: Clark was convicted and sentenced to die for the murders\nof Beverly Benninghoff and Charles Gears at their residence\non February 18, 1987. Investigative reports indicate that\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nthe victims were shot, stabbed and clubed to death. A .25\ncaliber weapon, a club, and a knife were used in the slayings.\nClark and the 3 co-defendants were arrested for the murders\n\non February 20, 19\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Mary Copeland, 26, w/f #463603 Life/Murder wdw\nLAY BODEN ANs (682 MLE PAOSE0S Lites Murder wow,\nGary Penuel, 21, w/f #464382 30-years/Burglary\n\nTracy Penuel, w/f No TDC of\n\nhabitation\n\nRace of Victim(s): Severly Benninghoff w/f\n\nCharles Gears w/m',
       "Che\n\nD.R.#_999\n\nName:\n\n \n\nDOB: _ 12/05/67 Received: _06/04/91 Age: _23 (when rec’d)\nCounty: Taylor Date of Offense: 06/11/90\nAge at time of offense: __22 Race: Hispanic Height: _5'7__\nWeight: _155 Eyes: Brown _ Hair: Black\nNative Count y: Lubbock State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Construction Education Level: 11 years\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nTDCI #49, rec,\n2). Paroled 12/27/'\n\n    \n\nSummary:\n\n  \n\n‘wo ot! )-defendants, R: tif\nvictim: iter admitte wurders t¢ fri\n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nmon 2 ul Flares, a S' S. wer ling.\n\n  \n   \n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nUnknown",
       'E M ¢() ust €0\\ .\n, #9\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: Paul _Rougeau D.R.#__ 693\n\npop: 12 / 22 / 47 Received: 8 / 16 / 78 Age: 3° (when rec\'<\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: | / © / a\nAge at time of offense: 30 Race: black Height: 6-1\n\nWeight: 160 Eyes; "9701 Hair: PFOw?\n\nNative County: San Bernard Parish State; Louisiana\n\nPrior Occupation: carpenter Education level: ° Yrs\n\n$$\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\nIn December 1982, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals ordered a new trial\nfor Rougeau, ruling that potential jurors were improperly excused after\n\nsaying they had reservations about the death penalty. Rougeau was again\nconvicted in 1983 and returned to death row.\n\nSummary: convicted in the January 1978 slaying of Albert C. Wilkins, a\n50-year-old Harris County deputy constable. Wilkins was killed at the\nStock Exchange Lounge in the 5400 block of Griggs Road while working an\noff-duty security job. The murder reportedly occurred during an attempted\nrobbery. Prosecutors said Rougeau cursed the officer as he begged for\nhis life and then shot him in the head with a .38-caliber pistol. Rougeau\'s\nyounger brother Joseph was reportedly killed at the scene of the shooting\n\nuring a gunbattle with police. Paul Rougeau was arrested 12 hours after\n\nthe killing, reportedly after being shot while fleeing police.\n\nCo-Defendants: Joseph Rougeau. Killed by police at murder scene.\n\n \n\n \n\n_ oe\nRace of Victim(s): black male\n\npeace',
       "Name: Carl Henry Blue D.R. #999151\nDOB: _ 01/09/65 Received: _06/14/95 Age: _30 (when rec'd)\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCounty: Brazos Date of Offense: _08/19/94\n\nAge at time of offense: _29 Race: Black Height:\nWeight: Eyes: _Brown_ Hair: _Black\nNative Count y: _ Brazos State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Laborer Education Level: _8 years\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNone\n\nSummary:\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nBlack female",
       "Name; Alvin Wayne crane png 888\neRe\npop: 5 /' 6 / 58 Received: 11 / 13 / 87 Age: 29 (when rec'd\nise es, rec’\n\n \n\n \n\nCounty: Denton (Cov from Ochiltree) Date of offense: 2 28 =, 87\nSer ton, (cow from ObniIeKes) _ .\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 28 Race: White Height: °~°\nWeight: 204 Eyes: brown Hair: Drown\nNative County: Ochiltree State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: oil field operator Education level: 8 years\nPrior prison record:\nNone\ned\npo\n\nfl\nSummary: __ Convicted in the March 1987 shooting death of Melvin Kenneth\n\nDrum, a Ochiltree County deputy sheriff. Deputy Drum, responding to a\n\ndisturbance call, was shot once in the face after stopping Crane's\n\n \n\n \n\nvehicle on the roadway. Crane exited his vehicle and shot Drum while\n\n \n\nhe was still seated inside his patrol car. The officer died before he\n\n \n\ncould be transported to a hospital. Crane was arrested for the killing\n\non April 15, 1987.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Unknown",
       'oe Elkie Lee Taylor D.R.#_999112\n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nDoB:_ 12/14/61 RECEIVED: 07/26/94 AGE:_32 (WHEN REC\'D)\nCOUNTY: Tarrant DATE OF OFFENSE: 04/02/93\n\nAGE AT TIME OF OFFENSE: 31 RACE: Black HEIGHT: _5\'9"\n\nWEIGHT: 168 EYES:__brown HAIR: black\n\nNATIVE COUNTY: Milwaukee STATE: Wisconsin\n\nPRIOR OCCUPATION: laborer EDUCATION LEVEL: __5 years\n\nPRIOR PRISON RECORD: _TDCJ_#613042, rec. 04/23/92 from Tarrant Go., 8 years, burglary of\n\nhabitation, paroled 01/15/93 to Tarrant Co.\n\nSUMMARY: Convicted _in the robbery and murder of 64-year-old Otis Flake in Fort Worth.\n\nTaylor and an accomplice forceably entered Flake\'s home at 926 East Terrell and tied him\n\nup. The two then packed up several items from the home, including dishes, pots and pans\n\nand_a television, and later sold them for a total of $16. A friend of Flake\'s found him\nGules inside his bedroom later in the day. He had been strangled with two wire coat\n\nhangers.\n\nCO-DEFENDANTS: Darnell Birdow. Case pending.\n\nRACE OF VICTIM(S):__Black male',
       ":\n|\n\n \n\n \n\ntt Ho\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\nName: CHARLES HENRY RECTOR D.R.# 721\nDOB: 04 /_16 / 54 Received: 09  / 02 / 82 Age:_28 (when rec'd\nCounty:__ Travis Date of Offense: 10/17 / 81\n\nAge at time of offens: 27 Race: _b/m Height:\n\nWeight:_ 160 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black\n\nNative County: Travis State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Paint & Body Repairman Education level: 8 yrs\n\n \n   \n   \n\nPrior prison record:\n\n#234344 rec'd: 12/06/74 14-yr sentence\nfor Murder and Assault to Commit Robbery\n\nTravis County Paroled 06/16/82\n\nSummary:__Rector was convicted and sentenced to die for the October 17, 1981 shooting\nrape,\n\nand drowning death of Carolyn Kay Davis, 22. Her bruised and naked body was found\n\nin Town Lake (Austin). Rector was arrested the same night near the apartment complex\n\nwhere Davis lived. He was wearing the victim's blue jeans, and carrying her rings\n\n \n\nand necklace.\n\n* On 03/28/86, Rector used a razor blade to inflict a 4-inch laceration to his\ni i he attempted suicide by inflicting a large laceration\ntto the right side of his neck and several laceration to both arms-(Rector has\na_history of self-multilations) 10/25/83 Rector was stabbed by former death row\ninmate Jay Kelly Pinkerton (since executed) in the back and upper chest region\n\nwith a homemade shank.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Howard Ray Simon, 21 escaped from the county jail in December 1981\n\nand was shot to death during a robbery in Louisianna. Michael Anthony Miller, 21",
       'Name: George H. Whitaker II[J____ D.R.#.999]96\n\nDOB: _11/21/70__ Received: _ 06/14/96 Age: 25 (when received)\nCounty:___Hartis Date of Offense:_06/15/94 _\n\nAge at time of offense: 23 Race_Black__ Height:_\nWeight’ _____Eyes:_Brown Hair: Black __\n\nNative County: _ Harris State: __Texas\nPrior Occupation: Mechanic ______ Education Level: L1. yrs (GED) __\n\nPrior Prison Record.\n\nNone)\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n—None\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\nBlack female _',
       'Name: Anthony Guy Fuentes D.R. #999215,\n\nDOB: 11/05/74 _ Received: 2/18/96 Age: 22 (when received)\nCounty:___Harris Date of Offense:_02 /18/94\n\nAge at time of offense: 20 Race:_Hispanic Height5-9\nWeight: 140 Eyes: _brown Hair: _black\n\nNative County: __Harris State: _Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: mover Education Level:_12 yrs.\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite male',
       "Exel) 6fufe Pi\n\nName: Ear] Russell Behringer DLR. #_914\n\nDOB: 1/03/64. Received: _09/27/88 Age: _23 (when rec’d)\nCounty: Tarrant Date of Offense: 09/14/86\n\nAge at time of offense: _2 Race: White Height: _5'l1__\nWeight: 186 Eyes: _Brown Hair: _Black\nNative Count y: Clark Air Force Base State: Phillippines (U.S. Citi\nPrior Occupation: Student/Sale: Education Level: __14 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n  \n\njancé_Janet Louise Hancock. ver, a Texas A&M student, ané cock, who al ‘the\nUniversity of Texas rlington, were to di fter Behringer and co-defendant Lawrenc\nScott Rouse saw the couple parked in a field near Mansfield. Both were shot repeatedly in the head\nwith a 9mm. lice recov fro chrins leyer’s wallet lan ” s purse were\ntaken, Rouse surrendered to police and confessed that Behringer wai nted to go to the area so he\ncould harass parkers.\n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nLawrence Scott Rouse #493395, W/M, DOB: 04/10/68, Rec. 10/11/88, 40 yrs., murder, Tarrant Co.\n\n \n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\nWhite male and White femal",
       'ot]\n\nName: Carlos DeLuna D.R-#\n\n \n\npop: 3/15 / 62 Received: 7 / 26 / 83 Age:\n\nCounty: Nueces 83\n\nDate of Offense:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 29 Race: Hispanic\n\nWeight: 185 Eyes; brown hair: PL2CK\n\nNative County: Nueces State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: electrician Education level: 9 years\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison recor\nmpc #310471, rec\n\n \n\n \n\nved 10-9-80 from Dallas County with 3-year sentence for\nattempted rape and uuMV, released under mandatory supervision to Nueces\n\nCounty on 2-23-82, returned as mandatory supervision violator from smith\n\n \n\n \n\nCounty on 6-22-82, released under mandatory supervision to Nueces Co. on\n12-30-82.\nSummar;\n\n \n\nconvi\n\n \n\nted_in the robbery-slaying of 24-year-old Wanda Jean\n\n \n\nLopez, a Corpus Christi service station clerk. Police said Lopez was\n\nstabbed to death minutes aft\n\n \n\nx she phoned police and attempted to des~\ncribe her assailant to the\n\n \n\nSpatcher. Her final words recorded by police\n\nwere: "You want it (money). I\'ll give it to you. I\'ll give it to you. I™\nt+ going ta do nothing to you. Please." Deluna took an undetermined amount\n\n \n\nof money and fled on foot. Police found him hiding under a truck parked\nin th\n\n \n\narea. DeLuna contended that another person killed Lopez and tnat—\n\nhe ran so he would not be implicated.\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white femal',
