dailylog 3-05-20

less than 1 minute read


  1. Woke up early
  2. Ate two rice cakes and caught up on the internet
  3. Went back to sleep
  4. Woke up again and listened to Lala Land
  5. Finally sat down to work
  6. Started Scripting JCREW Images for lab 9
  7. Sorted all the cats into their Hogwards houses
  8. My script for getting images is here
    1. NOTE: I didn’t make it a huge loop because I was testing in between
    2. Can DEF make into full loop to loop over categories
  9. Read about Reverse Image Search here
  10. Quickly toyed with the idea of making myself a dashboard (curl https://api.github.com/repos/danielcaraway/danielcaraway.github.io/commits?)

ULTIMATE GOAL: Run this on new set