       "C454 44\n\npos: @ 26 , 68 aveq: © 16, 88 20\n/ / Received: / / Age: (when rec'c\n\nName: Jose De La Cruz 908\n\nD.R.#\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCounty: Nueces Date of Offense: © = + > 87\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race: Yispanic\n\nWeight: 139 Eyes;_ brown Hair; Ptack\n\nNative County: Nueces State:__“°**°\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: fork lift oper. /mechanic Education level: 1° years\nPrior prison record:\n\nTDC _#424712, received 6-23-86 from Nueces Co. with 5-year sentence for\n\nburglary of a habitation, paroled under mandatory supervision 10-17-86,\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the June 1987 robbery-slaying of 24-year-old\nDomingo Rosas in Corpus Christi. De La Cruz, boyfriend of\nRosas' cousin, stabbed the victim six times with a kitchen\nknife and broke his neck before robbing him of his driver's\nlicense and credit cards. The murder weapon was found in\nthe car De La Cruz was driving the day after the murder when\narrested for public intoxication. De La Cruz was arrested\nand charged with capital murder on June 3, 1987 when he\nattempted to withdraw money from Rosas' savings account at\nthe Nueces National Bank by presenting Rosas’ identification\nand forging his signature. Rosas was an epileptic who lived\nprimarily off of Social Security benefits due to a physical\nhandicap. His body was found inside his apartment at 4702\n\nCo-Defendants: Old Brownsville Rd. when family members complained he had\n\nnot contacted them over a two-day period.\n\n—\n—————_lUnknown)\n\nRace of Victim(s): Hispanic male\n\nSS",
       'Name: T-J- Jones D.R. #999133\n\n \n\noe pop: lly 1 / 76 Received: 12 / 16 / 94 Age: 18 (when rec\'d)\nCounty: Gresg_ Date of tre ae 94\nAge at time of offense: 17 Race:_black Height:\nWeight: Eyes:__brown Hair:__black\nNative County: Gregg State:__Texas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: ¢ast food Education level: 8 years\n\nPrior prison record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nNone basaaas\n> OO" Ecsta\nSummar-.\n\n \n\n:__Convicted in the robbery and murder of 75=year=old—-——\n\nWillard Lewis Davis of Longview —\n\n \n\nDavis from his vehicle as he was backing out of the driveway from_his—\nhome at 112 W. Edgefield in an attempt to rob him. when Davis resisted,—\nJones shot him once in the head with a .357 magnum pistol. Leaving\nhis body in the roadway, the four bandits fled in Davis\' vehicle.\n\nThey were arrested a short time later after wrecking the car. All Be\n\ngave written confessions to police.\n\nte-erenaancsy Case Were pending against: Bagae Fletcher, dr., 19:\n\nsanford Ray Jimerson, 18; and Latecia Howard, 17-\n\ne\n\nRace of Victim(s):_ white mals',
       "AG OST\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nNam Clydell Coleman Rg 968\nvu DOB: 10 /_1 / 36 Received: 3 / 1 / 90 Age: 53 (when rec'd\nCounty: McLennan Date of Offense: 2/24 7 ¢9\nAge at time of offense: 52 Race: black Height: 6-1\nWeight: 160 Eyes: brown Hair; Black\nNative County: McLennan State:__Texas\nPrior Occupation: janitorial Education level: 11 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nTDC #129003, rec. 3-15-54 from McLennan Co. with 5-year sentence for burglary\n\n‘paroled to Dallas Co. 10-18-55. TDC #143487, rec. 10-17-57 from Dallas Co.\nwith 5-year sentence for burglary, discharged 2-6-60. #188607, rec. 3-25-66\n\nfrom Dallas Co. with 6-year sentence for burglary, discharged 3-7-69. #240979\n\n \n\nrec. 7-9-74 from McLennan Co., I5 yrs., burglary, parot 7\nrt) Summary; Convicted in the February 1989 robbery and murder of 87-year-old\n\n \n\n  \n   \n  \n   \n  \n  \n  \n  \n\nLeethisha Joe. Coleman and accomplice Yolanda Phillips entered Joe's\n\n \n\nhome at 706 Dawson through the back door and confronted the victim.\nColeman covered the victim's head with a blanket, hit her with a hammer,\n\nand then strangled her with her own stocking. Property stolen from the\n\n \n\nhome included a television, clock radio, sheets, cooler, floor fan and\n\n \n\nladder. Phillips was arrested after her fingerprints were found inside\n\n \n\nthe home. She then impticated Coleman in a statement to police.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants; Yolanda Phillips, B/F, DOB: 3-30-59. Received 11-9-89\n\nfrom McLennan Co. with 30-year sentence for burglary of a habitation.\n\n   \n\noe\n© race of victim(s): biack female\n\n    \n \n\neects Sl",
       "Name: Stanley Allison Baker, Jr. __ D.R. #_999157_\nDOB: _ 12/30/66 Received: _08/01/95 Age: _28 (when rec’d’\nCounty: _Brazos Date of Offense: 9/28/1994\nAge at time of offense: _27 _ Race: White Height: __5'9\nWeight: __200 Eyes: _ Green Hair: _Brown\nNative Count y: _Paris _ State: __ France\n\nPrior Occupation: Receiving Clerk Education Level: _14 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNone.\n\n \n\nSummary:\n\nCollege Station, 3. 44, once i fe it i\nofits cash, He then fled the store at 603 Texas Avenue in the victim’s pickup truck. The truck was\nlater 5 artment of Publi wl st\ncut lip from the recoil of the shotgun and blood on his shirt. He confessed to the robbery and\nmurder following his arrest. Between $40 - $50 was reported missing from the register.\n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone.\n\n \n\nRace of Victit\n\n \n\nim(s):\n\nWhite male",
       "Name: George Anderson Hopper DLR. #999037\n\n \n\n \n\npop: 19 ,_§ / 55 Received: 7 /_23 /92 Age: _36 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Dallas Date of offense: 10/4/83\n\nAge at time of offense: 927 _ Race: white Height: 5-9\nWeight: 183 Eyes: brown Hair: brown\n\nNative County: Harris State: gexas ae\nPrior Occupation: auto body repair Education level: 42 years 2\n\n    \n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n\nSummary: Convicted in the October 1983 murder of Rozanne Gailiunas, 33\n\n \n\nat her Richardson home. Hopper, who allegedly was paid $1,500 to kill\nGailiunas for another man, forced his way into her home at gunpoint and\nattempted to sexually assault the woman after forcing her to remove her\nclothes and binding her to a bed. He then began to strangle Gailiunas with\na rope but used his gun to shoot her twice through a pillow when she\n\nmanaged to free one of her hands and struggle with him. Hopper was\n\narrested for the murder in December 1988 and confessed to the crime in\n\nFebruary 1989. It was unclear whether the man identified as the\n\nSolicitor of the murder was charged.\nCo-Defendants:_\n\nUnknown\n\nRace of Victim(s):_ “ A",
       "Name: Lester Leroy Bower DR.#_764\n\n \n\nDOB: __11/20/47 Received: _05/10/84 Age: _36 (when rec’d)_\nCounty: Grayson Date of Offense: _10/08/83\nAge at time of offense: _35 Race: White Height: _5'11\nWeight: _253, Eyes: _Blue_ Hair: _Brown\nNative Count y: _Kansas City State: Missouri\n\nPrior Occupation: Chemical salesman Education Level: _16 years —\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nFour white males",
       'Exeeo 6/17/77\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: Eddie James Johnson pre 298\n\nDOB: 7/31 /_52 Received: 4 / 19 / 88 Age: 35 (when rec’:\nCounty: Aransas Date of Offens: 2 pl\n\nAge at time of offense: 35 Race;__P1ack Height: °"?\n\nWeight: 225 Eyes: brown Hair; PLack\n\nNative County: Cook State; Tttinots\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: welder 11 years (GED)\n\nEien sEtication tevel\n—___\n\nPrior prison record:\n\n \n\nRecords indicate Johnson served time (1975-76) in the Illinois state\nPenitentiary for voluntary manslaughter.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the September 1987 abduction and slaying of three\npeople in Aransas County. Victims David Magee, Virginia Cadena\nand Cadena\'s 10-year-old daughter Elizabeth Galvan were abducted\nfrom the Jackson Square Apartments in Aransas Pass and driven to\na remote location near the intersection of FM 1069 and Johnson\nRoad where they were shot to death with a .25-caliber pistol\nMagee\'s hands and feet were bound by telephone and electrical cords\nas were Cadena\'s hands. Her young daughter died from four bullet\nwounds to the abdomen. Johnson, who once worked for the same\ncompany as Magee, had recently been fired from his job and report-\nedly blamed Magee for his termination. The victims\' bloodstained\ncar was found parked at a nursing home close to Johnson\'s residence.\nPolice also found Johnson\'s fingerprints at Magee\'s apartment and\nv Co-Defendants: on a can inside the car. A pair of bloodsoaked blue jeans worn\nby Johnson were also recovered from a dumpster near his Nome;\n\n \n\nNo co-defendants |\n\n \n\nkace of Victim(s) One white male, two white females i\n\n$$',
       'Name: JamesL. Beathard 0 DAR T85\n\nDOB: 02/ 23/57__ Received: _03/05 /85_ Age: 28 (when received)\nCounty: Trinity Date of Offense:_10 /09/84__\nAge at time of offense:__27 ____—-Race:_white Height: 5-10 __\nWeight: _197 Eyes: _haze! Hair: _brown\nNative County: _ Ranto State: _ Illinois\n\nPrior Occupation: motorcycle mechanic ____ Education Level: 15 yrs\nPrior Prison Record: ie\n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\n‘Two white males, one white female',
       "NN”\n\n \n\nNaites_“°CKy Noten Meson Pe | DLR. #999150\n\no DOB: 3./ 22 /:57. Received: _¢ /_9 /aos_ Age:_38 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Brown 5 bate of offense: 5/22 _/ 93\nAge, at time, of offens 36 Race:__White Height: 5-9\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nWeight: 189 Eyes: Fi Hair: blonde\nNative County: Brown _ State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: mechanic/carpenter Education level: 11\n\n   \n\nPrior prison recor\n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the rape and murder of his 12-year-old —___\n\nstep-daughter Stephanie Rae Flanary. Stephanie was sexually\nassaulted by McGinn and then beaten with the blunt side of\n\nan) axe. She died of multiple head injuries and a fractured\n\nskull. Her battered body was found three days later in a\n\nculvert along FM 1467 in Brown County.",
       'Name: KENNETH DUNN.\n\nDOB:_10 / 03 / 59 Received: 12\n\nCounty: Harris\n\nD.R.# 675\n\n719 _/ 80 Age:_21\n\n(when rec\'«\n\nDate of Offense: 03 / 17 _/80\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 20 Race: Black Height: 5°6"\nWeight: 130 Eyes: Brown, Hair: Black\nNative County: Douglas State: Nebraska\n\nEducation level:_9 years\n\nPrior Occupation: Laborer\n\nPrior prison record:\nnone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Dunn was convicted of the March 17, 1980 shooting death of bank teller\n\nMadeline Peters, 21, during a robbery at the Bank of Almeda.\n\nDunn received the death penalty in November 1980, but the sentence was overturned\n\nbecause a court reporter lost part of the trial transcript.\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white female',
       'Name: James Joseph Wilkens, Jr. D.R.# 897\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npop: 7/29 /_61_ — Received: 2/19 7 88 ge: 26 iden beset\nCounty:__Snith ate of offense: 1? 7 27? 7 8°\n\nAge at time of offense: 25 MES Height: >\n\nWeight: 165 Eyes: hazel hair; PIC\n\nNative County: San Diego State: California\n\nPrior Occupation: cook Education level: 10 years (GED)\n\n \n\n—$$——_—_—_—____________._ Fducation level:\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nDC#343720, received 10-6-82 from Potter County with 5-year sentence\n\nfor robbery, paroled under mandatory supervision 12-16-83.\n\n \n\n \n\n€ Summary: Convicted in the December 1986 shooting deaths of 28-year-old\nRichard Allan Wood and 4-year-old Larry Wayne McMillan, Jr. in\nTyler. The two victims, along with Sandra Darlene Williams, the\n20-year-old mother of Larry McMillan, returned to their residence\nin the Southpoint village Mobile Home Park to find Wilkens inside\ntheir trailer armed with a .22-caliber rifle. Wilkens, Williams\nformer boy friend, shot Wood as he entered the trailer and then\nshot the boy as he sat on a couch. Wilkens chased Williams from\nthe trailer and shot her in the hip as she ran for help. She\nmade it to the home of a neighbor who called police. Williams,\ntwo months pregnant at the time of the shootings, survived her\nwound and identified Wilkens as the assailant. He was arrested\nshortly after the shootings at the home of an acquaintance in Troup.\n\nCo-Defendants: one\n\nfe\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): two white males\n\npo',
       "Name; Brian Keith Roberson D.r.f 886\n\npop: 10/8 / 63 Received: 10 / 22 / 87  Age:_24 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Dallas Date of Offense: ® / 39 y %%\n\nAge at time of offense: 22 Race:_ Pack Height: _°~1?\nWeight: 190 Eyes: brown Hair: black\n\nNative County: Dallas State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: electrician Education level 12 years\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nConvicted in the August 1986 stabbing death of 79-year-old\n\n \n\n \n\nJames Louis Boots inside the victim's home at 4616 Jade Dr. in Dallas.\n\n \n\nRoberson, who lived next door at 4617 Jade Dr., also killed Lillian\n\n \n\nWallace Boots with a knife before burglarizing the home of assorted\n\n \n\njewelry. Roberson was identified through fingerprints and later gave\n\n \n\na voluntary statement to police.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\npete\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white male",
       "; Alvin Andrew Kell\nName: Y perp 999022\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nia) ob: 3 /_14_/_51_ — Received: 11 / 14/91 — Age:_40 (when rec'«\nCounty: _ Gregg Date of Offense: 4 / 39  / 84\nAge at time of offense: 33 Race: white Height: 5-8\nWeight: 240 Eyes: brown Hair: black\nNative Count, Culberson State: _‘Texas\nPrior Occupation: heavy equipment operator Education level: 11 yrs. (GED)\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nDCs #405263, rec. 9-14-85 from Franklin Co., 5 years, burglary, paroled to\n\n \n\n \n\nDallas Co. 3-24-86. TDCI #472663, rec. 2-5-88 from Smith Co., 5 years con”\n\n \n\ncurrent, delivery of controlled substance, paroled to Smith Co. 6-17-88.\n\n \n\npcs #558386, rec. 8-14-90 from Gregg Co., 30 yrs. concurrent, murder w/\n\n \n\ndeadly weapon, transferred to death row TI-Ti-9t~\n\nSummary: Convicted in connection with the shooting deaths of three people,\n\n \n\nincluding an 18-month-old child, in April 1984, Killed were Jerry\n\n \n\nGlenn Morgan, 30, Brenda Gail Morgan, 25, and Devin Glenn Morgan, 18 months\n\n \n\nAll were shot repeatedly with a .22-caliber pistol inside their mobile\n\n \n\nhome near Longview. Records indicate the killings may have been\n\n \n\ndrug-related. Kelly was convicted of capital murder 3n ‘connection with\n\n6a\n\nthe child's death.\n\nrs\n\n \n\n_\n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n66 yrs., murder Gregg Co-\n\noe) pace of Victim(s): Two white males and one\n\n \n\nwhite female",
       "Name: Sammie Felder Jr. D.R-# 550\n\nDOB: 8 /_23 / 45 Received: 6 / 29 / 76 Age: 30 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 2  / 26 yf 75\n\nAge at time of offense: 30 Race: black Height: 6-0\n\nWeight: 190 Eyes: Maroon Hair; Black\n\n \n\n \n\nTexas\n\nNative County: Williamson Stati\n\n   \n\nPrior Occupation: a+ tondant Education level: 7 years\n\nPrior prison record:\n\n#172765, received 5-20-63 from Williamson Co. with 2\n\n4urglary of an auto, discharged 12-18-64. #187661, received 1-21-66\n\n \n\ntence for\n\n \n\nwith S-year sentence for burglary, discharged 7-22-68. #204112, received\n\n-4=18-69 from Williamson Co. with 10-year sentence for burglary, paroled\n5-8-74 and discharged from sentence in January 1975.\nSummary: convicted in the February 1975 stabbing death of 42-year-old\n\nJames Hanks, a paraplegic living at the Independent Life style Apartment\n\nRoniTes ENHOUston: tacks was xepereeaiy Steubed WLERA pair of scissors\n\nand money taken from his apartment in the 5100 block of South Willow.\n\nFelder was working as an attendant at the complex—at—the—time—of—thre—marder\nHe was arrested by Idaho police for a traffic violation a month after the\nkilling. Felder’s 1976 conviction was-overturnet by—tin tr i t\nof Appeals because of an improperly admitted confession. He was again\n\nconvicted in September 1986 and sentenced to death a second time.\n\nSe\na\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n  \n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white male\n\npd \\",
       'Name: Kenneth Edward Gentry DR. #760\n\nDOB: 01/28/61 _ Received: _03/05/84 Age: 23. (when received)\nCounty:__Denton Date of Offense:_09 /10/83\n\nAge at time of offense: 22. Race:_white_ Height: 6-2\nWeight: 157 Eyes: _ green Hair: _brown\n\nNative County: _ Bartow State: _Georgia\n\nPrior Occupation: mechanic Education Level:_9 yrs. (GED)\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n   \n\nRace of Vietim(s): 4\n\ni',
       'Name: ‘Timothy Lane Gribble D.R.#. 929\n\nDOB: 8 / 27 / 63 Received: 1 / 11/89 Age: 25 (when\nCount, Galveston Date of Offense: 9 f° ©\nAge at time of offense: 24 Race: White Height: °"*°\nWeight: 204 Eyes: ive hair: PTO"?\n\nNative County: Cook State: Illinois\n\nPrior Occupation: _mechanic/roofer Education level:_!+ Years. |\n\nPrior prison record:\n\n#369474, received 1-11-84 from Galveston County with 5-year senten\nfor rape and false imprisonment, paroled under mandatory supervision\n5-31-85. _***Gribble has also been indicted in the June 13, 1987\n\nstrangulation death of Donna Weis in Galveston County.\n\nConvicted in the September 1987 rape and strangulation of\n\n‘Summar:\n\n \n\n36-year-old Elizabeth "Libby" Jones of Clear Lake Shores.\nGribble was working as a roofer at Jones’ home, which was\nbeing remodeled, at the time of the murder. He told police\nhe returned to the home at 304 Queen St. several hours after\nwork and raped Jones after she let him in to search for the\nbillfold he claimed to have left behind. He said he later\ndrove her to an isolated area near League City and strangled\nher with the sash from the robe she was wearing. Gribble was\narrested on 9-30-87 and led police to Jones\' remains after\nconfessing. Police found a cloth sash knotted around neck\nvertebrae at the site and later recovered Jones\' purse from\na nearby creek.\n\nCo-Defendants: ana\n\nprec\n\nee\nRace of Victim(s): white female',
       "Name: Gerald Dewight Casey D.R. #999013\n\nDOB: __01/15/55 Received: _11/15/9 Age: _36 (when rec'd).\nCounty: Montgomery Date of Offense: _07/10/89\n\nAge at time of offense: __34 Race: White Height: _5'9__\nWeight: _140 Eyes: Green _ Hair: Brown _\nNative County: Montgomery State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Iron worker ___ Education Level: _11 years (GED)\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n1a Smith W/ :\n\nfor theft, Ree, 11/25/91\n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite female",
       "D.R. #999041\n\nName: Cameron Todd Willingham ___\n\n \n\n \n\nDob: 1 /_9 / 68 Received: 9 / 21/9 Age: oa (when rec'd)\nCounty: Navarro Date of attensé:. 99/94 La\n\nAge at time of offense: 23 _ Race: white Heignt:_sa\nWeight: 177 Eyes:_brown Hair: prown\n\nNative County: carter State: oklahoma a\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: auto mechanic Education level: 10 yrs\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nReportedly sentenced to boot camp program at Oklahoma State Prison in\n\n \n\n1989. Released in 1990. 3\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the deaths of his three young children in a house\nfire. Killed in the house fire at 1213 West llth st. in Corsicana were\nAmber Louis Kuykendall, 2, and twins Karmon Diane Willingham, 1, and\nKameron Marie Willingham, 1. The defendant told authorties that the\n\nfire started while he and the children were asleep.\n\n \n\ninvestigation,\n\nhowever, revealed that it was intentionally set with a flammable\n\nliquid, He was arrested and charged in\n\n \n\ne €eatns on January 8, 1992.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Three white females",
       "Name: JAMES CARL LEE DAVIS D.R.# 786\n\n \n\n   \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\nDOB: 02/ 08 / 63 Received: 03 / 22 / 86 Age: 23 (when re\nCounty:__Travis Date of Offense: 03 / 03 / 84 _\nAge at time of offense: 21 Race: Black Height\n\nWeight: Eyes: Brown Hairz_ Black\n\nNative County: Travis State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Roofer Education level: 8-years\n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n  \n\nSummary: __Beat_to death three children, Evet Johnson, 15, Tyron Johnson, 6, and\nTom Johnson, 4, with a lead pipe during a burglary of their home. The Johnson's\n\nlived next door to Davis. Evet Johnson was raped and sodomized.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None.\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Black (1-female 2-males)",
       'Name: Robert Ronald Atworth ____ D.R. #999199\n\nDOB: 08/ 18/68 Received: _07/18 /96 Age: _27 (when received)\nCounty:__Dallas Date of Offense:_04 /02/95__\nAge at time of offense: ___26 Race:__white Height:_6-\nWeight: __170 Eyes: _ blue Hair: _brown\n\nNative County: _ Seattle State: _Washington\n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education Level:_11 yrs. (GED)\n\nPrior Prison Record =\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite male_',
       "Name: Gary Lynn Sterling p.rR.g 932\n\nQu. 7 /_25 /_67 — Received: 2 / 9 7 89 age: 24 (when rec'c\n\nCounty: Navarro Date of Offense: 5 =f 13 7 88\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nAge at time of offense Race: black Height: 6-1\nWeight:__176 Hair; black\nNative County: Hill State; T*@s\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: farm worker\n\n \n\n  \n\n~~ Convicted in the May 1988 robbery and murder of 72-year-old\nJohn Wesley Carty. Carty and 52-year-old Deloris June smith\nwere abducted from Carty's home and driven to an isolated\narea of Navarro County and killed. Carty suffered blows to\nthe head with a bumper jack. A car, television, shotgun and\nlantern were stolen from Carty's house. Sterling confessed\nto the murders and led authorities to the bodies of Carty\nand smith.\nLater, Sterling also admitted his involvement in the May 17,\n1988 murders of William Manuel Porter, 72, and Leroy Porter,\n70, in Hill County.\n\nCo-Defendants: unknown\n\no\n\nRace of Victim(s): white male",
       "Name: Granville Riddle D.R.# 965\n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\npoB:_6_/_17/ 69 Received: 2 / 21 7 99 Age: 20 (when rec'c\nCounty; Potter Date of Offense: 10 / 9 / 88 -\n\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race: white\n\nWeight: 166 Eyes: brown Hair; brown :\n\nNative County: Hutchinson State: Texas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: electrician helper Education level: _8 years (GED)\n\nPrior prison recor:\n\n \n\nTDC #478917, rec. 4-20-88 from Potter Co. with 7-year sentence for\n\nburglary of a building, paroled 6-29-88.\n\n \n\n \n\niy Summary; Convicted in the murder of 39-year-old Ronnie Hood Bennett of\nAmarillo. Riddle broke in to Bennett's home at 1914 S. Fairfield and '\nbeat the victim to death with a tire tool. Bennett's wallet and\npickup truck were stolen from the residence. The pickup was found\n\nburned the next day in a ravine outside of Borger. Riddle was arrester\n\nfive days after the murder following a statement to police from the\nman who drove Riddle to the residence.\n* Riddle escaped from’the Potter Co. Jail on 2-24-69 while attending.\na substance abuse class in the dining room. He was recaptured on\nwth of Amarillo on Hwy. 36. He had a .22-caliber\n\nvisie in tie posiceeion. the gun was traced to a residence Riddle—nat—\nCo-Defendants: burglarized during his flight. §\n\n——An_lizyear-old man who drove Riddle to Bennett's residence was initially\n\nnace of Victim(s): white male\ni\n\n \n\n®",
       "Name: Edward Lewis Lagrone Dek. #999083\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nBros: 373 7457 Received: 12/ 7 / 93 Age:__ 36 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Tarrant Date of offense: 5 /_ 30/91\nAge at time of offense: 34 Race:__ black Height: 5-10\n“Weight: 206 Eyes:| brows. Hair:_black\nNative Count. BBeEANe _y State:__Texas\nPrior Occupation: Cook Education level: 20 yrs. (GED)\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nTDCI #269208, rec. 6/14/77, 20 yrs., murder, Tarrant Co., discharged\n\n \n\n10/24/84.\n\n \n\n \n\n&\n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in connection with the shotgun slayings of three\n\n \n\npeople, including a 10-year-old girl. Killed were Shakiesha Lloyd, 10,\n\n \n\nZenobia Anderson, 87, and Caroline Lloyd, 80. The two elder victims\n\n \n\nwere the aunts of Dempsey Lloyd, the father of Shakiesha, who was also\n\n \n\nshot but survived. Dempsey Lloyd told police that Lagrone shot him as\n\n \n\nhe opened the door to his home at 2004 Amanda St. Lagrone then went\n\n \n\nthrough the house, shooting the other three victims. Records indicate\n\n \n\nthe young girl may have been pregnant by Lagrone\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None indicated\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Three black females",
       "Name: William Kendrick Burns. D.R. # 692\n\nDOB: _ 07/04/58 Received: 10/12/81. Age: _23 (when rec’d)\nCounty: Bowie Date of Offense: _03/28/81\nAge at time of offense: _22 Race: Black Height: _5'7__\nWeight: _145 Eyes: _Brown Hair: _Black\nNative Count y: Bowie State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Laborer ___ Education Level: 12 years _\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNone\n\n \n\nSummary:\n\nSentenced to die for the March 1981 murder of Johnny Lynn Hamlett, 18, who was killed while\nworking the night shift at a w. i i wi i\n\nrobbed of $110,\n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite male",
       "Name; Jeffrey Lynn Williams _ D.R. #999154\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n+ pos: 29, 15/72 Received: /_/ Age:_ 23 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Harris Date of offense: 10/26 /94\nAge at time of offense: 23 Race: black Height: 579\nWeight: 192 Eyes: brown Hair: black\nNative County: Harris _ State: _mexas |\nPrior Occupation: cook _ _ Education level: 9 years\n\nPrior prison record:\nOCT #520899, Ee. 9/4B/89, Harris Co. it Yrs.) bogravated assault\n\nied, j\nParoled 1/30/90, ™DGy #555739, rec. 7/18/90, Harris Co., 10 yrs.\nFea\n“a UUMV, paroled to Harris co. 4/26/91. TDGY #593460, rec. 8/20/91, Harris\n\nCo., auto theft, 25 yrs., paroled to Harris Co. 3/11/94.\n\nSummary: Convicted in the rape and strangulation of Barbara Jackson\nPullins inside her Houston apartment. Williams forced his way inside\n\nPullins' apartment at knifepoint, forced her to disrobe, and raped\n\nher, He then tried to suffocate her by placing a plastic baq over her\nhead. When that failed, he strangled her with a telephone cord. after\nburning her body. with a cigarette to make sure she was dead, Williams\nattempted to set her body afire by igniting a roll of paper towels.\nWilliams then moved to a bedroom where he found the victim's 9-year-old_\ndaughter. She was raped and beaten, but survived)to/ID Williams. williams\n\ntook several i\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\ntems from the apartment and drove off in Pullins' car.",
       '»\nName: HERMAN ROBERT CHARLES CLARK, JR. D.R.# 715\npop: 07 / 26 / 46 Received: 06 / 17 / 82 Age: 36 (when rec\'d\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 04 104 / 81\nAge at time of offense: 35 Race: Slack Height: 5°11"\nWeight: 1 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black\nNative County: Childress State: Texas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: Manager, Houston\n\nPrior prison record:\n06/23/66 #189882 _5-yrs/Robber:\n\n04/01/70 #209546 4-yrs/Burglary Tarrant Co.\n12/15/72_#228730 10-yrs/Burglary Tarrant Co\n\nPlastic Products Education level: 14 years,\n\n& Burglary Tarrant Co. Disch:02/17/69\n\nDisch: 12/20/71\n\n \n\n \n\nParoled to Harris Co. 05/05/77\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: =\nClark was sentenced to die for the April 4,\nMcClain. = At approximately 3 a.m. Clark bi\nblock of Clarewood and awoke the victim,\nson.\n\n2 weeks after this\nrobbed the male victim and\n\nthe female victim\'s ten year old daughter. Severs\nraped and sodamized both the\ndaughter. Clark adnitted terrorizing more than\nburglaries and often sexually assaulting the wane\n\nan apartment,\n\n \n\n \n\n|\ney\n\nCo-Defendants: None.\n\nRace of Victim(s): unknown\n\nee\n\n \n\n  \n\n \n\n1981 murder of ba\nroke into McClain\'s\nhis girlfriend,\n\ntender Joseph Edvard\napartment in the 3200 ——\nPaulette Spies, and her\n\nHe burglarized the apartment, and was attempting to rape Spies when a three--——\nsway fight over Clark\'s pistol ensued,\n\nthe am, and McClain was fatally shot in the\nincident,\n\nDuring the struggle, Spies was shot in\nchest. Court records show that approximately ———\nClark burglarized anather apartment during which he\nraped the famale victim, He also raped and sodamized ——\n| months Tater Clark again burglarized\ncomplainant and her eleven year old\n100 “families during late night.\n\n \n\nil Texas\nfexi7] 15)\n282 |',
       "21)\nName: Clifford X. Phillips p.R.#__ 723\n\npop: 127° 2 / 34 Received: 9 / 28 7 82 Age: 47 (when rec'd)|\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: __! a8 82\n\nAge at time of offense: 47 Race: black Height: 5-7\n\nWeight: 155 Eyes: Prown Hair: Ptack\n\nNative County: Eric State: New York\n\nPrior Occupation general contractor Education level: 7 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nNo prior TDC record, but convicted of second-degree manslaughter in\n\n \n\nOssining, NY. in November 1972 and sentenced to 5 to 15 years. Granted\n\n \n\na conditional release on 1-12-76.\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the January 1982 strangulation death of 58-year-old\n\n \n\nIris Siff, managing director of the Alley Theater in Houston. Phillips,\n\n \n\na former security guard at the theater, said he had gone to Siff's\n\n \n\noffice on Jan. 13 to rob her, but was forced to kill her in self-\n\n \n\ndefense when she allegedly attacked him. Siff was found dead in\n\n \n\nher office. She had been strangled to death with a telephone cord.\n\n \n\nTestimony showed Phillips stole Siff's television, fur coat, jewelry,\n\n \n\ntote bag and Lincoln Continental after the killing. He was arrested\n\n \n\nin Los Angeles about three weeks after the slaying.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:___None &\nRace of Victim(s): hite female e\n\n \n\n|",
       "4 4?\n\nCP \\9h\nName; Jesus Romero Jr. oh peg 80\npop:_2 / 3 / 65 Received: 7 / 24/85 Age:_20 (when rec'd\nCounty: meron Date of Offense: 12 / 24 / 84\nAge at time of offense: 19 Height: _°-©\nWeight: 128 Eyes; brown Hair: Plack\nNative County: Cameron State: Texas\nPrior Occupation:_laborer Education level:_ ‘+ Years (GED)\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\n\nSummary: Convicted in the December 1984 rape-slaying of 15-year-old\n\nOlga Perales near San Benito. Romero and three co-defendants drove\n\n \n\nPerales to a remote location 1.3 miles west of State Highway 2520 where\n\n \n\nn beaten around the head with a pipe and\n\n \n\nshe was raped repeatedly and tl\n\n \n\n>, Her nude body was found the\n\nstabbed twice in the chest with a kni\n\n \n\n \n\nsame day in a brushy area off Kilgore Road.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: pavis Lozado, H/M, DOB: 4-28-65. Jose F. Cardenas, H/M,\nDOB: 1-7-68. Rafael Leyva Jr., H/M, DOB: 2-14-69. Lozado and Cardenas\nwere convicted of capital murder, Lozado #798, was received 6-20-85 under\na death sentence. Cardenas #400528 waS received 1=3-85 witha tite\n\nRace of Victim(s): tence. Leyva #403717 was received 8-21-85 with a 20-year\nsentence fOr Sexual assauity\n\n(Hispanic female)",
       'Name: ___MARKUM DUFF-SMITH D.R.# 694\n\nDOB: 01 / 14 / 47 Received: 10_/ 20/81 Age: 34 (when rec’\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 10 / 15/75\nAge at time of offense: 28 Race: White Height: 5\'9"\nWeight: 146 Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown\n\nNative County: Tarrant State: Texas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: Insurance Investor Education level: 14 years\nnestor LS\n\nPrior prison record: 4\nNone\nee el\npees Ae\nTEXAS\n\nSummary: _Duff-Smith was convicted for his part in the October 15, 1975 strangulation\nceath of “his wealthy adoptive mother, Gertrude Duff-Snith Tabolio, at har River Oaks ne tra\ntwo_accanplices, Duff-Smith hired Allen Wayne _Janecka_to kill his mother so he could collect his\ninheritance. Duff-Snith praised to pay Janecka and co-conspirator Paul Na@onald a total of $10,000\nfor_the murder. Court records show that Duff-Smith also wanted his stepfather, Dow Zabolio, killed\nat. the ‘same time, but he had traveled to Austria on business. Mrs. Zabolio\'s death wis originally\nTuled a_suicide_based_on_two suicide notes found in her bedronm. A “practice” panty hose tied in\nin a loop was also found in her dresser drawer. Duff-Smith was not arrested in the case until 1979\n\nwhen_he_was suspected of _mastenminding the murders of his sister and brother-in-law, Diana_and John\nWanstrath, and their 14-month-old son, Kevin, to gain control of their estate. The probe into Gertrude\nZabolio\'s death was then reopened and police _leamed Duff-Smith had told a friend about how he arranged\nto have his mother killed. Dow Zabolio testified that she and her son often argued over her refusal\n\nto finance his lavish lifestyle.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n  \n\n   \n  \n\n  \n\nCo-Defendants: e\nPaul MacDonald 2710/6 (WM 06/81 16-yrs/Murder Fi ; ed II/04/@4 (testified\nagainst Duff-Smith in his mothers murder) Walter A. Waldhauser Jr., a close friend of Duff-Snith\'s\nWho ‘solicited MacDonald and Janecka in the Zabolio killing and accompanied Janecka when the Wanstraths\n\nwere_killed, pleaded quilty to Murder (3) and was sentenced to 30-yrs. Waldhauser, #323593 _(W/M)\nDOB: 09/02/53 was received from Harris Co. 08/25/81.\n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\n \n\n     \n\n \n\nWhite Female',
       'Name: Henry EarlDunn = CéLR, #999165.\n\n@ DOB:07/29/74_ Received: _10/11/95_ ‘Age: 21. (when received)\nCounty:__ Smith Date of Offense:_11/30/93\nAge at time of offense: __19 Race:_black Height: 5-7\nWeight: __145 Eyes: _brown Hair: _black\nNative County: Gregg State: Texas 4.\nPrior Occupation: cook/janitor________ Education Level: 10 years _\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n==\n\nSummary:\n\n   \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\n@  iiisoasi',
       'Name: Jessy Carlos San Miguel D.R. #999008\n\nGW dowoosm Received 082091 Age: 19 (when received)\nCounty:__Dallas Date of Offense:_01/26/91\nAge at time of offense:_19 Race: Hispanic. —_Height:.5-7\n\nWeight: 180 Eyes: __brown Hair: _black\nNative County: _ Pierce State: Washington\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education Level_10 years\n\nPrior Prison Record é 8\nND\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\n \n\n‘Unknown _\nG',
       "Michael Patrick Moore DLR. #999126\n\n   \n\n \n\noe. 9 /_16/ 63 Received: 41/4 /94 _ Age: 31 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Coryell bate of offense: 2/26/94\nAge at time of offense: 30 Race: white Height: 5-9\nWeight: 160 Eyes brown Nair: brown .\nNative County: Onondaga State: New York\n\nPrior Occupation\n\n \n\npainter\n\n   \n\nPrior prison retard:\n\nSummary: Convicted in the stabbing death of Christa E. Bentley during\n\nthe burglary of her home. _\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n  \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Unknown",
       "*\n\nExecuted 2/9/96\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName; Leo Ernest Jenkins Jr. #105 pag P?\n\nDOB:_10/_12 / 57 Received: 3 / 1 7 90 Age: 32 (when rec'd\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 1 88\n\nAge at time of offense: 30 Race: white 5-10\nWeight: 182 Eyes; brown Hair: red\n\nNative County: Cuyahoga State: Ohio\n\nPrior Occupation: mechanic Education level: 10 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nTDC #338601, rec. 7-6-82 from Harris Co. with 5-year sentence for burglary\n\nof a habitation WIC theft, paroled to Travis Co. 2-1-83. TDC #361995, rec.\n\n \n\n8-24-83 from Harris Co. with 9-year sentence for burglary of bldg. WIC theft,\n\nreleased under mandatory supervision to Orange Co. on 1-29-88.\n\n \n\nGP sary: Convicted in the August 1988 shooting deaths of Kara Denise Voss\n\n¢\n\nand her brother Mark Brandon Kelley during the robbery of a Houston pawn\nshop. The brother and sister were working at the Golden Nuggett at 9822\nAirline Dr. when Jenkins and co-defendant Eugene Hart entered around Z7p-m.\n\nJenkins approached the counter and told Voss he was interested in placing-\ncd\n\n \n\na rifle in layaway. As Voss was preparing the lawaway Slip, Jenkins-pr\n\n \n\na .22-caliber pistol and shot her in the head. Jenkins then shot Kelley\nin the face and head. The co-defendants took several trays of jewelry\n\nbefore fleeing. Jenkins confessed the crime to police following his ana —\n\n \n\noo”:\n\nHart's arrest on Sept. 1, 1988.\nCo-Defendant:\n\n \n\na Y\n\nEugene Hart #541604, W/M, DOB: 12/17/56, Rec. 3/26/90\nLife, murder (2) & credit card abuse, Harris Co.\n\nRace of Victim(s):\neee",
       "Name: Kelsey Patterson D.R. # 999065\n\n \n\n \n\n     \n\n@ vos: 3, 247 54 Received: 7/7/93 Age:_39 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Anderson Date of offense:_9 / 25 /_a2\nAge at time of offense: af Race:__ black\n“Weigh Eyes: brown Hair:_ black\nNative County: Anderson State: texas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: Education level:\n\nPrior prison record:\n\n \n\n \n\n  \n\nSummary: Convicted in the killings of Louis i = er\n\nof Oates Oil Co. in Palestine, and business secretary Dorothy Harris, 41.\n\nOates was standing on the loading dock of his business at 507 Ww. Reagan\n\n \n\n \n\nwhen Patterson walked up behind him and shot him with a S=caliber pistol.\nPatterson walked away after the shooting but re. d is in\nthe head when she came outside and began Screaming, Patterson then walked\n\n \n\na short distance to a friend's house, put down the gun, and took off his\nclothes. He was standing naked in the street when arrested. A motive in\nthe murders was unclear, but a friend of Oates told police that Patterson\nand the victim had once argued over who was a better football player,\nCo-Defendants: Patterson or Oates' son.\n\nNo_co-defendants\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): One white male, one white female",
       'LES\n\n \n\n& 2-3-9\n\nName: Karla Faye Tucker = D.R.#777\n@ DOB: 11/18/59 Received: _12/18/84 Age: 25. (when received)\n\nCounty:___Harris Date of Offense:_06 /13/83\nAge at time of offense: __23 Race_white Height 5-3\nWeight __121 Eyes: _ brown Hair _black\nNative County: _ Harris State:_ Texas\nPrior Occupation: office worker Education Level:7 years\n\n \n \n \n    \n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nN\n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nDaniel Ryan Garrett #779, W/M, DOB. 4/25/46, rec. 1/10/85. Convicted of capital murder and\nsentenced to death. Died of liver disease while on bench warrant to Harris County in June 1993,\n\n \n\n \n\n@ race of Victim(s):\nOne white male, one white female',
       'Name: NOBLE MAYS D.R.# 674\nDOB:_og / 15 / 53 Received: 11 /_07 / 80 Age: 27 (when rec\'d\nCounty: _Denton/Wilbarger sé of Of fens 04 07 79\n\nAge at time of offense: 26 Race: white Height: 6\'2"\n\nWeight: 185 Eyes: brown Hair: black\n\nNative County: Galveston State: Texas\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: ghneck Education level: 15 yrs\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\n#229651 rec\'d: 01/27/73 18-yrs/robbery by firearms, robbery by assault\n\nand robbery. Paroled to Young County 01/17/78\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Mays convicted in the April 7, 1979 stabbing death and robbery\n\nof Jerry Lamb in Wichita Falls. Lamb was stabbed three times with\n\n \n\na knife after being robbed of his money and chased from his car by\n\nMays and co-defendant James Thomas Moore, 27.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: James Thomas Moore, 27, dob: 08/01/54 45-years/murder\n\nReceived 02/07/80 from Wichita Co. #301134\n\n  \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): unknown',
       '‘Name: James Paul Collier D.R. #999190\n\nDOB: 01/07/47 Received: _05/03/96_\n\nCounty:__Wichita\nAge at time of offense:__48\n\nWeight: __170 —— Eyes: hazel _\n\nNative County: Wichita\n\nAge: 49_\nDate of Offense:_ 03/14/95\nRace:_white Height 5-11\nHair: _brown\nState: _Texas\n\n(when received)\n\nPrior Occupation: carpenter Education Level:_7 years (GED)\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite female, white male',
       "_'TSZ*~CS*~=~\n\nName; Jerome Butler 852\n\nvos: * /_7 / 76 — Receivea: 12 7 26 , 86\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCounty: BAFESS Date of Offense:\nAge at time of offense: 50 Race: black\nWeight: 141 Eyes: Hazel Hair: Black\nNative County: Harris State: Texas\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: delivery driver 9 years (GED)\n\nEducation level:\n\n \n\nPrior arrest record: Butler has an extensive list of arrests in the\nState of New York. Charges include several counts of attempted robbery,\nassault, and one count of rape. He was sentenced to Sing Sing Prison —\nin Ossining, New York in 1959 on charges of robbery, attempted sexual\nassault and accessory to rape. Length of sentence: 23 to 47 years. 7\nParoled from New York to Harris County, Tx. on 9-13-72.\n\nPrior TDC record: 1-22-74, #237428, received from Harris County with\n30-year sentence for murder with malice aforethought. Discharged with —\nhold on 3-19-84.\n\nSummary:\n\n \n\n—Crime summary: Butler was convicted of capital murder in the shooting —\ndeath of 67-year-old Nathan Oakley, a Houston cab driver, on June 17,\n—1986. Butler hailed Oakley's cab at the intersection of Blodgett and’ —\n\nScott at 4 p.m. After riding a short distance, Butler pulled out a\n—pistol and shot Oakley three times in the back of the head. The pros- —\necutor said Oakley's pockets were turned inside out and all his money\n—Was missing. Oakley, who drove a Skyjack cab, was believed to have  _\n\nbeen carrying more than $300.\n\n“Prosecutors said Butler may have killed Oakley because the cab driver\n_tecognized him as the man who killed his good friend, A.C. Johnson, _.\nin 1973. Ironically, State District Judge Wallace Moore presided over\nboth the Johnson murder case and the Oakley capital murder case. _\n\nCo-Defendants: None\n\n \n\nee Race of Victim(s): black male #\nTEXAS",
       "Clyde smith, Jr. D.R. # 999088\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName:\n\n@ os: 8) 34 73 Received: 1 / 14 / 93 Age:__2° (when rec'd)\nCounty: Harris Date of offense: 2 / © + 92\n\na ts\n\nAge at time of offense: 18 Race:_black Height: -°\n“Weight: 191 Eyes:_ brown Hair:__black\nNative County: Detroit 4 State: Michigan\nPrior Occupation: Security Education level:_° YrS- (GED\n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the murder of Yellow Cab driver David Jacobs in\nHouston. Jacobs picked up Smith at the Hyatt Regency and was told to\ndrive to a deserted area, where he was shot three times in the head\n\nSmith is also charged in the March 1992 killing of United Cab driver\n\nVictor Bilton in Houston\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants None\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): Not indicated",
       "Name: Kia Levoy Johnson D.R. #_999139\n\n \n\n \n\n@ pos: 12 7 23/64 Received: 3 /_14 /95 Age:_30 (when rec'd)\nCounty:___Bexar Date of offense: 10 /_29/ 93\nAge at time of offense: 28 Race:~_black Height: 6-2\nWeight: 160 Eyes: brown Hair:__black\nNative County: - State: iaRee\nPrior Occupation: cook Education level: - 12 yrs\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nTDCI _$538329, rec, 3/2/90\nparoled to Bexar Co. 9/24/90, ret'd as PV 2/21/92, paroled to Bexar\n\nBexar Co., 10 yrs., burg. of habit WICT\n\nCo. 11/20/92.\n@-\n\nSummary: Convicted in the robbery and _muré:\nWilliam Matthew Rains, night manager of a Stop N Go convenience store\n\n \n\n¢ 32-year-old\n\nat 3309 Hillcrest in San Antonio. Rains was shot in the —abdomen— th-\n\nat .32-caliber pistol in a robbery that netted Johnson $23 from th =\n\n \n\nstore cash register. The robbery and shooting were captured_on—————\n\nvideo tape by a store surveillance camera. =\n\n     \n\nCo-Defendants:___ None ——____——",
       'Name: AUA LAUTI D.R.# 843\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nDOB: 06 /_18 / 54 Received: 09 / 18 / 86 Age: 32 pen\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 12/19 / 85\nAge at time of offense: 31 Race: _Samoian Height: 5110"\nWeight: 225 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black\n\nNative County: State: American Samoa\n\nPrior Occupation:__Landscaping Education level: 11 yrs\n\nPrior prison record:\nHawaii/Rape 1985 4-yrs\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: _Lauti_was convicted of capital murder in the beating/stranyelation death\n\nof his 9-year-old cousin, Tara Lauti on December 19, 1985. Evidence showed thet\n\n \n\nLauti, despondent over a breakup with his girlfriend, kidnapped his cousin from\n\nher father\'s home and drove he: to a field where she was beaten, sexually assav ti\n\n \n\nand strangled. Police said Lauti knocked the girl unconscious with his fist while\nabducting her from the hore at 11015 Naple Rock in Northeast Harris County and\nthen twice more knocked her unconscious by hitting her on the head with a beer\nbottle and Fitting her in the chest with his fist. She died of a skull fracture,\n\nstrengulation, and a crushed right chest.\n\n \n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSor\n\nRace of Victim(s): Unkrewn',
       'DOB: 08/26/67 Received: _02/14/90 Age: 22. (when received)\nCounty:__Dawson Date of Offense:_ 03/18/89\nAge at time of offense:__2 Race:_white Height: 5-1)\n\nWeight: 175 Eyes: _ hazel Hair: _blonde\nNative County: _ Bell State: _Texas\nPrior Occupation: diesel mechanic Education Level:_L1 years\n\nPrior Prison Record.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nWhite female J ________',
       'JOHN R. THOMPSON, #610\n\nExecution date: July 8, 1987\n\nPrevious execution dates: 1-7-86, stayed by Bexar County district\ncourt; 1-28-87, stayed by U.S. Distriét Court in San Antonio.\n\nDate of birth: 1-27-55 (31) Race: white Home county: Bexar\nCounty of conviction: Bexar Date received: 9-25-78\nFormer occupation: Laborer\n\nPrevious TDC record: Received 4-25-75 on six-year sentence for\nburglary of habitation and theft over $200 from Bexar County.\nParoled 2-17-77 to Guadalupe County.\n\nPrior arrest record: Record shows arrests dating back to 1972\nfor auto theft, robbery, possession of paraphernalia, unlawful\ncarrying of a weapon, burglary and theft.\n\ncrime summary: Thompson was convicted of capital murder in the\nMay 1977 shooting death of 70-year-old Mary Kneupper during a\nrobbery attempt at her mini-storage business in San Antonio.\nKneupper was shot in the neck with a .45-caliber pistol and\nlater died at a San Antonio hospital.',
       'Name: PEDRO CRUZ MUNIZ\n\nD.R.# 575\n\nDOB: 09 /__25 / 56 Received: 10/07/77 Age:_21 (when rec\'d\n\nCounty: Williamson\nAge at time of offense: 20\nWeight: 152 Eyes:_ Brown\nNative County: Williamson\nPrior Occupation: Laborer\n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\nDate of Offense: 12/20/76\nRace: Hispanic ‘Height: 5\'4"\nHair: Black\n\nState: Texas\n\nEducation level: 10 yrs\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Muniz was sentenced to die for the December, 1976 Rape/Murder of 19-year-old\n\nvanis Carol Bickham, a student at Southwestern University in Georgetown.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None ™\n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): White female 19',
       "oD\n\n  \n\n \n\nRichard Wayne Jones p.r.g 282\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName:\n\npop: 4 / 9 / 60 Received: 8 / 31 / 87 Age:__27 (when rec'd\nCounty: Tarrant Date of Offense: 2 / 19 / 88\nAge at time of offense: 25 white, Height: _ 6-2\n\nWeight: 184 Eyes: Blue Blonde\n\nNative County: Tarrant State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: construction worker Education level: 12 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record: .\nDC #288688, received from Tarrant Co, 2-15-79 with concurrent 7-year and\n\n5-year sentences for theft over $200 and burglary of a habitation, paroled\n\nto Tarrant Co. 8-12-81. #362465, returned as parole violator 9-2-83 with\n\nnew conviction for aggravated robbery, paroled under mandatory supervision\n\nto Ellis Co. on 10-2-85.\n\nSummary: Convicted in the February 1986 abduction and stabbing death of\n\n27-year-old Tammy Livingston of Hurst. Livingston was reported missing\n\non the day of the murder. Her body, which her killer had attempted to set\n\nafire after the stabbing, was found inside a residence at 4600 Randal Mill\n\nRd. in Fort Worth. Jones was arrested two days after the murder when he\n\nattempted to have his girlfriend cash a personal check stolen from\n\nLivingston.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:_ Jones’ girlfriend, Yelena Comalander W/F, DOB: 8/7/67, was\n\ncharged with forgery, but disposi\neeghergecewteh APNG NN lag\n|\n\ntion unknown.\n\na\n\nRace of Victim(s): white female\n\nne F\ni",
       "tame Kevin Christopher Kincy DR. ¢ 999179\n\n   \n\n    \n\n \n\n \n\nov 11 31788 Received: 27 29 796 ° age: 27 (when recta)\nCounty: Harris — _ Date of offense: 3/26/93 __\nAge at time of offense: _ Race:_Ptack Weight: 972°\n140 brown black ~\n\n       \n   \n \n\nWeight: Eyes:\n\n \n\nNative County: Harris\n\nseh a\n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: roughneck Education level: 12 yrs.\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\n‘TDCI _ #425901, rec. 7/9/86, Harris Co., 10,yrs., att. murder, released on\n\nshock probation 11/7/86. TDCI #444748, rec. 2/25/87, Harris.Co., 6 yrs.,\n\n \n\nburg m release to Travis Co.\n\n \n\n£ motor vehicle WH\n\n \n\nndatory supervisi\n\n \n\n \n\n12/23/88. TDCI #523638, 10/11/89, Harris Co., 15 yrs., del. of cocaine,\nparoled to Harris Co. 12/3/91.\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\n_Convicted in the robbery and murder of Jerome Samuel Harville\n\n     \n\nin Houston. Kincy and his cousin and co-defendant Charlotte Marie Kincy\n\n \n\n \n\n_went to Harville's home at 530 Grove with the intent to rob him. Harville,\n\n   \n\nan Exxon employee, let the two inside b\n\nause he know Charlotte. Once\n\n \n\n \n\ninside, Kevin Kincy pulled a .25 caliber revolver and shot Harville in the\n\n \n\nhead, He and Charlotte then loaded up Harville's car with several items\n\nfrom the home, including stereo equipment, furniture, and a 9nm pistol,\n\n   \n\n     \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\nand fled. Kincy later bragged to friends about the killing and showed off\n\nthe stolen pistol. He was finally arrested after leading police on a high\n\nspeed chase from Orangé; TX. to Sulpher, LA.\nCo-Defendants: Charlotte Marie Kincy, B/F, DOB: 1/21/60. Rec. 1/16/96,\n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n   \n\nv Harris Co., 40 years, aggravated robbery.",
       'Be bewtil 9.97\n\nV8\nName: Emest Orville Baldree ss DR.#.855\n\nDOB: 03/27/42 Received: _12/10/86 ‘Age: 43_ (when received)\n‘County:__Navarro Date of Offense:_08/20/86\n\nAge at time of offense. _44 Race:_white Height: 5-9 __\nWeight: __174 — Eyes: hazel ____ Hair: blonde _\n\nNative County: Leon State: _ Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: construction worker Education Level:_7 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\na\nRace of Victim(s):\n\n1 fe ms “a TEXAS hw',
       'Name: James Eugene Bigby DLR. #99\n\n@ DOB:04/08/55 _ Received: _05/10/91_ ‘Age: 36 (when received)\nCounty: Tarrant Date of Offense:__12/24/87\nAge at time of offense: _32 Race:_white  _ Height:_$-5\n\nWeight: 167 Eyes: _brown Hair: _brown\nNative County: _ Tarrant State: _Texas\nPrior Occupation: auto mechanic Education Level:.9 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\noN »\nCi a q ba ir\nff\nPiel —\nRace of Victim(s):\n\n \n\nTwo white males\n@',
       "a=\n\nae Co\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: James Emery Paster 752\npop: 1 / 30 / 45 Received: 11 / 22 / 83 Age:__ 38 (when\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 10 / 25 / 8°\nAge at time of offense: 35 Race: white Height: °~8\nWeight: 156 Eyes: brown Hair; Brown\nNative County:__ Hamilton State: unis\n\ni i cook 12 years\nPrior Occupation: Education level:\n\n \n\nPrior prison record: .\n\n \n\nNo prior TDC record, but Paster received three life sentences in\n— Alabama in 1982 on charges of robbery, assault‘and burglary. He —\nalso served time for assault in San Quentin, but escaped in 1971\n\nCrime summary: Paster was convicted of capital murder in the shooting\ndeath of 38-year-old Robert Edward Howard in Houston on Oct. 25, 1980.\nHoward was shot in the head outside a southeast Houston lounge where\nPaster worked. Testimony supported allegations that Howard's ex-wife,\nTrudy, hired Paster to kill her former husband for $1,000. She was\nconvicted of murder w/deadly weapon and sentenced to life in prison.\nTrudy LeBlanc Howard #423548 was received on 6-6-86 and is assigned\nto the Mountain View Unit. LaBlanc's husband, Edward LeBlanc, 32, was\nconvicted of murder in the case and sentenced to life in prison. He\nwas received 1-23-85.\n\nAlong with Paster, Edward LeBlanc's brother, 40-year-old Gary L.\nLeBlanc, and 38-year-old Stephen McCoy were implicated in the\ncontract slaying of Howard as well as the January 1981 rape/strang-\nulation death of 18-year-old Cynthia Johnson of Conroe and the\nNovember 1980 rape/stabbing death of 27-year-old Diane Trevino\nOliver near Channelview. Gary LeBlanc testified for the state and\nwas given a 35-year sentence for murder. LeBlanc #428199 was rec-\neived from Harris Co. on 8-6-86. McCoy was sentenced to death in\nthe Johnson murder and has had two execution dates, 12-16-86 and\n6-25-87, stayed. Paster was also given a life sentence in the\nJohnson murder.\n\nRace of Victim(s): Unknown €, &\n\nseria",
       "Name: Peter J. Miniel / aKA Peter Hernande. D.R.# 920\nbol 6 / 23 / 62 Received: 11 / 9 / 99 Age: 26 (when rec'c\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 5/9 —/ 86\nAge at time of offense: 54 Race: Hispanic Height: 5-7\nWeight: 190 Eyes:_ brown Hair:_prown\nNative County: cook State: Tllinois\nPrior Occupation: construction Education level: 9 years\nPrior prison record:\n01 convictions in linois for thef:\n\n \n\ndisorderly conduct, unlawful weapon possession and aggravated battery.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the May 1986 slaying and robbery of 20-year-old\n\nPaul Manier at Manier's North Harris County apartment. Miniel\nand co-defendant James Russell reportedly met Manier's room-\nmate in Galveston and returned the apartment at 220 North Point\nto drink beer and smoke marijuana. When Manier's roommate fell\nasleep, Miniel and Russell attacked the victim, striking him in\nthe head with a heavy glass beer mug, stabbing him 39 times in\nthe neck and back with knives, and beating him about the head\nwith a automobile shock absorber. Miniel and Russell then stole\nthe victim's wallet, which contained §20, and a stereo system\nfrom the apartment. They then reportedly cleaned up and went\nout for a hamburger.\n\nMiniel fled to Indiana and then to Chicago, Illinois where he\nwas arrested May 22, 1986 while in possession of a sawed-off\nshotgun. Part of the stolen stereo system was recovered in\nChicago from a neighbor of Miniel who bought it from him for\n$100. The rest of the stereo system was recovered in Huntsville,\nTx. after Miniel gave police an oral confession. Russell, who\nfled to Brookshire, Tx. following the murder, testified against\nCo-Defendants: Miniel in exchange for a 50-year prison sentence.\n\nJames Warren Russell, Jr., #468362, W/M, DOB: 6-21-64. Received 12-14-87\nfrom Harris Co. with 50-year sentence for murder w/deadly weapon\n\nRace of Victim(s): White male",
       'i247\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nPUIG\nNAME: Torry Washington 0 Raa\nDOB: 09 / 42 / 63 RECEIVED: 34 _ 3 a7 AGE:_94 (WHEN REC\'D) |\nour: Walker (COV from Brazos _ DATE OF OFFENSE: 01/15) 87\nAGE AT TIME OF OFFENSE: 23 _ RACE: Black Ss HEIGHT: _5\'6""\nWEIGHT: 150_ EYES: brown HAIR: black\nNATIVE COUNTY: Brazos STATE: Texas\n\n \n\nPRIOR OCCUPATION: dishwasher EDUCATION LEVEL: 9 years\n\nPRIOR PRISON RECORD: DC #323949, received 9/2/81 from Brazos Co. with 7 year sentence\n\nfor Unautho:\n\n \n\n \n\ned Use of a Motor Vehicle, released on shock probation 12/17/81, returned\nas_shock probation violator 3/3/83, paroled under mandatory supervision 3/3/86.\n\nSUMMARY: Convicted in the Jai\n\n \n\nry 1987 robbery-slaying of 29 year old Beatrice Louise\n\nHuling, manager of Julie\'s Place restaurant at 607 Texas Avenue in College Station.\n\n \n\nWashingt\n\n \n\n \n\non, a dishwasher at the restaurant, stabbed Huling 85 times after closing and\n\nthen stole $628 from the restaurant safe and cash register. Witnesses reported seeing\n\n \n\n \n\nGaestingeon with several’ $100 bills days after the murder. Police also discovered Huling\'s\n\n \n\nblood on the pants and boot\n\n \n\nWashington wore to work the day of the murder. He was\n\n   \n\n \n\narrested at his aunt\'s home in Bryan on February 25, 1987.\n\n \n\nCO-DEFENDANTS: _Ni\n\n \n\n \n\nTEXAS\n\nfemale 1',
       "Name: Reginald Lenard Reeves _ _ D.R. #999119 A\n\n     \n\n \n\nDOB: 4 /_21_/ 74_ Received: 10 /_7 / 94 Age:_ 20 (when rec\nCounty: Red River _ - bate of offense: 9/9 /.93\n\nAge at time of offense: 19 Rice: Biase HT ghEE So:\nWeight: 140 Eyes: brown Hair: black .\n\nNative County: Tarrant State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: factory worker Education level: 11 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\nTEXAS\n\nSummary: Convicted in the rape and strangulation murder of 14-year-old\n\n \n\nJenny Lynn Weeks, a runaway from a group home in Paris, Texas.\n\nWeeks met Reeves and his accomplice after fleeing the Willow\nCreek group home with another girl four days prior to her\n\nmurder. After being raped and strangled, Weeks' body was\n\ndumped in a vacant house on North Vine Street in Clarksville.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Ralph Burnett Brown, B/M, DOB: 8/31/75.\n\nRace of Victim(s): white female",
       "@\n\nkoa\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n  \n\n   \n\noe 3\n\nName: Richard J. Wilkerson g/'| “ve? D.R.# 756\nDOB: 4 / 18 / 64 Received: 1 / 17 / 84 ‘Age: 19 (when rec'«\nCounty: Harris Date of offense: 7 = 1 , 83\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race: black Height: 5-11\nWeight: 191 Eyes: brown Hai black\nNative County: Harris State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level:_1° Y°ars\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\nee\nee\n— | ae\n\n \n\nSummary: convicted in the July 1983 robbery-slaying of 18-year-old anil\nVarughese, night manager of the Malibu Grand Prix Race Track |\nAmusement center in Houston. Varughese, a pre-med student at\nHouston Baptist University, and three other amusement center em-\nployees were fatally stabbed during a robbery that netted about\n$2,000. Also killed were Roddy Harris, 22, and brothers, Arnold\nPequeno, 19, and Joerene Pequeno, 18. All four victims died of\nmultiple stab wounds to the upper body, neck and head. Wilkerson\nhad been fired from his job as a pit attendant at the raceway and\namusement center in the 6100 block of the Southwest Freeway about\ntwo weeks before the murders.\n\nCo-Defendants: Kenneth Ray Ransom, DR #772, B/M, DOB: 5-15-63, Rec. 9-13-84.\n\nRansom was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death.\n3-21-84 with life\n\n \n\nJames Edward Randall #373713, B/M, DOB: 1-14-67, Rec.\n\n“Sentence for capital murder. Randall, wio-ts—witersorts—ceousin\nhace of Victim(s): 16 at the time of the murders.\n\n \n\nThree Hispanic males and one white male",
       'Lily i i as\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: ROBERT DREW D.R.#__755\n\nDoB:_04 /__08 / 59 Received: 01 / 05 _/ 84 Age:_25 (when rec\'d\nCounty:__Harris Date of Offense: 02 _/ 22/83\n\nAge at time of offense: 24 Race: White Height: 5"\n\nWeight: 140 Eyes: Blue Hair:_Brown\n\nNative County: Rutland State: Vermont\n\nPrior Occupation: Carpenter Education level: 10 years\n\nPrior prison record: ¢\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Drew was sentenced to die for the February 22, 1983 stabbing death of\nJeffrey Leon Mays, a 17-year-old run away from Alabama. According to court records,\n\nDrew stabbed Mays to death after a fight. Drew allegedly took Mays’ watch and\n\n \n\nwallet after the slaying.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Earnest Purleauski, 37, charged originally with capital murder signed\na statement after pleading guilty to murder and received a 60-year sentence. He later\nrecanted his testimony stating, "I alone committed the murder of Jeffrey Mays" “Robert\n\nrat Drew did not assist me in any way.\nRace of Victim(s): white male Robert Drew is innocent."',
       "823\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nNape:___ Tames ‘Roy’ Knox D.R.#\n\npop: 7/12 / 51 Received: 3 / 11 / 86 Age:__ 34 (when rec'd\nCounty: Galveston Date of Offense: 11 107) 82\nAge at time of offense: 31 Race: White Height: °~1?\n\nWeight: 131 Eyes: Blue Hair:_ Brown\n\nNative County: Etawah State: Alabama\n\nPrior Occupation: drywall finisher Education level: 8 years (GED)\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior prison record: ‘:\nGiven a 12-year sentence in Alabama in 1978 for robbery. Paroled in 1980.\n\nYe © -\neT ~\n\n= NG ka\n\nSummary: Convicted in the November 1982 robbery-slaying of Joseph Sanchez,\n\n \n\nthe 39-year-old owner of Joe's Pharmacy Center in Galveston. Ronald Dya,\n\nwho worked with Sanchez, told authorities that Knox walked up to the\nstore counter with a gun in his hand and demanded drugs. Sanchez was shot\nthrough the heart when he told Knox he had no drugs. Knox then demanded\n\ndrugs from Dya, who gave him four bottles of Demerol worth $80. Knox also\n\n \n\nescaped with an undetermined amount of cash.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:_two men, George Holland and Gary Morgan, faced capital murder\ncharges for allegedly helping Knox set up the robbery and elude police.\nDisposition unknown.\n\nRace of Victim(s): Hispanic male",
       "Name: John Albert Burks D.R. #949\n\nDOB: {18/56 Received: 05/89 Age: _33 (when rec'd’\nCounty: McLennan Date of Offense: 01/20/89\nAge at time of offense: _33 Race: Black Height: _5'6 _\nWeight: _155 Eyes: _Brown Hair: _Black\nNative Count y: McLennan State: Texas\nPrior Occupation: Cement finisher Education Level: _9 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nTDC #277396, rec, 3/1/78 from McLennan Co. With 3-year sentence for burglary of a building,\nroled 7/31/71 ischarged fr ce 11/7/80, TDC #429646, rec,\nCo, With 8-year sentence for burglary of as buildi “ameron Co.\n\n        \n\n  \n\nSummary:\n\n~onvier wary 1989 murder of Jesse Contreras during the 2 ”\nTortilla Factory at 1226 Webster in Waco. Contreras was shot i wit =\naliber pistol during the robbery. He died of his wound: if it\n\nCo-Defendants:\n\n \n\nsuspect was named in the ¢: it is not known\n\n \n\nwhether charges were pursued.\n\nRace of Vietim(s):\n\nHispanic male",
       "DONALD GENE FRANKLIN, #546\n\nExecution date: September 16, 1986\n\nPrior execution dates: December 16, 1985/Stayed by U.S. Supreme\nCourt Associate Justice Byron White. April 16, 1986/Stayed by\nU.S. District Judge H.F. Garcia of San Antonio.\n\nseptember 16, 1986 Stayed September 12, 1986.\n\nDate of Birth: 9-21-51 (34) Native of Martin, TX. Race: Black\n\nReceived 5-4-76 from Bexar County (change of venue to Nueces\n\nprior TDC record: 2-28-69, sexual assault, 10-year sentence.\nParoled to Bexar County 6-14-74.\n\n \n\nprior arrest record: sexual assault, rape, aggravated kidnapping\nsex offense against a child.\n\ncrime Summary: Franklin was convicted of capital murder in\nconnection with the death of Mary Margaret Moran of San Antonio\n\non July 25, 1975. Moran was kidnapped as she approached her car\n\nin the parking lot of the Audie L. Murphy Memorial Veteran's\nAdministration Hospital following her shift. Franklin was seen by\ntwo witnesses driving his car at a high rate of speed from the\nparking lot, where Moran's car was later found. Franklin was found\nat his home several hours later, after police traced the license\nnumber of his car. Police found his pants soaking in a pail of\nbloody water, found several of the nurse's personal items in a\ntrash can. Five days later, Moran was found, nude and barely alive,\nin a field near the hospital. She suffered from irreversible shock\nand died the next morning.",
       '(when 1\n\n \n\nName: LEON RUTHERFORD KING\nDOB: 05/ 22 / 44 Received: 12 / 05 //8 Age: 34\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense:\n\n04,10 7 78\n\n \n\n \n\nAge at time of offense: 34 Race: Black Height: _6\'2"\nWeight: 184 Eyes:___ Maroon Hair: Black\nNative County: Wharton State: ___ Texas\n\n \n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: Brickmason Education level: 11\n\nPrior prison record: :\n#175319 2-yrs/Burglary Matagorda Co. Rec\'d: 11/18/63 Paroled 07/04/64\n\n \n\n#192187 5-yrs/Forgery (3) Matagorda Co. Rec\'d: 12/21/66 Disch: 08/15/69\n\n \n\n#222124 8-yrs/Possession Narc Drug Rec\'d: 01/13/72 Disch: 05/29/74\n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: April 10, 1978 King bludgeoned Michael Clayton Underwood\n\n \n\nto death with the butt of a shotgun. Underwood and his girlfriend were\n\n \n\nabducted outside a Montrose area nightclub. Evidence in the trial showed\n\n \n\nKing and his companion accosted Underwood and his girlfriend at gunpoint.\n\n \n\nEnraged because the two had only $11.50 between them, the men took Underwood\n\n \n\nto a remote area and killed him in front of the woman, who was repeatedly\n\n \n\nraped by her attackers.\n\n \n\nUnderwoods girlfriend,melly Brei, 19, survived the attack.\n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:_jjlen Ray Carter, #296135\n\nSentenced to Life for his part in the\n\n \n\n \n\nrape/slaying.\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):',
       '(id\n\nName: Ponchai Wilkerson O.R.g 992041\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npoB:_7_/_15 /_71 Received: 11 /_12 /91 Age:_ 20 (when rec*\nCounty: Harris Date of Offense: 11 / 28 / 90\nAge at time of offense: 19 Race; black Height: 5-8 :\nWeight: 140 Eyes; brown Hair; lack\n\nNative County: Harris State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level:__11 years\n\nPrior prison record:\n\nNone\na —-\nSS ae.\n———.-—_ flee\n—_——— —\n\nSummary; Convicted in the November 1990 robbery and shooting death of\n\n \n\nChung Myong ¥i, a Houston jewelry store clerk. Wilkerson reportedly\nwatched co-defendant Wilton Bethany buy pieces of jewelry at Royal oi\nGold Wholesale, 9889 Harwin, and then returned with a pistol and\n\nshot Yi once in the head. Following his arrest, police found that\n\n \n\nWilkerson had committed three additional burglaries, three auto thefts\n\nand had shot four other people in two separate drive-by shootings\n\nProsecutors also claimed that Wilkerson was a party to attempted :\n\ncapital murder when another store clerk was shot with a shotgun.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Wilton Bethany. Charges and disposition not immediately\nknown.\nRace of Victim(s): Asian male',
       'Name: David Wayne Spence SiR #773 _\n\nDOB: 07/18/56 Received: _10/11/84 Age: 26 (when received)\nCounty:__McLennan___________ Date of Offense:_07 /13/82__\n\nAge at time of offense: _25 Race:_white  Height.5-9 ___\nWeight: _176 Eyes: _blue Hair: brown\n\nNative County: McLennan _______ State: _Texas\nPrior Occupation: roofer Education Level:.9 yrs. (GED)\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nTwo white females. one white male _ "YF',
       "Name: John Avalos Alba D.R. #999027\n\nDOB: _ 6/26/55 Received: _5/08/92 Age: when rec’\nCounty: _Collin Date of Offense: _ 8/05/91\n\nAge at time of offense: _36 Race: Hispanic Height: __5'g\nWeight: 90 Eyes: _ Brown Hair: _Black\nNative Count y: _ Bastrop State: fexas\n\nPrior Occupation: _ Construction __ Education Level: _10 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\nNone.\n\nSummary:\n\nConvicted in the August 1991 m is wife, We 3. f is way i\napart where his wife was g wit iend a t her repeatedly wit i\n\nAlba also she ent resident, Gail wi i was a it 0 i\nastand- ice ing which he held a gun to his head and threaten i\n\nI\n\nTexas @\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone.\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):",
       'Name: Jonathan Bryant Moore DR. #.999216\n\nGD powowsrs Received 01/07/97 Age: 22. (when received)\nCounty: Bexar Date of Offense:_ 01/15/95 _\nAge at time of offense:__20 Race:_white Height, 6-0 __\nWeight: 145 Eyes: _brown Hair: _black\nNative County: _Fort Walton Beach _____ State: _Florida =\nPrior Occupation: telemarketing Education Level: 12 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n   \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\n° ii',
       "LARRY SMITH, #643\n\nExecution dat\n\n \n\n: August 22, 1986.\n\nPrior execution dates: August 13, 1985. Stayed by U.S. District\nCourt in Dallas. May 21, 1986. Stayed by Court of Criminal Appeals\nof the state of Texas.\n\nDate of Birth: 8-26-55 (30) Race: Black Home county: Dawson\n\nCounty of conviction: DALLAS Former occupation: Laborer\nReceived 09/19/79\n\nPrior TDC Récord: None Prior arrest record: Robbery (Canyon City,\nColo.) Paroled 1976\n\nCrime Summary: Smith was convicted of killing the night manager\n(Mike Mason) of a 7-Eleven store in Dallas on February 3, 1978.\nMason and Fred Norris, 16, were working the midnight shift when\nLarry Smith and Gloster Ray Smith entered the store at 3:15 a.m.\nand demanded the safe be opened. Mason did not have the two keys\nneeded to open the safe. Smith then took the cash drawer and shot\nMason once in the back of the head as he lay face down on the\nfloor.\n\nSmith's accomplice, Gloster Ray Smith, received a life sentence\nfor aggravated robbery. He is a Black male, born 9-10-57. He was\nreceived on September 28, 1978 and is assigned to the Coffield\nUnit in Palestine.\n\nLarry Smith has requested the following personal witnesses:\n\nMary L. Richards of Dallas - mother\n\nEsterlene Smith of Dallas - sister\n\nFreddie Alexander of Denver, Colo. - aunt\n\nSherry Alexander of Denver, Colo. - aunt\n\nRose Saulters of Dallas - friend",
       "Name: Michael Eugene Sharp\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\npos: 4/24 / 54 Received: § / © 1 83\n\nCounty: Crockett (Cov from Ector) Date of Offens:\n\nAge at time of offense: 28 Race: white\n\nWeight: 150 Eyes; brown Hair: brown\n\nNative Count: Eastland State: 7x25\n\nPrior Occupation: oilfield worker Education level: 13 years\n\nPrior prison record:\nTDC #254844, received 1-27-76 with 15-year sentence for aggravated robbery\n\nand theft by check, paroled to Ector Co. on 7-5-79. TDC #347198, received\n\n12-8-82 from Lubbock Co. with life sentence for murder.\n\n \n\n \n\nwm Summary: Convicted in the June 1982 abduction and stabbing death of\n31-year-old Brenda Kay Broadway of Kermit. Broadway and her two\ndaughters, ages 8 and 15, were reportedly abducted from a car wash\nand driven to a remote location in Ector County where they were\nsexually abused. Broadway and her 8-year-old daughter, Christie\nMichelle Elms, were then stabbed to death. Broadway's other daughter\nmanaged to escape during the stabbings. Naked and with her arms bound,\nshe ran five miles through the desert before finding help at an oil\nrig. The bodies of the two victims were found buried in a shallow\ngrave. Sharp was arrested five days after the bodies were found. In\nNovember 1982, Sharp was convicted of murder in Christie Elms' death\nand sentenced to life in prison. He is also a suspect in several other\nWest Texas killings. In late November 1982, he led police to the grave\n\nCo-Defendants: of 18-year-old Blanca Guerrero of Ode#A, who had been missing\n\nsince May 17, 1982. Her body was found buried under a water tank in\n\n \n\nAndrews County. (No co-defendants)\n\na\nRace of Victim(s): hite female [\ned P » [\n\n4. _\n\na",
       "Name: James Edward Clayton D.R. # 92.\n\nDOB: 30/66 Received: /14/88, Age: _21 (when rec'd)\nCounty: Taylor Date of Offense: 09/17/87 __\nAge at time of offense: _20 Race: Black _ Height: _S']]_\nWeight: _188 Eyes: Brown Hair: _Black\n\nNative County: Kings State: New York\n\nPrior Occupation: Clerical Education Level: 14 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\nNon\n\n \n\nSummary:\n\n \n\nali i a wi nection wit isappearanc\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone",
       "Syecuued 3k j\n\n \n\n \n\nName; Willie Ray Williams D.R. #_677\n\n@ Dob: 2/12 / 56 Received: 2 /27 /81 Age: (when rec'd)\nCounty: Harris Date of aveenget goo dhiaey 20\nAge at time of offense: 24 Race: black _——: He igh\nWeight: 210 Eyes:_brown Nair\n\n \n\nNative County:\n\n  \n\n \n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level: 11 yrs.\n\nPrior prison record: © E\n\nSummary: Sentenced to death for the October 1980 murder of Claude Schaffer,\n\n \n\n \n\nJx. during the robbery of a Houston delicatessen. Williams' accomplice,\n\n \n\n \n\nJoseph Bennard Nichols, was also sentenced to death in connection with\n\n \n\nthe robbery and shooting. Lawyers for Nichols claim that Williams went\n\n \n\nback inside the store after the robbery and shot Schaffer as he crouched\n\n \n\nbehind a counter.\n\n \n\n \n\n* Williams is also serving a 20-year sentence for aggravated robbery\n\nin the case.\n\n  \n\nCo-Defendants: Joseph Bennard Nichols DR #709, B/M, DOB: 9-8-61\n\nRec. 3-12-62.\n\ne _\n\nRace of Victim(s): unknown",
       'Name: DAVID LEE HOLLAND, SR. D.R.#___ 820\npop: 07 / 07 / 35 Received: 02/26 _/ 86 Age:_ 51. (when ré\nCounty: Jefferson Date of Offense: 07 / 16/85 __\nAge at time of offense: 50 Race: white Height: _5‘11"\nWeight: 190 Eyes: Hazel Hair: Gray\n\nNative County: Angelina State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: Dispatcher trucking company Education level: 13 years\n\n \n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nSummary: Holland was sentenced to death for the July 16, 1985 robbery/murder\nof Helen Jean Barnard, 29, a branch manager at Jefferson Savings and Loan\nin Beaumont. A teller at the office, Dianna Joy Jackson, 23, also was\n\nslain in the robbery, but Holland has yet to be tried in her death\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: None 1S\n\nRace of Victim(s): two white females',
       'Name: Gerald Lee Mitchell ____._.___ D.R.#838_\n\nDOB: 12/27/67 Received: _07/24/86_ Age: 18 (when received)\nCounty:___Harris Date of Offense:_06 /04/85 _\n\nAge at time of offense: 7 Race:_black Height. 5-1]___\nWeight: 68 Eyes: _brown Hair: _black\n\nNative County: __Nueces State: _ Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: carpenter Education Level:_10 years\nPrior Prison Record\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants:\n\nNone\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s):\n\nUnknown.',
       "Claude Howard Jones 980\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName: D.R.#\n\npop: 9 /_24 / 40 Received: & / 1° / °° Age: 4% (when rec'¢\nSan Jacinto Date of Offense: 11 / 14 / 89 |\n\nAge at time of offense: 49 Race:_white Height: 578\n\n \n\n   \n  \n  \n     \n \n\nWeight: 230 Eyes; brown brown\n\n \n\nNative County: Harris\n\nPrior Occupation: electrician Education level: 9 years (GED)\nPrior prison record:\n\nrpc #153813, rec. 12-8-59, Harris Co., 9 years, robbery by aslt, burglary ©\n\n \n\ntheft, paroled 2-6-63. TDC #174473, rec. 9-17-63, Harris Co., 5 years, theft,\n\n \n\ndischargea 5-17-66. Also served time in Kansas state prison between 1976-84\n\n \n\nfor robbery, murder and assault.\n\n \n\nSumary: Convicted in the November 1989 armed robbery and murder of\n\n \n\n44-year-old Allen Hilzendager, owner of Zell's liquor store in Point Blank.\n\n \n\nHilzendager was shot three times with a .357 Magnum as he turned to\n\nJones fled with $900 in\n\n \n\nretrieve a bottle of liquor requested by Jones.\n\n \n\ncash taken from the register and joined at least one accomplice In a\n\n \n\nvehicle parked outside the store. Jones was arrested In Fort MYCrs,\n\n \n\nith bank robbery and robbery\nTX, on 11/17/83.\n\nFlorida on Dec. 2, 1989 after being charged w.\n\n \n\nthere. Jones is also a suspect in a bank robbery in Humble,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCo-Defendants; Cases were pending against Kerry Daniel Dixon, Jr. and\n\nTimothy Mark Jordan. Dixon, W/M, DOB: 11/22/45 has twice been imprisoned\n\n \n\n \n\njn Texas on a variety of charges, including murder. He was last paroled\non 9-9-88.\n\nRace of Victim(s): white male",
       'Name: Roland Ruiz, Jr. D.R. #999145\n\n@ DOB: 07/04/72 Received: _05/04/95_ Age: 22. (when received)\nCounty:__Bexar Date of Offense:_ 07/14/92\nAge at time of offense: 20 Race:_Hispanic Height: 5-10\nWeight: 189 ss Eyes: _ brown. Hair: _black\nNative County: _ Bexar State: _Texas\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education Level:_10 years\n\nPrior Prison Record:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n   \n\ne Race of Victim(s):\nHispanic female 0',
       'David Oliver Cruz\nD.R.# ao\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nName:\nDoB: 5 / 18 / 67 Received: 11 / 10 / 89 Age: 22 (when rec\'d\nCounty: Bexar Date of Offense: ®@ = 7 1 88\nAge at time of offense: 21 Race: Hispanic cians 5-4\n\nWeight: 104 Eyes: brown Hair: black\n\nNative County: Bexar State: Texas\n\nPrior Occupation: laborer Education level: 7 years\n\nPrior prison record:\nNone\n\nIll |\n\n \n\nSummary: Convicted in the abduction, rape-and murder of 24-year-old\n\nKelly Elizabeth Donovan, a senior airman stationed at Kelly Air Force\n\nBase in San Antonio. Donovan was abducted by Cruz and co-defendant\nJerry Daren Kemplin after she had left the base to talk a walk.\n\nShe was driven to an isolated area off FM 1604 in the western part\nof the county where she was sexually assaulted and then stabbed t\n\ndeath. Cruz and Kemplin later told police that they decided to-kitt\n\n \n\nDonovan so she couldn\'t testify against them in her abduction and rape.\n\n \n\nCo-Defendants: Jerry Daren Kemplin, W/M, DOB: 11-11-66. Testified against\nCruz in return for a 65-year sentence for murder. "554/77\n\n \n\nRace of Victim(s): white female'],
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